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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Olidahozi Posting of February 04, 2010 by Jeanne Lincoln-Kent, etc:

--- On Thu, 2/4/10, Jeanne Kent wrote:
From: Jeanne Kent
Subject: [Olidahozi] Re: [Abenaki_news_issues]
Fwd: Got this from a post on Facebook by Dara Wiseman...and man am I p/o'd !
To: Abenaki_news_issues@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, February 4, 2010, 10:18 PM

Kwai, Lorraine Carrington
No, you don't want to share your personal information with him. It will be all over the internet like so much other information he has published without permission. He knows no bounds of decency. And you are correct, he does NOT know what people have for information. For some reason he feels we should all send our information to him. Why? He holds no office. He has no authority to recognize or not. He is a private citizen who does not know how to mind his own business. His web site borders on racial hatred against the Abenaki. He has been asked to leave groups and sites because he is "exhausting" and generally has difficulty staying on topic. Although he claims to be trying to expose the "alleged" Abenaki, he has published birth records, marriage records, divorce records, and divorce decrees, the number of times people have been married, all their names, their childrens names, phone numbers, email addresses, home addresses, affiliations, that some people were illigitimate (even though it had nothing to do with heritage) and stuff about tax problems, etc. (A real field day for those looking for identity thefts.) Most had nothing to do with whether a person is or is not Abenaki. It is pure slander and harassment by those guiding him. But what he apparently does not know and has not been told, is that there is much more to the backlash over Recognition then heritage and genealogy. The Canadian Abenaki wanted to build a casino and the Canadian government turned them down because they were too close to Quebec. There was rumor that they were looking to invest on this side of the border. Obviously, if they do that, they are not going to want to share it with any of us poor US Abenaki. And since the word "casino" has been used to incite the governor of VT into running scared, he isn't looking above him to see what might hit him in the back of the head. NH on the other hand, has been playing footsies with Paul Pouliot for years. Now that he has moved to NH, it will be interesting to see who dishes who there. Mmmmmm. The plot thickens.
Please visit Morningstar Studio ~ Home of Fine Gourd Arts featuring designs of the Northeastern Woodland People.
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On Feb 4, 2010, at 9:28 PM, Lorraine Carrington wrote:

Kwai all:
Hmmm, I have seen and read this man's writings in the past. Personally, I find him exhausting. He knows nothing about me and my records. So how does he know who can prove what and how etc.? He is most welcomed to visit me anytime and look at all my birth, death, marriage, cemetery, census, family lore, family pictures, war records and much more if he wishes. How can he speak for everyone...he has no knowledge of what we have for records. Furthermore, the Abenaki didnt leave much of a paper trail. Therefore, family lore and pictures are a big asset. I have commented enough.
Lorraine Carrington

On 2/4/10, Jeanne Kent wrote:
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Not Just Another Clone" (Mike Price)
Date: February 4, 2010 5:13:02 PM EST
To: rkent3661@charter. net
Subject: Got this from a post on Facebook by Dara Wiseman (Frederick M. Wiseman's daughter-in-law) ...and man am I p/o'd !

Letter to the Editor - Qualified to be called Abenaki (Caledonian-Record) by Douglas Lloyd Buchholz
I have to laugh....
No.. really, I do have to laugh some more....

Hunting For My Abenaki Roots
We have found this name in public records spelled every way imaginable, including but not limited to: Battist, Battis, Battiste, Baptiste, Bettis, Battice, Batis, Battise, Battease, Batease, Battese and more.
Second-family lore] Handed down through the generations of our family, Joseph Battist was the son of John Battist of Canada.
One branch of the family says we are French because Joseph and Ira spoke French. Another branch of the family claims John was a Mounty, yet another said he was a sheriff or a constable in the Montreal region of Canada. (One can see how the term Indian Ranger, could, down through the years be construed as a Mounty or a law officer of sorts.)
A distant cousin says his side of the family claimed that John left a wife and family in Canada and came to Vermont to settle to marry again and possibly again. There may be some truth to this as my Joseph had in his household in a census record, one *Betsey Battease (Elizabeth), his half-sister.
Third-family tradition] was that we had Indian ancestors, but until recently we had no idea from where. After, over 35 years of hunting, John Battist, Abenaki, of St Francis, Indian Ranger Co. 1780-81 Rev War, just may be MY John. The strange thing is my grandfather Archie Batease, looked like a Native and not a Frenchman as the family claimed. There are other traits in our family that, looking back now, would indicate Native ancestors as well. For one, my cousin loves to cane and weave chair seats, and he is very good at it. I use to like to try and make baskets out of sweet grass. We both love nature and things close to the earth. We have an eye for artistic beauty. We collect stones and rocks and other items close to the earth. I use to love to pan rivers when I was young and able to do so. My cousin loves to hike on mountain trails. Perhaps our souls are trying to find our roots. An uncle was obscessed with finding arrowheads and artifacts along the Battenkill River. All strange habits without explanation, other than we just loved to do it. Perhaps the strangest thing of all in circumstances is that my home today, is located on ground of an old Indian Settlement called Annaquasacook, near the Battenkill River, just over the Vermont Border in New York State. I dont know the tribes, but I assume probably one of the Iroquois.
Fourth-my connection]
Joseph Battist (Battease)son of John Battist and ???
Note: I have no knowledge of siblings for Joseph, nor of his mother.
b. Mar 1809 Burlington, VT (**once source 1804-09 St John PQ) d. 16 Jun 1897 Weston, VT Married more than once I believe.
Marriage In My Line: Joseph Battist m. Laura J. Westcott (dau. of Job and ***Sarah {Manley}Westcott). Date: 12 July 1844 Hubbardton, VT This would put Joseph's age at about 35 years old. (Another reason to believe he may have married before Laura) Later I will mention why I think he may have been married after Laura as well.
His name is spelled BATTIST on his marriage record, but his children went by spellings "Battease/Batease". Joseph and Laura had 10 children: Luthera Battease, George Wallace Battease, John T. Battease, Joseph Andrew Battease, Judah R. Battease, Sarah Ida Battease, Ira Bethuel Batease, Caroline M. Battease, Charles Henry Batease and Martha J. Batease.
I descend through their 7th child:
Ira Bethuel Batease b. 11 May 1858 Tinmouth, VT d. 05 Nay 1930 Well, VT m. 19 Nov 1878 VT Sallie (Sarah) Lovisa Wescott dau of ***Barlow G. and ****Lucy {Smith) Westcott) (They had 9 children)(They were also first cousins)
Their son Archie G. Batease was my maternal grandfather. *Betsey Battease, is listed as Joseph's half-sister in the census. She married Nathan Wescott, a cousin Westcott of the others. **Joseph was listed with another wife in a VT census and his place of birth was listed as St John, Canada. I am assuming this was my Joseph since most of the children's names were the same. This wife died and I have the particulars packed away in my attic. ***Sarah Manley's mother Silence Phillips, may have been Abenaki.
****Barlow G. Westcott was the brother of Laura J. Westcott, mentioned above.
*****Lucy Smith, wife of Barlow G. Westcott, was said to be of Native blood as well. I never could find her link. Lucy's father was Samuel Smith. Notation: The John that died in northern Vermont at the age of 102 (age 99 another source) is probably the one and same John Battist, Joseph's father. I must dig that record out for the proper dates.
And finally-another Battist Connection to Abenaki
"Bennett Bates And Wife Connected to Battist"
Charles Henry Batease [Joseph, John Battist] was born 1863 in Tinmouth, VT b. 1863 in Tinmouth, VT d. 17 Dec 1907 Lake George, NY (killed by a falling tree). He married Mary A. Bates, [daughter of Bennett Bates and Hannah Parker] m. 04 Sep 1884 in Wells, Vermont They had 7 children. BENNETT BATES, was believed to be Abenaki.
Lorraine Carrington
1295 State Route 313
Cambridge, New York 12816
Jeesh, it wasn't difficult at all to find out Lorraine Carrington's COULD HAVE BEEN'S, MIGHT HAVE BEEN'S etc. regarding her alleged Abenaki Ancestor(s).
I am still laughing....at the absurdities of this Olidahozi Posting. So much for "clearing" your Yahoo Group Jeanne Kent. I am still "there". Try, try, and try again. "Cynicism" doesn't even begin to describe what I am feeling. I will address Paul Wilson Pouliots "Abenaki Community Under Attack" article later.....since I am presently "exhausted"

