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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Algonquin Wabanaki Sovereign Nation installs Reynold Choiniere as Chief;

LINK: http://reinventedvermontabenaki.blogspot.com/2010/01/north-american-people-of-dawn-sovereign.html

Algonquin Wabanaki Sovereign Nation installs Reynold Choiniere as Chief
Part 1 of 2
On Saturday June 03, 2006 at 11 a.m. the Algonquin Wabanaki Sovereign Nation held an installation ceremony for their new Chief Reynold Choiniere, AKA Whitecloud [probably some Incorporate relative of Chief Lone Cloud], and seven Council members.
The ceremony commenced with a Chief's Dance called "mowia wegan" which hadn't been performed since 1870, to honor and respect the women of the Nation. The Nulhegan Band performed a ceremonial opening of the installation ceremony with the ceremonial drum. The elder of the women lead the file of seven chosen women dancers who danced to the ceremonial drum in a circle. The dancers were: Elder Evelyn Pushard AKA Running Water of Randolph, Maine, Mother Matriarch Theresa Van Zile AKA Many Moons III, Princess Sheila Hill AKA Running Water, Councilwoman Sharon Choiniere AKA Cloud Dancer, Janice Conillard, Sheila Marcou, AKA Little Elk, and Denise Russell. At the end of the dance, Chief Reynold Choiniere AKA Whitecloud laid a native American blanket on the leading elder's shoulder and then followed each of the dancers. Chief Reynold Whitecloud was assisted by the Associate Chief Raymond Choiniere AKA Running Deer with the blankets. The gifts were kept by the dancers.
Claire Baine, AKA Laughing Eyes, read a letter from the United Nations written by Charles Mercieca PH.D. President of International Association of Educators for World Peace. Dr. Mercieca presented former Chief David Hill, the World Peace Award with a Medallion for the Algonquin Wabanaki Sovereign Nation, on December 16, 2000 for resolving peaceful issues among all nations. Clair Bain read Dr. Mercieca's letter which went on to describe the Peril of Indigenous Tribes/Nations in the continents of North and South America, how Europeans have infiltrated to expand their domain and wiped out numerous indigenous tribes/nations to the point of total destruction. They (the Europeans) developed machinery which have polluted our air and water with toxins that have caused terminal cancer to millions of people. In North America today, the indigenous people have been forced to integrate in the American and Canadian societies and to adopt same lifestyles of these mostly European invaders/settlers. The time has arrived when the indigenous people should be recognized as a nation of their own. In recent years, some of these indigenous people of North America got together and formed their independent old nation under the name of the Algonquin Wabanaki Sovereign Nation consisting of enclaves in both Canada and the United States where indigenous people live. The confederation revives the moribund old nation which is meant to make richer not only North America but the whole world as well. In forming the Algonquin Wabanaki Sovereign Nation, there is no political precedence created. The said confederated nation will exist as an enclave within the United States and Canada. As such, the Algonquin Wabanaki Sovereign Nation, would qualify to join the United Nations. Such countries also reveal great respect for the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights in which supports the freedom people to get together and form their own independent nation. The very fact that the enclave of the Algonquin Wabanaki Sovereign Nation is found in North America and not, say, in China, makes it possible for this culturally rich old nation to be revised. The indigenous people do not mind to build their own military; they would rather prefer to have a demilitarized nation and concentrate on the development of the civilian economy following the footsteps of both Japan and Germany after World War II was over. Last but not least, such indigenous people want to protect their burial groups and reich cultural artifacts. They want to eliminate all air and water pollution and they want to initiate their own sovereign banking system [this "sovereign banking system" is the SAME agenda and endeavor that Howard F. Knight Jr. stated in his "hysterical" Chief Log's documentation!]. In other words, they want to revive and preserve an old nation which was subdued unjustly by mostly European invaders/settlers. This letter regarding the historical and current issues of the Algonquin Wabanaki Sovereign Nation of Turtle Island was very well received overseas on many websites.
Part 2 will run on Friday, June 16
The Newport Daily Express
Friday, June 16, 2006
Page NINE [9.]
Algonquin Wabanaki Sovereign Nation installs Reynold Choiniere as Chief
Part II
The traditional ceremonial custom followed. The Mother Matriarch Therese Van Zile, AKA Many Moons III, put ceremonial red paint on the forehead of the widow of the late Chief David Hill, AKA Sly Wolf, taking her out of her "mourning period." This ceremony was accompanied by the quiet low drumming of the drum. Following, Princess Sheila Hill, AKA Running Water, made her speech of past remembrances of the late Chief, and his important issues of sovereignty and self-government of the Nation. She then presented the Chief Reynold Choiniere Whitecloud with her ceremonial gift which completed the installation of the new Chief.
The new Chief Reynold Choinier, AKA Whitecloud, introduced the members of the Council in which was the traditional installation of the Council of the Algonquin Wabanaki Sovereign Nation of Turtle Island.
The Chief spoke about "who we are" as a nation. He described how he wanted to revive the ancient Algonquin Wabanaki Sovereign Nation of Turtle Island to preserve the spiritual and cultural heritage and religion of our people - economic well being of environmental protection of our people and mother earth for our future generations.
In conclusion, Chief Reynold Choinier, AKA Whitecloud, described a letter from former President Bill Clinton on November 6, 2000. Former President Bill Clinton vowed to honor and respect Tribal Sovereignty, self determination, and self-government, in his revising Executive Order on Consultation and Coordination with Tribal Governments, strengthening our government-to-government relationship with Indian Nations.
A bill recently passed in the Vermont (#851) House and Senate which denies the insurance that and Executive department and agencies consult with Indian Nation/Tribes and respect Tribal Sovereignty as they develop policy on issues that impact Indian communities - as several of the sections on the Vermont passed bill on the Abenaki and all native American people in Vermont, deny and extinguish this, as; (b) the commission shall comprise seven members and a chair appointed by the governor. (The governor has sole discretion on the selection of the commission members, therefore, no tribal members of Indian Nations can nominate a representative.)
The commission shall have the authority to assist Native American Tribal Councils, organizations, and individuals to secure social services, etc., permit the creation, display and sale of Native American Arts and Crafts, and legally label them as Native American/Indian made. (18 U.S.C.& 1159 (c)(3)(B) and 25 U.S.C.&305e(d)(3)(B). Under #853 - states this title shall not be interpreted to provide any Native American or Abenaki person with any special rights or privileges that the state does not confer on - or grant to other state residents, nor form any right or claim to land, real estate in Vermont for the Abenaki people, and shall be construed to confer only those rights specifically described in this chapter. This bill eliminates aboriginal people's sovereignty! [Oh yeah? well ... this "Algonquin Wabanaki Sovereign Nation" LOST whatever "sovereignty" it had, if it had any sovereignty in the first place, when it incorporated UNDER VERMONT STATE LAWS!! Secondly, it never was and never will be a "Nation" nor a "Tribe" ... it is merely a created incorporation!]
Future editorial articles to be written by Chief Reynold Choiniere, AKA Whitecloud, titled "Facts by the Long Fire" regarding the issues and concerns of Sovereignty for native americans.
A bountiful luncheon followed for the approximately 70 attendees and the Nulhegan Band drummed during the luncheon. Several tribes' people sat with them and drummed on the great drum.
Anyone wishing a copy of the bill, write to:
The Vermont General Assembly
115 State Street
Montpelier, Vermont 05602

or Statement by former President Clinton:
http://www.doi.gov/bia/as-ia/TCEO.html. For the detailed letter from the United Nations written by Charles Mercieca PH.D. President of International Association of Educators for World Peace as read by Claire Bain AKA Laughing Eyes, go to Website: http://www.earthportals.com/portalmessenger/mercieca.html 
From: dmacie@adelphia.net [Dawn Marie nee: Dague - Macie]
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2006 11:28 PM
To: Philip Thibault grandfatherphil@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: agreement

