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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Howard F. Knight Jr. June 01, 1985 Chief's Log Page; March 1993 Pages 13 to 23 Chiefs Log Authored by Howard Franklin Knight Jr:

June 01, 1985
@ 12:15 PM
A. Norwich, Vermont at the Farmer's Market. Howard F. Knight Jr. ran into John Scott Moody, the researcher for A.S.H.A. [Abenaki Self-Help Association Incorporated] of Swanton. Exchanged pleasantries then he told me not to anger Jim Medor of A.S.H.A. as dangerous foe, even to my life.
B. Agreed with me that evidence now shows considerable settlements of Abenaki at "Pompy", Thetford Center (just south of bridge and back up into Swanee Bean and in Vershire and Newbury. Thetford settlement as early as 1704.
C. Need to do following to get Federal Recognition;
1. Prove these families that are majority part American Indian going back to earliest known times in and around Thetford, ones that lived prior to arrival of Whiteman and who remained taking basically Whiteman's ideals. Look at following;
a. History of Family Troubles: Alcohol, trouble with Law, Anti-Social Behavior, Juvenile Delinquency.
b. Such families considered outcasts, such as Manning's, Pero's, etc, Knight, etc.
2. Establish Genealogy for 1/64th or more.
3. Work very quietly and keep at it.
4. Consider the families who still live basically their own style outside main stream society and have since early days - continuity of families in area.
5. Just don't anger Swanton - things will work out in time. Clear any major project with Swanton or else. I could get hurt very bad or worse. I asked if I was being threatened. He [John Moody] made it very clear "Blackie" [Leonard Miles Lampman] nor Homer [Homer Walter St. Francis Sr.] accept any bullshit as Swanton's the main place of business as it applies to Abenaki issues - I best to remember it.
I am SHOWING and PROVIDING but a very small fraction of the documentation I have in my possession ... that have been "outsourced" to other people. These documents came from within this so-called "Abenaki Community" [these various Incorporation's throughout New England] so please, do not assume that these historical/hysterical "Abenaki" documents, were "stolen" from either Howard F. Knight Jr. nor from his sidekick buddy/cronie Paul Wilson Pouliot in the past. I can legally, in a Court of Law SHOW and PROVIDE the evidence, and substantiate these documents are not obtained by illegal means. These documents were given to my person legally and without hesitation by various persons associating themselves with these "Abenaki" incorporation's, who claim to be Abenaki Tribes.
It is time (sooner than later, yet as time allows) that these revealing "Abenaki" documents come to the awareness of the general public of VT and NH etc. I will be putting a chronological string of a portion of these documents on this blog presently, yet do not assume that I have merely and only these documents. I have a lot more of these "Chief's Logs" from Howard F. Knight Jr. etc; and much more than these particular documents. Eventually, I will place ALL of these documents onto this blog. Please be patient, as I continue to place the documents on the blog.
06 March 1996 [1993?]
09:00 hours
Spirit Wind called [Robert Maynard] - All is well, no happenings, evidently Arthur Marchand is quiet.
1500 hours - Spirit Wind called. Paul Wilson Pouliot called earlier, and he and Paul discussed many things. It is the 1st time Spirit Wind felt that Paul was fairly open with him.
1. Paul Pouliot admitted that he is very slow. Also he feels maybe it is time for the Tribal Band to split and a 2nd group to be formed here in Vermont (Paul may have said it "Tongue in Cheek", but when Spirit Wind quickly agreed, Paul kind of stepped back to some degree. Paul may yet go with the formation of a 2nd Coos group, but under me, my leadership.
2. They discussed other methods of getting things done, to include a letter to the Governor of Vermont regards that we are here (the Coos) and a moderate alternative to the Swanton group led by Homer St. Francis. Also,
3. He (Spirit Wind) and Paul talked about my contacting Vermont Representatives regarding Alternative to Homer and our willingness to establish talks.
4. Paul will write a letter to Governor Howard Dean regarding the Coos. Also, he will consider splitting the Coos into at least 2 groups.
5. Spirit Wind [Robert Maynard] and I then discussed the possibility of a Coos Confederation, how it would work and representation; also, how Homer St. Francis Sr. would act (NOT VERY GOOD but Tough Shit).
Page 12.

06 March 1993
6. Also he and I discussed about Inc. and formation of a Coos Legal Division that would include a Legal Dept. with a Prosecutor and a Defender, Paralegals and a Court with a Chief Judge and two Associate Judges. Spirit Wind likes the idea. Once this is done, we could solicit $$ Donors; we both agree this is a necessity. With good funding from reliable sources, we'd be in real good shape.
7. We discussed hose who would come with the new Coos Band; Approximately 125 people.
Knight - Green Turtle Clan
Maynard - Holbrook - Black Turtle Clan
Seymour - Bear Clan
Garfield - Bear Clan
Pero - Deer Clan
Palmer/ Manning -
Carter -
8. We then discussed the composition of a Tribal band and Nation plus a Confederacy. We have the Ability of being a separate entity-Nation.

(06 March 1993)
@ 23:17 hours
Called and talked with Liz Smith (Whispering Wind) in Placerville, California. We discussed George Dealey.
1. Yes, he has been observed loading a vehicle.
2. He is known to have the following weapons.

