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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Howard Franklin Knght, Jr. on "Jonathan D. Yellowbear's" website called Maine ReFounders/Paint Maine Red:As of Feberuary 14, 2010:

(My "added" commentary is in RED within the documents)

Howard F Knight Jr Ret'd Chief's Page

Latest Activity
Howard F Knight Jr Ret'd Chief replied to Jonathan D Yellowbear's discussion 'Independent Conservitive'
Kwai Kwai Jonathan, I finally got a chance to get back and to read your reply to my prior postings, but not before "a snake in the woodpile" copied everything that I had posted to you and in reply yo Karen and spread it all over what we Abenaki in…

February 19, 2010
Howard F Knight Jr Ret'd Chief replied to Jonathan D Yellowbear's discussion 'Independent Conservitive'

Kwai Kwai Again Peter, There is a place in New Brunswick where you can research the Maliseet family lineages that they have on file, but I do not know the place or the city that the Maliseet Research Center in in. If I knew it or had it noted in my…

February 15, 2010
Howard F Knight Jr Ret'd Chief replied to Jonathan D Yellowbear's discussion 'Independent Conservitive'

Kwai Kwai Peter, It is good to hear from you, and I Thank You very much for your offer to help set up a separate forum here. If it were okay to do so, I might try but I would want to see if Jon Yellowbear would wish to do so 1st, before going ahead…

February 15, 2010
Howard F Knight Jr Ret'd Chief replied to Jonathan D Yellowbear's discussion 'Independent Conservitive'

Kwai Kwai Again, Karen, After I went off line, it hit me about one other thing that bothers me about the NH & the Vt Recognition process,, and I still can not figure it out, here is our tribe, the old historical Vt and NH Tribe from Lower Coos in t…

February 14, 2010
Howard F Knight Jr Ret'd Chief replied to Jonathan D Yellowbear's discussion 'Independent Conservitive'

Kwai Kwai Karen, The remnant peoples at Lower Coos who initially hid there in the area, then these are the Lower Coos ancestors that I descend from as we previously discussed.. I only wish that they could be traced further back, but at least we kno…

February 14, 2010
Howard F Knight Jr Ret'd Chief is now a member of Maine Refounders / Paint Maine Red
Welcome Them!

February 14, 2010
Profile Information

What County do you live in?
Orleans County, Vt

About Me
I am a Ret'd Chief and Senior Advisor to the Koasek Traditional Tribal Council of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation, Wobanaki Confederacy (though we have not been recognized yet by the Confederacy). Also, I am a disabled Vietnam Combat veteran (1966-67), on VA 100% disability as well as I get my social security..

Recently, we were purposely dropped from further recognition in Vermont due to a so-called Vt "Alliance" that is comprised of 4 groups of those who have NO Genealogy to prove that they are of Abenaki lineage, in spite of our Tribal leaders publicly stating that we would (“would….is the operative word) prove our lineages as Abenaki (Oh, yes, at the “appropriate time”, at the “appropriate place” and to the “appropriate people” B.S. which is the same old song-same old dance-same old bullsh** as usual from Howard Knight Jr. and his cronies/followers/”tribal members,” like Karen Majka aka Karen Mica etc) wherein they can not. The leader of one of the groups (April A. St. Francis-Rushlow-Merrill of the St. Francis/Sokoki Missisquoi alleged and reinvented Inc. group) is actually of Huron (and Micmac) descent from the 1600’s, another so-called leader (Luke Andrew Willard – actually his father was Donald Edward Sackett, of the Nulhegan –Coosuk alleged and reinvented Inc. group) has no group as the people under him closed it down and it is actually defunct. You explain that one to me and that the State of Vt is going to recognize this group? And he also, has NO proven Genealogy..

It is quite a story for sure but we are still fighting, and it looks like we will be eventually recognized in New Hampshire as we are in discussions with the State of NH as to the new proposed NH Commission of Native American Affairs. NH knows of the fraudulent Alliance and has left the so-called Vt "Alliance" out of the discussions in NH. (House Bill or HB 1610 here in New Hampshire)

Feel free to contact me privately and I will gladly put you in touch with the Tribal Chief and other Tribal Officers of the Tribe. In Vermont, we ARE the Vermont Historical Abenaki Tribe(Bullsh**…..MORE LIES from Howard Knight Jr.) that the State has left out this time in the Recognition Bill that is presently in the Vt Legislature. Another thing that may interest you is that recently, our Tribal Chief recieved the Official Sash of the Chief of Chiefs of the Koasek/Cowasuck peoples that had been handed down drom the early 1800's, and the respect that he is do by these frauds, it is not being granted or honored. Just so that you know a little of our tribal history. And I say this to you as a Fellow Abenaki and a brother, from this day forward, I will keep you, Jon Yellowbear, in all of my prayers. Aho!

PS: FYI ---Our Tribal website is at Cowasuck Abenaki.com. Once the search engine gets you there, look for Koasek Traditional Tribal band and you will be there. Some of the Tribal Officers and their contact e-mail addresses can be there, to include Chief Brian Chenevert and Tribal Genealogist, Paul Bunnel

My main concerns for the state of Maine are:
That the day comes when all of us who are Abenaki, no matter where we nay live within our ancient Homeland here on Turtle Island, that we will be united together in the reborn and expanded Wobanaki Confederacy, and that many more of our brothers and sisters who are bonded together by the Tie that Binds us, the blood of our ancestors, will allow all of us to once again stand with the pride of the ancestors and also that others of our nation will step forward and serve in the halls of the States and the Federal Legislative bodies , equal to all others who serve in those places where change for the good is needed.

What ways can you help Maine Refounders / Paint Maine Red?
I do not have a lot of extra money but I could help your campaign by occasionally giving some small contributions, if that were okay?

How did you find out about this site?
A Tribakl member in New hampshire found it by accident (I say the Creator led him to it for a reason) and fowarded it to me.

Your website or Blog

Will you join your Congressional District and County groups?
Being severely visually impaired YET HE CAN TYPE ON THE COMPUTER JUST FINE, I do my best locally here in Vermont to affect issues of importance and to do my responsibilities the the Tribe, first and foremost. I only wish that I could see better and that I was in better health so that I can do more then I do. I only hope that no one condemns me as a slacker..

