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Sunday, April 18, 2010

March 26 to 28, 2010 Abenaki For Justice (Just-For-Us) Blog Posting's ~ Luke Andrew Willard's Threat's and Intimidation Email ~ Recent Nulhegan Recent Temper-Tantrum Posting's:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, he's such a good genealogist that he pinned the WRONG FATHER of one the Vermont alleged and reinvented chiefs (Luke Andrew Willard) and still has it posted. I wonder how long he spent doing the wrong guy's genealogy. LOL, Way to go, Trout, Salmon, Mark, Doug, whoever you are.
A. Stevens
March 26, 2010 5:12 PM

Karen Mica said...
Hmm, it is rather contradictory for a person to go to so much time and trouble to uncover and expose the "truth" if one is also covering it up if and when it does not suit a particular end. That seems like a peculiar way of doing things and is in opposition to the statement put forth that the truth will be uncovered and told... well, is it going to be told in it’s entirety, or only in a selective version?
This is simply looking like just one more colonial cover up and "white washing" of the facts to me.
If someone is deliberately covering up native in a genealogy, any native and I don`t care if it`s Cherokee, Pima or Cheyenne, it`s still a cover up and is dishonest, no matter how you look at that!
March 26, 2010 8:30 PM

Anonymous said...
Shouldn't that error be taken down or corrected by Douglas? Besides, if you're going to post someone's genealogy without their permission and against their wishes, shouldn't it at least be correct? Just my two arrows...March 27, 2010 6:57 AM

Anonymous said...
For all of you that claim Salmon is doctoring the genealogies being posted - show where it is wrong or doctored and show the proof of it. Just because you say something is happening does not make it so. He is human and as such he can make mistakes, but, I know for a fact he will correct any
research work he himself did if you can prove he made an error! He is also posting genealogies provided to him by others - if they are incorrect it is because the compiler made research errors - this is not something he has any control over! However, I think he would be willing to make note of these
errors as well as long as you can PROVE your claim.
March 27, 2010 9:44 AM

Karen Mica said...
anonymous said:
....if they are incorrect it is because the compiler made research errors - this is not something he has any control over!

However, I think he would be willing to make note of these errors as well as long as you can PROVE your claim....

Objection! If they are incorrect and the blogger has no control over it, then the blogger has no business plastering them on the inter net! Period. End of story.

And are you "seriously" telling me, that it then becomes the responsibility of the person who has had their genealogy "erroneous" and deliberately used, for nothing more then to make some idiotic point, are then expected to have to argue and "PROVE" these errors for the amusement of the public!

Are you kidding me!

How about this...let the Abenakis sort out who their own people are. There is no great mystery in who is and who is not an Abenaki descendant for us here and there is simply no reason, good or otherwise to be using any person...or their personal information as a weapon against them like this.

We already know who the pretenders are....do you think for even one minute that we need any help to figure that out!
March 27, 2010 11:42 AM

Anonymous said...
No - I'm suggesting if people are gonna bitch about errors on Salmon's blog - don't insinuate with vague references, man up and state exactly what the

error is and show why you are certain it is wrong! That's the way to CORRECT errors. To do anything else is just playing "he said - she said" like a bunch of gossiping teens.
March 27, 2010 3:21 PM

Karen Mica said...
Anonymous has left a new comment;

To Anon: I don't have permission from anybody to discuss the details of their personal business but I've seen the genealogy on Trout's site. I know the alleged and reinvented chief and I knew the chief's father....the guy listed isn't him - no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

I agree with Karen that it never should've been thrown up there in the first place and I have no doubt that steps are being taken right now to deal with that.

Perhaps that's why they've (Douglas Buchholz) been so quiet. But hey, what do I know? I don't think Trout (refering Douglas Buchholz) is trying to cover anything up...I think he's just getting bad information from a bad person...
March 27, 2010 3:44 PM

Karen Mica said...
Perhaps if you had gone to Luke himself and gotten that information instead of posting erroneous or simply blatantly false information, to begin with, maybe you wouldn`t be having these problems now. Would you?
And keep in mind a tribal genealogy is "held in trust" by those who have seen them and did any work on them.
And I really do think that another thing should be factored into this whole genealogy situation being done on a personal web site deal. When someone is posting on sites like Roots Web or Ancestry etc, it is with the understanding by everyone there, that this is the accepted topic of discussion, thats why people go there.
But when you are putting a person`s entire genealogy on a personal site, and without their consent, even if that is being cloaked as "a public service" for no other reason then to cause harm, harass, defame, and with "Malicious Intent" cause emotional stress to any person and or, the entire family of this person for these singular reasons...
then I do believe a good Attorney would have a field day with it..,particularly concerning those legal terms such as " to cause harm" and with "malicious intent" which of course, as we all know, is the only reason this "other" blog even exists.
I have an ex sister in law who is the office manager for the largest and most publicized Law Firm in
New England, so if any of you who have endured this particular form of abuse would like to contact me via Private e mail, please do.
I would have no problem asking her for advice on how to best put an end to this kind of "public harassment" for any of you.
March 27, 2010 4:46 PM

Anonymous said...
As a service to many people targeted by Douglas Lloyd Buchholz, would you ask your ex sister in law what can be done, and post the response here?
March 27, 2010 6:09 PM

Karen Mica said...
I certainly will! I will try to talk to her this weekend if possible.
March 27, 2010 6:22 PM

Anonymous said...
Why are you threatening this man with judicial harm?..., when all he is doing is putting out documentary facts. This is a genealogy that Mr. Buchholtz received regarding Mr. Willard from another Abenaki. And, since the records are obviously on the blog of this man, the records are in public
preview to the Abenaki community.
Therefore, the argument that you people are making, is not seeking the truth. If you truely are people of Abenaki descent, wouldn't you want the truth to be known? One has nothing to hide, if they are telling the truth!
Mr. Buchholtz probably would welcome a challenge, but it seems no one wants to counter him with what facts you say you have? Again, who is this Chief Willard's father? If Douglas has this wrong, show me the proof he is wrong??? Or can you???
March 27, 2010 9:46 PM
Karen Mica said...
There ya go, that's how rumors get started. Let me clarify a couple of points for you, first no one is threatening Doug with "judicial harm" I am simply going to ask a few questions for people who obviously feel that their personal lives have been violated "beyond a reasonable" measure and want to know if there is legal recourse. This is no threat, this is simply an inquiry, at this point.
Documentary facts?
Then I assume that he has signed and dated releases from all the people agreeing to be in staring roles, or any part of this documentary of his?
This is how it is, Doug has attacked or plans to attack, pretty much everybody.
Most of his "informants" have already seen their names as such, up on his blog. Which of them, do you suppose is eager for a repeat? And personally, my own opinion, it appears that his "helpers" are not Abenakis ( or very bad ones ) and care not, one way or another what the outcome of his blog is, or if people are emotionally distressed, upset or even seriously hurt over this (refering to Douglas Buchholz and this blog) "documentary" business. For instance, what if someone were to become so upset that they did permanent bodily injury to themselves? Or their family.

Apparently, unbeknownst to a lot of Vermonters, etc., people don't realize that in New England, supposedly (so the rumor goes...) there is like...this...umm.. suicidal "Jim Jones/ Jonesville Tribal" thing or some sort "Manson Family Cult" kind-of-dynamic going on in N'dakinna, of "Wanna-be Abenakis, who apparently are running around Vermont, etc., calling themselves the "St. Francis-Sokoki, Nulhegan-Coosuk/ Old Phillips Band, Elnu and Koasek Trad. Band of the Koas Abenaki Nation" (sshhh...allegedly Abenaki "Secret Societies"/ Tribes/ Bands)....and if these people get "too upset" (by apparently merely seeing, reading and reviewing their genealogical-social histories and historical records on this very blog) there is quite a worry and concern that these people will do permanent bodily injury to themselves or their families. 

So PLEASE don't LOOK or READ what is on this blog. I wouldn't want anyone to slit their wrist(s) or take a bullet, because allegedly these Alleged and Reinvented Vermont and New Hampshire Abenaki people were/ are too "sensitive," "emotionally distressed" or "upset" about what one reads or examines on this blog.


