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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

St. Francis Family Genealogy Part 1: Vital Records ~and~ My Response to Yet-Another-Blog "Abenaki For Justice":

Marriage Record Card for Florence (nee: Hakey) and Nazaire St. Francis, dated October 22, 1913 in Swanton Franklin County, Vermont. She was the daughter of Eli Hakey and Delia (nee: Martell) and she was identified as "White" age 17 years old.

Marriage Record for Nazaire St. Francis Jr. and Florence (nee: Hakey) , dated October 22, 1913 in Swanton, Franklin County, Vermont. He was the son of Nazaire St. Francis and Clara (nee: Hoague).
Birth Record Card for Hilda Louise St. Francis, dated April 19, 1914. She was the daughter of Bradford St. Francis and Elsie A. (nee: Girard), in Montgomery, Vermont.
Birth Record Card for Mary Clair St. Francis, dated April 24, 1917 in Swanton, Franklin County, Vermont. She was the daughter of Michel St. Francis and Jennie (nee: Levigne). Mary Clair St. Francis was identified as "White".
Birth Record Card for Eli St. Francis, dated August 25, 1918 in Swanton, Franklin County, Vermont. He was the son of Mitchell St. Francis and Jennie (nee: Levigne). He was identified as "White".
Birth Record for Alfred St. Francis, dated July 30, 1919, in Swanton, Franklin Country, Vermont. He was the son of Michel St. Francis and Jennie (nee: Levigne). Alfred St. Francis was indentified as "White."
Birth Record Card for Hubert Arnold St. Francis, dated August 22, 1922 in Swanton, Franklin County, Vermont. He was identified as "White" and the son of Nazaire St. Francis and Florence (nee: Hakey).

Birth Record Card for Mitchell St. Francis Jr. dated December 27, 1922 in Swanton, Franklin County, Vermont. He was identified as "White" and the son of Mitchell St. Francis and Jennie (nee: Lavigne).
Birth Record Card for Walter Lampman, dated October 04, 1923 in Swanton, Franklin County, Vermont. He was identified as "White" and the son of John Lampman and Martha (nee: Morits).

As one will see and review, these beginning 8 Vermont Vital Record Cards, show these St. Francis ancestors of Swanton, Franklin County, Vermont to have been identified as WHITE. Nowhere is there an indication of them being identified at birth as being "Indian", La Sauvage", "Abenaki" or "Colored" etc. At least, not on these Public Vermont Vital records....I am simply showing that on the majority, if not all, of these recorded vital records, these persons were identified or identifying as "white." This is not to imply that they were "white," yet taken as a whole...for a large span of time, from 1909 forward...this "St. Francis" even though they do have "Native" ancestors in the 1600's (Huron, Mikmaq, and Acadian), the family for the previous 100+ years were identified and or identifying as "white." Of course, the excuse has been said time and time again, the families "were hiding in plain sight" "discrimination" and if that doesn't elicit a tear of sympathy, then what is heard is "Eugenics Eugenics Eugenics." Naturally, researching one family will genealogical involve the mentioning of the Phillips, the Lampman's, the Gardner's and many other families that inter-related with the "St. Francis" family. One's ethnicity can be in error on a Vital Record, true, but over a multitude of generations in the same family? One will have to figure out an answer to that, for themselves.