Do let me know if occasionally small contributions will help you. I can help that way, as I said, and I say, The creator be with you as you take upon yourself this new journey as you walk the Red Road in life and that it will always be with high honor to all of our Relations. Aho!.


SOURCE: (LINK) http://paintmainered.ning.com/profile/HowardFKnightJrRetdChief


THEN ON ONE'S KEYPAD, ONE DOES "Ctrl" (which is usually on the left lower corner of one's computer keyboard) and press "F".......at the same time as pressing down Ctrl. Then one type's in the queried subject, name, date etc. and that will take one to the specific postings in this blog specifically mentioning what one is looking for.

I wish this blog had a BETTER Search Engine, to make it more easily user friendly searchable.

Genealogy Part 26 of So-Called "Chief" "Retired Chief" "Senior Advisor" "Reactivated Retired Chief" Howard Franklin Knight Jr.'s Genealogical History:

"Denebted pains in the butt"
"idiotic jackasses"
"mentally ill"
"constant and incessant blogger individuals"
"sick idiot"

"fraudulant activities"
"malicious garbage"
"on-going garbarge"
"constant and repeated attack"
"damned tired"
"quite upset"
"damned outright angry"
"sick ways"
"true Abenaki peoples"
"loose cannon jackasses"
"no common sense"
"upset and ugly"
"outright mad"
"delusional rejects"
"stupidly infantile"
First off, there is the one (Paul Wilson Pouliot) who fraudulantly filled out an application and stated at the time that he was of "Laurentian Iroquois" lineage, as well as he had the audacity to have MY signature forged, either by himself or someone, on his application without my knowing it until years later when he posted it on the Internet as proof that I had accepted him into the band. Soon, thereafter, he engineered an illegal overthrow of the legal, legitimate and True Coos band leader of the group (Howard Franklin Knight Jr. himself who in March of 1993 "re-actived his alleged retired self," like some B-Rated Abenaki "Chucky Doll") , and then he brazenly moved the band headquarters, without proper approval of the citizens of the band, from Vermont to his home in Mass, and then?
Well, I do conclude that right here in this email, is a CLASSIC HOWARD F. KNIGHT DISTORTION AND LIE. Howard F. Knight, Jr. was NOT saying or even implying these allegations when Paul Wilson Pouliot and Howard himself went to that Corporation Protest Hearing in January and February 1993 against one Arthur Marchand....hmmmm I wonder WHY?

One does see, retrostpectifvely-speakins yet definitiely, in 1994, that Howard Knight, Jr. was claiming, by his own hand, that he was "retired" and that Paul Wilson Pouliot was the "Chief" of the Northeast Woodlands-Coos-COWASS NORTH AMERICA, Inc.
.......no complaints or allegations of forging documents with his name, no allegations of "overthrowing anyone" or illegally transfering an ALLEGED and REINVENTED "Tribe" or "Band" from one State (Vermont) to another (Massachusetts), and NOW Paul Wilson Pouliot resides in Alton, Belknap County, New Hampshire. So the Cowasuck "Tribe" went from Vermont, to Massachusetts, and then to New Hampshire?!

 Now that's what one would call a "Traveling Abenaki Circus"!
Howard F. Knight, Jr. was the original Circus Ring-Leader
and he wanted his throne and whip back
but in reality
 the whole bunch of them
were just wanabe Abenaki
More Ranting and Raving......bla bla bla
Evem More Ranting and Raving.....bla bla bla
And More Bla bla bla
and bla bla bla
Man, and I thought Paul Wilson Pouliot was having "issues"?
Look at where Paul Pouliot comes from:

Howard Franklin Knight, Jr.
BTW, notice the the headband, the choker and the bracelet.....
what....no sunglasses
no fancy Chief's headdress
no fancy Walking Stick
Rotten apple don't fall far from rotten tree.
The rotten seed(s)
grow rotten tree's
which produce
more rotten apples.

Genealogy Part 25 of So-Called "Chief" "Retired Chief" "Senior Advisor" "Reactivated Retired Chief" Howard Franklin Knight Jr.'s Genealogical History:

----- Original Message -----

From: Nancy Millette
To: Floyd Family
Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2009 6:21 PM
Subject: Fw: Howard's so called genealogy
Please keep these emails I forward you totally private..this is FYI.....

----- Original Message -----

From: Wolfheart Spirit
To: Nancy Millette
Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2009 4:07 PM
Subject: Howard's so called genealogy

Sent from private party........... (APPARENTLY, this EMAIL WASN'T SO PRIVATE AFTER ALL)

From: Ret'd Chief Howard F. Knight ,Jr
To: Karen mica
Cc: Ret'd Chief Howard F. Knight ,Jr
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 1:09 AM

Kwai Kwai Karen Majka Mica,

I will try to list the pertinent pages so you do not have to read through all the pages of my manuscript. As you have already found, the specific names of the Knight family members begins on page 84 through page 106, to my Grandfather Knight. Then pages 112 to 114 refer to some "out of wedlock" children in the early 1940's of my grandfather by a Mrs Farron from Sugar Hill, NH.
Also referenced on page 114 are prior "out of wedlock" children by my grandfather while he was still married to my Grandmother, Ida May Gear-Giguere. This way you will be able to get all of the possible children my grandfatehr fathered. Who knows, some day someone may show up and be one of these missing links.
Page 116, The Savage family -- Naragansett
Page 117-119, Sarah Savage Tremain, dau of Mr & Mrs Savage marries Benjamin Cooley, son of a Mr & Mrs Earl Cooley (read the three pages)
Page 118, children & grandchildren of Benjamin and Sarah Cooley
Page 120 - 122, Cooley-Goss marriage; Goss-Knight marriage
Page 123 - Aldrich-Seald- (FYI) This lineage, besides being in my direct lineage, it also ties directly to Bea Nelson of the Nebasak Women's group in Derby Line, Vt.
Page 125 - 126, Geer/Gear/Giguere lineage from Joesph born at.....

