Please see and review the Phelps - Phillips Time Line:
"that they were or are descendants of either Chief Philippé of the Upper Coos, New Hampshire area ca. 1796 ... and or Louie Métallic of the same time up to 1847 who died in West Stewartstown, Coos County, New Hampshire."
The Phillips family of both Franklin County, Vermont and Chittenden County, Vermont CAN NOT be from either Chief Philippé nor of Luie Métallic paternally speaking.
January 22 1859
Vermont Phoenix Brattleboro, VT Newspaper
Two colored men, father [Antoine Sr.] and son [Peter Sr.], surnamed Phillips and a Frenchman [Peter Trueheart], nephew of the elder [Antoine Sr.] Phillips, were committed to jail at Burlington on Friday, for a murderous assault upon Peter Goulding of Hinesburgh, fracturing his skull with a cart rung and otherwise bruising him in a shocking manner. Peter Phillips Sr. has been dealt with once before, for biting a man’s nose nearly off.
Now, very recently, yet another newspaper article has come to my attention.
Dated January 13, 1873 in Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, the article is shown herein and subsequently transcribed:

Michael Phillips, SR. colored Frenchman, was brought up in the City Court this forenoon for gross intoxication on Saturday evening.
Himself and brother Peter Phillips SR. had been about town all day, and were "how came you so" when evening came on.
About 8 o'clock they emerged from the saloon of Peter Rivard on Church street, when brother Peter endeavored to get Michael, who works at Alderman Shedd's farm in South Burlington, to go home.
Considerable difficulty ensued, in placing Michael in his sleigh, and there was a great outcry, which soon brought together a crowd of spectators.
Policeman Bliss interfered, and the brothers were taken to jail where they spent the Sabbath in sobering off.
Michael was fined $5 and costs by Judge Noyes.
He testified to purchasing his "poison" of Peter Rivard, who will doubtless be brought up when found by the officers.
Two colored French men ... their father was "Black" in the 1850 Highgate, VT Census.
Peter Phillips SR. when he went to Windsor State Prison in April 1859 was "Mulatto"
... and their mother Catherine Emery dit Coderre was a french woman from Saint Hyacinthe per the Notre Dame d' Rosaire Parish records.
I'll let this article "sit" here and stare back at whoever reads this blog, but especially for the likes of Dr. Frederick Matthew Wiseman, Ph.D., Donald Warren Stevens, Jr., right along with VT Governors' Jim Douglas and Peter Shumlin, along with VT Senator's Illuzzi, Hinda Miller, and Diane Snelling, as well as Eloise Beil, and others that were "involved" in creating these false "Abenaki Tribes" within Vermont, post - 2006.
The REALITY and TRUTH ... is what it is.
And it will be posted, layer after layer, document for document about these so-called "Abenakis" of Vermont.
There's a difference between KNOWING and merely believing ...