Kwai Grandfather,
I understand people not wanting to give up their cards they now carry and perhaps that is okay, but they must know that the band they were in has been disbanded by the person [Constance "Connie" Brow dau. of Leon E. Brow and Rita Florabelle nee: St. Francis .... Rita was sister to "Chief" Homer St. Francis Sr.] not sure of the spelling. She sent a letter to most of the leaders of all the other bands telling them this and said that she would never let the band start up again under its current name. I do not want to get involved with anything that would start some kind of war, but I would do anything to help anyone who would like to make sure that they are with a state recognized band before the governor decides he is going to close the rolls to all the bands in the state. All we are asking is that each person fill out the membership form and send it in and we will enroll them into the Nulhegan Band as members and give them all new cards and they keep their old cards as souvenirs, but if the Mazipskwik band should ever start back up they would have to turn in their cards and ask for their records to be returned and that would be the same as we would do for all our members. The only card they may ever use is the Nulhegan Band card as long as they are members as it is illegal to carry two cards from two bands, but because Mazipskwik is no longer a viable band [incorporation] we feel it would not be a problem at this time.
[NOTICE: the "line" across the document; SOMEONE was not being transparent and has apparently redacted (covered over) the remainder of the email communication]
[Handwritten: "For Grey Wolf (John K. Lawyer) and Mike (Delaney)]
From: Nan Lee okemes@adelphia.net
Sent: Saturday, July 1, 2006 1:29 PM
To: "Phillip Thibault" gfatherphil@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: agreement
Grandfather, like I said praying will make things clearer... It has been said to me that Connie Brow is the one that closed the Mazipskwik to begin with, and at this point is for this change. Does she have anything more to do with the Mazipskwik? If she is still in cahoots with April [nee: St. Francis - Rushlow - Merrill] that means she is in favor of chiefs', sub-chiefs' etc. This is not and will never happen with the Nulhegan Band. [Remember these words from Nancy-Lee Cote - Rolls, because she contradicts herself later in her communications!]
And grandfather, Luke Willard is being watched closely, by everyone from the first group [Clan of the Hawk, Inc.'d or North American People of the Dawn, Inc'd] as well as this group now. He has no idea of this and is worried about his genealogy at this point in time. ...
[I'd be worried too, if I'd made up some concocted confabulation that I was related allegedly to the Otondossone/Watso families of Odanak, Quebec, Canada] LINK:  http://www.nedoba.org/gene_fake.html#swassin

I just hope that things will be settled soon, one way or the another.
Love to you and yours,
Nanny [Nancy-Lee nee: Cote - Rolls]

----Original Message----
From: "Philip Thibault" gfatherphil@hotmail.com
To: Okemes@adelphia.net
Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2006 12:11 PM
Subject: Re: agreement
I am going to have to ask the ancestors what is best. I don't know whether to join under a full membership and give up the right to other people or to just join as an associate member. Connie Brow has put the situation in a hard decision. Did you know that she was Homer's sister? [no, Connie Brow was NOT Homer Walter St. Francis's "sister"; she was his nephew, by way of his older sister Rita]
She is still in cahoots with April's [Homer St. Francis' daughter] band. I don't know how this all got back to her. But if members want to join I don't how they can stop it. The Brow and Cline I think are her daughters. will try and help in any way. I got to talk with Grey wolf [John Kenneth Lawyer] and with Mick Delaney and a few other what they think.

From: "Nan Lee" okemes@adelphia.net
To: "Philip Thibault" gfatherphil@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: agreement
Date: Fri, 30 June 2006 22:27:24 -0400
Grandfather, like you I have never run into any of this card thingy, and we both know how people feel about giving their cards away. We will have to thing about this more, whatever way with prayer it will be the right way. A question for you. Are you going to fill out of the membership forms? I believe that the people can keep their cards like I kept mine from Homer [St. Francis Sr.] and from Chief Spirit Water [Ralph Skinner Swett a.k.a. Chief Lone Cloud]. If they would like to join, fine, its up to them.

Nite, nite, and sleepy night hugs from afar.
Nanny [Nancy Lee nee: Cote - Rolls]
Email continued below....

I think I read in the June 30, 2006 11:28 email from Dawn (Dague) Macie, that quote, "The only card they may ever use is the Nulhegan Band card as long as they are members ... as it is illegal to carry two card from two bands ..." So, WHY was it and is it alright for Philip J. Thibault and Dawn's mother (the 'late' Nancy Cote-Rolls) etc to have three (3) Incorporation Membership Cards at the same time? Again, the conclusion can only be, that these people are PLAYING ABENAKI INDIAN and that the "rules" these Wannabe Abenaki "Chiefs" created, are just-for-every one else, who happens to join these incorporated Culture Vulture Clubs and that these "Chief's and Sub-Chief's" are now trying to convince the Vermont (and New Hampshire) legislature that these incorporated entities are really honest-to-goodness Abenaki Tribes historically connected to the Abenaki Tribes from-and-of Vermont prior to 1780. I conclude, the State of Vermont, could take all five (5) of each of these Member's PLASTIC MEMBERSHIP CARDS, shuffle them like a deck of cards, and play 5-Card Stud Poker and I betch'a dollars to donuts that NONE of these incorporate groups claiming to be Abenaki Tribes are nothing of the sort!
---Original Message---
From: "Philip Thibault" gfatherphil@hotmail.com
Sent: Saturday 01, 2006 6:12 PM
Subject: FW: Re: agreement

Kwai Granny and Dawn:
You have a new member. Soaring Eagle) I just finished making out the enrollment and sending 2 passport photos along with a check made out to the Nulhegan band for $25.00. You can let other members know if you want. Let's bring as many solicited members in as we can. Love to you both and the best to the Nulhegan Band. Let us be the leading band in the Abenaki Nation. AHO! Grandfather has spoken. !!! So be it.

From: "Nan Lee" okemes@adelphia.net
To: "Philip Thibault" gfatherphil@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: agreement
Date: Sat, 1 July 2006 17:39:10 -0400
Grandfather, I am sure that as you wait in prayer all things will come to you, including things from Grandmother Doris Gertrude F. (nee: Cheney) Minckler. Your two sides are quite acceptable to me, and I understood the weight of responsibility they carry. You are spiritual, and you do have a way of uniting people... As far as a medicine man, well in a way you are that also, if anyone of us needs assurance, and prayer, you are right on top of it.
I have spoken.
Nokemes Pibunkimkazas [Grandmother Winter Raven]

---Original Message---
From: "Philip Thibault" gfatherphil@hotmail.com
Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2006 1:39 PM
Subject: Re: agreement

I wonder why she [Constance "Connie" Brow] did that ... close the Mazipskwik [incorporate]? Maybe she has a agenda.
Email continued below....
I really don't know, but don't forget she is still a St. Francis.!! She [Connie Brow] was the one that went against the St. Francis tribe and we all walked out. She called me and wanted to know if I would be a medicine man for the Mazipskwik. I am not a medicine man. I have two sides to me ... a spiritual side and also the side to unite and be with all tribes and clans. Maybe that is why I should only accept an associate membership and denounce my Mazipskwik membership and accept memberships if they want me as a associate to help all bands and tribes of our abenaki confederation!!
I will have to give it more consideration and to ask my ancestors and Grandmother Doris. [Doris Gertrude F. nee: Cheney-Minckler died May 10, 1997 in Swanton, Franklin County, Vermont] ... I just printed out a bunch of letters to send out.
From: Katalin Westhaver kwesthaver@pshift.com
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 1969
To: Grandfather Phil gfatherphil@hotmail.com
CC: the Nulhegan clmailto:cldague@adelphia.net
Subject: letter for Mazipskwik
KwaiAllMyRelations (<0.01 MB)
KwaiAllMyRelations (<0.02 MB)

Kwai, kwai grandfather!
I've attached the letter to the Mazipskwik members regarding our transfer to the Nulhegan Band. Please distribute it to those members that you can reach. Let me know who you've contacted - I will try to reach the others. We've got a job ahead of us. I pray we can contact them all!


