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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Cowasuck OF North America Minutes of 12/09/1995; Homer St. Francis Letter AGAINST his own Cousin Connie Brow; Chart from Howard Knight Jr; Minutes of the Council Meeting Feb. 10, 1996:

Cowasuck of North America Taped on 12/9/95 1345hrs. Meeting came to order At Harry and Cindy Shovers Home:
Opening Ceramony was preformed by Howard And Cindy with blessings and smugging all around for us that where at the meeting. Emerson B. Garfield came in late;but he made it despite the weather we had(SNOW)! Cindy asked if the children should be blessed and they where(Danyelle & Matthew).
The new Council in Swanton would have to subordinate under this council; we met with them and they asked if they could come under this council under our 501 C-3. We said that they would have to get their our 501 C-3; but if they subordinate under us our Chief Financial Officer would have to set up the book! (They do not like that) That is where we stopped it.
The Secretary report was read for the last meeting and OK by all the members that were present at this meeting. (1) The review of the Constitution and By-Laws at our next meeting. Mostion made by Chuck; Seconded by White Dove; and Confimed by all.
The Tresurers report was read by Cindy; we have as of this date $23.43 in the check book.Mostion made by Chuck to pass the Tresurers report as read; Seconded by Emerson all confermed the reading.
Old Business:
The womans and men Councils have not got with the Childerns Council on their request of there list. It was desided that we have to get our men's and women's councils together to get going on this matter! We need to devide up this training duties for our childern! The childern have started their own account as a savings book with the financial officer on this savings book with a amount of $50.00 something in it.(Danyelle and Joey have done very will to start this matter for the crafts they need in their council. Joey & Danyelle did tomahawk throwing contest in two outings with Harry and Cindy Shover.
We have to desided on the womans hoop issue; The woman asked that all the council heads resign their postions on this council; Cindy resigned her postion as Assoc. Chief and Emerson B. Garfield went in as Assoc.Chief By Voting by phone. Harry on his own wrote a letter to the womans council and used there own words against them! We found out that the womans hoop would like to charge the schools $200.00 to $300.00 & mileage for teaching in schools around our area. Just because the group in St. Albans Charges. We will ask for Donations to be made to this council if they wish; we will do the teaching for free! A mostion was made to stop the womans from doing this move! We will send a letter to them and the IRS on behalf for our 501 C-3 advising them and the womans hoop that they have no right to use our 501 C-3 it any way shape or matter. They are on there own but are not throne out of this council as members! It was voted on to reform the woman's council by spring picking new leader; also we have to reform the mans council need to pick a new mens leader for their council. Jary Snay is not running it well! Motion made by:White Dove , Second by: Harry all confirmed!
New Business:
We look in Subordents for the Cowasuck of North America Organiztional Chart that Harry designed for this council. The Chief Financial Officer explained about the books and bookkeeping of the records that have to be set up on this matter. Roger said that he can help us with the computer end he has a program for the financial end for record keeping. Roger also asked the council if we can get as CD-Rom to be persued by this council for Gerealogical Reports. It will be worth the money of $49.00 in a money order! Motion was made by:Chuck Second By: Cindy , All confirmed ! We all put money in to get this! (Roger would you like to tell us how it is going right know with the Gerealogical Reports!)
Howard had written his ruff drafts and informed this council that he [Howard F. Knight Jr.] is retiring as chief this June 1996, He read the drafts and we all agree to this draft that was read to us. We will
[NOTE: this is I think the 4th or 5th document wherein Howard F. Knight Jr. SUPPOSEDLY "Resigns" as "chief"...didn't he already resign in January 1993? Oh that's right, he re-activated himself as "Cowasuck" Chief like some Wanna-Be "Abenaki" Chief that he is ... actually he was and is ONLY an Inc. President]
have to start looking for a new chief for Aprils meeting. Howard presented this council with a set of deer horns for the new headdress of the new leader; The new horns would be in the care of loon caller till that time! Buy april meeting, by-laws have to be amended - (for leanel Coos.)
We need a standard Application From we need a simple forms to use. The Council agreed to let Harry & Cindy make the new forms for the council to be ready by the next meeting.
A motion was made that the Coucnil meets every 2 months for know on! Second Saturday meet. Next meeting is Feb. 10 1996 at Harry & Cindy Place, Pot Luck all confirmed this mostion!
Motion by cindy to ajorn the meeting ; All in favor say I's have it!
Report By Cindy J. Shover 12/10/95 [December 10, 1995]
Sovereing Republic of the Abenaki Nation
Grand Chief Homer St. Francis
P.O. Box 276
Depot Street
Missisquoi, 05488
Telephone (802)868-7146 or (802)868-2559
Fax (802)868-5118
December 27, 1995
Representative Wiliam A. Fyfe
Box 421
399 Sias Avenue
Newport, VT 05855
Dear Representative Fyfe:
As you are undoubtedly aware from the recent media reports a small number of former members of the Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi have recently decided to strike out on their own and are attempting to claim representation of the Abenaki citizens under the self-styled organizational name of "Traditional Abenaki of Mazipskwik and Related Bands". This group coincidently manifested itself at the same time that the Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi was researching the Abenaki lineage of some of its members in preparation for resubmitting its Petition for Federal Recognition and accompanying genealogical data to the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Unfortunately, some members were apparently concerned with the request for substantiation of their Abenaki heritage.
The Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi has long been recognized as the true Abenaki Tribe in Vermont. The Nation and its two non-profit service organizations, Abenaki Self-Help Association, Inc., (ASHAI) and Wobanaki, Inc., have, for more than the past two decades had their main goal the increasing of the self-sufficiency of the Native American Community be [by] promoting economic and social development of the Abenaki people. Over that period of time programs in education, employment, drug abuse, youth, housing and economic development have been directed toward attaining these goals. The most recent success, with the generous support of IBM, has been the creation of a computer training center for the members of the Abenaki Nation with the goal of developing marketable job skills. These programs have not been matched by any other organization seeking to represent the Native-American community in Vermont.
The Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi recognizes that right of free expression and organization and believes that any program or organization that can benefit and improve the status of the Native-American community in Vermont can only help Native-Americans.
It has, however, recently come to the Nation's attention that there are individuals and organizations out there who may have approached either you or your organization claiming
to represent the Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi and its citizens and soliciting support, donations, funds, or equipment on behalf of the Abenaki Nation. In fact, they may have received donations that were earmarked for programs of the Abenaki Nation, to include Christmas gifts for the Nation's "Operation Santa Claus" and based on this unauthorized representations mistakenly given to them. The only people that are harmed by these sort of reprehensible actions are the individual tribal members, especially the children. Many of these representations do not belong to, are affiliated with or are authorized by the Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi or its two service agencies to seek solicitations on behalf of the Nation. I would request that you use extreme care and prudence regarding any solicitations or representations that you received by individuals or groups claiming to represent the Abenaki Nation. Please request identification and/or letters of authorization. Individuals authorized to represent the Nation have been issued such letters. If you have any questions or concerns please immediately call the Tribal Headquarters at (802)868-7146/2559.
I would like to thank you for your generous support and assistance in the past and look forward to continue working with you in the future to help the Abenaki people attain self-sufficiency. I wish a very peaceful and merry holiday.
Grand Chief Homer St. Francis
Homer St. Francis, Sr.
Grand Chief of the Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi

[Note: Apparently, based on this revealing letter by the late Homer St. Francis Sr., he certainly DID NOT want his cousin relation Connie Brow, nor other persons such as his ex-"Tribal Judge" Michael Delaney, Michael's wife Ina E. Delaney, nor anyone else "having a slice of the solicited monies" coming in from either the State of Vermont or the Federal Government. It is interesting to note that the inference, that the Mazipskwik group incorporation was "labeled" Christmas Thieves against Homer's so-called "Operation Santa Claus." From an "inference" Homer St. Francis Sr. implied that such accusation is fact. It equates to being sleezy, "dirty" and simply a Just For Us Representive of an "Abenaki" Corporation he himself was a "President" of, in some of his lifetime.
THIS IS A DRAWING/ SKETCH entitled "CHAIN OF COMMAND" Sovereign Abenaki Nation which was drawn by Howard F. Knight Jr.

Associate Chief/ Vice President
Combined Unified Council of
The Sovereign Abenaki Nation
(Secretary of State)
Ambassadors (DEPT OF STATE)
Supreme Court of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation
Dept of Heath and Human Services
Dept of Housing
Dept of Employment
Dept of Security
Dept of Education
Dept of Motor Vehicles
ASHAI Council
ODENAK Council
Becancour Council
Winooski Council
Southern New England Grand Council
Kokoki/ The Beaver Meadow Grand Council
Grand Council Cowasuck of North America
Offshooting from ASHAI Council is:
St. Francis
Offshooting from Grand Council Cowasuck of North America is:
No. New England Cowasuck
Southeast Township, Quebec, Cowasuck
Connecticut Lakes Coos
Offshooting from Indian Clans of Cowasuck United is:
Loon Clan
Bear Clan
Wolf Clan
Deer Clan
? Clan
[NOTE: Reminds a person of trying to create a Nation within a Nation, Cult? Jim Jones of the "Abenaki"?]
Minutes of the Council Meeting of February 10, 1996
Meeting called to order by Speaker Paul Pouliot at 7:30 pm.
Members Present: Grandfather Maple [Rene George Blanchette], Paul Wilson Pouliot, Linda (nee: White) Pouliot, Diane Bardsley, Ralph Bardsley, Gary Bliven, Sue Bliven, Firewoman [Jacqueline Emerton], Bill Schmitts, Bernie Schmitts, Al Goodwin, Joyce Goodwin, Al Barrette, Bob Nordin
Guests: Marge C., Little Beaver, Denise Beauregard [Denise married to Jamie Mehigan and later to Paul Wilson Pouliot after her divorce from the former], Misha Vitrano, Bob Mattie
Members Absent: Terry Howland, Jim Howland
Opening Comments
Paul Pouliot welcomed all in attendence and gave the history of the wampum belts. He did a pipe and prayed for all the people. He said a special prayer for all those that have gone to the above land.
Old Business
Mail & Correspondence
Paul Pouliot asked for comments about the newsletter. We will be dropping names from our mailing. Some move every time a newsletter is sent. It costs the tribe $1.50 for every address change. The post office delayed the mailing. The mailing too three weeks instead of the expected 10 days. Copies of the following newsletters were handed out: Quinnehtuqut Nipmuc News, Laconia Historical Association, New Hampshire Intertribal Native American Council, Dighton Intertribal Indian Council, Women's Hoop Newsletter, Dawnland Center, Wollomonuppoag, and Pequot Times. This helps the council understand what other groups are doing in New England. Also the Pow Wow calendar was made available. (See attached).
Letters were sent to Paul Tamburro and Edwin F. Alden, Esquire authorizing them to establish a west coast branch of COWASS NORTH AMERICA, Inc. Also sent was a letter from the Secretary of the Commonwealth, William Francis Galvin, certifying that the organization was in "good standing" with the state of Massachusetts. (See Attached).
The Head Start Program in Somerville wrote a thank you note that appeared in the February 7, 1996 County Gazette. This pertained to the Christmas gifts that were given to needy families (See attached).
Abenaki Nation
Other groups have been reorganizing into cluster groups. Howard F. Knight and Raymond "Looking Glass" Lussier been campaigning very hard in New Hampshire. Two historians, David Stuart Smith and Colin Calloway, are interested in more information about our band. Jesse Bowman Bruchac is doing a language project at U Mass. The West Coast is working very hard at developing a "working organization" and they have a drum that is made up of the youth in the council. Paul Tamburro is getting his doctorate. As new groups try to make their niche, negativity seems to emerge. We need to work together not in competition. Our goals are the same.
Grant Updates
The original grant filed is still being held in abeyance until the government balances the budget. A fact sheet and a brochure about the Abenaki is being developed for the Resist Grant. No news about the Danvers state property. The band has requested $1,000.00 from FEMA through the United Way. This will be used for our mobile food pantry. Also we have requested $1,000.00 from Project Bread.
We are currently working on the ANA Grant which will be filed in 2 seperate grant proposals. The first part due March 15, 1996 deal with a Language Program. James [actually that's "Elie"] Joubert has send us his developing language program and has indicated that he would like to be involved with the project. He is currently the youngest speaker of the language from Odanak. He would like use to help in getting his program and dictionary published. The second part of the grant due May 17, 1996 pertains to an economic project. These are three year grants.
Program Update
Cowass North America has $1,000.00 left in the budget. We need to consider what fundraisers we wish to do. A handout on developing a Land Trust was handed out to the council. We hope to purchase some land in New Hampshire very soon. The food pantry is doing very well in Franklin. We currently have $18,000.00 in the account to purchase food. We bid on a van and won the bid. We now have a van
[NOTE: Paul Wilson Pouliot wanted to purchase land in New Hampshire, on the advise of Paul Rene Tamburro, and very likely also due to his association with David Stuart Smith; the COWASS NORTH AMERICA INC. had to make it appear that withthe using of the name PENNACOOK in their groups name, the group had to relocate to the geographical area in which the PENNACOOK were located. Certainly the PENNACOOK didn't create an "Abenaki" Corporation in February 1993, within the geographical area of Worcester, MA]
registered and ready for tribal use. Franklin Pierce College is working with us on a complicated law project. Details will be given as we get them. We will be doing a press release in New Hampshire asking all natives no affiliated with a band to contact us for possible enrollment. We need exposure in New Hampshire. [This admission of "solicatation" of membership would PREVENT Paul Wilson Pouliot from EVER gaining Federal Acknowledgment as a Frederally Recognized Abenaki Tribe] Bonnie Pouliot is pursuing 6 colleges and is asking for native status when applying. She has been accepted at three colleges thus far. Franklin Pierce, Northeastern, and Massachusetts College of Pharmacy. She has an interview with Dartmouth on Monday, February 12th.
We are still trying to determine the exact feasts that the Abenaki celebrated. The Red Hawk Drum practices on Sundays. They have been learning the "old traditional songs" of our people. They will be available for any social. Firewoman [Jacqueline Emerton] asked the Drum to play for her gathering in May. They will also be the host drum for the June 1st and 2nd gathering. The Drum has found a recording studio who can produce a tape for $3.00. We could sell for $10.00. This could be fundraiser.
Remember our big fundraiser is June 1st and 2nd at the Bellingham Sportmen's Club on Lake Street in Bellingham, Massachusetts. The club has decided to give us 60% of the gate. There will be an arbor in the middle as was traditional. They will be setting up "games" such as tomahawk throwing, musket shooting, and archery. We will have to do all the advertising. Volunteers will be needed in all areas. The Odanak gathering has been scheduled for July 4th - 7th.
Tribal Government
The request for state and federal recognition is still going forward. Because of the other groups copying our name and taking credit for our work, we will need to change our name. Paul Tamburro is working on a name that will more accurately reflect who we really are. [Ought this group, if these people were or are legit, KNOW accurately who their ancestors were and thus their group's identity?] He is also working a new logo for us.
The Wabanaki Baseline Family Research Project has begun. As stated we will be contacting all the major newspapers in New Hampshire with a press release. Diana gratefully ran off the media list for us.
The council was given an updated copy of our membership policies and procedures. Because we are all actively doing genealogy, the band has been purchasing microfeesh through Quitin Publications. Books fall apart when trying

