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Friday, September 3, 2010

Douglas Buchholz Inquiry to Representative Kesha Ram June 24, 2010 and Rep. Kesha Ram's Repsonse to Douglas Buchholz regarding his inquiry:

On June 24, 2010 at 6:57 p.m. I had email inquired to Representative Kesha Ram as to the "Decolonizing the Abenakis: A Methodology for detecting Vermont Tribal Identity." which was compiled and copyrighted by Frederick Matthew Wiseman and his fellow "Alliance" associate's. I communicated with Representative Kesha Ram to inquire as to if this particular material that was mailed to me, was in fact, submitted to her while she served on the Committee regarding "Abenaki Recognition", and if so, was this particular Fred M. Wiseman (etc.) a matter of PUBLIC RECORD.

Since Mr. Frederick Matthew Wiseman felt the need to address my person by name in this writeup of his, I conclude that it is only fitting that I now respond to this man and this pathetic piece of garbage writeup for what it is.
If I didn't know Mr. Fred M. Wiseman was considered a PhD, and I was a Professor at a College and he was my student....the grade on this particular work would have been a D- or worse! But as some would say, "if you can't convince them with the truth, then bedazzle them with b.s." (just like April Merrill's son Rene St. Francis posted on his MYSPACE.com webpage some time ago).
On Friday, June 25, 2010 at 12:26 p.m. Representative Kesha Ram kindly replied to my inquiry regarding the afore-mentioned material documentation by Frederick M. Wiseman and his associates i.e. the so-called "Abenaki Alliance of Vermont" (1. Luke Willard's group...the Nulhegan Band of the Coosuk, 2. April Merrill's group...the Sovereign Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi St. Francis/Sokoki Band group,  3. Nancy Millette-Doucet's group...Koasek Traditional Abenaki of the KOAS, and 4. Roger "Longtoe" A. Sheehan's group...the El-nu Tribe of the Abenaki).

Kesha Ram stated in her email response, "My understanding is that anything presented to us in an open committee meeting is part of the public record. I have reason to believe this is absolutely accurate because, as clerk of the committee, I try to save copies of everything we receive and turn them over to the State Archivist at the end of the year. That is pretty much the basis for the ongoing public record of the legislative process. Many of the documents related to S.222 are in the state archives now. If your friend has a copy and is willing to share it with you, that would be the easiest way to procure it.......

Clerk, Committee on General, Housing, and Military Affairs
Vermont House of Representatives, Chittenden 3-4: Burlington.

January 18, 1995 Darrell Larocque "Security Report" to Homer St. Francis ~ September 02, 2010 "NEW" Vermont Commission On Native American Affairs Appointee's:

Review the "LINK" given below, regarding the document previously placed on this blog, concerning the "Security Report" which was dated January 18, 1995 from Darrell R. Larocque of Charlotte, North Carolina to "Grand Chief" Homer St. Francis, Sr. of Swanton, Vermont.

LINK: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_hqC5V9v2WXg/S3EO3v2CdEI/AAAAAAAAC2w/-yBx9zxY_z8/s1600-h/Darrell+Larocque+Jan+18+1995.jpg

This document was a mere five (5) days AFTER Paul Wilson Pouliot created his "Letter-of-Intent-to-Petition-for-Federal-Acknowledgment" dated January 13, 1995 and received by the OFA (Office of Federal Acknowledgment) on January 23, 1995 in Washington, D.C.

What caused the late (now deceased) Darrell R. Larocque to create this so-called "Security Report" to his "Grand Chief" Homer Walter St. Francis, Sr. (also now deceased)?

It probably begins and ends with North Carolina Senator "Jesse Alexander Helms, Jr." (who is also now deceased as of July 04, 2008) of whom Darrell Larocque was regularly in communication with. How else would Darrell Larocque become so suddenly aware of what Paul Wilson Pouliot was politically doing (a mere five days earlier from this "Security Report" to Homer St. Francis, Sr.)? Perhaps it was merely Darrell R. Larocque obtaining and reviewing Paul Wilson Pouliot's "Newsletter" of that time period (?) but I don't think so. I think it was moreso about Homer St. Francis' inflated ego-power-and control issue's, as to who was "Abenaki" and who he concluded wasn't. 

One question that comes to mind....where was the so-called UNITY amongst all these alleged and reinvented "Abenakis" of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts in early 1995? Apparently the "Unity Meeting" of mid-July 1994 at Littleton, New Hampshire was merely an illusory endeavor, because these incorporate Presidents/ "Chiefs" "Grand Chiefs", etc. were simply working with their "inflated EGO'S", their "hunger for POWER", and their "thirst for CONTROL of other people", who also claimed or claim to be "Abenakis" within New England.