From: Nan Lee okemes@adelphia.net
Sent: Sunday, July 2, 2006 2:44 PM
To: "Tom Bouler" thomas.bouler@us.army.mil, spirit_talkingeyes@charter.net, SearchRoots@aol.com, "Robert Turner" kunnaway@hotmail.com, "Nettie Demar" strongheartd@yahoo.com, NativeAmericanVoiceForHealth@yahoo.com, "Mike Price" notjustanotherclone@yahoo.com, medicinewolfspirit@adelphia.net, "Lynn Appleby" MsRee@adelphia.net, "Kat kwesthaver@pshift.com, "Jeff Benay" jbenay@fnwsu.k12.vt.us, "Jeanne Lincoln-Kent" rkent3661@charter.net, "Helen Demar" stanthony11373@yahoo.com, "Grandfather Soaring Eagle" gfatherphil@hotmail.mail, "Ed" sharbo3@pwless.net, "Debbie Bezio" lwolfdb@sover.net, "Deb & Scott Girard" arrow37@adelphia.net, "Chief Spiritwater Swett" etptv@aol.com, "Chad Abbott" chopsueychad@yahoo.com, "Alan Largy" alanstormcrow@adelphia.net, firstnation@yahoogroups.com, Abenaki_news_issues@yahoogroups.com

Subject: Abenaki Announcement:
BlankBkgrd.gif (<0.01 MB)

Kwai All My Relations,
As some of you know I have recently joined the Nulhegan Band. I would encourage the members of the former Mazipskwik [incorporation] to join a band as soon as you can before the Governor [Jim Douglas] decides to put a stop to the State Recognized band rolls. If he does this all those who are left standing by themselves will be put on a shelf until the state goes through all of the state bands first. I am not trying to tell who to join, but for all the Mazipskwik members I would like to see them join with me. To do this all you need to do is call: Dawn Macie at (802) 973-3083 dmacie@adelphia.net or Dawn's mother Nancy Cote-Rolls at (802) 873-9120 okemes@adelphia.net and they will answer any questions you have, and you may contact me as well at my email address, gfatherphil@hotmail.com. For those of you living in N.H. and Vermont border towns you may contact Kat Westhaver at (603) 675-9218 or email her at kwesthaver@pshift.com.

Grandfather Soaring Eage [Philip J. Thibault]
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From: Windhorsewoman Windhorsewoman@hughes.net
Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2006 10:31 PM
To: "Philip Thibault" gfatherphil@hotmail.com
Subject: Personal Files From Mazipskwik

Kwai Grandfather Phil,
I also am writing to you in regards to the Nulhegan band "absorbing" the old Mazipskwik.
I am and many of my people have personal and confidential information in those files.
I am very shocked and angered to know that this information is now in the hands of the Nulhegan band.
This is what has been brought to my attention ... is this all true?
I do not understand the thinking of whoever gave that paperwork over, or why it was done.
It should have been returned to the members themselves and left for them to decide what band they would join, or even if they wanted to join another band at all.
Otherwise, all paperwork should have been returned to the Delaney's themselves until it was retrieved by their members.
I am requesting the name, the email address and the telephone number of the person or person's that Ina Emily (nee: Johnson) Delaney, Michael Arthur Delaney's wife turned everything over to a few years ago, who decided on her own to deliver these files to Nulhegan without consent or permission.
This is an outrage and we are also considering this a theft of personal property that was left to Ina Delaney for safe keeping, not one of us have ever given permission to have our personal files released to any other agent.
Files were not left wit the understanding that there was an intention of them being passed off or handed over to any other band under any circumstances.
I do not know Mr. Luke Andrew Willard and have never had any type of correspondence with him, but I have seen his response in which he said that Nulhegan had "absorbed Mazipskwik incorporated solicited members.
This request is for return of all files, original applications, pictures, genealogies, any photo copies... and all personal correspondences between myself, my family members and the Delaney's to be returned to me no later
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then August 31, 2006.
I am informing you as well, that it is my intention to retrieve all of our information as soon as possible or I will have no option but to take it to the authorities.
I would prefer not to have to do it this way and cause discord, but it will be done, one way or another.
I certainly hope that you understand the seriousness of this situation and will add your voice to ours.
Thank you for your time Grandfather,

Pamela Thibodeau Brostean [a.k.a. Windhorsewoman]
Koasek Traditional Band

Pamela (nee: Thibodeau) Brostean of Dandridge, Tennessee was one of two (2) "genealogists" for the Koasek Traditional Band, Inc. of which Nancy (nee: Millette) Lyons - Doucet and Brian Chenevert were running as "Co-Chief's". So, this email dated August 26, 2006 10:31 PM indicates that Pamela Brostean was a part of (and holding a membership card in the "Mazipskwik"  NON-PROFIT Inc.'d group led by Connie Brow and David Gilman etc.)
LINK: http://reinventedvermontabenaki.blogspot.com/2010/02/n-9089-traditional-abenaki-of.html ... BEFORE going into (becoming a member of...) the newly created Koasek Traditional Band, Inc.  of Howard F. Knight, Jr./ Brian Chenevert/ Nancy Millette - Lyons - Doucet's "Koasek" "Abenaki" group. Philip J. Thibault admited in email communication(s) that he carries incorporation membership in five (5) different groups claiming to be Abenaki Tribes.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Jan. 14, 2006 Email from Nancy (Millette) Lyons to Redfeather and Howard F. Knight Jr.; Tom Porter's Letter Regarding Nancy Millette Lyons (Doucet) of August 27, 2008; Etc:

Subject: Re: [Olidahozi] Re: For you fun
Date: 1/4/2008 3:14:27 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
From: skydomerecords@yahoo.com
Reply-to: Olidahozi@yahoogroups.com
To: Olidahozi@yahoogroups.com

Hey Redfeather and Howard [Howard Franklin Knight, Jr.],
It has been raining here all day but the pasture and the paddock is sheer ice. I have used the wet muck all week covering icy spots to get my two best friends out to play but today FORGET IT! It is pouring the whole area is ice.  Iwould rather have them give me dirty looks than to take a chance of having them hurt!
I had a wonderful quarter horse that I barrel raced with when I was younger. That was back in my young days when I did crazy things. Actually I bought her off a meat truth! LOL. I saw a truck loaded with horses for slaughter. I had a fit! I made the guy open the back of his truth and she was quished in the front. I saw the great big ole quarter horse butt and I say you get her off the truck now! I knew nothing about her. I said you I will give you more than the meat factory and I gave him all the money I had in my pocket which was $500.00. I named her Micky after the Mick fights I had been tasting all day! LOL... like I said I was young and foolish. Anyways she was the best barrel racer ever. We took many an award!
I haven't had a horse for many years and it left a huge hole in my heart. Two years ago Howard and I were living at Kanatsiohareke and I was managing a barn. We had 8 horses, 20 cows and a bunch of chickens there and a HUGE BULL. The bull turned mean and when the guy from the ranch down the road came to get the bull he was telling us about a quarter horse he rescued but the horse was really sick and the vet said he didn't think the horse would make it. Howard [Lyons] and I went to mee this big horse. He was pathetic. 16 3 hands all skin and bones, hair falling out and he was a mess. The Vet had tried everything. Art told me he was from OK [Oklahoma] and then Texas and his move to NY [Fonda, New York] was hard on him. Art said this old horse had been sold 13 times in 15 years and he was a roper, reiner and barrel racer from big money. I picked his head up and looked him in the eye and I sald "Lahoungie and we will grow old, fat and happy together!" I started visiting him as often as I could and Low and Behold he Got Better!
Art sold him to me for the remainder of the Vet bill [which Tom Porter paid with HIS money with the understanding that horse would be used/worked on the farm]. The day I brought him home [to Kanatsiohareke located in Fonda, N.Y., where Howard Lyons and she were staying in Febuary 2004 onward] Art gave me his papers. His registered name is Lucksgay Reber Boy. He comes from Bold Ruler and he looks just like Bold Ruler too!!!!
Check out Lahoungies Grandpa at http://www.markimfarms.com/bold_ruler.htm

redfather1856 christinejoslyn@sbcglobal.net wrote:
Kwai all,
Down here in Tunxisland we have about 52 degrees and lots of rain. Our snow cover disappeared between yesterday and today and the grass is pretty green underneath!! It's supposed to be change tonight to snow and give us a couple of inches. Back and forth...
The Big Chill will be back soon as usual and we'll have the ice too!!

mkwi gen migwen (redfeather)

---In Olidahozi@yahoogroups.com, "Chief Howard F. Knight ,Jr" wobanaki@k... wrote:

Kwai Kwai Ms. Lyons,
You have ice down there today? Up here in Newport, it is raining steady and it seems to be warmer then you would think for this type weather. They say that this evening we will begin to have freezing rain, sleet and finally turning to snow.
I can bet the horses do not like to be penned in at all. I was raised over in Thetford on a farm and we not only had our Milking herd of cows but we always had 4-60 horses and in the summer we...
Kanatsiohareke Mohawk Community
Fonda, Montgomery County, New York
August 27, 2008
Mr. Buchholz,
I have received your message. Nancy whatever her name is, was married to a distant cousin of mine named Howard Lyons. She did come to our community called Kanatsiohareke for some months became she was the wife of Howard Lyons. I don't know who Nancy is or was, as she told us she is Abenaki.
Anyway, my family didn't get along with her and asked her to leave. She did and that is all I know about her. I really don't want to be negative about Nancy as my native beliefs discourage that.
Tom Porter Letter - Continued....
We [concerning Nancy Lee Millette - Lyons - Doucet] just didn't get along. I hope this is helpful. I haven't seen or heard from my cousin Howard [Howard Lyons] in a long while.
Thomas Porter



