I thought perhaps its time to throw in a few home-made genealogical chartings I did some years ago. Chart #1 (the top one) is the Joseph Lamadeleine dit LaDouceur and Marie Catherine Girardin dit Sansoucy two lines of descendants. I was researching the lineage on the right for a friend who hired me to find her genealogical ancestry. Genealogically speaking, research (at least for me anyway, goes both ancestrally and down all descendancy lineages). Obviously, I genealogically connected both my friends ancestors to Nancy Lee (nee: Millette) Doucet's ancestors.
Chart #2. is the two Nichols Descendant lineages. One can see that Nancy Millette-Doucet (Doucet is her married name nowadays since she married to Mark Doucet in Haverhill, N.H.) is related to the same Nichols ancestors that I am descendant from.
Chart #3. is Nancy Doucet's ancestral connections to my own Sawyer and Russell lineage ancestors. But this chart will need some explaining. David Taylor (sister to Bestey Taylor who was my ancestor) married to Sarah Saywer (whose brother Benjamin Sawyer...whose my ancestor....married to Betsey Taylor. In simple terms, two siblings of the Sawyer family married to two siblings of the Taylor family. It was Sarah (Sawyer) and David Taylor who had a daughter Cynthia Taylor who married Hiram Hunt. It was Hiram's brother Frederick P. Hunt who married to Mary Jane Shawney (who was Richard "Rick" Hunt and Rick's 1st cousin Nancy Millette-Doucet's ancestor). Rhonda Besaw/True is only related to Nancy (nee: Millette) and Richard "Rick" Hunt via the two Nash sisters Chloe and Minnie.
Chart #4. This chart also can be a bit confusing but alittle explaining will hopefully go along way. Again these are simple WORD Document created charts that I made some time ago. Apollos Woodward and Rachel Reynolds, George Robinson and his second wife Sarah Taylor, Maria Charlotte Robinson-Rollins are my direct ancestors. Maria C. Robinson's sister Mary Robinson married to David Brown, son of John Brown and Susan Brock. Apollos Woodward and his first wife Rachel Reynolds had Parker Preston Woodward who married to Sarah Pilsbury Sawyer (his brother Royal and her sister Mary married each other = two siblings of the Woodward's married two siblings of the Sawyer's). Anyway, Parker and his first wife Sarah Sawyer had a daughter Nancy Jane Woodward who married Alonzo John Woodward (my 3rd great grandfather). After she died he married to Mary Charlotte Robinson who was the widow of Asa Rollins. Parker and Sarah also had another daughter Flora Ella/Ellah Woodward who first married to William Henry Elliott, son of Warren Elliott and Rebecca Hunter. They broke up shortly after their marriage. Later, William H. Elliott remarried to Amelia Maria Brown, daughter of David Brown and Mary Robinson. Flora later remarried to Hayden/Harley Cass. William Henry Elliott's sister Emma Elliott married to William Rines after Emeline Sherwood died. William Rines was brother to Almira Rines that married first to George William Ingerson and later she remarried to John Pollock. Almira Rines and Geo. Ingerson were Flora Eunice Ingerson's parents. Flora Eunice (NOT Una Anna) Ingerson-Hunt was Nancy Lee Millette (now Doucet)'s Great Grandmother. I made an error on this particular chart, in that Susan Rines who married to William Sherwood, is actually the mother to Almira Rines-Ingerson. After Ebenezer/Eben Rines died she later remarried to William Sherwood. Flora Eunice Ingerson married to Henry Otis Hunt and they had Reginald Hunt who married to Mabel Dyke. It was Reginald and Mabel who then had Melvin who had Richard "Rick" Hunt, and their daughter Beverly who had Nancy Lee Millette. Therefore, Rick Hunt and Nancy are 1st cousins. You will see why I have been showing these charts and the genealogical connectedness as this blog goes along, but while studying my own ancestral lineage's I kept repeatedly running into Nancy Millette Cruger Lyons Doucet's ancestors. In particular, what she was saying in the media, did not, and had not been found to be factual, based on the documentation I have genealogically researched. Was Almira Rines - Ingerson and her daughter Flora Eunice (a.k.a. Flora "Una Ana") Ingerson - Hunt REALLY from some undocumented "Abenaki Village 8,000 to 10,000 years old which was situated in Jefferson, New Hampshire? Or was Almira or her daughter Flora born on "some riverbank"?
On Tuesday Aug 12, 2008 3:25 am #37304 of 43741 "Nancy Millette" foxsong06 via Olidahozi moderated and censored by Jeanne Lincoln - Kent herself and her Yahoo Group member Nancy Lee Millette/Cruger/Lyons/Doucet posted the following message that was forwarded to me (since I am no longer a member of Jeanne's Olidahozi Yahoo Group.....quote.....
"Kwai Allas many of you already know Douglas Lloyd Buchholz (aka Salmon, Mark Douglas Leckie, Salmon Raven Deer) has been stocking me and harrassing me for over two years now. He has recently posted on ancestor.com no, that was Genforum.com's Message Board's and Ancestry.com's Message Board's and other genealogy forums a bogus letter stating he is related to me and is looking for information on my family to identify my abenaki roots I was seeking other people who could substantiate what Nancy Millette was putting out in the media. He has made his letter sound as though I have enlisted his services to help find the information. He is NOT related to me unless he has found some way to make it look that way via his bogus 18 page genealogy chart he has posted. In his posting he has posted personal information all of it PUBLIC INFORMATION about myself and other living relatives which endangers us all and puts us at risk of identity theft B.S. I am enlisting the services of an attorney and will be pursueing charges against him. I would appreciate it if any one should find more of his postings that is abuse toward myself or family members if you would please forward the posts to me. Thank you. Nancy Millette
"Kwai Allas many of you already know Douglas Lloyd Buchholz (aka Salmon, Mark Douglas Leckie, Salmon Raven Deer) has been stocking me and harrassing me for over two years now. He has recently posted on ancestor.com no, that was Genforum.com's Message Board's and Ancestry.com's Message Board's and other genealogy forums a bogus letter stating he is related to me and is looking for information on my family to identify my abenaki roots I was seeking other people who could substantiate what Nancy Millette was putting out in the media. He has made his letter sound as though I have enlisted his services to help find the information. He is NOT related to me unless he has found some way to make it look that way via his bogus 18 page genealogy chart he has posted. In his posting he has posted personal information all of it PUBLIC INFORMATION about myself and other living relatives which endangers us all and puts us at risk of identity theft B.S. I am enlisting the services of an attorney and will be pursueing charges against him. I would appreciate it if any one should find more of his postings that is abuse toward myself or family members if you would please forward the posts to me. Thank you. Nancy Millette
Well, let the genealogical records speak for themselves in the next posting.