Missisquoi Village, Dunham, PQ, down to my Grandmother, Ida May Gear-Giguere (my father's mother)
The BEGINNING OF MORE LIES: Howard Knight Jr.'s ancestors were NEVER in "Missisquoi Village" because actually, truthfully, honestly, factually a portion of his Geer Ancestor's relatives (non-directly connected to Howard, Jr. were residence of Dunham, Missisquoi County, Quebec, Canada) ONE CAN SEE HOW HE BEGINS TO BEND AND TWIST.
* Please Note remarks on page 126, by Richard "Skip" Bernier, now the Chief of the Odenak Family of Newport, and grandfather to one of the Vt Commission of Indian Affairs members, Steven or Stephen
DeLaBreurre, regards the Geer-Gear-Giguere Fasmily and where they are at, in and around Odenak. Pierreville, PQ.
Page 133- Gear-Giguere connected families- Bigelow, Allen, Vallem, LaValley, etc. (Much information about Uncle Wren Bigelow-you should read-a real good man)
Page 139-141- Please do me a favor and read these pages. Pass a copy of each of the two pages to Brian, if you can break it out. I think he would/will find it very interesting about my Uncle Wren Bigelow.
Page 143-148-Grammy Knight (Ida May Gear-Giguere) -DOB & POB and some associated and related families, to include direct connections,finally establishe to the Chief Walter Watso family of Odenak. You must read the entire section as this was why the Odenak people (Richard "Skip" Bernier, now Chief of The Odenak Families of Newport, Vt,) wanted me out of the picture and why I was assaulted in 2000 & 2001. I have indirect ties to Odenak through the Watso family and a common link of his and my lineage through the ancient Abenaki family named Ne8nsozak, meaning "Ancient Relations From The Woods" to several families listed in this section, to include DuBois.
MORE DISTORTIONS AND MORE LIES! I doubt very much that Richard "Skip" Bernier ever claimed documentarily or in writing that he was or is "Chief" of the Odanak descendant families in and around Newport, Vermont. Period.
Secondly, Mr. Bernier by factual documentation, had merely taken over and became the receivership of the "Cowasuck OF North America, Inc." of Vermont, in August 2000, of which Howard F. Knight, Jr. established by fee, UNDER THE LAWS OF VERMONT in the Spring of 1993. After he, Howard F. Knight, Jr. allegedly "retired" and then "re-actived himself" in March of 1993 according to his own handwritten documents!
LINK: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_hqC5V9v2WXg/S25ZAOX0GOI/AAAAAAAACug/8vV4-4UPBxU/s1600-h/43a.jpg
(Oh, yeah, oops, I ...and we... all aren't supposed to know about "that" either, according to Paul Pouliot and Howard Knight, Jr.)

Now, in September 2006, six (6) year span later, Howard F. Knight, Jr. wanted or felt the need to "be somebody" so contrary/opposite to his other documentary statements, claiming that Bruce DuBois and "Skip" Bernier allegedly assaulted and  attacked him, that Odanak was OUT TO GET HIM, to allegedly "destroy His genealogy,".....he in Sept. 2006 wanted to use these two men and THEIR genealogies to his benefit, using Dr. Gordon Day's information from The Identity of the St. Francis Indians. It was DuBois and Bernier restrospectively, who had confronted and challenged Howard Knight, Jr. himself, directly, as to the TRUTH of his unfounded claims and proclamations (since at least one of these men, Richard "Skip" Bernier IS legitimately documented an Abenaki from Odanak, recognized by such historical Abenaki Community, which is not merely an incorporation).
Pages 147 & 148-Confirmation as to Gear-Giguere lineages and where they (specific family) are now spread out to, by no less the Chief Richard "Skip" Bernier of the Odenak Family of Newport, Vt and when
confirmed by him. MORE DISTORTIONS and LIES! Also, this explains why they were looking for my copies of my Geneology, so as to distroy it at that time, but now too late. Really?, because the genealogy can NEVER be destroyed on anyone; this is about as paranoid a statement I have heard! ALSO, ties of family to the Obomsawin fanily of Odenak, to include Chief Gilles Ombomsawin of the Obomsawin family-Odenak. (Gillis O'Bomsawin confronted Howard F. Knight, Jr. and ALL OF THESE FAKES, FRAUDS, and WANABE ABENAKIS by letters in his later lifetime, before his death).
Page 154-Confirmation of related families to include the Consack family.
Page 159-Related Families of Cowasuck and other native group lineages
Page 160-161. My Grandmother's(my mother's mother) 2nd marriage.
Incomplete information on children of gram's 2nd marriage. Information DOB & DOD of husband of 2nd marriage. I have no information regards 3rd marriage to Jack Gilbody, a Dartmouth College Coach of various sports at Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH.
Page 163-164- Related families to me
Page 169- DOB of My father and his sisters and brothers And there POB.
Page 172 - 179, 195 -To read about Gram's childhood, early life, some of her talents and abilities, and confirmation of her DOD
Page 184 - 189 -The "Nude Follies" of my father , his siblings and friends and their come-uppance by Grammy Knight ( I though you might like to read about this incident if you had not done so already. It is quite funny for sure).
Page 208-210 - Confirmation of families in Danville, Vt that were Abenaki connected and somehow connected to my family and to Grammy Knight (Ida May Gear-Giguere Knight). If Howard F. Knight, Jr. is attempting to imply that the Hawkins family or the Woodward's were somehow connected to his Frank W. Knight family/ Ida May nee: Geer - Knight family, and were "Abenaki" HE HAS NEVER PROVIDED ANY FACTUAL EVIDENCE OF THIS. I CONCLUDE THIS STATEMENT, IS YET ANOTHER LIE AND DISTORTION OF HIS OLD MIND. Also, a physical discription by the Town Historian of Danville, Vt of grammy Knight. This is 3rd Party Hearsay.
Page 214-215 - Burial Plot sites, Lyndonville, Vt where Grammy and Grampa Knight, her sister and her sister's husband are buried.
Page 218 - 219- DOm & POM -Dad's sister Thelma in 1925 in Danville, Vt and their children
Page 219-225, 231, 233 - 237 - My Lineal Cowasuck lineage PROVE IT OPENLY AND DOCUMENTARILY.


Cowasuck Tolba (Turtle) Clan


This section contains dates and other information regards various family members up through 1859, to include confirmation of the family in Wheelock, Vt in the 1840 & 1850 US Census
Page 240 - 242 - Marriage of the Weed-Thomas twins to the Snelling brothers.
Also, the DOB & DOD of my Great grandmother, Cora Jane (Snelling) (Hedges) Waterman as well as some Info about Aunt Angie and her miserable husband, Mr. Mathews.

