1st Signature = Daniel Osgood (Actually that's Daniel B. Osgood born December 03, 1941 to Donald Osgood and Marion Eunice Nault) Daniel B. Osgood Sr. that signed this document is the father apparently of Carolyn Black who married Richard "Rick" Ray Hunt on June 20, 2009 in Bethlehem, New Hampshire. Daniel B. Osgood married Roseanne L. LaPointe and she later married to Rodney Allen Black in 1985. Daniel Osgood Sr. later married to a woman named Ida. Daniel B. Osgood Sr. and his daughter "Carolyn Black" previously were allied with (and members of?) Paul Wilson Pouliot's group based in Franklin, Massachusetts. (See Paul Wilson Pouliot's "Aln8bak News Newsletter of 2004-1 - January- February - March Page 07). Brian Chenevert, James Akerman (Paul's son-in-law). Here is the link to the particular newsletter: www.cowasuck.org/aln8bak/2004/issue_01/pdf/news-04-01a.pdf
2nd Signature: Howard F. Knight Jr. (born on May 31, 1941 in Connecticut, and son of Howard Franklin Knight Sr. and Marion Corabelle Cook). Howard F. Knight Jr. married to Minnie Florence Davidson December 24, 1963 in Harlingen, Cameron County, Texas but they divorced June 17, 1997 in Newport, Vermont. He later went to Russia and remarred in Derby, Vermont on March 06 2003 to Ama Cojuhar Coblai.
3rd Signature: Nathan E. Pero (Nathan Elwin Pero is the son of Elwin Merle Pero and Alberta Lorraine Preston). He was born August 22, 1949 in Thetford, Orange County, Vermont. It was ALLEGEDLY Elwin "Joe" Elwin Pero who became friends with Howard F. Knight Jr. AFTER Howard Knight and his wife Minnie relocated to Thetford, Vermont in 1979 according to the obituary of Minnie Davidson Knight on August 01, 2006. ALLEGEDLY, "Chief" Elwin "Joe" Merle Pero of the alleged Nolka/Deer Clan who was allegedly chosen as Chief in the Spring of 1947, and was the first to organize alleged Abenaki People in the Coos/Koas area under his leadership and the leadership of alleged Council members such as E. Paige, R. Reginald A. Pero, A. Agnes? Pero, and Associate Chief M. Stone.
In allegedly 1980, the alleged Tolba/Turtle Clan and the Knight familiy allegedly joined the other alleged Clans of Nolka/Deer, Awasos/Bear, Molsem/Wolf and others of the Coos Band, and Howard Franklin Knight Jr. was allegedly elected as Associate Chief in allegedly December 1980. Then in allegedly April of 1981, the alleged Coos Band under alleged Chief Elwin "Joe" Merle Pero and alleged Associate Chief Howard Franklin Knight Jr. merged with the Eastern Woodlands Band under alleged Chief Richard "Black Horse" Phillips and Associate Chief Emerson Garfield, to form the Northeast Woodlands-Coos Band. In 1985 allegedly, following the death of alleged Chief Elwin Merle Pero on October 13, 1983 in Thetford Center, Orange County, Vermont and the alleged stepping down of Chief Richard Black Horse Phillips, Howard Franklin Knight Jr. allegedly became "Chief" of the Northeast Woodland's-Coos Band.
4th Signature: Norman L. Chenevert (born in April 1940 and living in Webster, Massachusetts. Norman Chenevert is the father of Brian Chenevert, current allegedly supposedly elected "Chief" of the so-called "Koasek Traditional Band of the Abenaki Nation". This alleged so-called Koasek Abenaki group's so-called "Sub-Chief" or "Co"Chief" was Nancy Millette-Lyons (now Doucet) but now is Paul Bunnell a.k.a. "Gwilawato". This group's website is http://www.cowasuckabenaki.com/ and is out of a P.O. Box in Post Mills, Vermont where Marion Corabelle (nee: Cook) who married first to Howard Franklin Knight Jr.'s father is buried in the Post Falls Cemetery. She remarried after her divorce (which happened on November 25, 1953 and was completed on December 10, 1954 in Orange County, Vermont) from Howard Franklin Knight Sr. to Thurman L. Johnson.
5th Signature: Karen Majka. She is actually the daughter of Harold George Bordreau and Joan Ann Martin. Karen's maiden name is Bordreau and she married 1st to Francois Charles Majka and she remarried to Edward Joseph Lamoine. "Karen Mica" a.k.a. Karen Majka a.k.a. Karen Lamoine was a genealogical researcher for Nancy Millette when Nancy Millette (now Doucet) was Co-Chief and/or "Chief for Life" of this Koasek group. Now Karen Majka is a part of Howard Franklin Knight Jr./Brian Chenevert's group still retaining the name of the group "Koasek Traditional Band of the Abenaki".
Reinvention of the Vermont Abenaki Creation Story:
In The Beginning, there was (no this ain't the Bible) Howard Franklin Knight Jr. and He Created Brian Chenevert as alleged Chief of the self-proclaiming and self-identifying alleged Koasek Abenaki. And then there was Nancy Millette-Lyons whom He Created out of God Knows what, as being the alleged "Associate Chief" of the alleged Koasek Abenaki. But she didn't like that "Title" so she became "Co-Chief" and then "Chief - for - Life". And on or around the Day of December 03, 2008 She was Cast Out from the Garden of the Re-Invented Koasek Abenaki group (no, she didn't eat a bad apple). Brian Chenevert with the help of Howard Franklin Knight Jr. concluded She was The Bad Apple, and alleged Before the Bad Apple spoiled the whole bunch of them Bad Apples, They decided to Re-Incorporate into the "Independent Clans of the Coos United, Inc." which was Created by Howard F. Knight Jr. Appearing to be Red Indian on the outside, they were all White on the Inside, and while none of them felt shame for their idiotic activities, they were still a bunch of Rotten Apples, the whole lot, stock, and barrel of them all.
Nancy Millette & Company, who were Cast out of the Garden of Koasek, Inc. then fled to the north, and after a long journey across the Internet and phone lines, entered into the Garden of Nulhegan, and there they felt safe, comforted by the likes of "Chief" Luke Willard, who retrospectively having fled from the Garden of Clan of the Hawk in August 2004, Created that Group calling itself the "Nulhegan - Coosuk Abenaki of Vermont, Inc."
(I have to laugh some more.......) Ok, now to post the other versions of this I.C.C.U. By-Laws in the next posting.