Kind of reminds of me the movie "Highlander", with the character Connor McCleod repeating the line, "There Can Only Be One"; except at the end, in an Wannabe "Abenaki" version, it would be "Grand Chief" Homer Walter St. Francis or "Chief" Paul Pouliot (etc) who would be saying "There-Can-Only- Be-One-Abenaki-Chief", followed by their trying to cut everybody else' head's off! Humor aside, let's take a temporary look at some contemporary activity regarding these incorporated so-called "Abenaki" "Tribes" and or "Bands" shall we?

This morning I got several email notifications regarding Governor Douglas going to announce later today his selection for the Vermont Commission on Native American Affairs. After a long 4 year battle with the Vermont State Legislature, this NEWLY APPOINTED (but this Commission is NOT "New") Commission begins with an established authority, which is no longer illusory.

When Rep. Hinda Miller and Rep. Vincent Illuzzi began their Legislative campaign to distort and blantantly insult any legitimacy in this "recognition process" in Vermont, they made damned sure that the previously VT Gov. appointed Commission on Native American Affairs members (Judy Dow, Brad Barratt, Tim de la Bruere, Jeanne Brink....) were not going to be on their planned "reconstructed" "NEW" VCNAA. The VT VCNAA members afore-mentioned, right along with Chair Charles Lawrence Delaney Jr. too, were told to "go home" "your services, your thoughts, your merits, and your decisions are no longer needed". Of course, that didn't bother Mr. Delaney Jr. because he was politicianing for being an Assitant Judge to Chittenden County, I guess "on his name only" I also noticed he never used his moniker "Megeso" in his Campaign. I guess being putting on the "Abenaki" persona wasn't politically correct campaigning politically for being an Assistant Judge eh? So today, the notification was about the new Governor Appointee's to the "NEW" VCNAA. They are as follows:
Melody (nee: Walker) Brook of Jeffersonville, Vermont
She is a member of Roger "Longto" Sheehan's group calling itself today, the "El-Nu Abenaki Tribe". She is also a descendant of Charles Partlow of Alburg, Vermont whom Swanton's "St. Francis/Sokoki" group claims were "Indians" in the Civil War (1860's). The Office of Federal Acknowledgment shot that "theory" full of holes btw.

Shirly (nee: Hook) Therrien of Braintree, Vermont
She is an associate with Todd Hebert. In this blog I have mentioned her name before. She was or still is allied with Nancy (nee: Millette) Doucet. The following information has been placed on this blog previously:
0157824 12/23/2008 Koasek Traditional Band of the Koas Abenaki Nation. John Prescott – Nancy Millette – Shirley Hook. Tradename.
We also know that her 'business partner' Todd Hebert was and still is allied with and associated with Mr. Ralph Swett, so-called "Chief" of the Clan of the Hawk group.
Recently, this came to me via mail:
Todd Hebert has been invested/ appointed with the Title of "Ambassador of Unity". As Todd Hebert has rejoined the Clan of the Hawk (yeah, he's on Clan of the Hawk Incorporation Papers too, and that was BEFORE he allied with Nancy Millette-Doucet and Luke Andrew Willard), he has agreed to be the leader at present for the Northeast Wind Council (another B.S. "Council" created- out-of-thin-air in-August-1994, by a bunch of "New" Indianist dubious questionable people of very unlikely Abenaki ancestry) and to increase its’ membership from eight members to more than 20 members in the Northeast Wind Council. He will be working to bring great unity to the Abenaki community here in Vermont and elsewhere. Our goal is to promote unity among all bands so that everyone has a voice in the affairs of the native community here in Vermont, and all of New England. A great lot of work has gone into this and Todd Hebert has taken over the job of bringing in as many groups as possible. The Northeast Wind Council is promoting unity for all groups and natives so that we can all work together in a positive mode and bring a unified voice that will be heard everywhere needed and also foster a feeling of family so that we an all come together and work for everyone. Congratulations to all of these appointments to the Clan of the Hawk and related Bands.
Chief Lone Cloud (Ralph Skinner Swett aka Chief Spirit Water) And Clan of The Hawk Tribal Council
Dawn Macie of Rutland, Vermont
She was and or still is in association with Luke Andrew Willard (his father is either Mr. Sackett or Mr. Pike, but when he was born his mother gave him her name, and did not list the father of Luke, her son). She was and or is a "trustee"/Registrar/ member of the Nulhegan Coosuk group/inc. Dawn Macie currently, according to her MYSPACE.COM webpage, states that she provides technical assistance and management to Luke A. Willard and his friend/Band partner. Her mother was Nancy L. Cote, who was a former member of Ralph Swett (Chief Spirit Water a.k.a. Chief Lone Cloud)'s group Clan of the Hawk, that was created by Howard Franklin Knight Jr. and Raymond "Looking Glass" Lussier ca. August 1994 or shortly thereafter.

