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June 06, 2008
David Stewart Smith PhD
Peter Wiggins
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Abenaki Unity Meeting
April 04, 2006
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Document 01:
Wednesday, January 13, 2010 8:28 PM
From: ""
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FYI: HB 1610-FN - Proposed legislation to establish an Indian Commission in New Hampshire.eml
Forwarded Message: FYI: HB 1610-FN - Proposed legislation to establish an Indian Commission in New Hampshire
Wednesday, January 13, 2010 8:19 PM
From: ""
To: undisclosed-recipients
Please read the following message content and visit the website to see what the proposed legislation is, and is not. I would encourage folks that have opinions, suggestions and comments either in support of, or in opposition of, the legislation to contact NH State Rep: Dan Carr:
(Yeah, I wrote to Rep. Daniel Carr as have other people, we are getting "stone-walled" by this Representative who has put this N.H. Bill HB 1610 on the Legislative Table, because Daniel Carr wants to see this Bill pass, so it's another feather in his hat) and or members of the legislative committee listed below. According to the bill narrative the commission is to represent the interests of all Native Americans residing in the state of New Hampshire, federally and non-federally recognized
(Then WHY is it that this Bill mirrors almost verbatim, the Legistlative Bill's in Vermont and has ABENAKI written all over it?). I would also suggest that anyone that might be interested in serving on the commission, if the legislation passes, should also contact Rep. Carr.
(According to Rep. Daniel Carr, the Commission Members who are to serve on this NHCNAA have already been chosen, IF this HB1610 passes through the Legislature)
Please get this information out to other Native people living in New Hampshire, as everyones voices should be heard.
(Yeah, right, dissenters need not apply)
Rick Pouliot
(Gedakina is not lobbying either for or against the legislation as we do not engage in lobbying activities. We are sending out this information as a public awareness service for the Native American population of New Hampshire)
At the 11th Hour!, this HB1610 is due out of Committee on Feb. 18, 2010; and where is the notification to the PUBLIC and to ALL ABENAKI PEOPLE of PUBLIC HEARING(S) on this Bill HB1610?!
The Commission Bill is Bill number HB 1610-FN and it is going before the HOUSE STATE-FEDERAL RELATIONS AND VETERANS AFFAIRS Committee. No date has been set at this time.
You can read the bill at
If you know anyone on the committee or if they are in your district it would be a good idea to speak with them. Representative Frank Emiro, who you recommended I speak with Pete
r Newell , is on the committee. I have spoken with him and he was supportive and especially remembered you Pete
r Newell . If anyone else needs to know the members you can either go to the NH Gen Court Page or use the lists below.
The Chair of the committee is Representative Michael Rollo.
One person
(Nancy Millette-Cruger-Lyons-Doucet) has written to all the Committee members and all the Senators complaining of grievous injustice in the bill and disparaging the character many of the people involved and is proposing to re-write the bill extensively in ways that would favor a small group which they claim is historically the true Abenaki
(THESE INC. GROUPS are NOT THE TRUE ABENAKI !! They are incorporations of alleged and re-invented "Abenaki". THIS HB1610 HAS NO REQUIREMENT TO SHOW AND PROVIDE GENEALOGICAL DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE OF BEING CONNECTED TO THE HISTORIC ABENAKI PEOPLE NOR HISTORIC ABENAKI COMMUNITIES. When I am speaking with these folks I will be staying positive about the bill as I (you) see it and speaking to the Representatives about the good things it will accomplish
Of course, Rick Pouliot will speak this way, simply for the fact that he is the President of the Gedakina, Inc. that will benefit from Federal Title 7 Funding and ICWA Federal Funds that will come into the State of N.H. IF this HB1610 passes the Legislature!...its ALL ABOUT GETTING THE $$$$ and the equality of participation
B.S. on which it is based and the broad inclusiveness of people who will be able to participate and benefit as opposed to any plan that aims to tightly restrict membership such as is being proposed in Vermont's commission.
Member List:
Michael Rollo(d) V. Chairman: Patrick Garrity(d) Clerk: Sarah Hutz(d) Baldwin Domingo (d) Kris Roberts (d) Robert Haley (d) Cynthia Sweeney (d) George Katsiantonis (d) Alexis Chininis (d) Valerie Hardy (d) Thomas Katsiantonis (d) Alfred Baldasaro (r) James Twombly (r) Anne Priestley (r) Lars Christiansen (r) Frank Emiro (r) Dennis Fields (r) Leo Pepino (r) Todd Smith (r)
Let's Follow the Yellow Brick Road of the Alleged and Re-Invented Abenaki:
Paul Wilson Pouliot (of Alton, Belknap County, New Hampshire) is the President of COWASS NORTH AMERICA, Inc.
