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Friday, July 27, 2018

Recently FOUND Burlington Newspaper article... regarding Antoine Phillips Sr.

November 11, 1865

Peter Phelps, a colored man, who has lived in St. Albans for nearly a half century, died recently at the advanced age of 111 years.

According to the 1850 St. Albans, Franklin County, Vermont Federal Population Census, Peter Phelps was 70 years of age, thereby making his estimated birth year as ca. 1780.

We know that his children William Phelps Sr. (who married Rosanna Prince) and Lewis Phelps (who married Frances Caroline Parkis) were identified throughout their lives as persons of color (Black, Mulatto, Negro, etc). 

Antoine Philips Sr. himself was identified as B for Black in the 1850 Highgate, Franklin County, Vermont Federal Population Census as well. Married to a French Quebec woman (Catherine Emery dite Coderre of Ste. Hyacinthe Parish) their children were identified in that same household as being 'Mulatto'. 

Interestingly enough, looking at Peter Phelps Death Record per Nov. 1865 in St. Albans Town Records:


Peter Phelps was not identified as Black or White or even any ethnicity whatsoever, interestingly enough. Even more interesting is this Death Record does not imply any age at the time of his death.

But the Burlington Sentinel Newspaper does ... as do other Vermont and outlying newspapers do as well ... as see in this posts first image of such Death Announcement.

And how do we KNOW that this Peter Phelps is the father of Antoine Philips / Phillips Sr. (?)

Surprisingly, the answer is within the Vermont Eugenics SURVEY records for this Phillips family in the 20 Page SUMMARY.

Now, you may be already asking yourselves, what does this have to do with Abenakis? Well it has a lot to do with Vermont's so-called "Abenakis" and the process of Recognition by the State of Vermont, as well as Frederick M. Wiseman Ph.D. as well as a Phillips descendant, Donald Warren Stevens Jr. of the "Nulhegan" group up in Orleans County, Vermont.

Following up on the Phelps and Phillips Time Line research that's been done, recently I ran into this Burlington newspaper article:

September 11, 1885

Antoine Phillips, (colored) who died last week in this town, was undoubtedly the oldest man in this neighborhood. As near as can be ascertained his age was, at the time of his death, 100 years. He has been a resident of this town for about sixteen or seventeen years.

Obviously, doing the research, we have found that very likely, Antoine (Phelps) Philips / Phillips Sr. was born ca. 1812-1814.

Doing Y-DNA research with two direct-male-descendants of this Antoine Phillips Sr. we have ascertained the confirmed Haplo-group of B-M181 ... through both Family Tree DNA (FTDNA).

Haplo-group Y-DNA B-M181 originates from and of AFRICA. After the dynamics of slavery of African People's to the West Indies into Connecticut (etc) within the United States of America, we see that this Haplo-group is found in descendants of those enslaved. 

So how is it that Donald Warren Stevens Jr. of this "Nulhegan" group in Orleans County, Vermont can sit there and claim as he has about his ancestors, the Phillips family of Franklin and Chittenden County, Vermont, being "Abenakis" when in FACT, both socially, historically, genealogically and genetically, it is PROVEN beyond any shadow of a doubt, that his Phillips ancestors were paternally African and maternally French?!

How can Mr. Don Stevens sit there in the Wabanaki Confederacy Meetings claiming he is "Abenaki" ... when he's not? Same dynamics for that Italian and French descendant Mr. Tomo Wounded-Bear / Thomas Snizek

Apparently the State of Vermont is so thoroughly complicit in creating and maintaining this FRAUD (which is against the Abenaki Peoples, both ancestrally and the contemporary Abenaki Communities of Odanak and Wôlinak whose people are living throughout the United States today), that the likes of Don Stevens Jr. can put on his bastardization and appropriate the Abenaki persona and no one bats an eyelash or questions the basis or foundation of his claims and merits, not even the Wabanaki Confederacy?! 

Recently, Vicki Garrison, in the SevenDays Article spoke of "promoting ...the erasure of people of color within Vermont."

Ok, so what about the promotion of the erasure of Abenaki People and appropriation of Abenaki culture and language, dances and songs within Vermont etc. by those who are of color, who 'pass' as "Abenaki" such as Donald Warren Stevens Jr. and some of his Phillips family relatives? 

Monday, February 19, 2018

Recent Online Statement by the Nulhegan "Chief" Donald Warren Stevens Jr.

February 08, 2018
WAMC Northeast Public Radio
By Pat Bradley
City Councilors Consider Action on Controversial Downtown Mural
A 124-foot long mural near Burlington’s downtown shopping mall has become a controversial subject. At the most recent city council meeting, a resolution was put forward to remove the artwork, arguing it does not reflect the city’s diversity.