Takara Matthews (Takara Cynda Matthews) of Richmond, Vermont
She is the daughter of Carollee nee: Reynolds and mother of Wanibaugh Namih8sat Cook. I have also written quite a few commentaries about this young woman who is also a descendant of Charles Partlow's sister, Elizabeth Jane (nee: Partlow) Covey in this blog previously. Takara (a.k.a. "T.K.") was a member of Swanton's St. Francis/Sokoki group led by April (nee: St. Francis) Merrill previous but she relocated to the Nancy Millette-Doucet group and does have associations with the El-Nu group as well which is led by Roger "LOngto" Sheehan.

Charlene McManis of Worcester, Vermont
She was on the Vermont Commission on Native American Affairs previously. On numerous occasions she has stated vocally that "she will support "Missisquoi" i.e. April (nee: St. Francis) Merrill 100% percent no matter what it takes to gain State Recognition" while she sat on that Commission, even if it meant going against all the other members of that VCNAA. Charlene McManis, Grande Ronde, 53, of Worcester served in the U.S. Navy for 8 years and has resided in Vermont for the past 21 years. She has been active in community service in the Central Vermont community, particularly in schools, where she has consulted in theater, taught bead work, served as a dance instructor and created after-school and breakfast programs. Charlene McManis served for four years on the Board of Directors for the Dawnland Indian Center (Judy Dow, Skip Bernier and Rick Hunt also served on the Dawnland Indian Center as well). Charlene McManis is currently employed as a technical assistant for Lost Nation theater and as a cartoonist for Indian Country Today.

Nathan Elwin Pero of West Fairlee, Vermont
I have previously posted on this blog about this man as well. Nathan E. Pero (Nathan Elwin Pero is the son of Elwin Merle Pero and Alberta Lorraine Preston). He was born August 22, 1949 in Thetford, Orange County, Vermont. It was ALLEGEDLY Elwin "Joe" Elwin Pero who became friends with Howard F. Knight Jr. AFTER Howard Knight and his wife Minnie relocated to Thetford, Vermont in 1979 according to the obituary of Minnie Davidson Knight on August 01, 2006. ALLEGEDLY, "Chief" Elwin "Joe" Merle Pero of the alleged Nolka/Deer Clan who was allegedly chosen as Chief in the Spring of 1947, and was the first to organize alleged Abenaki People in the Coos/Koas area under his leadership and the leadership of alleged Council members such as E. Paige, R. Reginald A. Pero, A. Agnes? Pero, and Associate Chief M. Stone.

In allegedly 1980, the alleged Tolba/Turtle Clan and the Knight familiy allegedly joined the other alleged Clans of Nolka/Deer, Awasos/Bear, Molsem/Wolf and others of the Coos Band, and Howard Franklin Knight Jr. was allegedly elected as Associate Chief in allegedly December 1980. Then in allegedly April of 1981, the alleged Coos Band under alleged Chief Elwin "Joe" Merle Pero and alleged Associate Chief Howard Franklin Knight Jr. merged with the Eastern Woodlands Band under alleged Chief Richard "Black Horse" Phillips and Associate Chief Emerson Garfield, to form the Northeast Woodlands-Coos Band. In 1985 allegedly, following the death of alleged Chief Elwin Merle Pero on October 13, 1983 in Thetford Center, Orange County, Vermont and the alleged stepping down of Chief Richard Black Horse Phillips, Howard Franklin Knight Jr. allegedly became "Chief" of the Northeast Woodland's-Coos Band.
N-30389-0 04/07/2009 Cowasuck of North America, Inc. Howard F. Knight Jr. Officers: (Officer5) Nathan Pero, (Officer6) Matthew R. Knight, (Officer7) Morris Pero.*

Luke Andrew Willard of Brownington, Vermont
There is NOTHING worthwhile to say about this man, that hasn't been said already on this blog, but maybe later I will think of something....

