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Sunday, September 19, 2010

The "Abenaki" Plot Thickens....Part 4: Winifred (nee: Jerome) Yaratz Book Regarding the Phillips Family; Old Peter Phillips; Philip's Land Grand of 1796; Bedel's Grant of 1798; Etc.

Many Names of the Phillips and Blakes
The Older Phillips ware called Black Phillips because they had dark skin. They were buried as Colored even though they were Indian. The Phillips wanted Indian put on their death records but Vermont chooses (sic) to write colored. The White People would say they looked Indian. They didn't want to come out and say they were Indian because that would be saying there really was Indians in Vermont. (now after 1975, it is cool to be "Indian")
Because this would be calling their (sic) selves liars. They would be going against there (sic) own believes of saying Vermont has no Indians. The Whites didn't want to claim Vermont had Indians because they wanted to take over all the land in Vermont for free by saying no Indians lived there.
They were still being called Gypsies way into the 60's. That's because they were moving around and acting as basketmaking "Gypsies". Then again, how many brown ash baskets can a Phillips sell to the same farmer or tourist? It was hard for many of them to have jobs because of the way they were classified by the towns in Vermont. The "genocide" of them followed them into the next generation. The Eugenic's Survey "Field Researcher" Ms. Harriett Abbott to name just one, sought out FAMILY MEMBERS of the "targeted" families she intended to research, as well as Town Clerk's like Asa Wesson of Danville, Vermont...to get the information she wanted. If anyone was perpetuating "genocide", it was one family member or more, such as Hollis Way of West Danville VT, or his kith and kin cousin of a sort Mrs. Helen Way of Peacham VT etc. Even Phillips family members were "singing" familial information, that was being documented by Ms. Harriett Abbott.
Many changed their names for they could have a life without being harassed when they tried to live in Vermont. No, they changed their names because A. they were speech-impaired (meaning accents, dialect or that English may have another language as their 1st language i.e. French, Gaelic, Abenaki, Mohawk) B. under-educated (for various reason's) C. the person doing the writing was either speech or hearing impaired or under-educated (because of the above reasons). Some even moved to New York State after the State of Vermont was genociding them. No, they went to New York, because A. they possibly angered some daughter's parents B. they were possibly evading the law of Vermont after doing some "criminal activity" or C. they were possibly going over to visit extended relatives living in New York State. They changed their birth dates and birth town. Maybe they just simply didn't remember when or where they were born, years after they were actually born. SOME THE KEY NAMES IN THE FAMILIES CHANGED OVER THE YEARS
1. "Wifrom" / Billianiel / Willson / Willanie / Billings / Billanis/ Bellaire/ Blair / Blais / "Blake" and Etc.
2. "Belippe" / Philipe / Philip / Phillip/ Phillips and Ect.
3. Bellvue, Belrose, Bohannon, Bourgeois, Brow, Bushey
4. Cameron, Champagne, Coone, Cota, Coulombe, Cou
5. Gardner, Greeno, Guyette
6. Hakey, Hanks, Hance, Hogg, Hogue Hoague
7. Jerome, Gerome, Salmon,Girard even went by Brown and Etc.
8. Lacombe, Ladoux, Lafar(Tiriac) Lafarrer,Lafrance, Lafleur, Laforet, Lampan, Langevin, Langlois, Lanoue, Lapan, Laplant(Plante), Laroque, Larose. Laurent, (St. Lawrence), Lavigne
9. Parizo, Partlow, Patnode, Proulx (Pru
10. Ramo (Raymond), Richard, Riel, Ryia (rea
11. Sawyer, Savage, St. Denis, Dennis, St. Francis, St. John, St. (Peter)
12. Dufresne, Ashe, Ashely, Ash and Ect.
13. Kings, Roy, Roi, Leroy and Etc.
14. Benoit, Benware, Bone, Lemas, Beaune, Bean, Benway, Bonn and Etc.
Old Antoine travels
This is want the Vermont Eugenics wrote on Antoine
Old Antoine Philip did not travel the way his children did. He lived for a long time in Highgate, Vermont.
Then moved out toward Fort Ethan Allen in Burlington, Vermont. Antoine died in South Burlington, Vermont.
The eugenic said the Saying was Old Antoine one time lived in Canada the reason Old Antoine came back to Vermont from Canada was because of the War with the Fenians (Old Antoine was born in Vermont at Lake Memphremagog in a wigwam.) No, Antoine Phillips Sr. consistantly indicated that he and his wife Catherine were born in Quebec, Canada and came from that Province, throughout his listings in the Census records, etc.
Old Antoine was of Indian ancestry and it had something to do with the Kickapoo Indians (Old Antoine was supposedly Abenaki) This is was due to a "parade" out of Keiser Pond onto the main road through Danville, VT that they the Phillips and Gypsy Devil Jake Way's families were PRETENDING to BE Kickapoo Indians, soliciting whatever they could get in sympathy, from the townfolks, in their destitution. When their real identities became quickly known, they were "driven back into Paradise Alley" with flung rotten vegetables thrown a them by the towns people. Antoine was probably related to some of the inhabitants of and Indian Reservation in South -Eastern Canada (through his wife's family) and it was Antoine himself who was indicated to be Mohawk as well, with possible connections to Kahnawake. Little is known about Old Antoine growing up only want (sic) Josephine Phillips said (the operative word is SAID, nothing substantiated or validated) about him. Josephine said Old Antoine lived at the "Place of Flint" in Vermont most of his life. There, is evidence of his father Old Phillips.
There is evidence of is vital statistics of himself and his children.
Old Antoine Phillips Sr. was born 1787 at Lake Memphremagog in Vermont in a Wigwam. His father was Chief Piel (Peter) Philip was born abt. 1730 in North Conway, New Hampshire or Freyeburg, Maine. This is NOT substantiated and is merely supposition and conjecture on the part of the Phillips Family and Josephine's alleged remembrances. Here one can "see" that this family attempts to "attach" itself to the "Indian Philip" of Coos County who signed the 1796 Land Grant.
Antoine mother Molly Missle (Marie Michelle) was born Abt 1745 in New Hampshire. She was famous for her Indian Moccasin making. Chief Piel (Peter) Philips was known as old Philip he was the Abenaki Indian Chief of
The Phillips Grant. Chief Piel Philip Great , Great Grandfather was called Yellow Feather.
The Phillips operated a trapping and hunting circuit through most of Northeastern Vermont, Northern New Hampshire, Northwestern Maine and Eastern Townships of Quebec, Canada, including stays at Odanak where some of the family eventually settled after the fall of French Canada. In 1760
Philip returned to live a traditional life style until at least 1788. Henry Tuft's description of life among the Indians from 1772 - 1775 tells of two large family bands living between Lake Memphremagog and Lake Umbagog. Old Philip, Mali, swasson, Susap, Tornhegan, are all names mentioned in his writings. The following is from Bea Nelson's writings (see below in this same blog posting) In 1796 Philip, older and tired, was living in the Indian Stream republic area traveling to Lake Memphremagog and the central Connecticut River Valley. It was one of these latter trips that he met up with some Anglo (White) American land speculators. We do not know the circumstances of the land sale but we do known that Philip, Indian Chief of the Abenaki from the St. Francis tribe (the same that
inhabited the Lake Mamhlawbagak (Memphremagog), sold some 3,000 square miles straddling the border to four men. Thomas Eames and 3 associates that called themselves the Eastern Company. The price was a simple promise to keep Philip and his two wives well fed and clothed for the rest of their lives and allow other band members Fishing and hunting rights on the land in perpetuity (forever). Of course, society didn't have Nursing Homes, Social Security or 401-K Retirement Savings in 1796. Naturally Old Philip the Indian etc. wanted to ensure their elder years were lived in comfort, considering most of the rest of the People had by then settled at Odanak. I have a copy of the deed. This land sale was actually illegal. It was NOT illegal because those men who signed that Land Grant with Old Indian Philip, didn't KNOW what the Federal Government was doing, any more than Indian Philip did! They didn't have radio's, cellphones, television news and the internet in 1796. Since the Federal Non-intercourse Act of 1791 prohibited any agency, other than the U.S. Government from buying Indian lands within territory claimed by the United States (as about half of this parcel did) Also in 1793 the Continental Congress wrote up a law forbidding private citizens to buy land from the Indians. I have a copy of this land transaction.
The state of New Hampshire had a similar law on the books as early as 1719. The land was of little agricultural use to the purchasers who turned around and resold it to Naive English Settlers at considerable profit.
When settlers first came to the Sandy river Village in 1781 in Farmington, Maine there were Abenaki families living in the area. Old Philip was living at Farmington Falls, which was the site of the Old Ammessecontee Village. Old Philip soon moved away. He was the Philip who sold the Indian stream land to Thomas Eames in 1796. Philip died about a year later in Northumberland , New Hampshire under the care of his friends Thomas Eames. Philip was probably in his late eighties when he died. Abenaki hunters continued to trade in the Sandy River area for many years after.
Old Antoine wife Catherine Cadaive or Cadieux the only thing Grandma Josephine knew on her that her Grandmother Catherine "Great- Grandmother was Autumn Wind who's father was a Great Chief of her people Grandmother Josephine said they were Indian she said they came from Canada. My mother said her mother Josephine Phillips would talk about Chief Joseph who visited from Canada. Mom said her mother talk in Indain to her or French she didn't talk much in English. Mom said " Josephine said she grow up at the "Place of Flint" in Vermont. These are statements of rememberance, NOT FACTS that are in anyway substantiated or sourced in this book. I haven't been able to find anything on my mother's great-great grandmother. Mom said she had a name of Marie or Autumn Wind. I hope some day I can find out who my G-G-G Grandmother was.
Phillips descendent of King Philip
The Philips (Phillips) name is of Native American descendent from" King Philip". The English called him) Metacomet descendants of Massasoit of the Wampanoag, Narragansett. And married into the Pequot tribes, some of them scattered from the New England area in the 1600 to 1800s- some possibly to Canada. Definitely to Nova Scotia (surnames Mingo, Philip, Phillips and etc. and other parts of Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota, and probably other Midwestern States of North America. (So,  ALL of the Phillips' in all of N'DAKINNA are related? Even the one's that come from ENGLAND like John Phillips whom married Ann Burden and lived in the Missisquoi Bay area? Just because two people have the same surname, does not mean they come from the same families) To escape the English and later on because they're tribal lands were sold or taken by the English. Among the records of the Abenaki in Swanton, Vermont are land rights in the area going back hundreds of years. Among the earliest documents are King Phillips War papers, recognizing lands ceded to the Abenaki by the English following the 1675 insurgency of Metacom, a Massasoit Chief (dubbed King Phillip by the English) who united various tribes, including the Abenaki, to halt colonial encroachment onto their lands. The Abenaki were among the most intransigent warriors in Metacom's alliance. Holding out after tribes to the south had surrendered. One document on file at the tribal office (is a 91- year lease to one James Robertson's) who was granted timber exploitation rights on Abenaki lands in return for rent in the form of corn and yearly payments of "Spanish dollars" (Gold) Another man named Hilliker had a similar lease. Robertson's lease lasted from 1765 to 1856. I have a copy of this lease.
However, in the chaos of the American Revolution and conflicting claims to Vermont's territory by New Hampshire and New York, surveyors with Ethan Allen's and Ira Allen the Green Mountain Boys - the real inheritors of the realm divided lands among Vermont's most prominent Pioneer Families. Ignored Native Sovereignty (No, more likely as not, the Abenaki GAVE UP their "sovereignty" by not remaining a solidified observable varifiable, cohesive, continous-through-time COMMUNITY) when they formed the Onion River Land Company, in 1773, and sold Missisquoi Abenaki Lands without "Deeds or Titles".
Tricks of the trade in chartering a town Ethan and Ira Allen Used. Benning Wentworth Grants in present Vermont came under New York control and had to be regranted by New York for fees, which the settlers were unwilling to pay. Ethan Allen's answer was simple he refused to pay and chased away anyone trying to claim his land. A much more complicated device, used in some towns, was to have all landowners sign over their land to one person, who then, technically, owned the entire town. He went to New York and secured a regrant made out to him and a group of New Yorkers. By prior agreement, one or two, of the New Yorkers (the rest were" dummies" signing their names out of friendship or for token payments. Paid all the fees and were paid back in land. The Vermonter, returning with the
new charter, deeded back as much land as possible to the original owners. Some of the land was lost to the New York speculators, but the settlers got their new charter with little or no cash out lay.
The Abenaki whose power wasn't great enough to fight English Laws who broke the Abenaki powers more with massacre, disease, starvation and many Abenaki leaving into Canada during the French and Indian War and Revolution, had little ability to stop the Europeans. Despite having signed peace treaties with England in the colonial era, the Abenaki have never had United States recognition, and had Vermont State recognition but briefly. This was between 1976 when Gov. Thomas Salmon officially conferred it, and 1977 when Gov. Richard Snelling rescindect (sic) it. Richard Snelling realized that Thomas Salmon had granted VT state recognition based on "romantic notions" and that the Swanton group led by Homer St. Francis had not submitted ANY genealogical validation whatsoever to prove that they were indeed Abenakis. Thats why the "Recognition" was rescinded. In 1993, the State dismissed most of the charges and passed a bill granting the Abenaki "Cultural recognition" by the State Historical Preservation Division. This bill encouraged preservation of sites and artifacts, and declared the first week of May "Abenaki" Cultural Heritage Celebration week". But some Abenaki criticized a policy of " selective recognition" which encouraged Abenaki theme tourism without addressing fundamental rights.
In the United States, the Government does not officially recognize the Abenaki. This makes the Abenaki upset because they do not have hunting or fishing rights, they cannot sell arts and crafts under Indian craft laws, and other American Indians don't always recognize or cooperate with them. The Abenaki want to be recognized as a true Indian Tribe. All it takes, is to show and provide the legitimately SOURCED genealogical evidence, historical social histories that can be verifiable by other supporting documentation, etc. and perhaps the other Native Communities and the Government of the United States would perhaps not hesitate to recognize or cooperate with these various New England "incorporated groups" of people who have are claiming to be "Abenakis".
On May 3, 2006 the Abenaki got back State Recognition Gov. Jim Douglas sign the Bill. No, what Gov. Jim Douglas did was recognize the historical Abenakis for the contributions they made to the State of Vermont. He did not recognize the contemprorary groups who claim to be the Abenakis of Vermont, as being the Abenakis connected to the historical Abenaki communities.
Robertson's Lease, May 28, 1765
This is one of the most compelling pieces of evidence refuting Ira Allen's assertions that our ancestors abandoned Vermont. According to the terms of this lease, the land area in question, an area on the Vermont side of Missisquoi Bay about four and one-half miles wide by almost three miles in length, was legally under Abenaki ownership all men by these presents, that we Daniel Poorneuf, Francois Abernard, Francois Joseph, Jean Baptiste, Jeanoses, Charlotte, widow of the late chief of the Abenackque nation at Missisque, Marian Poorneuf, Theresa, daughter of Joseph Michel, Magdalene Abernard, and Joseph Abomsawin, for themselves, heirs, assigns, etc., do sell, let, and concede unto Mr. James Robertson, merchant of St. Jean, his heirs, etc., for the space of ninety one years from the 28th day of May, 1765, a certain tract of land lying and being situated as follows, viz: being in the bay of Missisque on a certain point of land, which runs out into the said bay and the river of Missisque, running from the mouth up said river near East, one league and a half, and in depth north and south running from each side of the river sixty arpents, bounded on the bank