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Articles of Association of Wobanaki, Inc. Dated May 10, 1993:

Articles of Associaton for Wobanaki, Inc. The initial registered agent shall be Miles Jensen, with registered office at P.O. Box 276 in Swanton, Vermont 05488. The period of duration shall be perpetual. The corporation is organized for the purpose of:
1. This non-profit corporation is organized to improve the educational, health, social and economic status of Native Americans living in or having their historical heritae or some significant part thereof in the State of Vermont, including for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).
2. To maintain and disseminate information regarding traditional Native American cultural and social values, including language, arts and crafts and other aspects of Native American life, both past and present.
3. To recieve gifts of money, securities and real property and to otherwise acquire and hold, lease, rent, sell, and mortgage real and personal property for the purposes and objectives of the corporation.
4. To construct buildings and excavate or contract for the construction of buildings and excavation of work, or to contract and let contractors do such work.
5. To recieve gifts, grants or aid from Federal, State or Municipal Governments, school districts, or private citizens, including businesses, and to participate in any federal, state or school district educational or craft project.
6. To do any and all other acts as are permitted non-profit corporations under and by virtues of the laws of the State of Vermont as set forth in Title 11, Section 2352, Vermont Statutes Annotated specifically and Title 11, Chapter 19, Vermont Statutes Annontated generally.
7. No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributed to its members, trustees, officers or other private persons, exceptthat the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth above relating to purposes and objectives of the corporation. No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these Articles of Association, the corporation shall not carry on any other activities no permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).
8. In the event of dissolution of the corporation for any cause or purpose, all assets remaining after the payment of bills outstanding and expenses incurred in terminating the corporation's the Abenaki Self-Help Association, Inc. or it's successor if it is a qualified corporation or to a non-profit corporation that would qualify under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Subject to the foregoing dissolution of the corporation shall be governed by the provisions of Title 11, Chapter 19, Subchapter 7, Vermont Statutes Annotated.
9. All of the powers enumerated above shall be exercised exclusively in furtherance of the purposes and objectives set forth above in such a manner that the corporation shall qualify as an exempt organization under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).
10. A trustee may be removed by the affirmative vote of not less  than four trustees whenever in the judgement of the Board of Trustees the best interests of the corporation will be served thereby. A trustee prior to the vote on his removal shall be entitled to a public hearing before the Board of Trustees at which time he shall be entitled to make a statement on his behalf, present witnesses on his behalf and to have the assistance of counsel in connection with such activities.
The initial Board of Trustees shall have seven members with the following serving as Trustees until their successors be elected and qualify:
Leonard Lampman Sr. at Merchants Row in Swanton, Vermont
Patricia St. Francis at 44 Liberty Street in Swanton, Vermont
Kevin Smith at RFD#2 in Swanton, Vermont
Warren Scott at 221 Lake Street in St. Albans, Vermont
Sandra Shedrick at Box 34 in Swanton, Vermont
Bonny Dubie at 81 Canada Street in Swanton, Vermont
Shirley Barratt at RFD#1 in St. Albans in Vermont
Dated at Swanton in the County of Franklin and State of Vermont this 10 day of May, 1983 (May 10, 1993).
Kenvin Smith at RFD #2 in Swanton, Vermont 05488
Warren Scott at 221 Lake Street in St. Albans, Vermont
Sandy Shedrick (Sandra Shedrick) at P.O. Box 34 in Swanton, Vermont
Shirley Barratt at RFD #1 in St. Albans, Vermont 05478
Bonny Dubie at 81 Canada Street in Swanton, Vermont 05488

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Abenaki Tribal Land Trust, Inc. No. N-7484 Articles of Association Filed December 16, 1991:

Articles of Association of the Abenaki Tribal Land Trust. The name of the corporation shall be Abenaki Tribal Land Trust. The intitial registered agent shall be Homer W. St. Francis with registered agent's address at P.O. Box 276 Swanton, Vermont 05488. The corporation shall be located at Depot Street in Swanton, Vermont 05488. The opening year shall start fiscally on January 01, 1992.
The purpose of this corporation is to lead to the purchase of Land and its up-keep. To help in the legal fee's to obtain such Land, for future Tribal Development.
ABENAKI TRIBAL LAND TRUST P.O. Box 276 in Swanton, Vermont 05488
Phones: 868-2559 - 868-7146 Fax: 802-868-5118.
Chief Homer St. Francis (President) 44 Liberty Swanton in Vermont 05488
Michael Delaney (Secretary) RD#1 Box 2430 in Swanton, Vermont 05488
April A. St. Francis (Treasurer) Frontage Road in Highgate Center, Vermont 05459
David St. Francis 44 Liberty in Swanton, Vermont 05488
Richard Phillips Apt c-12 in Claremont Arms in Claremont, New Hampshire
Hilda Robtoy 17 Greenwich in Swanton, Vermont 05488
Dee Brightstar Wilkins Road in Fairfax, Vermont 05454
Dated at Abenaki Tribal Council in the County of Franklin this 6 day of December 1991.
Each Incorporator must sign:
Sherry L. Vance Apt. #4 Abenaki Acres in Swanton, Vermont 05488
The following information must be completed by PROFESSIONAL CORPORATIONS
In compliance with the Professional Corporation Act (11 V.S.A. Chapter 3) the Abenaki Tribal Council hereby certifies that hte below listed incorporators, officers, directors and shareholders of the Professional Corporation are duly licensed or admitted to practise the profession for which this corporation is to be organized. NOTE: One individual may incorporate, be officer, director and shareholder in a Professional Corporation.
Sherry L. Vance Abenaki Acres in Swanton, Vermont 05488
Carolyn Breda (Financial Officer)
Chief Homer St. Francis

Abenaki Educational Development, Inc. No. N-7485 Articles of Association Filed December 16, 1991:

No. N-7485 Articles of Association of the Abenaki Educational Development. State of Vermont, Secretary of State's Office. Filed on December 16, 1991. The name of the corporation shall be Abenaki Educational Development. The initial registered agent shall be Abenaki Self-Help Assoc. Inc. with registered agent's address at P.O. Box 276 Swanton, Vermont 05488. The operating year shall be starting January 01, 1992. Purpose for Incorporation: To work toward educational and cultural development of the Abenaki Community.
Board of Directors:
Chief Homer St. Francis (President) 44 Liberty in Swanton, Vermont 05488
Michael Delaney (Secretary) RD #1 Box 2430 in Swanton, Vermont 05488
Bernard R. Robtoy (Treasurer) at 17 Greenwich in Swanton, Vermont 05488
Hilda St. Francis at Pine Street in Swanton, Vermont 05488
Dave Cameron at Grand Avenue in Swanton, Vermont 05488
Richard Jordon at 799 Williston Rd. Box 4 in Williston, Vermont 05495
Michael Bluto at P.O. Box 76 in Saint Albans Bay, Vermont 05481
Dated at Abenaki Self-Help Association, Inc. in the County of Franklin this 06 day of December 1991 (December 06, 1991)
Sherry L. Vance at Apt. #4 at Abenaki Acres in Swanton, Vermont 05488
Abenaki Self-Help hereby certifies that the below listed incorporators, officers, direcotrs and shareholders of the Professional Corporation are duly licensed to practice the profession for which this corporation is to be organized. NOTE: One individual may incorporate, be officer, director and shareholder in a Professional Corporation.
Carol Breda (Financial Officer)
Suzanne Whedon (Executive Director)

Abenaki Educational Development, a Non-Profit Corporation, having no capital stock, organized and existing under the laws of the State of Vermont. We, the undersigned, certify that: there being no members entitled to vote thereon, the directors of this corporation met on March 21, 1993, and at that meeting a majority of the directors then in office voted to amend the articles of association of this corporation as follows, viz.:
Be it resolved that the statement of purpose in the Articles of Incorporation shall be amended as follows: (See Attached). Dated March 21, 1993.
Homer St. Francis (President/V. President)
Michael A. Delaney (Secretary/ Ass't. Secretary)
The corporation is organized for the purpose of:
A. Training Abenaki in cultural activities such as crafts, dancing, music and spiritual practices. This program is expected to begin in 1993. Abenaki Educational Development will conduct the training with instructors hired as appropriate. Classes will be held on a weekly basis in the Abenaki Cultural Center and tribal offices in Swanton, Vermont.
B. Training Abenaki in business skills such as typing, bookkeeping, computers, and business practises. These program will starting in 1993. The classes will be held daily in the Abenaki Tribal Offices or such other areas as required.
C. Providing Abenaki with classes on history and language. This program will start in 1994. These classes will be held monthly in the Abenaki Tribal Offices in Swanton, Vermont, and other areas as required.
D. Helping Abenaki people to organize and fund economic development activities in order to provide relief to the poor, distressed, or underprivileged members of the Abenaki Nation.
Chief Homer St. Francis (President)
John Lawyer (Director)
Michael Delaney (Director)
Hilda St. Francis (Director)
Joseph Robtoy (Director)
Bernard R. Robtoy (Director)
Richard Jordan (Director)

Abenaki Educational Development, a Non-Profit Corporation, having no capital stock, organized and existing under the laws of the State of Vermont. We, the undersigned, certify that: the following amendment was adopted by a consent in writing signed by all members entitled to vote: Be it resolved that the articles of Incorporation shall be amended to include the following See Attached. Dated July 07, 1993.
Chief Homer St. Francis (President/ V. President)
Michael A. Delaney (Secretary/ Ass't. Secretary)
1) Notwithstanding any other provisions of these articles, the corporation is organized exclusively for one or more of the purposes as specified in Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and shall not carry on any activities not  permitted to carried on by a corporation exempt from Federal income tax under IRC Section 501(c)3 or corresponding provisions of any subsequent Federal tax laws.
2) No part of the net earning of the corporation shall inure o the benefit of any member, trustee, director, officer of the corporation, or any private individual (except that reasonable compensation may be paid for services rendered to or for the corporation), and no member, trustee, officer of the corporation or any private individual shall be entitled to share in the distribution of any of the corporate assets on dissolution of the corporation.
3) No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting, to influence legislation (except as otherwise provided by Internal Revenue Code section 501(h), and does not perticipate in, or intervene in (including the publication or distribution of statements), any political campaign on behalf of any canidate for public office.
4) In the event of dissolution all of the remaining assets and property of the corporation shall, after necessary expenses thereof, be distributed to another organization exempt under IRC Section 501(c)3, or corresponding provisions of any subsequent Federal Tax laws, or to the Federal government, or state or local government for a public purpose, subject to the approval of a Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of Vermont.
5) In any taxable year in which the corporation is a private foundation as described in IRC Section 509(a), the corporation shall distribute its income for a said period at such time and manner as not to subject it to tax under IRC Section 4942, and the corporation shall not (a) engage in any act of self-dealing as defined in IRC Section 4941(d), retain any excess business holdings as defined in IRC Section 4943(c), (b) make any investments in such manner as to subject the corporation to tax under IRC Section 4944, or (c) to make any taxable expenditures as defined in IRC Section 4945(d) or corresponding provisions of any subsequent Federal tax laws.
Chief Homer St. Francis (President)
John Lawyer (Director)
Michael Delaney (Director)
Hilda St. Francis (Director)
Joseph Robtoy (Director)
Bernard R. Robtoy (Director)
Richard Jordan (Director)