Or does anyone care about that? Does he? I don`t think any of these people do, seems like actually hurting others is fun and games for some folks, sick as that sounds to normal people. So watch for their names turning up on his (refering to Douglas Lloyd Buchholz, meaning me and this blog) "documentary" as well, and do yourself a favor...just avoid them too. And I will say again, if you want any information on or about Luke Willard, then ask him.
And just out of curiosity, why are "assuming" that it was Luke's father that is at issue here?
March 27, 2010 11:25 PM

Anonymous (Jeanne Kent?) said...

Douglas Lloyd Bucholz's blog has violated invasion of privacy laws, and in some cases, slander and defamation laws. A lawyer's office has already looked at his blog and said so. The problem is MONEY. Most Abenaki people don't have any! A free lawyer is needed, or someone with money needs to come forward to help.
March 28, 2010 6:02 AM

And then Luke Andrew Willard emails me:

From: Luke Willard
Subject: Genealogy
To: "Salmon"
Date: Tuesday, March 30, 2010, 9:24 PM

Salmon (Douglas Lloyd Buchholz),
Take my children's information off of your damned website or there will be serious problems. My children are minors and I WILL NOT stand for this. I will see you put in prison where you belong if you don't take all my records down from your site. Skip Bernier gave you the hand written documents
from my aunt Janice... I know that. Where you came up with the other stuff is beyond me. It's all fake crap that has been created to advance your agenda and make me look bad. It isn't working.
You take my kids info off now, man. I'm not kidding.
Preying upon little ones? Are you that low? Leave my kids alone.

Luke Willard


From: Douglas Lloyd Buchholz
To: Luke Willard
Sent: Tue, March 30, 2010 10:44:28 PM
Subject: Re: Genealogy
Mr. Luke Andrew Willard,

Do not communicate with me further in any way whatsoever Luke Willard. The records on my blog are a matter of public record, in Vermont, and within the Abenaki Community as well. Your demands and threats mean nothing to me. Skip Bernier did not provide me with these documents whatsoever. That is your assumptions Mr. Willard. Perhaps Mr. Bernier gave these particular documents to someone else within the Abenaki Community(?), who evaluated my blog(?), and thereafter thought wise to share with me these documents pertaining to an alleged and reinvented
Vermont "Abenaki" Chief. Again, these documents have been obviously in the public/ "Abenaki Community" floating around in other people's possession for some time now, way before I ever received such documentations in the mail.

I heard tell, that Ralph Swett got possession of your "tribes" records stored in some "unpaid for" Storage Unit in Orleans County, Vermont? Maybe Ralph Swett sent these documents to me? Vital Records from 1909 to 2008 are online and a matter of Public Record. These records are not certified; they are not usable for "identity theft" or otherwise meant to harm anyone.

If you have a problem with me, I strongly suggest that you have your attorney send communication(s), and due review of such communication(s), my attorney will address the matter with me, and with your attorney and you.

I will forward this communication to the Vermont State Police and the local Police Department here, and also to my attorney forthwith. This is all I will say to you Mr. Luke Andrew Willard. Thank you for your concern, yet I will not remove the documents off from the site, without a Court Order to do so.
Douglas Lloyd Buchholz

Re: Genealogy
Tuesday, March 30, 2010 11:45 PM
From: "Luke Willard" firstnationslw@yahoo.com
To: "Douglas Lloyd Buchholz"

Then a court order, it shall be. You are the lowest form of life... a truly heartless individual that cares not about anyone but yourself. I wish I wasn't Abenaki, because I never would have met the likes of you. I will defend my family and I will see you in court.

P.S. Ralph didn't purchase any Nulhegan records... I have them safe and sound.

Luke Willard
From the www.facebook.com page entitled:


(Luke Willard)
"The people of Vermont knows who the Abenakis are. A thousand scholars, ten thousand legislators, and a dozen bills will never change that."
Yesterday at 6:17pm

Patricia Horskins-Johnson
How can they NOT recognize the Abenaki ? We ARE Here...
Yesterday at 7:11pm

Amanda Myer
I am so tired of people questioning my authenticity... I grew up on rez in Canada. Let us pray all nations of people will be recognized. It is ridiculous!
12 hours ago

Alan "Kinlon Mkazas" Largy
We are who we are, we know who we are and no matter how much people in government try to take that away, they never will be able to strip us of our pride and history. And again, no matter what the government says, we'll keep handing down our stories, traditions, and where we came from to our children, grandchildren... Our tribe will survive no matter what.
10 hours ago

(Luke Willard)
It isn't over yet. We still have some arrows in the quiver.
6 hours ago
(Luke Willard)
Evil things happened in Montpelier, Vermont today (Friday, April 16, 2010). What can you expect from a legislature that made it a "priority" to protect the feelings of transvestites? Soon, you will be able to marry your dog and your sister at the same time...but Vermont Abenakis will NEVER be recognized....FORCING our artisans to be criminals for selling their crafts as “Abenaki Made”. Shame upon these “lawmakers”.
Fri at 9:39pm

These groups of alleged and reinvented Abenaki (and Mohawk) remind me of a child who is asking for a glass of Soda Pop (which isn't appropriate for a child anyway....yet the child will keep asking and demanding it anyway)....is handed a glass of milk instead....the child takes the milk, looks at it and in a fit of rage....throws the glass/ cup to the floor and proceeds to destroy anything in that child's area....and then stomps away in a thrash-about temper-tantrum of a pout, because the child didn't get what the child wanted/ demanded. If the child can't have what the child wants, the child becomes destructive.

What does a person's sexuality (i.e. homosexuality, heterosexuality, or being a transvestite have anything to do with Abenaki Recognition in Vermont?....sounds like "malicious homophobic hatefulness" to my thinking....Mr. Professor Frederick M. Wiseman of Swanton, Vermont also retrospectively-speaking also made this comparative on Vermont Public Radio as well)

Carollee Reynolds
Well we Mohabinaki were always outlaws and always fighting, why change now?
10 hours ago

Mohawk + Abenaki = Mohabinaki?

(Luke Willard)
That's right.
5 hours ago

SOURCE URL: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pages/Newport-VT/ABENAKI-NATION-AT-NULHEGANMEMPHREMAGOG/465071390300?v=wall&ref=ts

(I also noticed Willard's homophobic hateful idiocy on a couple other sites as well)
Mr. Luke Willard subsequently REMOVED his particular posted tirade tantrum.

Another Response to Luke Willard's diatribe on facebook.com....

LINK: http://vtnativejournal.wordpress.com Article entitled: Who’s hateful now, Luke?

April 13, 2010 Abenaki Pride: Setting the Record Straight Postings:

On April 13, 2010 3:46 PM Rhonda Besaw said...

Your email was passed along to me at the Health Department. The Vital Records' Office is located within the department and we work closely with the Secretary of State's Office regarding the access and availability of the birth, death, and marriage certificates.
Vermont is one of a few remaining states that have their birth and death certificates as public records. Most recently, Puerto Rico and Maine passed laws to limit access to their certificates. At this time, only four states have no restrictions on access to birth certificates: Vermont, Massachusetts, Ohio, and Kentucky. (There is a bill pending in MA to limit access in their state.)
The vast majority of states consider their certificates as closed records, meaning that access is limited to the person, family member, or legal guardian. In some states, the certificates revert to open record after a specific number of years after the event (e.g., 50 or 100 years). In Vermont, the statutes allow anyone to access and receive a copy of any other person's birth or death certificate - no questions asked and no proof of identity or tracking.
Therefore, I'm required by statute to allow these certificates to be accessible to anyone that wishes to see them or obtain a copy. Various organizations have accessed and made copies of a town's birth and death certificates, such as the Genealogical Society of Utah and Ancestry.com. At this time, most of Vermont's birth, death, and marriage certificates are accessible at the Ancestry.com web site. This is legal and we do not have the authority to request that a person or organization remove images of Vermont's certificates.
I agree with you that access to the certificates with no limitations and lack of proof of identity or tracking creates a risk for individuals and families. Our primary concern is that anyone in the world can request a certified copy from Vermont, which contains all of the information, as well as the state seal and signature. A certified copy is used for legal purposes - proof of citizenship to access state and federal benefits, application for a U.S. Passport, etc. It would be very difficult for a person to create a certified copy based on the image from a web site, but very simple for a person to create or modify a certified copy that they are holding in their hands.
We are preparing a report for the Vermont Legislature that describes these potential fraud issues, as well as recommendations for improving the efficiency of vital records' management. We hope that the report will be released soon and that we can discuss the opportunities for improving the security of these certificates in the 2011 legislative session. We are aware that members of the Legislature share our concerns.
Please let me know if I can help with any additional questions.
Richard H. McCoy
Public Health Statistics Chief
Vermont Department of Health
108 Cherry St., PO Box 70
Burlington, VT 05402-0070
Phone: (802) 651-1862
Fax: (802) 865-7701
April 13, 2010 3:46 PM