The “Everyone Loves a Parade” mural along the Marketplace Alley, which connects the shopping district to the parking garage, was painted in 2012 to showcase the history of Burlington and the state of Vermont.  The mural was vandalized in October and called racist, prompting communities of color in the city to urge its removal.
Ward 7 Democrat/Progressive Councilor Ali Dieng, the only individual of color on the council, proposed looking into the legal ramifications of its removal.  “I did not see the many New Americans as well as African Americans and people with disabilities represented. It is really important for us to take the mural down. But knowing that there are some legal ramifications I am asking for the city attorney to get back to the council by March 12, 2018.”
His efforts were supported during the public comment period by several individuals including Annie Lawson.  “This issue is about a mural that proposes to tell the story of our community. Folks who are Abenaki, disabled, Black, Latino, New American, immigrant, LGBTQ, other people of color are not shown on this mural.”
 “I’m Chief Stevens. I’m the Chief of the Nulhegan Abenaki tribe. I want to make it clear.  We are a sovereign nation. We are not victims. We would like to promote education and cultural opportunities which I think Burlington has a unique position to be able to afford that including the mural.  It’s problematic just from the fact that it doesn’t represent Abenaki people. But I want to find ways to work with you guys in promoting our culture in a positive manner.”
East District Councilor Democrat Richard Deane says the community needs time to work together to resolve the underlying issues the mural debate highlights.  “I don’t believe that the mural accurately or fully reflects who we are as a community or the history of all of us as immigrants to this place, because we are all immigrants other than the First Nations peoples. Taking the mural down without a robust process doesn’t support or motivate the opportunity for open dialog and deeper understanding.”
Mayor Miro Weinberger said the mural was a well-intentioned effort to upgrade the alleyway when it was envisioned in 2009 and 2010.  “There are issues of artist rights and public art values and issues of government overreach here.  It’s not even clear what the city owns and there’s a lot to be sorted through here. And I think we should support the idea that as a next step we get this counsel from the city attorney.  We can continue parallel to that having some additional communication about how we move forward.”
Clauses ordering the mural removed were deleted and councilors approved on a 7 to 5 vote a resolution asking the city attorney to report back to the council by March 12, 2018 on the legal ramifications of removal.

My thoughts: 

Here is a "Chief" who claims and implies that he is an Abenaki descendant, and yet ... (wait for it) no Abenaki ancestry can be detected in his ancestry. As for their group's "founding document" (the Philippe - Louie Métallic Land Deed of mid-1796) that's BS too. This group was created in 2003-2004 and is not "historical" whatsoever, other than the reality that 2004 is before 2018.

But how I digress ...

Donald Warren Stevens Jr. implies that his group, (The Nulhegan Abenaki Tribe was afforded State Recognition on April 22, 2011) is sovereign...

Apparently, this "Chief" is having delusions of grandeur, and his Highness has his BS backed up clear to his brain.

NOWHERE in S.222 nor in Act 107 does it imply or state that ANY GROUP within Vermont, (that claims fraudulently to be an "Abenaki" "Tribe"), that they are sovereign nations whatsoever!

Check for yourselves:

If you look and evaluate closely, NONE of these groups were recognized officially as Abenaki Tribes whatsoever either. They were officially recognized at Native American Tribes, generically because the State needed to create a generic Native American "tribe" for minority status, so they could tap into Federal Monies, with these "new" "tribes" created since 2009. It's that simple.

The group that Don Stevens' is "Chief" of claiming to be connected with the afore-said Land Deed (Surrender) in ca. 1796 doesn't apply to him or his ancestors the Phillips Family of Vermont. Genealogically and Genetically this is proven over and over again. (Of course, he would deny that this is the reality, because he doesn't operate in reality apparently).

So, yeah, whatever floats their boats in Vermont, implying they are a sovereign nation. I am sure the Vermont Legislature and Governor's Office including the Attorney General's Office would politely conclude differently! Then again, Vermont's Legislature was gullible and naive more than once or twice with these self-declared /self - identifying "Abenakis" and their incorporation's-created, giving them an inch or two.

Now they want to claim they are sovereign nations in Vermont ... and take a mile ... or two ... or three.

Monday, February 12, 2018

A bit of a thought about the Bruchac Narrative, etc. on this fine Monday afternoon ...

"Penn State has hired multiple tenured fast-track Native American professors. In 2013, when the University hired Assistant Professor of Anthropology Margaret Bruchac, she was the third tenured fast-track Native American professor to be hired by Penn."


The Bruchac's narrative doesn't fit the genealogical and genetic research into their Bowman ancestors. So what does this say about their WHITE PRIVILEGE in gaining the positions that they have ... based on their false yet repeatedly perpetuated ancestral narrative?

They are not descendants of the O'Bomsawin's of Odanak ... that they pimped and pushed to the na(t)ive and non-native public for years.

The genetic Y-DNA proves this false ancestral narrative to the reality for what it is. And since that is the reality, what about everything else that Marge Bruchac - Kennick and her brother Joe Burchac has embellished and pawned out there in her or his writings, (or should I say their "historical imagination"!)

This point ALSO APPLIES TO FREDERICK MATTHEW WISEMAN of then-Johnson State College, and many others.

Let's take a look at the reality here:

1. Ots Toch - married a Dutchman VanSlyck (she was 100% Mohawk Indian woman allegedly)
2. Elizabeth VanSlyck - married a VanBuren so she would be 50% Mohawk Indian woman
3. Cornelius VanBuren - married a Dutch woman he would be 1/4% Mohawk Indian man
4. Aaltje VanNess VanBuren - she would be 1/8th Mohawk Indian woman
5. Hendrikje Fonda VanBuren - 1/16th Mohawk Indian woman (if #1 were full-blood Mohawk)
6. Douwe VanAntwerp - 1/36th Mohawk Indian        
7. Winant Van Antwerp – A drop 1/64th = "Damn near nothing"
8. Daniel Wynet Van Antwerp - 1/128th = "Tiny Drop"
9. Alice Van Antwerp - 1/256th - Her was husband Lewis H. Bowman Sr.
10. Jesse Elmer Bowman - He ain't no Mohawk or an Abenaki! - 1/512th
11. Marion Flora Bowman - 1/1024th - She swore up and down she weren't no Indian!
12. Joseph Edward Bruchac III - 1/2048th - There ain't no NDN drops left!
13. Jesse Bowman Bruchac - 1/4096th - “Abenaki” based on Beliefs, Theories, and Stories…

So ... what are these Colleges and University's really pimping out there to naive students in their education seeking? Are the University's and Colleges getting on the band wagon of making and pimping FAKE Native "professors" of questionable dubious Native Ancestry and or Status? 

