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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Are the Barratt’s and or Lampman's “St. Francis/ Sokoki/Missisquoi” Members; or are they not? Part 6:

Addendum to the Petition for Federal Recognition
Dated January 10, 1986
In Repsonse to the "Letter of Obvious Deficiencies and Significant Omissions"
Dated (6/14/1983).
Part B

Page 160: The Glode family cited at Swanton Junction from 1827 to 1830 is also of particular interest. 659 The Glode (Claude/Paganne) family has a close connection to the Benedict family and a shared history at Odanak which is well documented. 660 Members of the Odanak branch of the family usually returned to Shipyard Bay in Highgate Springs with the Benedicts to sell their wares in the…

Footnote 659. See 1827, 1829, & 1830 Swanton scholar’s lists in Appendix 3 and 1830 Swanton census in Appendix 1B.
Footnote 660. Day 1981: 79, 91. “Identity of the St. Francis Indians” by Gordon M. Day.

Page 161: … late 19th and early 20th centuries. 661 The Abenaki name for the family was Paganne, or Pakonowit, meaning ‘Butternut’. 662 The Pierre Peckenowax listed holding an Indian farm on the north side of the Missisquoi River in 1765 was most likely a member of this same family. 663
In northwestern Vermont, the Glode family appears in a variety of forms including Glade, Glodish, Gliodu, Gadue, Ladue, Ladie, LaOrder, LeBlanc, White, Butter, Normandin and Verge. 664 The Bluto Central family from St. Albans Bay derives in part from a Glode/Verge ancestor. 665 Several other citations of this family at St. Albans bay, Alburg and in the Islands have appeared, and the Ledoux Small family and Ladue ancestors of some present families all hail from this old Missisquoi name. 666

Footnote 661. Moody 1979: 75; RP: 58-9, 98; Moody, Field Notes, 1977-84.
Footnote 662. Day 1981: 91.
Footnote 663. Ibid: 91; RP: 173.
Footnote 664. See Glode/ Ladue Ancestral family history in Section 5 and cards in AA.
Footnote 665. See Bluto Central family history genealogy in RP and cards in AA; & Family chart 3’s 16 in Appendix 11.
Footnote 666. See Ledoux Small family history in Section V and cards in AA and Glode/Ladue Ancestral family cards in AA.

Page 163: [The Upper Ferris Road and Bow of the River Neighborhood] “Upper Ferris Road/Jewett Street neighborhood , or stove pipe alley as it was often called in this century, and the whole bow of the river area are very similar in history and composition to the Lake Road area discussed earlier.” 673

“For instance, it is likely that Martha Morits’ father William Morits drowned while fishing there in 1885 but the records do not distinguish that neighborhood from Back Bay and the rest of Swanton village.” 676

Footnote 673. RP: 114-D & Map #5 both show the neighborhood. It is southeast of Back Bay just across Grand Avenue/ Vermont Route 7 in Swanton.
Footnote 676. See Will Morits card in AA. He was drowned in July, 1885 at union District 9 & 17.

Page 172: The village out at the Monument in Highgate Springs was never the sole location of Abenaki neighborhoods. Both the bow of the river and the Lake Road/ Rood farm areas were used in the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries for subsistence and Indian settlement. It is now conclusively shown in the census and Swanton school records that the Morits, Micha (Mitchel), Francis (St. Francis), Lampman and other families have made continuous use of the large Lake Road neighborhood since the 18th century. Evidence has even appeared which suggests that the old Towgisheat (Tanagite) Abenaki Indian farm was in fact Morits (Maurice) land and remained in their control well into the 19th century.

Page 174: “With the Indian wars over, Geronimo, Sitting Bull, Chief Joseph and many other leaders and bands killed or subdued, America was going through one of its ‘pro-Indian’ phases. The popular ‘Chief Benedict’ and his ‘tribe’ of Benedicts, Claudes (Glode) and others from Odanak and Missisquoi had been a widely heralded part of the summer tourist trade at Shipyard Bay in Highgate. 715 The ‘First Church in Vermont’ ceremony and other parts of the Tercentennial celebration of Champlain’s ‘discovery’ of the Lake had occurred with numerous local and regional Indian participants appearing on the scene in ‘full costume’.”

Footnote 715. 216, 3/18/79: 3; Moody 1979: 75; RP: 74-5, 97-8, 211-2.

Page 179: "The later Chief, Swasson Tanagite (Joachim Morits) was virtually unknown to anyone but the Abenaki families and their close Dutch/Indian friends. If still living by 1800, he was probably located in the Highgate woods, where his family had gone when driven out of the village area by about 1798.” 736

Footnote 736. See Footnote # 291, pg. 69 & #302, page 72 here.

Footnote 291. "2262, 10/6/83:3. (IN PART) Furthermore, the name 'Swatson' is close to the common Abenaki given name of the time 'Swasson', which in turn was an Abenaki translation of the French Baptismal name Joachim [Day 1981:84:95]. This Joachim or Swatson, was probably a Morits/Tanagite family member, as each family tends to recall their more celebrated ancestors and, in most cases, derives their contemporary name from this source. [Day 1978:156; Day 1981:73]. That has also proven to be true of both the St. Francis and Medor Abenaki family names at Missisquoi by oral tradition within those families.

Page 181: These Phillips’s came and went as their family has since the 18th century. From 1700 to present day they have been documented in Maine, New Hampshire and New York. 744a However, they have always remained in and returned to Missisquoi, and constitute a Central family with extensive kin relations in the Abenaki community today. As noted earlier here, this family was one of those associated with the 18th century ‘Swatson’ tradition in the Morits and Lampman families.

Footnote 744a. RP: 226 & Phillips Central family genealogy in RP; & Family chart #’s 3, 4 & 7 in Appendix 11. See also Phillips cards in AA & Phillips Central family history in Section V here.

Page 190: Given the large number of Indian families associated with the Swatson tradition who later show up with the Morits families in the 1810 Highgate census, it is safe to assume that in 1800 John Minels (Morits) and Henry Mowen (Morits) were serving as front families for a large Rock River/Highgate woods neighborhood of Abenakis. 783

Footnote 783. The Phillips, Lapan (Pine), Lampman & Gardner families were all cited specifically in the Swatson tradition associated with the Missisquoi village from 1780 to 1798. [Footnote 46, page 3 here]. Those families also appear in the 1810 Highgate census [Appendix 1B]. The Francis/St. Francis family was also associated with the Swatson account. One Francis family appeared in Swanton in 1800, a second with the Morits family in the 1830 census (Abraham Freyner) and a third with John Morits on the Rock River in 1840 [See 1800 Swanton census & 1830 & 1840 Highgate census in Appendix 1B].

Page 191: “There is now substantial evidence that the old Missisquoi village was maintained on the Rock River in Highgate Springs in the same way it had been in earlier times of war, plague or other disruption. Historical accounts already summarized in the Petition only recount early Abenaki use of Highgate as a seasonal campground. 786 However, oral and written traditions unearthed recently detail the origins of the “Indian reservation” in Highgate Springs from the old Missisquoi Abenaki village.”

“The area involved was many times larger than any previously recorded projections about the old Missisquoi village. Careful research in the early history of Highgate has confirmed that the Rock River part of the old Missisquoi Indian town was inhabited by Abenakis when John Saxe first came and built a sawmill…

Footnote 786. Skeels 1871: 371; Moody 1979: 38; Day 1981: 57: RP: 54.

Page 192: … there in the 1790’s. 788
The story of Saxe’s first years in this area of Highgate are yet another episode in the Indian/white land struggles common in Swanton and Sheldon during this period. Sax, like John Hilliker and the Lampmans, was of German/Dutch ancestry and as such enjoyed generally good relations with the local Indians. 789 In fact, John Hilliker, Henry Lampman, John Waggoner, the Teachouts and other early allies of the Indians had also removed to the Highgate side of the Missisquoi by 1800 as well. 790 However, when the Abenakis were attempting to retain some portion of their cleared village lands in Highgate Springs after the agents of the Allen’s had driven them out of the Monument area, they fell into conflict with Sax and his fledgling efforts to establish a grist mill on the Rock River falls. 791 As the census and land records attest, the Morits family among others had retreated from the Monument to the Rock River area by 1800 where they were attempting to establish a permanent enclave from 1800 to 1830. 792 No strangers to the value of owning, or at least renting the land on which the mill would stand, they made their displeasure with Sax’s

Footnote 788. Skeels 1871: 254, 272.
Footnote 789. Skeels 1871: 273; Barney & Perry 1882: 996; Swift 1977: 244; Mooy 1979: 30-2.
Footnote 790. Skeels 1871: 256-8. Hilliker did not buy the land he had settled on at “Hilliker’s Landing” downriver from the old Missisquoi village on the south side of the Missisquoi in Swanton until 1811. [SLR, Bk 7:30 & 1811 Swanton Land records list in Appendix 4A]. He purchased a homestead of 14 acres across the river in Highgate Springs n 1803 and lived there the remainder of his life. [HLR, Bk 2:132 & 1803 Highgate Land records list in Appendix 4B]. Both purchases were from the Allen family or their legal representatives.
Footnote 791. Skeels 1871: 272. Skeels reports that John Sax and his family “were harassed by Indians and wild animals, Mr. Saxe was at one time obliged to swim the River [Missisquoi], breaking ice with his hands.”
Footnote 792. See 1800-1840 Highgate censuses in Appendix 1B & Morits family history in Section I (pp 2-6) and Section V here.