Abenaki Educational Development, a Non-Profit Corporation, having no capital stock, organized and existing under the laws of the State of Vermont. We, the undersigned, certify that: there being no members entitled to vote thereon, the directors of this corporation met on August 16, 1994, and at that meeting a majority of the directors then in office voted to amend the articles of association of this corporation as follows, viz.:
Be it resolved that the name of the corporation shall be changed to Abenaki Development Corporation.
Dated August 16, 1994.
Grand Chief Homer St. Francis (President/V. President)
Michael A. Delaney (Secretary/Ass't. Secretary)
Signed by:
Grand Chief Homer St. Francis (Chief Homer St. Francis, President)
John Lawyer (Director)
Ina Delaney (Director)
Michael Delaney (Director)
No. 74850
Letter from Ms. Sherry Vance, Secretary ASHAI Board of Directors, Swanton, Vermont 05488 Dated August 19, 1998.
"Mr. Homer St. Francis, President
ASHAI Board of Directors
In no way have I supported the actions that you have carried out in the name of the Abenaki community. Because of what I consider to be inappropriate and possibly illegal activities that have taken palce over the past year, I feel that it is necessary at this time to resign from the ASHAI Board of Directors, effective immediately.
Sincerely, Sherry Vance
cc: Secretary of State

Letter from Mr. Ronald Maskell, Board Member ASHAI Board of Directors, Swanton, Vermont 05488 Dated August 19, 1998.
"Mr. Homer St. Francis, President
ASHAI Board of Directors
In no way have I supported the actions that you have carried out in the name of the Abenaki community. Because of what I consider to be inappropriate and possibly illegal activities that have taken palce over the past year, I feel that it is necessary at this time to resign from the ASHAI Board of Directors, effective immediately.
Sincerely, Ronald Maskell
cc: Secretary of State

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Abenaki Endeavors, Inc. No. 31127 Articles of Association October 26, 1982:

No. 31127 ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION OF THE "Abenaki Endeavors Inc." STATE OF VERMONT Secretary of State's Office Filed October 26, 1982.
The name of the corporation shall be Abenaki Endeavors, Inc.
Registered Agent: Miles Jensen.
Registered Office: Depot Street in Swanton, Vermont.
Corporation shall be at: Depot Street in Swanton, Vermont.
Warren Scott at 126 Lake Street in St. Albans, Vermont 05478
Kevin Smith RFD # 2 in Swanton, Vermont 05488
Steven Demar Elm Street in Swanton, Vermont 05488
Patricia (nee: Partlow) St. Francis 44 Liberty Street in Swanton, Vermont 05488
Sandra Shedrick P.O. Box 34 in Swanton, Vermont 05488
Leonard "Blackie" Lampman Sr. Lake Road in Swanton, Vermont 05488
Kevin Smith RFD #2 in Swanton, Vermont 05488
Warren Scott 126 Lake Road in St. Albans, Vermont 05478
Donald Richard Monument Road in Swanton, Vermont 05488

Eastern Woodlands Band of the Abenaki Nation, Inc. ~and~ Abenaki Nation of Vermont, Inc.

Document 1 and 2: Eastern Woodlands Band of the Abenaki Nation. Incorporation Date was December 26, 1979. Description purpose of the incorporation was "research".
Registered Agent: Carmen G. Allen of 28 Ferris Street in Swanton, Franklin County, Vermont 05488.
Officer 1: Richard "Blackhorse" Wilfred Phillips
Officer 2: Emerson Bidwell Garfield (who married to Richard Phillips sister Deborah in October 29, 1971 in Windsor, Vermont)
Officer 3: Carmen G. Allen
Officer 4: Clifford Phillips (son of Albert "Mohawk" Peter Phillips and Albert's 2nd wife Lavern Higgins. Clifford Peter "Kippy" Phillips was born on Dec. 16, 1953 in Troy, N.Y. ~ Richard "Blackhorse" Phillips is the son of Louis Nolan Phillips and Catherine Sarah Weeks. Louis Nolan Phillips was a younger brother to Albert "Mohawk" Peter Phillips, and both were son's of Louis Phillips and Rose Marie Gardner).
Last Status Report: December 31, 1979.
Terminated: June 23, 1989.

Document 3 and 4: Abenaki Nation of Vermont. Incorporation date was February 08, 1980. Description purpose of the incorporation was "Indian Association".
Registered Agent: KDAKINNA POBATAMWOGAN MEDICINE SOCIETY at 15 Jewett Street in Swanton, Vermont 05488.
Officer 1: Arthur W. "Bill" Seymour
Officer 2: Wayne J. Hoague
Officer 3: Richard "Blackhorse" Wilfred Phillips
Last Status Report: February 29, 1980.
Terminated: June 23, 1989.
Inactive by reason that no reports were ever filed thereby freeing up the name under the 5 year name holding.

Notice that the Registered Agent's address is R. Kent Ouimett's Incorporation Kdakinna Pobatamwogan Medicine Society at 15 Jewett Street in Swanton, Vermont.

The reason the Incorporation "Abenaki Nation of Vermont's Registered Agent was Kdakinna Pobatamwogan Medicine Society at 15 Jewett Street in Swanton, Vermont, was because Richard "Blackhorse" Wilfred Phillips (and Richard's 1st wife Theresa Henriette Hill) daughter Kathy Joyce Phillips born October 20, 1965 in Morrisville, Vermont, did live with (and have two children Kasey and Erin Ouimette in 1980 and 1981) a "Kent Ouimette".