Now the condition of this lease is, that if the aforesaid James Robertson, himself, his heirs, and assigns or administrators, do pay and accomplish unto the aforesaid Daniel Poorneuf et als, their heirs, etc., a yearly rent of Fourteen Spanish dollars, two bushels of Indian corn and one gallon of rum, and to plow as much land for each of the above persons as shall be sufficient for them to plant their Indian corn each year, not exceeding more than will serve to plant one quarter of a bushel for each family, to them and their heirs and assigns; for which and every said article will and truly accomplished the said James Robertson is to have and to hold for the aforesaid space of time, for himself, his heirs, etc., the aforesaid tract of land as mentioned aforesaid, to build thereon and establish the same for his use, and to concede to inhabitants, make plantations, cut timber of what sort or kind he shall think proper for his use or the use of his heirs, etc., and for the performance of all and every article of the said covenant and agreement either of the said parties bindeth himself unto the other firmly by these presents.
Source: Vermont Historical Society, Volume 6, P. 105-106
Abenaki / Bedel Land Deed of 1798
In 1798, several Abenaki of St. Francis signed a deed for The Bedel Land Company for lands in northern New Hampshire.
(taken from Philip's Grant Papers, 6.)
Chief Shoasin Manwermet
Chief Taksos
Capt. Cezar
Capt. Benedict.
Capt, Portned
Capt. Francois Joseph, (Annance)
Capt. Joseph, (possibly Saonalemit)

Indeed it was these seven Chief's or Speaker's that traveled southeast into New Hampshire from "St. Francis" or Odanak, Quebec, Canada in October 1798, to Concord, New Hamsphire, and protested to the Legislature of New Hampshire, the action of Philip two year before (1796), in Philip's selling tribal land. The Odanak representative's claimed the right to speak and act on behalf of the Abenaki People as a whole. Their leader, Captain Cezar, "carried the responsibility" of Orator or Speaker to St. Francis/ Odanak. Captain Cezar declared that Philip, the old Indian, had no tribal rights; Philip was an imposter. Captain Cezar, the other Sogomon's (Chiefs or Speakers), and the tribe disavowed all of Indian Philip's acts.
In their own actions, these seven Speakers coming from Odanak in 1798 would sell the true title to the Coös Region. Including far more than Indian Philip pretended to convey the previous June of 1796. These Odanak representatives would deed all of the northern New Hampshire area from Haverhill on the Connecticut River (Kwenitegw or Long River in Abenaki) to the Ossipee River on the border of Maine--north to the line between the United States and the government of Great Britain (which later became the Province of Quebec, Lower Canada), except for one town the Abenaki had already sold.
The members of the NH Legislature looked upon the Abenakis proposal as absurd, for the State of NH already had most of the lands being offered. Yet, three PRIVATE individuals surmised that such a piece of paper could be valuable to them. Moody Bedel of Haverhill, NH had heard of the valley of the Upper Connecticut throug his townsman David Gibbs, He may have known about it earlier during his travels with his father Timothy Bedel in the campaigns against Canada during the Revolutionary War--he being a boy of 12 years at that time. Or Moody Bedel may have visited the area of northern NH more recently, for Gibbs and Nathaniel Wales had settled there in 1790--pitched, as it was called--on the land where they camped the year before. They had put up cabins and had cleared farms, moved up with their families soon thereafter. Gibbs has later moved to St. Simoneau in nearby Canada. Together, the three men, Moody Bedel, Nathaniel Wales, and David Gibbs, paid the seven Odanak Indians the sum of $3,100.00 for the deed to northern New Hampshire. Eventually they called themselves the Proprietors of Bedel's and Associates' (or "Other's") Grant, and became known as the Bedel Company. In contrast to the Eastman Company, they were oriented toward the north, sold land to men of nothern NH, VT, and Canada, had no pretensions to legal and political power, and were entirely repsonsible for the early settlement.
Source: Page 12 and 13, Chapter 4 "Two Land Companies, 1798 of the book entitled, "Indian Stream Republic: Settling a New England Frontier 1785-1842", by Daniel Doan. It is an excellent read, and I highly recommend it as resource into the historical dynamics of the time period.
To all Persons to whom these presents shall come Greeting,--Know ye that I Philip an Indian of America, now resident in Upper Coos & Chief thereof, For & in consideration of the Sum hereafter names for which I have received Security to my full satisfaction of Thomas Eames of Northumberland in the County of Gracton & State of, New Hampshire & his associaties, namely John Bradley & Jonathan Eastman of Concord, County of Rockingham, & Nathan Hoit of Moultonborough in the County of Strafford, all in the State of New Hampshire, Esqrs. all my peculiar friends--I this day have given, bargained, sold, released, conveyed & confirmed, & by these presents do give, grant, bargain, sell, convey & confirm to them the said Thomas, John, Jonathan & Nathan, their heirs & assigns forever, all that tract or parcel of Land & waters situate within the following boundaries--vis Beginning at the east side of Conneetticook, now called Connecticut River, at the mouth of hte Ammonoosuck River--then up said Ammonoosuc River to head pond, to the carrying place-then across the carrying place to a small pond on the head of Pewmpelusuck or dead river-then down said river to Andrewscoggin river-then up Andrewscoggin River to the Lake Umbagogg including all the waters of said Lake & Islands, from said Lake, up Andrewscoggin river, to Allogunanabagogg lake including all the waters and Islands in said lake, then up said Andrewscoggin River to Molleychungomuck lake-thence along the easterly side of said Lake to the out let of Mooselumegantick-then up said river to said Lake Mooseluckmegatick, including all the waters & Islands thereof-then across the carrying place Quasuktecuck-thence down said River til it empties into Awsisgowassuck river to the the carrying place that leads into Awseecunticook river, or St. Frainces river-thence down said River til it falls into the branch which empties from Lake Mamsloobagogg-then up said River to Skessawannoock lake-then p said River to said Mamsloobagogg, including all the waters & Islands thereof-from thence up Sasskeecoowanggawnall river to the head thereof-then across the carrying place to the head of-then down said river to Connecteecook or Connecticut river Nulheagawnuck-then down said river, including all the Islands thereof, to the mouth of Ammunoosuck river.
the place begun at- agreeably to a plan I have this day given to them their heirs & assigns forever, with the following conditions & reservations-namely that I reserve free liberty to hunt all sorts of wild game on any of the foregoing territores, and taking fish in all of the waters thereof, for myself my heirs and suksessors & all Indian Tribes forever. Also liberty of planting four bushels of corn & beans; & this my trusty friend Thomas, having given me security to furnish me & my Sqaw with provisions & suitable clothing which I have accepted in full, I have for myself & in behalf of all Indians who hunted on, or inherited any of the foregoing lands or waters, forever quitclaimed & sold as aforesaid to them the said Thomas, John, Jonathan, & Nathan as a good Estate in fee simple. And do covenant with them that myself & my ancient Fathers forever & at all times, have been in possession of the above described premises & that I have good right to & will warrant & defend the same to them the said Thomas, John, Jonathan, & Nathan their heirs & assigns forever against the claims of all or any persons whatsoever.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand, Seal & Signature, this twenty eighth day of June 1796.
Signed Sealed & Dld. in presence of
Ely Buel
Jeremh. Eames
Philip X Indian Chief (Seal)
Molley X Messell (Seal)
Mooseleck X Sussop (Seal)

State of New Hampshire Grafton ss June 30th 1796. Personally appeared Philip Indian Chief, Molley Messell & Mooselek & acknowledged the foregoing instrument by them respectively subscribed, to be their volutary act & Deed, before me Jerh. Eames Justice peace.
Philip, Abenaki Indian Chief, and Philip's Grant
(Orleans and Essex Counties)
By Bea Nelson who was in communication with Tom O'Bomsawin in the 1996-1998 time-frame. She was also in communication with Kevin Parsons, and Howard F. Knight Jr. as well.
The Wabanaki (Abenaki) portions of the history of the Northeast Kingdom has been sadly neglected or overlooked by historians, ethno historians, archaeologists, and local historical societies. One of these is the background of Philip, Indian Chief and Philip's Grant. It seems ironic that Metallak, Philip's son, and Mali Agate (Molly Orcutt) members of his band, have more notoriety.

Philip, called by the English, was baptized Piel (Abenaki for Peter) or Pierre (French). (Where is the sourced Baptismal Record?) He was born around 1730 near the Saco River in the vicinity of North Conway NH or Fryeburg ME and was considered a Pigwacket Abenaki whose family moved north into the Arosaguntacook, Nulheganook and Arnarascoggin Abenaki Band areas when he was young.
At some point he married Molly Missile (Marie Michelle) a New Hampshire Indian who was famous for her moccasin making. They had several children the youngest being Metallak born about 1750, on the upper Adroscoggin River. Between war interruptions (French and Indian
Wars, 1755-1760) the extended family operated a trapping and hunting circuit through most of what is now northeastern VT, northern NH, northwestern ME, and the Eastern Townships of Quebec, Canada; including stays at Odanak where some of the family eventually settled. After the fall of French Canada in 1760, Philip returned to live a traditional lifestyle until at least 1788. Henry Tuft's description of life among the Indians from 1772-1775 tells of two large family bands living between Lake Memphremagog and Lake Umbagog. Old Philip, Mali, Swasson, Susap, Tomhegan, are all names mentioned in his writings.
The Times
During the American Revolution (1775-1783) Philip was the leader of an Indian Band in northern NH that is usually identified as Cowasuck but in reality was Arosaguntacook, or St. Francis Indians. This band joined the rebel cause, which was unusual for Abenaki who tried to stay neutral. The English called Philip the Chief of the Cowasucks, a typical Euro American blunder that still confuses the historic record! Yet, Odanak sent their representative 7 "S8g8mons" in  October of 1798 to vehemently state that Indian Philip was a FRAUD, and an IMPOSTER.
After the Revolution, when the peace accord was signed in 1783, the border was drawn along the 45th parallel. This boundary line between British Canada and Colonial United States cut right through the Abenaki homeland and territories. The Abenaki weren't considered in any of the agreements even though Abenaki men fought on both sides during the Revolution.
Vermont became the 14th state in 1791 and settlement pushed up the Connecticut River valley and on into the Memphremagog and Nulhegan watersheds. The Land companies claimed that no Indians lived in this area, and that they were just passing through on hunting trips. Vermont Abenaki descendants are still paying for this one! Paying for this, how so? Contemporary people today who are claiming to be genealogically the descendants of the historical Abenakis (without having the requirement placed on them to show and provide that genealogical evidence), have shown and provided NO clear and convincing evidence (genealogical, historical or social) that is verifiable, that they descend from the historical Abenakis. Having ancestral people in one's ancestral lineage, who were identified as "colored", "negro", "Indian" or even "Native American", let alone "Le Sauvage", does not identify that ancestor or ancestors as being "Abenaki". Seems to my thinking, that after 214 years since the signing of the Philip's Land Grant, that these "members" of the Missisquoi St. Francis Sokoki/ and or Nulhegan Inc.'s, are a little late in protesting the alleged illegality of the Land Grant itself.
On the British Canada side of the border, in 1792, Abenaki lands (taken over as Crown Wastelands) were opened to settlement by English speaking Protestants and loyalists, mostly New Englanders. All that the St Francis Indians retained were their age-old hunting grounds and family band village sites. Only 8,150 acres were granted to 17 families in Dunham Township. In contrast, Asa Porter, a colonel in the British army was granted over 60,000 acres in Brome Township for his services.
Philip's Grant
In 1796 Philip, older and tired, was living in the Indian Stream Republic area and traveling to Memphremagog and the central Connecticut River valley. It was on one of these latter trips
that he met up with some Anglo-American land speculators. We do not know the circumstances of the land sale, but we do know that Philip, Indian Chief, Abenaki from the St Francis tribe, (the same that inhabited the Memphremagog region) sold some 3,000 square miles straddling the border to four men; Thomas Eames and 3 associates that called themselves the Eastern Company. The price was a simple promise to keep Philip and his two wives well fed and clothed for the rest of their lives and allow all other band members fishing and hunting rights on the land in perpetuity.