On  April 13, 2010 3:55 PM Rhonda Besaw said...
email from Richard McCoy, State of Vermont Dept of Health regarding vital records:

Yes, please feel free to share this information with other parties. I receive similar questions each month and most people are surprised to learn that these records are available to anyone. It is helpful for the public to know about these certificates and how our state law differs from other states. If additional questions come up, please feel free to forward them.
Race and ethnicity data on vital records' documents are not very accurate, especially on death certificates. In the past, many people would automatically mark "white" or would make a judgment based on the appearance or name of the person. We rarely utilize the race data from those older certificates since we know it is typically poor quality. In recent years, we have asked that greater care be taken in completing this information. For example, we have asked funeral directors to ask the next-of-kin which race/ethnicity would the person have considered themself, rather than make a decision based on his/her appearance. Also, we have expanded the list of races from the original five to a list of 15 options. This has helped slightly. But yes, those old certificates should be considered carefully before making a determination based solely on the race information.
We are hoping to speak with members of the Legislature this summer, so please feel free to check in with me around July or August to see if those preliminary discussions have occurred. We consider this an important issue to address, especially since there are now a few states that are refusing to accept copies of Vermont birth certificates unless my office provides them directly.
If you need additional information for any of your discussions or letters, please don't hesitate to ask. Thanks.

The "defensiveness" of Rhonda Lou (nee: Besaw) True....and these Alleged and Reinvented Vermont and New Hampshire Abenaki, in the exposure of their genealogical documentation, social histories and documented historical records on this blog simply shows and provides the public evidence, that these groups, their "Chiefs" and so on, are not who these people claim to be.

These groups are solely responsible for their own legal approach to the State of Vermont and or New Hampshire governments, claiming that their groups are legitimately "Abenaki" and that their Incorporations legitimately represent the Abenaki populations in either Vermont or New Hampshire, geographically-speaking.

Their genealogical records, including their vital records, their social histories, and historical records ought to be placed out in the PUBLIC RECORD and not "hidden in plain sight" as these groups have repeatedly claimed that their ancestors were "hiding" for generations upon generations. The FACT, that these people have communicated with the State of Vermont Vital Records in their attempts to have the State of Vermont Vital Records have me remove Vital Record images from this blog (because the factual records of their ancestral histories and everything else on this blog THREATENS their lies and deceit. This blog content EXPOSES the FALSE FOUNDATIONS upon which these "Abenaki" incoporations have been).

These groups know this, I know this.

Through this blog, the PUBLIC in Vermont and New Hampshire will know this as well.

Created regalia, smiles and annumal Pow-wow events will not suffice anymore to make one legitmately "Abenaki" and neither will self-proclaimed declarations of ...."just look into my eyes and say that you are Abenaki" is not good enough anymore. Not when the "game" rules has been changed. No longer are these groups willing to simply be. Now these groups demand official State of Vermont and New Hampshire Recognition (and everything else that goes with it such as Federal/ State Grants, ICWA and IACB funding). These groups want and demand to have the same standing and foundation as legitimate bonefide historically-documented Native Communities. These groups of Alleged and Reinvented Abenaki groups (who have incorporated *under State Law) are no longer "Sovereign" Nations as they purport that they are, claiming to be allegedly "Abenaki Tribes" and/ or "Bands". No longer can these groups "hide" behind their created "stories," "myths," "Grandma-Said-So-Stories....," and their "proclaimed "Grandpa or Great-Grandma's death-bed funerary 'whisperings' that one's ancestry is alleged Abenaki." The "I am Abenaki" (without having the genealogical-social-and historical foundation) fantasies are over, fini, done and finished. These groups, who have approached the U.S. Governmental States or Commonwealth's have changed the "rules of the game" their groups have played since the mid-1970's. It is time, that these alleged and reinvented VT and NH Abenaki's either show and provide the clear and convincing evidence, or else be exposed for the realities in which they have thrived, deceived, and manipulated in, against the legitimate Abenaki ancestors and descendants who lay in and walk upon this land N'dakinna.

WHY are these groups so threatened and afraid of their own genealogical records, their own social histories and historical records from being shown and provided to the Vermont and New Hampshire Legislature's, and to the PUBLIC? Their "defensiveness" "their libelousness" and very likely "slanderousness" as well, are very indicative of hiding the seemingly apparent reality that these groups of alleged and reinvented Vermont and New Hampshire Abenakis, have lied about themselves (and their ancestral connections to the legitimate Abenakis), culturally mis-appropriated Abenaki Cultural language and materials, including Abenaki Burial remains & funerary goods.

Indeed, "someone" NEEDS TO ASK themselves, WHY is it that this "defensiveness" even exists in the first place from these alleged and reinvented Abenaki incorporations and groups? The Truth is the Truth. The Lies and Deceptions are just that......

Let's think about this a minute (or two...) IF race, ethnicity, or "color" data on vital record documents are not very accurate, especially on death certificates....and thus a vital record indicating "White" or "Caucasion" is not very accurate....then so too does the same principle/ or rule of thinking apply, for when a vital record indicates a person is "colored," "le sauvage," "Indian," or "Native American." If one uses the conclusion that such information on vital records "over a span of generations" for the same familial lineage, is not accurate information (in the record stating the person is "White") then the SAME CONCLUSIONS of thinking MUST APPLY to those Birth, Marriage and Death Vital Records that indicates a person is alleged "American Indian" (such as Homer St. Francis Sr. Death Certificate, even "Blackie" Lampman's Death Certificate or even Thomas Henry Cass' Death Record). These people can't have it both ways, one way and not the other; either the Vital Records informaion as documented on the Vital Records for their ancestors and themselves is valid or it isn't.

So, it is interesting that factually and documentarily-speaking, these groups and their alleged "Chief's"/ hmm pardon me, "Speaker's" would contact the State of Vermont Vital Records "to complain" about the contents of this blog. According to Frederick M. Wiseman of Swanton, Franklin County, Vermont......"this blog is a great resource." Then again, his words will ONLY APPLY up until the time that his own genealogical records are posted on this blog.

Indeed, the whole process of this blog will very likely expose the reality of Abenaki Cultural mis-appropriation to persons and groups of people who have merely incorporated *under State Law, and who are not even Abenaki in the first place.

Frederick M. Wiseman & Co. can imply that this blog content and commentary is just a matter of merely perpetuating "Lateral Violence." Or is it simply these groups stating this "lateral violence excuse" yet another attempt to deny their own factual genealogies, social histories, and historical records for what it truthfully has been and is? Are these groups attempting to "hide" their appropriation of a Abenaki cultural heritage, language and identity that honestly may not even belong to their ancestors and themselves? One has to wonder.....

The pathetic reality and truth of all of this....is that it is these persons and groups own genealogical record documentations, social histories and historical records are what will prove to be the factual documentary TRUTH.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Some more Retrospective Muck-Raking By Carollee Reynolds & Some Contemporary Commentary:

Carollee "Carol Lee" (nee: Reynolds) has documentarily been a "member" of atleast three different "alleged and reinvented Abenaki" groups. They are:

1. Traditional Abenaki of Mazipskwik & Related Bands (Connie Brow and Dave Gilman)
2. The Koasek Tradditional Band of the Koas Abenaki Nation (Nancy Milette-Doucet)
3. The St. Francis-Sokoki Band of the Missisquoi (April St. Francis-Rushlow-Merrill)

This is an email from Carollee (nee: Reynolds) when we were still "friends" with one another.
Date: Wednesday, November 23, 2005 12:46 PM

From: "carollee reynolds"
To: "salmon"

From: luke willard
To: carollee57us@yahoo.com
Subject: Band Membership
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2006 15:50:41 -0700 (PDT)

Kwai Carollee Reynolds,
Hope all is well with you. Your family should join the Nulhegan Band. There are 3 criteria for membership. All full status members must meet 2 of the 3. The first is genealogical documentation. The second is substantial oral history. The third is 'community perception' = whether or not the majority of the Abenaki community considers you Abenaki. We have just as many members as Mississquoi does. In fact many have left Mississquoi to join us. We have monthly gatherings with the band meeting, potluck, and drumming. I know your family would be welcomed with open arms. Genealogies and documents are handled confidentially. Ya'll would fit in just fine. Our enrollment is full of names you might be familiar with such as Demar, Sawyer, Ouimet, Snow, Gill, Obomsawin, Otondosonne, Rockwell, Paul, Sylvester, Girard, Mason, Hakey, Phillips, Cote, Allard, Batchelder, Moulton, Marsh, Crowfoot, Baird.... I could go on and on. Anyhow, we're always looking for more pieces ofthe puzzle. Let me know and I'll get you set up with the Census committee. Be well.