A. An Auto Pistol
B. 2 16 gauge shotguns (Police type)
C. An automatic weapon (fully Auto)
Page 13.
06 March 1993 - Continued
D. A Heavy Rifle
E. She believes it to be a Long-range .308 with a 5 or 6 power scope
F. He is not in jail as was told by Roger "Running Elk" Desharnais

3. He is known to be an excellent shot.
4. He is still ripping-mad at me [Howard F. Knight Jr.] and I am going to pay. She knows he is wrong in his attitude. "towards me". "He has only himself to blame as he is a Liar, a Thief and a Pervert."
5. On thing the cop's don't realize is that somewhere he has learned to use Oriental long blade swords and he does know how to use them, as well as knives. She stated, "Chief Howard, once I find out he's gone, I'll let you know; PLEASE, once he's gone, WATCH YOUR BACK, THIS SORRY PERVERT IS DANGEROUS. HE WANTS YOUR HIDE". "HIS FRIENDS IN MASS. have him wound up Like a Rubber Band." Bright Eyes also pleaded that I be very careful.
6. She stated, "I told Dealey that you didn't take his G---- D----d Tipi, but he called me a Liar." We agreed that she would have known since she was the one that took me and Ambassador Running Elk and Descharnais to the Airport. [Specifically, Howard F. Knight Jr. is referring to "going out to El Dorado County, CA or San Francisco, CA with Descharnais, a representative for Homer St. Francis' group, for the Sherrie Devee-Jinks-LaBatt Child Custody/ Kidnapping legal "situation" in the previous September 1992 ... wherein Homer St. Francis Sr. of Swanton, VT and Howard Knight Jr. of Newport tried to use that Judicial situation, that they themselves "cooked up" together "an alliance with each other", attempting to use the Indian Child Welfare Act to "recognize" their "Abenaki Nation" "Abenaki Tribes" etc of Vermont...through the Judicial Altercation(s) Scotten and DeVee were having regarding their perspective spouses and children with the State of California] She knew what we took. Dealey has jumped her and he's accused her of taking his Tipi.
7. Liz's husband prevented Liz from being clobbered by George Dealey when he went there about his Tipi and his "junk".
8. Regards Sherrie A. Devee - she left Tuesday for Oregon - She has gone.
Page 14.
06 March 1993 - Continued
9. Terri Scotten in and out of jail, out on bail and she has a ball-busting lawyer who won't back down. Terri has a fair to good chance of not going to jail, also her lawyer has picked up on the Coos cases and added Genocide to the list of charges against the Abenaki people by the State of California. He is causing quite a stir out there. As she said, "He's a ball buster".
10. Her lawyer had to narrow the case to only the specific tribe Terri belongs to, by Federal Court Judge's order.....
According to the Incorporation "Northeast Woodlands - Coos Band - Abenaki Republic - Algonkian Confederation - Pisowakamigw Wobanakiak's" "Tribal Rolls" Membership list:
Page No. 10 12/04/92
Terri C. Scotten
Membership Card: Card Number: 649
DOB: 09/07/1955
Address: 3188 Carson Road
Placerville, California 95667
Terri C. Scotten and her family became members of this Incorporation claiming to be the Cowasuck Abenaki Tribe within Vermont led by Howard F. Knight Jr., in about mid-1992 probably about the same time as did Sherrie Devee-Jinks-LaBatt and Paul Wilson Pouliot's immediate families.
....(means the Coos of the Abenaki Nation - they dropped the Abenaki Nation out of the case).
11. As to Barbara_Z-., she has disappeared.
12. Ed, the Medallion maker, He died. He was all eaten up with Cancer. His gall-bladder burst. He lived only about 1-2 hours after surgery. He never knew what exactly was wrong and he didn't suffer very long. He died 2-3 weeks ago. She didn't go to his funeral as she prefers to remember them the way they were.
13. Discussed Roger "Running Elk". She believes he was not honest. Definitiely, Terri should have had her or I awakened and he would not have been able to get away with his crap of forcing her to go.
14. Sherri DeVee, all she will say is that if she comes to Vermont (or New England) we watch out. She is not mad at me but she is mad at Arthur Marchand, his friends and the St. Francis/Sokoki Abenaki Amb. [Ambassador] for Homer St. Francis, Roger "Running Elk" Descharnais of Massahcusetts. I explained regards Arthur J. Marchand.
Page 15.
She said good but, the Amb. (Roger), if she comes East, wish she hadn't. She now knows that he was trying to screw me as the Chief he'll pay dearly. She may go to his house and present herself, to his wife as his wife from California. She'd "wring it (the truth) out of him; if need be, of his conspiracy with DeVee and Wisehawk [Arthur J. Marchand] even before Roger and I came out there. She now realizes that the remarks of "not bothering the Chief w/ the details" meant about the plans to come East by DeVee. Also, Roger Descharnais and Wisehawk discussed DeVee and Terri Scotten coming East while we were there, but at 1st she didn't put it together due to her only hearing bits and pieces of the various conversations. Also she is aware of Roger and Arthur and his lady friend being in contact with DeVee after she came back but never concerned with Terri Scotten who has took [sic] the wrap, and she has told all she knows to the El Dorado County authorities and some Federal agents (she doesn't know if they were FBI or what). Roger, Arthur and his friends are the hook. I'm not.
Roger (per the telephone bill) called Swanton two or three times while we were there. What was said, she doesn't know. Made them after I went to bed.
Page 16.
According to the Incorporation "Northeast Woodlands - Coos Band - Abenaki Republic - Algonkian Confederation - Pisowakamigw Wobanakiak's" "Tribal Rolls" Membership list:
Animal Talker ... Nathan
Page 05 - 12/04/1992
DeVee Family
Nathan J. DeVee
Membership Card Number: 17
DOB: 04/16/1980
4330 Harness Track Road
Camino, California 95709

Roaring Thunder ... Chad
Page 10 - 12/04/1992
Scotten Family
Chad Johnson
Membership Card Number: 654
DOB: 03/07/1991
3188 Carson Road
Placerville, California 95667