to constantly copy pages so we went to microfeesh. Also because the cost is lower we can purchase far more. Anyone wishing to contribute to or use the information can contact us at Tribal Headquarters. Bob from Quitin publications is willing to come and lecture on doing genealogies. Grandfather Maple contributed $20.00 toward the purchase of more. He is always available to help council members with their genealogy. Remember to write up any oral history that you have. Often the oral traditions are more valuable than names. (See attached).
Our sub group is studying the Great Law. They will be coming to us with a report soon. If the Six Nations will consider our petition, we would be required to go the Longhouse for a reading of the Great Law. Adopting the law will mean that would be at peace with all nations that sit in the Longhouse. No autonomy would be compromised. Anyone wishing more information about the project should contact Linda or Diana.
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has granted Paul the permission to perform marriages in Massachusetts. (See attached)
The Elders stated that as the new pow wow season begins we need to remain focused and not listen to the rumors on the moccasin trail. We have to keep in balance and go forward without listening to the bickering and fighing between different groups.
The Women's Circle is in its second year. Linda stated that it is very important to stay focussed and serve as a role models for other groups. We need to have a "thick skin" and brush off negative comments. The group will continue to study and learn from the Thirteen Original Clan Mothers. Herbal studies and aromatherapy will be expand to include preparations. The group meets again on February 17, 1996. The circle is open to all women.
New Business - Open Discussion
On January 31, 1996 Paul Pouliot, Little Beaver, and Gary Bliven took a drum and went to a meeting at Mount Wachusett. The group who leases the mountain wants to expand and cut down all existing old tree growth. We went as
representatives of the Abenaki. Eight other nations were represented. We played the drum outside in below zero temperatures. Other natives joined us. Terry and Jim Howland have agreed to get additional information for us and head up the project. They will be able to determine what our involvement will be. (See Attached).
Meetings adjorned at 11:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted: Linda (nee: White) Pouliot [Paul's 1st wife]
Attested to: Paul Wilson Pouliot 

Ok, so NOW you got a little bit of background of just HOW the EVOLUTION these "Abenaki" Corporations evolved from one, into another, and another. Each Corporation President became a "Chief" with a LOOSE and FLUID SOLICITED MEMBERSHIP COMPOSITION. 1. Homer St. Francis Sr. into 2. Richard Wilfred BlackHorse Phillips into 3. Howard Franklin Knight Jr. into 4. Paul Wilson Pouliot and also Howard Knight Jr. created Clan of the Hawk Inc. which is led by Ralph Skinner Swett. From the latter Corporation Clan of the Hawk, Inc. went Nancy Lee (nee: Cote) Rolls from Homer St. Francis's group. Luke Andrew Willard was also a part of the Clan of the Hawk, Inc., an Indian-ist group. He was also a part of David Andrew Hill's group as well. Whereupon, by 2004 Mr. Willard, Dawn Macie, and her mother Nancy Cote, with others formed another "Abenaki" Corporation calling itself the "Nulhegan-Coosuk, Incorporation" in August 2004.....