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Suject: Re: [Olidahozi] Fwd: Abenaki A WAY
Date: 5/9/2006 8:40:51 P.M. Pacific Standard Time
From: skydomerecords@yahoo.com
Reply-To: Olidahozi@yahoogroups.com
To: Olidahozi@yahoogroups.com

My two cents!
May 6, 2006
There seems to be a newly formed group of poeople in Northeast Vermont who called themselves a Band of Vermont Native American Indians. They recently filed for a State or Federal Corporation to operate as a nonprofit group in order to solicit funds and gather support from key influential political people to gain stature and credibility. There is evidence that shows that none of these members of this group are actually of Native American descent within the State of Vermont. There is also evidence that shows that some of these members have criminal records and have been thrown out of other states for carrying on fraudulent identities in order to take advantage of financial benefits in the form of grants and private donations to serve their cause. The general Vermont population of Non Native people who are not familiar with the names of legitimate historical Bands of Vermont Indians will be taken as easy pray [prey] and lured in by these people of false Native American identity who are out to build their own empires. The members of this new Nulhegan Band are also encouraging other members to abandon their original bands to join theirs which is causing disruption between once peaceful people.
The down side of this is that legitimate historical Vermont Indian Bands who have been working hard for many years to preserve and support their culture will be subject to the negative fallout of such criminal corruption and deciet from these false groups. The Abenaki people of Vermont have some house cleaning and organizing to do in order to protect and preserve their long-standing historical cultural integrity. The original historical Abenaki of Vermont are exposing these facts to the general public in order to warn and caution innocent people from supporting and getting involved with people who are using the Native American identity or status to take advantage and abuse the grant funding system and to solicit support and private financial donations.
The legitimate historical bands of Vermont Abenaki who have a long standing account of their ancestral roots dating back thousands of years are the Missisquoi in Swanton, Cowasuck from the Green Mountains of Vermont across the White Mountains of New Hampshire and southern Quebec, Canada. The Nulhegan Band is trying to solicit funding and support from innocent town governments and chambers of commerce while they know little or none of the deceitfulness of this newly formed band whose members are not of Native American decent.
These people are clearly working the system for all it's got just like the people who cheat the welfare system for a free ride. These criminal minded people will stop at
Wednesday, May 10, 2006 America Online: Besanigw [Rhonda Lou nee: Besaw - True]
Page [2.]
May 6, 2006 Email - Continued....
nothing to manipulate kind hearted unsuspecting people to support their newly formed corporate business interprise.
Written by: Howard Lyons

Jeanne Lincoln-Kent rkent3661@charter.net wrote:

Kwai Raymond Lussier
I am really happy you are saying this. I absolutely agree that there will be a lot of work ahead and that the government will see to it that people prove who they are before giving out any support of money.

Jeanne Antoinette (nee: Lalime) Lincoln - Kent

On May 9, 2006, at 6:44 PM, naida227@aol.com wrote:
I am not trying to start some ridiculous long turn thread but in reality I am trying to give you an idea of what we as Abenaki are up against ...
Suject: [Olidahozi] Howard Lyons
Date: 5/10/2006 5:40:03 Pacific Standard Time
From: skydomerecords@yahoo.com
Reply-to: Olidahozi@yahoogroups.com
To: Olidahozi@yahoogroups.com

To: Nulhegan Band Trustees
Attn: Luke Willard
From: Tahakierente-Howard Lyons
Mohawk Wolf Clan-Haudenosaunee
Re: Apologies
Date: May 10, 2006
After having a brief conversation with Luke Willard, he kindly requested that I submit an apology to the entire Nulhegan Band for my lettre which contained information and language discrediting the Nulhegan Band and their recent activities. Therefore I am taking responsiblity for posting this information and apologize to the Nulhegan Band for making my thoughts, comments and opinions about their activities public via the internet.
My letter is partly a result of anger and resentment and not jealousy or ego, I am simply reacting to the continuous disrespect that comes from Dawn Mace and Nancy Cote-Rolls targeting my wife Nancy [nee: Millette] Lyons [now Doucet]. Therefore, I am also asking that there be responsibility and accountability for their actions as well so that this is not one sided. Dawn Macie have equal share in spreading angry words and thoughts to people in emails towards my Wife via the internet. Nancy and I extended our home and hospitality to Dawn and Nancy Cote where they bad mouthed my Wife, so in essence, they drew first blood and it's been continuing since then. I sincerely hope that The Nulhegan Band will address this issue because one person actions is reflection of an entire Band.
I also want to make sure that my letter is a reflection of my own thoughts, comments and opinions without any involvement or coaching of my wife, Nancy Lyons.
Thank you Luke for opening conversation on this matter and I hope for resolution and better behavior from Dawn Macie and Nancy Cote-Rolls. As for the people I was speaking about in my first letter I assumed they were Nulhegan and I apologize for that mistake.
Tahakierente - Howard Lyons
Mohawk, Wolf Clan - Haudenosaunee

Our Fellow Abenaki:
We are very sorry that we are one week into recognition to see ego, jealousy, and corruption have once again been made public. Statements questioning the heritage of Nulhegan Band members, statements questioning the development of the AHA Cultural Center in Newport, and statements questioning the legal backgrounds of Band members.
Fortunately, Nulhegan Band staff doesn't have the time to spend defaming and slandering our own Abenaki brothers and sisters.  I would be very careful in denouncing the heritage of Nulhegan Band members. Membership is currently hovering....
Page [1. of 3.]
Subject: Re: [Olidahozi] Things taken too far
Date: 6/9/2006 6:59:32 P.M. Pacific Standard Time
From: skydomerecords@yahoo.com
Reply-to: Olidahozi@yahoo.com
To: Olidahozi@yahoogroups.com

Kwai All,
This is all very strange to me. These Abenaki tribes and Bands and Chiefs and stuff.
Being Mohawk I have never witnessed the act of signing incorporation papers  (501C3) or anything else in order to become a Tribe or Band? What is this all about? Oh My God!
I honestly thought that you were already a member of a Tribal Community or Nation because of the blood that runs through your veins and your historical ties to your ancestors territory/land and language. I really did not know that you have to incorporate with the State of Vermont to be recognized. I am Mohawk because of my Bloodline and I am Wolf Clan because of my Bloodline. So in fact I had no choice in the matter.
In essense you are turning your rights to act freely over to the State.
Once incorporated yo uare now property of the State and State Laws, not tribal laws.
Now what happens when you un-incorporate? Are you no longer a Tribe?
And what's all this about a Chief leaving their Nation to start another?
In my Nation once you are Chief of one Nation you are that for Life.
You cannot create your own title for what ever reasons. It's just not right in our nation. Holy crap!
A Chief works on behalf of The Creator for the People, and the people support the Chief in every way.
Where are the spiritual laws around here anyway?
Where is the language to support those ceremonies and laws?
I think it's time someone did something a little more serious about reinstating something that's for real.
I'm not sure what, but something.
With the Haudenosaunee, once you are Mohawk you stay Mohawk.
You cannot because Seneca or Oneida just because you don't get along with people within your Nation. Clan meetings are held to work things out. Council meetings are held to discuss matters at great depth and at great length until a decision has been made.
Historically, The Haudenosaunee have always been called the Grandfathers for a reason. Other Nations have held us in high regards because of the strength of our civilization. I'm not bragging, or boasting, but something can be learned here if someone just shut up and listens to the Clanmothers instruct us to do!! I'm not sure who, but someone, anyone.
Humanbeings are the only creatures on the Earth that tries to be something they're not. A Tree doesn't try to be a Cat, and a lizard does not try to be a Crow. All other beings on this earth accept what they are, and they follow the instructions the Creator put inside of them, and that's that. It's called Natural Law.
Saturday, June 10, 2006 America Online: Besanigw [Rhonda Lou nee: Besaw - True]
Page [2. of 3.]
What's the big deal about being or trying to be or wanting to be indian anyway?
I have been indian all my life and never wanted to be Irish, or Greek or anything else. But when it comes to indians, I see different people wanting what we have and wanting to be something they are not, "Indian"
This is some crazy GOINGS ON.
And believe it or not, other Indian Nations are watching and hearing what's going on here in VT and they think it's very strange too. They understand why things are the way they are. They say it can be fixed but it will take a lot of work and time.