You do remember Iron Eyes Cody?
You do remember Ward Churchill?
You do remember Mariella Squire - Hakey?
You do remember Rachel Dolezal?
You do remember Susan Taffe Reed?
You do remember Elizabeth Warren?
You do remember Donna (Carvalho) Charlebois - Moody?

How about Joseph Edward Bruchac III?
How about Margaret (nee: Bruchac) Kennick?
How about Jesse Bowman Bruchac?
How about James Edward Bruchac?

In conclusion ... about Marge Bruchac and her "tenured fast-track Native American professor" ... it is based on what exactly? Other than creating FAKE / FALSEHOODS that the Bruchac's themselves have created about their ancestors and themselves (repeatedly) for their own status and profit.

(P.S. I am sure this will be ignored by the 'feel-good' Native People's in many communities ... because the truth and the facts are difficult to look at, to acknowledge and accept ... the Bruchac's DEPEND on that ignorance ... to gain what they have and continue to seek).

They are so DESPERATE to be Indians ... Jesse Bowman Bruchac created a website (quick as he could) in September 2015 when he heard I was researching his ancestors ...

WHY is it that the Y-DNA Haplogroup genetically tested and confirmed as R-Z2109 FROM EUROPE for Jesse Elmer Bowman and his brothers, and their father Lewis Bowman Sr.? 

We know who Sophie Senecal dit LaFramboise / Rasberry' ancestors now and ALL OF HER ANCESTORS came from FRANCE. Joe Bruchac is a wonderful storyteller ... just like Iron Eye's Cody (the 100% percent Italian) and other Non-Native People's PLAYING INDIAN, whether in Hollywood or as authors ... and as presenters in public engagements.



Question is: 

Was Lewis Bowman Sr. actually of the Bowman family in reality, or was he genetically from a different surname altogether? (Stay tuned boys and girls ... ) 

M-269 > R-Z2109 is the Bowman Y-DNA Haplogroup and more testing is being done, to ascertain whether or not (further down the phylogenetic tree IF that Haplogroup Y-DNA R-Z2109 will change into a smaller more defined haplogroup, such as KMS67 and or FGC6444.

Fake is Fake and Lies are Lies

TRUTH is what I am hunting ... 

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Thomas F. Snizek ("Tomo Woundedbear") Documentation

I haven't posted on the blog in a while, so it's now time to do so.

Recently, I have been looking at how various person's who claim to be "Abenaki" or who self-identify as "Abenaki" have (since the mid-1970's) gone from being a member of one group claiming to be an "Abenaki" "tribe" within Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, etc and become a member of another group, and another group, and another group, gaining membership cards over time, much like 'stamp collecting' ...

So, my first of many entries, is pertaining to a man who calls himself "Tomo Woundedbear" ...

He claims to be an Abenaki Chief, and an Abenaki himself. I met him in Port Cartier, (near Sept-Îles, Québec, Canada up on the Gaspé Peninsula area) in July of 2002. I was going to the Midewiwin or the Grand Medicine Society ceremonies, a first for me, since my Elder was traveling from the Olympic Peninsula to this ceremony as well. I traveled with Thomas Dostou and Thomas Snizek, both of the Fall River, MA area. We met with Kanucas Littlefish [Kenneth Durant] in Montreal, where he had arrived by airline, and we drove in a van driven by Tom Dostou, along one side of the St. Lawrence River, and cross over and headed toward the mouth of ... an interesting trip to say the least ... 

Myself and Gilles Francoeur / Truheart in Sept-Îles, Québec, Canada in July 2002

Unnamed (on the right) Innu Firekeeper of the Mide Lodge -  Robin Robert Greene, Sr., Iskatewizaagegan #39 Independent First Nation, Ontario ... Mauchibinance (Ma-Chi-Biness) Moose Dotem (May 16, 1932 - April 25, 2009) and his wife Kee-way-tin-abek Kathleen Greene. The Innu People I remember kindly, whom I had met while up there the two days ... this young man of the community was committed in his tending the sacred Mide fireplace. The young people all help in their community.

Robin Robert Greene Sr.Obituary
Robin Robert Greene Sr. Obituary #2

Denis "Wolfsong" Desrosiers from Lachute, Québec, Canada - Anahee and Gilles.

"Danny?" - Denis "Wolfsong" Desrosiers - Anahee Francoeur / Truheart

[Both Gilles Truheart and his wife Anahee were wonderfully kind]

During this event, Mr. Thomas Snizek a.k.a. "Tomo Woundedbear" pronounced that he was an Abenaki Chief, that he himself was an Abenaki ... stood right there in front of that Midewiwin sacred fireplace ...

In April of 2014 I received an email from a person who was from Québec, Canada inquired after they had read this blog, and encountered my previous mention about Thomas Snizek of Fall River, MA and Somerset, MA.

They provided a genealogical mapping of Mr. Snizek, showing that he had NO NATIVE ANCESTRY. 
(I was not shocked, considering this research on this blog since 2009) but I didn't really concern myself with the man, until this previous week.