Page 245 - Gram Waterman's 2nd husband and my Grandmother Gilbody's father-DOB and name of Parents. As well as DOB of my Grandmother, Marion Jane Waterman on 4 October 1900.
Page 249 - My DOB, POB and vitae at birth
Page 252 - Additional information regards my lineage
Page 253 - DOM & POM Of my Parents

Please let me know what else you may need as to shortcuts from teh book to information on my family. As you can see, my Cowasuck line is solid and when Mr Waterman submits his lineage, it will be as soloid as mine is. His may fill in some of what I have not found yet or have not included into my book.

I have truied to make eevrything as brief as possible to cut down the time to put it tgether and to make it easier for you. Also, the pages about the "Nude Follies", of my dad and his family and friends, I mentioned so you could get a little laughter for your hard working day.

As to the CONSACK Lineage, it is definately tied to the Watso and related families that are tied to my family as you will see in the page listings and you read the pertinent pages. Some of the other families, I did not jknow might be connected to mine. I have heard of Godin and was told once it might be related but I have never followed it up as never time enough to do so.
Let me know if this information helps. What I have is what I have. As to the Consack and related families, I only know what is referenced in the various pages as to Watso and related families. I hope this all helps you to do that lineatge and also mine in a shorter time.
You take care and stay well and treat yourself well. I send my best of regards and respects to you and hope all is going well for you. It is late so I will get a little sleep as I have a long day tomorrow. take care. Akwanna and Adio.
Respectfully Yours,
Howard Franklin Knight, Jr.

Several questions come to mind, after reading this diatribe of distortions and lies by Howard Franklin Knight, Jr.

Howard F. Knight, Jr. claims that Ida May (nee: Geer) was born in Odenak (Odanak), Quebec, Canada, and YET THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF THIS, in or around Odanak/Pierreville/St. Francis du Lac, Quebec, Canada.

So, IF Howard F. Knight's Grandmother Ida May (nee: Geer) Knight was allegedly Abenaki/Cowasuck, then the challenge is placed upon this man, here and now, to produce the evidence.....visibly, factually, documentarily, and honestly. Because I conclude that he has been and is LYING about his own grandmother!

Ask the Watso family if they have Howard F. Knight, Jr.'s ancestor's in their genealogies. Ask the Odanak Degonzague family if they have his ancestors in their genealogical records as well. I am sure either the Watso family or the Degonzaque/ Consack family would be more than delighted to show and provide that Howard Franklin Knight, Jr. is an additional legitimate family descendant, that was "hiding in plain sight"?!

Additionally, if he's been lying about his own grandmother and the rest of his ancestry, then it beg's to be asked and answered, as to what else has the man been willing to lie about?!

This man, claims stupidly and ignorantly, that he represents the Abenaki Ancestors, and in particular the Cowasuck People as their "Chief" or "Retired Chief" or as their "Reactivated Retired Chief" or as their "Senior Advisor". That reality, is built on lies, distortions, deceit, deception and dishonesty by this man, and anyone who has decided to associate with him!

The Attorney General of Vermont ought to force these so-called USA based "Chiefs" to produce the evidence of their claims and proclamations of allegedly being Cowasuck (Coos), Missisquoi, etc., and if these "Chief's" and their so-called "followers/ card holders" cannot, without protest or hestitation do so, clearly and convincingly (meaning documentarily), then the State ought to incarcerate/prosecute in State or Federal Courts, these self-proclaiming "Chief's" for IDENTITY THEFT against the legitimately documented Abenaki Ancestors and Descendants.

Congress has established a Federal Law to protect Nort American Native Aboriginal Indian Arts and Crafts, but WHERE IS THERE A LAW (State or Federal) to PROTECT the legitimately documented Native People of this land, from having their IDENTITIES, and their SOVEREIGNTY from being whittled away by "self-created contemproary Incorporations"?

(like what is now happening here in Vermont and New Hampshire presently, who now are claiming to be Native ABENAKI and from the "Historical" Abenaki Tribes, Bands, or groups)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Genealogy Part 23 of So-Called "Chief" "Retired Chief" "Senior Advisor" "Reactivated Retired Chief" Howard Franklin Knight Jr.'s Genealogical History:

Email from Lea Mitchell to Douglas Lloyd Buchholz, dated October 29, 2009 at 1:16 P.M.
Howard F. Knight, Jr (hereafter called just "Jr.") was born in Thetford, Vermont as were his two sisters Ida and Cora. The parents did live in Middletown, Connecticut for a very short time while Howard Knight, Sr. worked as a attendant in the State Mental Hospital while there, but no children were born in Connecticut, as far as I know. But I could be wrong and Howard Franklin Knight, Jr. might actually have been born during their time in Connecticut. They were only there for about a year or so from my understanding. What Hill family are you talking about? There are Hill's in my direct line from Georgia, Vermont in Franklin County, Vermont. As for the Canada connections, the Young's who married into the Hill's were from Clarenceville, Quebec, Canada up near the line with New York and Vermont, along Lake Champlain. The Young family was from Vermont before going to Canada during the Revolution because the family were Loyalist's, meaning loyal to England. Howard F. Knight, Jr's parents seperated in 1953 and divorced in late 1955. Howard Knight, Sr. remarried to MY MOTHER (Maladene Alicia nee: Jenkins), his sister-in-law! Odd? Yes, but my family IS odd. All the adults stayed friends except my father who was a jerk anyway. Lea Mitchell.
There are some slightly "off" genealogical errors concerning places of birth and timeline dates but overall the jest of this particular email has proven to be "correct". Howard F. Knight and his sistser Cora Mae nee: Knight were both born in Middletown, Connecticut as evidenced by their Birth Record information. Both children were identified as "White" on their Birth Certificates. The parents and their two (2) children were in Middletown, CT for more than a year of time, as evidenced by the births of these first two children.
1:03 P.M. From: Dooshna@aol.com (Lea Mitchell) to Douglas Lloyd Buchholz dated Thursday, October 29, 2009 regarding the two Snelling girls being Abenaki:
Howard F. Knight's mother (Marion Corabelle nee: Cook) told me the Indian Story. She was directly descended from the Snellings. She was Half-Sister to my mother. I have since learned from the Snelling Genealogy online that the Indian was in FACT, "Black". Also "Color" comes through the Snelling family, Not the Thomas family (that married into the Snelling's). In the 1700's such things were not looked down on Especially in the Very Lower Classes which the Snelling's Were at THAT TIME. In one census One of the Snelling boys and his children are called Mulatto, But his wife (nee: Thomas) is Not called Mulatto, nor is his brother and family, not the father Charles Greene Snelling. In another census the guy is called Mulatto and then it is crossed out and written over it is this, "Says he was listed White in previous census". I have Absolutely Nothing to do with Howard F. Knight, Jr. but I can help you in your research. Do Not trust Anything HE says as fact. He is a BullS--- Artist and was one even 50 years ago when I last saw him. I was only 12 then, but I already Knew a Bull-S--- Artist when I hear or saw one. He has NO Indian blood in him, unless it is from the Knight line which I don't research because it is not my line in any way. Lea Mitchell