Luke Willard ("Nulhegan-Coosuk/ Old Phillips Band "Chief")

Carollee Reynolds carollee57us@yahoo.com wrote....(responding to Luke Willard)...
Thanks Luke and everyone. I had a talk with Burton DeCarr and a talk with Fred Wiseman and met Harold and Nancy Lloyd, as well as my friend (Lynn Menard Mathieson?) who belongs to the other group and I guess it was too much brain stimulation--as well as frustration.
I used to have a Missisquoi Card and then they asked for more documentation and their genealogist Chris Roy told me that my three Lampman lines, Partlow's (same line as April's mother and Brent Reader) were in Vermont too long to be native. What an idiot. So later I did some more research and came up with my Partlow ancestor who was documented indian in civil war records of the town of alburgh. I got certified death, birth and marriage records and submitted them to Headquarters. I was told that after Federal Recognition that they would get a genealogist to officially accept them. I have also Acadian ancestors and Marie Couc (Lepalms), Dandurands, Patnodes, and Richard and Morits. So here is my friend (Lynn Menard Mathieson?) saying that though she was born and lives in Conn. (Connecticut) and she has this one single ancestor who was not even Abenaki (Marie Kakesik8k8e Mite8ameg8k8e aki. Mitcominqui...of which Carollee Reynolds ALSO descends from), she can sell her goods under the pretense that she has a Vermont Abenaki "Band" Card. My daughter who is in college, could not access Abenaki scholarships, even though she was in Title V Indian Education, in Swanton, Vermont. It would be a sad day, if I had to join a group of people who are unrelated to me, from another state (Massachusetts) because my paperwork sits waiting in limbo. I don't care about it myself, but my daughter's dream is to open a native store and center where I we can do community things. My granddaughter's real legal name is Wanibaugh Namih8sat Cook, but Grandma is still waiting on paperwork.

From: Carollee Reynolds <carollee57us@yahoo.com>
Subject: Fwd: Band Membership
Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2006 6:05 PM
To: Takara lavender; Douglas Lloyd Buchholz

TK, if these people end up as one of the ok'd bands then they might be an option, just because we get on Missisquoi's roll doesn't mean that they will start treating people fairly or doing things.

Salmon (Douglas Buchholz) this guy (Luke Andrew Willard) has Sawyers in the group and I think with your contributions and the massive amount of stuff you have accumulated you might stand a chance. Are you part of Charlie True's thing?

From: carollee reynoldscarollee57us@yahoo.com  
To: cowasuck_traditional_band_council@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 10:48 PM
Subject: [cowasuck_traditional_band_council] Re: I've done some research.................

Kwai all the sad thing is that John Lawyer asked me several years ago if I wanted to remain on the list of the Mazipskwik and I told him no I did not, I should not have been on the old list and Luke Willard added my daughter who had just turned 21, she was not on the Mazipskwik list at all, and she was added to the Nulhegan Band. Bob Charlesbois Chris Charlebois cousin was on that list. Bob works at Plymouth MA maybe some one from MA can talk to him. Connie Brow was chairperson. I will try to contact some people Carollee Reynolds

Wed, 20 Sep 2006 11:50:43-0700 (PDT)
From: "Carollee Reynolds"carollee57us@yahoo.com
To: "salmon" douglaslloydbuchholz@yahoo.com

Dear Salmon Quick note My computer kept crashing last nite and I read all the emails. I have alot of the same issues but I have a certain purpose in mind. When I first joined she (Nancy Millette-Doucet) was chief for only 2 years. 23 members are on line and there is over 600 members and I said the same thing.

Almost all these people are from Conn (Connecticut) and Ma (Massachusetts) and Rhode Island most of them are related through marie Mitegoukewe But I am not getting married to them. They are not my band and if april (April St. Francis-Rushlow-Merrill) lets me back in I will go back, TK (Takara nee: Matthews) isn't going to.

After awhile Nancy (Millette Doucet) is going to see where all these programs are going, big plans but no people work them oh well take Care
Carollee gotta go to work

Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 01:49-00700 (PDT)
From: carollee57us@yahoo.com

For twelve years I have known this person (Douglas Buchholz/ Mark Leckie/ "Salmon") and have known that he is on full disability for mental and emotional reasons. I can only assume his attacks are based on one of the other Mulitple Personalities. He is having a panic attack because he has done extensive genealogy work and can't back up his current persona.

6 seconds later......

Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 01:51:14-00700 (PDT)
From: carollee57us@yahoo.com

carollee reynolds
Oh Well when I first met Salmon he was in and out of the psyh ward the reason this whole thing started is that Salmon after years of research can not find a single native line in his family. Someone  extended a hand in kindness to him and tried to include him in the language studies, they (Karen Majka aka Karen Mica) offered to look at his genealogy and Bam his little traditional indian fanatasy is gone up in smoke. I was offered a "guest membership" so my daughter TK and her family could do some good like teach dance and market her stuff. Salmon can't belong to anyone's group because he isn't native at all.

Date: 4/11/2007 2:17:03 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time From:
From: carollee57us@yahoo.com

She (April Ann nee: St. Francis - Rushlow - Merrill) probably has about 10,000 applications. If she cant' handle or do anything with a thousand people I dont' think she is going to do anything else. Her father (the late Homer Walter St. Francis Sr.) only wanted people who lived in the Swanton area.

I think she will open membership up only to certain people with really strict lines that she thinks will vote the way she wants them to. She does absolutely nothing with the community, no feasts and only one pow wow. Brenda wants tk (Takara nee: Matthews) to take a job with Title V Indian education, you can be sure it will be minimum wage and no benefits.

Subject: Re: Check out Band Contacts
Date: 4/18/2007 11:20:29 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: carollee57us@yahoo.com
To: "Lynn Menard Mathieson" LMThistle@aol.com

Yup I am malfuntioning, I took happy pills for my depression (Hmmm, intersting...looks like I am not not the only person with "Mental Illness/ Disturbance Issues" Carollee Reynolds!) as Bruce said and now I am breaking out in a rash. Not y idea of happy. Isnt it funny that you and I would be happy to find a name like Van Antwerp with its mohawk roots ( there may have been more than one line) and they (the Bowman-Bruchac's) would get so upset. These guys were buried all in the same little cemetery (I will pick and chose who my ancestors are) Tell you the truth I would rather be Mohawk, no wonder my dad said that. In the oral history that was taken down by my cousin my grandmother said that the Morits were Mohawk as well. If you or I were looking for a connection the internet would be riddled with Queries, I run across yours all the time

I am not even looking forward to the Swanton pow wow. I am sure Salmon the indian expert will show up where I will be watching my grand daughter. This libelous implied induendo (that "I am a harm to a child....) just never stops, yet it is absolutely untruthful about my character, my responsibilities, and my integrity. I have NEVER ever said or implied that I was an "Indian Expert" on anything~I simply have confronted all of these Alleged and Reinvented Abenaki groups in Vermont and New Hampshire, with what these groups have put out there, and Carollee continues to libelously muck -rake in regards to my person, in her attempt to defend these groups  Inc. "Chiefs" Nancy Milette-Doucet and of course April St. Francis - Merrill's actions and words or the lack thereof(and her actions and words in the process); and nor have I ever attempted to be along with any child either, at any Pow-wow. I am not a harm to anyone, EXCEPT towards those that alleged and reinvented Abenakis of Vermont - New Hampshire, who continue to deceive and lie about their ancestors/ themselves.
Subject: Re: [NA-ABENAKI] ABENAKI-BOWMAN Date: 4/18/2007 7:09:55 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time From: gc-gateway@rootsweb.com
I used to go to AA meeting with relatives in the old abenaki headquarters (Well that sure does EXPLAIN her words on that Yahoo Group "FIRSTNATION" which was copied over onto Jeanne Lincoln-Kent's Yahoo Group "Olidahozi" on February 25, 2008 at 7:05 PM) (see below), talk about your Rogues Gallery, the smoke was so bad you couldnt' see your hand in front of your face.