Recently encountering two letters from Vermont Archives (within the Petition for Federal Recognition by the Abenaki Nation of Vermont of / at the Missisquoi, St. Francis - Sokoki Band group, led by the now-deceased Homer Walter St. Francis Sr. and his daughter April (St. Francis) Rushlow - Merrill of Swanton, Franklin County, Vermont) regarding Mr. Thomas F. Snizek Jr. of Somerset, MA, I began to evaluate his claims, assertions and so on, over a span of years 1992 - 2017

First, I began evaluating the genealogical mapping that was shared with me back in November 2014.

Thomas F. Snizek on nosorigins.qc.ca

So this isn't "just me" having a hair across my arse, "attacking" someone who "claims" to be and who "self-identifies as" an "Abenaki" I am not the only person who has had questions and concerns about this particular person's claims and assertions of being an "Abenaki Chief" and an "Abenaki" person.

So let us go down this "Abenaki" rabbit-hole regarding "Tomo Woundedbear" and see where it takes you, the reader(s) of this blog ... 

December 04 1992
Northeast Woodlands – Coos Band Abenaki Republic – Algonkian Confederation
Pisowakamigw Wobanakiak Membership List
Howard Franklin Knight Jr. Group based in Orleans County, Vermont (apparently, Thomas F. Snížek and family (wife Paula and son Joshua) Snížek were members of this pseudo-"Abenaki" group within Vermont.

Card# 701 Thomas Snížek
Card# 702 Paula Snížek
Card# 703 Joshua Snížek

So, Mr. Tomo Woundedbear went from Howard F. Knight Jr.'s group, into the Paul Pouliot's group in ca. Dec. 1992  (right about the time that shit began to the fan, with the Sherry DeVee child custody situation out in California, that involved Paul Rene Tamburro, Howard Knight Jr, Paul Pouliot, and Homer St. Francis Sr. etc)

December 02, 1994
Cowasuck Band – Abenaki People – Leadership (led by Paul Wilson Pouliot)
Regional Representatives –
Thomas Snizek
2211 Riverside Avenue
Somerset, MA 02726
(508) 673-9051

 August 12, 1996
From: Mr. Thomas Snížek
To: Mr. Paul Wilson Pouliot
Dear Mr. Pouliot,
As a result of our discussion at the Attleboro POWWOW, I am sending this formal letter demanding to be removed from the Register of the Cowasuck-Pennacook Band of Abenaki People. This demand for myself and my family is to be considered binding and effective as of the date of your receipt of this letter.
I sent an earlier statement of position and request for removal, but received no acknowledgement from your office that my name and my family member’s names were in fact removed from your register. Your lack of response has prompted me to respond with this formal letter of demand.
I hope we can accept each other’s views with mutual respect and part amenably, but at this juncture in the history of the Abenaki, I believe this choice to be the correct one for me and my family.
Sincerely Yours, Mr. Thomas Snížek (Chief Wounded Bear)
Thomas Snížek (Chief Wounded Bear)
Please remove me from the register of the Cowasak-Pennacook Band of Abenaki Thomas Snížek (Chief Wounded Bear)
Please remove me from the register of the Cowasak-Pennacook Band of Abenaki: Paula Snížek
Please remove me from the register of the Cowasak-Pennacook Band of Abenaki: Joshua Snížek (Joshua White Fox)

September 13, 1996 
[Received by the above date] Ms. Holly Reckord, Bureau of Indian Affairs / BAR
1849 C. Street, N.W. Washington, District of Columbia
“Dighton Intertribal Indian Council – The Council Oak” Letterhead stationary
The Dighton Intertribal Indian Council, P.O. Box 34, Dighton, MA 02715
From: Thomas Snížek [also known as Tomo “Wounded Bear”]
Dear Ms. Reckord,
Enclosed you’ll find a copy of a formal letter [SEE LETTER dated August 12, 1996] that was sent Paul Wilson Pouliot (Spirit Hawk, Sagamore of the Cowasuck Band of the Abenaki, which is based in Franklin, Massachusetts).
My family and I have asked to be taken off their rolls because we now belong to a band of Abenaki in Vermont (Mazipskwik).
So my family and I would appreciate not being considered when and if they petitioned the B.I.A. for federal status.
Thanking you in advance,
Chief Thomas Wounded Bear (Thomas Snížek)

[The Traditional Mazipskwik & Related Bands Inc., led by Connie Brow and David Gilman, a spin-off group from the Abenaki Nation of Vermont, of/at Missisquoi, St. Francis-Sokoki group Homer Walter St. Francis Sr – led in Swanton, Franklin County, Vermont … this group is now defunct, as the 501(c)3 organization ‘went belly up” … the membership list of this group was transferred to the Abenaki Tribe at Nulhegan ~ Memphremagog / Nulhegan Band of the Coosuk Abenaki Nation led by Luke Andrew Willard and now Donald Warren Stevens Jr. group (the latter group that came into being in ca. 2004 out of the Clan of the Hawk, Inc. members based out of Brownington, Orleans County, Vermont)]

For your consideration and thought:
So, after examining these two documents, of which Mr. Thomas Snížek submitted in August and September 1996, it would appear that he joined one group based in Franklin, MA led by Paul Wilson Pouliot and Paul’s wife Linda (nee: White), then left that group, while at the same time (or before his resignation) joined with his family, to another group based in Franklin County, Vermont, led by Constance Brow and David Gilman, which was a spin-off of Connie’s cousin, Homer Walter St. Francis Sr.’s group in the same town … 