Page 193: …occupancy clear. 793 Records of the Morits family land transactions early in the 19th century make clear that Sax did eventually make peace with the Abenakis by supporting their efforts to hold onto other land further up the Rock River. 794 Skeels’ (1871) generally positive overview of the relationship between the local Abenakis whose children “froliked” with the non-Indian Highgate settlers is further testimony to a better turn in relations. By 1900, even the area around the old Sax homestead on the lower Rock River had become, once again, part of an Abenaki community neighborhood. 795

Footnote 793. The heart of the first Abenaki negotiation about land at Missisquoi on record had involved the French asking permission to build Levasseur’s sawmill in the 1740’s which the Abenakis agreed upon in so much as they could have “what boards they want for their use gratis.” [Moody 1979: 14]. Sax was building the first mill north of Milton and as such was a logical target for Abenaki concern about development in the area.
Footnote 794. In 1812, Peter and Jacob Sax helped setup a barter mortgage for Morits land on the Rock River. [HLR, Bk 4: 185-6 & 1812 Highgate Land records in [Apendix 4B]. Also, George Sax, their brother, was a “hunter and drover” who had gone the ‘white Indian’ route in lifestyle. [Skeels 1971: 272].
Footnote 795. See Phillipsburg Road families in household #’s 290-2 & 335-47 in 1910 Highgate census in Appendix 1B.
Footnote 796. See 1790-1983 Highgate summary in Appendix 1A.

Page 194: Another indication of continuous Abenaki use and occupancy in Highgate comes from local Indian oral tradition. Several area farms and remote spots from the Rock River down through to the Missisquoi River delta were called the “Indian farms” and generally the “Indian reservation” right into the 20th century. 800 This tradition is widely held in the Abenaki community and it effectively stretches over the whole length of Abenaki history from the 18th to the mid-20th century. Odanak Abenaki with 19th century ties to Missisquoi also had a name for that area which is in the common Abenaki form for village terms. They even remembered that one of these old names for Highgate Springs pinpointed the location of an open meadow where crops could be raised. 801

Footnote 800. Baker 1976: 2; Moody 1979: 54, 56 fn’s 32 & 33, 64-5; RP: 83, 86, 88; 76, 5/3/78:6; 78, 4/22/81:3-4; 6/24/81:5; 206, 6/19/78: 1-3; 208, 7/31/80:1-2; 2258, 7/8/81:11; 2292, 1977:2.
Footnote 801. Day 1981a: 143. The sulphur springs for which Highgate Springs was named were known to the Benedicts [dit Panadis] of Odanak as “nebizonnebik” or “at the medicine water”. This form of the word is stated like “masipskoik”
(Missisquoi), “where there is flint” and “winostegok” (Winooski), “at the onion river.”

Page 195: “Evidence is growing that the Odanak families that came to the old Tyler Place at Shipyard Bay in Highgate Springs each summer in the late 19th and early 20th centuries were returning as much to their ancestral village home where relatives still resided as they were to a resort where they could sell their wares to the tourists.The Morits (Maurice) family along with the Claude (Glode/Pagonowit/Paganne/Ladue) and Benedict (Panadis/Baraby/Parady) Ancestral familes are identified with this annual return from Odanak to Highgate which…

Footnote 801. Continued … and implies a previous long term site of a settled community or use of the land [Ibid: 154, 162]. An area north of Shipyard Bay on the Rock River was called “Dawskodasek” or “where the open meadow is”. [Ibid: 143]. This probably refers to the same old meadow one resident of the Springs used to hay for a local farmer. It had a patch of sweet grass in the middle of it which he would leave standing for the Benedicts and other Odanak Abenakis to use in their summer basket making at the turn of the 20th century. Although the memory of that field may simply go back to this fairly recent use, it is likely that the field and tradition date to the late 18th century as well. [2242, 9/28/81: 2-3; Moody, Field notes, 1977-1985].

Page 196: ...began in the late 1800’s. 805 All three families had relatives still living at Missisquoi which have been discussed here and in earlier tracts.” 806
Gordon Platt was a young man in the early 20th century and used to wander with Theophile Panadis around the Missisquoi region. Theophile was one of Gordon Day’s principal informants and the grandson of Sophie Maurice. 807 Sophie is remembered at Odanak as a ‘traditional’ who knew many of the older Western Abenaki stories including several from Lake Champlain which she passed on to Theophile Panadis over the course of his life. Gordon Platt recalls that Theophile Panadis had a strong interest in the part of the ‘Indian reservation’ which ran from Highgate Spring down to the Missisquoi delta. He reported that Theophile Panadis and he had located several old sites which included pottery and an assortment of village debris in their frequent summer travels. 808
The combination of these oral histories and recent data gathered on the many neighborhoods in Swanton, Highgate and other towns in the area require a new perspective on the 18th century Missisquoi Indian village. In summary, the Missisquoi village, even in peaceful interludes, was a much larger area with a greater population that is commonly thought. The village can no longer be described as a cluster of fifty households at the Monument farm. It too in an area at least 100 times the size ordinarily ascribed to it. 809

Footnote 805. Moody 1979: 73-75 & Field Notes, 1977-84: Day 1981: 91; RP: 58-9, 97-8.
Footnote 806. See Glode/Ladue history in fn’s 658-69, pp 160-2 here & Glode/Ladue Ancestral family history in Section V. See Benedict/Panadis Ancestral history in Section V here; Morits/ Maurice history, pp 67-81 here; & Family chart #’s 5-6. 16. 17 & 18 in Appendix 11.
Footnote 807. Moody 1979: 73 fn 50; RP: 59 fn 15.
Footnote 808. 76, 5/3/78: 5; 216, 3/16/79, 2, 5, 6, 11, 13; Moody 1979: 73 fn 50.

Page 197: “The Morits family exemplifies this continuity at Missisquoi in three important ways. First, they retained a role in community leadership by their well documented efforts to establish a permanent Abenaki neighborhood on the Rock River. 810 Henry Morits even retained 600 acres in that area “by possession” until 1812. 811 Although land purchase and ownership did not succeed in the area like it did somewhat later in Back Bay from 1820 to the late 19th century, their effort was enough to ground an extensive network of at least 140 Abenakis in twenty six linked families by 1840 in Highgate. 812
The 1840 census also illustrates the other three important aspects of Morits family constancy in Highgate. They had close ties to the rest of the 1840 Abenaki”…

Footnote 809. The village size was never more than two to four acres by any accounts thus far without considering the fields on the Missisquoi delta. Greylock’s castle on Maquam Creek, the old Missisquoi village at the Monument in Highgate Springs and Taquahunga village at Swanton Falls all fit in that narrow definition. In these accounts, the basic village area is expanded about 100 times to include all of Swanton and Highgate towns. As the Petition noted, the fifty hut (250 to 750 population) limit for ‘Missisquoi’ was always focused in either the Monument farm area or at Taquahunga/Swanton Falls. [RP: 32] The Petition was careful to point out that this did not “…represent the total Indian population on the eastern shores of Lake Champlain”. In fact, it did not even reflect the total population of Indians in the large Missisquoi village itself.
Footnote 810. See 1803 to 1822 Highgate land records in Appendix 4B.
Footnote 811. See 1812 Highgate land records in Appendix 4B. The Benjamin Powers cited here could have been related to the Joseph Powers from Ferrisburgh, Vermont who witnessed the Missisquoi Abenaki village at the Monument farm in late 1759. [Barney & Perry 1882: 956; Moody 1979: 11; RP: 32, 34]. This would explain how John Perry retrieved the Powers family tradition about Missisquoi from local researches as well as documenting a close Powers family/Abenaki relationship.
Footnote 812. See 1840 Highgate census in Appendix 1B.