My thoughts!
Howard Lyons.

Windhorsewoman windhorsewoman@hughes.net wrote:
Kwai Chief Kimberly Merriam ... with no disrespected intended ... who are you?????
Windhorse Woman [Pam Brosteau of Dandridge, Tennessee who was a "genealogist" for Nancy Millette-Doucet and Brian Chenevert in 2006]

-----Original Message-----
From: Chief Kimberly Merriam
To: Abenaki_news_issues@yahoo.com ; Abenakicountry@yahoo.com ; Billie Largy ; brnewl@peoplepc.com ; ChiefChenevert@CowasuckAbenaki.org ; ChiefLyons@CowasuckAbenaki.Org ; Dan Osgood Sr ; Dawn Macie ; Firstnations@yahoo.com ; Fred Wiseman ; grandfather soaringeagle ; Howard Knight Jr ; Jeff Benay ; Karen Mica ; Lou Annance ; Melody Walker ; Mike Price ; Nancy Cote-Rolls ; Nolka ; Olidahozi@yahoogroups.com ; Paul P.'s Group ; Ralph Swett ; Ray Lussier ; roger longtoe ; Sue O'Neill ; Thomas greywolf ; wing2u@aol.com
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 12:25 PM
Subject: [Olidahozi] Things things taken too far
Kwai Kwai To All,
Some took the original version of our website www.freewebs.com/vermontabenaki personally, so in order to stop all the flaming I have amended it to clarify things... My only intention was to help a family member, and to protect the future of the rest of my family and the generations to come.... So like I have stated before, let us work for the greater good of our people and stop all this backbiteing and flaming...
Anything I have had to say was said directly to the person I had issue with, not making fun or flaming them through web based native sites. Akwanna & Adio
Chief Kimberly Merriam

Anyone with Abenaki lineage looking to join and those who belonged to a Band formerly overseen by Howard Knight and Emerson Garfield, please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Amended---- 6/9/06
Anyone with Abenaki lineage with questions and those who
Page [3. of 3.]
had previous contact with or belonged to a Band formerly overseen by Howard Knight and Emerson Garfield with questions due to Emersons decision, please feel free to contact us. (My apologies for any confusion the former version may have caused. Some took it that I was trying to recruit members from other Bands....NOT my intention.. Just trying to let people know there is a group here in the Northeast VT and those who had earlier contact with Chief Emerson "Spirit Bear" know where he is and how to contact him... Chief Kimberly Merriam.


HERE IS AN ARTICLE FROM: http://cowhampshire.blogharbor.com/blog/_archives/2006/9/9/2294870.html
One such band is the Koasek (Cowasuck) Traditional Abenaki Nation, INCORPORATE, based in Newbury, Vermont. As of May 3, 2006 they were recognized by the State of Vermont as a minority. Two members of this band were appointed to the VT Commission of Native American Affairs by VT Governor Jim Douglas--namely Mark Mitchell (chairman), and Howard Lyons.

I received an email from Nancy Lyons, who is "Lifetime Chief" (along with Brian Chenevert). "Chief" Nancy Lyons was raised in New Hampshire and attended Woodsville Elementary, North Haverhill Elementary, Haverhill Academy and Woodsville High School. Her great-grandmother [Flora Eunice Ingerson - Hunt] was supposedly born in Jefferson, New Hampshire, and her roots go back 8000 (yes, that is eight THOUSAND) years. More B.S.
She has been instrumental in bringing visibility to her kindred native family through cultural events that are open to the public. She founded the Sagakwa which actually means "to rejoice in sexual excitement" Native American Cultural Weekend (to honor her grandmother) in Littleton New Hampshire over ten years ago.
Now a new event called NAWIHLA is slated for 2007. It will honor all the thousands of Abenaki and other Nations and will fulfill the prophecy that "we will one day be returning home." Nawihla is an Abenaki word meaning "I am returning home". NO, in Abenaki the word "nawhila" means to FLY 'home' ... as in migratory geese flying home! Human Beings ... aln8bak do not fly home ... for example, P'mohila ... the WINGED one ... as in ... the word nawhila is applied to birds! NOT humanbeings
After an absence of three hundred years, the Abenaki are returning to the town of Haverhill, New Hampshire. On June 1, 2 and 3, 2007 the Koasek (Cowasuck) Abenaki Nation and many other Nations will celebrate NAWIHLA Native American Cultural Week and Pow Wow. It will be held throughout the Haverhill-Newbury New Hampshire area for a week long celebration and will end the first weekend on June with a three day Pow Wow on the Community Field in Woodsville.
To learn more about this event, or the FRAUDULENT & WANT-TO-BE Koasek, you may call "Chief" Nancy Lyons at 802-234-4095, or send an email to Raymond "Big Bear" LeMay, their Public Affairs Officer at Info@Cowasuckabenaki.org

Brenda Gram Millette

I was Nancy Millette's step-mother for many years. Nancy [Doucet] will take over Satan's spot in time. I am caring for her 84 year old father [Malcolm Dewey Millette] who has undergone Chemo and is Day-at-a-Time with liver cancer spreading. The VA hospital in White River Jct. Vt has issued a no visit or contact on her @ his request & their suggestion. She fills his tired mind with evil lies. He and I have been divorced for over 15 years ..but... came back to ask me to care for him during his last year.
SOURCE: http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Reinvention-of-the-Alleged-Vermont-and-New-Hampshire-Abenaki/326985448988?v=app_2373072738#!/topic.php?uid=326985448988&topic=12911
The Bridge Weekly Sho-Case
June 24, 2010
Page 5
Obituaries - Another obituary on Page 8
Malcolm Millette
North Haverhill, NH - Malcolm Dewey "Mike" Millette, 84, of Indian Corn Mill Road, died at his home on June 14, 2010.
He was born on August 28, 1925, in Haverhill, NH to John T. and Catherine (Dean) Millette.
Mike served in the US Navy from 1943-1946 and again from 1951-1968. During his time in the Navy he served about LST's and destroyers during World War II. Korea and Vietnam. Upon his honorable discharge, he worked as a butcher at Aldrich General Store in North Haverhill and was later employed as a delivery man for Stateline Potato Chips. He was also a cook and maintenance and lawn care worker at The Gardens Assisted Living home in Williamstown, VT. He was a member of the American Legion Rose-Wood Post #20 of Woodsville and the V.F.W. Mike has always enjoyed fishing with his grandson Jason, great grandsons Cameron and Gavin, and dear friend, Bud Carle. Mike had a true love of horses and horseback riding.
Mike was predeceased by a grandson, Scott Wiggins [Nancy Millette's son by way of her marriage to Lanny Wiggins; Scott was born February 09, 1972 in Melrose, Middlesex County, Massachusetts] on November 1, 1993 [in Bath, Grafton County, New Hampshire] and by three brothers, John, Frank, and Harry Millette.
He is survived by four daughters:
Nancy Doucette of Swiftwater, NH
Michelle Millette of Lisbon, NH
Debbie Menard of Lyman, NH
Christal "Crickett" Millette of Willow Springs, NC

Two sons:
Michael Millette of Lisbon
Mark Millette of Landaff, NH

Three step-sons:
Phil Davidson of Woodsville, NH
Perry Davidson of Manchester, NH
Tom Davidson of Williamstown, VT

several grandchildren and great grandchildren

His former wife Brenda Millette Deming of North Haverhill, NH

Three sisters:
Kathleen Brown of Barre, VT
Priscilla Darby of East Ryegate, VT
Bernice Malinoski of East Hartford, CT

and several nieces, nephews, and cousins.
A memorial service for Mike will be on July 10th, at 1 PM at Ross-Wood American Legion Post, 4 Ammonoosuc Street, Woodsville, NH. All are invited to attend.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

More "Nulhegan-Coosuk" Incorporation Papers Regarding A.H.A. "Abenaki Helping Abenaki" Incorporation Documents; Luke Willard, Nancy Cote-Rolls, Chad Abbott; Dawn M. Macie; Gail Girard; Candace Dague:

(Vermont non-profit T.11B, Chapter 14)

Name of corporation:
Nulhegan Band of the Coosuk-Abenaki People

Date of Incorporation:
8/25/04 [August 11, 2004]

Date the dissolution was authorized:
10/21/2004 [October 21, 2004]

APPROVED by a sufficient vote of the board of Directors?
Yes [Checked]

Was member approval required for dissolution?
No [Checked]

