April St. Francis-Rushlow-Merrill claimed in this article of July 07, 2001 when Homer St. Francis Sr. died, that they were a descendants of Chief Grey Lock. Again, on January 11, 2003 in the Times Argus newspaper, April again stated, "What keeps me going is I’m doing this for the seven generations behind me. In our life system, you’re always doing it for the next seven generations and the next seven generations, whoever they are. Massacres, eugenics — they haven’t killed us out yet. A lot of us assimilated, but we have our own belief systems, we have our own culture. I know who I am and where I came from. I can trace my roots all the way back to chief Grey Lock in the 1700s, and then go back further than that."
April St. Francis - Rushlow - Merrill's ancestor (according to her and possibly from Mr. John Moody) was allegedly said to be "Francois St. Francis" born in May 1760 at Chambly. Francois' parents are given as Chief Francois Mitchell (who died June 1760 at Missisquoi in a battle with a group of Roger's Rangers) and his wife Marie Charlotte Nolette/ Wawanolet (born April 1737 at Fort St. Frederick). It was she who was the daughter of Chief Grey Lock according to the St. Francis family.
At first impression I guess one would conclude that April St. Francis-Merrill is an Abenaki descendant from Missisquoi as she alleges. But WAIT, here is the FACTUAL documented genealogical ancestry: From top to bottom (meaning down to April Merrill herself) her ancestors were François Semme dit Siroux dit St-François born in Rouen, Normandie, France who married to Élisabeth Isabelle Comeau September 29, 1772 at St. Joseph de Chambly, Chambly County, Quebec, Canada. Their son François Semme dit Siroux dit St. François born 1773 died December 11, 1845 at Marieville, Rouville County, Quebec, Canada. He married in Marguerite Hébert dit Larose January 28, 1799 at St. Joseph de Chambly, Chambly County, Quebec, Canada. Their son Francis Mitchell Siroux Giroux dit St. Francis born 1811 and died in 1863 married Charlotte "Carol" LaCombe on November 13, 1827 at St. Mathias sur Richelieu, Rouville County, Quebec, Canada. Their son Mitchell Siroux Giroux dit St. Francis born in March 1835 in Swanton, Franklin County, Vermont married to Cordelia Colombe (dau. of Louis S. Coulombe Colomb and Sophie Charbonnier dit St. Laurent) in 1860 in Swanton. Their son Nazaire St. Francis born June 08, 1867 in Swanton, died May 18, 1936 in Swanton. He married to Clara Hogue (dau. of Fabien Hogue and Adèle Vêtu dit Bélair) on September 05 1891 in Swanton, Vermont. Their son Nazaire St. Francis born Jan 31 1891 in Swanton married Florence Hakey, and it was their son who was Homer Walter St. Francis born on January 19, 1935 in Swanton, Vermont who is April's father. Yes, there is some 'Huron and or Western Algonquin Native ancestry" in April St. Francis' Merrill's genealogical background, that being Roch Manintoubeouich / Manitouabeouichit born ca. 1600 in Lake Huron, Ontario, Canada and his wife Outchibabhanoukoneau/ Outchibahabanoukouehou/squa born about 1606 at the same location. (Sherry Blanchard-Gould and Rhonda Besaw-True also share this couple in their perspective ancestries), Plus there is a few VERY distant (1600's) Mik'maq ancestors as well in her (April's) ancestry. So.....do the math. I don't see how the Swanton, Vermont "St. Francis family's ancestors" were "St. Francis Indians"/"Abenakis", let alone descendants of Grey Lock, who wasn't Abenaki in the first place! More genealogical information will be forthcoming on this blog from public sourced documents, on these people "reinventing themselves" into Vermont Abenakis. Grab your wader's, your hip-boots, and your paddle's (you don't want to lose one on the way into this mess).