Anyone can go into the "googlesearchengine" line on this blog and type in his name and find out just what a distortionist the man seemingly is. Also check out the nedoba.org website regarding this man's alleged and reinvented Abenaki/ Mohawk supposed ancestry.

Frederick W. Wiseman of Newport, Vermont

This is the son of Frederick Matthew Wiseman and Diane C. (nee: Peel). It can be surmised that Fred W. Wiseman is a member of and advocate for April Ann (nee: St. Francis) Merrill and the "St. Francis-Sokoki" so-called "Abenaki" group up in Swanton, Franklin County, Vermont....the same as can be strongly surmised about his son Fred Jr. One can be assured that "the apple doesn't fall far from the rotten tree." It might appear to be RED on the outside (which btw is really "thin", but it's all thick and WHITE on the inside! So go ahead Vermont and New Hampshire, take a bite of those rotten "Abenaki" apples and see what happens when you give these "apples" an inch of "legitimacy"/ "recognition" and then they begin to demand mile of this and or that!


So what do all of these people have in common with each other and to the alleged and reinvented "Abenakis" of Vermont and New Hampshire you may inquire?

Well, if you have studied the contents of this blog based on this particular posting, you would already know that answer. Yet, the answer is that they all advocate and are members of these created and self-promoting incorporations in Vermont claiming to be "Abenaki Tribes" and or "Abenaki Bands" seeking State Recognition from the State of Vermont, based on dubious questionable connections and research by either John Moody and or Frederick Matthew Wiseman PhD.

LINK: http://www.nedoba.org/topic_wiseman.html

In the following postings I will now show and provide the documentation entitled, "Decolonizing the Abenaki....." of which nedoba.org "addresses" on that site. Professional researchers, Ph.d's and the common Vermonter (including Native People's need to be able to evaluate this material first hand and come to their own conclusions about Mr. Frederick M. Wiseman's "copyrighted" paper "Decolonizing the Abenakis, a Methodology for Detecting Vermont Tribal Identity". Plus a sideline into Donald Warren Stevens Jr.'s communications with myself, and with Nancy Millette-Doucet in 2009 when he was actively on the Vermont Commission on Native American Affairs as Chairman.

Following the posting on this blog of the above mentioned material, I will begin showing the doucmentation that the Office of Federal Acknowledgement published entitled, "Summary under the Criteria for the Proposed Finding on (against) the St. Francis/Sokoki Band of Abenakis of Vermont, dated November 09, 1995. After that, I will show and provide the "Summary under the Criteria and Evidence for Final Determination against Federal Acknowledgment of the St. Francis/Sokoki Band of Abenakis of Vermont" dated and Approved June 22, 2007.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Office of Federal Acknowledgment and Commentary Regarding Paul W. Pouliot's group i.e. "Letter of Intent":

Having Paul Wilson Pouliot and his 2nd wife, Denise, "crow" and prance around exclaiming that they are NOW the ONLY "Abenaki" group in New England with an "Intent-to-Petition-Letter" for Federal Acknowledgment on the Federal Recognition table (now that April St. Francis-Merrill's St. Francis/ Sokoki "Abenaki" group was denied Federal Acknowledgment in mid-2007, had me just a little bit curious what their vocal attitude was all about....

So, I began to do a little "investigation" of my own in early January 2010. My little investigation is still on-going, with new documents coming into my possession...as people either send the documents to me, or I locate and obtain these documents myself, in my own research endeavors.

Speaking with the OFA (afore-mentioned in the previous blog posting) the Office of Federal Acknowledgment stated that, "it doesn't mean anything whatsoever, when someone sends in a Letter-of-Intent-to-Petition-for-Federal-Acknowledgment. It is simply someone who alleges they might be an "Indian Tribe", but that Letter-of-Intent, in and of itself, does not mean that such petitioner is recognized IN ANY WAY, SHAPE or FORM, by the Office of Federal Acknowledgment by receiving such a Letter of Intent to Petition, nor by their agency responding to such document." 

Paul Wilson Pouliot and Denise Katherine (nee: Beauregard) (she was previously married to Jamie Mehigan, before she married Paul Pouliot on August 16, 2008 in Alton, Belknap County, New Hampshire where they presently reside) can "crow" and "prance around politically" in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, California (or any other states where they have managed to "incorporate" themselves and their group). It still does not legitimately make their group an Abenaki nor a Cowasuck Tribe or Band. All they are, is an incorporation sanctioned by whatever state they want to sanctify themselves in politically-speaking to make themselves appear or imply that their group is legitimately Cowasuck or Pennacook Abenakis. Incorporations does not equate to being legitimate Abenaki Tribes or Bands.