Mystery Woman ... Terri
Scotten Family
Terri C. Scotten
Membership Card: Card Number: 649

DOB: 09/07/1955
Address: 3188 Carson Road
Placerville, California 95667

Graceful Speller ... Kaila

Scotten Famly
Kayla Johnson
Membership Card Number: 653
DOB: 06/24/1988
Address: 3188 Carson Road

Placerville, California 95667

Sunshine ...Jassalyn
Scotten Family
Jesslyn Scotten
Membership Card Number: 651
DOB: 09/16/1978
Address: 3188 Carson Road

Placerville, California 95667

Morning Star ... Darla
Scotten Family
Darlene Stevenson
Membership Card Number: 652
DOB: 07/25/1984
Address: 3188 Carson Road
Placerville, California 95667


Dancing Eyes ... Connie Bird Smith
Deer Walker ... Charlie W. LaBatt Sr. or Jr.
Warrior Woman ... Sherrie A. DeVee-Jinks-LaBatt
Autumn Song
Gentle Moose
Mother of Pearls ... Louise
07 March 1993
@1900 hours
Called Roland Demers. Discussed getting Recognition for Coos, and associated bands only, from Becancour (W8linak). He stated:
1. He has but R. Price in place re: Coos and he (Price) is out of the picture. Has even apologized for the ruckus stated by him in November.
2. He plans to push to get a NEW Document from Becancour that empahtically states that they recognize all Abenaki, especially the Cowasuck (Coos) and Allied Bands.
3. He feels that Paul Wilson Pouliot, Robert Maynard and I Howard F. Knight Jr., plus Paul [Paul Rene Tamburro] should be at any meeting he can set up. He will definitely skew the Declaration towards the Coos; Homer St. Francis Sr. be damned.
@09:15 hours
Talked with Spirit Wind [Robert Maynard]. Discussed California call to Liz Smith by me. He feels this nails Roger "Running Elk" Descharnais. He thinks it is funny re: Liz showing up on Roger's doorstep and saying she's his Calif. wife. He hopes it comes about. Roger's wife would go Ballistic and he would be out the door hoping the door didn't hit him in the ass.
@13:00 hours
Tom "BlackCrow" called. The Beaver Clan of the Winooski are pulling back from the Swanton Group due to the Becancour Resolution, even to pulling out and dropping membership w/ Swanton, those that are registered w/ Swanton - @1/4 of the Beaver Clan.
1. They are now asking that the Cowasuck (Coos) extend to the Beaver Clan and Winoooski Tribal Band recognition-Officially.
2. That I be the assigned Diplomatic Representative to the Winooski from the Coos.
3. In return, I am to advise the Coos Council and all bands of the Coos and all Clans, as of now, they will
Page 17.
07 March 1993 - Continued
extend Diplomatic Recognition from them to the Coos.
4. They are pulling same from Homer St. Francis Sr. and the Swanton Group and from Odanak and giving it to Becancour.
5. They will follow the recognition (Oral and written) with written recongition from them. Tom "BlackCrow" will come here one night (and put it all in writing)
This coming week. Wants me to check and see if it is agreeable to the Coos Council ASAP. I promisted him I would do so. I made it clear that I didn't know what the response would be as to their requests, but I promised again to at least let Chief Spirit Hawk Paul Wilson Pouliot know.
6. The Beaver Clan of the Winooski plan to issue a letter-Resolution of Recognition of Arthur Bill Seymour as the only Chief of the Missisquoi. If Homer St. Francis Sr. doesn't like it. Tough Cookies. He (Black Crow) will get Bill's [Arthur William Seymour?] full name and address when he comes over.
7. They also feel we should develop Articles of Assoc. for the rebirth of the old Coos-Winooski-Pennacook Alliance (this subject could be broached in the formal Document of Recognition if it is possible).
8. They plan to Formally recognize Becancour and ask if our Emmisary could arrange their recognition of the Beaver Clan of the Winooski at the same time that we plan to do so.

13:38 Hours
Called Spirit [Robert Maynard] re: Tom Black Crow i.e. Telecom.
Spirit Wind is estactic with the prospect of the implications. He plans to call and let Paul [Paul Rene Tamburro and or Paul Wilson Pouliot] know and they discuss how the Coos will proceed.

22:31 hours
Damned if it not be Spirit Wind. He called and he did call and talk to Paul [probably "Spirit Hawk" Paul Pouliot]. They have discussed a Confederation of Coos by various bands such as;
1. The Coos of So. N.E. [Southern New England] - directly under Spirit Hawk [Paul Wilson Pouliot].
2. The Coos of No. N.E. [Nothern New England] - H.F.K. [Howard Franklin Knight Jr.] (Reactivated Retired Chief).
3. The Coos of S.E. [South Eastern] Townships Quebec - R. [Roland] Demers
4. The Coos of Calif. [California], Ore. [Oregon] and Nev. [Nevada] - Nickles
5. The Coos of the So. U.S. - Lynn Sherman
All under the Grand Chief of the Coos Council of North America. Additionally, I would be brought out of Retirement and be the Active Band Chief of the Coos of No. N.E. [Northern New England] and Ambassador to the St. [State] of VT. [Vermont] and S.E. Quebec. Suddenly, Paul Pouliot is favorable to the idea, except the Grand Chief (idea to be sprung on him).
Spirit Wind [Robert Maynard] discuss w. Spirit Hawk [Paul W. Pouliot] how we got involved in the 2 Fed. Ct. actions and who has just re-activated the Calif. Case and modified it for Genocide. He also briefed him how Arthur J. Marchand got us into the mess due to jealosy and how we straightened it out w/ the result that now DSS-Mass [Massachusetts State Department of Social Services] is on the verge of recognizing the Coos and Allied bands of the Pennacook and the Winooski and (thereby it is not my fault. Paul Pouliot is now looking at me in a very different light. Clearly, Paul has a different outlook, to a degree, then he had earlier.
Page 19.