Monday, February 1, 2010

November 26, 2001 Tribe willing to work with state to build casino ~ November 21, 2001 Indian tribe not looking to build casino Newspaper Artcles:

On November 26, 2001, in a newspaper article, it was stated that Paul Wilson Pouliot's "group" may be interested in putting a casino on a piece of land it owns near Mount Sunapee. Paul Pouliot, a spokesman for the Cowasuck tribe, said the tribe is willing to work with Gov. Jeanne Sheheen, the Legislature, the congressional delegation and other state officials to establish a casino on the 137-acre property....
Two days later, on November 28, 2001, the above newspaper article of A9 was published. Paul W. Pouliot "retracts" his previously made statements, stating "A spokesman for a small American Indian tribe says his group is not looking to put a casino on land it (he) owns near Mount Sunapee, despite news reports to the contrary last week. Then how did the article of November 26, 2001 get into the news regarding casino's/gambling/N.H. Education Funding/ and this alleged and re-invented group claiming to be Cowasuck Abenaki? THINK ABOUT IT
Retrosepctively-speaking, I found the following:
In Paul Wilson Pouliot's Aln8bak News (copyrighted) 97-3 July-August-September/ Tomaskikos-Tomaskikos-Temez8was-Skamonas 1997 Page-2 entitled "Goshen Gathering 1 in the Woods": "From July 16 to 21 we held an open tribal gathering at the Pouliot tribal lands in Goshen, New Hampshire. Paul Tamburro and his wife Andrea traveled from Washington State to attend the "unity and peace" pipe back to the east coast for the summer meeting thatwas held on July 11, 1997.
I did a little "investigation" regarding this "Tribal Property".......

According to the Land Deed of Sale, it was sold to Paul Wilson Pouliot and his 1st wife Linda (nee: Whites) Pouliot of 160 Dailey Drive in Franklin, Worcester County, Massachusetts 03038. This  137.1 acres was NOT sold to any "Tribe"
"Cowasuck Band" etc......Factually and documentarily, the 137.1 acres was deeded by Warranty to two (2) private citizens of Franklin, Massachusetts, Paul W. Pouliot and Linda A. Pouliot, husband and wife.
On July 29, 2008, this 137.1 acres of property in Goshen, New Hampshire was sold by Paul W. Pouliot and his wife Linda A. Pouliot for the total sum of $85,000.00 US Dollars. This monetary sum was dvivided in two portions, to each party (whom were Paul W. Pouliot and his wife Linda A. Pouliot) upon their divorce.
This 137.1 acres of land was NEVER "Tribal" land, except in the delusional minds of those involved.
It is my understanding, that it was Paul Tamburro (now of Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada) who retrosepctively had recommended, suggested and urged of Paul W. Pouliot to purchase property/land in New Hampshire, since the Cowasuck "really belonged in Vermont or New Hampshire", and "that it would look good", "make the group appear to be more legitimate" geographically-speaking, instead of being in Franklin, Massachusetts.
It would be later that, after Paul Wilson Pouliot's wife Linda bought out her ex-husband's interest in the 160 Dailey Drive "aka Red Hawk Lodge" residence, that Paul Wilson Pouliot and Denise K. (nee: Beauregard) Mehigan of 8 Linda Lane in Forestdale, MA 02344 subsequently relocated to Alton, Belknap County, New Hampshire by record of Warranty Deed Book 2470 Page 1 Document #0801110 on January 31, 2008. It was on August 16, 2008 in Alton, Belnap County, New Hamsphire that Jamie Mehigan's wife Denise Katherine (nee: Beauregard) Mehigan remarried to Paul Wilson Pouliot.

This "Pouliot tribal land" reminds me of "Chief" Homer W. St. Francis' wife Patricia "Patsy" (nee: Partlow) St. Francis had sought food stamps from D.S.H.S. on April 01, 1993. When asked if the Berkshire, Vermont "hunting camp" valued at $11,000.00 was owned by the "Abenaki Tribe", she replied "that she and her husband owned it." On appeal, dated July 29, 1993, "Chief" Homer St. Francis (without Patsy accompanying her husband) maintained that he and his wife purchased the land (10.3 acres with a camp and toolshed) from Harry J. Laughy Sr. and Jr. of St. Albans, Vermont for $10.00 and more dollars on March 28, 1988 Page 266 and 267 some years earlier in order to "reclaim" it for the Abenaki tribe. He said it belongs to the tribe as a whole, and that his and his wife's names are on the deed only to comply with "white man's law."
(I have addressed this D.S.H.S. Food Stamp Case and Appeal previous in this blog. LINK: http://reinventedvermontabenaki.blogspot.com/2009/06/chief-homer-and-patsy-st-francis-food.html).

CASINO MANAGEMENT CONTRACT (1994) of the NORTH AMERICAN PEOPLE OF THE DAWN regarding "Chief" David Andrew Descoteaux dit Hill, ETC:

This document, though unsigned on Page 4 (without signatures of the mentioned names David A. Hill-Decouteau AKA Sly Wolf, his mother Capitola Jane Hill-Decouteau Mother Matriarch AKA Many Moons, Robert W. Bruce Sr. Associate Chief-District Manager and Consultant AKA White Eagle and Chief Tribal Judge AKA Wise Eagle obviously and clearly shows INTENT by the late David Andrew Descoteaux dit Hill and his incorporated "group" of alleged and re-invented "Abenakis" calling itself the North American People of the Dawn. The FACT that this document was created shows intent to establish Casino Gambling in Vermont by these people in 1994. Some sections of the document were covered with "white-out" which, when carefully removed, showed the year when this document was created. I had to scan each legal-sized page in two parts due to the scanner that is used.

Luke A. Willard born July 03, 1978 who claims to be "Chief" of the alleged and re-invented Nulhegan-Coosek "group" was allied with and connected to "Hereditary Grand High Chief" (as he called himself) David Andrew Descoteaux dit Hill AKA Sly Fox I.D. # 048-34-9436, and also to "Chief" Reynold Choineire born January 24, 1929.

I know this dynamic definitively and conclusively because of a particular Bank Checking Account #0115908 at the First Colebrook Bank at 147 Main Street in Colebrook, New Hampshire 03576. Bank Account Authorization date of April 04, 2002, which was created on May 10, 2002 by a Dodie Smith (Business Telephone #802-334-8177).

Remember, that on May 13, 1997 Howard F. Knight Jr. dismissed any further Judicial action against David A. Descoteaux dit Hill  regarding Docket Number 9-1-94-05CV in Orleans County, Vermont ~and~ that on that same date of May 13, 1997 Howard F. Knight Jr. "declared and announced the Uniting of our clan with the Wabanaki Sovereign Nation, (The North American People of the Dawn, Inc.) and the full recognition of the True Hereditary Grand High Chief/ Prince David A. Hill (Wawanolette), forever as long as the grass grows, the moon glows, the rivers flow, and the sun shines. This document was faxed May 14, 1997 at WED 6:50 WABANAKI NATION P. 01.

So, the question is....WHY did Dodie Smith open up a First Colebrook Bank Checking Account in Coos County, New Hampshire, for Chief David A. Hill, Chief Reynold Choineire, and Luke A. Willard on May 10, 2002 in the name of the North American People of the Dawn, Inc. which obviously was in Newport, Orleans County, Vermont? Why didn't this "group" open up a Checking Account in Newport, Vermont or at least in Orleans County, Vermont where they all resided?