Per the documented information from the BIA, online I found this:

83.2 Purpose.

….(c) Associations, organizations, corporations or groups of any character that have been formed in recent times may not be acknowledged.
Paul Wilson Pouliot formed an incorporation in late February 1993. It would be determined that such time-frame, is within "recent times".
Therefore, his incorporation cannot gain acknowledgment by the Office of Federal Acknowledgment (OFA) under 83.2 subsection (c).
(d) Splinter groups, political factions, communities or groups of any character that separate from the main body of a currently acknowledged tribe may not be acknowledged.
The group led by Paul Wilson Pouliot now calling itself the COWASS NORTH AMERICA, INC./ Coos-Cowasuck Band-Abenaki Nation/ Cowasuck Band of the Abenaki People/ "COWASUCK BAND of the PENNACOOK/ ABENAKI PEOPLE" (WAS) and (IS) a "splinter group", a "political faction" and a "seperate-yet-connected entity" (Howard Franklin Knight, Jr.'s concocted incorporation calling itself the "Abenaki Nation of Vermont", Inc.)
Therefore, Paul Wilson Pouliot's incorporation could not gain acknowledgment from the OFA, under subsection (d) of 83.2 either.

So what does Paul Wilson Pouliot's "Letter of Intent to Petition for Federal Acknowledgment" actual represent or mean?

"kia 8da k'waj8nemowen"
Under 83.6 subsection (c)...."A petitioner must satisfy all of the criteria in paragraphs (a) through (g) of § 83.7 in order for tribal existence to be acknowledged. Therefore, the documented petition must include thorough explanations and supporting documentation in response to all of the criteria."

Since January 23, 1995 until the present date of August 07, 2010 it has now been exactly 15 years, 06 months, and 05 days....since this Pouliot-led group of alleged-and-reinvented "Cowasuck" "Pennacook" "Abenakis" sent in their Letter of Intent to Petition for Federal Acknowledgment. The question is, will it take them as long at the St. Francis/Sokoki (38 to 40 years) for the public to realize that this whole "Abenaki" dynamic in Vermont and or New Hampshire amounted to and was founded on "illusionistic tactics and schemes"? Time will tell.....

According to the information researched online:
After a group files a letter of intent to petition, that group has unlimited time under the regulations in which to prepare and submit a documented petition, which includes the evidence and arguments showing that such group meets the requirements for acknowledgment.

And secondly:
Under the regulations, the time between the filing of the letter of intent and the submission of the documented petition is not limited.

So, Mr. COWASS Inc. President Paul W. Pouliot and his wife Mrs. COWASS Inc. Treasurer Denise Pouliot can "bark" and "howl" all they want to about their "Letter of Intent" that the Incorporation of which they maintain, sent into the OFA 15.5 years ago. When the OFA regulations are laid out on the table in black and white, there isn't a snowball's chance in Hell that their group will gain what they have announced their "intent" to go after (probably when Hell does freeze over!)
The ONLY dynamic that this group of alleged and reinvented "Cowasuck-Pennacook" "Abenakis" led by Paul Wilson Pouliot could gain right now, is just what they are going after TODAY.......

What they want (these created incorporations are all after....just like in Vermont) is a State-of-N.H.-sanctioned "Commission on Native American Affairs" here in the State of New Hampshire through the political usage of Rep. Daniel Carr (Democrat) Cheshire- District 04 Seat #: 3038 Home Address: PO Box 111 in Ashuelot, NH 03441-0111 Phone: (603)239-6830 Email: daniel.carr@ leg. state.nh.us

These mere Incorporations claiming to represent and that today claim to being the "Abenakis" of New Hampshire, seek to be "bonefide" and legitimized by such a Commission on Native American Affairs chaired and populated by their incorporation members/ leaders such as (very likely) Sherry Gould (Wijokadoak, Inc.) of Bradford, N.H.; Peter Newell (President of the N.H. Intertribal Council, Inc. and is also on the Board of Directors for Wijokadoak, Inc. as well); and of course, Paul W. Pouliot (President of COWASS NORTH AMERICA, Inc.) now of Alton, N.H. from Franklin, Massachusetts. (He had to relocate to New Hampshire, to IMPLY that his group Abenaki/Cowasuck/ Pennacook came from "here").