Lea Mitchell stated that, "Howard Knight Jr. was my Step-brother and half-cousin.  His mother and my mother were half-sisters and both over time married the same man, his father, making him (Howard Knight Jr.) go from being a half cousin to a step-brother half-cousin to me."

SO, even Howard F. Knight, Jr.'s own relative states that Howard Knight, Jr. is a Bullsh** Artist. Lea Mitchell goes on to state "That NO ONE ought to trust ANYTHING the man says as fact."
This woman has known Howard F. Knight, Jr. for well over 50+ years, and even when he was young man; and she was 12 years of age, he was a Bullsh** Artist even at that time, in her conclusions. What does that say about the man, Howard F. Knight, Jr., when his own family says this?!

2:27 P.M. From: Dooshna@aol.com (Lea Mitchell) to Douglas Lloyd Buchholz dated Thursday, October 29, 2009 regarding (again) these two Thomas-Snelling girls being Abenaki:
People pass down what they hear from family. They don't Mean to lie because they are only saying what They have been told. But, in Howard Franklin Knight's case, he Elaborates and Does tell outright lies, simply because he has a deseperate Need to "Be Somebody". Avoid him. I am continuously informed of what is going on in his family by another relative. Lea Mitchell

Again, Lea Mitchell, Howard Franklin Knight's own relative, states, "Howard Knight Jr., elaborates and does outright lie, simply because he has a deseperate need to "be somebody". Avoid him. THIS INFORMATION AND ADVICE, is coming from his own relative!
12:07 P.M. From: Dooshna@aol.com (Lea Mitchell) to Douglas Lloyd Buchholz dated Thursday, October 30, 2009 regarding (again) these two Thomas-Snelling girls being Abenaki:
Howard F. Knight, Sr. married my mother (Madalene Alicia nee: Jenkins - Martinez) in Middletown, Connecticut in December 1955. I know because I was at the wedding as a 9 year old. It took my mother 2 years to get divorced whereas it only took Howard, Sr. one year, so that is why they didn't marry as soon as his divorce became final in December 1954. Howard Knight ,Sr.'s children, Howard F. Knight Jr., Ida Jane and Cora Mae Knight came to live with us soon after, in 1956, and that same year has a son. As to the death certificate, the person who can give you all that information is Ida Jane Micheaud (Spelling?). She is Howard Franklin Knight's younger sister and lives around Derry, New Hampshire and is married to a guy named Royal Micheaud. You can find them, I am sure. My mother and Howard Franklin Knight, Sr divorced after all us kids were grown, in 1968 and I never saw Howard Knight, Sr or his two girls again and seldom had contact with them. As to the Snelling/Thomas/Willey's, Mary Willey maried first to John Thomas, then after he died, she married to Charles Green Snelling. They married about a week before or after the two twins Lucinda and Lorrinda married the two Snelling brothers in a double ceremony on the two twin girls 18th birthday. Mary became Mother-in-Law to her Own daughters and Charles became Father-in-Law to his own sons! Mary because Step-Mother to her Son-in-Law's and Charles was Step-Father to his Daughter-in-Law's!
Chart of Descendants of Marion Jane (nee: Waterman) Cook - Jenkins - Gilbody

Genealogy Part 22 of So-Called "Chief" "Retired Chief" "Senior Advisor" "Reactivated Retired Chief" Howard Franklin Knight Jr.'s Genealogical History:

Genforum.com Posting of March 09, 2009 by Wanda Lea nee:L Martinez - Mitchell regarding the Waterman Family Genealogy Forum. "Thank you for the answer. Does it tell in that book or the next book Her kids? My mother was her first by her second marriage, Marion Waterman (m) a Cook first and 2 girls, Evelyn and Marion Corabell then (m) a Jenkins and had 3 girls with my mother being the first of those three. If the books were written in '42 my mother and her sisters should all be in one of the books since they were born way before '42. My Brother was in '43 so I guess he wouldn't be in there. I am going to have to buy those books.
Ancestry.com document regarding Madalene Alicia (nee: Jenkins) and her husband's relatives.
Madalene Alicia (nee: Jenkins) born on July 05, 1924 in Thetford, Vermont. She married to Howard Franklin Knight, Sr. after his divorce to Marion Corabelle (nee: Cook).
Lyndon, Caledonia County, Vermont letter from Assistant Town Clerk dated October 13, 2009 to Douglas Lloyd Buchholz regarding the genealogical research of the Knight ancestry in that Vermont Township.
Cemetery Record regarding Page 96 of Ellen Marie (nee: Nichols) and John Nichols, George H. Knight, his wife Lillian (nee: Nichols) Knight, and their daughter Ethel May (nee: Knight)
Cemetery Record regarding Page 239 regarding Viola S. Knight, George W. Knight and Sarah V. Dean Knight of Section No. 23, Lot No. 16
Lorrinda A. (nee: Thomas) Snelling
Born: February 11, 1838 (twin) Sheffield, Caledonia County, Vermont
She married: February 11, 1856 Sheffield, Caledonia County, Vermont
to: Orrin H. Snelling, son of Charles Geen Snelling and Polly (nee: Harris)
She died: August 04, 1925 Norwich, Windsor County, Vermont
Her twin sister
Lucinda A. (nee: Thomas) Snelling
Born: February 11, 1838 (twin) Sheffield, Caledonia County, Vermont
She married: February 11, 1838 Sheffield, Caledonia County, Vermont
to: George W. Snelling, son of Charles Green Snelling and Polly (nee: Harris)
She died: April 04, 1913 Bradford, Orange County, Vermont
As one can see for themselves
Charles Francis True, Jr.
HowardFranklin Knight, Jr.