The 3,000 square miles included: from Umbagog and Mooselookmeguntic Lakes in the East (the headwaters of the Megalloway and Androscoggin Rivers; South to the junction of the Ammonoosuc with the Connecticut; West to the western shore of Lake Memphremagog up the Clyde and along the Nulhegan; and North to the junction of the Salmon and St Francis Rivers. Some of the land had already been colonized by English and Anglo-American settlers. Sherbrook was begun in 1744 and the first US census of 1790 lists 700 white colonists in the upper Connecticut-Memphremagog region.
This land sale was actually illegal: since the Federal Non-Intercourse Act of 1791 prohibited any agency other than the US government from buying Indian lands within the territory claimed by the United States (as about half of this parcel did.) Also in 1793 the Continental Congress wrote up a law forbidding private citizens to buy land from the Indians. The state of NH had a similar law on the books as early as 1719. The land was of little agricultural use to the purchasers who turned around and resold it to naive English settlers at considerable profit.
In October of 1798, Abenaki chiefs at Odanak sold virtually the same land to the Bedel Company for $3,100.00. It was this sale that was the basis for New Hampshire's claim to the Indian Stream Territory. Canada at the same time was claiming it. But, the inhabitants were claiming independence from both and had formed the Indian Stream Republic with their own government: a constitution, bill of rights, courts and judges, and a code of laws. In 1835 the situation became volatile and the "Indian Stream War" came to a head when NH decided to send in its militia. It was not until 1840 that the town of Pittsburg was organized by the State of NH, which included the Indian Stream Republic and that portion of Philip's Grant.
Again a large section of Philip's Grant (Abenaki homelands) has become controversial due to its value for its wilderness, game, and beauty. Could this also be an illegal purchase? .... Or ... is it?
Old Pete's daughter Josephine
and Husband Frank Blake
The Blake's sold baskets, willow tables, chairs, miniature canoes, Snowshoe's and etc. They caned Chair bottoms told fortunes and traded horses.
There was a saying going around the Phillips and Blake's swapped wives like they did their Horses.
Bald Mountain New York a camping Place where the Blake's and Phillips went quiet off through out the year.
Josephine (Phillips) Blake said her family always lived in Vermont but traveled to Maine, New York, New Hampshire, and far north as Trois Rivieres, Canada. Many of the Phillips stayed in the Swanton and Highgate area.
Josephine said her father Old peter was the Chief of the tribe when he died in Peacham, Vermont. She said Vermont called him King of the Gypsies.
She said her Great Grandfather Chief Piel (Pierre) Philip (Old Philip of the Philip's Grant) was Chief for many years, then her grandfather Old Antoine Phillips was Chief. She said her father was named after his Grandfather Chief Piel (Pierre) Philips.
Josephine said her mother Delia Bone was born on the Caughewaga reservation in Quebec, Canada. Her Father Old Peter Phillips was born on the Mazipskoik the "Place of Flint" in Vermont. Her Grandfather Old Antoine (Anthony) Phillips was born 1787 at Lake Memphremagog (Pronounced Mem-Fre-May-gog) in Vermont in a White birch Wigwam. Her Great Grandfather Piel (Pierre) Philip was born abt. 1730 on Saco River.
Here again, the Phillips Family, claiming to be Abenakis, attempt to genealogically "attach" themselves to the historically documented "Indian Philip" of Coos County, New Hampshire in 1796, taking Josephine (nee: Phillips) Blair's alleged "oral history"/ rememberances, or what she or they would like to believe, and trying to make it FACTUAL.

This is what the eugenics said about the Blake Family
Josephine married Frank Blake. Josephine and Frank were still traveling in 1926 with the Gypsy Train.
There was talk that a owner of the feed store in Brandon, Vermont who telephoned to certain other people it was learned that some years ago a Gypsy Tribe by the
name of Blake camped down in Brandon, Vermont. They were very undesirable people. They stole some things from the people on whose land they camped and they run (sic) up a big feed bill at the feed store and skipped off without paying them. This alleged "criminal activity and history" is why they (the Phillips Family, Jerome's, Way's, Woodward's, and so many other families within and around Vermont) were being "targeted" by the Eugenics (Ms. Harriett Abbott was a predominate field researcher for the Eugenics Survey of VT headed by Henry Perkins at the University of Vermont in Burlington, Vermont). These families were merely being IDENTIFIED...because of "criminal activity" i.e. stealing. The Eugenics did not institutionalize, incarcerate (imprison, jail or confine) or sterilize anyone. Nor did they identify anyone as specifically being "Abenaki" "Mohawk" though the Survey did identify based on the collected "oral statements of Phillips descendants whom they spoke to or heard about, that they were of "French, Negro, Black, and or Indian" ancestry. Ms. Abbott even went so far as to attempt communication with Kahnawá:ke, the Mohawk Community near Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The Eugenics Survey of Vermont merely IDENTIFIED suspected Families of whom they considered genetically inferior, sexually deviant, retarded, or diseased with T.B., etc., and alerted (put on notice) "other" agencies whom had allied with the Eugenics Survey of VT, such as the Children's Aide Societies in various New England States (such as N.H. and Maine), and numerous agencies that worked within "the system".
Mom said her Grandfather Old Pete Phillips owned a farm in South Burlington where they lived in the wintertime her grandfather called South Burlington the plains because it was flat land. Mom said her grandfather Old Pete made baskets and other things to sell to the tourists. She said basket making had been in her family always. Mom said she travel with her family selling baskets all the time, up to 1933 after she married dad they only went once in a while. She said her grandfather Old Pete always went down route 15 out of South Burlington to peddle their baskets because it was an easier route to travel with their wagons back then most roads were impassible to travel on. They went as far as Hardwick, Vermont. Old Pete Phillips had to have gone a bit further than than, because he stayed at Paradise Alley in the Keiser Pond area before the time of his death in December 1906. Mom said growing up was hard because they were taunted by the town people and always run out of some towns. For alleged stealing etc., and "pretending" to be "Kickapoo Indians". She was happy when she married dad she didn't have travel and sleep in wagons any more.
Mom said dad's family is Abenaki Indians but they settled down on farms and tried to be white to fit in for they could own land.
Mom said her father Frank Blake owned harness racing horses and raced them at county fairs and the Saratoga Racetrack in Saratoga, New York. Frank was run over by a car at the tracks and killed.
Saying is someone bet big on his horses and lost the bet, then ran him over. Frank Blake is my Grandfather.
Frank Blake married Old Pete's daughter Josephine (nee: Phillips). Frank's father is Alexander Blake (Blais)

Frank's mother is Louise King. Alexander father is Billings/B illanis/Blair/Blais/ Alexander mother is Unknown. Alexander Grandfather is Wifrom/ Wilsome/ Willianie/ Wilform. Alexander grandfather Married Jemoganx Wilsomquax. They are listed in the Odanak Families and on the James Robertson's Lease. For a yearly rent of fourteen Spanish dollars, two bushels of Indian corn and one gallon of rum. And to plow as much land each of the persons, as shall be sufficient for them to plant their Indian corn each year, not exceeding more than will serve to plant one quarter.
Of a bushel for each family, to them and will serve to plant one quarter of a bushel for each Family. To them and their heirs as signs. This lease was for 91 years on the 28th day of May 1765 to May 1854.
There is a copy of the Robertson's lease 1765 written in large old-fashioned hand Writing at the Abenaki Tribal Council in Swanton, Vermont. The original is in Canada. There's another old copy down at the University library in Burlington, Vermont. I have a typed copy from the Vermont Historical Society.
Some of the Phillips and Blake have lived in Houseboats on Lake Champlain. Traveling up and down both the New York and Vermont shores peddling their baskets, canoes, snowshoes, Willow tables and chairs. The ones that traveled in wagons owned canoes to go fishing.
They hunted all their meat such as Deer, rabbit, Bear, Moose, Pheasant, Duck, Geese, Turkey and etc. Many of the Phillips and Blake's are listed on their birth records and death records as basket makers and Gypsies. Old Pete Phillips was listed in the New York census as race Indian in the year of 1870. Where is the source of this NY Census record? Vermont listed him and his wife Delia on their death records as colored. The family wanted Old Pete and his wife listed Indian there true race but Vermont choose not to. Actually, on Old Pete Phillips Death Certificate, they wrote "White" first, and then wrote over the top of that, with "Colored" on December 22, 1906 in Peacham, Caledonia County, Vermont. I have previously posted his Death Certificate on this blog on September 07, 2010.
The Phillips and Blake's did a lot of name changing over the years so it took many years tracking down their History.
The Dyer family traveled with the Gypsies (Phillips and Blake's). George Blake son of Frank Blake and Josephine (Phillips) married a Dyer girl.
This following information is coming from Sherry Gould of Bradford, N.H. that was given to Albert Leo Phillips of Belmont, N.H. whose son Thomas Leo Phillips of Hardwick, VT is on April St. Francis-Merrill's "Tribal Council" in Swanton, VT.
Simon Dyer's is George Blake's father-in-law and Simon Dyer's father name was Lapet Dyer and they said he was a very small man and very short. He spoke only French. His wife was a very tall person. She was Indian how much is not known. In the spring they would start out on the road sleep anywhere they could even
make a tent out of a wagon shaft and wagon with blankets or anything they had to make a tent so they could sleep under it. They would cane chair bottoms, make baskets; they would cut down an Ash and Elm trees and pound them out and cut them in strips for their basket making. In the fall they would husk corn for farmers for pay. They would take the Cornhusk with them for they could make corn husk mats to put by the door out side. They sold them door, to door for money to help live on in the winter months. In the winter they stayed home and made baskets for next year season. By saving some of their money they were able to make it through the wintertime.