Page 198: “…neighborhoods, links to the 18th century Missisquoi Abenaki families, and clear associations with Highgate Indian families whose names come down to present day Abenaki families. Later Highgate Abenaki families including Barnes (Barratt), Belor (Blair), McGee (Maille/Medor), Salisbury, Salt, Sharkey and Martin families were cited that year living in proximity to Francis (St. Francis), Michael (Michel), Corliss (Curtis), Sibalet (Sabadit/St. John), Dacar (Decarr), Winters, Laraway/Laset (St. Lawrence), Shampang, Perriso (Parizo) and Newell (Wells) families associated with Swanton, St. Albans Bay and other community neighborhoods. 813 The same year, Morits family members were also living in all listed Swanton neighborhoods including the Lake Road where they retained ancestral lands, in Sheldon, St. Albans Bay and Alburg.” 814 De Mair (Demar/de Mora/Mora/ Mars/Murray) branches of the Maurice family were among the citations in Alburg and the Swanton Junction neighborhood as well as in Franklin and St. Albans Bay. 815 This is the point where the Morits/Maurice/Demar family was at its apex, and like several Odanak and Missisquoi Abenaki families, split into two major lines with different names: Morits and Demar.” 816
“Also the old Benard (Bernard), Nolete (Wawanolet/Whitehead) and Butter

Footnote 813. Ibid: 1840; & Family chart #’s 2, 3, 4, 5-6, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17 & 18 in Appendix 11.
Footnote 814. See Calvin Maray, Thomas Moran, Jos. Morrina & Sally Mars in 1840 census in Appendix 1B. See John Morits & Francis Morritts in 1830 St. Albans census in Appendix 1B.; John Morits of ‘St. Albans’ in 1837 Swanton land records in Appendix 4A; & John Morice/Julia Desmarrais baptism of child in 1841 O’Callaghan register in Appendix 5A. See Desera Murray in 1840 Alburg census & Wm Morrow in 1840 Sheldon census, both in Appendix 1B.
Footnote 815. See De Mair (Demar/deMora) families in 1840 Franklin census; Desera Murray (Dizara Mora) in 1840 Alburg census & household # 492 in 1850 Alburg census; 3 De Mair (Demar) families in 1840 St. Albans census; & Sally Mars in 1840 Swanton Jct neighborhood in Swanton census, all in Appendix 1B.
Footnote 816. De Mair/de Mora/Mora/Murray/Des Marrais/Demar all appear as family names of Demar family members in the immediate northwestern Vermont area. See Demar family cards in AA & Demar Central family history in Section V here.

Page 199: …(Pagonowit/Glode) Missisquoi Abenakis appeared in the Highgate woods area next to other Indian families in 1840. 817 As just discussed above, the Claude/Butter/Glode family from Odanak often returned to the Springs each year with the Benedicts to do craft work in the 19th century.”

“The Morits/Maurice family appear extensively in local records up to 1840 and were definitely a leading extended family during the transition from old Missisquoi to the contemporary period. Highgate in this period is a well documented example of a general phenomena in the Abenaki community: single families being listed in lieu of substantial neighborhoods of Abenakis which are present but not listed in the records.

“The oral tradition about Chief Swasson Morits being associated with a large group is confirmed by the census lists from 1800 to 1840. In 1800 and 1820, small clusters of families appear with the Morits families.” 819

Footnote 819. See 1800 & 1820 Highgate censuses in Appendix 1B

Friday, November 18, 2011

Are the Barratt’s and or Lampman's “St. Francis/ Sokoki/Missisquoi” Members; or are they not? Part 5:

Addendum to the Petition for Federal Recognition
Dated January 10, 1986
In Repsonse to the "Letter of Obvious Deficiencies and Significant Omissions"
Dated (6/14/1983).
Part B


Page 138: Swanton scholars’ lists and land records, when combined with the census records, show these other neighborhoods and the extensive familial links with Swanton and with neighborhoods in other towns throughout the area.
The movement of Henry Lampman and Julia Ann Morits between the Middle Road, Lake Road, Back Bay and John’s Bridge neighborhoods from 1822 to 1881 documented earlier is one excellent example of the integrated nature of the Abenaki community. 555 Henry’s travels in the mid-19th century are very similar to the settlement pattern of his brother William’s son John Lampman and his wife Martha Morits from 1884 to 1944. 556 Martha and John’s grandson, Leonard “Blackie” Lampman, recalls “a little cabin on the east side of John’s Bridge” used by the Abenaki families over many years before 1920. 557 He also remembers that “Indians came into the old Bullard farm past John’s Bridge … first road on the left after the bridge [going south out of Swanton on Route 7, the St. Albans Road]. Folks camped right there and fished.” 558

Footnote 553. Ten neighborhoods appear in the Swanton school records from 1822 to 1858. The Middle Road (Dist 1), Lake Road (Dist 10), Hog Island (Dist 15), John’s Bridge (Dist’s 7 & 8), Swanton Jct (Dist’s 2, 3, 4, & 12), St. Albans Line (Dist 12), Swanton Center Dist 13), Fairfield Pond (Dist 5/ East Dist & Dist 14), Northeast (Dist 6), Back Bay/ Bow of the River (Dist 9) and Highgate Street/ Monument (Dits 17). These last two combined early to form one union District # 9 & 17. See Swanton Scholars’ list in Appendix 3.
Footnote 554. See 1860 & 1910 Swanton censuses in Appendix 1B and Walling (1857) in Appendix 6D.
Footnote 555. See footnote 282, page 67 in Section I here.
Footnote 556. See footnote 283, page 67 in Section I here.
Footnote 557. 78, 10/2/81:1.
Footnote 558. Ibid:1

Page 139: “Refering to the Family charts in the Petition and Appendix 11, this data links the ‘Back Bay’ families with the ‘Swanton-Highgate’ and ‘Travelers’ families. 561 As the early history of the Morits family in Highgate suggests, the different modes of existence using neighborhoods or campsites were always options available to the entire linked community of families. The Morits family was no less ‘centered’ at Missisquoi because of their movement around to various…

Footnote 561. RP: 222-4 (Back Bay), 225 (Swanton-Highgate), 226 (Travelers); & Family chart #’s 2, 3, 4, 5-6, 7, 11, 12, 15, 18, 21 & 22 in Appendix 11.

Page 140: …neighborhoods than the Brow or St. Francis family were for their basic focus in Back Bay after 1860.”

“The John’s Bridge beighborhood appears often in the available records from 1820 to 1910. A branch of the Olds Central family was living there in 1822 and 1823. One the Hanis (Anus/Hanks) family was listed there in 1822 as well. 562 John Brow along with a Martin family were cited there in 1829. 563 The same William Martin was listed there in the 1830 school lists, but not in the 1830 census. 564 In 1834, one of the St. Albans Blowdure (Bluto) families was the only Indian family noted. 565 After the hiatus in the records of about eight years, the Lawrence (St. Lawrence) and the Dolphin (Dauphine) Ancestral families appear there in 1842. 566 This Issac Dolphin family had appeared first in the small Swanton Center neighborhood further east in 1840. 567 The same family was attending school in 1847 but is not listed in the 1850 census except for one Louise Dalphin who was living with the Gonya (Gonyo) and Daniel families in the Swanton Jct neighborhood. 568 In 1850, Hill (Martin) and Wait…

Footnote 562. See 1822 & 1823 in Swanton Scholars’ lists in Appendix 3.
Footnote 563. Ibid: 1827 & 1829.
Footnote 564. Ibid: 1830. See also 1830 Swanton census in Appendix 1B.
Footnote 565. Ibid: 1834.
Footnote 566. See 1842 Swanton Scholars’ list in Appendix 3. The Lawrence/ St. Lawrence family appears in the Brow and St. Francis Central family genealogy and was a major Abenaki family in the area before 1900. (Moody 1979: 57 fn 35; RP: 222-4). The Dolphin (Dauphine) Abenaki family has direct ties to Odanak and appears infrequently in association with other Abenaki families at Missisquoi in the 19th century. [Day 1981: 79, 104, 107]. One family of Sharkey and Dablin’ (Dauphine) parents were cited living at “Missisquoi Bay” in 1828. [186, 1828:10]. And in 1838 a ‘Dalpin’ family was cited in the baptismal records with the DeBuiss (Wells) family. [113:48, #9]. See also Dauphine cards in AA.
Footnote 567. See 1840 Swanton Scholars’ list in Appendix 3.
Footnote 568. See 1847 Swanton Scholars’ list in Appendix 3 and household #288 in 1850 Swanton census in Appendix 1B.