What Mr. Snizek had done back in the fall of 1996 is not unusal for faux "Abenakis" of Vermont or it's surrounding states. Created incorporation's by person(s) claiming and self-identifying "Chief's" "Medicine men" etc has been like opening up a shop on the corner to sell their BS concoctions to anyone that will listen, is desperate, or is gullible, then or today in 2017. Mr. Snizek went "Band" shopping ... like one would do stamp collecting, in which to legitimize his "Abenaki" created persona. He was re-enacting (playing a role) of an Indian/ Abenaki at Fort Ticonderoga and now he needed a membership card in an faux "Abenaki" group claiming to be a "tribe" for those who were and are naive and gullible as to the merits of his created "Abenaki" persona, and the integrity of that group's membership card(s). Raymond "Looking Glass" Lussier had evaluated his genealogy and "cooked the books" and subsequently "approved" Mr. Snizek's genealogy for membership into Howard Knight's pseudo "Abenaki" group of frauds in Orleans County, Vermont. Mr. "Looking Glass" Lussier must not have done much research or looking into Mr. Snizek's genealogical background.

July 2002 -

Mr. Gilles Francoeur in Sept-Îles, Québec, Canada (to the very left in the photograph).
Thomas F. Snizek "Tomo Woundedbear" in the center of the photograph.

April 05, 2007

Henry Richard Snizek "had a strong spirit of adventure and delighted in stories of pirates plying local waters and tales of Native American history even more, especially considering our family's Abenaki Indian ancestry. A member of the Dighton Intertribal Council, he served as keeper of the fire at annual powwows. He was also proud of his role and fond of the camaraderie he experienced as a member of the Wolf Tail Drum." 
[written by Rick Snizek, son of Henry R. Snizek, nephew of Thomas F. Snizek Jr.]

April 16, 2009
Business code: 000999725
Registration: April 16, 2009
State ID: 000999725
Business type: Nonprofit Corporation
Members (6):
Robert Ernest Charlebois (President)
153 Plymouth St., Carver, MA 02330
Paula J. Snizek (Treasurer) 
2211 Riverside Ave., Somerset, MA 02726
Thomas F. Snizek (Clerk)
2211 Riverside Ave., Somerset, MA 02726
Frank Cochise Zerambo (Director)
1 Valley St., Providence, RI 02909
Coo Teh Hey (Director)
12 Ella St., Westerly, RI 02891

Robert E. Charlebois was in fact Donna Louise (Carvalho) - Moody's first husband whom she divorced 1995; she's now married to John Scott Moody of Sharon, Vermont, and both Donna and John created and operate the "Winter Center for Indigenous Traditions" Incorporated.

Thomas F. Snizek a.k.a. Tomo Woundedbear

August 28, 2011 - 

Thomas F. Snizek at the Nulhegan event August 2011

August 2013 –

Nulhegan Powwow in Vermont.
[Now a member of the Nulhegan group?]
On what genealogical documented basis?

APTN Video by Brian Francis

2014 -

Chief Thomas Woundedbear
Panawampskewi (Penobscot Person)

"Penobscot Person" ?

Summer 2015 -

Donald Warren Stevens Jr. and Thomas Snizek (seated)
At the Wabanaki Confederacy in Shelburne, Chittenden County, Vermont
(where apparently these two like to pretend they are Abenakis)

(Photo by Josh Snizek)

"Tomo Woundedbear" Thomas F. Snizek tattoo's
Apparently the Mt. Kearsarge Museum in Warner, N.H.
(likes to exhibit non-Native "self-identifying / self-proclaiming "Abenakis")

March 19, 2016
Amazon.com Review
Abenaki Warrior: The Life and & Times of Chief Escumbuit
By Alfred Kayworth


Thomas Snizek stated “Very informative, great deal of dates and other information. 
Things that an Abenaki myself did not know about.”

September 23, 2016 

Donald Warren Stevens Jr. and Thomas F. Snizek
Wabanaki Confederacy
Campobello, NB

[Don Stevens former member of the Swanton, VT group]

Wale Idris Ajibade - Chief Red Eagle - Chief Tomo Woundedbear
Campobello, New Brunswick, Canada
2016 Annual Wabanaki Confederacy Conference

Wale Idris Ajibade and Thomas F. Snizek 

Wale Idris Ajibade and Donald Warren Stevens Jr.

Jim Taylor Swift Fox El-Nu "Cherokee / Abenaki" Wanabaki 2016

February 21, 2017

CREDITS & ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank the following: We thank the Ooni of Ife, His Imperial Majesty Oba Ada Okika: In charge d’ Affaires Permanent Mission of Nigeria to the Tomo Wounded Bear, Condoled Chief of the Abenaki people of New England United Nations Indigenous peoples and Tribes of the Americas to the United Nations.

Chief Tomo Wounded Bear of the Abenaki Federation were joined by other African Kings and other native chiefs to perform a ceremonial welcome to their ancestral shores out of respect and honor for His Imperial Majesty, Oba, Dr. Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi, Ojaja II, the Ooni of Ife (in picture above) on June 10, 2016 at the African Union Permanent Observer to the United Nations in New York. The program was organized by African Views in partnership with the United Indigenous peoples and Tribes of the Americas to the United Nations and supported by various partners including UNESCO and CARICOM. 

NOW, that you have followed this man, Thomas F. Snizek this far, let us delve even deeper, into his genealogical background ... which was mapped out by a researcher in Québec, Canada, and subsequently (again) document-for-document, mapped by my person last week.