Lorrinda A. (nee: Thomas) and her husband Orrin H. Snelling
Wilbur Carlton Snelling, son of Orrin H. Snelling and Lorrinda A. (nee: Thomas) Snelling.
Wilbur C. Snelling was born on September 08, 1861 Wheelock, Caledonia County, Vermont
He married Florence Ester (nee: Ball) ca. 1902
He died on December 20, 1939 Wheelock, Caledonia County, Vermont 

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Genealogy Part 21 of So-Called "Chief" "Retired Chief" "Senior Advisor" "Reactivated Retired Chief" Howard Franklin Knight Jr.'s Genealogical History:

Obituary for Paul Michaud dated October 07, 2004: Paul Robert Michaud, 62, of Hudson, N.H., died October 02, 2004, at St. Joseph Hospital in Nashua, N.H. after a lengthy illness. Mr. Michaud was born January 03, 1942, in Nashua, son of the George A. and Florence B. (nee: Cardin) Michaud. He had resided in Nashua for most of his life. His brother and sister-in-law were Royal Michaud and Ida Jane (nee: Knight) , daughter of Howard Franklin Knight, Sr. and Marion Corabelle (nee: Cook) Knight-Johnson.
Email from Ret'd Chief Howard F. Knight, Jr. (wobanaki@kingcon.com) to (mskwmagw@yahoo.com) Douglas Lloyd Buchholz a.k.a. Mark Douglas Leckie (Douglas Lloyd Buchholz which is my Birth given name>Mark Douglas Kingsley which was my 1st Adoptive name July 17, 1972>Mark Douglas Leckie which was my 2nd Adoptive name October 07, 1979 >Salmon Raven Deer which I legally changed my name to on September 25, of 1991 - all in Port Angeles, WA). "0639 hours EDT 29 April 2005. Kwai Kwai Mr. Leckie, I see by your letter wherein you discuss the families in the Danville-Morrisville/Morristown area. Also, you too have your problems with the "selectiveness" of Swanton and Odenak as to who is and is not Abenaki. You are not alone and I have said little to anyone outside my family though I could say much, especially since I have ties to the same areas and even further back, right back to the 1750's and 60's in Swnaton, Dunham, Lower Coos and elsewhere. I even have the original Abenaki family names at Dunham-Swanton, as well as the at The Oxbow at Lower Coos and some other lines.
I always wondered as to why when there was a ruckus in Danville (before the Town Hall burned in one of the many mysterious Town Hall fires of the time and the records of the town were lost) that certain families lined up with others against some others why the inicident was known around the area.
I now know why, from your remarks, the Woodward/Woodard family was aligned with my father's family, the Knight's, Gear-Giguere, Caswell, Tanner's, the Silsby's, Drown's and several other families on a list that I have that I got from the old Town of Danville Board of Selectmen, the Town Constable and some others. The details are sketchy but it was a real nasty situation at the time.
Also, your remarks no give me the clue as to why and how the Eugenics people went after my father and the family right after he and my mother  married in 1937 (on June 01, 1937 in Derby, Orleans County, Vermont); because this Eugenics lady picked up on my family from the alignment of families in the ruckus in Danville.
If you are living in the Vermont or greater New England area, as I.....
Email from Ret'd Chief Howrad F. Knight, Jr. (wobanaki@kingcon.com) to (mskwmagw@yahoo.com) Douglas Lloyd Buchholz a.k.a. Mark Douglas Leckie. Page 2 of 2 Page Email: : .....believe you may be from what say in your email, I believe you and I should possibly get together and talk.
Do forgive the large font usesd but I am going blind (service-connected) and I am legally blind now and have been for the past 5 years. I don't even drive for that reason. Until later, You take care and do treat yourself well and the Creator watch over you and protect you and yours.
Respectfully Yours,
Howard Franklin Knight, Jr.
GenForum.com Posting, dated April 11, 2005, by Lea Mitchell (Lea Wanda Maria nee: Martinez-Mitchell, daughter of Madalene Alicia nee: Jenkins-Knight-Martinez who had married to Howard Franklin Knight Sr. after June 1954). Lea Mitchell was looking for John Jenkins of New York on the Jenkins Family Genealogy Forum. I am a direct descendant of John Jenkins you seek information on. I tried emailing you a couple years ago but it didn't go through. John Jenkins born 1797 to 1817 in Ireland, married Mary or Maria J. Salmon Dwyer in Ireland, her second marriage. They came to Chateaugay after 1840 but by 1850 maybe via Canada. Kids all born in Ireland were John, Charles H., Ralph and Eliza. Daughter Mary born after in New York. Their son John married Rozilla (nee; Sargent) and had as their last child another John who married married Leta Leona (nee: Hill) and they had Leon Royce Jenkins who married to Marion (nee: Waterman) Cook and they had Madalene (nee: Jenkins) who is my mother and still alive. The Jenkins left NY, in the 1890;s for Thetford, Vermont area. I have a lot of information if you contact me. Lea Mitchell in CT. dooshna@aol.com
December 01, 2005 Ancestry.com Postings by Lea nee: Martinez - Mitchell (dooshna@aol.com) aka Wanda (Lea) Martinez Mitchell in CT.
August 02, 2006 Obituary for Minnie Florence (nee: Davidson) Knight: White River Junction-Minnie F. Knight, 59, died yesterday, August 01, 2006, at Brookside Nursing Home in White River Junction, Vermont. She was born in Harlingen, Texas on December 20, 1946, a daughter of A. B. Davidson and Bernice (Clark) Davidson. She grew up and attended school in San Benito, Texas, On December 24, 1963, she was married to Howard F. Knight, Jr. She traveled throughout the United States and Europe while he was in the service. They settled in Thetford in 1979, and moved to northern Vermont in 1988. They were divorced in 1997. Mrs. Knight moved back to the Upper Valley in September, and lived most recently in White River Junction. Through her many years away from Texas, she remained close to her family there, especially her mother and sisters. She was predeceased by her father and by her step-father, Eck Ameson. She is survived by her mother, Bernice Ameson of Rosharon, Texas; two daughters, Roberta Knight of Fairlee and Sheila Blandin of Vershire; to sons, Franklin Knight of North Carolina and Matthew Knight of Bennington, Vt.; three grandsons; two sisters, Joanne Hignight and Karen Cockrell, both of Rosharon; a brother, Billy Gene Davidson of Amigo, West Virginia; and several nieces and nephews.
There are no services at this time. Knight Funeral Home in White River Junction assisted with arrangements. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Norris Cotton Cancer Center, 1 Medical Center Drive, Lebanon, N.H. 03756.
More genealogical inquiry by Wanda Lea Maria (nee: Martinez) Mitchell, dated January 30, 2007 on Genforum.com.
Obituary of Marrion Corabelle (nee: Cook) Knight - Johnson of West Fairlee, Vermont dated February 19, 2008 published in the Nashua Telegraph newspaper: Marion Corabelle Johnson, 88, died February 18, 2008 at Hanover Terrace Health Care in Hanover, New Hampshire. She was born May 11, 1919 in Norwich, Vermont, the daughter of Homer and Marion (nee: Waterman) Cook. She graduated from Hanover High School Class of 1936. She worked for a time at the Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital in Hanover. She was married to Howard Knight. They lived in Connecticut during World War II, they then returned to East Thetford and bought a farm. They were later divorced. She then married Thurman L. Johnson and continued to farm in East Thetford until 1968 when they moved to West Fairlee and farmed poultry and other livestock until retiring. Mrs. Johnson was a former member of the Unversity Grange in Norwich. She also was a volunteer at the Bugbee senior Center in White River Junction, Vermont. She enjoyed hand weaving and crafts. She was a published short story author and enjoyed nature and craft magazines. She was an animal lover, especially horses. She is predeceased by her husband, Thurman Johnson, a daughter, Cora Mae Webre; and a grandson. She is survived by two sons, Luther D. Johnson and wife Penny of Wilder, and Howard F. Knight Jr. of Newport Center, VT; a daughter, Ida Jane Michaud and husband Royal of Hudson, N.H.; and several grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews. A graveside service will be held at the Post Mills Cemetery in Post Mills, VT at a later date. Memorial contributions may be made to: the Bugbee Senior Center P.O. Box 158 White River Junction, Vermont 05001. Knight Funeral Home in White River Junction, VT has been entrusted with the arrangements.
Genealogical Chart regarding Madalene Alicia (nee: Jenkins) Marrero dit Matinez, and Wanda Lea Marie (nee: Martinez) Mitchell.