Page 141: …families appear there in separate parts of the neighborhood. 569 Again, neither family was mention in the 1850 census, which was one of the decades when outlying areas were less well documented. John Brow had moved back or resurfaced again by 1857, as his Brow and some Francis and Bear (Beyor) children, were attending the John’s Bridge school that same year. 570 In the 1860 census already noted several other families were living in the neighborhood. Warden Lampman, son of Henry Lampman, a Balor (Blair/Belrose) family, an Olds, a Lashware (Lasise/Lajoie) family, a Currier (Medor) family and a Paquay (Paquet) family were listed at John’s Bridge in 1860. 571 In between the early citation of the Olds family in 1822 and this 1860 census listing of the same man at age 82, he and his family were listed once in the remote Fairfield Pond school district in 1840. 572 This Central family has been solidly associated with the Highgate woods and St. Albans Bay neighborhoods since the early 18th century but clearly had a branch living on the outskirts and remote retreats in Swanton as well. 573 Ed Martin and Mary Lampman, daughter of Henry and Julia Ann Morits Lampman, were living near John’s Bridge when their son John was born in 1871. 574 When Mary …

Footnote 569. See 1850 Scholars’ list in Appendix 3. The Hill family version of Mountain/Martin is associated with the Sweetser Small family in the records. The Wait listed here had two children named ‘Frances’ and “Demaris’. Wait was a fairly common first name used by the families in those times (see Paul Micah’s wife Waity for instance in Micah/Mitchell family cards in AA). It is likely that this Jona Wait was either a ‘John’ (Agent/Azo) family member or one of the Francis or Demar families and using the common Abenaki practice of name reversal.
Footnote 570. See 1857 Swanton Scholars’ list in Appendix 3.
Footnote 571. See households #’s 236, 239, 257, 266, 268, 273 & 278 in 1860 Swanton census in Appendix 1B.
Footnote 572. See 1840 Swanton Scholars’ list in Appendix 3.
Footnote 573. See Olds Central family genealogy in RP; Olds family cards in AA; & Family chart #’s 17 & 19 in Appendix 11.

Page 142: …[When Mary] Martin Lampman’s father Daniel died at age 90 years in 1891, he also was living the John’s Bridge area. 575 In 1900, the John’s Bridge/St. Albans Road neighborhood was left out of the census as far as Indian families were concerned, like other outlying Swanton neighborhoods. However, in 1910 there was 39 individuals in nine families listed there including a Parago (Parizo), Larrow (Lawrence), Bertrand, Wood (Brisbois), Gagnon ( Gonyo) and two Champang families. 576 The St. Francis family members recall the area being called ‘Indian land’ by a local non-Indian who used to allow Indians to cut wood on his land. 577 A member of another branch of the St. Francis family remembers when “Uncle Joe Terrien” lived in a remote cabin beyond John’s Bridge, and how the “Indians used to have a lot dances” there in the tradition of the kitchen katunks described here and in the Petition. 578 To all appearances, the area tended to be a temporary campground for Abenaki families on the move around the area. The population never reached over forty if the records consulted thus far can be trusted. An in depth view of the little neighborhood is unlikely as the 1850 and 1900 censuses suggest, because many of the families using that area were simply left out of the records. None-the-less, John’s Bridge had various Central (Bluto, Brow, Demar, Francis (St. Francis), Gardner, Currir (Medor), Lampman, Martin (Hill), Olds, Other (Bertrand, Champang, Paquey (Paquette)), Small (Balor, Gonyo (Chagnon), Parago (Parizo), Terrian) and Ancestral (Daniel, Dalphin, Hanis (Hanks/ (Blair)

Footnote 574. See John Martin card in AA. He was listed born in “Dist # 8”. He also died in Swanton. See also Family chard #’s 5-6, 14 & 18 in Appendix 11.
Footnote 575. See Daniel Martin card in AA; & Family chart #’s 5-6 & 18 in Appendix 11.
Footnote 576. See household #’s 10, 13, 14, 16, 22, 23, 36 & 38 in 1910 Swanton census in Appendix 1B.
Footnote 577. 2074, 12/2/ 80:1.
Footnote 578. 213, 9/3/81:25-7.

Page 143:Annus), Larrow/Lawrence, Lashware (Lazare), Ross and Wood (Brisbois)) families living there in the 19th and early 20th century for a time. Several of the families appear in a cyclic pattern of migration which often spans half a century. The Olds family cited there in 1822 and again in 1860, the Lampman family in 1860, 1871 and the early 1900’s, the Martin family in 1871 and twenty years later in 1891, John Brow in 1829 and 1860, the Lawrence/Larrow Ancestral family in 1842 and 1910 and finally the Gonyo/Gagnon Small family in 1850 and 1910. Clearly many families, as the oral tradition in the Lampman family indicated, repeatedly used this rural area outside of Swanton as needed throughout the period after 1800. The families cited here also effectively demonstrate links between all the major family groups summarized in the Petition including the St. Albans Bay families. 579 The whole picture of John’s Bridge available here documents an area better called a campground where temporary residence was as consistent in its own right as the more landed residence pattern found in Back Bay and St. Albans Bay.

Footnote 579. See Footnote 561 here. The Bluto, Gagnon (Gonyo), Paquay (Paquette), Hanis (Anus/Hanks) and Demora (Demar) families all appear here and have direct familial connections to the ‘St. Albans bay’ families listed in the Family chart 8 and others as well. [RP: 227 & Family chart #’s 8, 13, 16, 17 & 19 in Appendix 11]. See also Bluto and Demar Central family, Paquette and Gonyo Small family history in Section V here. And in RP.

Page 144: [The Lake Road Neighborhood.] In the 20th century, John Lampman and Martha Morits lived for many years on the Lake Road in Swanton. 580 In 1885, they also were living on the Lake Road (District 10) when their son John was born. 581 Since the last days of the Missisquoi village in the 18th century, the Lake Road, Middle Road and Maquam shore area have been another major campground and neighborhood for Abenaki families. 582 In this century, the Lampman family has settled out there for much of the past sixty years. Some members of the family still live in homes clusted half way to the Maquam shore. 583 Others live on River Street and Route 78 along the Missiquoi River.

Footnote 580. 78. 9/16/83:2-3, 17; Family History and Leadership chart in Appendix 2; & footnote 283 here.
Footnote 581. See John Lampman card in AA.
Footnote 582. Moody 1979: 19; RP:28, 114-D (Map 4), 121.
Footnote 583. RP: Map 5. See also Walter Lampman card in AA.
Footnote 584. See household #’s 211 & 212 in 1910 Swanton census in Appendix 1B. This Morits line ties directly into Anita Morits who married Victor Vincelette and appears in the Vincelette Central family and Laura Morits whose daughter married into the Maskell Central family. See Dorothy Porter and Anita Morits genealogies in AA and in Maskell and Vancelette genealogies in RP. See also Family chart #’s 5-6, 18 & 22 in Appendix 11.
Footnote 585. Ibid:household #’s 405, 409 & 411; & Family chart #”s 2,506, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20 & 22 in Appendix 11.

Page 145: On Goose Island, just over the Missisquoi bridge in the same neighborhood, Samuel Barratt and family were living next door to a Parizo Small family member. 588 This is the same Samuel Barratt and Bertha Atwood family which appears in the Barratt Central family genealogy. 589 The family had moved from the Franklin/Highgate woods area to Swanton via the Platt farm in Highgate Springs where they appear at the turn of the 20th century. 590 This is their first citation in Swanton records. By the 1970’s the Bushey Street neighborhood off Back Bay became the focal point for this large extended family. Already by 1910, the Martin, Barratt and Morits/Lampman families had been interacting continuously at Missisquoi for at least 100 years and had established familial ties dating back to the mid-19th century.
One particularly close sequence of marriages exemplifies the interwoven pattern of kinship underlying the early twentieth century Lake Road neighborhood. Sarah Morits was married before 1830 to the first Samuel Barratt who lived in Highgate and Franklin before 1830, and they had a child William shortly thereafter. 591 Martha Morits was born to a Martin mother in 1865. After her …

Footnote 586. Ibid:household #’s 164, 179, 180, 183 & 365; & Family chart #’s 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 21 & 22 in Appendix 11.
Footnote 587. She is listed as ‘Louisa Misar’. Her pronunciation to the census taker would be ‘Misal’, which is ‘Mitchel’ in Western Abenaki. Phonetically spelled through English ears the Abenaki ‘al’ often becomes the English ‘ar’.
Footnote 588. See household #’s 188 & 189 in 1910 Swanton census in Appendix 1B; & Family chart #’s 4, 5-6, 7, 12, 17 & 18 in Appendix 11.
Footnote 589. See Barrat Central family genealogy in RP.
Footnote 590. See 1840 Franklin census; household # 272 in 1850 Franklin census; household #362 in 1860 Franklin censusl household #’s 190 & 223 in 1900 Highgate census in Appendix 1B.