1. Jacques Richot b: about 1683, South Berwick, York County, Maine
d: April 8, 1729, Ste. Michel d' Yamaska, Yamaska County, Québec, Canada
married Elizabeth Dubois b: February 21, 1683, Cap de la Madeleine, Champlain County, Québec, Canada m: September 23, 1703, Ste. François du Lac, Yamaska County, Québec, Canada
d: January 17, 1742, Ste. Michel d' Yamaska, Yamaska County, Québec, Canada
[Jacques Ritchot was the son of Richard Nason and Shuah Colcord. He was born in South Berwick, ME In 1682, a group of French militiamen and Abenaki Indian warriors raided Sturgeon Creek where the Nason family lived and brought many villagers to Canada as hostages. Jacques was among them. His father was killed, his mother later remarried to John Douglas in ME. He was baptised Jacques Ritchot in 1691 (he was about 8 or 9 years old). His name was a french translation of his father's first name. His mother was called Suzanne Calquet in the baptism record. Naturalized French May 1710.
He grew up in Ste. Francois-du-Lac, probably in the Crevier family who employed him and married Elisabeth Dubois-dit-Brisebois.]
His Father: Richard Nason b: 1649 in South Berwick, York, ME 
His Mother: Shuah Colcord b: 12 JUN 1660 in Hampton, Rockingham
2. Joseph François Richot b: March 27, 1713, Ste. François du Lac, Yamaska County, Québec, Canada d: August 1, 1748, Ste. François du Lac, Yamaska County, Québec, Canada
married Marie Anne Giroux b: August 12, 1717, Beauport, Montmorency County, Québec, Canada
m: October 14, 1737, Laprairie, Laprairie County, Québec, Canada d: June 16, 1789, Ste. Michel d' Yamaska, Yamaska County, Québec, Canada
3.  Joachim Michel Richot b: August 12, 1743, Ste. Michel d' Yamaska, Yamaska County, Québec, Canada d: December 30, 1819, Ste. Michel d' Yamaska, Yamaska County, Québec, Canada
married Charlotte Couturier b: March 18, 1745, Ste. François du Lac, Yamaska County, Québec, Canada m: Ste. Michel d' Yamaska, Yamaska County, Québec, Canada d: December 28, 1776, Ste. Michel d' Yamaska, Yamaska County, Québec, Canada
4. Joachim Richot b: July 14, 1770, Ste. Michel d' Yamaska, Yamaska County, Québec, Canada
married Thérèse Victoire Joyal dit Lafrenière b: December 30, 1773, Ste. François du Lac, Yamaska County, Québec, Canada m: February 11, 1793, Ste. Michel d' Yamaska, Yamaska County, Québec, Canada
5. Joseph Richot b: October 6, 1799, Ste. Michel d' Yamaska, Yamaska County, Québec, Canada d: November 1, 1886, Ste. Germain de Grantham, Drummond County, Québec, Canada
married Geneviève Chapdelaine dit Larivière b: November 16, 1798, Ste. Michel d' Yamaska, Yamaska County, Québec, Canada m: February 5, 1821, Ste. Michel d' Yamaska, Yamaska County, Québec, Canada d: December 15, 1868, Ste. Michel d' Yamaska, Yamaska County, Québec, Canada
6. Narcisse Richotte b: January 16, 1835 Ste. François du Lac, Yamaska County, Québec, Canada d: June 7, 1920
married Clarisse Marotté dit Labonté b: May 8, 1838, Ste. François du Lac, Yamaska County, Québec, Canada m: November 22, 1859, Ste. François du Lac, Yamaska County, Québec, Canada d: July 1, 1892, Fall River, Bristol County, Massachusetts
7. Joseph Richotte b: November 21, 1865, Ste. François du Lac, Yamaska County, Québec, Canada d: February 20, 1934, Cranston, Providence County, Rhode Island
married Philomène Kirouac b: September, 1869, Province of "French" Québec, Canada m: January 19, 1892, Fall River, Bristol County, Massachusetts d: March 11, 1934, Fall River, Bristol County, Massachusetts
8. Wilfred Richotte b: October 10, 1900, Fall River, Bristol County, Massachusetts
married Alfeda Gagné b: January 9, 1901, Fall River, Bristol County, Massachusetts m: September 6, 1919, Fall River, Bristol County, Massachusetts d: August 23, 1965, Fall River, Bristol County, Massachusetts
8. Lillian Richotte b: December 12, 1921, Fall River, Bristol County, Massachusetts d: October 20, 2013, Fall River, Bristol County, Massachusetts

She married Thomas F. Snížek Sr. b: October 26, 1915, Fall River, Bristol County, Massachusetts m: July 28, 1938, Fall River, Bristol County, Massachusetts d: January 6, 1972, Fall River, Bristol County, Massachusetts
8a. Barbara Phyllis Snížek b: March 10, 1939, Fall River, Bristol County, Massachusetts d: November 18, 1988, Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts
married Bruce (Beava) Arthur Burton b: December 25, 1937, Fall River, Bristol County, Massachusetts d: February 18, 2007, Fall River, Bristol County, Massachusetts
8b. Thomas F. Snížek Jr. b: May 26, 1944, Fall River, Bristol County, Massachusetts

As anyone can review, evaluate and investigate themselves, none of Mr. Thomas Snizek's ancestors lead back to Abenakis, or even Native Wabanaki People's along this land. Rather, they go to Austria (probably Hungarian or Polish), and his late mother Lillian (nee: Richot)

September 05, 2017
Face Book Conversation from Thomas F. Snizek and Douglas Lloyd Buchholz:

"I spent my whole like involved in Native life."
"All I can say in my defense is what I've been told my whole life."
"I was a chief of an Inter Tribal group and was made a Chief in a Ceremony in a Mide'wnwim Lodge Ceremony … Traditional Chief (Spiritual Chief)."
"I will travel to see you when I come back, is that good enough? I was elected a Chief in Dighton in 1995 and was made a Chief in Ceremony 2012 thereabout."
"All I know it what I have been told by my Mother."