Josephine (nee: Phillips) Blair died in 1959 in Queensbury, Warren County, New York State. Josephine Phillips was born on March 08, 1880 in Colchester, Chittenden County, Vermont. She wanted her sons to bury her the Abenaki way. Her sons build a scaffold in the back yard had her body on it and was going to burn her body. It was her wishes to be buried that way. Her daughters Ida, Marceline and Lillian wanted her buried in a grave, they didn't want their mother's body burned. The daughters called the
Local police to stop their brothers from burning there mothers body. The police came and told her Sons this isn't legally to do in modern times so they would have to stop or go to jail.
Josephine was buried in a grave at Union Cemetery in Fort Edwards, New York. She wanted on her death record that she was Indian. I have a copy of her Death Certificate and it doesn't listed her Indian.
Josephine my Grandmother liked smoking a corncob pipe. She made her own pipes by taking a dried cob of Corn and cut it to the length you want for the bowl. Hollow out the inside with a red-hot poker.
This turns the inside to charcoal, which mellows the smoke she said. Poke a hole in the pipe the size of the Stem for the stem fits in tight; cut a piece of fishing cane (of very small diameter) the length you need.
Remove the pith to hollow it out (using a stiff piece of wire) and insert it into the stem hole and then put in your stem now you have a real old fashion corn-cobpipe. They eventually burn up after they have been smoked awhile. She was always making new ones; she kept a bag of dried corncobs on hand to make her pipes.
Josephine played an accordion and her Husband played fiddle at dances. Their children also played different music instruments of modem times.
Aunt Ida Mae (Blake) Ash traveled with a white horse and buckboard in the 1950's in Shoreham, Vermont to the country store to do her shopping for the week. Her children wouldn't ride because of the name calling as they pasted the people of the town they were being called Gypsies.
I remember when I was little I asked my mother why we were called Gypsies, She said because we traveled like them.
The Blake's and Phillips, Ash and Jerome Families traveled with horses and buggies up to the late 50's. They farmed with horses up to the middle 1970's. The Blake's and Phillips continued traveling with horses and wagons and cars Trading Horses, making baskets, willow tables, stands, chairs, making birch bark canoes to sell the tourists until mid 1950's. Some of younger generation was (sic) too ashamed to carry on the trade. Some still make baskets even today to sell.
A 4th generation of Phillips has a shop were she makes baskets and sell them in Fort Ann, New York she makes the famous traditional ash baskets of her Abenaki heritage. Yvonne Phillips calls her shop Honest Injun" Baskets. Her Grandfather Ernest Phillips and Grandmother Peggy made baskets to sell as a little child she learned how to weave baskets from them. Yvonne makes dozens of different baskets. She has given demonstrations to numerous groups including local schools, civic organizations, libraries and historical associations/events. She was featured
on the channel 13 show "back Roads" in 2004. Her customers include collectors from as far away as Japan. April 2005 she was artist of the month from the Adirondack Region. She is a registered member of the Missisquoi Abenaki Tribe in Swanton, Vermont.
I remember my mother and her sisters and grandma Josephine Blake making fancy splint ash baskets and utility baskets to sell to the tourists in 1940's and 1950's in Salisbury, Vermont. We would go to Aunt Ida Mae Ash house, she lived near a swamp where they cut the ash trees to make the baskets. Grandma Josephine said the tree had too bee (sic) straight, no knots and big around enough too get many baskets out of it, the tree had too grow where it was wet for the growth rings came off easier. The ash tree was cut down and the bark removed then soaked in water for the log would peel easier. The bare log was placed on two logs to give it some height. Then pounded with a tool Grandma Josephine called a Wigebdemahigan it looked like a wooden hammer to me. The pounding separated the wood into thin plates along the annual growth rings, which could be pulled from the log Grandma Josephine called Wigebaiak (ash splints). The rough splints were used for coarse utility baskets or fish traps, however, fancy baskets required more processing they were first run through a gauge to cut them into uniform widths, then shaved down with a steel blade to make a smooth surface. The finished splints could then be coiled and stored. Mom also used other material necessary for some baskets Grandma Josephine called Walmogwkl (sweetgrass) often found growing in moist sunny locations. From the patch of sweetgrass mom would take some home to dry. Mom braided sweetgrass to bum as incense and put in our clothes to make them smell good. The basketry grass was left unbraided. Sweetgrass was harvested in the fall of the year. They made a lot of baskets in the wintertime to sell in the spring and summer. The women made three kinds of the fancy ash splints baskets, sweetgrass baskets, cowwiss baskets, and the varying-splint baskets. The men made the utility baskets more then the women. I have some of mom's baskets, cowwiss baskets, trout basket and utility baskets all them date back to the 1930's. I have willow table my father made and fish plug that dates back to the 1930's.
"Back Horse" Phillips
This information that follows comes from Howard F. Knight Jr., and as such it is dubious and very questionable as to it's historical accuracy.
Chief Richard Phillips was one of the Chiefs of Woodlands Band in 1981. Sachem Richard "Black Horse" Phillips of the Eastern Woodlands Clan/Band of the Abenaki Nation and Sachem "Joe" Pero of the Nolka Clan of the Cowasuck agree to form the Northeast Woodlands Band of the Cowasuck Abenaki Nation of Vermont in the "Fall of 1980.

Spring of 1981 Sachem Phillips suddenly quits (no reason was given) as the Band Sachem, takes over temporarily as the Band reorganizes after he takes the Ancient Cowasuck oath of being a servant of all the Cowasuck People that he will represent from that day forward. All Cowasuck Sachems must take this oath upon election to the position as a Sachem, whether it, be as a Sachem of a Band or of a larger Cowasuck group. Once take, it is binding for life. The said oath is administered by a fellow Cowasuck/Coos Sachem, or a Senior Elder of the Council. 

Douglas Lloyd Buchholz will be posting further documentary information regarding Richard "Blackhorse" Wilfred Phillips and "his connections" to Rudolph Kent Ouimette, Arthur William "Bill" Seymour, Howard Franklin Knight, Jr.
Phillips Families Genealogy
Antoine (Anthony) Phillips Sr. Born 1787 at Lake
Memphremagog, Vermont in a White Birchbark Wigwam Died Sept. 1, 1885 in South Burlington, Vermont No one seems to know where he is buried
Antoine was Chief of the Abenaki Indians

Father Chief Piel (Peter) Philip was Chief of the Abenaki Indians
Born abt. 1730 in North Conway, New Hampshire or Fryeburg, Maine
Died in New Hampshire
Mother Molly Missile (Marie Mitchell)
Born Abt. 1747 in New Hampshire
She was famous for Moccasin making
Chief Piel and Molly children:
1. Metallak born about 1750 on the upper Androscoggin River.
2. Antoine (Anthony) Phillips Sr.
Born 1787 at Lake Memphremagog, Vermont or Lake Mamhlawbagak in A White Birchbark Wigwam

Marriage I
Antoine (Anthony) Phillips Sr. Marriage I to Louise Myers (Mahers)
Children unknown

Marriage 11
Antoine Phillips Sr Marriage II to Catherine or Katherine or Marquerite Cadaive or Cadieux Catherine Born in Canada Abt. 1790 in Canada
Died no date
Buried near Foster Hill in Essex, Vermont
Married unknown probably Abt. 1805
Catherine parents unknown
Antoine was 19 years old when his first child was born with Catherine in 1806

Antoine and Catherine Children:
1. Michael (Mike) Philips Born 1806
Died April 12, 1912 in New York Pg. 4-52
2. Peter (Pierre) (Old Pete) Philips Sr. Born 1804 or 1809 Died Dec. 22. 1906 in Peacham, Vermont Pg.53-123

Yet again, one can review the above document page, and become aware that this Phillips Family claims that they are the descendants of Old Indian Philip of whom was considered "a Chief" by the Coos County historical Euro-American "settlers" (not so, by Odanak where it would seem that the majority of Old Philip the Indian's People relocated to, before June of 1796). Also that the contemprorary Phillips Family claim that Metallak (born sometime between 1727 and 1737 in the area of the Androscoggin river area) was Antoine Phillips father. Antoine Phillips married to "Catherine Cadaive." Yet, this document was located during a search of Ancestry.com some time ago. It neither indicated the fathers first name (just his surname of Philippe) and not that anyone mentioned in the Bapismal is indicated to be of the Abenakis, or a "Chief" of such tribe. Catherine Cadere dit Emery may or may not have been "Catherine Cadaive"? It would seem that this document is perhaps the Baptismal record of Antoine Phillips, Jr.?

136. Baptism of Antoine Philipp Jr.
7th day of July, 1834
St. Hyacinthe, Quebec, Canada
Notre Dame de Rosaire
He was "illegitime"?
son of Antoine Sr. (?) Philipp
Catherine Cadere dit Emery

Winifred "Morning Star" (nee: Jerome) Yaratz's book of "collected and compiled material," entitled "Brief History of the Abenaki Phillips and Blake Families And Genealogy" is a wonderful source of indicative yet limited "oral history" but regardless, it is unsubstantiated and for the most part, most of the genealogical information, like the 1870 NY Census (wherein it is alleged that Peter Phillips is identified as "Indian") is left without a "source" for the cited record. She just mentions the 1870 NY Census, as "if in passing".  It leaves one wondering...what is the exact Census page? How was the particular family composition written on that particular Census page? Who were the neighbors as listed perhaps on the Census?
Winifed (nee: Jerome) Yaratz self-identifies as a "Member of the Abenaki Nation in Swanton, Vermont, led by retrospectively-speaking, Homer Walter St. Francis Sr. and now that group is led by April Ann (nee: St. Francis) Rushlow - Merrill (Homer's daughter). I cannot help but consider this whole book (or at least the non-genealogical first half of it) as a Pro-supportive St. Francis Sokoki Incorporation "bent" to it's slant of writing.
There are "gaps and genealogical holes" including Winifred's "contradictions galore" throughout the book that ought to be have been sorted out, before she wrote such conclusions, turning alleged "oral histories" or "memoirs" as she stated this work would be, into something that appears to be written from factually verifiably sourced materials. Far from it. She has taken "suppositions", and alleged "oral history" and written these "pieces" that she has attempted to "fit together" AS FACTUAL; which in reality cannot be factual, without further sourced and convincing evidence being brought into this book itself.
I was allowed to borrow this book by Thomas Leo Phillips of Hardwick, Vermont during a visit at Thanksgiving 2009 (having been kindly invited to their home). I did, in FACT state that I would not share it with "anyone outside of the Phillips family". Yet, my intent in scanning the material therein, was to "quietly" source the content and conclusions of which Winifred Yaratz and obviously several others, had been making for some time.
In mid-2010 Donald Warren Stevens, Jr. emailed me inquirying about his own Phillips ancestry (and knowing that I was aware documentarily of his lineage) he inquired of my person, to share what I had, on his family ancestors etc. Who am I to restrict such a material such as Yaratz work, from a known Phillips descendant, or to tell them to go elsewhere and obtain such a work from someone else? Thomas Phillips certainly didn't trust Don Stevens. Why? Because Don Stevens was on the VCNAA and that pissed off April Merrill when she realized that she still couldn't "run the show" even when he was on the Commission as a member or as a Chairperson! Don Stevens said to me that he would merely use the material for his own genealogical purposes; not as a political tool. He was the one who wanted to keep our communications confidential. Why, I have no idea, but I do now. Had I foreseen how he (and Frederick Matthew Wiseman PhD) were going to USE this book of Winifred Jerome-Yaratz's "blood, sweat and tears" (not to forget the many other members of the Phillips family, such as Albert Leo Phillips who contributed to this book) I would NEVER have given Donald Stevens a single page of the scanned book, let alone anything else in my possession! Yet, he is a descendant of old Peter Phillips who died in Peacham, VT on December 22 1906; and my mind (at the time) would not let me in good conscious "withhold such information" from him or any other Phillips descendant. Who am I to say, "no, I can't give this material to you, you will have to find it elsewhere"? That's what Thomas Robert O'Bomsawin did with the Gordon Day audio language tape of Elvine Royce O'Bomsawin speaking Abenaki with Gordon Day...Thomas O'Bomsawin's response to me was, "I can't make a you a copy of this tape...its "restricted" and "copyrighted" ". It is THEIR families ancestors, not mine. Yet to use this material for "political gain or leverage" by these persons such as Donald Stevens and Frederick M. Wiseman PhD, makes me mentally nauseous! 
Subsequently, I am placing some of Yaratz's book pages, on this blog presently, in the hopes that viewers of this blog can "follow the created documents" that they are useing to solicite Legislative Recognition of their "Alliance" and or "incorporate group's in part" and come to realize the obvious ploys by Frederick M. Wiseman and Donald W. Stevens Jr. in their endeavor to gain "Vermont State Recognition" for their so-called "VT Indigenous Alliance" (i.e. these 4 or 5 incorporated groups "claiming to be Abenakis.")

Page 3: of Winifred Yaratz's Book
I would like to acknowledge the help of the following people. Without their help this history would not have been possible
My Husband James J. Yaratz who put with my long hours of doing this book.
My daughter Wendy a Blodgett whose encouragement convinced me to complete this book.
My sister Rita Muir, for wanting her Native History
My cousins who gave me a lot of Family History, Carol Stevenson Marion Julius Bambi Dingman Albert (Tom) and Shirley Phillips Raymond and Roxie Phillips
And to the memory of my Mother Marceline (Blake) Jerome, for trusting me with a lot of the Family Indian History. Who help identify how they lived within fear of revealing who they were.

So, it is BEFORE I move forward with the next posting, these documents are now available to reviewers of this blog, to review and evaluate them. That in simple step-by-step conclusion it is now shown and provided documentarily:

1. Thomas Robert O'Bomsawin of Odanak status did relocate from Odanak to Swanton, was employed by and advocated for Homer Walter St. Francis Sr. and in fact lived with "Chief" Homer St. Francis, where he met Daisy Goodman BEFORE they relocated and resided behind Doris Minckler's residence. Whereupon......

2. Thomas Robert O'Bomsawin decided to fight removal from behind Doris Minckler's home, using the Robertson's Lease of 1765 by switching his name to "Abomsawin", etc. Unsuccessful with that endeavor......

3. He and Daisy Goodman relocated their mobile home, children in tow, to North Stratford, Coos County, New Hampshire (to her mother's home along the Connecticut river) in the Spring of 1995.