Page 146: … father, Will Morits, was drowned in 1855, her mother Mary Martin married Barret in 1890. 592 When Will Barret died in 1898, Mary [Martin-Morits-Barratt] moved in with John and Martha [Lampman] who are listed living together on Bushey Street in 1910. 593 William Morits was a basketmaker and William Barret an herb gatherer according to local Swanton records. 594 The Barret family movement from the Highgate and Franklin woods, where one branch had intermarried with the Morits family, into Swanton was clearly a function of close links between the two families. Also the Martin Central family line in Swanton derives in part from Henry and Julia Ann (Morits) Lampman’s daughter Mary Lampman who married Edward Martin before 1871. 595
As noted earlier, that family was living in the John’s Bridge neighborhood in 1885 and later settled on Goose Island in the Lake Road neighborhood after 1900.
Like Johns’ Bridge, the Lake Road neighborhood has served as an entry point and temporary residence for many families in the greater Swanton area. It is much more spread out than Back Bay, and takes in a large rural territory with remote campsites, farms, trapping, hunting and gathering grounds as well as some homesteads and small farms which line the Missisquoi River right in Swanton. Although the Morits family after 1800 retreated to the Highgate woods and St. Albans Bay neighborhoods, the particular Morits ….

Footnote 591. See William Barret card in AA.
Footnote 592. See Mary Jane Martin card in AA; & Family chart # 5-6 in Appendix 11.
She was born in 1836. This was not the earliest documented example of intermarriage. Hiram Lampman, born 1840, son of Henry Lampman and Julia Ann Morits, married Sarah Barrett in 1861. [See Hiram Lampman card in AA].
Footnote 593. See household # 98 in 1910 Swanton census in Appendix 1B.
Footnote 594. RP: 77-8. See William Morits card in Morits cards & William Barret in the Barrat cards in AA.
Footnote 595. RP: 223, 225; Faimly chart #’s 3, 5-6 & 18 in Appendix 11; 78. 4/2/85 in Moody, Field Notes, 1977-5. See also Martin Central family genealogy in RP and John Martin card in AA.

Page 147: …family tie to the Lake Road area goes straight back to the early Missisquoi village. The 'Swatson' oral tradition, recounted in this section, included the Morits, Lampman, Gardner, Phillips and St. Francis families, and was anchored on the Highgate side of the River at the Monument. Also, there is an old tradition in the Lampman family members with the "Rood farm", which states that the first Lampman family members settled there on the south side of the Missisquoi River and rented from the Indians as John Hilliker and others had. 596
Independent evidence from another branch of the Lampman family now living in the Midwest, states that their common ancestor, Henry Issac Lampman Senior, who lived in Swanton, either continued or began the long tradition of Lampman/Abenaki intermarriage there in the 1780's. 597
On a parallel line of research, it was recently discovered that the Maurice/Morits Missisquoi family also used the name ‘Tanagite’. 598 One of the ‘Indian farms’ expressly reserved to the use of the Abenakis in Robertson’s lease on the south side of the Missisquoi River very close to the site of the Rood farm was owned by an Indian listed as ‘Towgisheat’ in 1765. 599
In 1837, John Morits was apparently forced for reasons unknown to mortgage about 18 acres of this same land near the Rood farm in exchange for cutting over sixty cords of wood within two years. 600
Beyond its location, what is most remarkable about the mortgage is the fact that it was not indexed in the customary way in the Swanton land records. Furthermore, there are no records that John Morits ever purchased the land in the first place. Like the 600 acres up on the Rock River in Highgate which…

Footnote 596. Barney & Pery 1882: 994; Aldrich 1891: 396; 78, 9/16/83:11 & 2/2/84: 12-3.
Footnote 597. 78, 9/6/83:11-2; 2291, 4/25/79:1.
Footnote 598. 55a, 1848: 212-3; Day 1981: 92, 96.
Footnote 599. RP: 174.
Footnote 600. See 1837 in Swanton Land Records list in Appendix 4A.

Page 148:Henry Morits held ‘by possession’, the Morits/Tanagite family simply retained familial use of that small parcel, from the old Missisquoi village well into the 19th century. 601

Footnote 601. See 1800-1822 Highgate Land Records list in Appendix 4B.

Page 150: “Despite the vagaries of the records and lack of land purchase, the familiar cyclical land use pattern in the Lake Road area documents a continuous presence over several generations in the Lampman, Morits, Micah, Barratt, Martin and other Abenaki families. The neighborhood emerges here as a retreat and resource for those needing or wishing to live the subsistence lifestyle outside of…

Page 151: …Swanton’s non-Indian society."
The Morits and Barratt family ties to Highgate and Franklin in the first half of the 18th century, dovetail with their Lake Road connections from 1820 to 1910, and document a general pattern of integration common to the rest of the Abenaki community. One of the early men named John Morits married a Richards and was cited as living at St. Albans Bay in 1840. 616 Another, younger John Morits was married to Julia Demar and was also living in the St. Albans area in 1841. 617 One of these men was the same ‘John Morits of St. Albans’ who took out the barter mortgage for his family’s land in 1837 as well.”

Footnote 616. See 1840 St. Albans census in Appendix 1B. RP: 225. See also Morits genealogy and John Morits and Margaret Richards cards in AA.
Footnote 617. See 1841 in Father O’Callaghan’s register in Appendix 5A; & Family chart #’s 5-6 & 18 in Appendix 11.

Page 152: "The Morits/Tanagite family appears in the Lake Road neighborhood form 1765 down to 1970 in the same, typically Abenaki pattern of land use illustrated in the John's Bridge neighborhood."

MORE one the way...

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Are the Barratt’s and or Lampman's “St. Francis/ Sokoki/Missisquoi” Members; or are they not? Part 4:

Addendum to the Petition for Federal Recognition
Dated January 10, 1986
In Repsonse to the "Letter of Obvious Deficiencies and Significant Omissions"
Dated (6/14/1983).
Part B


Page 70: [Page 69 continued] …include the Morit’s, St. Francis’s, Lapan’s, Phillip’s, Gardner’s and Winters’s. 293 Like the companion accounts from the St. Francis family already mentioned in the Petition, this oral history ties major contemporary families back to the Missisquoi village period before 1800. 295 The Lampman family member who passed on this account was clear that it described both the time of the Missisquoi village before 1800 and the time of her grandparents about 1880. 296

Footnote 293. See Family chart #'s 2, 3, 4, 5-6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19 & 22 in Appendix 11.
Footnote 294. [M.I.A.?]
Footnote 295. 2262, 10/6/83 in Moody, Field Notes, 1983. It is common in Abenaki oral tradition for accounts to date back to a compressed time of the “grandparents”. Generally the oral histories of the period before 1850 gathered at Missiquoi are interwoven with the history of the grandparents of the older mid-20th century informants. The time marker which lends chronological verification to the Swatson account has helped to pin down the exact period involved. The core tradition deriving from non-Indians inappropriately renaming the village ‘Swanton’ sets the tone and time of the original account in the late 18th century.
There is growing evidence that the Lampman (Lantman) family of the Hoosac Falls, New York area above Albany were directly were directly associated with the Abenakis, Sokokis and other Schagticokes in trading relationships which date to the mid-18thc century. [Lampee 1938:93; Moody, Field Notes, 1977-98]. It is likely from the written and oral tradition that Henry Lampman, the father of Henry, who married to Julia Ann Morits, was himself of Abenaki descent. Lampman family oral tradition also indicates that intermarriage with Indians began with this generation, if not earlier. [78, 7/16/1983:11; 2291, 4/25/1979:1].