Douglas Buchholz: I would like to confirm that Lillian Richot was in fact your mother, and that Thomas F. Snizek Sr was your biological father as well … genealogically speaking....

"They are and were."

"Well my friend ... Like I said, I will contact you when I get back home. And if what you say is true, then I have been lied to my whole fucking life … really fucking great. See you then."


July 1988 -
White Wolf (Lee Maddox), Chippewa Elder Obituary:
White Wolf (Lee Maddox), a member of the Sault Sainte Marie Chippewa, passed away at the age of 65 years of age He was born on the Chippewa reserve, and was a graduate of La Salle High School in Michigan and the Rhode Island School of Design. During the Korean War, he was a Master Chief Petty Officer and served with the Navy "Seabees" (Construction Battalion) for thirty years.
He was also a civil engineer for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, a position from which he retired in 1996 due to his heart condition. In addition, he served for two terms on the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Commission of Indian Affairs. He founded the Dighton Intertribal Council in l989, was its Acting Chief until l997 and has continued as Elder Chief. During his term, the Council was given the Town Hall Building on Rte 138.
White Wolf gave many lectures to civic organizations regarding Native American culture and frequently visited classrooms of children throughout the New England area. He is survived by his wife Libby, three daughters, Lisa, Lee and Debra and a son Anthony. He was to be a grandfather in September.
His funeral will be held on Monday July 13, 1998 at eleven in the morning at: Birchcrest, 189 Gordon Neck Road, Swansea, Massachusetts, followed by burial at Dighton Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to St Joseph's Indian School in Chamberlain, South Dakota, 57325.

If the late Lee "White Wolf" Maddox was the founder of the Dighton Intertirbal Council in 1989, and was that organization's Acting Chief until 1997 ... how could Mr. Thomas F. Snizek be elected as that organization's Chief, all while being a member of Howard Franklin Knight Jr's group in Vermont, and subsequently, Paul Wilson Pouliot's group based in Franklin, MA [now based where the Pouliot's live in Alton, NH], and then the Swanton, VT, based Mazipskwik group, and very likely the Nulhegan group based in Orleans County, Vermont now ?

Mr. Snizek claims he was made a Chief in a Ceremony in a Mide'wnwim Lodge Ceremony … Traditional Chief (Spiritual Chief) ca. 2012." 

NO GENEALOGY, NO COMMUNITY, NO ABENAKI, and he's a "Chief of the Abenaki"?

Does anyone in N'dakinna SMELL the BULL SH** yet?

Does anyone in N'dakinna SEE the CREATED "ABENAKI" PERSONA yet?

In conclusion, per this evaluation, it would appear that with the sacred ceremonies of the Midewin, as well as the Wabanaki Confederacy, wherein apparently ANYONE can present themselves as an "Abenaki" and or an "Abenaki Chief" ... and with a click of the heels and wave of the hand ... taaah daaaaah ... 

NOW they are entering into Native Museum's across N'dakinna.
NOW they are entering into the United Nations across N'dakinna.
NOW they are entering the Sacred Spiritual Lodges across N'dakinna.

REPRESENTING themselves.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Yet another INTERESTING newspaper document from 1873 regarding the Phillips Family

Awhile back I began exposing my research of the Antoine Phelps/ Philips/Phillips SR. and his wife Catherine Emery / Coderre family as well as the Bowman/Bruchac research ... etc.

Please see and review the Phelps - Phillips Time Line: 


"that they were or are descendants of either Chief Philippé of the Upper Coos, New Hampshire area ca. 1796 ... and or Louie Métallic of the same time up to 1847 who died in West Stewartstown, Coos County, New Hampshire."

The Phillips family of both Franklin County, Vermont and Chittenden County, Vermont CAN NOT be from either Chief Philippé nor of Luie Métallic paternally speaking. 

January 22 1859
Vermont Phoenix Brattleboro, VT Newspaper
Two colored men, father [Antoine Sr.] and son [Peter Sr.], surnamed Phillips and a Frenchman [Peter Trueheart], nephew of the elder [Antoine Sr.] Phillips, were committed to jail at Burlington on Friday, for a murderous assault upon Peter Goulding of Hinesburgh, fracturing his skull with a cart rung and otherwise bruising him in a shocking manner. Peter Phillips Sr. has been dealt with once before, for biting a man’s nose nearly off.

Now, very recently, yet another newspaper article has come to my attention.

Dated January 13, 1873 in Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, the article is shown herein and subsequently transcribed:

Michael Phillips, SR. colored Frenchman, was brought up in the City Court this forenoon for gross intoxication on Saturday evening.
Himself and brother Peter Phillips SR. had been about town all day, and were "how came you so" when evening came on.
About 8 o'clock they emerged from the saloon of Peter Rivard on Church street, when brother Peter endeavored to get Michael, who works at Alderman Shedd's farm in South Burlington, to go home.

Considerable difficulty ensued, in placing Michael in his sleigh, and there was a great outcry, which soon brought together a crowd of spectators.
Policeman Bliss interfered, and the brothers were taken to jail where they spent the Sabbath in sobering off. 
Michael was fined $5 and costs by Judge Noyes.
He testified to purchasing his "poison" of Peter Rivard, who will doubtless be brought up when found by the officers.

