Obviously, the reason(s) I am putting this "archaeolgoical documentation" onto this blog, to be read, is that at NO point in time, from the beginning to the end of the matter, no one....not (1) person found ANY Contact Period materials or Woodland material evidence of ANY kind, to even suggest or even imply that there was an "Abenaki Village" in or about 1850 to 1880. Nancy (nee: Millette) Cruger - Lyons has repeatedly self-proclaimed and self-promoted her "stories" in newspaper article's and other media formats "that her Great-Grandmother Flora Una Anna (nee: Ingerson) Hunt and/ or Flora's mother Almira (nee: Rines) Ingerson "was born in Jefferson, N.H. a Abenaki Village, along some river'bank. Almira (nee: Rines) Ingerson was born in Littleton, Grafton County, New Hampshire in 1850 to Ebenezer Rines and Susannah (nee: Smith). Almira's parents married September 25, 1845 and had William born on June 23, 1846 in Littleton, N.H.; Susan born in 1848 in Littleton, N.H., Amira born in 1850 in Littleton, N.H., and Emma Rines in 1858 in Jefferson, N.H. The parents moved to Jefferson, N.H. ca. 1856 with all but the latter child, from Littleton, New Hampshire. I will let the factual genealogical records "speak" for themselves as I post the documentary information.
Well, I will let the genealogical records' etc. speak for themselves as I post them.
Again, the genealogical evidence ought to support the oral histories of the descendants at least on some level, and visa versa likewise oral histories support the genealogical documentation.