The town clerk in Alburgh VT listed four indians who fought in the civil war, Partlow, Vosburg, Burk and Olena the document was dated 1863. Some Partlows and Vosburgs went back into New York state. My ancestor Eliza Jane Partlow was a full sister to Charles Partlow who was on that list--descendants of Charles are the abenaki speaker Brent Reader and Aprils' mother Patsy Partlow.
Indeed, this is the document page out of the Alburg Town history, of which Carollee Reynolds refers to, in the above bit. The Bureau of Indian Affairs OFA dept. actually addressed this document, its merits and foundation. The conclusion was that this document mean absolutely NOTHING. The document was concluded to be dubious, questionable and it was determined that the document may NOT be referring to these four men "as Indians" nor were they identified as "Abenakis" or "Native Americans" or "Indian" (these four Indians could have been an additional 4, to equal the 8 of the four men that were mentioned by name). [121]A Civil War pension record for Charles H. Partlow of Alburgh, Vermont, marrield to Sophia (nee: Blair/ Blain) Partlow, was located by OFA. It does NOT identify Charles Partlow as an Indian. Page 131 of the Proposed Findings on the St. Francis/ Sokoki Band of Abenakis of Vermont group. Dated November 09, 2005.

But the reality and obvious truth is, that Carollee Reynolds is a descendant of the Partlow's and so is April's mother Patsy St. Francis; so it is no wonder that Carollee Reynolds is "attacking" me any way that she can periodically, when it suits her to discredit the Messenger  in order to discredit the Message; because if she can "defend" her "Chief" and this LIE (this MYTH) they got themselves believing so vehemently that they are all the legitimate Abenakis of Vermont when their very own ancestors genealogical-social-and historical records prove otherwise, well then....she must stupidly assume it is in her best interest to keep mentally (though it is delusion on their part) assuming this little Abenaki Indian fantasy of theirs is real (I concluded after reading the BIA Report Conclusions that their being Abenakis is just a figment of their imaginations; their the one's with the mass mental illness/ disturbance's). If it weren't so pathetic, it would be sad.

Again, February 25, 2008 at 7:05 PM Carollee Reynolds again posted onto "FIRSTNATION" Yahoo Group, Subject [firstnation] People in glass houses shound not throw stones....
The record of who is legally mentally ill aka "wingnut" is in fact Douglas Buchholz. He has had many mental health related hospitalizations in several states. Having known him and befriended him since he first set foot in Vermont, he has come here right off the lock down unit for multiple personalities, schizophreinc and manic-depressive behavioir. He also told me personally that was on a child sexual offenders list out west. If there is any body who needs to be watched and investigated it would be Salmon. He did not come here saying he was Native american, it was just a cover for his past behavior. He was once on the St. Francis rools before proof was required. When they found out about his sexual history he was barred from the band. He is jealous of any one who can prove their identity since he really doesn't have one. He is a very sick and twisted person and until he started attacking people I used to let him stay at my camp and gave him gas money. My daughter and I have friends and relatives among all the warring factions and my old boyfrield (Bruce Delorme) was at the VCNAA Commission meeting on Monday. It was a circus according to him with Douglas who is not even native in the middle of it. If we are so busy destroying each other how can we get anything done? Even drunks at AA meeting can put principles before personalities!!! Carollee Reynolds

This was just more "libelous nonsense" from Carollee Reynolds because Nancy Millette-Doucet at the time in her Allliance with April St. Francis-Merrill (with the help of Mark W. Mitchell and Rep. Vincent Illuzzi as well) was attempting to "go around, underneath and or above" the VCNAA Commission Members, and negate (remove) the requirement of putting the genealogical-social and historical history of these alleged and reinvented Abenaki groups on the table for review and evaluation.

These "groups" want INSTANT Shake and Bake Vermont Official State Recognition, without providing anything of substance, especially nothing to do with documents genealogically-speaking, that they were and are legitimately Abenakis. Genealogicially, these groups knew that such a requirement being a part of the State Recognition Criteria in any S.117 Abenaki Recognition amendment...at the very least...very much threatens their little "Abenaki fantasy."

From: "gc-gateway@rootsweb.com"
Subject: Re: [NA-ABENAKI] Abenaki Indian Genealogical Research
Date: Thu, 05 Mar 2009 03:43:20 -0000

Author: carollee57us
Classification: queries
Hi Shawn
TK and I recently signed our St.Francis/ Sokokis card with April St. Francis all you need is your Mom and your birth certificate, finally.

Carollee Reynolds

LINK: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_hqC5V9v2WXg/S0fTPWJ0T0I/AAAAAAAACW4/0fpKwocTDx4/s1600-h/Nancy+Millette+Doucet+Rolls_1.jpg ~ NOTICE that Daniel B. Osgood is Card No. 610

"Abenaki Tribe/ Band Hopping or Shopping" takes on a whole new meaning, as these two were heading south from Swanton, to stay at the Nancy Millette-Doucet "Koasek Hotel and Lounge" while she attended the mythical non-existent "Koasek Abenaki Cultural Academy" and learned alleged "how to be Abenaki".
Takara Matthews (age 24 years and 11 months) has very recently accused me (which was stated in the email from April 16, 2010 at 10:09 AM) that "I go out of my way to hurt people" on this blog, which is not my intent nor my endeavor. But then again, on the other hand, it is quite plausible that " persons mentally invested such as herself and many others are, in the LIES and DISTORTIONS," regarding these "alleged and reinvented Abenaki groups" being legitimately "Abenaki," would conclude that this blog in part or in whole, is "hurtful" to them, and rightly so.
No, I go out of my way, time and effort, to show and provide the TRUTHFUL DOCUMENTATIONS on this blog about the alleged and reinvented "Abenaki" supposedly of Vermont and New Hampshire.....

Which includes....Carollee Reynolds and and her daughter Takara aka "TK" Cynda Matthews; and so many others.


Friday, April 16, 2010

Olidhozi Yahoo Group Messages From April 13th to 16th, 2010 Regarding Carollee Reynolds, Daniel B. Osgood, Jeanne Kent, Milo Paquin and Mike Price:

From: Carollee Reynolds
Subject: [Olidahozi] re genealogy
To: Olidahozi@yahoogrou ps.com
Date: Tuesday, April 13, 2010, 1:59 PM

He is on disability for mental illness, one of the defining characteristics of which is the inability to maintain meaningful relationships w other people. I don't care what his identity is or isn't. If he had to work for a living he would be homeless because he is mentally unstable.

Carollee Reynolds
From: daniel osgood sr
Subject: Re: [Olidahozi] re genealogy
To: Olidahozi@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, April 13, 2010, 12:32 PM

last i heard he was in jail, for fooling around with a young boy, may be out on bail now if its true....

--- In Olidahozi@yahoogroups.com, "CarolleeR" wrote:

A fishy person just posted my birth certificate and genealogy on his blog. He also managed to derail the NH Recognition bill HB1610. That's ok because Professor Wiseman has used in the state house already to prove kinship ties in the Missisquoi group. I wonder what he thinks he is accomplishing?

On Apr 13, 2010, at 8:36 AM, Wolfheart Spirit wrote:

Kwai Jeanne, Obviously he is not native, or he would know We are all related. He keeps indicating (White). Well there are very good reasons for that, as any native family knows. For the sake of repeating myself, I'll keep my genealogy private, I know my roots and heritage and where I come from...My thought for today!!

LOVE (Milo Paquin)

From: CarolleeR
Subject: [Olidahozi] Re: My Genealogy on the chopping blog
To: Olidahozi@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, April 14, 2010, 2:44 PM

On reading this blog I find it full of inaccuracies, leaving out the documentation of the native parts of my family. But if you are not part of the community, I guess you wouldn't know. He also sounds just like the attorney general.