4. Once settled in the Coos County, N.H. area, Thomas Robert O'Bomsawin then began researching the area regarding Philip's Land Grant of 1796 of Coos County, N.H.; and solicited people ca. April 1995 to 1998 to "come to meetings" (including my own person); Newton Washburn of Bethlehem; the Phillips descendants i.e. the Stone Family of East Stratford, N.H., to name a few. Eventually this group of gathered people would be called the "Abenaki Family Alliance". Later Thomas O'Bomsawin would, with the encouragement of his wife Daisy and others, would incorporate into the "Nidôbak, Incorporated" in August, 1995.

5. This Incorporation within the State of New Hampshire, "under the laws of the state" would eventually desolve and become defunct after March 14, 2000. Thomas O'Bomsawin, with his wife and children (Adam, Dane, Tagwongo "Autumn", Mali-Agat") would relocate eventually to the Farmington, Franklin County, Maine area after Daisy Goodman-O'Bomsawin graduated from Nursing School. Tom's brother, David Roland O'Bomsawin apparently stayed in the area of North Stratford, N.H. with his wife Vicki Rae nee: Beaton, who were also a part of the "Abenaki Family Alliance" retrospectively-speaking. David and Vicky Rae Beaton married in Reno, Washoe County, Nevada on August 03, 2000. They continue to reside in North Stratford, Coos County, N.H.

Over a period of time, I began to "sense" dynamic's changing between my "friends" and associations with particular people within various "Abenaki Cirles" (perhaps it was the distrust or paranoia towards my "friendship" with them, on their part), in particular with Thomas Robert O'Bomsawin and I witnessed as several vocal altercations developed in said retrospective friendship with him and Daisy Goodman. I began to "distance my associations" with "that circle of people". I just stopped visiting them eventually.

Hopefully, someone or some people will "see the documented connections" (as I have) in these documents being put on this blog. Meaning, Luke Andrew Willard's group appointing, nominating, or electing Donald Warren Stevens, Jr. is not simply "luck", or coincidence.

It is blantant manipulation and deceitfulness on the part of these people composing the "Vermont Abenaki Indigenous Alliance" i.e. Fred Wiseman Sr., Luke Willard, Don Stevens, and April Merrill, etc. All the while, these groups comprising the Vermont Indigenous Alliance (the Four Oganized Abenaki Bands) now "stack" the re-constructed Vermont Commission on Native American Affairs, with their own people/ representatives! These folks will continue to manipulate, deceive, distort, and continue their dishonesty against the Abenaki Ancestors. This is not 'just about selling their "Abenaki" artwork" .... Far from it. Time will tell.

Friday, September 17, 2010

The "Abenaki "Plot Thickens....Part 3: October 01, 1997 Band Council of Odanak Letter By Gilles O'Bomsawin; "Alsigunticook Nation of Abenakis" ~ Nidôbak, Inc. of North Stratford, N.H.:

Conseil de Bande d'Odanak Band Council
Odanak, October 01, 1997

To whom it may concern,
With this letter, the Band Council of Odanak recognizes the committee that is formed of the following people:
Richard "Rick" O'Bomsawin
Thomas "Tom" Robert O'Bomsawin
Patricia Benedict.
This committee will act on the behalf and for the ABENAKI PEOPLE in regards to land claims and environmental matters in the United States.

This committee is strictly on a volunteer basis and therefor recieves no financial aid from the Odanak Band Council.

We the Band Council and the Abenaki people of Odanak give our moral support and wish the committee all the luck in the months and years to come.

Sincere regards,
Gilles O'Bomsawin, Chief
for the Odanak Band Council
GOB/ sob
102 rue Sibosis, Odanak, (Quebec) J0G 1H0 tel.: 514-568-2810
PO Box 184, N. Stratford, NH 03590
(603) 922-5544
January 9, 1998
To whom it may concern;
This is to confirm that at the annual meeting of Nidôbak, Inc. on December 7, 1997 the board of directors agreed that Nidôbak, Inc. will be the fiscal sponsor of the Alsigunticook Sovereignty Project. The project will submit its budget to the board and all acquired funding will be deposited into and distributed from Nidôbak's bank account.
Patricia Lilly - Treasurer
Daisy Goodman - Secretary
Jim Agawa - Board Member
Tom Obomsawin - Board Member
Karen Lessard - Board Member
Alsigunticook Nation of Abenakis
Proposal Summary
Thomas Obomsawin, PO Box 184, N. Stratford, NH 03590 603-922-5544 Richard O'Bomsawin, Awassos Street, Odanak PQ JOG-1H0 514-568-0869 Patricia Benedict, 123 Wayland Ave, Waterbury, CT 06780 203-754-0039

Fiscal Sponsor: Nidôbak, Inc., U.S. Federal Tax Identification # 02-0494095

Alsigunticook Nation of Abenakis requests funding to pursue a legal challenge to industrial forestry practices in the northern forest region of northern New Hampshire, western Maine and northeastern Vermont. This challenge will take the form of a claim against title to the headwaters area of the Connecticut and Androscoggin Rivers held primarily by Champion International and Mead-Oxford Corporations. We are a federally recognized group representing the direct descendants of the St. Francis Indians, or Odanak Abenakis, recognized historically as the Native people whose territory extends from the Kennebec River watershed in Maine to Lake Champlain and Southern Quebec.
Our vast territory has been systematically deforested over the past two hundred years. The last areas of wild land within that territory are in greater danger than at any other time in history. Industrial forestry is rapidly destroying what is left through massive clearcutting. Toxic herbicides are applied by helicopter to encourage growth of a biologically simplified monocultural forest of softwoods - the trees most desired for paper production. Drastic erosion, leaching of soil nutrients, water pollution and loss of sensitive species have accompanied this form of forest management. Years of effort by the environmental community have failed to bring about the fundamental changes in forest policy critical to the survival of the northern forest ecosystem.
The northeastern forest is central to Abenaki culture and way of life. Without its survival, in its natural complexity, our traditions and our identity as a people will not survive. We depend on the land, plants and creatures, and they depend on us to live responsibly with them. Until European contact, the forest and our people lived in harmony.
Our goal is to win the return of the remaining nearly wild areas of our territory through a legal challenge to illegal land title held by the region's largest landowners- the forest products industry. To ensure that any reclaimed land will be protected during our lifetimes and forever, by our descendants, we have made a commitment to any forest land returned to us which includes: (1) A ban all commercial logging activities on our territory indefinitely; (2) A ban on the release of pesticides and other pollutants; (3) restoration of polluted areas and aiding the natural return of all indigenous species; (4) Limiting hunting, fishing, gathering wild foods, fuel, and building materials to what is required for subsistence purposes only; (5) Limiting motorized access to the land. hi addition, Alsigunticook will not accept any settlement which exchanges money for land, our goal is to protect our land, not to sell it.
Cindy Hill, Esq., an experienced environmental attorney well versed in Federal Indian Law, has completed an initial assessment of existing land titles and formulation of
legal strategy. In her opinion, a potentially successful land claim by descendants of the Odanak/St. Francis Indians exists. Such a claim by us with our commitment to protecting any of this reclaimed forest land would effectively protect the headwaters of the Connecticut and Androscoggin Rivers and surrounding watersheds from the forest products industry.
A committee has formed and been approved by the Chief and Band Council of Odanak consisting of the contact people listed at the top of this document. This committee is mandated to pursue land claims and environmental matters in Abenaki territory south of the Canada/U. S border for the Abenaki People. The committee has created the Alsigunticook Sovereignty Project to facilitate the implementation of a successful land claim. Until such time that the Alsigunticook Sovereignty Project obtains its own Tax ID number, Nidôbak, Inc. will be fiscal sponsor for any tax-deductible contributions received.
We request funding to complete legal research and litigate through the first Federal District Court (a flat fee of $50,000 US). At this time, applications for funding are pending to the Foundation For Deep Ecology and Sweetwater Trust. We are also seeking funding for grass-roots organizing, public education and administration for the implementation of this project.
Proposal for Funding

March, 1998
Alsigunticook Nation Land Claim to Protect Northern Forest Land

Who are we?
We are direct descendants of the historic Saint Francis Indians, known today as the Odanak Abenaki. Our territory traditionally stretches hundreds of miles from the St. Lawrence river as far south as Massachusetts and from the Kennebec River in Maine the Lake Champlain, however, the past four centuries of European contact have left us a reservation a mere one mile by four miles in size. Close to the mouth of the St. Francis River in Quebec Province, this reservation is known today as Odanak. The traditional name for our village, and the St. Francis River, is Alsigunticook. The Alsigunticook Nation of Abenakis are members of the federally recognized Abenakis of Odanak who are banded together in our ancient tradition. Our Land Claims committee has been recognized and endorsed by the Chief and Band Council of Odanak. (see attached)
Abenaki tradition teaches that the natural world is sacred, and that we have a duty to protect the earth and our people. Our land, although it has been subject to gross exploitation since European contact began, is in greater danger now than at any other time in history. The last large areas of forest land are quickly disappearing because of the activities of a handful of large paper and lumber companies and individuals who value nothing except profit. Toxic herbicides are applied by helicopter to encourage growth of a biologically simplified forest of fir, spruce and jack pine, trees most desirable for paper production. The natural integrity of the forest is devastated, and thousands of species of plants and animals are extinct or in danger as a result of this management. The thin topsoil of our region, which took thousands of years to accumulate, is being washed downstream, and what soil remains is subject to severe nutrient depletion and other changes caused by exposure and the application of herbicides. Because the soil now lacks the capacity to support natural regeneration, the forest products industry in Maine has begun to apply municipal sludge and hazardous mill wastes to forest lands as fertilizer. The NH legislature is considering allowing the same practice. Water contamination is widespread, a direct result of industrial forestry practices.
If the northern forest disappears, our culture, our traditions, and existence as a people will disappear too. The best efforts of Native and non-Native environmentalists to alert state and local governments to this critical situation have failed- the forest products industry is too powerful a force politically. Our territory must be protected and allowed to begin the long process of healing and regeneration. Our legal challenge to industry's ownership of our land is one of our only options. Our committee has identified an area of our illegally ceded territory that most closely resembles unbroken wild land, the northern forest area of eastern Vermont, northern New Hampshire, and western Maine.
Historical Background
When Europeans entered our land several hundred years ago they found a forest that was at least 10,000 years old. This forest provided everything our people needed to survive. In return, our people appreciated and respected the forest. We practiced the principles of sustainability in gathering wild plants, hunting, fishing, choosing village sites, and all other aspects of life. Abenaki culture, like all indigenous cultures, is built around balance and harmony with our natural environment. Our culture is connected to our land in a great circle. We depend on the land, plants, and creatures, and they depend on us to live responsibly with them.
Without the same connection to the land, European colonists and the parent governments only saw resources ripe for exploitation, including furs, minerals, timber and potential farm land, of an abundance not seen on their continent for millennia. The French were the first Europeans to contact the Abenaki, sailing up the St. Lawrence in the early 1500s. They were initially interested in establishing a trade in furs and in converting our people to Christianity. By the early 1600s.. the English had become a presence to the south. Their interest was in timber, especially the giant white pines, known to our people as Kchi Koasak. White Pine was especially valuable to the ship-building industry. For two hundred years white pines were cut until not one of the original trees were left, anywhere. The English government eventually established colonies to control the exploitation of our resources. The majority of Abenakis fiercely resisted this invasion of our territory. As a result, sizable bounties were placed on Abenaki scalps by the Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony and the New Hampshire Colony. These bounties remained in effect throughout the 1700s.
By the mid 1700s, what is now southern New England was deforested and hundreds of thousands of Native People had been slaughtered or dead from disease. Many survivors had fled north to the Coös region and Alsigunticook (St. Francis/Odanak). Coös or Koas (named for the giant white pines that grew abundantly here) is a large region including northeast central Vermont, northern New Hampshire and northwestern Maine, and extending 50 miles into southern Quebec. This region remained under Abenaki control until the end of the 1700s. Abenaki families traveled freely within the territory, maintaining hunting and fishing territories in the Koas region. The name survives today in northern New Hampshire's "Coös County". Attempts at English settlement of Koas were beaten back repeatedly.

Fraudulent Land Sales
In 1790, the US Congress enacted legislation commonly known as the Trade and Intercourse Act. The Act made illegal any purchase of land from Indians except by the Federal Government, and was in part an effort to prevent any more wars with the Indian inhabitants. From that point on, purchase of Indian land by individuals and individual states was a violation of Federal law.
In 1796 four land and timber speculators approached an aging Abenaki leader by the name of Philip Metallak, known regionally by the white settlers as "King Philip". They induced him to sign a deed relinquishing title to the majority of the Koas region (see
attached). These timber speculators subsequently incorporated in the new State of New Hampshire as the Eastman Land Company. While it is unlikely that Philip could read English, or understood the implications of what he was signing, the deed was immediately used as a basis for land sales by the Eastman Land Company. Two years later, in 1798, a man named Moody Bedel approached another aging group of Alsigunticook Abenakis who had served in his father's regiment during the Revolutionary War, and persuaded them to sign a deed relinquishing the portion of the Koas area falling within the boundaries of present day New Hampshire. Both these deeds remain on the registry of deeds for Coos County, NH, today.