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

November 02, 1995 Cowasuck of North America Goals and Objectives Pages 1 to 3;

Page [1.]
P. 1/3
The Cowasuck's Purpose in writing this grant is to expand and enhance the already developed (main council) infrastructure which provides services and resources to assist the Cowasuck (COOS) Bands of the Abenaki Nation, *or other Abenaki, and Native American Peoples. These networks ["Abenaki" Corporations] need this grant assistance to provide the much needed services described below. The following network of self help assistance and guidance will increase the service level of the Cowasuck (COOS) Bands of the Abenaki Nation and also promote and provide the basic essentials of life; living without hunger, being clothed, having proper housing, and experiencing the spiritual and cultural awareness that is part of the Abenaki's, *or other Native American's Heritage, as well as the community at large.
1. To preserve and protect the Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of the Cowasuck (COOS) Abenaki Peoples. This would be accomplished by developing educational and cultural programs to teach and preserve the history, legends, lore, religion, language, and culture of the Cowasuck (COOS) Abenaki peoples as a whole.
2. To support Cowasuck (COOS) Abenaki people or other Native American Tribal Councils, groups and organizations in their efforts to preserve and promote Native American issues and concerns.
3. To establish a network of foster and adoptive care homes, and build, purchase or otherwise provide affordable housing for Cowasuck (COOS), *or Abenaki Peoples.
4. To establish employment opportunities by promoting already established Cowasuck (COOS) or Abenaki *or other Native American owned and operated businsess and aiding in developing new businesses.
5. To acquire land with expansion potential to build a Council Hall with a teaching center, tribal court, and rehab center.
6. To establish a legal council and advocacy group to assist in court cases in all areas of the judicial system.
Page [1a.]
 Same document as [1.] yet not faxed.
Page [2.]
P. 2/3
It is our intent to help existing businesses of the Council membership to grow and prosper, and to help initiate start-ups of new enterprises. Outside networks [Allied "Abenaki" Corporations within VT, NH, MA] will be utilized to foster this initiative, examples of this are minority business development, SBA, SBDC, etc. Technical assistance will be offered in strategic planning, marketing, financing through a central group of business people. A support system for Abenaki and other Native American businesses will be the major focus with outside assistance being offered with the remaining resources.
Through the talents of our crafts people we will develop and market a mail order catalog of various products including, but not limited to, jewelry, paintings, clothing, music, books, hides, leather, feathers, food products, herbs, spices, wood products, how to videos and books, etc.
The Council hall will house the following:
1. Offices of the Chief Spokesman, Associate Chief Spokesman Financial Officer, and assisting staff.
2. A food pantry, clothing shelf, Toys for tots, and medical station will be established for those who live outside the Community (reservation).
3. A meeting hall for general elections, meetings and critical issues.
4. A sectioin for education and a library with computers and access to the internet.
5. A genealogy department.
6. A market place for people to purchase goods made on the property and those outside the community.
A judicial system will be established and implemented by the Abenaki Ministry of Justice to provide legal council, and oversee a tribal police force. A lawyer or lawyers may be retained on an as need be basis to advocate and assist our people that become wrongly accused, or in dispute with the law. Their services will also be utilized to educate our people in indian law, constitutional issues and maritime law A law library and court council will manage the tribal affairs, and aid in the local community by working with our state police, sheriffs, local police, and game wardens.
The COOS will stay educated on Federal, State, and local governmental issues which would impact the Abenaki and other Native Americans. They will develop counseling for the Cowasuck (COOS) people, who are victims of child abusse, battered, or need these services to provide a safe living environment.
Page [2a.]
Same as document [2.] yet not faxed.
Page [3.]
P. 3/3

Our objective is to acquire 1000 acres or more of land that has a healthy forest, sufficient open land to support livestock, and a good source of water. It is our philosophy to make this land self sufficient, holistic, and able to support the immediate Cowasuck community working on the grounds. The projected livestock to be raised are as follows: deer, elk, cattle, pigs, rabbits, turkeys, goats. These animals will be raised along with wild edibles, and an abundant fruit, vegetable, and herb garden to be used as a food, medicinally, and a spiritual source for the Cowasucks. Members will also be able to hunt and fish or this land.
It is proposed that land will be gifted or purchased in the future for expansion to meet the needs of the people. The property will be used as a safe refuge for individuals in need, however they will be required to act according to the Abenaki judicial laws and work on the land for their room and board. This property will also be home to the council hall and library. The Council Hall will have a capacity of 500 people, will be used for Abenaki meetings such as cultural, musical, story telling, educational, religious, etc. The library will be an art and literary center where people can enjoy the rich strong culture which makes up the Native American people.
The development of these centers are intended to pay for themselves through there utilization as a living historical museum. Monies will be derived from tourism, educational Native American trips, Pows Wows as well as other ventures that may present themselves. The property will be tax free under the Suzerain-Trust relationship with the respective governments.
This will include the ability for Abenaki* or Native Americans to be able to buy, sell, or trade, tax free, while doing business on this land.
Another use of this purchase is to establish a human care a facility for the elderly, the disabled, child care, alcohol and drug rehabilitation, and other physical educational uses to promote wellness.
Finally, a burial site will be designated using traditional and modern sites. Also a veterans memorial site will be instituted for those who served, past, present, and future.
[NOTE: Remember recently in a posting I mentioned that Howard F. Knight Jr. used the word "suzerain" from the documents (posted earlier) from the Native Peoples Resolution up in Alaska...]
Council Office Expenses for direct cost, indirect cost, including setup costs, and fire and security systems.
Establishment of Genealogy Department, includes computer network between Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada and Vermont and Massachsuetts.
[Roland Demers in Sherbrooke; Howard Knight Jr in Vermont; and either Paul Wilson Pouliot and or Raymond "Loodking Glass" Lussier both in Massachusetts]
Establish Judicial System, includes purchase of State law books, retainage for legal counsel, and legal research.
Revolving loan fund for start up of new enterprises with maximum loan amount of $500.00. Interest will be simple at set at 1% above prime with a maximum pa off period of one year.
Purchase or rental of utililty and office space, for council complex until a larger track of land can be purchased or gifted.
Develop and purchase a Heritage and Cultural Center, which will includes for stories and music and:
1. School presentations in close proximity, as requested in both english and french.
2. Cost to cover direct cost of presenters.
3. Cost to cover miscellaneous materials such as books, brochures, etc.
Research library for cultural and heritage life style, religion, Abenaki history, treaties, etc.
Emergency Reserve fund to supplement any and all funds.
Mens Council newsletters, includes postage, research supplies, for outdoor activities, etc.
Women's Council newsletter, includes postage, learning supplies, education, etc.
Seed money for a Memorial fund, this includes flowers, cards, ceremonial items, etc. This fund will be self sufficient from council donations in the future.
$100.00 Public relation charitable account for non-Abenaki Xmas donation.
River & Stream Water Quality Cleanup Project, this includes the purchase of testing supplies, equipment, testing services, reports, and cleanup activities to be conducted on and and around Lake Memphremagog.
$235,800.00 Total amount of grant requested.
Upon receipt of this grant all expenses will be accounted for and documented. Grantors will receive a copy of the income and expense statements at years end. This is an intitial budget to obtain neccessary funding to help our members and families now and in the future.
*(or) The Council reserves the right to support any group, council, or individual it chooses.
This document is the base document of the goals and objectives of the Cowasuck of North America and this document is subject to clarification, definition and, proposed amendments, now and in the future, as the leaders, and members of the Cowasuck of North America may deem is necessary.
Signed, Sealed and Dated this____day of____1995
in____Ancient Abenaki Territory, Northeastern North America.
Cowasuck (Coos) of North America
Territorial Headquarters
R.F.D. #2, Box 530-A
Newport, Vt. 05855
Howard F. Knight (aka Rushing Water)
Shief Spokesman
Cowasuck of North America of the Abenaki Nation
Emerson B. Garfield (aka Spirit Bear)
Associate Chief Spokesman
Cowasuck of North America of the Abenaki Nation
Cindy J. Shover (aka Loon Caller)
Chief Financial Officer
Cowasuck of North America of the Abenaki Nation
R.R. #2, Box 120
Orleans, Vt. 05860
Chuck Labor (aka Light Feather)
Tribal Judge
Cowasuck of North America of the Abenaki Nation
Harry C. Shover (aka Stalker)
Associate Tribal Judge
Cowasuck of North America of the Abenaki Nation