My Response:
As one can review from the above documents, which are a fraction of the documents regarding Howard F. Knight Jr. that exist (and which will be placed on this blog in due time, the man retired, re-actived, stepped down, and retired again repeatedly throughout the 1990's. Always creating an excuse or concocted reasoning to place himself in the position of POWER (Chief, High Chief, or Grand Chief) the "Chief" of the alleged and re-invented Abenakis, no matter the geographical location(s) were simply making up Corporations using the names Cowasuck, Abenaki, Winooski, Missisquoi, and even Pennacook in an attempt to attach themselves (as Inc. Presidents turned Chiefs and their followers turned solicited Tribal memberships) to Abenaki Ancestry they didn't have. Certainly, these were making up Abenaki Culture and claimed heritage to the historical Abenakis without a shred of awareness of just what that Abenaki Culture or heritage actually was. Paul Wilson Pouliot, Paul Rene Tamburro and Robert Maynard were actively associating with Howard F. Knight Jr. created and manipulatively and deceptively against others, and even against each other. Howard F. Knight Jr. seemingly has a paranoid streak in his personality as well. Paul Pouliot also had a paranoid dynamic to his personality too, so I have heard.
Abenaki "Culture Vultures" with their many Corporate-created state-sanctioned "Abenaki" Club's, I would suspect these "Chief's" had every reason to keep looking behind their shoulders all the time, and be paranoid. Their deceptions, their distortions and their dishonesty was their Boogie-Man Monster-Under-Their-Bed's that these Chief's were afraid of.
Who would have thought back in the early 1990's that it would be a "Wannabe-Abenaki" BLOG such as this, that will be full of their own hysterial (oops, "historical") and enduring "Abenaki" Corporation and Related Documents, (that these "Chief's" created by FRAUD) that would haunt these self-proclaiming "Chiefs", "High Chiefs" "Hereditary Chiefs" and or "Grand Chiefs"? Where is the "Cowasuck High Sheriff" when you need one? These people ought to be arrested and put away (incarcerated) for their created and perpetuated lies, deceitfulness, and being the Abenaki/Wabanaki "Culture Vultures", against the Abenakis that these Corporation's have been all along!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

June 13, 1992 Appropriating Inappropriately the Native Village of Atmautluak Traditional Elders Tribal Council Resolution #86-05 By Howard Franklin Knight Jr.:

Page [1.]
This idea/Modified for defining Coos Territory
Approved 13 June 1992 (8-0 Vote) "H.F.K."
Ahhhh. So NOW one can "see" and review the sleazy manipulative deceitful deceptive, dishonest "Chief" Howard Franklin Knight, Jr. USING other legitimate Native People's to attempt a substantiation of himself and this created North Eastern Woodlands Coos Vermont Incorporation! REMEMBER that it was either June or July 1992 when Sherrie A. (nee: Devee) Jinks - LaBatt of California (and now Oregon) and also the COWASS North America, Inc. "Chief" Paul Wilson Pouliot (then of Worcester, MA and now Alton, New Hampshire) had (restrospectively-speaking) joined Howard Franklin Knight, Jr.'s Alleged and Reinvented Cowasuck Abenaki Tribe.
Both of which are
Wannabe Abenaki
Culture Vulture Clubs!
simply just
Page [2.]
Here one see's again
Paul Rene Tamburro's "Stick-Em" Note
which reads (and I quote)
"An Alaskan native resolution - was being used
by Howard F. Knight as a model,
when Paul W. Pouliot wasn't chief
to put together the new gov't of Cowasuck"
Page [3.]
Page [4.]
Howard Franklin Knight Jr. uses the word (as it does here on this page of this appropriated documentation) "suzerain" in his other "mouthy pontificating illusions" of his pompous inflated egotistical literary diatribes. Now one knows where he got the wordage from.
su·ze·rain means: A nation that controls another nation in international affairs but allows it domestic sovereignty.
The word suzerain was originally used to describe the relationship between the Ottoman Empire and its surrounding geographical regions. It differs from the word "sovereignty" in that the tributary has some (often limited) self-rule. Kind of what one describe as a Federally Acknowledged BIA Native American Tribe: 
"Limited Sovereignty"
Page [1a.]
There is no Howard Knight Jr. writing on this Page,
as there was on the same before.
Page [4.]
Approved with Modification -
to N.E.W.- Coos to flex authority immediately
(8-0 vote) H.F.K.
On this particular page a person can see that Howard Franklin Knight Jr. in his North Eastern Woodlands - Coos Tribe Inc. "Association" "Confederation" "Republic" through his egotistically inflated delusions of "flexing authority immediately" indicates he must have been watching too many reruns of the Bionic Man or maybe Wonder Woman every night, while wearing that commercially made fake-feathered "Western Plains Indian" Headdress! Perhaps the alleged and reinvented Cowasuck "High Chief" Howard Knight Jr. of Orleans County, Vermont should have stayed in the Sherwood Forest with his "Cowasuck Abenaki High Sheriff"? Maybe Howard Knight Jr. was simply still "entertaining himself mentally" in the Cowasuck Abenaki "Land of Oz", yet again?
Page [1.]
On this particular page Howard F. Knight Jr. wrote "The Resolution approved with changes for N.E.W.- Coos name inserted and contact to be made ASAP; this date 13 June 1992 (7-0 vote, 1 abstained) H.F.K."
This document pertains to The Indigenous Peoples, Tribes, Villages and Nations of Alaska. The Second Assembly of the Combined Traditional Council of Elders.
[NOTICE the words "Council of Elders"]
Page [2.]
Page [3.]
Approved w/ modifications for the N.E.W.-Coos
13 June 1992 HFK
(7-0 Yea! 1 abstained)
Page [4.]
Page [5.]
Page [6.]
Approved and modified for use by N.E.W.-Coos
(8-0 vote) 13 June 1993 H.F.K.
Compact of Free Association
Sample Resolution
Page [7.]
Page [8.]
"Approved as Modified to N.E.W.-Coos name inserted instead of...
H.H.K. 13 June 1992"
Aleknagik Traditional Council Ordinance
Racketeering Enterprises
Page [9.]
19 February 1993
To Whom It Concerns:
I, Arthur Wm. "Bill" Seymour, of 36 Walnut Street, Burlington, Vermont 05401, do hereby declare the following,
1. The Missisquoi Band of the Abenaki Nation formally signed Articles of Association on 17 November 1977 after being a formative stage for a period of about 3 years; During that Formative Period, The Missisquoi Band signed The Articles of Confederation on 10 August 1975, with other Abenaki Bands.
2. I, Chief Arthur William "Bill" Seymour, was the only elected Chief of the Missisquoi Band of the Abenaki Nation of Vt. The Missisquoi Band was totally Disbanded after the Abenaki Nation Incorporated in 1980.
3. I, Chief Arthur Wm. "Bill" Seymour, was ousted illegally by an Election Fraud committed by Ballot Box Stuffing, committed by (though not proven) Kent Ouimette who at the time was Homer St. Francis's Administrator of the Sokoki Band of the Abenaki Nation. Kent Ouimette was fired due to this incident.
4. After this election, a 2nd Election was held within 30 to 45 days and Homer was elected by a Landslide. He then resigned and "Blackie" Lampman was elected Chief of the Sokoki Band of the Abenaki Nation.
5. The Resolution by R. Phillips, "Bill" Seymour and W. Hoague were acted upon and approved in 1976-1977.
6. The Pero Family are accurate as to their statements regards [sic] Abenaki Tradition.
Respectfully Submitted,
Chief Arthur Wm. "Bill" Seymour
36 Walnut St.
Burlington, VT 05401
Richard G. Carter
Minnie F. Knight