During the early 1800s the deforestation of the Koas region was begun in earnest by the Connecticut River Valley lumber company. White pine was the first to be completely decimated, followed by oak, maple, birch, spruce and fir in order of profitability. Abenaki people watched in horror but could not prevent two centuries of assault on the integrity of the land of our ancestors. By the beginning of the twentieth century most of our territory had been completely stripped of timber. We estimate that most of the Koas region has been deforested at least twice, by a succession of different companies. At present, Mead-Oxford and Champion International are the largest landowners in the area. Champion International has recently announced the sale of all its Vermont holdings and 50,000 acres in New Hampshire. Both companies are currently clearcutting thousands of acres of forested land in this region.
The northern forest ecosystem is already struggling to recover from two centuries of deforestation. Industrial forestry has had a devastating impact on the natural recovery process because of loss of soil nutrients, altered soil microbiology, erosion of topsoil, water pollution, and loss of sensitive species.
Our people can no longer tolerate the loss of our land. Because all aspects of traditional Abenaki culture are intertwined with the survival of our northern forest homeland, our cultural survival is now at stake. Fish, game, berries, other traditional foods, and the water, are contaminated with toxic residues from aerial spraying and hazardous waste. Many of the plants our people have depended on for millennia for food, dyes, cooking utensils, medicines and other needs are disappearing. The areas where sacred plants once grew are filled with ruts and rocks from logging operations. Where can someone find a white birch large enough to make one of the canoes that this region is famous for? Or any tree with bark enough to cover a lodge? As these living things are gradually destroyed, so too is the knowledge and appreciation of their gifts lost to our children, forever. We recognize that the fate of our land is our fate, our only hope for fundamental change is to reclaim industry's title to the land they are destroying and implement a policy that will allow our forests to recover and regenerate.
Throughout Indian Country, traditional Indian people have made the same decision, to organize and stop the destruction of our land before it is too late for us and our future generations. What industry does not understand is that they have been taking not only our, and our future generations' share of the Earth's bounty, but everyone else's share as well. Soon the last remaining forests will disappear, without being able to recover, leaving a very bleak future all races of people fixing in our country.

We would like to see our forests returned to their original balance, a process which may take many life-times to accomplish. To begin this healing, our land must be freed from the vicious cycle of profit-making. In 1996, representatives of a number of Alsigunticook families came together to discuss the severity of the situation, and to consider possible strategic approaches. We saw the necessity of a clear statement of our purpose, to ensure that our land will be protected from further exploitation during our lifetimes, and also forever, by our descendants (below). The second step was the formation of a Land Claims committee to pursue these goals. Our commitment to any forest territory returned to us is as follows:
1. Ban all commercial logging activities on our territory indefinitely.
2. Ban all release of pesticides and other environmentally harmful chemicals and substances on our territory. Restore polluted areas as thoroughly as possible.
3. Facilitate the natural return of all indigenous species of flora and fauna.
4. Hunting and fishing shall be for subsistence purposes only.
5. Gathering of wild foods, fuel, building materials, etc. shall be for subsistence purposes only and for producing traditionally made goods.
6. No new roads will be built on our territory. Motorized access to remaining roads will be severely limited.
7. Our land is not for sale: we will not accept money in exchange for land.

Implementation Strategy
1. Legal Strategy
In early 1997 the Land Claims committee raised $1000 in donations from family members to retain Cindy Hill, Esq., of Middlebury, VT., a well respected environmental attorney who is also knowledgeable of Federal Indian Law. Ms. Hill conducted a preliminary investigation of the validity of land titles in northeastern Vermont, northern New Hampshire and northwestern Maine, and made recommendations on several strategies based on her findings. Under the relevant sections of US Federal Indian law, she found that transfer of ownership from the St. Francis Indians/Alsigunticook (the Abenaki at Odanak) to colonial era settlers was illegal, as is all title stemming from these transfers. Specifically, the "Phillips Deed" of 1796 and "Bedel's Grant" of 1798 are in clear violation of the Federal Trade and Intercourse Act, which states that any transfer of land title from "Indians" shall be negotiated by the federal government only and that transfers to individuals or states independently are null and void. In addition, she found that critical elements here resemble those in other precedent setting, successful land claim cases, specifically Passamaquoddy v. Morton (Maine) and Oneida Nation v. County of Oneida
Rather than sue individual, small scale land owners who live in the area, Ms. Hill recommended that we challenge the title held by the larger, corporate land owners who are causing the most extensive environmental harm. Such a strategy eliminates the cost of multiple filings on the thousands of individual land owners as well as the associated political fallout from such an action. If successful, this legal action will effectively protect a large portion of the wild lands surrounding the headwaters of the Connecticut and Androscoggin Rivers.

2. Public Education:
Public Education is an additional, and crucial, aspect of the proposed action. Two distinct communities must be educated about our position and the reasons for the legal action being filed. Until now, the larger environmental organizations, the local northern forest communities, and the continent wide network of traditional Native American groups fighting for land protection have rarely communicated closely or worked together effectively. It is our intention to involve all three communities in the proposed action through clear communication about the impact of industrial forestry on the northern forest and about our goals through the media, in writing, and in person.
We believe that the economic, political, and environmental climate at this point in time is such that both local communities and the larger environmental community are potential supporters of our claim. After years of efforts at forest policy reform, both individuals and representatives of a number of environmental groups have indicated privately that they view our approach as a realistic option and would support us. The growing strength of the traditional Native movement to protect the earth has added to this level of awareness of the non-Native environmental community. Expanding this dialogue is essential to maintain this understanding.
A growing number of north country residents are very concerned about the destructive way forest lands are being managed regionally. Support for the proposed ban on clearcutting in Maine, for legislation against heavy cutting in Vermont, and the ban on herbicide applications in forestry in Vermont are all indicators of public concern about what is happening to the northern forest. The growing movement against herbicide use in forestry in New Hampshire is based in north country communities most affected by the spraying, and has been critical in raising fundamental questions about industrial forest management in this state. Alsigunticook Abenakis have been an active part of these movements. In addition, many members of northern forest communities have Native ancestors, identify as "part Indian", have passed down centuries of knowledge about the land within their families, and feel culturally connected to the fate of the forest. As long as our intentions are clearly communicated, there is significant potential for local support of our goals. Through communication and example, we hope to change the way all communities in our region live on the land we all depend on for survival.

Financial Breakdown:
Based on her initial investigation, Ms. Hill has expressed interest in representing Alsigunticook Abenakis in the proposed action. She has agreed to represent us through to the end of a definitive judgment of the first circuit US Federal District Court
(approximately three years) for a fixed fee of $25,000, with an additional $25,000 to cover filing and other costs. Upon receipt of $27,000 she can begin work. The committee chosen to represent the Alsigunticook Abenaki Nation will be responsible for Public Education, networking with the communities described above, and to provide a basis for legal standing in Federal Court.

As a traditional and sovereign group, Alsigunticook is not and can not be incorporated in any state or province. For the purposes of this request, Nidôbak, Inc., a New Hampshire non-profit corporation, has agreed to act as our fiscal sponsor (please see attached letter).
Alsigunticook Sovereignty Project

Proposed Draft Budget
Legal Costs
Initial Investigation and recommendations on the feasibility of a Claim of Rights and Title by the Alsigunticook/Abenaki Nation to unceeded forest land in northern Vermont, New Hampshire, northwestern Maine and southern Quebec.
Litigate through first Federal District Court (approx. 3 years): 25,000
Filing Fees and related court costs.: 25,000
Sovereignty and Public Education Expenses
Public Education
Media informational announcements, and
Press Conferences: 20,000
Consultants (per year)
Media Coordinator: 12,000
Newsletter Coordinator: 12,000
Project Coordinator: 16,000
Office Equipment
Computer: 3,000
Photocopier: 2,500
Printer: 2,000
Software: 3,500
Office Expenses
Photocopying: 2,000
Newsletter Publication and Distribution: 2,000
Computer Expenses: 3,000
Supplies: 2,000 Networking
Postage: 1,000
Telephone: 4,000
Travel: 10,000
Grand Total: $148,000
National Museum of Man
Mercury Series
The Identity of the Saint Francis Indians
Gordon M. Day
Photographic copy that was written with a blue ink'd pen identifying the St. Lawrence River, Montreal, Lake Champlain, Kennebec River, Androscoggin River and the Connecticut River.
Alsigunticook Nation of Abenakis
P.O. Box 184 North Stratford, NH 03590
603 922-5544
1092 Awasos
Odanak, PQ J0G-1H0

This is to acknowledge that_________has contributed $________to the Alsigunticook Nation Legal Fund. We thank you for your support.
By supporting this fund you are helping us protect several hundred thousand acres of undeveloped traditional hunting territory in Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine.
Contributions made to Alsigunticook Nation via Nidôbak, Inc.,
federal tax ID # 02-0494095 are tax deductible.
Had a few minutes to work on this receipt. This is of course a very rough draft. I'm not certain as to how much information needs to be on this. Perhaps we need a seperate information pamphlet? Feel free to edit or add.
We have wanted to put together a newsletter for all of us relatives on the genealogy file which you now have. As you might expect it is a time intensive project. Rick Obomsawin is very busy running the Odanak Cheese Factory. Patty Benedict is finishing up her college courses.
Daisy graduates this week from nursing school. This should free up some time for me. I'm glad that we finally got together for that talk the other night. I hope we can work together on all that we spoke about. Well, give me a call or a FAX when you get a chance. Bye for now.
Thomas Robert Obomsawin
May-06-98 02:53 PM DAISY GOODMAN   6039225544


September 14, 1998

Thomas Obomsawin
P.O. Box 184
North Stratford NH 03590

RE: Odanak/Alsigunticook

Dear Tom:
Thank you for the update on the Abenaki land issue, as to liability of court costs; yes, it is possible that, should the case be lost, the other side would seek court costs. Although it is unlikely that a court would order all the individuals involved in this type of action to actually pay it is indeed possible (as opposed to probable.)

There is also a possibility of a counter-suit, popularly called a SLAPP suit (although I can't recall off hand what the acronym is for) alleging things like tortuous interference with private contracts. You will have to collectively decide whether it is time to take the rope in your teeth and jump over the side. I do feel strongly about the merits of your claim, but make no mistake about it - it may hurt, and it involves taking big risks.

As to the NARF materials, I get the sense that any funding from them would come with serious strings attached. My experience with this type of funding resource. Albeit in other areas of law, has not been favorable, even if specific requirements are not stated up front they tend to appear later coupled with the threat to withdraw funding. I would guess that straight-up fund-raising from a variety of diverse sources, so that everyone involved and benefitting from the suit would have a stake in it, would be best in the long run. Do you have a head count on the number of people in the families listed? Even $20.00 from each person would get this action underway, without being indebted to an outside organization. I realize this is easier said than done, but it's one possible solution. I suspect once we got filed, other donations would come in. Keep me posted.
Very Truly Yours,
Cindy E. Hill, Esq.
One point of interest in this documentation that caught my awareness was when Thomas O'Bomsawin wrote, "As a traditional and sovereign group, "Alsigunticook Nation of Abenakis" is not and can not be incorporated in any state or province....so what it seems to me is that Thomas Robert O'Bomsawin a known Odanak Abenaki "with Canadian First Nations Status" recognized as a "representative of the committe created by (or acknowledged at least) Odanak (a known documented historical "Abenaki" community) is that to become "incorporated," under State sanction, represents an action representing a legal loss of that "sovereignty" as a group.

Yet,  Thomas Robert O'Bomsawin created the Nidôbak, Incorporated Buisness ID No. 235748, between August 22, 1995 and September 20, 1995 ... BEFORE the "Alsigunticook, Inc." Committee was brought into reality before or on October 01, 1997.

So what does this mean, when April St. Francis-Merrill and all these "other groups" and their "spin-off groups" of alleged and re-invented "Abenakis" claim repeatedly, "to be sovereign," "a Sovereign Nation," or that they continue to retain "sovereignty" .... and yet they have "incorporated" under the State of Vermont, New Hampshire (or any other State for that matter)? Do these "groups" of self-proclaiming "Abenakis" in VT, NH, MA, etc REALLY retain their "sovereignty" AFTER these groups have retrospectively incorporated "under State Laws"; or are these "Chiefs" of alleged and re-invented Abenakis, simply delusional in their claims of being the "Sovereign Abenaki Nation"? Reality says these people are not "sovereign" at all. Reality and documentation indicate the very strong possibility that these groups in Vermont etc are even delusion is claiming that they are "Abenakis".
The Alsigunticook Abenakis Committee's "Land Claim's" regarding Philip's Grant of 1796, never went anywhere judicially-speaking or otherwise, for seeming "lack of funding" for it. Yet, I am quite aware to this day, of at least $2,600.00 USD having come from the Grass-Roots "something or other" organization, which was located in Montpelier, VT that was solicited by "Nidôbak, Inc.", for the amount of the aforesaid amount of funding, for an Abenaki Language Colouring Book, to be used for the New Hampshire School's. Where is that "Abenaki Language Colouring Book", then or today? No where, thats where. They may have used Alice Stevens Colouring Book that she created, and easily obtained at any New England Pow-wow to claim that such a Colouring Books in Abenaki was done by "Nidôbak, Inc."? Where did that $2,600.00 dollars in monetary funding go, that was received at Karen Lessard's residence in Gorham, N.H.? The answer is that such funding went very likely into "someone's pocket" for "other" possible "personal expenses". Whom was the Treasurer? Whom was the Secretary of Nidôbak, Inc.? I have the documents (including a photocopy of the check) and to this day, there is NO "Abenaki Colouring Book to be found in the New Hampshire Educational system. How much other funding was solicited for one purpose, and got "sidetracked" into "personal usage"?