So in conclusion, even in New Hampshire, there is the distinct impression that the "Sleezy Weasel's will be guarding the chicken house door," .....just like the so-called "Abenaki Alliance" is trying to do over in the State of Vermont. This "Alliance consists of (4) four incorporations sanctioned in the State of Vermont and/ or New Hampshire, which are as follows: 

1. April St. Francis-Merrill's group in and around Swanton, Vermont calling itself the St. Francis/Sokoki Abenaki

2. Luke Willard's group in and around Orleans, Vermont calling itself the Nulhegan Band, Inc.

3. Roger A. "Longtoe" Sheehan's group in and around Jamaica, Vermont calling itself nowadays Elnu Abenaki Tribe

4. Nancy Lee nee: Millette now Doucet's group in and around Newbury, Vermont calling itself the "Koasek Traditional Band of the Koas Abenaki Nation, Inc.")

One (1) HUGE question not being answered by anyone is, "Where are the Odanak descendants that have resided and still do reside in either Vermont or New Hampshire in this whole "Abenaki Recognition Process" in Vermont and New Hampshire?"

Another question that should be first and foremost in the minds of the State of Vermont or New Hampshire Legislative Representatives is:

"Where is.... and from WHAT defined historical (before ca. 1900-1930) community of Abenakis, do these groups and or members of this so-called "Abenaki Alliance come from genealogically, historically, and socially?

These questions have yet to be answered clearly and convincingly by any of these incorporations (who are claiming to be "Abenakis" of Vermont or New Hampshire).

Letter of INTENT to Petition for Federal Acknowledgement of COWASS North America, Inc. (Paul Wilson Pouliot's group):

Envelope from the United States Department of Interior, Office of Secretary in Washington, D.C. 20240 to Mr. Douglas Lloyd Buchholz at P.O. Box 83 in Lancaster, New Hampshire 03584. Postmarked March 05, 2010 containing the response letter dated March 04, 2010.
Response letter from the United States Department of the Interior, Office of the Secretary in Washington, D.C. dated March 04, 2010. Dear Mr. Buchholz: This letter is in repsonse to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request dated January 14, 2010, that the Office of Federal Acknowledgment (OFA) received on March 03, 2010. In your request, you sought a copy of the letter of intent to petition for Federal Acknowledgment for the group known as the Cowasuck Band-Abenaki People (Petitioner #151).
We have examined our files and are enclosing the letter dated January 23, 1995, that is responsive to your request.
Since you are considered an "other requester," the cost is broken down as follows: less than 15 minutes of search time, at no cost to you; no review time, and the duplication of 1 page at $0.13 per page, with the first 100 pages at no cost to you, is $0.
If you have any questions regarding this response, please contact Ms. Nancy Hixon, FOIA Specialist, OFA, at (202) 513-7661.
Sincerely, R. Fleming
Director, Office of Federal Acknowledgment
Envelope from the United States Department of the Interior, Office of the Secretary in Washignton, D.C. to Mr. Douglas Lloyd Buchholz at P.O. Box 83 in Lancaster, N.H. 03584. Postmarked March 10, 2010 containing the additional response letter dated March 10, 2010.
Letter of additional response dated March 10, 2010 from the United States Department of the Interior, Office of the Secretary in Washington, D.C. 20240. Dear Mr. Buchholz; This letter is in response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request dated January 14, 2010, that the Office of Federal Acknowledgment (OFA) received on March 03, 2010. In your request, you sought a copy of the letter of intent to petition for Federal acknowledgment of the group known as the Cowasuck Band-Abenaki People (Petitioner #151).
Upon further examination of our files we realized that there were two additional pages that we did not include in our response to you.
Please find enclosed the full copy of the requested letter of intent. We apologize for the incovenience. If you have any questions regarding this response, please contact Ms. Nancy Hixon, FOIA Specialist, OFA, at (202) 513-7661.
R. Fleming
Director, Office of Federal Acknowlegment