Genealogy Part 20 of So-Called "Chief" "Retired Chief" "Senior Advisor" "Reactivated Retired Chief" Howard Franklin Knight Jr.'s Genealogical History:

Page 1: State of Vermont, Orleans County. Howard Knight vs. Minnie Knight nee: Davidson. Orleans Family Court: Docket # 133-9-95 OsDm. FINDINGS, DECREE AND ORDERS. Orleans Family Clerk's Office, Constance Daigle, Clerk. "The Orleans Family Court hereby issues the following findings with regard to the above captioned matter as follows:
1. Notice, residence, and marriage are proven, as well as the factual circumstane that the parties have lived seperate and apart, within the meaning of the statute, for a period in excess of six consecutive months, and that reputation of marital relations is not reasonably probable.
2. That the parties are the adoptive parents of one minor child, Matthew Knight, age 7.
3. That a property agreement, hereby incorporated herein by reference, has been entered into by both of the parties knowingly and voluntarily.
4. As to Mr. Knight, he makes the property agreement referred to in Paragraph 2 with the advice and assistance of his attorney.
5. The parties are entering into the agreement knowing the effects of the agreement upon them.
6. The Court recognizes that both parties love the child, that they have both served as the adoptive parents of the child when the biological parents, that is, the primary parents, given their circumstances, were incapable of serving as the minor child's parents.
7. A continuing relationship between the minor child and both of the parties is to the child's benefit.
8. While both parties have affection and bond with the child, and have.....
Page 02: .....served as his parents, Howard Knight has provided a more stable, that is, more consistent, parenting role and function for the child through the years, and it is in the best interests of the child to have his primary legal and physical custody entrusted to Howard Knight, subject to the right of Mrs. Minnie Knight nee: Davidson to see and visit child, and have the child with her visit, at all reasonable times and places as may be agreed by the parties.
9. Mrs. Minnie Knight has been absent from the State at a seperate residence during the predominate part of the last two years.
10. Most recently, Mrs. Minnie Knight had to go to Texas to attend to family matters, bringing the minor child with her for a visit with relations.
11. Vermont is the home state of the minor child and shall continue to exercise jurisdiction in the matter of the child's future interests.
Based ont he findings, the Court makes the following order:
1. A decree of divorce is granted, to become effective June 17, 1997.
2. The court orders the parties to abide by the property agreement entered into on the date of the final divorce hearing, March 19, 1997, and incorporated herein by reference.
3. Minnie Knight shall have until June 17, 1997, to vacate the premises and obtain a seperate residence.
4. Primary physical and legal custody of the minor child shall be entrusted to Howard Knight, subject to the right of Minnie Knight nee: Davidson to see and visit the child and to have the child with her for visits at all....
Page 03: ....reasonable times and places as may be agreed to by the parties.
5. If any propsed visit by Minnie Knight nee: Davidson is to take place outside the State of Vermont, Minnie Knight nee: Davidson will secure Howard Knight's written consent to this in advance of any visit, and a written consent shall specifiy the date upon which the child is to be returned to Howard Knight.
6. Minnie Knight nee: Davidson shall promptly return the child to Howard Knight's primary custody at the end of every scheduled visit.
7. Neither party shall permit the child to miss any scheduled school days for any reason, except for illness with medical verification. Whoever has the child must make sure the child attends school.
8. Minnie Knight nee: Davidson shall have the right to access the child's medical and educational records and shall be notified by Howard Knight, at Minnie Knight nee: Davidson's last known address, of any substantial changes or developments adversely affecting the child, such as health or educational problems or victimization of any crime.
9. It is Howard Knight's obligation to assure that the child, consistent with his best interests, has a positive relationship with Minnie Knight nee: Davidson on an ongoing basis.
10. Any dispute between the parties regarding the interests of Matthew Knight shall be submitted to mediation prior to a return to court.
This Order is Dated March 27th, 1997, at the Orleans Family Court, Newport, Vermont.
Presiding Judge Walter Morris.