Paul Pouliot was born July 02, 1947 in Worcester, Massachusetts, the son of Leopold "Leo" Paul Pouliot and Mildred Elizabeth (nee: Wilson) Pouliot.
Leopold "Leo" Pouliot was born on August 27, 1920 in Worcester, Massachusetts, the son of Joseph Napolean Pouliot and Rosse Aime Beatrice Bourque dit Bourke. Joseph was born February 26, 1894 in St. Cecile de Whatton, Quebec, Canada. (Leopold "Leo" Paul Pouliot died November 18, 2005 in Estero, Lee County, Florida).
Leopold "Leo" Paul Pouliot's brother was Richard Daniel Pouliot born on September 11, 1929 in Worcester, Massachusetts (Richard Daniel Pouliot died July 05, 2009 in Donaldsonville, Louisiana). Richard Daniel Pouliot married to Helen Stoneback and they had son Richard "Rick" Daniel Pouliot (President of GEDAKINA, Inc.)
Board of Directors:
Jane Bartley, B.A.,
Judy Dow, B.A.,Sarah Kenney, M.A., Melinda Neff, M.Ed., Cindy, Perry, M.Ed.,
Rick Pouliot - Chair, Marc Ranco, MSW, LCSW, Susan Soctomah, MSW, LCSW, Diane Weiner, Ph.D., Catheleen Wilson, M.A.
Board of Advisors:
Steven Abbott, Merritt Baer, Joanne Bartibogue, Cassandra M. Brooks, M.S.
[sister to Lisa Brooks], Lisa Brooks, Ph.D. companion to Richard "Rick" D. Pouliot, Lisa Boucher Clark, Ph.D., Jason Corwin, Amy Den Ouden, Ph.D, Pamela A. Ellis, ESq., gkisedtanamook, Elizabeth Goldstein, Ph.D., Joseph P. Gone, Ph.D., Nicole Johnson, CNA., Leslie Jones, J.D., Kani Malsom,
Louise Lampman Larivee of Swanton, Vermont, Miigam'agan, Micah Pawling, M.A., Bethany Pombar, B.A., Darren J. Ranco, Ph.D.,
Cheryl Savageau, M.A., Siobhan Senier, Ph.D., Gabrielle Tayac, Ph.D.
Jeremy Allen Thompson, M.F.A., Dale Turner, Ph.D., Kristen Wyman
So, as afore mentioned and quoted recently from an unsolicited email from Paul Wilson Pouliot to Douglas Lloyd Buchholz dated December 15, 2009, I will quote the information from "Chief" Paul Wilson Pouliot's email...."So far the Cowasuck Band of the Pennacook-Abenaki People (Paul W. Pouliot's Inc.), Koasek Traditional Band of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation (Brian Chenevert/Howard F. Knight Jr./ Paul Bunnell's Inc. ~ that Nancy Millette Doucet used to be a "Co-Chief" w. Brian Chenevert of until a "falling out" in the Fall of 2008), Wijokaodak, Inc. (Sherry Gould's Inc. ~ of which Peter Newell is President of), Gedakina, Inc. (Richard "Rick D. Pouliot Jr., his companion Lisa Brooks, and Judy Dow are a part of), and the New Hampshire Intertribal Council (Peter Newell is President of this Incorporation) have been discussing collaborative efforts to support the proposed legislation."
C-O-L-L-U-S-I-O-N?...."This legislation is being sponsored and proposed by the New Hampshire state legislature as a NON-PARTISAN and NON-BAND specific effort"....
....Note: The legislation HB1610 WAS NOT written by anyone within our community"....
Document 02: February 5, 2006 These Incorporated Alleged and Re-Invented Abenaki Organizations with their "Chief's"/ Inc. Presidents and Board of Directors from Vermont have long been in COLLUSION with the same over here in New Hampshire. Now the alleged and re-invented Abenaki Incorporated "organizations/ groups, with their Members/Card-holders/Supporters are now over here in New Hampshire knocking on the door of the New Hampshire Legislature through Representative Daniel Carr, etc. looking to gain what they want(ed) over in Vermont from that Legislature.