I certify this is a true copy of original letter dated 19 February 1993
Roger C. Simoneau

My Response:
Concerning this last document in this posting, dated 13 February 1993... this particular document was created about the same time that Howard Franklin Knight, Jr. was expecting Paul Wilson Pouliot
.....of the Northeast Woodlands- Coos Band -Abenaki Republic - Algonquin Confederation - Pisowakamigw Wobanakiak
Membership Card Number: 628
DOB (Date of Birth): 07/02/47
Red Hawk Lodge
160 Dailey Dr. in Franklin, MA 02038-2951
Telephone number: (508)528-7629

.....to give back the Incorporation Abenaki Nation of Vermont, Inc. that Howard Knight Jr. "had demporarily given away" to Paul W. Pouliot "for safe keeping" in late December 1992 after the Sherrie A. (Devee) Jinks (and later LaBatt) situation in El Dorado County, California ... with the Child Protect Services. This was also about the time (Feb. 1992) that Howard Knight Jr. got angry with Paul Pouliot because it was ONLY supposed to be a temporary "caretaking" situation for Paul Pouliot to have the Incorporation, Howard Knight had managed to place himself into the "Chief's" position of in ca. 1981-1983. So this Abenaki Nation/VT was something that meant something to Howard Knight, Jr. yet in December 1992 Howard himself was told by Paul Rene Tamburro.... Card Number: 671 DOB: 01/20/56 at 2406 S. 38th Street in Yakima, WA 98903 and telephone: (509)965-8863.... that if Howard Knight Jr. didn't lay low, the Fed's were going to arrest him (for all the B.S. he had been perpetuating in El Dorado County, CA with the Sherriee Devee case and the Federal Indian Child Welfare Act scheming).
So on February 19, 1993 since Paul Wilson Pouliot had "legal possession" of the Abenaki Nation of Vermont, Inc. Title, because Howard Knight Jr. had resigned in January 1993, and had to figure out a way, to "move around" this resignation "situation" and "get back into the role of being Cowasuck Chief". As a result, his buddy Arthur W. Seymour wrote out this statement, (with the advice and encouragement from Howard Knight I am sure). Again NOTICE the date of August 10, 1975 for the date when allegedly the Missisquoi Band (created and led by Arthur Seymour himself) had signed Articles of Confederation on (08/10/1979 or 1980 was the actual date of signing I think), with the other Abenaki Bands Incorporations. #1's details does not jive with the details of #2. If the Missisquoi Band (created and led by Arthur Seymour) signed Articles of Confederation on August 10th, 1975, with other Abenaki Bands, the Missisquoi Band could not have been totally disabled AFTER the Abenaki/VT incorporated in 1980.
#4. Homer St. Francis Sr. was supposedly elected by a "landslide" because the ONLY people to elect his arrogant Chiefly arse into a position of POWER was his own family members. He then had to resign because he was charged and convicted of a Felony Assault against another human being. He went to Prison for awhile. Meanwhile, Homer St. Francis Sr. was getting three hot meals a day, and so on when he was incarcerated, Leonard "Blackie" Lampman and his daughter Louise May Lampman-Larivee were substantiating their Abenaki-ness to the public of Vermont, while he was "Chief" and Louoise was working for Abenaki Self Help Association, Inc. right along side Homer's daughter April St. (nee: St. Francis) Rushlow.
#5. of this particular letter dated 13 Feb. 1993, again, the Resolutions done by Richard Wilfred Phillips, Wayne J. Hoague and Arthur W. Seymour were done ca. February 1980 or a date just before this in late 1979. I think this date of 1976-1977 is simply a "distortion" to attempt the creation of an illusion that these organizations were created earlier than they actually were by several years, to match up with the incorporation year of A.S.H.A.I.
#6. Howard F. Knight Jr. and Arthur W. Seymour simply (to my thinking) used the Pero Family of Thetford, Vermont to simply "imply" that Howard Franklin Knight Jr. still had supposed lineal authority over being an alleged Cowasuck Abenaki Chief. He merely created the dynamic whereby he created a new Incoporation sanctioned by the state of Vermont which was called COWASUCK OF NORTH AMERICAN, INC. dated April 16, 1993. Following this, the NORTH AMERICAN PEOPLE OF THE DAWN, SOVEREIGN NATION, INC. dated October 12, 1993 was created by David Andrew Hill, Sheila E. Hill (David's wife and called "Laughing Eyes") and Robert H. Maynard (formerly of Howard F. Knight Jr.'s Incorporiaton group). One will notice on BOTH Incorporation papers of the afore-mentioned Incorporation, Robert H. Maynard had signed them both. Yet on the former Inc., created by Howard Knight on April 16, 1993, Howard F. Knight, Arthur W. Seymour, Emerson B. Garfield, and Robert Maynard were the Directors for such Inc. Organization.
If Howard Franklin Knight Jr. could not get his former Inc. possession "Abenaki Nation of Vermont" returned from Paul W. Pouliot, he simply decided manipulatively to create an Incorporation in Vermont state, that similiarly matched the Incorporation COWASS NORTH AMERICA, INC. that Paul W. Pouliot had created in late February of 1993, setting aside the previous Abenaki Nation of Vermont Inc. that Paul Pouliot had joined in July 1992 claiming he was a Laurentian Iroquois descendant.
The three other persons who signed on this 13 Feb. 1993 [notarized letter?] were Howard F. Knight Jr.'s wife Minnie Florence (nee: Davidson) Knight,
According to the 12/09/1992 Membership "Tribal" List....