In 8 document postings each, I will, in parts 1 through however-many-it-takes, show and provide the vital records per the Vermont Vital Records Dept. obtained through PUBLIC RECORDS, exactly what I have found out genealogically. 
The "Semme dit Siroux dit St. François/ St. Francis" Family Ancestry was worked on genealogically by my person, Douglas Lloyd Buchholz of Lancaster, Coos County, New Hampshire; as well as Lynn (nee: Menard) Mathison of Griswold, New London County, Connecticut; and including Suzette LeClair of Rawdon, Quebec, Canada.
CLARIFICATION: Suzette LeClair worked on these genealogies without ANY AWARENESS that I had started it...retrospectively nor did Lynn inform Suzette LeClair of the origin of the genealogical FTM Gedcom files for neither Nancy Lee (nee: Millette) Doucet's ancestors nor that of April Ann (nee: St. Francis) Merrill's ancestors either. 
Numerous OTHER genealogical records will be shown and provided on this blog as time allows, on the various other parties/person(s) from inside and outside of Swanton, Franklin County, Vermont on these alleged and reinvented "Abenakis."
BTW, Karen Majka a.k.a. Karen Mica and that bunch over on her blog "Abenaki For Justice", such as so-called genealogist Paul Bunnell, can plagarise from a number of works, and lift from "this or that" all they want to. Karen Majka merely mentioning names and saying, "I have the Abenaki lineages from "Pentagoet" region and several others from the coastal area including Port Royal. I also have a linage from both the Huron and Montagnais, I have an Uncle who married the Shoshone woman who led the Louis and Clark Exposition to the West Coast, and I am presently working out a "possible" Turtle Mountain Sioux connection as well, but this one is simply for my own information "if" it is there. And of course there is French. Both Acadian and Canadian and there is a strong Cajun affiliation as well. There could have been a Mi`kmaq but I don`t think so, at this time. Yes, of course I know about Gill, there was another one, St. Castine though not a captive, he was associated with the des Amérindiens Armouchiquois de Pentagoet.  "A census of Acadie, taken in 1673, enumerates thirty-one white persons, including soldiers, who were connected, with St.Castin’s establishment at [ Pentagoet ].  He had formed a close alliance with the savages, by marrying the daughter of Madockawando, their chief. The Abenakis & Metis of Acadia were given land across St. Francis du Lac near Sorel and Nicolet, in Odanak to avoid English harassment. . ." doesn't mean anthing.


One can say one descends from anyone, but if the genealogical pieces are not provided to show that descent, from that ancestor to the descendant, then words means NOTHING.
This whole "song and dance" of Karen Mica a.k.a. Karen Majka and Co., in that they say, "we will show the genealogical connectedness to the Abenaki ancestors.....to the appropriate recognizing authorities, at the appropriate place and at the appropriate time" (later) is a cop-out!
The Definition of "cop out": to fail to assume responsibility/ duty or to commit oneself; or a person who acts in this way.
On this blog "Abenaki For Justice" LINK: http://abenakijustice.blogspot.com
On March 19, 2010 11:11 AM Anonymous said, "Anonymous said, "Apparently Karen your not what you say you are.... ( As follows is from the blog The Reinvented Vermont and New Hampshire Abenaki) "So to try and out do the other, Knight then created this I.C.C.U., Inc. group b.s. with the likes of Karen Mica (actually thats Majka of MA), and Brian Chenevert & Brian's father Norman, and Daniel Osgood Sr., etc. All of 'em claiming to represent "Clans" that were made up "titles". They learned well from the Freemason's and the Red Man's Order Fraternity, to my thinking." Posted by Douglas Buchholz at 8:30 PM"

On March 19, 2010 3:00 PM Karen Mica said, "Ok Douglas Buchholz , I`m going to let you post here, as long as you keep the personal attacks down to a minimum. We are only trying to do the same thing your doing on your blog, even though some folks apparently think we`re working together or are on the same side of the argument!  We also want the truth to come out, and your blog has helped enormously to do just that, even though "helping anyone" apparently was never your intention! So, post here if you want to but be reasonable about it is all I ask."
Karen Mica continues....
"By the way Doug, one does not have to be from Vermont to have Abenaki blood, or Huron or Montagnais, or any other, and many of us have those too, but we DO distinguish those from the Abenakis. Some others don`t bother with the "small details" such as that though."



As my mother used to say, shit or get off the pot.