Retrospective:The first alleged Abenaki Unity Meeting since 1995 is held it Randolph, VT. Those in attendance were:
Charles Delaney - Mazipskwik band, Peter Newell - NH Intertribal Native American Council, Howard F. Knight, Jr. - Cowasuck Traditional Council of the Abenaki, Kimberly Merriam - Secretary of Cowasuck Traditional Council, Roger Longtoe Sheehan - El Nu Abenaki Tribe, Nancy Cote and Dawn Macie - Nulhegan Band of the Coosuk Abenaki, Yannick Mercier - Mena'sen Band Cowasuck Abenaki of Sherbrooke (Absent due to car problems on the way), Melody Walker - Seven Fires Leader, Fred Wiseman - Historian of the St.Francis/Sokoki band, Jeff Benay - Chairman of VT Governors Commission of Native American Affairs, Burton Decarr - Spiritual Leader - St.Francis/Sokoki band, Brian Chenevert - Cowasuck Traditional Council - Record Keeper, Nancy Lyons (nee: Millette) Doucet - Cowasuck Traditional Council - Meeting Organizer.
Document 03: More Photographic images:
Photo 1: Left to Right: “Chiefs” Roger Longtoe Sheehan ("EL-NU Sub-Band of the Koasek"/ "El-Nu Abenaki Tribe") - Peter Newell (Inc. President of the NH Inter-Tribal Council and President of Wijokadoak Board of Directors) - Nancy Millette Doucet (President of White Pines Association, Inc.) in March 2006.
Photo 2: Left to Right: Peter Newell (listening to Howard F. Knight Jr.) – Walker and Monroe and Melody Walker with other Abenakis at an Abenaki Gathering in March 2006.
Photo 3: Left to Right: “Chief” Peter Newell - Tony Longtoe - Walker Brooks in March 2006, Inter-Tribal Gathering.
Here is what one person had to say in response to Rep. Daniel Carr after reading his reply to Douglas Lloyd Buchholz:
To: Cc: Salmon
Sent: Tue, January 12, 2010 8:46:11 PM
Subject: HB1610
Dear Representative Carr,
I am astounded and greatly disturbed by your response to Mr. Douglas Lloyd Buchholz published in his blog, "The Reinvention of the Alleged Vermont and New Hampshire Abenaki." Your concerns regarding requiring genealogical documentation as a requirement of recognizing individuals as Abenaki are unfounded.
My great grandfather, Octave Caron was born on Indian Island in Old Towne, Maine in 1862. Although those of his generation and his children's generation were taught to be ashamed of who they were, the generations that follow are anything but. I am amazed to read that there are still those in your community that, because of the past, are still afraid. I am proud to show my genealogy to anyone who would like to see it. Make no mistake, my great grandfather and my grandfather remembered well the prejudice and abuse, that only makes me even prouder of who I am.
By not requiring genealogical proof that individuals are in fact Abenaki, and allowing the created commission to be the gatekeepers is akin to allowing the fox to guard the hen house. There are many, many "wannabe" individuals that proclaim themselves to be Abenaki. Over the past 20-30 years these differing "bands" have never ceased their back-biting, name-calling and ill will towards each other. It is all well documented in Mr. Buchholz's blog. Sir,
nothing good will come of this bill unless you require genealogical proof of those who claim to be Abenaki. Let those that want to be recognized show
and provide their genealogy. As my grandma used to say
"Just because a cat has kittens in the oven, that don't make 'em biscuits!" It follows that just because someone has portrayed themselves as Abenaki to the public and in the media, it doesn't mean it's true. Additionally, you owe it to the true indigenous people of the state to weed out those that would take advantage of this bill (and there are many) as a back door attempt at Indian Gaming in New Hampshire, as well as satisfying their own selfish agenda. The original purpose of your bill will be overshadowed and most likely lost if these individuals are allowed to, and I'm quoting one of them here when the same issue was brought up in the Vermont legislation, "let Indian decide who's Indian". That individual has since moved back to New Hampshire and is one of the "wannabes" I speak of.
Please reconsider your requirements sir.
I remain,
A registered voter,
A property owner,
A taxpayer
I couldn't have said it better than this Letter to the Editor!
Center (with his back to the viewer of this photo) is Peter Newell - (to the left of Peter Newell) is seated Howard F. Knight Jr. (who is wearing that beaded headband) - (next to the stairway) is seated Frederick M. Wiseman - (2nd from the left of Fred Wiseman) is Melody Walker ~ Brook - Nancy Millette Cruger Lyons Doucet - Burton DeCarr.
Notice all the "Vermont and New Hampshire Governor's Proclamation's" Nancy Millette Cruger Lyons Doucet collected and had hanging up on display on her wall....these "Proclamations" were gained through the NH and VT Executive Council Office LINK: Now, one knows WHY Nancy Doucet wrote in the revisions that she wanted and or wants in HB1610.