August 12, 2000 Hand-written Letter of Resignation From Howard F. Knight Jr.

COWASUCK OF NORTH AMERICA, National Federation of the Sovereign Republic of the Abenaki Nation P.O. Box 12, Newport, VT 05855 dated August 12, 2000.
To Whom it Concerns:
As of this date (12 August 2000) I (Howard F. Knight Jr.) hereby resign as Chief and as C.E.O., if the Cowasuck of North America. I will no longer be concerned with any Abenaki Band and/or functions. I regret that I over the years have dishonored or brough shame upon the Abenaki People.
Respectfully Yours, Howard F. Knight, Jr.
1608 Alderbrook Road
Newport, VT. 05855

Obviously, Howard F. Knight, Jr., was being "a hypocrite" when he wrote this document and put it into reality, especially when it was just a few days ago, on January 26th, 2010 that he sat in Room 10, in front of the Senate Economic Development Committee (headed by none other Senator/Prosecutor Vincent Illuzzi) as a "representative" of the Koasek Abenaki, Inc. "group" which is led by Brian Chenevert, Paul Bunnell, and retrospectively-speaking also Nancy Millette-Doucet.
In Abenaki, we would call these people "Snakes in the grass".
So, IF Howard F. Knight Jr. was proclaiming he was resigning and would no longer be concerned with any Abenaki Band and/or functions....then WHY was the man so involved with the alleged and re-invented "Abenaki" there in Vermont and over here in New Hampshire after August 12, 2000?! Obviously, based on the documentation of which I am in possession of, it is VERY CLEAR and OBVIOUS that the man has over the years dishonored and brought shame upon the Abenaki People with his B.S., manipulations, deceitfulness and lies, right along with the rest of these so-called "Chiefs" of the Vermont and or New Hampshire Abenaki "groups" !!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

H.C.R. 195 January 15, 2010 and February 02, 2010 House Committe on Human Services Agenda Regarding Eugenics in Vermont:

House Concurrent Resolution Referred to Committee
H.C.R. 195
House concurrent resolution expressing regret for the sterilization of Vermonters pursuant to the Sterilization Act of 1931 Offered by: Representative Donahue of Northfield
Whereas, the state-sponsored sterilization of many Vermonters, based upon the false science and misguided social judgment that they were genetically inadequate and of poor heredity stock, is one of the most unfortunate chapters in our state’s history, and
41 FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 2010
Whereas, in 1912, the General Assembly passed legislation to “authorize and provide for the sterilization of imbeciles, feeble-minded and insane persons, rapists, confirmed criminals and other defectives” which Governor John Mead vetoed on the advice of Attorney General R.E. Brown that the measure was unconstitutional in part due to its discriminatory intent and lack of due process, and
Whereas, the Senate overrode the governor, and although the House of Representatives upheld his veto after a successful Senate override, the idea of broadly based sterilization legislation was not permanently defeated, and
Whereas, Francis Galton, the cousin of Charles Darwin, coined the term “eugenics” meaning “the science of improving the genetic condition of the human race,” and
Whereas, in 1925, UVM zoology professor Henry F. Perkins established the Eugenics Survey of Vermont with a stated mission to determine the extent of defective behavior and depraved immorality in the state by combining biology, education, and social work, and
Whereas, in 1927, when addressing a conference of social workers in Montpelier, Perkins reported his purportedly highly academic findings proving a blood or heredity foundation in the mental degeneration in classes of families he defined as pirate, gypsy, and chorea, and Whereas, Perkins predicted that legislation, which he had assisted in
drafting, providing for sterilizing the “socially inadequate” individuals would be introduced, and
Whereas, in Buck v. Bell, 274 US 200 (1927), U.S. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes held that Virginia’s sterilization law was neither unconstitutional nor a denial of due process, and
Whereas, in 1931, as a result of the pseudoscience and hearsay that permeated the reports of the Vermont Eugenics Survey, as well as the establishment of the Vermont Commission on Country Life, that in part was an expansion of the survey’s activities, the General Assembly adopted Act No. 174, “An Act for Human Betterment By Voluntary Sterilization,” which was intended: to prevent the procreation of idiots, imbeciles, feebleminded or insane persons, when the public welfare of idiots, imbeciles, feeble-minded or insane persons likely to procreate, can be improved by voluntary
sterilization, and
Whereas, as a result of this legislation, a large number of individuals were subjected to this state-sponsored sterilization program, many without their knowledge or consent, and
Whereas, although the Eugenics Survey was ended in 1936, and the forced sterilizations (and yet NO DOCUEMNTARY EVIDENCE has ever been located that the Eugenics Program ever sterlized a single person) ultimately halted, the damage to many Vermont families was widespread, and poor Irish and Italian immigrants, along with other persons in poverty, were among those targeted, and
Whereas, individuals diagnosed with mental disabilities and persons of French Canadian and Abenaki ancestry (yet nowhere in the Eugenics TOTAL MATERIAL is a single person identifying as or identified by others as being "Abenaki") were disproportionately affected and harmed, and
Whereas, it is impossible for the General Assembly to undo the grievous damage that was inflicted on these persons and their families, but it can issue a strong statement denouncing this dark chapter in Vermont’s history to demonstrate the legislature’s resolve to guard against such events occurring in the future, now therefore be it
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives:
That the General Assembly expresses its profound sorrow and sincere regret that such a program of sterilizations was sanctioned under an act of this legislative body. Which was read and, in the Speaker’s discretion, treated as a bill and referred to the committee on Rules.
Committee Relieved of Consideration and Bill Committed to Other Committee
On Another More Recent Note:
115 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05633-5301
Tel: (802) 828-2228
Fax: (802) 828-2424
House of Representatives
Rep. Ann Pugh, Chair
Rep. Michael Fisher, Vice Chair
Rep. Anne B. Donahue, Ranking Member
Rep. Margaret Andrews
Rep. Bill Frank, Clerk
Rep. Patsy French
Rep. Sandy Haas
Rep. Francis "Topper" McFaun
Rep. Michael Mrowicki
Rep. Patty O'Donnell
Rep. Scott A. Orr
House Committee on Human Services
Room 46
January 31, 2010 - February 6, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
10:00 AM FLOOR
11:15 am or 15 MINUTES AFTER HOUSE ADJOURNMENT J.R.H. 32 - Joint resolution expressing regret for the sterilization of Vermonters pursuant to the Sterilization Act of 1931
Committee Discussion, Markup, and Vote
Rep. Anne Donahue, Sponsor
Michael Chernick, Legislative Counsel, Legislative Council
Nancy L. Gallagher, Author of "Breeding Better Vermonters"
April Merrill, Chief, St. Francis Sokoki Band (Missisquoi)
Thomas Phillips, Tribal Council Member