Page 71: "Until the tradition was recorded, it was only assumed that the Morits/Maurice family was connected back to the pre-1860 period from indirect accounts gathered at Odanak in the 1950's and early 19th century church records discovered in the 1970's. 296
The Swatson account is also a clear indication of both familial and tribal leadership patterns among the Lake Champlain Abenakis. The role of settling fishing grounds, particularly on the Missisquoi delta, appears here as the most memorable task of the community leader. As fish were the basic staple of winter, early spring and mid-summer existence, and even became 'legal tender' amongst all residents of northwestern Vermont in the 1816-17 'scarce years', the chief's role as arbiter of fishing grounds makes sense in historical context. 297
The recent fish-ins confirms that the freedom to fish for subsistence purposes has always been important to the Abenakis at Missisquoi. 298 A similar role for chiefs in settling hunting ground disputes is records among the Abenakis of Odanak. 299 Chief Swatson, or Joachim was one of the Morits family ancestors according to oral tradition. 300 He was clearly one of the family leaders with much wider responsibilities among many families in the Missisquoi community around 1800.

Footnote 296: Moody 1979: 42-3, fn 22: Day 1981: 86; RP: 58-9: & Family chart #'s 2,3,4,5-6,7,8,11,12,14,16,17,18,20,21 & 22 in Appendix 11.
Footnote 297. Perry & Barney 1882:1009.
Footnote 298. RP: 130-1.
Footnote 299. Day 1978: 156-7; Moody, Field Notes, 1977-85. The Missisquoi focus on fishing also underscores a major different between the Odanak population, which relied on their extensive hunting territories for their living, and Missisquoi where fishing and trapping for food and for a living has been the basic pattern since the 18th century. This point is discussed in more depth in the Odanak/Missisquoi contact Section (III) here.
Footnote 300. 2262, 8/18/81, p. 2. Other Missiquoi oral traditions in the St. Francis and Medor family refer back to the most celebrated ancestors for family origins and community history. Odanak Abenakis share this attribute of family naming and history. (Day 1978: 156; Day 1981: 73).

Page 72: "It is very significant that John Perry (about 1860), George Barney (1882) and other historians of Swanton and the region made no mention of Chief Swatson in light of these oral traditions.

Page 73: It appears from recent research that the role of inter-family leadership has always been filled at Missisquoi, occasionally with the term ‘chief’ applied to the male leader and ‘doctress’ to the female leader by Indians or non-Indians close to the families and community. 305Chief Swatson’ of the Monument village and ‘Madam Campto/ Crappo’ the ‘Indian doctress’ of St. Albans Bay stand out in the period around 1800. 306 A virtually identical account of one dispersed family band of Coos Abenakis at the headwaters of the Missiquoi in 1799 refers to the ‘the chief man’ being ‘Capt. Susap’ who was with ‘Molly Orcutt’, a well known ‘Indian doctress’. 307 In similar fashion, one non-Indian resident of Swanton recently stated that Nazaire St. Francis was “a sort of a chief, but he never … mentioned it even, but among his people they knew he was a patriarch.” 308 Contemporary St. Francis family informants recall that ‘Old MitchSt. Francis, Nazaire’s father, was “chief” of his people in his day (1860-1917) as well. 309 In the same fashion, the Lampman informant who recounted the Swatson tradition was quick to point out that Leonard Lampman, the present chief, is the contemporary successor to Swasson Morits. 310 There was a succession of such…

Footnote 305. Note that the term ‘chief’ has been found applied to male Indian leaders by both Indians and non-Indians. The term ‘doctress’ has only been found in non-Indian descriptions of Indian women who were healers. Many terms are used in the Indian community to describe women, and men, who serve in a healing capacity. Like other northeastern Algonquin communities, the healers were and still remain anonymous. [See Leadership Criteria list in Appendix 8].
Footnote 306. Adams 1889: 37; Moody 1979: 37-8; RP: 54.
Footnote 307. White 1882: 315; Moody 1979: 40.
Footnote 308. 2288, 11/13/83: 6. This impression of Nazaire was widely shared in the Abenaki community as well according to oral tradition from a number of families. [See Nazaire St. Francis card in AA; Moody, Field Notes, 1977-85].
Footnote 309. 7; 28; Moody, Field Notes, 1977-85. See also Mitchell St. Francis card in St. Francis cards in AA.
Footnote 310. 2262, 1982 in Moody, Field Notes, 1982.

Page 74: ...individuals including John and Martha Morits Lampman (1880's to 1915), then Martha Morits alone (1915 to 1940), and Walter Lampman (1940 to 1955). 311

Footnote 311. See John Lampman & Walter Lampman cards in Lampman cards, & Martha Morits card in Morits cards in AA. 2263, 10/6/83:11. See also Family History and learship chart in Appendix 2.

Page 76: "The census records in the greater Swanton area show that the Morits family was residing there from 1800 to 1840. Both Henry Morits (Mororits/Mowen) and John Morits (Moritts/Minels/Morois) appear in Highgate census records in the early 19th century. 319 John Morits is the direct ancestors of the Lampman, Morits and Martin family members today. 320 The Henry Morits line was closely tied to the Barratt Central family and appears in that genealogy today. 321 There is clear evidence in local land records that they were living up on the Rock River in the Highgate woods near the Canadian border. 322 The location of other Morits families in Swanton and St. Albans has also been ascertained in the same period. 323 The location of the Morits family on the Monument side of the Missisquoi in Highgate Springs puts the census family after 1800 in direct accord with the Swatson oral tradition of the Morits family before 1800."

Footnote 319. See 1800 to 1849 Highgate censuses in Appendix 1B.
Footnote 320. See Lampman & Martin Central family genealogies in RP; & Family chart #’s 5-6, 14, 18 & 22 in Appendix 11.
Footnote 321. See Arlene Murray Parks card & Henry Morits cards in Morits cards in AA; & Family chart # 18 in Appendix 11.
Footnote 322. See 1800 to 1822 Highgate Land Record list in Appendix 4B.
Footnote 323. See 1820 & 1840 Swanton censuses & 1830 St. Albans census in Appendix 1B.

Page 77: In 1800 the Mantle (Momtock/Laurent), Canard (Anus/Anance), Youngman (Young/Lajeunesse) and Winters families were living next door to John Morits and his family in the same small Highgate woods neighborhood according to the census. 326 The Winters family was specifically mentioned in the Swatson account. The same year Henry Mowen (Morits) and Henry Lampman were listed as living in another section of the Highgate woods with one Indian neighbor named Cross listed. 327 There were no Francis/St. Francis/ Mitchell families listed in Highgate in 1800, but a Lewis Francis family appeared in the Swanton census close by. 328 So, in 1800, at least three of the families cited in the Swatson oral tradition (1780 to 1800), including two major ancestral families and two contemporary Abenaki families, were indeed living in the Swanton/Highgate area. Perry’s landmark account of Abenaki ‘disappearence’ from the Missisquoi village by…

Footnote 326. See 1800 Highgate census in Appendix 1B.
Footnote 327. See 1800 Highgate census in Appendix 1B.
Footnote 328. See 1800 Swanton census in Appendix 1B.

Page 78: …1800 was matched by Abenaki emergence in small, disperced neighborhoods in the greater Swanton area just as oral tradition and the Petition have clearly stated.
By 1810, several familiar Missisquoi Abenaki names including Bartan (Benedict), Cibben (Kapino/Crapo), Legur (Lazare), Phillips, Gardner, Hogue (Hoague), Newell (Noel/Wells), Pine (Coas/Lapan) and Michel (Mitchell/St. Francis/Francis) were listed with John Morois (Morits), Henry Mororits (Morits) and a Lampman family in the Highgate woods. 329 A similar number of families with many of the same names appeared in Swanton census for the same year. 330 The names were listed alphabetically in both towns so no proximity between these families can be surmised. But the size of the listed Swanton and Highgate Indian population, 180 individuals in 22 families, clearly confirms that the Swatson oral tradition was an accurate depiction of the period around 1800.
The John and Henry Morits families were recorded in the Highgate census with the most consistency of any Indian family down to 1840. Freyner/Francis (St. Francis), Mitchel (Micha), Lampman, Barratt/Barns and many other families with direct descendants in the present community also appeared in the censuses. 331 In 1840, JamesFrancis and family were listed in the same neighborhood with the John Morits and Polly Newell (Noel/Wells) families. Nearby, there were two more Morits/Murran families living in two other small neighborhoods with Newell (Noel/Wells), Laraway (Laurent), Salt (Greenia ancestor), Nolete (Wawanolet/Whitehead), Barnes (Barratt) and Dacar (Cheney ancestor) families.Taken with the strong leadership tradition in the Morits family dating from around 1800, their consistent presence in the records...