Nidôbak, Inc. is today, a defunct (dead) incorporation in New Hampshire as of March 01, 2006 by Administrative Dismissal LLP-CC-NP with a last Annual Report filed on March 20, 2000. The "Land Claims" regarding Indian Chief or King "Philip" went the way of "King Philip" himself. Tom & Daisy Obomsawin left North Stratford, Coos County, New Hampshire for the Farmington, Maine area. Whether the historical Indian "Philip" was indeed actually "Metallak" has been up for debate. Another few questions or dynamic within the historical context, is this:

Why wasn't Metallak one of the signer's on his alleged father Old Indian Philip's Land Grant of June 28th 1796?
Metallak was well known to MANY people, non-native and native throughout the geographical area.
Why didn't the alleged fact, that Metallak was "the son of" Indian Philip of Coos County, New Hampshire?
According to Winifred Yaratz book page 2 (of which I have labeled as "Z19.jpg" "someone" has alleged that Metallack and Antoine Phillips Sr. were siblings. Both were the children of Old Indian Philip and his wife Molly Messel/ Missile (Marie Mitchell). So, Metallak was born in ca. 1730. If Antoine Phillips were a son of Old Indian Philip, born in ca. 1787, that boy would have been around 8 to 10 years old. Yet, both women who were documented Angelique Joseph (Mooseleck Sussop) and Mary Messell, were both in their elderly years, seemingly far past their child-bearing years of life. So again, a lot of supposition and conjecture and not much substantiation or convincing evidence that Antoine Phillips Sr. born in ca. 1787 was the son of Philip the Indian, who signed the Land Grant of June 28th, 1796. Of course Metallak, could have been "away" (it is written in Alice Daley Noyes book Prince of Darkness on Page 63) that in 1800 Louis Wawanolette "wintered at Double Pont in Salem, VT with Metallak". In all the writings concerning Old Indian Philp of Coos County, Metallak, or about these two women, it would appear that no one mentioned or indicated "young people" living with or around these "elderly Abenakis". Why not? Old Phillip "the last of...." Metallak "the last of...." Well, people get the picture.... Where were the Upper Coos Abenakis? Apparently they went to Odanak, Quebec, Canada and points west.... BEFORE June 28, 1796 and "old Indian Philip" and Metallak were simply Native People who were left behind in the Coos region, to live out their remaining elderly years.  

The "Abenaki" Plot Thickens....Part 2: Alsigunticook Nation of Abenakis:



February 24, 1997

Tom Obomsawin

P.O. Box 184
North Stratford NH 03590

Dear Tom,
I have received the statement which you sent to me, and as we discussed on the telephone last week, I believe the statement to be strong and worthwhile; however, although it may help in legal matters such as the one you recently faced, it will not have any definitive legal affect. I would be extremely excited to work with you on the idea of pressing an Abenaki land claim. As we discussed on the phone, the first step in this would be to have me research other Eastern United State's Land Claims cases, and develop a suggestive strategy or range of alternative strategies for your use in this matter. As we discussed, there are countless logistical problems to be addressed before such a claim can be initiated. I have proposed to do this research for you and develop a recommended strategy plan for a flat fee of $1,000.00. My staff is ready to get going as soon as the check arrives. I look forward to speaking with you.

Very Truly Yours,
Cind Ellen Hill, Esq.
CEH: cjc

G.P.O. BOX 1680
Date: March 19, 1997

P.O. BOX 184

Employer identification Number: 02-0494095
Case Number: 117008050
Contact Person: LORI WEBB
Contact Telephone Number: (860) 258-2040
Accounting Period Ending;: December 31
Foundation Status Classification: 509(a)(2)
Advance Ruling Period Begins: September 19, 1995
Advance Ruling Period Ends: December 31, 1999
Addendum Applies: No

Dear Applicant:
Based on information you supplied and assuming your operations will be as stated in your application for recognition of exemption, we have determined you are exempt from federal income tax under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code as an organization described in section 501(c)(3).
Because you are a newly created organization, we are not now making a final determination of your foundation status under section 509(a) of the Code. However, we have determined that you can reasonably expect to be a publicly supported organization described in section 509(a)(2).
Accordingly, during an advance ruling period you will be treated as a publicly supported organization, and not as a private foundation. This advance ruling period begins and ends on the dates shown above.
Within 90 days after the end of your advance ruling period, you must send us the information needed to determine whether you have met the requirements of the applicable support test during the advance ruling period. If you establish that you have been a publicly supported organization, we will classify you as a section 509(a)(1) or 509(a)(2) organization as long as you continue to meet the requirements of the applicable support test. if you do not meet the public support requirements during the advance ruling period. we will classify you as a private foundation for future periods. Also, if we classify you as a private foundation, we will treat you as a private foundation from your beginning date for purposes of section 507(d) and 4940.
Grantors and contributors may rely on our determination that you are not a private foundation until 90 days after the end-of your advance ruling period. If you send us the required information within the 90 days, grantors and contributors may continue to rely on the advance determination until we make a final determination of your foundation status.
If we publish a notice in the Internal Revenue Bulletin stating that we....
Letter 1045 (DO/CG)



24 June 1997

Tom Obomsawin
P. 0. Box 184
North Stratford NH 03590

Dear Mr. Obomsawin,
It appears that there is a potentially successful legal claim that the Phillips Deed and the Bedell Grant, which purport to convey large tracts of land in the region of northern New Hampshire, Maine, and surrounding areas, are invalid under the Trade and Intercourse Act of 1790.
As we have previously discussed, there are numerous methods by which you could bring a lawsuit to attempt to have these transactions declared void, including suit against municipalities, the states, or individual landowners. In further discussions, you and I have concluded that it would be most effective to target the individual landowners who represent a large share of the land at interest, and are also most culpable for ecological damage being done to the region. These landowners would be Champion and Meade corporations. Additionally, I strongly recommend including in such a suit Dartmouth College, both because they are large landowners in the region, and because, given Dartmouth's history, they have in their possession a significant quantity of materials regarding Abenaki history. They also have on staff a number of people well versed in the history of the region, who could be subpoenaed to testify at trial.
The (sic) are which requires careful thought and planning regarding bringing such a suit is that of identifying the Plaintiff. In order to bring a lawsuit, you must have the proper legal standing. The court must also be able to see that, if you win, there is an appropriate party to receive whatever the settlement or judgement may be. In other words, if the court were to declare the grants to be null and void, they would have to turn the property involved over to someone. The court would need to know who they legally should turn the property over to.
  One way to approach this would to be bring a class action suit on behalf of all the descendants of the St. Francis Indians. This would probably be complicated, and would leave open the possiblity for unfortunate grandstanding or publicity battles among the

various New England groups who periodically claim to be "the real Abenaki".

The better, more legally sound way to approach bringing such a suit would be through the auspices of Odanak, given that there is lawful Canadian recognition of this entity. The council at Odanak could, itself, bring suit. To make things logistically easier, I recommend that the Odanak council designate,a group of people or an organization in New Hampshire to serve as their representative for purposes of pressing this claim of rights.
A law suit of this type would be brought in the Federal District Court for the District of New Hampshire. It would be a long and difficult process, as you may expect the corporate defendants to launch a-strong opposition. The court will also require a lot of lengthy (sic) education on the subject. You may expect the District Court process to take several years. If you lose at the District Court level, the next level of appeal would again take up to three years.
I would be very interested in representing you in this type of legal action. As I stated to you at our last meeting, my office would be willing to undertake the District Court action, through to a final initial judgement in the District Court, for a flat legal fee of $25,000.00. This fee would not include any out of pocket expenses, including phone bills, copying, filing and service fees, and expert witness charges. It would also not include any post judgement actions or appeal. The flat fee would have to be paid up front before we commenced work.
I developed this figure based on the fact that I believe over the next few years there would be quite a number of months when this legal action would occupy the full time resources of my office. I would not be able to set aside other work in order to pursue this claim without adequate up front compensation. I would have no claim on any monetary settlement which might be reached, should that be the direction this eventually goes in.
I would conservatively estimate that you should count on another $25,000.00 over the course of two to three years as out of pocket expenses. I would like to receive at least two thousand dollars in advance on the expense budget, to cover filing fees and service of process.
I look forward to speaking with you further about this.
Very Truly Yours,
Cindy Ellen Hill, Esq.
Outside of Letter Notification dated June 1997 of Abenaki "Odanak Family Alliance"  regarding meeting dated July 12, 1997, from Claudia E. Chicklas at 61 Beaver Road in Ware, MA 01082 to Richard Bernier at Bluff Road, Box 722 in Newport, VT 05855
Abenaki Odanak Family Alliance
Mali Keating
Goshen Road
R.R. 1, Box 3380
Bradford, VT 05033
(802) 222-5662

Tom Obomsawin
P.O. Box 184
North Stratford, N.H. 03590
(603) 922-544

Notice of Meeting
July 12, 1997, Ware, MA
Arrive 10:00 - 11:00 A.M.

The meeting, hosted by Claudia Chicklas and her daughter Joyce Heywood, will be held in the Social Serivce Club building at the corner of Pleasant Street and Park Street in Ware, MA. We'll have a lunch break at 1:00 P.M., then resume meeting. We need to conclude by 5:00 P.M.
The Agenda will include the following:
Minutes of last meeting
New Hampshire repatriations of remains and grave goods
Reoport on meeting with Odanak chief
Report on meeting with the Abenaki Confederacy
Organization of our band, including name
Directions to Ware, MA and the Social Science Club
Easiest access to Ware is from I 90, the MassPike. You can access the Pike from I 91, (North, Vt. N.H.) or (South, Ct); I 84 or I 395 (Ct.); I 290 (Worcester); and I 495 (MA, R.I.). From I 91 take the Pike EAST. From the others take the Pike WEST. Leave the Pike at Exit 8 (Palmer) and take a left onto Route 32. Follow Route 32 Noth to Ware, (8.4 miles). At blinking yellow light take a right. Go to the second traffic light and take a left onto Church Street. Take a second right from Church Street onto Pleasant Street. The Social Sicence Club is a stucco building on the left at the end of the block.
Reaching Ware from the north on Route 32 or the east on Route 9, go past the fire station to the first traffic light and take a right onto Church Street, then the second right onto Pleasant Stret. Social Science Club as above.
If you are approaching Ware on Route 9 from the west, go to the second traffic light, take the left onto Church Street, then the second right onto Pleasant Street. Social Science Club as above.
Please R.S.V.P. to Claudia Chicklas (sister to Mali Keating), 61 Beaver Road, Ware, MA 01082 (413) 967-3811
Let me know if you need accommodations. There are several nice bed and breakfasts in town, plus a motel (of which I have no knowledge).
Obituary for Claudia Chicklas
November 25, 2008
Ware, Massachusetts
LAW OFFICE OF802-388-1317

August 25 1997

Tom Obomsawin
P.O. Box 184
North Stratford NH 03584

Dear Tom,
Just touching base to find out hou you are getting along with the funding applications for the Abenaki Land Rights Suit. Give me a call when you know where you going with this. I look forward to working on it with you.
Very Truly Yours,
Cindy E. Hill, Esq.


The "Abenaki "Plot Thickens....Part 1: Regarding the Indian Philip's Land Grant of 1796 ~ Nidobak, Inc. and the Abenaki Odanak Family Alliance, Etc:

The following is a true copy of the original deed of a large portion of the Coos county from King Philip, an Indian who once controlled the northern lands, to Tomas Eames of Northumberland (NH). John Bradly and Jonathan Eastman of Concord (NH) and Nathan Hoist of Moultonboro (NH). The Ammonoosuck River reffered to is probably the one known as the upper Ammonusuc which joins the Connecticut at Norhtumberland (NH).