On March 20, 2010 7:51 PM Anonymous (Dr. Raymond Lussier) said, "The leadership of the Koasek Traditional Band in fact offered genealogy along with whatever historical information exists for whatever it was worth. But, this offer was blown off for some kind of ridiculous PC New Age Fraud reason by the so called State of VT and a New Age Democrat who Douglas, has already done fair and good justice too. Bravo! Douglas. That hit so hard it hurt me here. True is True and that was true!
As far as, New Age fraud reasons to keep this "Abenaki myth" alive, Douglas Buchholz's most recent Blog hit home so hard on Hinda Miller, it hurt me all the way down here, OUCH and yikes,creepy. That is a nasty fake Cherokee, plastic Shaman. I cant't believe one of the elected skunks is realy that totally stupid. America is a really great place, ain;t it? I got no more to say on that one. Douglas hit a center filed homer. Bye bye ball!! Lookout planet X, in coming! Wow!is all I have to say on that freak story.

Why don't the people at large see what a hoax is being brought on VT? Douglas got this one right on the money shot. Pain? Yes, I can stil feel it. Ouch, not native, scary, creepy and occult. And that BS is passing for native?

On March 20, 2010 1:53 PM Anonymous said, "Karen: I thought you weren't allowing direct attacks on people on this web site? Seems you are doing a lot of it. Just my point of view. I am still curious about all the "real" Abenaki who are too silent to be known or heard from. May we see a list of names? It would be nice to know who you and who Douglas Buchholz alledgedly represent. And didn't BOTH blogs state that there were no HIDDEN Abenaki just pretenders? Yet each of you says that you represent the hidden People. It would be nice to know just who is being represented and if they know that they are or that these opinions actually represent their feelings.

" May we see a list of names? It would be nice to know who you and who Douglas Buchholz alledgedly represent. And didn't BOTH blogs state that there were no HIDDEN Abenaki just pretenders?"

FIRST, No one has communicated/or consulted my person regarding this blog "Abenaki For Justice" and the usage of any part, portion, or section on this blog, "The Reinvention of the Vermont and New Hampshire Abenaki" whatsoever. They have not gained my permission (not that they need it) or such to infer or imply that I have, in any way shape or form, associated myself with anything to do with this "group" (Paul Bunnell, Karen Mica, Brian Chenevert, Dr. Raymond Lussier, etc) or anyone else associating themselves to Karen Mica's blog.

SECONDLY, I have NEVER EVER implied or inferred that I "represent" any one person, or group of persons, Abenaki or otherwise. I have simply stated that there are legitimately documented (genealogically, historically and socially) Abenakis and descendants thereof having resided historically and are residing within Vermont and New Hamsphire, who are NOT being addressed by these Incorporate "Groups" led by these so-called "Chief's" nor by the State of Vermont/State of New Hampshire.

I know alot of Abenaki descendants in the area of Coos County, New Hampshire and elsewhere and they are not on "a list" nor have they known about HB1610 here in New Hampshire nor S.222 over there in Vermont, etc. Absolutely NOT, will these Abenaki descendants associate with these various "incorporated Abenaki groups." 


On March 21, 2010 4:32 PM   Jeanne Morningstar Kent said, "I appreciate Alice's statement regarding working Abenaki not being in for the $$$$. I fall into that category as well. What does concern me, though, is that while I do not know your situation, I do know some about Douglas Buchholz's and it is irritating to know that someone who is supported by state or Federal services is using that money we pay in taxes, to purchase documents and utilize his free time to attack the very same people who contribute to his ability to do this. Am I the only one to see something wrong with this?"