Richard G. Carter Sr.
Membership Card Number: 765
DOB: 02/12/1926
Address: Airport Parkway
South Burlington, Vermont 05403
Telephone No: (802)658-5403
or it could be....
Richard G. Carter Jr.
DOB: 10/28/1955
Membership Card Number: 767
Address: 30 Southcrest Drive
Burlington, Vermont 05401
Telephone: Unlisted

The Notary that sighed this 13 Feb. 1993 letter on 19th Feb 1993 was
Richard G. Simoneau
Membership Card Number: 854
DOB: 12/22/44
Address: Box 231
Newport, Vermont 05855
Telephone: (802)344-5714

Friday, January 14, 2011


Membership Application Form
[We must change by June mtg to Coos added as this is our true heritage per Joe Pero. JAN 1981 HFK Howard F. Knight Jr. E.B.G. Emerson Bidwell Emerson]
PETITION FOR CLAN RECOGNITION:        a belt of wampum
We, the undersigned members or the Eastern Woodlands Band of the Abenaki Nation (Pisowakamigw Wobanakiak), an Indian Tribal Corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of Vermont, do hereby petition the Tribal Council for recognition as a Clan pursuant to the provisions of Article VI, Section 4 of the Tribal By-Laws, as amended, and we have chosen:
(Name of person selected as Clan Chief)
to serve as our Clan Chief and representation on the Tribal Council.
SIGNATURE                       BAND NO:
June 1983
[10 May 1981 Kevin Fletcher? Remember, we must put Coos in the name. This is our heritage + it was approved -- 1981 Rushing Water Howard F. Knight, Jr.]
A Belt of Wampum
By Kichi Sogmo Spirit Bear
[Arthur W. Seymour]
We The People of the Eastern Woodlands -Coos Band of the Abenaki have sat back too long, it is now time for us to act, and to get back what rightfully belongs to us.
We have lost the right to hunt, fish, and trap. It is too late for us, we have waited too many centuries without doing something for ourselves. We must stand together and fight for what we believe in. We must screech like the owl and let Mother Earth shake from many Moose on the run.
We must let all white's know that we mean Business.
[Let's see here, when Emerson "Spirit Bear" Bidwell Garfield said, "let all white's know that we mean business, he really meant it .... The definition of incorporation's "articles of incorporation" (sometime referred to as the "charter"), by-laws, and other documents created when the corporation is established. That's what Arthur W. Seymour, Wayne Hoague, and Richard Phillips meant .... "Let's INCORPORATE under the State of Vermont Laws" they all did .... and to hell with their much song & dance of so-called self-proclaimed "We are a Sovereignty Abenaki Nation" ditty; or should I say Abenaki "Corporation" "Association" "Confederation" or "Republic"? !! Oh look, someone knew how to draw some "Teepee's" and a tree, labeling it the "Tree of Life", with a critter in it. The artist must have forgotten to draw the Apple and the Snake.... Oh, I forgot....the Snake was sitting at the table with the artist! OR was it, that the "artist" be actually the Snake sitting there drawing?]
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Tribal Bylaws
ARTICLE I: Sect. 3.
The principal office of this Tribe (N.E.W.C.) [North East Woodlands Coos] shall be:
R.F. D. #2, Box 530-A
Alderbrook Road
Newport, Vermont 05855

ARTICLE IV: Old Section 6 becomes new Section 7.