King Philip's Deed

To all persons whom these presents shall, come, greeting Know ye all that I, Philip, an Indian, a native of America, now resident in Upper Coos and chief thereof, for and in consideration of the sum hereinafter named, for which i have received security to my full satisfaction of Thomas Eames of Northumberland in the county of Grafton and State of New Hampshire and his associates, namely, John Bradly and Jonathan Eastman of Concord, county of Rockingham, and Nathan Hoit of Moultonboro in the county of Strafford all in the State of New Hampshire, esquires, all my peculiar friends, I have this day given, bargained, sold, released, conveyed and confirmed and by these presents do give, bargain, sell, release, convey and confirm to them the said Thomas, John, Jonathan and Nathan, their heirs and assigns forever all that tract or parcel of land and water, situated within the following boundaries, viz: Being on the pond to the carrying place, then across the carrying place to a small pond on the head of the Plumpetussuck, or Dead river, then down said river to Andrewscoggin river to lake Umbagog, including all waters of said lake and island; from said lake to the outlet of Mosseluckmegantik, including all the waters and islands thereof: then across the carrying place Qwasuktemick (Cupsuptic), thence down river til it empties into Awsisgowassuck river, then up the said river to Palmachinabagogg lake, including all the water and islands thereof, thence up said river to Skessawennock (Lac Magog) lake, thence up and Massheecoowanggwnall (Clyde) river to the head thereof (Island Pond); then across the carrying place to Walheogawmuck (Nulhegan), then down said river, including the waters and islands thereof, from thence up Ammonoosuc river, the place begun at, agreeably to a plan I have this day given to them, their heirs and assigns forever, with the following conditions and reservations, viz.--that I reserve free liberty to hunt all sorts of wild game on any of the foregoing territories, and taking fish in any of the waters thereof for myself, my heirs and successors and all Indian tribes forever. Also liberty of planting four bushels of corn and beans. And this, my trusty friend Thomas, having given me security to furnish me and my sqaw with provision and suitable clothing which I have accepted in full. I have for myself and in behalf of all Indians, who hunted on or inhabited any of the foregoing lands or waters forever quit, claimed and sold as aforesaid to them, the said Thomas, John, Jonathan and Nathan, their heirs and assigns forever against the claims of all or any persons whatsoever.

In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal and signature this twenty-eighth day of June, 1796.

Philip, x Indian Chief.

Molly, x Messel.

Moosekit, x Sussop.

Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of
Jere. Eames.
Ely Buck.
Source: History of Stratford, Jeannette Thompson, Coos and Grafton County Land Records and others.
Vol G3 pg 219 & 220

Concord Dec 11, 1796

Proposal for forming a company to be concerned ni a tract of land purchased of Philip an Indian Chief by Thomas Eames, John Bradley, Jonathan Eastman & Nathan Hoit, agreeable to a deed executed by the said Philip in manner following, viz:-

1 st That the said Thomas, John, Jonathan & Nathan make & execute proper deeds of conveyance such to the other in such manner that each shall be an owner of one fourth part of all the lands & waters conveyed by the said Philip's deed the same to be held in commonalty as an undivided interest & each in his proportion to his interest to be held accountable for the expenditures in proportion to his interest in the above said sale and subjected to his proportion of the conditions expressed in said deed.

2dly That the before named Thomas John Jonathan and Nathan shall have authority each if either shall think proper sell and convey one fifth part of the lands and waters contained in s'd Phillips deed to any person who shall be approved of by a majority of the original owners, subject to the foregoing obligations: that on the non-performance of of any payment or duty which has or may be agreed on by the above described owners such part of any delinquent share shall by sold as will be sufficient to pay such deficiency with necessary charges. 3rdly The said proprieters which shall at no time eceed twnety shares shall vote according to their respective shares either by themselves or their attorneys.

The propriters shall agree on some place where to convene to transact the business of the proprieters, always confining it within the State of New Hampshire.

5th The etce proprieters shall appoint some one of the proprieters to act as clerk, who shall record all their proceedings and where all accounts shall be lodged on file for adjustment and allowance by the said proprieters.

6th That when it shall be agreed to by the etce proprieters theyt shall petition any of the states or kingdoms where such land lay to be incorporated into a body politic to transact any of their affairs suitable to such incorporation and lastly if all _______ to keep profound secrecy- or by D.L.d.y

Grafton s.s. Sept.4.1797

Receivd, recorded and examined. P. John Rogers Reg.

Bedel's Grant: Vol. B32 pp.386-387, Lancaster; Sealed 1798-10-17; Recorded 1811-09-10 & 1835-08-14

Know all men by these Presents
++t we Manner Neuf-Langhman, Takoos Langhman, Capt +++orater D. St.Francisat, Capt. Benedic, Capt. Poornif apt. Franson Joseph, Capt. Joseph Lampis all of the Tribe _____ ation of St. Francis or Abenaque Indians. For and in consideration +++ thirty one hundred dollars to us in hand paid al_ t before the +++ delivery hereof by Nathaniel Wales of Cochburn in the County of +rafton & State of New Hampshire Esq and David Gibbs of St. A+++ in the Province of Lower Canada and Moody Bedel of Haverhill in the County of Grafton and State of New Hampshire aforesaid Es++ the receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge ourselves therewith fal++ content and satisfied. have given granted, bargained & sold & by these presents do give, grant, bargain & sell unto the said Wales, Gibbs & Bedle their heirs and assigns to their own use and benefit forever the following tract of land bounded as follows - viz -Beginning at the mouth of the Ammonusuck River where it empties into Connecticut River in Haverhill in the County of Grafton & State of New Hampshire from thence on a straight line eastwardly southward of the White Mountains to Great Ossipee River where it crosses the boundary line between the said State of New Hampshire and Massachusetts Bay from thencenortheasterly on the boundary line between the two States aforesaid on the same course to the boundary line between the United States & the Government of Great Briton + + + established by the Treaty between the Kingd of Great Briton + + +  + + +  + + +

To Have and to Hold + + + ses with all the priviledges + + + in any wise appertaining to them + their several and respective heirs, executors, admin + + our use and benefit & behoof forever, and we the s + +  + + + oos, Asan, Benedic, Pournif, Joseph & Lampis for ourselv + + + irs & assigns ++ sue cessons in office do covenant & agree to and + + the said Wales and assigns that the Nation or tribe of which we belong aforesaid + + the lawful original owners & possessors of the same, that the + + has never been sold or conveyed previous to the ensealing her + + the exception of Captain Thomas aforesaid, Nation or Tribe aforesaid + + we as the chiefs, captains & representatives of the aforesaid Nat+ + + aforesaid have full power to sell & dispose of the same in + + + + that we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, adminis+ + as well as our successors in office to warrant & forever + + their said Wales, Gibbs, & Bedel, their heirs + + +  + + + The Lawful claims or demands of any person or persons + +

In witness we have hereunto set our hands + + + twenty seventh day of October A. D. 1798. Signed, sealed & delivered

in presence of us

Thomas Arakuente                                                

Michael AraLorinuty

Mamonul X Shoasion + + +

Takus X Sansni + + +
Capt X Asan + + +

Capt X Benedic + + +

Capt X Poumife + + +

Capt Franson X Joseph + +

Capt Joseph X Lampis XXX

Bedel's Grant ss Sept 10, 18 11

Read for Record & Recorded

Attest. Timothy Bedle Recorder

Bedle's Grant as.

I hereby certify that the within & above is + + of Record as recorded in the Proprietors Records.

John Haines. Pro Clerk

Coos ss Aug( 17th 1835.
The above and foregoing copy Recd. Recorded & Examined
By R Stephenson Regr
These afore-mentioned above three (3) historical documents were transcribed by Thomas Robert O'Bomsawin, residing retrospectively-speaking in North Stratford, Coos County, New Hamshire with his wife Daisy nee: Goodman ca. 1996-1998 (who was retrospectively-speaking working at A.S.H.A.I., Incorporated in Swanton, Vermont for the late Homer Walter St. Francis, Sr., as a Grant writer for the "St. Francis Sokoki group", now led by April Merrill ... Homer's daughter) and these two documented historical Land Grant transcriptions, were stapled within the "Alsigunticook Nation of Abenakis" paperwork, which I will post on this blog, in order as to their chronological dates.
Cover Page
 "History of the Town of Stratford"
New Hampshire
By Jeannette R. Thompson
Published by
Vote of the Town
Printed by
The Rumford Press
Concord, New Hampshire
Page 465 of the "History of the Town of Stratford", N.H. Book
Page 466 of the "History of the Town of Stratford", N.H. Book
Page 467 of the "History of the Town of Stratford", N.H. Book
This is the residence of Daisy (nee: Goodman) O'Bomsawin's mother. It was Daisy's late brother Paul Goodman, whom drew this picture of the residence.
It was this residence, that Tom and Daisy brought their mobile home to (which had been restrospectively situated behind Doris Minckler's home in Swanton VT before they has altercations with the late "Chief" Homer W. St. Francis Sr.
PHILIP'S GRANT  Hampshire-Maine; Milan, New Hampshire-Maine, Errol, New Hampshire

Not sure of the source of this particular document Page 38 and 39. Regardless, this was in the "Alsigunticook Abenakis Nation" bunch of papers.

Page 38: levels were raised by damming. An 1887 guide to the Androscoggin Lakes identifies Lower Richardson as "Welokennebacook" and Upper Richardson as "Molechunkamunk."8 On the east side of Upper Richardson Lake is the outles of Lake Mooselookmeguntic.

Page 39: Maps: United States Geological Survey Quadrangles - Gorham, New Hampshire-Maine; Milan, New Hampshire-Maine; Errol, New Hampshire-Maine; Oquossoc, Maine.

3. "then up said river to said Lake Mooseluckmegantick, including all the waters and Islands thereof - then across the carrying place Quasuktecuck - thence down said River till it empties into Awsisgowassuck River -"

It is possible (see Parmachenee Lake below) that the "Awsisgowassuck River" refers to the present Magalloway River, now dammed to form Azicoos Lake. The boundary route in this area is not at all clear. "The carrying place Quasuktecuck" may be a reference to a portage from the Cupsuptic River which flows into Cupsuptic Lake. Upstream on the Cupsuptic River is a route to the Magalloway River beginning along Portage Brook presents itself as one possibility.

Maps: United States Geological Survey Quadrangles - Oquossoc, Maine; Cupsuptic, Maine; Errol, New Hampshire-Maine; Second Connecticut Lake, New Hampshire-Maine.

4. "then up said River to Palmachinanabagogg Lake, including all the waters and Island thereof - thence up Awsisgowassuck river to the carrying place that leads into Awseecunticook river, or St. Frances (sic) river -"

The boundary route here begins somewhere south of Parmachenee Lake on the Magalloway River. The similarity between the words "Parmachenee" and "Palmachinanabagogg" identifies them as most likely one and the same lake. The similarity becomes more evident if "bagogg," a common suffix, is dropped from the latter; and if "R," which is not a letter or sound int he Abenaki language,9 is dropped from Parmachenee." The boundary route follows the Magalloway River, formerly the Awsisgowassuck River, upstream to Parmachenee Lake and then continues up the Magalloway River from where it flows into the lake. From Parmachenee Lake to the headwaters of the Magalloway River near the height of land separating the United States and Canada is about thirteen miles. The exact location of the carrying place across the height of land remains uncertain. One likely route employs the West Branch of the Magalloway to Mountain Pond and across the divide to the headwaters of the Riviere Ditton in Canada. Another possible route takes the Third East Branch of the Magalloway River across the divide to the headwaters of the Riviere au Saumon, also in Canada. In either case the Riviere Ditton joins the Riviere au Saumon in a few miles, and the deed most probably refers to the Riviere....

What can be discerned from the historical record(s) is that Thomas "Tomas" Robert O'Bomsawin "Abomsawin" was retrospectively-speaking, working with the late Homer Walter St. Francis Sr in Swanton, Vermont, lived with "Chief" Homer St. Francis (that is how he was introduced to Daisy Goodman, since she was living with Homer as well, after having altercation(s) with her companion Phenix Hearn in Swanton. She was also a grant writer for A.S.H.A.I. and Wobanaki, Incorporated etc., working for Homer St. Francis Sr. as well.) Both Tom and Daisy Goodman, as aforementioned in this blog, attempted to do a Land Claims against the Robertson's Lease of 1765 to try and stay behind Doris Minckler's home. When that endeavor failed, they left Swanton, Vermont and relocated to North Stratford, Coos County, New Hampshire to settling on Daisy's mother' property.

Later they moved into the home itself. Of course, Thomas Robert O'Bomsawin was not through with "Land Claims" endeavors. He simply went from the "Robertson's Lease of 1765" of northwestern Vermont to the "Philips Grant" of 1796 in Coos County, New Hampshire. He had to secure a known Native descendant population in the area (even if he had to solicite a "created community"). The Stone Family of East Stratford, Coos County, New Hampshire fit the effort perfectly, since they were Christie May (nee: Phillips) Sweetser or Sargent descendants through her daughter Isabelle Sargent or Sweetser having married Frank Omega Stone on October 10, 1926 in Stratford, New Hampshire. This organization of families they called "The Abenaki Family Alliance." I was a participant in the meetings, to some degree. But the following documents I had no awareness about until two weeks ago when they were placed into my hands. As follows in the next posting(s) I now share these documents on this blog.

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