1st document: Envelope of Penelope Newcomb's letter to me, Douglas Lloyd Buchholz dated September 25, 2009.
2nd document (2 pages front and back): First page of letter by Penelope Newcomb. "Dear Douglas, Hello again~Enclosed are several articles from The Chronicle (newspaper) ~one by Paul LeFebvre about the gifting of stock with which to purchase Seven Springs from me to the Abenakis as recieved by Wobanaki, the 501(c)3 organizatioin that I believe Homer St. Francis and the Swnaton group created. That may not be who or how it started. Then the (letter to the editor) letter by me to the Chronicle after Paul's article came out. And antoher letter I wrote at some other time. (Reverse side of letter) I still want to document my part of the story but I haven't gotten around to it yet dut to general over-busyness. But I will! I have to soon. Please please would you try to find out the Abenaki name for Lake Willoughby + let me know if you do. I just need to call it by another, Truer name. (IF anyone does know the name of this body of water lake in the Abenaki language please share it with Penelope Newcomb please and thank you) I'd like to post my part of this sotry + these articles on some some website to straighten out the record. Where? Got any ideas? Sincerely, Penelope Newcomb P.O. Box 87 East Charleston, Vermont 05833 (802) 723-4014.
Penelope Newcomb was nice and kind enough to share these articles with me regarding the Brunswick Springs a.k.a. N'biz8bek. Now I share these articles and Penelop Newcomb's kind letter to me with folks out there that didn't realize her kind contribution, or to those that might not have realized her generosity. I previously talked about Brinswick Springs on this blog but had yet to obtain these newspaper articles. In the winter of 1994-5 I stayed with Edward "Ed" Verge, with my Walker hound dog (no, if yer thinking....she didn't go around killin' chickens....and neither did I). Edward Verge was a pretty decent fella himself up in Island Pond, Vermont. Now at the time of that particular winter, he told me he'd gone to Doris Minckler's place there in Swanton, Vermont and she'd appointed him caretaker of Brunswick Springs. He was pretty upset about Tree-Hawk a.k.a. Joseph Pelletier being on that property, staying there with his pregnant wife. Ed wanted to be there instead. Had all kinds of plans he did. I think it was an ego thing perhaps. Either way, by the time Spring thaw came around, I ran into Daisy Goodman, and Tree-Hawk's mother Carlene Pelletier whom encouraged me to "jump the river" and
come live over in New Hampshire. They wanted me to join their created group, which was also a 501(c)3 but Tom O'bomsawin an Abenaki seemed to have some good idea's, at least for awhile. I tlaked previously about that "Group" I was a part of previously in this blog.
come live over in New Hampshire. They wanted me to join their created group, which was also a 501(c)3 but Tom O'bomsawin an Abenaki seemed to have some good idea's, at least for awhile. I tlaked previously about that "Group" I was a part of previously in this blog.