ARTICLE IV: New/Section 6:
A. Genealogical records such as Birth, marriage + death records, journals, and other records that can prove a lineage will be accepted as proof of lineage.
B. Genealogy Charts of the Church of Jesus Christ of LDS, shall be an acceptable proof, once verified, of genealogical lineage.
C. The Geneaologies of members of this tribe shall be filed in only three places; in the office of the Chief of this Tribe and in the Security Vault of the Church of J. C. of LDS, under the Mountain in Utah and with the Tribal Geneaologist. [A., B., and C. Approved June 1987 by order of the Council HFK]
Article III #9
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D. Tribal Sheriff
E. Shaman (Medicine Man)
F. Historian Chief
G. Federal/State Liason Chief
H. Self-Help Chief
I. Inter-Tribal Representative Chief
J. News Media Representative Chief

E. Duties of the various offices of the Tribal Council:
High Chief-
The duties of the Chief High Chief will be to as defined lead the Tribal Band towards, maintaining, the goals of The Tribal Association as defined in Article III of the Articles of Association plus and other things that he may feel are necessary to promote the health, welfare and safety of the The Tribe, and all Native American Indians. [E. Approved May '85 E.B.G. - Emerson Bidwell Garfield]
Clan Chiefs-
They shall also be known as Sub-Chiefs and they shall represent the concerns of their respective clans on the Tribal Council to the best of their abilities. Also they shall serve in various additional duties as the High Chief shall direct that meet the goals of the Articles of Association such as those listed under (D.) above. [Approved May '85 H.F.K. - Howard F. Knight Jr.]
Geneaology Chief -
He shall be appointed by the High Chief from the membership of the Tribal Council for a period of 10 years, and will be responsible to maintain the Tribal Genealogical records as well as to guarantee to all that every member is properly Native American extraction at the time they join the Tribal Band based upon proper acceptable documentation which will be defined in the section on Geneaological Records. He will maintain a Tribal Registry that is accurate and current to the best of his ability.
[Approved May 1985 H.F.K. - Howard F. Knight Jr.]
Treasurer Chief-
He shall be appointed by the High Chief from the membership of the Tribal Council for a period of 3 ? 5 ? years and he shall be bonded for an amount that exceeds by 10% of the dollar amount of funds that he may control at any time. The Treasurer Chief [Approved Oct. '85 E.B.G. - Emerson Bidwell Garfield]
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will be responsible for all Tribal Funds received, held, or disbursed. No checks funds will be disbursed for any purpose without the approval of the Tribal Council and the counter-signature of the High Chief. Amendments to the Treasurer's regulations shall be submitted to the Tribal Council and must be approved by 3/4th's of the membership of said council.
Secretarial Chief -
Shall be appointed by the High Chief and from the Tribal Council, for a term of 3 years, and he shall keep accurate, complete and concise minutes of all meetings of the Tribal Councils or any other meetings that the High Chief shall say needs to be recorded. The Secretarial Chief shall preserve said minutes of said meeting and at the end of said every Third year he shall turn over to the Historical Chief all minutes and records more than two years old.
Tribal Sheriff -
He shall be appointed by the High Chief and charged with his duties of enforcing the Tribal Laws as defined in the Tribal Laws and Prohibitions section of these By-Laws.
The Tribal Sheriff shall also be a recognized Peace Officer of the Law of the State of Vermont if possible and can be any Town Constable, any town or City Police Officer, any County Sheriff or Deputy, or any State Police Officer or any Federally recognized Officer of the Law. The Tribal Sheriff must be a member of the Tribal Band, and he will be responsible to a three member committee, known as the Oversight Committee, of the Tribal Council, appointed by the High Chief. They in turn will be responsible to the High Chief for the proper conduct of the Tribal Sheriff and any deputies he may have in future years, and the proper enforcement of Tribal Laws. [Approved Oct. '85 H.F.K.]

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The conduct of the Tribal Sheriff will at all times exemplify the best traditions of the history of Law Enforcement and the Abenaki word of honor!
The Tribal Sheriff shall serve at the pleasure of 3/4 of the Tribal Council upon the recommendation of the High Chief and the Oversight Committee.
He shall be appointed by the High Chief for a period of eight (7) years and shall be responsible to research, and teach to all, the ancient ways including but not limited to Herbs, WoodLore, etc. He shall work closely and in harmony with the Historian Chief. He shall be responsible for any and all other duties of the office as the Tribal Council or The High Chief shall direct and keep a written record of same.
Historian Chief - Duties to be defined
Federal/State Liason Chief - Duties to be defined
Self/Help Chief - Duties to be defined
Inter-Tribal Representative Chief - Duties to be defined
News Media Representative Chief - Duties to be defined