Footnote 329. See 1810 Highgate census in Appendix 1B.
Footnote 330. See 1810 Swanton census in Appendix 1B.
Footnote 331. See 1820-1840 Highgate census in Appendix 1B; & Family chart #'s 2, 3, 4, 5-6, 15 & 22 in Appendix 11.

Page 79: ...followed by many other known Indian families, provides abundant confirmation that these ancestral Morits families were in the forefront of the Missisquoi community during the 1790 to 1840 transition period. This notion is further corroborated from Odanak where oral traditions gathered in the 1950's and 1960's specifically identified the Maurice/Molisse family with 18th and 19th century Missisquoi. 332
There was another important facet of the Morits family presence in the area from 1800 to 1840. There were three men named John Morits born from the 1750’s to the 1790’s and two named Henry Morits born before 1755 and between 1780 and 1785 who were listed in the records under the two men’s names. Each time the head of the family got old and presumably died, a younger replacement with the same name showed up in the records and took his place. 333 This pattern was common to Odanak and not unique to Highgate’s Morits family, but it has not been as well documented in the existing records elsewhere. 334
By definition, in Abenaki naming tradition, the direct identification with “an outstanding ancestor” confirms continued familial, and often, community leadership.
This pattern was the only consistent aspect of the local census listings during the 1800 to 1840 period in Swanton or Highgate. The rest of the families listed with John and Henry Morits households came and went in the records of that time. In fact, only in 1810, when most of the northwestern Vermont towns…

Footnote 332. Evidence is strong from the Odanak families who came to the Old Tyler Place in Highgate Springs each summer in the late 19th and early 20th centuries were returning as much to one of their ancestral villages where relatives still resided as they were to a resort where they could sell their wares to the tourists. The Benedict (Panadis/Parady) and Claude (Glode/Pagonowit/Butter/Ladue) families, along with the Maurice (Morits) family were identified with this annual return migration.
(Day 1981: 86, 105, 107; Moody 1979: 43, 49; Moody, Pers. correspondence with Day, 1979-81).
Footnote 333. See 1800-1840 Highgate censuses in Appendix 1B & in AA.
Footnote 334. Day 1981: 73, 101-3. This naming sequence conforms to the common practice seen also at Odanak to name children and grandchildren the same first and last names.

Page 80: …reported more Indians than other years, did other portions of the extended families and Abenaki community appear with the core Morits nuclear families. 335 As noted above, all of the families identified in the Swatson Morits oral tradition were also found in either the 1810 Swanton or Highgate censuses that year.
This is strong evidence that the Morits extended family was a central or front family during the transition period after the village was lost in the 1790’s until about 1840. As discussed earlier here, the Mitchell (Micha) family subsequently emerged in the Swanton Lake Road and Back Bay neighborhoods. 336 And sources cited here and in the Petition have also shown how the Francis/ St. Francis family in Swanton emerged as a similar leading family from 1820 on as well. 337 This kind of revolving family leadership of the community has also been documented in the Missisquoi Abenaki tribe in the 18th century when the Wawanolet/Whitehead/Greylock, Portneuf and Mitchell/St. Francis families were most evident, as well as in present day when the Lampman, Vansalett, Richards, Medor, Lapan, Gardner, Maskell, Partlow and St. Francis families are serving similar functions in various public forums and contemporary records. 338

Footnote 335. Twelve family members were listed in the John Morritts family, nine in the Henry Mororits family in 1810. [1810 Highgate census in Appendix 1B & AA].
Footnote 336. See Mitchell family discussion [pp 29-31] here. See also 1810 Highgate, 1820 St. Albans, 1830 Alburg, Highgate, Sheldon, St. Albans & Swanton, 1840 Grand Isle, Sheldon, So. Hero, St. Albans & Swanton censuses, Household #'s 5 & 6 in 1850 Franklin census, Household #'s 27, 271 & 273 in 1850 St. ALbans census & Household #'s 7 & 20 in 1850 Swanton censuses in Appendix 1B. Moody 1979: 53, 56-7 fns 34 & 35; RP:63-6, 72-3, 223; & Family chart # 15 in Appendix 11.
Footnote 337. See Francis/St. Francis family discussion [pp 7-8, 31-2, 33] here. See also Moody 1979: 58-9 fn 36, 64, 76-7; RP: 61, 66, 77-83, 89-92, 94-5, 97, 99, 104-5, 107, 121, 124, 128, 133, 208, 210, 212, 219, 222-7; Addendum Part A: 3-5,9: & Family chart #'s 2, 3 & 4 in Appendix 11.
Footnote 338. RP: 29, 37-8, 41, 46-7, 90-2, 104-5, 118, 123-4, 127, 129-30,133.

Page 81: The two universal components of these long cycles of community leadership have been a large extended family and an extraordinary individual leader like Greylock, Francis Titigaw (Francis Michell), Swasson Morits, Madam Camp/Crapo, Mitchell and Nazaire St. Francis, Cadell Freemore Brow, Joe Patnode, Louis Gardner, John Lapan and many others. 339 And as always, these leading families in the records and non-Indian public view protect and reflect a much larger Abenaki population behind the scenes.
Morits family did indeed remain a major force in the community after 1840, but in terms of written records, both they and the Lampman extended family became much more hidden. As oral tradition and the Petition have shown the Mortis, Lampman, Gardner, Lapan, Phillips, Demar, and other families went ‘on the ladder’ for much of the 1840 to 1940 period, moving from place to place leading a traditional, subsistence lifestyle. 340 Their clearest manifestation to date in the local records until about 1900 has been in intermarriage with some of the more settled families and their occasional mention as the local Swanton/Highgate basketmakers and herb gathers. 341

Footnote 339. See Family History and Leadership chart in Appendix 2; & Leadership Criteria list in Appendix 8.
Footnote 340. RP: 85-7.
Footnote 341. Moody 1979: 73-5; RP: 76, 81-3, 85-6; & William Morits card in Morits cards in AA.

Page 82: Other evidence from a variety of sources confirms that the Morits/Maurice/Tanagite family has an extensive history which touches on many contemporary Abenaki families and most of the known Abenaki neighborhoods in northwestern Vermont from the 18th century on. Not only are links with the Lampman, Winters and St. Francis families in evidence, but also with the Portneuf, Panadis/Benedict, Denis/St. Denis, Mitchell, Jerome, Robert, Butter/Pagonawit/ Claude, Joseph, Lawless, Capino/Crapo, Marie, Pierre/St. Peter, Saziboet, Nagazoa, Phaniff/Farnsworth, Tahamont/Duhamel, Littlefield and Obomsawin/Bowman families of Missisquoi, Durham & Odanak in the 19th century; 342 the Gardner/Morin, Greenia, Maskell, Francis/St. Francis, Goiette/Guyette, Lampman, Lapan, Demar/deMora, Martin, Hoague, Vancelett, Lafrance, Levick, Richards, Barns/Barratt Central families; 343 the Bellvue and Mercier Other families; 344 the Bohannon, Lafar/Tiriac, Reynolds, St. Andrew, Therrien, Minkler and Mitchell Small families; 335 and the Lajois/Lashaway/Playful, Chateneuf/Phaneuf, Winters, Gautier, Morits, Sartwell, Lapointe, Salesbury, Sears and Salt ancestral Missisquoi families. 346 These citations are concentrated around Swanton…

Footnote 342. RP: 58-9, 60, 82-3; Day 1981: 86; Moody 1979: 42-3 fn 22, 45, 52, 74-5. See also 1841 O'Callaghan's register in Appendix 5A; 1847 & 1853 St. Mary's register in Appendix 5B; Morits/Maurice family cards in Morits cards in AA; & Alexis Maurice, Joseph Morrisseau, Marianne Tanagite, Mary Morris, & Sophie Maurice cards in Morits cards in AA.
Footnote 343. Moody 1979: 62; RP: 86, 225-6. Also see 1841 & 1847 O’Callaghan’s register in Appendix 5A; 1853 St. Marie’s register in Appendix 5B; Arlene Murray Parks, Gordon C. Morits, Hattie Morits, Joseph Morits, Julia Ann Morits, John Morris & Mary Morris cards in Morits cards in AA; & Family chart #’s 5-6, 7, 9, 10 & 18 in Appendix 11.
Footnote 344. See John J. Morits & Romauld Morits cards in Morits cards in AA; & Family chart #’s 3, 4, & 18 in Appendix 11.
Footnote 345. Moody 1979: 51 fn 28, 74; RP: 225. See also 1841 & 1844 O’Callaghan’s register in Appendix 5A; Henry Murray & John Morris cards in Morits cards in AA; & Family chart #’s 7, 9, 12 & 14 in Appendix 11.
Footnote 346. RP: 225. See also 1841 O’Callaghan’s register in Appendix 5A; 1847 & 1853 St. Mary’s registers in Appendix 5B; Alvira Moits, Anaize Merritt, Baptiste Morin, John F. Morris, Mary R. Morets, Sophronia Morice & Paul Morits cards in Morits cards in AA; & Family chart #’s 9, 15 & 18 in Appendix 11.