Stamped and dated January 23, 1995 RECIEVED
Cowasuck Band-Abenaki People
160 Dailey Drive
Franklin, Massachusetts 02038-2951
(508) 528-7629
January 13, 1995
U. S. Department of the Interior
Bureau of Indian Affairs-Branch of Acknowledgment
Attention: Steven L. Austin, Chief
MS 2611-MIB
1849 C. Street NW
Washington, DC 20240
re: Band Acknowledgment
Dear Mr. Austin,
As of this date, the Tribal Councils of the Coos-Cowasuck Band of the Abenaki Nation (People) are notifying your office that our Band requests formal acknowledgment by the U.S. Department of the Interior-Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA).
Furthermore, in consideration of the potential that the Band as a whole constitutes family clans from several closely inter-related groups of Abenaki-Wabanaki people the Tribal Councils wish to be knwn as the Cowasuck Band of the Abenaki People until such time that the Band determines or wishes to be identified by another specific or historically significant name.
Please accept this correspondence as official notification of our intent to proceed with the necessary actions required for acknowledgment. All future correspondence should be forwarded to the attention of Paul Pouliot at the above address until directed by this office to do otherwise. He is our Council Chief and he ahs been authorized t oact on our behalf.
Our People are requesting your assistance and guidance to any extent that your office can or will provide. We look forward to our continued and favorable relations towards the successful completion of this process.
Gici Oliwni-Great Thanks,
The undersigned Tribal Council (East and West) Leadership attest that this document is a true tribal statement of intent to proceed with acknowledgment:

Paul W. Pouliot
Council Chief & Speaker

Rene Blanchette
Sub-Chief (East)
Band Judge (East) (Acting)

Jacqueline Emerton
Band Matriarch (East)
Cowasuck Band-Abenaki People
The undersigned Tribal Council (East) Leadership attest that this document is a true tribal statement of intent to proceed with acknowledgment:

Albert G. Barrette
Council Member

Jean C. Catto
Council Member

Diane E. Munson
 Council Member

Linda A. Pouliot
Council Member

Theresa D. Howland
Council Member

Diana Bardsley
Council Member
Cowasuck Band-Abenaki People
The undersigned Tribal Council (West) Leadership attest that this document is a true tribal statement of the intent to proceed with acknowledgment:

Doris A. Nickles
(Band Matriarch West)

Paul R. Tamburro
Sub-Chief (Social/Cultural)
Band Judge (West) (Acting)

Raymond C. Pease
Sub-Chief (West)

Jeffery W. Nickles
Council Member

Larry J. Robinson
Council Member

Robert F. Pease, Jr.
Council Member

Terri C. Scotten
Council Member

William C. Pease
Council Member

Charlotte A. Morgan
Council Member

Monday, August 2, 2010

Cowasuck Band-Abenaki People-Leadership as of 12/02/1994 or December 2, 1994:

Council Chief (Speaker)
Paul W. Pouliot
160 Dailey Drive
Franklin, MA 02038
(508) 528-7629

Sub-Chief (East) (E2)
Rene Blanchette
50 Benefit Street
Methuen, MA 01844
(508) 688-2394

Band Judge

Band Genealogy/ Historian
Outside Professionals

Band Matriarch (East) (E1)
Jacqueline Emerton
44 Sycamore Street
Somerville, MA 02153
(617) 623-7302

Sub-Chief (Social/ Cultural)
Paul R. Tamburro
2406 South 38th. Street
Yakima, WA 98903
(509) 965-8836

Band Judge (East) (Acting)
Rene Blanchette
50 Benefit Street
Methuen, MA 01844
(508) 688-2394

Band Legal Advisor (East)

Band Matriach (West) (W1)
Dorris A. Nickles
P.O. Box 2044
Placerville, CA 95667
(916) 622-3804

Sub-Chief (West) (Speaker)
Raymond C. Pease
P.O. Box 921
Diamond Springs, CA 95619
(916) 622-8401

Band Judge (West)(Acting)
Paul R. Tamburro
2406 South 38th. Street
Yakima, WA 98903
(509) 965-8836

Band Legal Advisor (West)

The (E#) and(W#) numbered individuals represent the voting members of the East and West Tribal Councils.

Council of Elders-

Rene Blanchette
50 Benefit Street
Methuen, MA 01844
(508) 688-2394

Beatrice Williame
288 West River Road
Uxbridge, MA 01569
(508) 278-6033

Bernadette Smits
Forbes Park/ Oakwoods A316
Bellingham, MA 02019
(508) 883-0734

Leo P. Pouliot
10909 Brown Pelican Circle
Estero, FL 33928
(813) 947-6248

Martin Iozzo
104 Mahan Circle
Medway, MA 02053
(508) 533-6063

Arthur W. Seymour
36 Walnut Street
Burlington, VT 05401
(802) 658-4266

All members over the age of 60 are automatically eligible to be on the Council of Elders - Please notify headquarters (Inc. President Paul W. Pouliot's home in Franklin, MA) if you want to be listed.