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Genealogist -
The Genealogist (Nadodmaw8mek Nanawalm8mok) shall be selected by the permanent Tribal Council, and shall serve such term as shall be the pleasure of the Tribal Council. The Genealogist shall gather, protect and preserve the genealogical records on each and every member of the Band on those forms approved for use by the Tribal Council. These records are to be kept in such manner that their contents are known only to the Tribal genealogist, the Tribal Council, the proper agents and agents of U.S. Government and of the State of Vermont, wherein this band incorporate. A copy of said records will be filed and maintained for permanent record with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon), Salt Lake City, Utah, and the Thetford Historical Society of the Town of Thetford (if said historical society so agrees). These records will be utilized as the "Mormon" Church or the Thetford Historical Society see fit with the understanding that these records entrusted to their care are of a  permanent nature and as such they are a gift to them, by the North eastern Woodlands Band of the Abenaki Nation of Vermont, for the purpose of research and documentation of persons of American Indian lineage.
The Original copies will remain in the custody of the Tribal genealogist and will be turned over to the High Chief of the Band upon the Tribal genealogists completion of his term of office. The genealogy records will then be turned over by the High Chief to the new genealogist.
Copies only of the Originals will be made available to all others entitled to access to said genealogical records of the Northeastern Woodlands Band of the Abenaki Nation of Vermont. The Tribal genealogists shall refer Clan recognition....
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....to the Tribal Council for action by them with a recommendation of either for approval or disapproval.
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Article X - General By-Laws for the good of the Band Tribal Band
Section 1. Protests -
That no protest will be staged by a member or members without proper authorization from the Tribal Council.
A. The matter to e protested must be an Indian matter.
B. All protests must be in proper manner as proscribed by the Tribal Council.
Section 2. Drugs and Alcohol -
No drugs or alcohol are to be present at any meeting of this Tribal Band except as noted.
A. Narcotic drugs, prescribed by a registered Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) will be the only drugs allowed on a person at a Tribal function.
B. Alcohol is banned at all times, at all Tribal functions.
C. Those individuals who willfully violate these regulations will be subject to removal, and disbarment from said Tribal functions for a period of time as may be designated by the Tribal Council.
Section 3. Weapons -
No weapons of any kind will be allowed at any Tribal function, to include such weapons as Num-chucks, Brass Knuckles, Knives of any kind, Handguns of any types, Clubs of any kind or any other weapon item that could be used as a weapon of bodily harm except as noted.
A. All weapons will be confiscated by the Tribal Sheriff or duly authorized officer of the law or their deputies and turned over to the proper authorities for disposal as they see fit.
B. The only authorized weapons at a Tribal
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function will be those of American Indian heritage that are authorized, on display, or being displayed for a Tribal ceremonial affair.
1. at all times these display or ceremonial weapons will be under the ever-watchful eye of the Tribal Sheriff, his deputies or other duly authorized officers of the law.
2. The presence of all display and ceremonial weapons present at a Tribal function must be made known by their owners to the Tribal Sheriff, his deputies, the Tribal Council and any other law enforcement present at said function.
Section 4. Headdress -
All Clan Chiefs and the High CHief will be required can wear at least one feather from an approved source as noted below. All members of the Tribe band who are participating in a Tribal Ceremonial must also wear at least one feather from an approved source as noted below.
1. Approved source for feathers and Headdresses
A. Turkeys, Hawks, American Eagles, Headdresses from commercially made sources, Crows, Ravens.
B. Headdresses purchased from Retail/Wholesale American Indian stores are acceptable. Cheyenne, Souix Headdresses (or Souixian are acceptable).
Section 5. Guests -
Guests will be allowed to attend all Tribal functions except as noted:
1. Opening or Closing of Tribal Council Ceremonials
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Section 6.
1. Tribal Sheriff's meetings with Tribal Council.
2. Guests must abide by all of the rules and regulations of the Tribe now or hereafter existing.
3. Guests will not participate in voting conducted at any Tribal function.
4. News media personnel who are guests always will abide by the same, rules and regulations as Guests but they will be allowed before or after mtgs tribal Council members and Chiefs. There is restriction, they must not interfer by sound, light or etc., with the conduct of tribal business, and
A. The High Chief or his designate, will be the only authorized spokesman for the tribal band as a whole to the newsmedia.
B. The newsmedia will be notified by the High Chief, or his disignate, of all events planned by the Tribal band far enough in advance so that the newsmedia can provide the coverage of the event as they may wish to provide.
Section 6.
The Tribal High Chief will be the official spokesman at all times on those issues pertaining to the Tribe. No one will address those issues except [unless?] they have a letter from the High Chief so stating. All requests for public appearances of the Tribal Council will be decided or the Tribal members will be handled by the Tribal Council unless the Council cannot meet in a properly called meeting time frame. In that event, the High Chief shall
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make the necessary determination, subject to later review and critique by the Tribal Council.
Section 7. Tribal Sheriff, Deupties and their Responsibilities
The duties of the Tribal Sheriff and his Deputies will be to enforce these by-laws and any other instructions that he may receive from the Tribal Council in proper form, either verbaly or in writing so long as those instructions are not a violation of any Federal or State laws that might supercede Tribal laws. The deputies duties will be the same as those of the Tribal Sheriff and they will be answerable to him, and thru him to the Tribal Council. Neglect of duties will be grounds for dismissal, in disgrace, at a properly called Tribal Council meeting upon concensus vote of the Tribal Council.
Section 8. The Tribal Court
A. The Tribal Court under the laws and By-Laws of this Republic shall be the new Council of Elders (the Former Tribal Council) whose authenticity shall be based up the will of the people. All decisions shall be binding.
B. Decisions of the Tribal Court shall apply in all Tribal matters involving any member of this Tribe, the United nations, the Occupation Governments of North America and their political sub-divisions and institutions at all levels.
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To do any and all lawful activities which may be necessary to, useful, or desirable for the furtherance, accomplishment, fostering or attainment of the fulfilling of all the legal commitments and treaties made [crossed out crossed out crossed out] with the Native American Indians either as an individual, as a band, as a tribe, as a nation or as a confederation by the following; the colonial governments of the individual and several states prior to and during the American Revolution, The Continental Congress during the American Revolution, the government of the United States of America since the American Revolution, the individual and seperate states and the individual representatives of the aforementioned including priests, monks, preachers of various denominations, military personnel both officers and enlisted, Indian traders and, various businesses who arranged and made treaties with Native American Indians.

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