I would say more on a personal level, but I am a little "hot-under-the-collar" presently, having the awareness that I do. about my own Woodward relatives being targets of the Children's Aide Society and subsequently the Eugenics Survey of Vermont from 1914 to 1938.
This attempt at being sorrowful and regretful by the State of Vermont/ and the fact that April St. Francis-Merrill and Thomas Phillips assume to know the dynamics/intent of the Eugenics Survey/Program of Vermont, claiming stupidly that Harriett Abbott was targeting their families "because they were alleged Abenakis" just pisses me off, since it is such an untruth.
It's a MYTH perpetuated by John Moody and these people, to ply "sympathies" and manipulate the generational historical guilt of the Euro-American People's in Vermont/New Hampshire.
What this is, that is happening in Vermont is a crock of shit. It's a blatant re-writing of Abenaki historical record in N'dakinna by people who are not Abenakis, nor who can even prove from a historical, social, or genealogical perspective that they are Abenakis!
Some day, I will share the Eugenics Era Reality for what it really was....
from my own ancestors blood, sweat and tears.
IF the State of Vermont is honestly all-of-a-sudden and seemingly "so sorrowful and regretful", then why not name the people they targeted and subsequently sterilized allegedly via the Eugenics Program of Vermont?! Why hasn't the State of Vermont Historical Preservation people microfilmed all of the Eugenics Program Survey documents, instead of letting those documents turn into a pile of paper dust over time?! Why has the State of Vermont "closed" the Eugenics Records and placed these under the HIPPA Laws (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)? Why no mention of the Children's Aide Society who were in collusion and supporting the Eugenic's Program of Vermont within this H.C.R. 195?!
Does anyone thing for one minute that this H.C.R. 195 will assauge the pain, the internal guilt, the sorrow and regret of those women and men who loved one another in life, but could never have children of their own? Does anyone think that for one minute, that April St. Francis-Merrill and this so-called Wobanaki Inc Board of Director Thomas Phillips, in their ignorance and arrogance of the Eugenics Progam Survey, are doing what they are doing today, is respectful of those women or men who could not have children, in their tatics to gain recognition-through-sympathy.
I am for TRUTH, not some PITY PARTY and the perpetuation of some half baked myth that the Eugenics was targeting "Abenakis" or that these people claiming to being Abenaki, had ancestor-relatives who were sterilized simply and solely "because they were Abenakis". Dollars to donuts, the bet is that the persons and families in the Eugenics materials were targeted because they were identified as being misfits, truants from school, gallivanting around being criminally minded, or doing activities deemed socially unacceptable in that era, such as being youthful runaway's.
The Phillips Family nor the St. Francis Family (as a whole or in part, in the Eugenics material documents) were NEVER identifying as Abenakis while in Jail, in Institutions, to Harriett Abbott, or to anyone associated with the Eugenics. Harriett Abbott never once, identified one single person in these many families she documented/investigated (including the Woodward's) as "being Abenaki" or "of Abenaki descent".
Neither did these familes neighbors, teachers, mental evaluators, etc., identify these persons and or families as being Abenakis, of whom Miss Abbott spoke to about these numerous families in and around Vermont?!
So, THOUSANDS of descendants of Vermont Abenaki were silent, quiet, and "hiding in plain sight" amongst their neighbors, like Church mice on a Sunday morning? NOT one single ancestor of these descendants documentarily stated verbally and/ or in writing that they were "Abenaki" throughout the Eugenic's Era? What about BEFORE the Eugenics Survey?

Friday, January 29, 2010

December 25, 2009 Letter from Nancy Millette-Doucet to Mr. Rollo

The following letter was forwarded to me. It was apparently sent on 12/25/2009. It was eventually forwarded to the parties named so that we would have this information when dealing with elected officials who may have also received the letter.

Dear Mr. Rollo, Committee Members and other respected NH Representatives and Senators,

I recently received an email from Mr. Rollo that shows that some of my concerns about FN 1610 were miss- communicated or miss-understood. I thought in that case it would be best for me to write a proper introduction before I am before your board to testify against this bill.

I was born in 1953 in Haverhill NH as was my father (1927) and his mother and all her family before her well documented back to 1700’s. Our DNA has been proven Indian and linked directly to Haverhill / Newbury area which is historic known to the Abenaki as the KOAS. My family has continued traditional values throughout time to present within our home region. My Grandmother’s family even donated some of their own land to the town of Haverhill for the airport which still exists today.

My mother’s family is well documented in Grafton County also and has for generations passed the original homestead down from one family member to the other in Monroe NH. My mother and her family have for generations dedicated themselves to community projects and helping others. All of the males back to the beginning of time in New Hampshire have served the country in the Rev. war, Civil War, War of 1812, WWI WWII, Korean War Viet Nam and all men and women in my family have been members of the American Legion serving in any way they were needed or asked including commanders, helping the Mohawk Reservation children come to NH for camp and cooking meals for the needy etc etc. My father was a lifer in the Navy and fought in World War II, Korean War and Viet Nam. All his brothers fought in World War II also.

I myself, have worked as a community minded person all of my life as a fund raiser, promoter, public relations, marketing executive. My work has taken me to marketing positions at the Mount Washington Hotel and Resort, Economic Development, Public Relations and Event coordinator for the Town of Littleton where I hosted 9 Native American Cultural Weekends that three of our NH Governor’s signed proclamations for, Sled Dog Races, established the Oprah House as a working cultural facility and helped make Littleton the NINTH Best Small Town in America, raised money to send ME, NH and VT Hemophilia Children to camp in NH, was Co-President of Franconia Sugar Hill Chamber of Commerce and have from time to time worked with Van McLeod, Richard Boisvert, NH Tourism and NH council on the Arts, to just name a few things I have done to follow in the footsteps of my family.

I have also worked closed with NH Historical Resources over the years and the State of Vermont Historic Preservation in the protection of our Abenaki burial grounds and scared lands and history. I have for the last year worked with National Geographic on the preservation of our Language and also our DNA work for Abenaki Community in this region. Please see www.whitepineassociation.org

I am Chief of the Koasek Abenaki of the Koas and our tribe is united in an Alliance with the Historic Abenaki Nations; Nulhegan Coosuk, Missisquoi St Francis Sokoki, and El Nu. I know of the Intertribal Council and have known Peter Newell for many many years. I have welcomed him to Unity meetings I hosted for many of the tribes to come together to work on issues we are all concerned about. Pete was at my home in 2007 and I told him I would help him with support letter for a commission in NH. However, my support has changed which I will explain. At this time I DO NOT support HB 1610!!