The reason I am placing this divorce record on this blog is because NO ONE, neither adoptive parent, Howard Franklin Knight, Jr. nor his wife Minnie, nor the Judicial Judge in the matter NOT ONCE mentioned that the parties were of "Abenaki" "Cowasuck" or "Indian" Descent. Why not? IF these two parents of their grandson, were claiming as they have been in other documents in other events and situations, why weren't they claiming they were Cowasuck, from the Clan of this and the Clan of that, Chief this and Senior Advisor of the that?
Page 04: Also, Divorce Decree signed by: Assitant Judge, Bob Topshe and Assitant Judge, Bill Gildling.
Northern New England. Cowasuck (Coos) Band Pisowakamigw Wobanakiak. Sovereign Abenaki Nation - Algonquin Confederation.
Family Last Name:_______Date of Application:_______FIle/Page#________
I hereby apply for citizenship in the NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND COWASUCK (COOS) BAND PISOWAKAMIGW WOBANAKIAK of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation - Algonquin Confederation. I certify that I am a Native or Indigenous Person of North America or a Descendant of sane who was. I understand that my application will be carefully reviewed, along with supporting documents, and approved by the proper Tribal Authorities.
I also understand, also, that if I am accepted, I will, if required, relinguish my citizenship in any other Band.Tribe of Indigenous Peoples, except Inter-Tribal and other Native Peoples councils, and that my failure to do so will constitute automatic forfeiture of any and all rights acquired because of my citizenship in the NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND COWASUCK (COOS) BAND PISOWAKAMIGW WOBANAKIAK of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation-Algonquin Confederation, as provided in the Bylaws thereof.
Please list additional children on an additional form and note File/Page# .
NOTE: Mothers/Fathers shall retain custody of all Children's Tribal Identification Cards until a child is 12 years old, at which time a child shall be issued their own personal identification.
ALL APPLICANTS MUST SUBMIT CLEAR AND CONVINCING PROOF OF LINEAGE TO A NATIVE AMERICAN ANCESTORS TO TIRBAL AUTHORITIES. SUCH AS: Genealogical reports, birth certificates, baptism certificates, licensed passports, family Bibles, family pictures, B.I.A. Cards, or other Itner-Tribal/ Council recognition, etc.
Page 2 of Tribal Application form Northern New England. Cowasuck (Coos) Band Pisowakamigw Wobanakiak. Sovereign Abenaki Nation - Algonquin Confederation. APPLICATION FOR CITIZENSHIP
Territorial Headquarters- Grand Council. Cowasuck of North America. National Federation of the Sovereign Republic of the Abenaki Nation. R.F.D. #2, Box 530-A, Newport, VT. 05855-9011 (802)334-5306.
Dated 27 August 1997 (August 27, 1997)
To: Joe Bruchac - Storyteller
P.O. Box 308 - Middle Grove Rd.
Greenfield Center, N.Y. 12833
Dear Mr. Bruchac;
Enclosed, as promised, is the complete copy of the booklet by Mariella Squire as you requested. She repeatedly steps over the line and she persists in her lies and half truths, plus plagerism and deceit when she doesn't get her way.
It is clear that she will not quit until a way can be devised to end her rampage, as a so-called Abenaki. It is clear that she, her sister Ann Squire, and the odd-balls of the Women's Hoop are trying to destroy all of us, at any costs; and these books are the way they will attempt to publish the failed effort the book you stopped from being published last year.
If I can help in any way, feel free to call upon me; and you are always welcome in my lodge.
Sincerely + Respectfully, Chief Howard F. Knight Jr.
COWASUCK OF NORTH AMERICA. National Federation of the Sovereign Republic of the Abenaki Nation. P.O. Box 12, Newport, VT. 05855.
Dated 15 April 1999 (April 15, 1999)
To Whom It Concerns
Cowasuck of North America,
Tribal Council and all Members;
Effective as of 2400 hours (12:00 a.m.) (midnight), this date, I, Chief Howard F. Knight, Jr., Tribal Council Chief, do hereby step-back as an active leader of the Council (The Council Chief), Associate Chief E. (Emmerson) B. (Bidwell) Garfield will step in as the Council Chief immediately.
I step aside as the Tribal Chief due to my health.
I retain all other offices that I hold, and will continue to serve as the Tribal Genealogist and Historian, and as a permanent member of the Council and the Board of Directors (Incorporation).
Respectfully, Chief Howard F. Knight, Jr.
COWASUCK OF NORTH AMERICA. National Federation of the Sovereign Republic of the Abenaki Nation. P.O. Box 12, Newport, VT. 05855.
Dated 12 August 2000 (August 12, 2000)
To Whom it Concerns:
As of this date I hereby resign as Chief and as C.E.O. (Chief Executive Officer) of the Cowasuck of North America, Inc.
I will no longer be concerned with any Abenaki Band and/ or functions. I regret that I over the years have dishonored or brought shame upon the Abenaki People.
Respectfully yours,
Howard F. Knight, Jr.
1608 Alderbrook Road
Newport, VT. 05855
Conventry, Orleans County, Vermont Certificate of Marriage for Howard Franklin Knight, Jr. born May 31, 1941 who resided at 1608 Alderbrook Rd. in Newport, VT 05855. Usual place of residence was Conventry, Vermont. He was born in the State of Connecticut, to Howard F. Knight, Sr. and Marion Corabelle (nee: Cook).
The Bride was Ana Cojuhar (nee: Lomei) Coblai who was born December 14, 1955 in Tiraspol, Moldova, Russia to Varfo Lomei and Tatiana (nee: "unknown") Lomei, both of Moldova. Both Howard Franklin Knight, Jr. and Ana Cojuhar (nee: Lomei) Coblai married March 06, 2003 in Derby, Orleans County, Vermont.

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