Jeanne Kent can be "irritated" all she wants to be, regarding my person, and/or how I am alleged using  monetary funding for this alleged "Abenaki Attack." This is yet another delusional distortion she chooses to believe is the reality. Just like when she retrospectively attempted (on Abenaki Pride: Setting the Record Straight blog) to imply, that "I was working for Paul Wilson Pouliot, Odanak, the Federal Government and/or the State of Vermont, etc." Jeanne Kent obviously does NOT know the source of my monetary funding in regards to obtaining any of these record documentations. Apparently she does not comprehend that these record documentations were and are being recieved from various Abenaki descendants throughout N'dakinna, through the PUBLIC RECORDS of various departments, including State and Federal agencies, etc. Some of these documents are ORIGINAL RECORDS of various Incorporation "events." As such, the possession of them by me, has not cost me or anyone else, one damned red cent! The TRUTH does not honestly cost anyone anything if one is honest.

On March 21, 2010 5:25 PM Karen Mica said, "Douglas Buchholz is not attacking anyone here, and no here needs to attack him either. These kind of comments are unnecessary, need not be made and they won`t be posted here again."

Well, obviously some cowardly person hiding behind "Anonymous," saying that "Salmon" meaning me, Douglas Lloyd Buchholz is a lone, nutcase with a vendetta" as shown below, was posted on Karen Mica's blog. Apparently, I am not an alleged nutcase, alone any more, with an alleged vendetta against the Abenaki People, eh?!

On March 21, 2010 5:29 PM Anonymous said..."Karen Mica, you are wrong. You know nothing of Abenaki history or geography. Why don't you just shut up? You've put yourself in the same category as Salmon (Douglas Lloyd Buchholz)...a lone nutcase with a vendetta. Perhaps it's time to broadcast the skeletons in your closet, eh.

On March 24, 2010 12:48 PM Karen Mica said, "Then Douglas Buchholz's blog came along.
And though we have nothing to do with that, we found it very helpful in a lot of ways!

IF this blog "The Reinvention of the Vermont and New Hampshire Abenaki actually helps someone, then good....the intention of this blog has always been to "address" the parties/person(s), dynamic(s), and historical record(s) for what they have been, regarding the alleged and reinvented Abenaki of Vermont and New Hampshire, whether good, bad, or ugly. TRUTH is TRUTH.

I also think, that by allowing people to post on the blog "Abenaki For Justice" (created by Karen Majka/Mica) as "Anonymous" commentators, is just plain stupid, idiotic and cowardly of these "cloaked" or "hidden" persons who have been commenting on that blog. People need to "stand up" for what they say, and stand by what they have said, in the past or in the present. Referencing someone in one's writing, "as if beating around the bush" is also cowardly as well.

BTW, I do notice that no one is "addressing" on Karen Mica's blog, regarding Howard Franklin Knight, Jr, and these other "Chiefs," like Brian Chenevert, Paul Bunnell, Eric Floyd, Charlie True Jr., Ralph Swett, and so on. WHY NOT?! Is Karen Mica's blog "biased"? Talk is cheap. That is all that goes on, on Karen Mica's blog. TALK TALK TALK yet no foundation and NO substantiation documentarily as to their claims and proclamations of this or that. 

Well, back to the Semme dit Siroux dit St. François/ St. Francis Vital Record Cards etc. and genealogical historical records of Swanton, Franklin County, Vermont......

Monday, March 22, 2010

Nancy Red Star - Redman/Parker Cherokee bloodlines on her mother's side and is a member of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation in Missisquoi, Vermont. ETC:

Nancy Red Star - Biography:
Nancy Red Star descends from Redman/Parker Cherokee bloodlines on her mother's side and is a member of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation in Missisquoi, Vermont. She is the author of the Star Ancestors Trilogy (Inner Traditions/Bear & Co., 2000-03-05, Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, Germany) and Life With a Cosmos Clearance (Light Technology Publishing,Inc., 2003) and UFOs- No threat, Official Eyewitness Testimony I & II (Willow Spirit Press LLC, 2008-2010). Red Star became the Executive Producer, writer and host of her upcoming Feature Film Documentary entitled, Star Ancestors which is in Post-Production and slated for theatrical release and worldwide TV distribution in the winter of 2009. In addition a new film is in Development called~ The Trap-Line Song.
Red Star directs Willow Spirit Productions, LLC which was created for the purpose of documenting and distributing the archives of the testimony of world Indigenous peoples and select members of the Industrial Military Complex. Red Star has created a library of Text/ Audio/ Video support documentation for educational Seminars, Lectures and Workshops around the globe. She has been written about in numerous magazines including: Nexus, UFO Magazine, FATE, New York Magazine, ELLE, Shamans Drum, Majical Blend and more.
Red Star is a headliner at speaking engagements that have included the International UFO Congress, Conspiracy Con Conference, Santa Clara, CA, World Universal Expo, the Roswell Museum, Orange County MUFON, The Aztec UFO Symposium, Omega Institute, and she has appeared on Coast to Coast, Whitley Strieber, South African Radio, KRZA Hawaii, CONTACT Talk Radio, Sirius Satellite Radio, Atlantis Rising and more.
In addition she has appeared in various Video, Television and Film Productions that include: Towsend Report , NYC; WCLL Live TV, Owens Broadcasting; Woodstock Cable , NY; ATTITUDES , Lifetime Television , NYC; Silverado - MGM/Larry Kasdan; Red Dawn - MGM/UA; The Hidden Hand - INDE/James Carmen; Lone Ranger /Bill Freidkin.
Laws of Origin
Beyond our Borders...The time of UFO Hunting is over. Now is the time for the preservation of laws that apply to Space and Earth. A time for Humanity to take our
rightful place in Inter-stellar space~ Not with Nuclear Weapons but following the laws which apply to the Cosmo-Vision on Earth and within the Universe called “Black Body” by the Dineh. The Kogi call this Universe~ Aluna ~ The living non-material cosmos as “memory and possibility.”

Red Star's lecture provides an understanding of Indigenous laws and practices to preserve, conserve and protect our unique way of Life.
Additional Film Clips Law Among Planetary People
“Relationships with extraterrestrial men presents no basically new problem from the standpoint of international law...”
DRAFT June~1947 Oppenheimer to Einstein
In this Workshop Red Star outlines the “proposed” United Nations Oppenheimer/Einstein Space Laws Draft and how this Law applies to facts on the ground in 2009.
In addition, Red Star outlines the Treaty of Indigenous Sovereign Nations and the application of these Rights under International Law.
The guiding principles of Indigenous Peoples are Laws that apply to inhabitants of Earth and Space. Learn of the Trail of Broken Treaties and the future Star Wars.

LINK: http://www.youtube.com/user/ufosnothreat
LINK: http://www.youtube.com/user/NancyRedStar