Homer St. Francis' Proclamation Resolution and Decree of April 5, 1995; April 10, 1995 Fax From Darrell R. Larocque to Homer St. Francis Sr. and also to Howard F. Knight, Jr:

Sovereign Republic of the Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi
P.O. Box 276, Missisquoi 05488
Phone 802-868-7146/2559
Fax 802-868-5118
Resolution and Decree
Grand Chief Homer W. St. Francis
Grand Chief of the
"Sovereign Abenaki Nation, International,"
Chief, Sovereign Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi
April 5, 1995
Whereas the constituent members groups of an organization called "The Sovereign Abenaki Nation International," which was founded August 20, 1994 at Evansville, VT., have not abided by, performed, or delivered upon, the terms and conditions agreed to by the signatory parties when the organizations was formed--TO WIT: (among others)
---have not sent tribal or band rolls to Missisquoi (the parent Nation).
---have not ceased nor desisted from from the issuing and selling of membership cards
---have acted unilaterally and independently to create illegitimate "tribes" or bands
---have created illegimate chieftainships over said illegitimate "tribes" or bands
I, Homer W. St. Francis, the duly elected and Grand Chief of the said "Sovereign Abenaki Nation International," with all the power and privilege visted in me as duly elected and serving Grand Chief, do hereby dissolve and disband the said "Sovereign Abenaki Nation International" and do hereby declare it and the terms and agreements entered in on August 20, 1994 to be null and void, and that there now exists no connection or relationship whatsoever between the said Soveriegn Abenaki Nation International its members and groups, and the Sovereign Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi.
Dated at Missisquoi (a.k.a. Swanton, VT.) This fifth day of April, 1995
[April 05, 1995]
Grand Chief Homer W. St. Francis
Homer W. St. Francis, Grand Chief
Sovereign Abenaki Nation International:
Chief, Sovereign Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi

Sovereign Republic of the Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi
P.O. Box 276, Missisquoi 05488
Phone 802-868-7146/2559
Fax 802-868-5118
Tribal Council Resolution
Whereas, in the interest of unity and cooperation, The Sovereign Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi agreed to be the parent and sponsoring member of a loose entity called the "Sovereign Abenaki Nation International" which was formed formed August 20, 1994, and,
Whereas, the member entities of said "Sovereign Abenaki Nation International" (hereafter SANI) entered into agreements and conditions of associations with the Sovereign Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi, and,
Whereas, NOT ONE of the aforementioned agreements and conditions has been honored, performed, carried out or lived up to by any one of the entities seeking association with the Sovereign Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi, and,
Whereas, the signatory entities since the beginning of said SANI have acted in a manner to destroy unity and cooperation between Abenaki People, and, hence, discredit the Sovereign Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi,
The Tribal Council of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi does today hereby resolve that that the organization entered into with the said SANI has not been in the interest of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi, and we do hereby authorize and instruct Homer W. St. Francis, the reigning Grand Chief of the said SANI with all the power and authority vested in him as the duly nominated and legitimate reigning Grand Chief of said SANI, to, immediately,
1. dissolve, and disband and to declare null and void the said SANI, and, to
2. hereby, sever, dissolve and erase any and all connection, relationship or involvement of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation of Vermont with said SANI and its component entities.
Dated this 5 day of April, 1995 at Missisquoi (a.k.a. Swanton, Vermont).

Grand Chief Homer St. Francis
Grand Chief, Sovereign Abenaki Nation International
[He signs once....]

Chief Homer St. Francis
Chief, Sovereign Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi
[He signs twice....]

April A. St. Francis  - [Rushlow - Merrill]Tribal Council Member
[April is a daughter of Homer Walter St. Francis Sr.]

Homer St. Francis II [Jr.]
Tribal Council Member
[Homer St. Francis Jr. is the son of Homer St. Francis Sr.]
Tribal Council Resolution, April 5, 1995 Continued....

Dorcus S. Churchill
Tribal Council Member
[Dorcus Sally nee: Maskell]
She married 1. Hakey 2. Bullard 3. Churchill 4. Pellissier

Carolynn "Phenix" Hearn
Tribal Council Member
[Phenix Hearn claimed she was "Creek Indian" from Virigina, NOT an "Abenaki"; She lived with Daisy nee: Goodman in Swanton; and Daisy later married to Thomas O'Bomsawin while she worked as a Grant Writer for Homer St. Francis Sr.]