Printed name: Nancy-Lee A. Cote - Rolls
Signature: Nancy Lee Cote - Rolls

Title: Director + Registrar
Date: 10/21/04 [October 21, 2004]

[Stamped] 2004 Oct 25 AM 8:59
Corporation Name:
File No: N-2488-0
Type: Vermont
Incorporation Date: 08/25/2004
State of Incorporation: VT
Fiscal Month End: 12
Registered Agent: NANCY COTE-ROLLS
Address: PO Box 944
City State Zip: DERBY LINE VT 05830
Principal Street Address: PO BOX 944
City State Zip: DERBY LINE VT 05830
With/Dissolve: 10/25/2004
Above accurate as of 01/22/2011

Remember Nancy-Lee Cote-Rolls' email to Philip J. Thibault a.k.a. "Soaring Eagle" wherein Nancy (Cote-Rolls) stated "This attachment is meant to dissolve the majority of people within the Nulhegan Band because things were done without the consensus of the entire group and especially w/o permission from the chief and sub chiefs" ... "that Luke Willard was slamming everyone, that he has a personal agenda of his own and that she had much proof documented to back up this statement" ... that "Luke Willard was a young, willful, self-serving, warrior-want-to-be individual"? in an email dated Monday, October 04, 2004 at 11:33 AM.
Page 1 of 3

Nulhegan Band of the Coosuk-Abenaki People, Inc.

Corporation type:
Mutual Benefit

Registerered agent's name:
Dawn Macie [Nancy Cote-Rolls daughter]

Registered agent's address in Vermont:
P.O. Box 1251
Derby Line, VT 05830

Principal office address:
322 Elm Street, Apartment 2
Derby Line, VT 05830

DIRECTOR'S NAMES and Addresses:
1. Dawn Macie
P.O. Box 1251
Derby Line, VT 05830

2. Luke Willard
190 Cross Road
Newport, VT 05855

3. Nancy Cote - Rolls
P.O. Box 944
Derby Line, VT 05830

MEMBERS and Addresses:
1. Chad Abbott
123 Quarry Road
North Hero, VT 05474

2. Gail Girard
P.O. Box 108
Westfield, VT 05874

3. Candace Dague [Dawn Macie's daughter]
322 Elm Street
Derby Line, VT 05830
Page 2 0f 3
Incorporation Purpose:
Native American Tribal Entity & Cultural Awareness.

Do you plan to apply for tax-exempt status with the IRS?
Yes [Checked]

Incorporators Printed Name & Signature:
Dawn M. Macie .... Dawn M. Macie

Incorporators postal address:
P.O. Box 1251
Derby Line, VT 05830

[Stamped] 2006 Feb 15 AM 11:16 [February 15, 2006]
Page 3 of 3
Fee: Non-profit public or mutual benefit corporation ($75.00)

Email address or phone numbre where you can be reached.
(802) 873-3083

[Stamped] Vermont Secretary of State
2006 FEB -6 AM 9:02 [February 06, 2006]
2006 FEB 15 AM 11:16 [February 15, 2006]
Page 1 of 2
Nonprofits and Cooperatives

AHA "Abenaki Helping Abenaki" Inc.

Corporation type:
Public Benefit

Registered agent's name:

Registered agent's address in Vermont:
P.O. Box 1251
Derby Line, Vt. 05830

Principal office address:
P.O. Box 1251
Derby Line, Vt. 05830

DIRECTOR'S NAMES and Addresses:
1. Dawn Macie

P.O. Box 1251
Derby Line, VT 05830

2. Nancy Cote - Rolls
P.O. Box 944
Derby Line, VT 05830

3. Luke Willard
190 Cross Road
Newport, VT 05855

MEMBERS and Addresses:
1. Chad Abbott
123 Quarry Road
North Hero, VT 05474

2. Gail Girard
P.O. Box 108
Westfield, VT 05874

3. Candace Dague [Dawn Macie's daughter]
322 Elm Street
Derby Line, VT 05830

[Stamped] Vermont Secretary of State
2006 MAR -2 AM 10:32 [March 02, 2006]

Page 2 of 2
Incorporation Purpose:
Preservation of Abenaki Culture, Community awareness, charitable endeavors, and outreach.

When did it change, that the Abenaki People had to start INCORPORATING under State Law in order to allegedly preserve their culture, to promote and perpetuate "community awareness", to do charitable endeavors and to conduct outreach? 

State specific provisions here, if applicable:
Upon Dissolution, all assets return to the Nulhegan Band of the Coosuk-Abenaki People.

Do you plan to apply for tax-exempt status with the IRS?
Yes [Checked]

Incorporators Printed Name & Signature:
Dawn Macie .... Dawn Macie

Incorporators postal address:
P.O. Box 1251
Derby Line, Vt. 05830

Email addess or phone number where you can be reached:
(802) 873-3083

2006 MAR -2 AM 10:32 [March 02, 2006]

Links for the September 21, 2004 Nulhegan-Coos Article; Ms. Nancy Snow - Batchelder; Tryphenia Montgomery (nee: Waid) Heath Photo; Flora Ella (nee: Woodward) Elliott-Cass-Woodward Photo's; Charlotte Maria (nee: Robinson) Rollins-Woodward Photo; Cass and Heath Family Photo's:

LINK: http://reinventedvermontabenaki.blogspot.com/2010/09/abenaki-plot-thickenspart-5-september.html Please review this Newspaper Article in the Newport Daily Express DATED SEPTEMBER 21, 2004. Transcription is below.
ABENAKI-L Archives
Archiver > NA-ABENAKI > 2004-10 _______________________________________
From: "Nancy" < okemes@adelphia.net>
Subject: Re: [NA-ABENAKI] VT Local Abenakis forming a new band, seeking state recognition

My Heart goes out to you and your people. May the Great Spirit and Creator be with you all you are all in my prayers. Talk to me anytime. I will listen. I will try to give advise as a elder of the Abenakis.
Phil “Soaring Eagle” Thibault.

----- Original Message -----
From: Nancy Lee Cote-Rolls
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 11:33 AM
To: Grandfather Philip J. Thibault
Subject: First Nations
Kwai Grandfather
This attachment is meant to dissolve the majority of people within the Nulhegan Band from the fact that things were down [done] without the consensus of the entire group and especially without permission from the chief and sub chief.
All of us realize that this has gone far enough and that we have made a horrible mistake by using our hearts to think that someone [Luke Andrew Willard] could change, we were wrong in doing so.
I have tried to talk honorably on your site but cannot stay silent too much longer with this individual [Luke Andrew Willard] slamming everyone. He has a personal agenda of his own and furthermore I have much proof documented to back up this statement.
Do what you want with the letter about the Woodpecker, a wise individual gave this to the group to protect us from the ways of a young, willful, self- serving, warrior-want-to-be individual [Luke Andrew Willard].
My apologies come to you sincerely as I am honored to have your opinions on all things. The majority of the people including the chiefs Raymond Bernier and Charlie Girard have given permission for me to use their names to rectify this situation. Today I have started and it will be done honorably with the consensus of all, for the purpose of today and the tomorrows of our children and their children.
With much love
your Nanny [Nancy Lee nee: Cote – Rolls]
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jan J."
To: < NA-ABENAKI-L@rootsweb.com>
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 3:45 PM

Subject:[NA-ABENAKI] VT Local Abenakis forming a new band, seeking state
From "The Newport Daily Express Tuesday, September 21, 2004 Page 1:
"In Derby Line, Vermont Local Abenakis forming a new band, seeking state recognition"
by Anne L. Squire
Express Staff Writer
Derby Line-For 30 years various groups of Abenakis have petitioned the Legislature and the governors for state recognition. This status would give that group an official status within Vermont."

Photograph caption: "Some of the members of the Nulhegan Band, Cowasuk Abenakis, who are petitioning the Vermont legislature for state recognition.
From left to right, rear, Luke Willard, Dawn Macie (Dancing Light), front row, left to right: Nancy Cote, Silent Thunder, Sparkling Water."

