This Blog is to Inform, to Discuss, and to Show/Provide as Truthful of an Accurate Awareness Documentarily of what has been and is happening in N'dakinna (Vermont, N.H. etc), by those claiming to be Allegedly Vermont or New Hampshire Abenaki, etc.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
April 1996 Happenings.
On Saturday April 13th, 1996 Chuck Labor was elected "Chief Spokesman" what?, Howard F. Knight doesn't give out Diplomatic Ambassador ID Cards to his "agents" like Homer St. Francis?! of the "Cowasuck Council of the National Federation of the Sovereign Republic of the Abenaki Nation" Geesh how long of an "incorporate name" to an organization does one need, to feel important/ superior?!. The meeting, held in Evansville, Orleans County, Vermont Ralph Swett's property where the Clan of the Hawk Pow-wow is held was called to find "a replacement" for Howard Knight, a.k.a. "Rushing Water", who "retired" Let's see here, count how many times this very man Howard F. Knight Jr. has said he'd "retired", and really wasn't! after 7 years. Also re-elected was "Loon Caller" I just love these 'indian names' but who is this person really called, Chief Financial Officer. Much of the meeting was devoted to the Abenaki, People of the Dawn, preparation for the June 21st World Peace and Prayer Day, which will coincide with our Plains brothers, the Sioux. The prophesies were discussed and communications from other tribal groups read. Looking Glass Raymond Lussier Pipinawjakwgan, (Looking Glass) Speaker for the Southern New England Abenaki Council, founder of the Squakheag Band, Southern New England Native American Council, the Kdinna Pobatamwogan Medicine Society, Abenaquis, Nouvelle Terre. Signer of the Abenaki Federation Alliance Agreement was congradulated for his part in the recent Peace and Unity March in South Attleboro, Massachusetts. The meeting ended with story telling and a symbolic "Burying of the Hatchet". The meeting was followed by a potluck and a 4" snowfall, (The last snow of the season, we hope!). Pablo Lonesome Wolf of the "Cowasuck Band of the Abenaki" submitted this to a website newsletter.