1st and 2nd docuemnts: William Sherwood and widow Susannah "Susan" (nee: Smith) Rines marriage record of March 06, 1869 in Lancaster, Coos County, New Hampshire.
3rd document: Susannah "Susan" (nee: Smith) Rines - Sherwood Death Record of November 11, 1895 in Monroe, Grafton County, New Hampshire.
4th document: Flora Eunice (nee: Ingerson) and Henry Otis Hunt's marriage record on October 24, 1896 in Monroe, Grafton County, New Hampshire. Both of them are the age of 22 years. The Groom, Henry Otis Hunt, knows who both his parents are. Yet, the Bride, Flora Eunice Ingerson ONLY puts her father George Ingerson of Eaton, N.H. down on the marriage record. Did she NOT know who her mother's name was? Clearly and obviously by placing the geographical location of Eaton, N.H. for her mother, indicates that Flora Eunice Ingerson DID NOT KNOW anything about her mother at all. She did not know that Almira Rines - Ingerson - Pollock had remarried to John Pollock in 1879 nor did she know that Almira was born in August 1850 in Littleton, N.H. either. Did Flora Eunice Ingerson be born on some alleged "riverbank" or in some alleged "Abenaki Village in Jefferson, N.H."? Did Flora KNOW anything, let alone pick up and remember some alleged "Teachings of the Abenaki" from her mother Almira as Nancy Millette/Doucet has stated retrosepctively in the media repeatedly? Or was Almira and Flora's descendant Nancy Lee Millette - Doucet merely reinventing these two women, mother and daughter, and through that very likely manipulation herself, into being Abenaki, when the reality and truth of the genealogical records prove otherwise, that the statements made by Nancy Millette (now Doucet) were simply blantant fabrications created in Nancy's own mind and then perpetuated into the Public awareness? I think so, sadly said, based on the genealogical records, etc. Remember, Nancy was a Town Promoter of Littleton N.H. She not only had to promote the Town of Littleton to the public, but also herself, her persona, in which to solicite......(based on distortions and illusions?) 5th document: George William Ingerson's Death Record of February 23, 1906 in Haverhill, N.H.
6th document: The Littleton, N.H. Courier Newspaper article wherein Mrs. Henry Otis Hunt (Flora Eunice Ingerson-Hunt) of Monroe, N.H. travels to Swiftwater, N.H. on Sunday because of the death of her father George Ingerson. Then in the Benton, N.H. column, George Ingerson, a former resident of this town, died at the home of his son Charles Ingerson, in Haverhill, early Thursday morning Feb. 22.
These genealogical FACTS from the documents themselves, in comparison to Nancy's own publicly made statements in the media, began to cause me to question what has been going in the Northeast up here in Vermont and New Hampshire, MA, with these "groups" led by these "representatives" such as Nancy herself, April St. Francis-Merrill, Paul Wilson Pouliot, Howard Franklin Knight Jr., etc. and I've come to realize that PERHAPS what they all have been putting out there towards and in the PUBLIC, as to the merits of their arguements, statements, and positions, may NOT be factually real or honest. Through this blog, and the documents NOT MY COMMENTARY, I am hoping I can figure out whether or not if these "groups", these people, claiming to being Abenaki are really who they say they are. Because for quite a few years, I have begun to DOUBT their merits, their arguments, their purported histories. This doubt began to seep into my mind and bones with hearing from Rhonda Besaw, and from reading that BIA Conclusionary Report of November 2005 etc. So, it is that I have created this blog. There are reasons for it. It's a work-in-progress and there is MUCH MUCH MORE to put on here.