From: Jeanne Kent
Date: 4/14/2010 5:53:48 PM
To: Olidahozi@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Olidahozi] Genealogy

Watch out, Milo. He seems to have lumped you in with all of us so he may do your genealogy for you whether you want him to or not. There MUST be something we can do about it, but I really do not know what. Think it is time for some legal advice.

From: Jeanne Kent
To: Lynn Menard-Mathieson
Sent: Wed, Apr 14, 2010 5:52 PM
Subject: Genealogy

I want an honest answer, Lynn. Are you the person who gave my genealogy to Douglas?


From: Wolfheart Spirit
Subject: Re: [Olidahozi] Genealogy
To: Olidahozi@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, April 14, 2010, 6:12 PM

Meant to add. There is something that can be done!!! If everyone got together, pooled their resources, We could get action. You need a lawyer with knowledge of Internet laws.


Milo Paquin

From: Jeanne Kent
Subject: Re: [Olidahozi] Check out The end of anonymity on the Web?
To: Olidahozi@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I really feel that if someone has something to say, especially if it is slanderous, it should have to be identified. There is a court law in the US, that one has the right to face their accuser. Perhaps that is not the same in Canada, but here, it gives leverage to obtaining identities. Blogs are not newspapers so there is no protection under the law regarding privacy

Right now, Douglas has stated that my Genealogy came from an "anonymous" source. Yet, he now says it was given to a member of the Abenaki Community. So he must know who sent it. But, if he truly does not know, then he is a poor researcher for not verifying it's source. Especially since the statement is that it was also compiled by me. Since I did not receive an email or phone call, he obviously did not verify that statement either. Again, poor researching.

From that material has come assumptions on his behalf which are his own opinions and not statements of fact. I provided only four people with this genealogy and by method of elimination; it is not difficult to figure out the one of two whom it might be. If it is one (Paul Wilson Pouliot?), that person was under court order to return all information. If he did, in fact, keep copies of the material, then I will sue him big time as the ground work is already there. The other (Richard Bernier?), has been working for his cousin Gillis O'bomsawin (now deceased) over the years as a rabble rouser among any and all Abenaki who were not members of Mr. Bernier's band. A band which was the source of the Northeast Aim people and who have caused as much in the way of problems as any group in the Abenaki community. They give the name AIM a bad name.

It is a weak statement that because I have visited various band groups, attended powwows and befriended people, that I should be scrutinized along with the Chiefs. Be it any of the members of my group or another citizen of the community, we have little to do with the political processes of any of the groups, but are not directly affiliated with any one in this capacity. There is no conspiracy, no attempt to demean but we also try to get at the TRUTH (another absurdity)which is not welcomed by Douglas, Karen or Ne-Do-Ba . Suggesting that because people discover they are ancestrally related is a conspiracy is pure hogwash. Any one knows that the original founders of New France were a small group of about 30 Frenchmen. Of that group, I connect to about 15 of them which means over the layers of decendency, many of us have become interrelated either with the French lines or the Indian lines. Hardly a conspiracy plot of any kind. Just the plain old truth as proven by genealogy. Using genealogy to cause distrust or twisting it's interpretation still does not destroy the real facts.
Jeanne Kent

From: daniel osgood sr
Subject: Re: [Olidahozi] Check out The end of anonymity on the Web?
To: Olidahozi@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, April 14, 2010, 6:30 PM

he must see you as a force to contend with, and or he fears you and the others he is trying to bring down....fd

From: Jeanne Kent
Subject: Re: [Olidahozi] Check out The end of anonymity on the Web?
To: Olidahozi@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, April 14, 2010, 7:20 PM

I guess if we are important enough to be attacked it means we are important people. Otherwise there would be no need to bother. Imagine...I list with the chief! LOL


From: Jeanne Kent
Subject: Re: [Olidahozi] re genealogy
To: Olidahozi@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, April 14, 2010, 7:25 PM

Let's not fall into the same pit with him, please. Slandering him only brings you are down to his level.


On 4/14/10, Jeanne Kent wrote:

Maybe that is who is paying him for the work. I doubt he would have enough money to purchase all these copies and still have enough to live on without someone providing additional funds. I haven't looked at mine that carefully, but it appears he left in at least some of my native lines.

Posted at 11:17 PM on April 14, 2010

Kwai, Nidobak

As my previous blog pointed out, there are those who cannot accept a difference of opinion without making it a federal case of destruction against the individual as a person. In other words, most blogs regarding Abenaki recognition currently have followed this protocal to the point that they should not be listed as "blogs" but rather as "commentaries". Why bother with opposing opinions when they become so twisted they no longer have meaning?

A case in point. My genealogy is currently listed on one of the blogs. It was given to only four people in positions who require it. But, it was supposedly sent to this blog "anonymously". Being a researcher and blog owner, I rarely print something like this without first establishing it's validity by finding out who sent it. Not this person.
Next he says he has the RIGHT to publish it because it was given to a member of the Abenaki Community. Now you have to understand the complete intent of this particular blog is to prove there are NO Abenaki in Vermont. Certainly none of the people he wants out of the public's eye. Now if it was sent anonymously, how does he know it was from someone in the Abenaki community?
His next statement is that I was the person who did the research making it, of course, suspect. But, again, he took the word of this "anonymous" donor, that I did the work . I received no phone call to verify if it was, in fact, my work. Yet he continues to put forth the persona of a legitimate researcher . Just what research did he do here? None that I can see.
Summary: He received a piece of information "anonymously" from a member of a community he says doesn't exist and claims he has the right to publish it because it is the property of a community that doesn't exist. He also brags that he is descended from this same community that he claims doesn't exist giving him partial ownership. Did you really get all that?

Last time I knew, genealogy is the property of the individual who commissions the work. Not even the genealogist has the right to publish it without the individual's consent . Yet here are all the genealogies on line, along with personal documents all to prove a community does not exist Why? because he has been repeatedly shunned by members of this "invisible" community for the self same lack of social regard that he currently displays.

If it wasn't so sad, it would be down right funny.


On Apr 14, 2010, at 11:29 PM
Mike Price wrote:

I have not been able to open the blog yet...my dial up doesn't like it at 24K speeds...argh. ..anything posted on me there...need to know if I must activate (what? don't tell me Mike Price in his elder years just pushes a red button on his living-room chair, and up comes a screen and telecom system of which he a can call around to have his croonies "bully" me around with implied threats of intimidation etc.) my extensive family in the Northeast to go all Shadow Wolf on his butt (yeah and whose Abenaki Army?....don't tell me you got a whole Saco Tribe waiting in the woods ready to scalp me, shoot me or stab me in the back)...or at least file criminal charges for any documents protected by state privacy laws in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Massachusetts or in Canada


Mike Price
From: Jeanne Kent
Subject: Re: [Olidahozi] Re: My Genealogy on the chopping blog
To: Olidahozi@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, April 14, 2010, 11:43 PM

This round was on Carollee Reynolds and me. You need to read the blog I just wrote on my web site (printed below HE GOES TO FAR IN HIS VERBAL ATTACK - GWASSÔGWIMÔD). I gave this information to only four people: Odanak (Bruce DuBois? or Skip Bernier? Someone else?), Missisquoi (Homer St. Francis or his daughter April nee: St. Francis-Rushlow-Merrill), Paul Pouliot/ Lynn Menard-Mathison who may have it, even though it was supposed to have been returned, and Bruce DuBois and Mr. Bernier upon demand. Take a shot at which one is most likely to have provided it?

You will enjoy this twisted logic that Douglas has displayed in printing my genealogy:

On 4/15/10, Jeanne Kent wrote:
Kwai. Want a good laugh? This now appears on Douglas' site:

Copyright © 2009-2010 The Reinvention of the Alleged Vermont and New Hampshire Abenaki. All Rights Reserved. No individual, nonprofit organization, or commercial business may use any part, any documents or commentary, of this blog for any reason whatsoever in any media or format without first obtaining the notarized written permission of Douglas Lloyd Buchholz. Please note - - - this blog content is copyright material. No one has my permission to copy any material on this blog, e-mail it to others, or post it on their web sites. If you want others to see it, I encourage you to share a LINK to this page. to do anything more is a violation of Federal Copyright Laws! ~ Thank you.