Peter Newell is now involved with others who have been extremely threatening and hostile to Abenaki Historic Tribes within the alliance. These people who are involved with Peter Newell and the Intertribal council to write this bill are Sherry Gould (Intertribal Council and has a 501c3 although I can not find it registered in the state any longer), Paul Pouliot ( Calls himself CHIEF of the Cowasuck Pennacook) and Paul Bunnell ( Co- Chief of the Koasek which are based in MA if you look at their information you will see all their members are listed in MA except for Bunnell in Milford, N.H.)

Sherry Gould has hosted Language camps etc but has never invited the historic tribes to take part. As a matter of fact her ‘camps” have just the members above and her family at them with the exception of a few speakers she pays to come.

Paul Pouliot recently purchased land in NH. However, his Indian Identity is Iroquois from the 1600s. If you do the math of those few hundred years to an ancestor the blood quantum may be way below 1/1000th of the drop! He has been a combative force against all other Abenaki. Paul Pouliot petitioned the Town of Haverhill that he was “a federally recognized tribe” and he was coming to Haverhill to protest publicly our Native American Cultural Weekend. The Town of Haverhill finally had their lawyer write to him to stay away and he was NOT federal recognized. You see, he has incorporations in many states however, that does not make one recognized nor does it make one a “TRIBE”. He also has written to me saying he would only come to my Unity Meetings I invited him to armed. I then had to tell him he was not welcome as the meeting was in my Home and I do NOT allow weapons on my property! He has written to every VT senator and state representative threatening them if they continued working with the Abenak Alliance where the state would grant the historic Abenaki in Vermont recognition. He again used his false title of being federally recognized. I now see he is trying to claim this same recognized title in NH!! I have called the BIA about this. He sent them a letter of intent in 1996. Because they received a letter it had to be numbered for a file so it was number 105. However, the BIA says they do not know who this guy is nor have they heard a thing about him since. He cannot file for federal recognition because he has no historic standing, no linage to Abenaki in VT or NH and not even in Canada!!

Paul Bunnell and Koasek People (his chief is Brian Chenevert) are mainly based in MA. They have NO heritage or linage to NH, nor to VT. They have no connection to this place what so ever. In 2006 Brian Chenevert approached me to work with his group. I finally agreed thinking they were on a good level as human beings but after two years I found them all to be extremely rude and insulting to the Abenaki families from here and then refused to do anything with them. In other words the Abenaki here in NH sent them packing!! Paul Bunnell gave me false genealogy certificate claiming to be a registered and certified Genealogist. I later found it the certificate was a fake! He started contacting the Senators and legislatures in VT as well as the Quad Committee in Burlington VT that I worked with and the National Geographic people that I worked with and told them I was NOT Indian and he was certif. genealogist and could not find my genealogy, that If they continued working with me and my tribe he would sue them and he also tried this same tactic trying to discredit all the other Abenaki Historic Tribes. I also found that he and his band in MA have tried using our history here as their own and I have had to get a lawyer which cost almost $2000.00 to have them stop using my work history, my copyrighted logos and our history as theirs! He has also told many that I am mentally ill with a bi-polar problem which is totally false. If I hear he has said that again he will be facing some serious court charges!

These are just a few of the reasons why My tribe and other Tribes in the Historic Alliance are against this bill. These people associated with NH Intertribal have no right to have any say over any of our historic Tribal Nations, our burial grounds and have NO right being in a power position of choosing who should or should not be on the NH Native American Commission!!

Also it is our historic tribes that will be granted Recognition this year in Vermont. According to the Federal Law of the Indian Arts and Craft Board that will put us in a position where we would be legally entitled to have a position on a commission and non recognized would not have a legal right to have any say over our tribes or territories. As far as Territories go: Nulhegan Coosuk Abenaki territory in NH is from Indian Stream down to Our Koasek Region. Missisquoi is on the NH side and owns land in Derry. So with that said this bill has totally ignored the historic Abenaki Nations north of Concord!! We have been here generation after generation after generation. We have not just recently found out we are Indian nor did we just pay land in NH like the people associated with NH Intertribal Council. We are True by inherited rights Abenaki with blood and bone connection from the beginning of time to present here in NH.

I will be bringing historic and present day proof of my Abenaki People in NH and VT with me when I testify. I will also be glad to bring proof of the shameful tactics the people associated with NH Intertribal has used against the Historic Abenaki Alliance Tribes: Koasek Traditional Band of the KOAS, Nulhegan Coosuck Band, Missisquio St Francis Sokoki Abenaki Nations.

Thank you and if you have any further questions I would be glad to come to an appointment with you or talk at any time.

Thank you

Chief Nancy Millette Doucet

45 Pioneer Rd Bath NH 603-728-9646

Email: nmillette@roadrunner.com

Federal Indian Arts and Craft Law mentioned above: ......

H.R. 725: In dian Arts and Crafts Amendments Act of 2009

Congressional Research Service Summary

The following summary was written by the Congressional Research Service, a well-respected nonpartisan arm of the Library of Congress.


Indian Arts and Crafts Amendments Act of 2009 - Amends the Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990 to: (1) authorize any federal law enforcement officer to conduct an investigation of an offense involving the sale of any good that is misrepresented as an Indian produced good or product that occurs within the jurisdiction of the United States; and (2) authorize the Indian Arts and Crafts Board to refer such an alleged offense to any federal law enforcement officer (currently, just to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)) for appropriate investigation. Permits a federal law enforcement officer to investigate such an alleged offense regardless of whether such officer receives a referral from the Board. Requires that the findings of an investigation of such an alleged offense by any federal department or agency be submitted to: (1) a federal or state prosecuting authority; or (2) the Board. Provides for the Board, upon receiving the findings of such an investigation, to: (1) recommend to the Attorney General that criminal proceedings be initiated (current law); and (2) provide such support to the Attorney General relating to the criminal proceedings as the Attorney General determines to be appropriate. Allows the Board, in lieu of, or in addition to, any such criminal proceeding, to recommend that the Attorney General initiate a civil action. Revises: (1) requirements for the initiation of civil actions for misrepresentation of Indian produced goods; and (2) penalties for the misrepresentation of such goods.

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