COWASS North America, Inc. -

Paul W. Pouliot
160 Dailey Drive
Franklin, MA 02038
(508) 528-7629

Albert Berrette
11 Ray Hill Road
Franklin, MA 02038
(508) 528-0094

Linda A. Pouliot (Paul W. Pouliot's now ex-wife)
160 Dailey Drive
Franklin, MA 02038
(508) 528-7629
Regional Representatives -

Massachusetts (E3)
Albert G. Barrette
11 Ray Hill Road
Franklin, MA 02038
(508) 528-0094

Massachusetts (E5)
Diane E. Munson
43C Memorial Drive
Weymouth, MA 02189
(617) 331-0408

Massachusetts (E7)
Theresa D. Howland
88 Sacramento Drive
Leominster, MA 01453
(503) 840-6439

Massachusetts (E4)
Jean C. Catto
20 Joanne Circle
Ashland, MA 01721
(508) 881-7651

Thomas Snizek
2211 Riverside Avenue
Somerset, MA 02726
(508) 673-9051

Massachusetts (E8)
Diana Bardsley
18 Shears Street
Wrentham, MA 02093
(508) 384-5233

Margaret Clingan
46 Sycamore Street
Somerville, MA 02143
(617) 628-6529

Massachusetts (E6)
Linda A. Pouliot
160 Dailey Drive
Franklin, MA 02038
(508) 528-7629

Rhoda Island
Bonnie L. Manfredi
59 Dunns Crossing Road
Westerly, RI 02891
(401) 322-7621


Richard G. Carter
165 Airport Parkway
Burlington, VT 05403
(802) 658-5403

New Hampshire
Kevin Keene
RR 1 Box 47
Antrim, NH 03440
(603) 588-4131

Maine & Quebec
Richard D. Pouliot, Jr.
39 Maiple Street
Brewer, ME 04412
(207) 989-1941

California (W2)
Jeffrey W. Nickles
4684 Patterson Drive
Diamond Springs, CA 95619
(916) 622-6138

California (W5)
Terri C. Scotten
P.O. Box 456
Diamond Springs, CA 95619
(916) 644-0420

Paul M. Martin
4712 Overman Street
Viriginia Beach, VA 23455
(804) 499-3790

California (W3)
Larry J. Robinson
200 Argonaut Drive
Diamond Springs, CA 95619
(916) 626-3773

California (W6)
William C. Pease
P.O. Box 1008
Shingle Springs, CA 95762
(916) 622-8036

Lynn C. Sherman
5172 Mt. Shasta Lane
Marrero, LA 70072
(504) 347-6023

California (W4)
Robert F. Pease, Jr.
P.O. Box 1008
Shingle Springs, CA 95762
(916) 622-8036

California (W7)
P.O. Box 2502
Placerville, CA 95667
(916) 622-7703

The (E#) and (W#) numbered individuals represent the voting members of the East and West Tribal Councils.
Yellow Stick Em Note: "This is a Latter List. As you can see Barrette was "Promoted" from the "Potential" list to a clerk of "Cowass North America, Inc. and a regional Rep.
(Mr. Paul Pouliot and Mrs. Denise Pouliot MAY STUPIDLY ASSUME AND CLAIM that these are their allegedly "stolen" records being placed on this blog, but far from it, "that these are "stolen" records from their previous "Headquarters" of Franklin, MA". These records come from persons, in which Mr. Pouliot GAVE or SENT these documents to, as these person's were associated with his Inc. scheme retrospectively-speaking.
After reviewing my blog content, these persons' deemed it appropriate to send me the documents you people can now review for yourselves, on this blog. There was and is no "stealing" of documents by my person nor by anyone else!)
P.O. BOX 276
Mr. Ralph Swett
Box 1466 Rr #2
Orleans, Vt. 05860
December 26, 1994
Dear Mr. Swett;
We are aware of your attempt to set up a Band of Native Americans in Abenaki Territory, per your newspaper advertisement.
You are instructed that any new Bands/Councils inside Abenaki Territory must be approved by the Grand Chief and all recognized Councils now in unity.
As for using Chief in your correspondence, it is illegal as there are no chiefs in the Abenaki Territory existing councils only head spokesman. No one from Abenaki Territory appointed you Chief.
Please take this letter seriously as any further problems will be dealt with accordingly.
Grand Chief Homer St. Francis
CC: Grand Council
All Approved Councils

Nothing like the 'late' (deceased) Homer Walter St. Francis Sr. being the "Whitey Bulger" of Swanton, Vermont and the Rest of Vermont as well eh !!

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