His site consists of copying everything and anything from other sites and yet he has the foolishness to post this. What a hoot!


From: Jeanne Kent
Date: April 15, 2010 10:34:21 AM EDT
To: Lynn Menard-Mathieson
Subject: genealogy

Kwai, Lynn

If you took my genealogy from Paul, it means he did not return all my records according to my lawyers directive. That leaves him open for suit. Are you sure the information was not forwarded by you?

From: Wolfheart Spirit
Subject: [Olidahozi] LINK
To: Olidahozi@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, April 15, 2010, 6:10 PM

There is a place on the blog site you can report!!! Here is the link...


LOVE (Milo Paquin)

On 4/15/10
Mike Price wrote:

The host that provides the blog site must have a user policy which would prohibit such use of others information and genealogies by him on his specific blog...violation of which could be cause to delete or block his account...just thinking out loud again...

Mike Price

From: Mike Price
Subject: Re: [Olidahozi
To: Olidahozi@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, April 15, 2010, 6:00 PM

PS...defamation of character and slander also come to mind with the things being portrayed by him on his blog....

Link: http://www.expertlaw.com/library/personal_injury/defamation.html

Friday, April 16, 2010 10:09 AM
From: "Takara lavender" lavendertakaream@hotmail.com
To: douglaslloydbuchholz@yahoo.com

Email from Takara (nee: Matthews) Redacted (removed). Why post such nonsense and drama. So I removed MY Commentary and her email content from this blog. A "truthful friendship" was never there to lose between TK and myself. TK knows it. I know it.

Vermont Marriage Record for Takarah Cynda (nee: Matthews) and Corey James Cook dated May 28, 2004 in St. Albans Bay, Orleans County, Vermont. Her parents were Frederick Bernard Matthews and Carol Lee (nee: Reynolds) Matthews.

I know the documentary of these "alleged and reinvented Vermont and New Hampshire Abenakis" and they all know it.
Next, let's evaluate the chronology of the "libelous twisting induendo's" that have been posted and perpetuated since ca. 2006 by (and in regards to) Carollee (nee: Reynolds), TK's mother and how she (Carollee) has been on a libelous campaign to vilifyingly attempt to discredit my person, with hatefulness, hurtfulness, and maliciousness.....
The daughter (Takara aka "TK") wants to assume that I am "going out of my way to hurt people." It's O.K. for "other people" (including her own mother Carollee Reynolds) to hurt and be malicious towards me and maliciously, with induendo's "attack" my character and integrity (then subsequently, "act all innocent," as if their libelous and slanderous induedo's etc. don't stink).....but when I "address" the factual truthful Abenaki Recognition dynamics (going on within the "Abenaki Community" as they want to call themselves) online, or in person, retrospectively on Yahoo Message Boards (Yahoo Groups) etc., and now contemporarily-speaking (since May 28, 2009) on this blog....

I am continually vilified, verbally spat on, disliked, hated, scorned and yes, disowned by these people from the alleged and reinvented Abenaki of Vermont and New Hampshire. Do I care any more about what these people think of me, or about me? The answer is no, I don't care anymore. They never honestly respected me in the first place, and I am losing all the respect I ever have had for these people retrospectively-speaking, sadly said. The smiles are gone, the laughter is gone and the reality has set in my mind over time, that these people were never who these people appeared to be.

I am developing a really THICK skin....and I am gaining a "slow developing mental tolerance" to their libelous keystrokes etc.

Now to the next posting.....

Thursday, April 15, 2010

April 15, 2010 Representative Kesha Ram Email: Regarding Abenaki Recognition Bill S.222 in Vermont:

S.222Thursday, April 15, 2010 9:50 PMFrom: "Kesha Ram" To: undisclosed-recipients*Please forward - I do not have everyone's email address*

I greatly appreciate your work, insight, and continued involvement on S.222. Our House committee received the bill from the Senate a couple of weeks ago and has taken extensive testimony, seeking to build on that work with the best way forward for our state and the ability to honor and acknowledge its indigenous peoples. This has included weighing the legal, legislative, historical, and political ramifications of the language as written. What has been brought to light for us is that, in the interest of fairness, equality and doing what is right, we cannot recognize certain tribes and bands simply because they have had the knowledge that we are taking this bill up and have been involved in whatever way in this process over others who have no knowledge of our deliberations and have not had the chance to make their case.

We must set forth an equitable, inclusive, and standardized criteria and process for recognition, and we must hold all of the tribes and bands that come forward accountable to that standard. It does not appear to be just or reasonable to recognize any tribes before there is criteria in statute for them to meet. This decision will not only level the playing field, but my firm belief is that it will demonstrate to the Indian Arts and Crafts Board and other federal entities that we are standing on solid ground with our recognition process. So, in sum, it is my sense that the House will be seeking to write into law a standard recognition criteria and process and will not recognize any individual tribes or bands at this time.

I welcome you to share this statement, with knowledge that it is my perspective, with other members of your communities and contingencies. I also encourage suggestions for the criteria and recognition process from all involved. Otherwise, at this time, I respectfully request that you limit the volume of correspondence you send to us and encourage others to do the same. While we have done our best to be open-minded and deliberative throughout, I can say with some confidence that it will not change our course of action on the question of recognizing specific tribes.
Rep. Kesha Ram
Clerk, Committee on General, Housing, and Military Affairs
Vermont House of Representatives, Chittenden 3-4: Burlington
(802) 881-4433

Prominent Abenaki Opposes VT Tribe Recognitions:

Denise Watso, a descendant of the legendary Abenaki Chief Louis Watso who lived in Lake George Village for a time and figures prominently in Native American life there in the 19th century, has come out in opposition to Vermont state recognition several Abenaki bands and tribes. In March a recognition bill LINK: http://www.leg.state.vt.us/docs/2010/bills/intro/S-222.pdf made it out of the Vermont Senate's Committee on Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs.

At least fifteen other American states have recognized resident native people as American Indian Tribes, without federal recognition. In 2006, a similar effort by the Vermont General Assembly fell short. Charles Delaney-Megeso, chair of the Vermont Commission on Native American Affairs (VCNAA) supports the bill. The text of the bill describing it's intent and Watso's letter in opposition are below; Delaney-Megso's letter of support can be found here LINK: http://www.prlog.org/10536446-vcnaa-chair-relates-un-declaration-to-aspects-of-s222.html .

Text of the bill that describes it's intent:

This bill proposes to recognize the following tribes as the original Western Abenaki Indian tribes residing in Vermont: the Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi St. Francis Sokoki Band, composed of the Missisquoi, St. Francis, and Sokoki Bands; the Koasek Traditional Band of the Koas Abenaki Nation; the Nulhegan Band of the Abenaki Nation, also known as the Northern Coosuk/Old Philip’s Band; and the ELNU Abenaki Tribe of the Koasek. The bill also proposes to amend the composition of the Vermont commission on Native American affairs, and to adopt the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Letter from Denise Watso:

I humbly request that members of the state legislatures of Vermont oppose S.222, a bill designed to confer state recognition upon groups who claim the rights, lands, and ancestors of Abenaki people without offering any proof to support these claims. I further request that the House Committee on General, Housing and Military Affairs allow testimony from historically-known Abenaki people regardless of whether their primary residence is in Vermont, New York, Canada or elsewhere. We are the "Original Vermonters."

As a historically-known Abenaki person with documented evidence in the records of Vermont, (in the mid 1800s, John Watso, my grandfather's grandfather, shared many Champlain Valley place-names in the Abenaki language with Rowland Robinson), part of our Abenaki original territories, I would like to voice my grave concerns with this bill and the impacts it will have on Abenaki people. How can the Vermont legislature pass such a genocidal law, removing my people from the history books and denying us our rights? How can they accept the word of people who refuse to provide evidence of how they are connected to historically-known Abenaki families? How can this be anything but an abandonment of their responsibilities to the Abenaki people and to all Vermonters, Indian and non-Indian?

Indian law is not the jurisdiction of state government, and our territories extend beyond the boundaries of states and countries. However state recognition and standing committees can accomplish much good for us all. All historically-known Abenaki people should be recognized by Vermont's government as part of a sovereign nation, and as partners moving into the future.