"For most of the 70s and 80s, the most vocal Abenaki group in Vermont was the group at Swanton, under the leadership of Homer St. Francis. That group applied for state recognition, but Attorney General William Sorrell denied their petition in a 254-paged document.
Now, a group of Abenakis, meeting presently in Derby Line has petitioned the governor and the Legislature for state recognition. This group, calling them the Nulhegan band of the Coosuk Abenakis, originally were part of the group that meets at Evansville, under the leadership of Ralph Swett. They left to form their own group. Luke Willard, elected as their war chief, and several members of the group were interviewed Sunday afternoon. 'In only a few months, the group has grown from 15 to around 50,' Willard said.
"They base their request for recognition on family genealogies that go back many generations of Abenaki-descended people who have lived in the Nulhegan watershed area. One of the few land sale records from or to Abenakis is a 200 year old sale of land by an Abenaki named Philip, who sold [illegally] about 300 square miles of territory in the northern Connecticut River-eastern Memphremagog basis area. Philip's band were called "Cowasuk" or "Coosuk" Abenakis," their name deriving from the Abenaki word "Coos," or "Cowas," meaning that they were the 'people who live among the pine trees.'
This group is hoping that their petition will be the one that finally allows at least some Vermont Abenakis to be acknowledged as Vermont's original people." Transcribed by Jan Jordan

SOURCE: http://archiver.rootsweb.ancestry.com/th/read/NA-ABENAKI/2004-10/1096928820
Frederick Matthew Wiseman PhD. could not even do a simple online Internet search when he created this "work" of his entitled "Decolonizing the Abenaki..." so as a REVISIONIST Scholar that he apparently is, he simply "distorted" labeling the Newport Daily Express article as coming from May 16, 2002. Nancy Cote-Rolls and Luke Andrew Willard did not "incorporate" and solicit membership into that organization until AFTER August 2004. Apparently this "professional" "Scholar" from Johnson State College FORGOT to remember what was taught in High School, TO HIS VERIFY SOURCES! He is the coordinator of this concocted "Vermont Indigenous Alliance" founded in 2008, which is composed of these 4 Incorporated ALLEGED and REINVENTED "Abenaki" groups seeking VT State Recognition from the legislature, and one would assume, hope and think, that such a "INSIDE NON INDEPENDENT Scholar" would verify and cross-reference his alleged scholarly "work," to make sure it was accurate. Then again, even the BIA's "Office of Federal Acknowledgement" has retrospectively concluded previously that his "research" was NOT SOURCED, POORLY DONE, and NOT VERIFIED; just like that Federal Agency said and concluded about John Moody too. Now he (Wiseman PhD) wants to take this same shoddy work practise and convince the VT legislature, that this research of his, is accurate?
The Vermont legislature is allegedly supposed to depend on this biased Scholar and the others (already mentioned recently on this blog) to substantiate that these "Abenaki" Incorporate groups are "authentic" Abenaki Tribes? He (Fred Wiseman PhD) couldn't even get an article's publication date cited correctly!
LINK: http://reinventedvermontabenaki.blogspot.com/2010/09/pages-24-38-of-decolonizing-abenaki.html  

From the "Decolonizing the Abenaki..."
by Frederick M. Wiseman PhD.
Ms. Nancy Snow
a mid 19th century Upper Cowass matriarch.
She is wearing early 19th century
silver "ball and cone" earbobs.
 Tryphenia Montgomery (nee: Waid) Heath
NOTICE HER "ball and cone" earbobs!
She is the "real" Upper Cowasuck Matriarch!
She was born June 06, 1844
to Stephen Montgomery Waid and Sarah Sargent
Backport near Fitchbay, Stanstead Co., Qc, Canada
She married David Anson Heath
August 11, 1865
in Derby, Orleans County, Vermont
She died April 02, 1915 in Backport
near Fitch Bay, Qc. Canada
Their son Albert Anson Heath
married to Sarah Jane (nee: Woodward)
whose father's Auntie
was Flora Ella (nee: Woodward) Cass
 Flora Ella (nee: Woodward) Elliott-Cass-Woodward
on the Percy "Old Stage Coach" Road
East Stratford, Coos County, New Hampshire
She is wearing those same 
early 19th century silver "ball and cone" earbobs!
She was a mid 19th century Upper Cowasuk Matriarch too!
She was a healer, plant doctor and a mid-wife as well.
She was born January 21, 1844
Walden, VT or Fitch Bay, Qc, Canada
She married 1st to William Henry Elliott
She married 2nd to Hayden Harley Cass
She married 3rd to Anson Darius Woodward (Sr.)
She died January 23, 1935
East Stratford, Coos County, VT.
In the center is (3rd person from the right) is Flora Ella Woodward-Elliott-Cass-Woodward, to her right is her daughter Nellie Maude Cass-Reed, to Nellie’s daughter Florence Alice Reed-Crocker-Lanpher, to her left is a family friend or neighbor perhaps; Florence Alice (1m. Crocker 2m. Lanpher) is holding onto her daughter Beverly Ruth Lanpher who stands with flowers in her right hand; to Flora Ella Woodward’s right stands either her son Anson Darius Cass a.k.a. Anson Darius (Adrias) Woodward or Benjamin Harrison Woodard from Georgeville, Quebec, Canada. This photograph was taken in East Stratford in the early 1930's
Not only are the family members phenotypically native, the Upper Cowass matriarch, Flora Ella (nee: Woodward) Elliott-Cass-Woodward not only wore mid 19th century silver "ball and cone" earbobs, she even MADE them. In this particular family photograph the Upper Coos matriarch wears a blanket in the historical Indian style for the photograph illustrated.
Flora Ellah Woodward
in her dooryard
East Stratford, Coos County, NH
 Not only are the family descendant members (pictured below) phenotypically native, the Coos matriarch wears her hair in the historical Indian style for the photograph illustrated above.
Anson Darius Woodward Jr. with his mother
Flora Ella nee: Woodward
on the Front Porch in East Stratford
on the old Cross Road
in the 1930's
 Osman "Harley or Hayden" Cass
Son of Flora Ella Woodward-Elliott-Cass-Woodward
He was born March 15, 1868
Magog, Quebec, Canada
and died
May 13, 1954
Newark, Caledonia County, Vermont
Dexter Woodward
Son of Darius Anson Woodward and Lucy Ann (nee: Pratt)
Born May 05, 1875
East Haven, Essex County, Vermont
Died September 21, 1960
Jefferson, Coos County, New Hampshire
He married to Lillian Martha (nee: Hosford)
who was also Abenaki also
(1/8th or 1/16th of a measuring cup, of Abenaki Indian)
Photograph taken in Jefferson/ Riverton, Coos County, New Hampshire
His Ancestors came from an 8,000 year old
Abenaki Indian Village in Jefferson, New Hampshire!
 James Henry Cass (Sr.) with his brother
Osman "Hayden or Harley" Cass
Son's of Flora Ella (nee: Woodward) Elliott-Cass-Woodward
 Avery "Tinker" William Hayden Cass
Son of James H. Cass (Sr.) and Emily "Emma" Jane (nee: Baird)
She was the dau. of Avery Baird and Minnie (nee: Woodward)
Avery was born November 02, 1911
Groveton, Coos County, New Hampshire
He died November 06, 1974
Hanover, Grafton County, New Hampshire
James Henry Cass (Jr.) with his father (Sr.)
East Stratford or Groveton, Coos County, New Hampshire
James (Sr.) was born April 09, 1869
Stanstead or Fitch Bay, Quebec, Canada
He married Emily "Emma" Jane (nee: Baird)
His "round about" cousin "of sorts"
He married Sarah Anne (nee" Emery)Briggs
who was from Everton, England
Her sister Beatrice Annie (nee: Emery)
married to George Elmer Woodward, son of Charles Woodward
and Amanda Ann (nee: Brown)
He married to Lillian Sarah (nee: Roberts) Hopps
James Henry Cass (Sr.) died May 01, 1953
Groveton, Coos County, New Hampshire
James (Sr.)'s son Thomas James Cass
Born February 09, 1923 in Groveton, New Hampshire
Died October 16, 1996
(on Thomas J. Cass' Death Certificate it states Ancestry "English/Indian")
(Under "RACE" on the same document it indicates "White")
Real Photograph Post Card
Heath-Woodward Family
Prior to January 17, 1922
Front Row, left to right: 2nd woman is:
Sylvia Jane (nee: Heath) Woodward
Dau. of David Anson Heath & Tryphenia M. (nee: Waid)
She was born August 16, 1889
Stanstead, Quebec, Canada
Married Frank Edward Woodward
(Seated to her left)
Son of Charles Woodward & Amanda Brown
May 01, 1911
Fitch Bay, Stanstead Co., Qc, Canada
She died January 17, 1922
(other Relatives are in the Photo as well)
Such as Albert Anson Heath
and his wife
Sarah Jane (nee: Woodward) Heath
Just look at them phenotypically native (Indian physical characteristics), 'high' cheek bones, dark brown eyes; and the women's fancifully decorated hats. Probably this Postcard indicates a Native Community of Abenakis living in the Fitch Bay, Stanstead County, Quebec, Canada geographical area. Sarah Jane (nee: Woodward) Heath's son Roy Heath was married Newport, Vermont to his wife, but he lived in Brown's Hill, Stanstead County, and Fitch Bay, Qc, including Magog, Quebec, Canada.
 Charlotte Maria (nee: Robinson) Rollins - Woodward
She was a mid-19th century Upper Coos Matriarch.
She is wearing early 19th century silver "ball and cone" earbobs.
She was born March of 1834
Hatley, Stanstead County, Quebec, Canada
the daughter of George Robinson
and his second wife Sarah (nee: Taylor) Robinson - Rollins/Rawlins
She married to Asa Rollins Jr.
December 01, 1857 in Hatley, Quebec, Canada
She married to Alonzo John Woodward
March 06, 1865 in Hatley, Quebec, Canada
She died November 26, 1890
Stuttgart, Phillips County, Kansas