Dee Bright Star
Tribal Council Member
Dee "Bright Star" is actually Deanna Lou nee: Dudley, daughter of Harley Edward Dudley and Elaine Vivian (nee: Park), born Sept. 13, 1942 in Rutland, VT. Both parents were identified as "W" for "white". When Deanna Lou Dudley married to Arthur David Martin, she was identified as "White" on November 27, 1958 in Burlington, VT. She also later married to Bernard George Lambert on August 20, 1983 in Grand Isle, VT under the name "Deanna Lou Brightstar". Later still, she married to a Peruvian man, to "keep him in the U.S.A."
 From: Darrell R. Larocque
8625 Cederbrook Drive
Charlotte, N. C. 28215
To: Homer St. Francis
44 Liberty Street
Swanton, VT. 05488
April 10, 1995
Dear Homer,
My last visit with you on March 11, 1995 brought me both sadness and dismay. I cannot accept any belief that Chief Roland Demers would have any bad words for the Abenaki Nation, or its peoples.
When the Abenaki Brave visited my bedside when I was in intensive care at Mercy Hospital at 3:00 AM I did not understand the real meaning of his visit. Now I do. I was on my death bed for sure, as all the monitors reflected this. I would not accept this and his message was clear; it has taken up to now for me to fully understand this.
I have been very loyal to you during these past years, and I will accept your words that the monies coming from my legal litigation are not needed by Missisquoi as there will be more money falling from the sky from the Gambling Venture that you and several other Abenaki members have undertaken by yourselves to agree upon with outsiders.
I do not recall ever having the vote to undertake either the BIA Route or the Gambling Venture, nor have I been made aware that the St. Francis/Sokoki Band or Missisquoi Tribal Council voting on these two issues. Please correct me if I am wrong by sending me a copy of minutes of either of these elections if held.
I will step back into the shadows for now as the Canadian Security check on me done March 16, 1995 made me realize just who I really am. My records are above reproach.
Your hand in the Unity Circle at all of Unity Meetings was taken seriously. I hope that you did too as one looked up to you for strong guidance and leadership. I trust that we will not be disappointed.
Darrell R. Larocque
4/10/95 [April 10, 1995]
TO FAX # 802-334-5951

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

March 17, 1995 Howard F. Knight Jr. Letter to "Grand Chief" Homer St. Francis; 3 Resignations from Howard Knight Jr.; Howard Knight's Dawnland Voice Newsletter Spring 1995, Etc:

March 17, 1995
Grand Chief Homer St. Francis:
To All Councils in Unity:
To Whom it Concerns:
In the interests of Unity of the Abenaki Nation and to ensure the full acceptence of this Council in the said Unified Abenaki Nation, and to put an end to all the fingerprinting, blame and crap that seems to have been, in the past and is in the present, aimed at this Council by every self-gratifying, empire-building snake, weed and thistle in the Abenaki Nation from Vermont to Southern New England, and they get away with it to the detriment of this Council, because I head this Council, I have offered to step-down and Retire as the Chief Spokesman of this Council. The Grand Chief has accepted the offer.
So as to be in compliance with our Corporate by-laws, my retirement as the Chief Spokesman of this Council will be effective as of the last day of the Pow-Wow and gathering on the Weekend of the 5th-16th of August 1995, at which time the Acting Chief Spokesman shall be installed as the Chief Spokesman.
Effective, upon approval of the Cowasuck Council at the next scheduled meeting, on 9 April 1995, Chuck Labor (AKA Light Feather) will become the Acting Chief Spokesman of the Grand Council of the Cowasuck of North America. Cindy Shover (AKA Loon Caller) will remain as the Assoc. Chief Spokesman of this Council and Harry Shover (AKA The Stalker) will become the Chief Judge of
the Council. I will finish out those projects that I have been working on, to include the David Hill & Robert Maynard case, and I'll be available to the new leadership of this Council for advise if requestested at any time, if it is requested. The only active positions I will retain on this Council are as follows:
Retired Chief Spokesman/ Senior Advisor
Legal Authorized Agent of the Corporation
Having I been graciously offered by the Grand Chief Homer St. Francis Sr. a prestegious position on the Supreme Council, initially I accepted, but after some thought the past couple of days, I again find that by my acceptance, it would still be an excuse for the weeds, snakes and thistles to shaft the unity process, hurt this council and cause too much disention, therefore, as I stated previously when I step-down, I retire permanently from any and all duties in the Abenaki Nation except as previously noted. My presence in any active role in the Nation is more then the snakes, weeds and thistles can tolerate and it would result in continuing turmoil for the Nation and for this Council, and the Unity, fair to all of our People, must go onwards. The needs of the many outweigh any one person.
Howard F. Knight Jr.
After my official Retirement in Aug. '95, I might be available for Special assignments at the request of the Supreme Council/ Grand Council of the National Federated Sovereign Republic of the Abenaki Nation. HFK

In Retrospect
LINK: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg5WlA6IqS3Rb7VhFR3XKRJH70XAfF8Ww4I3gGtMf3G-WC0vxpkUqIjlytg6IYteYmclxodiYxXKjFgNRtsNI2zxg5YhVBaDBEYMymNc4dXBc9Vd1Prjglhowqi6fClDj1jNmByX2Clr6g/s1600-h/367..jpg Resignation Letter of January 07, 1993 to Paul Wilson Pouliot from Howard Franklin Knight, Jr.
April 15, 1999
To Whom It Concern:
Cowasuck of North America,
Tribal Council and all Members:
Effective as of 2400 hours (midnight), this date, I, Chief Howard F. Knight, Jr., Tribal Council Chief, do herebby step-back as an active leader of the Council (The Council Chief). Associate Chief E. B. Garfield will step in as the Council Chief immediately.
I step aside as the Tribal Chief due to my health.
I retain all other offices that I hold, and I will continue to serve as the Tribal Geneaologist and Historian, and as a permanent member of the Council and the Board of Directors.
Chief Howard F. Knight, Jr.
LINK: http://reinventedvermontabenaki.blogspot.com/2010/01/april-12-2000-hand-written-letter-of.html Resignation Letter of August 12, 2000 to Richard "Skip" Bernier [?] from Howard Franklin Knight, Jr.