These new groups such as the "Elnu", the "Koasek", the "St. Francis-Sokoki", and others should be asked to provide their evidence rather than have their claims accepted without question. Just a few years ago, Vermont's Attorney General and the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs found no evidence that this last group, the "St. Francis-Sokoki", were anything more than a social group. The first group, the "Elnu", are well-known reenactors. Some Indians are reenactors, but being a reenactor does not make you Indian and therefore elgible for the possiblity of Federal Recognition.

The burden of proof must be on these new claimants to our Abenaki heritage, and Vermont's political officials should not allow such a great travesty to pass with the stroke of a pen. These groups are allowed to be make claims based on family assumptions and declarations of Indian heritage, this is nothing more than self-identification to the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs, the entity that determines and denied the "St.Francis group". The Bill to be decided by the Vermont government is not equipped to make such determinations, possibly perpetrating violence against the original Abenaki of Vermont.

We are a historically documented people. We were never in hiding as the storyline has been woven to support the baseless claims of self-identified "Abenaki". We have suffered the loss of our lands, the denial of our indigenous rights, the creation of an international border, warfare, poverty, oppressive governments, residential schools, racism and so much more. And now outsiders dictate our history to us and demand to be recognized at our expense. Why? So THEY can sell baskets and traditional arts which WE have long produced so that we might survive generation after generation. So THEY can access Federal funds to teach their children about OUR ancestors? So THEY can learn to speak OUR first language? So THEY can continue to claim the bones of OUR ancestors?

This is contrary to the spirit of the U.N. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples endorsed by S.222. It is not too late, however, to address the injustices faced by generations of my people. Now is the time for Vermont's elected leaders to work with historically-known Abenaki people to establish new relationships that respect our indigenous rights and our human dignity, and that strive to secure a better future for all the residents of our ancient homeland.

Our ancestor’s voices will be heard as we continue to speak and keep our names in honor of them. Abenaki names are still alive and spoken, it is not a hidden secret as these self identified claim. The legislators of Vermont must allow us to voice our grave concerns. This Bill will have the biggest impact and detriment on our Abenaki community, children’s future and ancestor’s legacy.
We will proudly share our Abenaki history and historically known names with the Vermont State legislators.

Denise L. Watso (wajo)

SOURCE: (for the above article)
John Warren's blog site: LINK: http://www.newyorkhistoryblog.com/2010/04/prominent-abenaki-opposes-vt-tribe.html)

Yes, this "address" by a Abenaki descendant, documented genealogically to a known documented hististorical ABENAKI COMMUNITY of Odanak, Quebec, Canada....is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT in her positions regarding S.222 Abenaki Recognition Bill for these four (4) groups seeking official Vermont and or New Hamsphire State Recognition.

1. The St. Francis-Sokoki Inc. with "Chief" April Ann (nee: St. Francis) Rushlow-Merrill
2. The El-Nu (Elnu) with "Chief" Roger Longtoe Sheehan
3. The Nulhegan Inc. with "Chief" Luke Andrew Willard
4. The Koasek Traditional Band of the Koas Abenaki Nation with "Chief" Nancy Lee (nee: Millette) Cruger-Lyons-Doucet (not to be confused with
5. The Koasek Traditional Band Sovereign Abenaki Nation, Inc. with "Chief" Howard F. Knight Jr., "Chief" Nathan Elwin Pero, "Chief" Brian Chenevert, Karen Majka/Mica, and "Chief" Paul J. Bunnell)

These groups proclaiming to be "from the Historical Abenaki Tribes" are all merely...


that have pilfered, "lifted," appropriated, and even copyrighted documents and materials from Museum's, etc. throughout N'dakinna (New England), and Quebec, Canada....seemingly taking such documents and materials that honestly do not very likely belong genealogically, ancestrally or spiritually to them nor to their ancestors!! It's called "Cultural Appropriation."

It's called Abenaki "Identity Theft".
It's called Cultural Thievery
It's called Lieing.
It's called Dishonesty.
It's called Deceit.
It's called Geneocide.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Nancy Lee (Nee: Milette) Doucet vs. Douglas Buchholz Audio File Regarding July 06,2009 Grafton County, N.H. Family and District Court Case 443-2009-CV-00015 at the Probate Courtroom:

In the matter of July 06, 2009 Grafton County, N.H. Family and District Court Case 443-2009-CV-00015 at the Probate Courtroom at 2:50 PM. Go to the 3rd link to where the documents and my subsequent "commentary" are, regarding this case are, on this blog. This particular case was ultimately judicially dismissed by the Honorable Judge.


BTW, to those on the Olidahozi Yahoo Message Board Group, and to the particular persons Carollee Reynolds, Jeanne Kent, Milo Paquin and Daniel B. Osgood who have made outlandish libelous accussations against my person on the aforementioned site....

I have NOT been in jail, I have committed no civil or criminal crime(s), nor have I have been "bailed out" by any Judiciary, for any reason(s).

IF, such libelous allegations and accussations were truthful and documentarily factual, ANYONE would be able to access, obtain, and secure Coos County, New Hampshire PUBLIC RECORDS, as to these libelous bullshit "attacks" by these alleged and reinvented Abenakis of Vermont and New Hampshire.

on another note:
Nancy Lee (nee: Millette) Doucet, as of April 05, 2009 was paying a Resident Tax Bill of $10.00 dollars USD cash, in the Township of Bath, Grafton County, New Hampshire according to this document, sent to me by Beverly Woods, Tax Collector P.O. Box 165 in Bath, N.H. 03740.
Nancy Millette - Doucet was or is residing at address: 45 Pioneer Park in Bath, N.H. 03740.
Also it has been indicated, that Mrs. Doucet registered her vehicle(s) in the township of Bath, N.H.
Is she a resident of the State of Vermont ~or~ New Hampshire?
She did take me to Haverhill District Court, Grafton County Courthouse in North Haverhill, New Hampshire 03774, as a resident of NEW HAMPSHIRE, NOT VERMONT.
Has Mrs. Nancy Millette - Doucet relocated/ moved over to Vermont since July 2009, much like Paul Wilson Pouliot having, within the previous two years relocated to Alton, Belknap County, New Hampshire from the state of Massachusetts, in order to "imply" that these incorporate Chief's and their "followers" were "from here," saying that they are from the historical Abenaki Tribes and or Bands?

John Prescott, on the White Pine Association Board of Directors, Trustee Member and member of Nancy Lee (nee: Millette) Doucet's Incorporate group refers to his residence (162 Evergreen Drive in Newbury, Vermont 05051) as the "Headquarters of the Koasek Traditional Band of Koas Abenaki Nation." 

In simple:
Howard F. Knight Jr.'s residence = Territorial Headquarters/ Tribal/ Incorporate Office.

Paul W. Pouliot's residence = Headquarters/ Tribal/ Incorporate Office.

Paul J. Bunnell's residence = Headquarters/ Tribal/ Incorporate Office.

John Prescott's residence = Headquarters/ Tribal/ Incorporate Office.

So...to have residence an alleged and reinvented "Abenaki Tribe" or "Abenaki Band" in the state of Vermont, all one has to do is to have the "President/ Executive Director" Nancy Millette - Doucet be a resident of the state of New Hampshire and at the same time, have her Board of Director (of her White Pine Association Inc.) John Prescott physically reside in Newbury, Vermont.

Let's get this straight, looks to me that they are "river-hopping" across the Kwenitegw (Connecticut river) from one state to another (N.H.-VT) when she was seeking official state recognition for her group through HB1610 (but when HB1610 didn't benefit or recognize her group, she protested against HB1610). "Chief" "Co-Chief" "Chief-for-Life" Nancy Doucet seemingly claims residence in N.H., yet when she now seeks official state recognition via S.222 from the state of Vermont, she uses John Prescott's residence address as her "Tribal Headquarters." Interesting......seemingly Nancy Doucet may have one foot in New Hampshire and the other in Vermont, "double dipping" for official state recognition from one state or the other, for HERSELF and HER group of alleged and reinvented Vermont/N.H. Abenakis?

Is it not one of the REQUIREMENTS of the S.222 Abenaki Bill, that their whole group be documented bonefide legal residents of Vermont BEFORE these groups are officially recognized by the State of Vermont?

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