Two colored French men ... their father was "Black" in the 1850 Highgate, VT Census. 
Peter Phillips SR. when he went to Windsor State Prison in April 1859 was "Mulatto" 

... and their mother Catherine Emery dit Coderre was a french woman from Saint Hyacinthe per the Notre Dame d' Rosaire Parish records.

I'll let this article "sit" here and stare back at whoever reads this blog, but especially for the likes of Dr. Frederick Matthew Wiseman, Ph.D., Donald Warren Stevens, Jr., right along with VT Governors' Jim Douglas and Peter Shumlin, along with VT Senator's Illuzzi, Hinda Miller, and Diane Snelling, as well as Eloise Beil, and others that were "involved" in creating these false "Abenaki Tribes" within Vermont, post - 2006.

The REALITY and TRUTH ... is what it is. 

And it will be posted, layer after layer, document for document about these so-called "Abenakis" of Vermont.

There's a difference between KNOWING and merely believing ...

Saturday, November 5, 2016

The VPR - Johnson State College collusion with fraudulently-recognized "Abenakis" of Vermont


"What is the status of the Abenaki Native Americans in Vermont today?" - Bethany Ladimer, Burlington
“What made me curious about this more than anything else, was how little I have heard in the last 35 years, which is how long I’ve lived in Vermont, about them,” Bethany says.
Bethany says she asked her question about Vermont’s Abenaki because they’re pretty much a total mystery to her. She says she heard a radio story once about how their language is disappearing, and she has some basic understanding of how colonization went. But on the whole, she has no good way of even placing the Abenaki in modern-day Vermont.
“It’s as though they were ghosts, and I had no way to see who they are,” she says. “I mean, I may be rubbing shoulders with them, every day, and not know it.”

And there’s another problem: Bethany says her children never learned about the Abenaki in school. She’s a former educator, and this lack of knowledge upsets her.

Does Ms. Bethany Ladimer, a former teacher/ educator have her head stuck in the Vermont soil? Obviously she hasn't been reading this blog! Of course, reading this blog, 95% percent of it isn't about the Abenakis, but about the fraudulent wannabiak of Vermont/New Hampshire/New England. 

Mentioning Richard Charles Holschuh Jr. from the very beginning, this liberal naive reporter of the VPR crew, Agnela Evancie ... along with this former teacher, Bethany Ladimer shamefully goes out to interview the leaders and allies of these fake groups, attempting to legitimize these groups claims and assertions. 

"Been here forever"? Bullsh** Their genealogical mapping shows very clearly who Donald Warren Stevens Jr.'s ancestor Phelps/ Philips/ Phillips ancestors come from. As well as the Coderre dit Emery, the Bessette's and Benoit dit Livernois etc. etc. 

Richard Holschuh Jr. claims he's of Mik'maq ancestry ... ok let's look at his ancestry and documents.

Donald Warren Stevens Jr. claims and asserts the Eugenics Survey of Vermont specifically targeted the Abenakis within the state. PROVE IT. Where are the Abenakis within the Eugenics Survey? 

The Attorney General's Office of Vermont stated and proved this was clearly not who the Eugenic's Survey of Vermont were targeting. In fact, the Eugenics Survey of Vermont weren't targeting the Abenakis, but rather, was targeting NEGROS in Vermont intermarried with WHITE / FRENCH marriages.

Vermont Public Radio advocates these LIES apparently. The VPR reporter(s) do not do their research/ homework.

The Evolution of Richard Charles Holschuh Jr.


Growing his hair longer

Patrick Leahy and Richard Charles Holschuh Jr.

Instant Shake and Bake Indian of Vermont

Richard Charles Holschuh Jr. "who traces his heritage to the Mi'kmaq tribe in Nova Scotia"

Shirley Therrien's daughter Amy, states that to be questioned and to have to "prove that they are Abenaki ... quote ... sucks." 

Because she and they, DO NOT WANT ANYONE to look deeper, to do the genealogies, do the homework ... to detect the LIES and DISTORTIONS coming from these groups since 1975.

There's no better way to do that (recognition) "Groom the next generation" with some song and dance.

Couldn't have said it better Agnela Evancie.

It is a fraudulent song and dance since 1975 ... and you don't know, as a reporter of VPR's Brave Little State, how to do your homework, and that applies to this former teacher, Bethany Ladimer. 

"Donald Warren Stevens Jr. acts like a high-powered politician." Indeed he does. LIES ABOUT HIS OWN ANCESTRY, MISAPPROPRIATES AND MISUSES the Eugenics Records of Vermont, and implies fraudulently that he's an "Abenaki" of Abenaki descent. 

I know that Vermont Politicians will NEVER ADMIT they were or are wrong about these groups ... allegedly being comprised of "Abenakis" with coherent reasonably documented genealogical records, or having a cohesive historical record to the Abenakis. These four groups now recognized and even a fifth group that wasn't ... used a fraudulent sleazy methodology and half-baked genealogical foundation, to gain themselves the costume of being "Abenakis" within the State of Vermont. 

The State of Vermont Politicians, Media Communications and Educational Institutions and legitimate Native Communities like Old Town, Pleasant Point, Kahnawake and Akwesasne, as well Native Communities in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, etc will continue to be GROOMED by these fraudulent groups of "Abenaki" fakery in Vermont, even more intently as we march ourselves into 2017. 

I suggest to the naive public not to buy what Vermont nor these fraudulent "tribes" of Vermont are trying to sell you. It may sound good and look pretty, but it's not Abenaki. It's parlor tricks and snake-oil salesmanship on a grand State-Sanctioned level.

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