Now, which one of these women was the REAL "Matriarch" of the "UpperCowass/Koasek/Coos/Coosuk "Abenaki" ? All of these women wore these "ball and cone" earbobs of the early to late 19th century. All of these women are ALLEGEDLY "Abenaki" according to their families, and within their descendants families. UNLESS of course, one 19th century matriarch took from the other and passed them from one to another. I hardly doubt that happened.
Amanda Ann (nee: Brown) Woodward
daughter of
David Brown and Mary (nee: Robinson)
who was sister to Charlotte Maria (nee: Robinson)
Rollins - Woodward
She was born December 01, 1847
Hatley, Stanstead County, Quebec, Canada
Married to Charles E. Woodward
March 05, 1866
Hatley, Stanstead County, Quebec, Canada
She died April 14, 1905 in Stanstead, Qc, Canada
Her sister Amelia Maria (nee: Brown) married
William Henry Elliott February 26, 1869
aft. he and Flora Ella (nee: Woodward) left their marriage
Minnie "Isobel" "Isabel" (nee: Woodward)
She was born January 26, 1871
Dalton, Coos County, New Hampshire
She died May 20, 1933
Northumberland, Coos County, New Hampshire
Minnie Isobel (nee: Woodward) Baird - Paige
Daughter of Charles E. Woodward and Amanda (nee: Brown)
Katie "Amanda" Beatrice (nee: Baird) Ball-Herson-Dingman
She was born August 11, 1896
Bolton Mines, Richmond County, Qc. Canada
to Avery William Baird (on the left) and Minnie (nee: Woodward)
She married to Edwin Edward Ball (on the right)
June 14, 1913
Groveton, Coos County, New Hampshire
Infant is Martha Elizabeth Jane Ball born
February 16, 1914
Groveton, Coos County, New Hampshire
Katie died November 10, 1980
Lancaster, Coos County, New Hampshire

Family "oral tradition" states that when she (Katie Baird) went to find her birth record document, by crossing into the Province of Quebec, Canada, in later years in her life, going from Groveton, Coos County, New Hampshire up to the Border. Katie was "afraid she might not be able to re-cross the border back into the United States." She screamed in fearful, that she was going to be detained in Quebec, Canada forever, and NEVER see her home and family again, when her husband drove the car southward, returning to the Border, to come back into the United States. This paragraph was an "oral" story told to Douglas Lloyd Buchholz by Josephine Ball in Gilman, Vermont.

According to some, it was a policy that modern day Abenakis were "genealogical frauds." For Katie (nee: Baird) Ball-Herson-Dingman's descendant's, that policy belied everything they had learned as children about their ancestors. Katie was raised by her grandmothers, who kept the old ways by always opening their homes and hearts to other Abenaki in need. She lived with her great-grandmother's so it was said. Katie's ancestor's sister, Flora Ella (nee: Woodward) Cass, a "Koasek" medicine woman who, even after becoming frail in her old age, knew where to find ginsing and other traditional medicinal plants. Flora's basement was crammed with butternuts that her (Katie's) grandmother's ground to make cookies and cakes, and with maple syrup made from the sap she helped her grandfather's harvest and transport by sleigh. Katie's elderly relative, Flora, made the best cakes around, and the largest Biscuits around the North Country. Also "hidden" away in that house was the "liquid dynamite" in bottles, that would be hauled down from Quebec, Canada by the next door neighbors, the Portique's, Levi and Flora (nee: Baron). No child was ever allowed to go into the root cellar.
Katie's childhood (or maybe it was her mother, Minnie's?) as she told it, was filled with mystery and wonder. Katie's descendant remembers a time when she was eight or nine when a light bulb in the ceiling unscrewed itself and a ray of light circled clockwise around the room. Sitting at the kitchen table her grandmother announced that her grandfather had just passed over. The light bulb then went back on and a moment later the phone rang. It was the local hospital in Lancaster, New Hampshire calling to inform Katie's grandmother of her husband's death. One of Katie's granddather's chores as a child was to take down and comb Katie's  (or maybe it was Flora Ellah's?) waist-length hair. (See the photograph of Katie's beautiful long braided hair that she wore up in a historical Indian style).
It was during these intimate moments that the relative taught her descendant the values that .... Katie's descendant (or maybe it was Flora's descendant) lives by today: to take care of others, especially those who are sick or in need; to be thankful; to pay attention to and interpret their dreams; and to do everything they do in life, from the heart. As her great grandmother laying dying, Katie (nee: Baird) Ball-Herson-Dingman's promised "that when she grew up she would find her people and help them". "That has been the drive behind everything the descendants of Katie Baird would do in their lifetimes," Katie Baird's descendant said.

The ABOVE "story" about Katie "Amanda" Beatrice (nee: Baird) is not really about her (except the part about the Border Crossing situation). The family has yet to find and obtain her birth record). 
I created this "story", based on Nancy Millette-Cruger-Lyons-Doucet's retrospective confabulutions, in the Ellen L. Lutz article, about her ancestor Flora Eunice "Una Ana" (nee: Ingerson) Hunt, of Woodsville, New Hampshire.
"Vermont Indigenous Alliance"
5% percent accurate [maybe]
95% deceptions, deceitfulness and dishonesty
According to the Criteria of S.222
created by Frederick Matthew Wiseman PhD
I just submitted "genealogy"

Is there any CLEAR and CONVINCING
that these people were

Oh, but I satisfied the letter of the law on S.222.

Vermont's legislature signed into law (that Frederick Matthew Wiseman PhD. helped create) in 2010 this flawed bill S.222 Abenaki Recognition Bill, and by that law's existence and criteria (which stinks to high heaven no matter how one tries to look at it), these Inc.'d "Abenaki" groups of this concocted "Alliance" have met those criteria (that is so loose and fluid ... wishy washy) and supposedly these groups "Chiefs" scream repeatedly that their groups deserve State Recognition? But are these groups actually connected to the Vermont Abenakis?

Again, I have shown and provided on this blog some of my ancestor's and their descendants "genealogy" and photographs.

We were "externally identifying" (some of us) as "Native Americans" and we were (some of us) "externally identified" as "Native Americans", by other people, especially since 1971.

Does that mean we have to slither up the VT legislative steps to demand we be officially recognized by the legislature, to "get back our identity"? Or approach this corrupted Commission on Native American Affairs, that is nearly 100% appointee's from these Incorporations claiming to be "Abenakis" while these very same people denigrate others who claim the same ethnic heritage, and while this "Alliance" bad-mouths and insults the very Abenakis Ancestors descendants these groups claim to be connected to?

We, in this family, have had the "phenotypical looks" and our Ancestral Women Matriarch's in the family also wore those mid 19th century "ball and cone" earrings. Even a blanket was wore in typical historical Indian style by Flora Ella Woodward!

Oh darn, WE as a family, didn't INCORPORATE in 1976 (or even in 2004 - 2006); and subsequently nor did we SOLICIT MEMBERSHIPS from others, issuing them Membership Cards, create a Constitution, or write up By-Laws, to become ALLEGED and REINVENTED "ABENAKI TRIBES" ....  to be sanctioned by the Vermont or New Hampshire legislature's in 2011. We also don't have Cowasuck High Chief's or High Sheriff's either.

I suppose we can't be Abenakis, Koasek, Cowasuck, Coos, or Coosuk anymore, and we can't get our "Abenaki"/ "Native American identity" back either?

Maybe I'll cry later... or then again... maybe I won't.

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