Volume 1; No. 2 Spring 1995
Chief's Corner
Kwai, Kwai:
About 20 years ago, certain events occurred and actions were taken that started the Medicine Wheel Turning. Now the Medicine Wheel has gone full circle. As everyone knows there is an old axiom "as you sow, so shall you reap", and events as they are now unfolding clearly shows the truth of the Medicine Wheel with its results. This Special Edition of the Dawnland Voice, the official newsletter of the Cowasuck People, shall reveal some of the actions, the events and the reasons of what has been going on. It is time that all of the People of the Abenaki Nation realize what has been happening.
As many of you may know already, and the rumor mills to the contrary, the Councils in Unity, after much discussion of the past, the present and the future at a meeting on April 1, 1995 in Sherbrooke, Que., disbanded the Sovereign Republic of the Abenaki Nation International and formed the New National Federation of the Sovereign Republic of the Abenaki Nation. Also, after having given Mr. St. Francis a chance, at that meeting, on April 1, 1995, which is now gone of graceful retirement, the Supreme Council ratified its actions of the 23rd of March 1995 in retiring from the office of Grand Chief, Mr. Homer St. Francis. Unfortunately, Mr. St. Francis still doesn't get the message, the days of dictatorial rule and "do as I say, not as I do" are over.
At the April 1, 1995 meeting of the Supreme Council of the National Federation of the Sovereign Republic of the Abenaki Nation, with the Original Document of Unity sighed by all the Councils in Unity on August 20, 1994 as the basic document, the Supreme Council also elected a New Grand Chief, Walter Watso of Odenak, Quebec, as well as some other leaders, per our ancient tradition that were needed. It was decided that the rest of the needed leaders to fill the leadership of the Federation will be selected at the next meeting of the Supreme Council, but at least, we were, and we are, finally moving forward, in spite of the , "Old Order's" predictable actions, threats and huffing and puffing.
As may are well aware, the "Old Order" has sent out a lot of very expensive paper that is full of Rabbit, Deer and Moose beans which is only good to start a fire with, if your lucky. We of the Cowasuck Council have decided to ignore the illegal actions of a "Madman gone berserk". We also will look forward and away the rebirth "Like a Phoenix" of a New Council, of the People, at Missisquoi that will come to the Federation, clean and fresh without the stains and dirt of the "Old Order".
The actions that the Supreme Council of the National Federation of the Sovereign Republic of the Abenaki Nation have taken are based upon events that have unfolded in the more recent past and of which can be proven by tradition, and by history. Missisquoi does not "Rule the Roost", and does not, and cannot, banish any Abenaki from their ancient territory whether it is in Quebec, Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts or Vermont, nor violate any Abenaki person their birthright.
The Cowasuck-Coos Tribal Government has in one form or another always remained within its ancient territory, even when other Abenaki Councils-Tirbal Governments went to Canada at the invitation of the French Colonial Governors, and remained there for a period of time before their return to their respective territories. The modern day Cowasuck-Coos People, under Chief Pero, who died in 1983, were active within their ancient territory at least 10 years prior to any activity at Missisquoi, but they had an advantage; They had the good sense, and smarts, in keeping their heads down and out of the fray that develped and ENSUED, resulting in much controversy during the 1970's and 1980's at Missisquoi, due to Mr. St. Francis and his cohorts in violence when they seized control by, intimidatioin, and/or force, of the Missisquoi Council and the ASHA, even to changing the Missisquoi Council Constitution and By-Laws to legalize as an Abenaki Tradition the idea of Hereditary Chieftainships, which are not, and which will never  become such, because, Hereditary leaderships ARE a European concept, not from Abenaki Traditions. Leadership amongst the Abenaki has always been, and shall always remain, elected positions, elected by the Abenaki People and/or through their elected Councils, with decisions being made by concensus as tradition demands, not by "One-Man Rule".
Therefore, to ensure that the full scope of the situation is known to all of the Abenaki People, it now becomes a sad duty, but a necessary one, to make public the following information that: Mr. Homer St. Francis has by his actions and deeds committed the following crimes against the Abenaki People and dishonored the name of every Abenaki Citizen now living, therefore charges are now pending which include, but are not limited to:
1a. Illegal enslavement of the Abenaki People by signing an agreement with a Gambling Syndicate for a Casino, thereby obligating present and future generations of Abenaki People to be at the beck and call of his friends of the Gambling Syndicate.
1b. This obligation to the Gambling Syndicate was made while Mr. St. Francis was the Grand Chief and unknown to the People throughout the Abenaki Nation.
1c. This is one of the reasons why at one time Mr. St. Francis was given an opportunity to retire as Grand Chief, with honor, but that door is now closed.
2. Falsification of documents submitted to the State of Vermont and to the U.S. Gov't concerning Recognition of the Abenaki Nation.
3. Proceeding, without consent, nor the authorization, of the majority of the Abenaki People in signing an agreement with a Gambling Syndicate.
4. Illegally, taking monies form a Gambling Syndicate.
5. Forgery of legal documents.
6. Dishonoring the Abenaki People by creating false rumors.
7. Illegally desenfranchising citizens of the Abenaki Nation, and also the Councils in Unity without just justification.
8. Abusing the Office of Grand Chief for Personal financial gain.
9. Also Allegations or wrong-doing against many members of the Abenaki Nation who have served in the Nation faithfully.
10. Conspiracy to defraud the Abenaki People of their rightful heritage for personal gain.
11. Conspiracy to commit Genocide against the Abenaki People.
12. Dictatorship rule while serving as Grand Chief, therefore not following Ancient Abenaki Tradition.
13. Openly lying at several meetings of the citizenship of the Abenaki Nation, both at the Missisquoi Council level, and at the Unity Council Meetings.
14. Failure to live up to the promises that he made at the Unity Council meetings.
15. Illegal transfering funds within and between the Missisquoi Council accounts.
16. Falsely accusing many Abenaki People of acts that they have never committed.
17. Conspiracy to defraud the U.S. Government of monies.
18. Conspiracy to defraud the State of Vermont of monies.
19. Illegal interference in the internal opperations of legally incorporated entities.
20. Violating the Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968 in ordering Abenaki People to vacate their own ancient Territory.
21. Illegally providing Missisquoi Tribal Cards to Non-Native Americans.
22. Illegally providing Missisquoi Tribal Cards to persons without proper genealogy.
23. Illegally providing Missisquoi Tribal Cards to persons who carry citizenship cards of many other American Indian Nations, in direct violation of a Solemn agreement that he made in front of all of the Councils in Unity.
24. Lying at every meeting of the Councils in Unity.
25. Repeatedly Lying to the People of the Abenaki Nation.
26. Lying to the People of the Abenaki Nation as to the source of the $300,000.00 received for Recognition.
27. Hiding factual information from the Abenaki People that he is a convicted felon of long-standing.
28. Conspiracy to defraud the Abenaki People and their legally elected Councils of monies.
29. Failure to act in good faith during negotiations with the State of Vermont.
30. Failure to act in good faith during negotiations with the United States Government.
31. Conspriacy to associate with people legally banished from the Abenaki Nation by the Council in Unity.
32. Prejudicial treatment against Abenaki women.
33. Without the prior approval and consent of the State of Vermont, conspiracy to circumvent the Motor Vehicle Registration laws of the State of Vermont.
34. Consorting, and Conspiracy, with known Right Wing radical groups and Militias who commit terrorism.
35. Conspiracy to commit murder of an Abenaki Nation citizens.
36. Nepotism on the Missisquoi Council.
37. Taking actions against the Councils in Unity based upon spurious and false information from persons with questionable backgrounds.
These formal change will be levelled by the Councils in Unity for trial at a future time and place to be announced.
We ask all Councils in Unity, and all Abenaki Citizens, to include those who have been unfairly treated by Mr. St. Francis, to Boycott the Missisquoi Heritage Day Celebration.
Additionally, we offer to all Abenaki People who have received such mistreatment, by Mr. St. Francis, a Safe Haven and Refuge against Mr. St. Francis's arbitrary, capricious and brutal dictatorship.
A SPECIAL NOTE: "Wake up Missisquoi; Dismiss your dictator! you are supposed to be free people." Missisquoi Council Citizens: "Are you aware that citizens of the Abenaki Nation made a special trip to the Pequot Nation and received from the Pequot People, as a gift, thousands of dollars for Brunswick Springs, and this was never acknowledged by Mr. St. Francis or the Missisquoi Council." Copies of these checks ARE available, upon request, for inspection by any Abenaki Citizen who wishes to see and verify the same.
Additional charges shall be brought forward as the investigations are continued. All charges will carry the maximum penalties under Ancient Abenaki Traditional Laws. All Councils in Unity shall have the opprotunity to review these charges and to bring additional charges.
It has been a sad duty to have to bring all of this to the attention of you, the Abenaki Citizens, but has become necessary under the circumstances, because we either all stand together or our Nation will never survive. It will be hostage forever to those who do not have our Nation's, nor our citizens best interests at heart.
This special edition of the Dawnland Voice is being sent to every Clan, Band, Council, and Nation on Turtle Island and they are encouraged, with our permission, to reproduce and distribute this special edition with our blessings.
To all of our brothers and sisters on Turtle Island, in every Clan, Band, Council and Nation, we send our best and warmest regards and wishes for peace, prosperity and happiness as we walk the Red Road in brotherhood.