Page 83: …Highgate and St. Albans although the family also appears in Alburg, the Islands and Sheldon from 1800 to 1920. 347 There is also solid oral and documentary data that both the Gardner and Demar families share a common ancestry and name origin with the Maurice /Morits family. 348

By the turn of the 20th century, the Morits and Lampman families were focused on the John’s Bridge and Lake Road neighborhoods of Swanton. Virtually all branches of the family were leading the subsistence life and therefore do not appear in the 1850 to 1900 censuses except one family in the 1860 and 1900 Highgate Springs neighborhood, and an individual in the 1900 Franklin woods neighborhood. 349 Local records, however, locate them in several Swanton neighborhoods, as does the 1910 Swanton census. John, Walter and Dewey Lampman, three children of John and Martha Morits Lampman, were born in the 1880’s at John’s Bridge and the Lake Road according to local records. 350 Henry S. Morat (Morits), last descendent of that branch of the Morits family in Swanton, and his wife Mary Barratt of the large Barratt Central family, were living on Upper Ferris Street with adopted Champang and Hoague family members in their house. 351 It is quite likely that Arlene Murray, who is a contemporary member of the tribe with Milton roots, derives from this same Henry Morits (Murray) line found in early 19th century Highgate and 1910 Swanton. 352 The Albert Champang

Footnote 347. See Franklin/Sheldon, Grand Isle/No. & So. Hero, Highgate, St. Albans & Swanton 1790-1910 Summaries of Names in Appendix 1A.
Footnote 348. See Louisa Dejardins Morin card in Gardner cards & Demar family cards in AA.
Footnote 349. See Household # 27 in 1860 Highgate census, household # 82 in 1900 Highgate census & household #231 in 1900 Franklin census in Appendix 1B.
Footnote 350. See John, Walter and Dewey Lampman cards in Lampman cards in AA.
Footnote 351. See Household #76, Dist # 117 in 1910 Swanton census in Appendix 1B; & Henry Morits cards in Morits cards in AA.
Footnote 352. See Arlene Murray Parks card in Morits cards; Barrat Central family member list in RP; & Family chart #18 in Appendix 11.

Page 84: …cited living with Henry Morits was later to become the head of that Abenaki family in the 1930 to 1960 period.
Out on Lake Road,
William and Mary Hoage were living with Napoleon and Josephine Sharkey Hoague in the same 1910 house. 353 They were living there in 1900 when the census was taken as well, but along with at least 300 other Abenakis, were missed or avoided by the census takers. On the edge of Back Bay in 1910, John and Rosa Bellvue Morits were living next door to Napolean Hoag’s brother Peter, and a Ledoux family. 354 Nearby on Bushey Street, John and Martha Morits Lampman were living with Merry J. (Martin)(Morits) Barratt. 355 Mary Jane Martin was Martha’s mother. She had remarried the herb gather Will Barratt after Will Morits died, and had been widowed a second time by 1910. 356 Out on the County Road, south of the Upper Ferris Street and Lake Road neighborhoods, Ed and Mary Lampman Martin were raising their family in a small neighborhood of Greenia’s, Hance’s (Hanks/Anus) and Root’s. 357
Mary Lampman Martin
was daughter to the Henry and Julia Ann Morits Martin couple discussed in detail for the 1820 to 1880 period in Swanton’s outlying neighborhoods.
This interwoven, multi-neighborhood pattern of settlement evident in 1910 had taken the same basic form since the late 18th century, and continues in the
Lampman, Morits and Martin family descendants today. The simultaneous jump in Lampman, Martin, Hoague and Morits family listings in the 1910 Swanton census shows on a family…

Footnote 353. See Household # 211 in 1910 Swanton census in Appendix 1B.
Footnote 354. See Household #’s 310, 311, 313 in 1910 Swanton census in Appendix 1B; & Family chart #’s 5-6 in Appendix 11.
Footnote 355. See Household # 100 in 1910 Swanton census in Appendix 1B.
Footnote 356. See Mary Jane Martin card in Martin cards; Will Morits card in Morits cards & Will Barrat card in Barratt card in AA. See also Family chart #’s 5-6 & 18 in Appendix 11.
Footnote 357. See Household #’s 436-51 in 1910 Swanton census in Appendix 1B; & Family chart #’s 2, 3, 4, 5-6, 7, 9, 15 & 18 in Appendix 11.

Page 85: …basis the doubling of recorded Indian population listed from 1900 to 1910. Of course, as far as these linked families are concerned, the dramatic shift in local Indian population was strictly as artifact of the census records, as many underground Abenaki families, including these four, were extensively recorded in the local Swanton records throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries. 358 The Morits, Lampman and Hoague Abenaki families have a continuous presence in the 19th and 20th century greater Swanton area which is tightly woven into the fabric of the Abenaki community at Missisquoi.
The family histories discussed here have a general theme of continuity which has been found to run through many of the major Abenaki family histories at Missisquoi from the 18th to the 20th centuries. The extensive links between the contemporary families discussed in the Petition and the other sources, have proven to be a direct outgrowth of Missisquoi Abenaki live in the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries.
In fact, in the case of the major
Morits Ancestral and Small family, there is a clear line of ancestry to the 18th century Abenaki families involved in Robertson’s lease, extensive intermarriage around the Missisquoi, Odanak and Durham Abenaki areas with other known Indian families, and then a deep and continuous involvement in the crucial transition period from 1790 to 1840 when the Highgate woods, St. Albans Bay and Swanton Indian neighborhoods were developing into their present forms. The Martin, St. Francis/Francis, Mitchell, Barratt, Lapan, Medor, Demar, Gardner, Lafrance, Olds, Phillips, Wells, Bertrand, Champang, Camron, Cheney, Vansalett, Lampman, Lafar, Blair, Dennis, Ledoux, Morris, Patnode, Paquette and Shedwick Central, Other, and Small Abenaki families tied to the present membership have all proven to have a similar, interwoven history traceable to the 18th and early 19th century Missisquoi Abenaki community. Further discussion of these families follows in the Addendum Part C.

Footnote 358. See the Lampman, Morits and Martin family cards in AA; Family History & Leadership chart in Appendix 2; & Martin Central family history in Section V here.

Page 91: Harold St. Francis, brother to Homer St. Francis and one of the first members of the family to join in the revitalization movement, lived for many years in the Lake Road neighborhood where he was married to the mother of the Partlow sisters. 386 Leonard Lampman recalls that it was his close relationship with Harold and Harold's ties to the Lake Road neighborhood that facilitated him leading the large Lampman/Morits Central family into official tribal membership in the 1976 to 1978 period. 387

Footnote 386. RP: 87, 224; 6, 4/26/77. See Family Chart # 4 in Appendix 11.
Footnote 387. 78, 9/16/83: 23, 36.

Page 100: Of the Rood farm area in the Lake Road neighborhood, as well as the John's Bridge campground near the Bullard farm, Blackie Lampman recalls that "all the families used it at one time or another". 421

Footnote 421. 78, 9/16/84:1, 2.

Page 101: The Rood and Skinner farms off Lake Road were sites used by the Morits and Lampman families back to the 1780's and most likely overlapped with the Morits/Tanagite/Towgisheat Indian farm listed in Robertson's lease in the 1760's." 428 The Towle farm in Franklin was the location of another Abenaki neighborhood in the late 1700's, throughout the 1800's and is remembered to this day by local non-Indians as the "Indian campground". 429

Footnote 428. See the Lake Road neighborhood in Swanton in Section II here.
Footnote 429. See Franklin and Sheldon in Section II here.

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