To the Cowasuck People, Let us Remember the Council Motto:
Howard F. Knight, Jr.
(aka Rushing Water)
Cowasuck Tribal Council 
[Handwritten by Howard F. Knight Jr.]
1. Name change approval - 1 Apr. '95 [April 01, 1995] Supreme Council Mtg [Meeting] Sherbrooke, Que. [Quebec, Canada]
2. Final approved name will be "The National Federation of the Sovereign Republic of the Abenaki Nation" - We will make necessary change - All else remains the same.
3. Original Unity documents is in force - Final name this document is as #2 above.
[Typed Form]
P.O. BOX 276
(802)868-2559 or 868-7146
(802)868-5118 FAX#
Whereas, throughout pre-record, and recorded history, it is an indisputed [undisputed] fact that the ABENAKI NATION and its people have always been spread across a large land mass of the Northeastern part of the North American continent, throughout the many eons of time, and
Whereas, an artifical boundary was set across the ancient ABENAKI NATION TERRITORY by the European colonizes, thereby resulting in the splitting of our brothers and sisters, and their clans and bands, young and old, in their Ancestry territory onto two, sides of the said artificial imposed line that has made our people to become know as an Aboriginal Nation, and
Whereas, the forceably separated bands and clans and people of the NATIONAL FEDERATION OF THE ABENAKI NATION, and under the leadership of its Recently elected Grand Chief, Homer St. Francis, and
Whereas, the new unity has come about for the first time in joint Solemn Council and agreement since 1712 and 1713, and it clearly is of formost importance and necessity that the new unity prevails to prevent, from this day forward, any further encroachments environmental degradations, illegal acts and activities and acts of genocide against our Nation, our land, and its people by "Non-Natives and "Wanna-Bee's"; from within and from outside our ANCIENT ABENAKI TERRITORY; and
Whereas, it is the clear and full intent and purpose of the NATIONAL SOVEREIGN REPUBLIC OF THE ABENAKI NATION that ALL eligible ABORIGINAL AND ABENAKI COUNCILS within our ancient territory shall receive their rightful and proper recognition; and
Whereas, brotherhood, friendship, cooperation and trade between all ABORIGINAL PEOPLE and their democratically elected coucils within the ANCIENT ABENAKI TERRITORY is in the best interests of the NATIONAL SOVEREIGN REPUBLIC OF THE ABENAKI NATION and all those who are of ABORIGINAL ANCESTRY,
Therefore be it resolved, that the SUPREME COUNCIL of the NATIONAL SOVEREIGN REPUBLIC OF THE ABENAKI NATION, in SOLEMN SUPREME COUNCIL ASSEMBLED IN ANCIENT ABENAKI TERRITORY, and in SOLEMN AGREEMENT, in brotherhood friendship and cooperation does hereby recognize as brothers and sisters, the UNIFIED ALLIED COUNCILS and their freely elected leaders, as members councils within the NATIONAL SOVEREIGN REPUBLIC OF THE ABENAKI NATION, and
Be it further resolved, that the SUPREME COUNCIL OF THE NATIONAL SOVEREIGN REPUBLIC OF THE SOVEREIGN ABENAKI NATION shall render any and all requested aid and/or assistance to the member councils that it can render within the constraints of its abilities to do so, and the same shall be applicable from the member council and between the said member councils to each other, and also to the Supreme Council, to include 10% of the Yearly net income of each of the member councils to the Supreme Council, and
Be it resolved, that by the signatures and seals attached hereon, this date, this document does become a permanent and binding agreement between the said councils, and
Therefore, be it finally resolved, that by the signatures and/or seals, or both, attached hereon, this document does hereby become further, a permanent and binding Resolution and Agreement of Recognition, brotherhood, friendship, cooperation, and trade between the signatory councils, and it is actived by the signatures and/or seals of the Grand Chief or his official representatives, and the freely elected and recognized leaders of the Allied Councils hereon attached, and witnesses to same upon signing and or sealing this day.

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