Miss Red Star sounds like a follower of Tecumseh Brown Eagle and Mary Sutherland. Are the "Ancestors" extra terrestrials or Africans/Moors/Egyptians etc? Has anyone investigated her claims of being Cherokee or Abenaki? From what I've seen she is just selling books, not Native ceremonies.
Quoting Nancy Red Star at LINK: http://www.mysterious-america.net/redstarinterview.html
The colors - the red man, the white man, the yellow man, the black man and the brown man - you could say the five root races - can’t accept each other.
That revolting "five root races" idea comes from Blavatsky's Theosophy and Steiner's Anthroposophy. The upshot of it is that the Aryan fifth root race inherits the earth from non-white people, who are the remnants of the other four root-races. Non-white people are supposed to have stopped evolving, and to be degenerating into ape-like creatures, because they refuse to 'evolve' spiritually.
Nancy Red Star
Title of Lecture: "Legends of the Star Ancestors"
In "Legends of the Star Ancestors" traditional wisdom keepers from diverse cultures share their insights into how Earth's environmental and social cries are part of a larger cosmic plan for the planet's transition into an enlightened age. Furthermore, the Star Ancestors that once seeded the Earth remain with us today in order to assist and guide us through this time of transformation.
Healers and teachers from American Indian, Israeli, Tibetan, Australian aboriginal, Islamic, Japanese, and Celtic backgrounds share their knowledge of the role Star Ancestors have within their respective traditions and how this wisdom participates in a larger global vision of Earth's future. We further learn how star beings continue to make contact on Earth today through UFOs, the Dreamtime, and physical encounters.
Nancy Red Star will be a guest speaker at the Aztec UFO Conference to share excerpts from the "Star Ancestors" Trilogy and in addition she will be reading from her two new titles, "Life with a Cosmos Clearance" and "UFO's - No Threat, Official Witness Testimony" which explores the connections that exist between extraterrestrials, the International Military Complex and Indigenous cultures throughout the world.
In addition, Red Star will be screening the pilot for her documentary film entitled, "The Bright Ones" which previews the Testimony of both Military and Indigenous Leaders.
Please join her at her booth to speak and consult with her.
Nancy Red Star, daughter of the Cherokee, is a citizen of the Sovereign Republic of the Abenaki Nation of Missiquoi, St. Francis/Sokoki Band. She lectures and leads workshops throughout the United States on the teachings of the Star Ancestors. Nancy Red Star currently resides in Taos, New Mexico.
To Contact Nancy Red Star:
email: nancy@nancyredstar.com
Website: nancyredstar.com

She's one of those it's pretty easy to make a call on. A mix of just about everything.
LINK: http://www.nancyredstar.com/lestan/nancy2.htm
"Nancy Red Star, daughter of the Cherokee, is a citizen of the Sovereign Republic of the Abenaki Nation of Missiquoi, St. Francis/Sokoki Band. She lectures and leads workshops throughout the United States on the teachings of the Star Ancestors. Nancy currently resides in Taos, New Mexico.
UFO's NO THREAT: Official Eyewitness Testimony, Now Available from this site only!!
Personal Consultation Books by Nancy Red Star Upcoming Events
Writer's Retreat Weaponizing Space "For Your Eyes Only" Wing Makers Museum
Mystery School Course Audio Tapes Video Film Archive Taos Intensive Red Star Library Archive
Documentary Film, "Star Ancestors... Guardians of the High Frontier" Narated by Dean Stockwell
For individual consultation and questions about personal transformation, UFO experiences, earth changes and the time of purification, speak with Nancy Red Star by telephone at (505) 776-5038.
Call for appointment.
One hour: $75.00 One hour and a half: $100.00"
LINK: http://www.aztecufo.com/speakers/nancy-red-star.htm
"Nancy Red Star will be a guest speaker at the Aztec UFO Conference to share excerpts from the "Star Ancestors" Trilogy and in addition she will be reading from her two new titles, "Life with a Cosmos Clearance" and "UFO's - No Threat, Official Witness Testimony" which explores the connections that exist between extraterrestrials, the International Military Complex and Indigenous cultures throughout the world."

Quote from: Don Naconna link=topic=820.[list
Nancy Red Star, daughter of the Cherokee, is a citizen of the Sovereign Republic of the Abenaki Nation of Missiquoi, St. Francis/Sokoki Band. She lectures and leads workshops throughout the United States on the teachings of the Star Ancestors. Nancy Red Star currently resides in Taos, New Mexico.
To Contact Nancy Red Star:
email: nancy@nancyredstar.com
Website: nancyredstar.com
That so called abenaki tribe (led by the "late" or deceased Homer Walter St. Francis Sr. and now by his daughter April Ann nee: St. Francis - Rushlow - Merrill) is fake and has been determined back in 2007 by the BIA.

"Nancy Red Star" is another one that needs to get a "one-way-ticket back to the Pleiades" star system, on the "Mother Ship," right along with "Dywani Ywahoo" a.k.a. Diane Fisher and these waana-bi'z Abenaki groups of Vermont! Isn't it interesting that she is "the "daughter of the Cherokee" and YET she is a Card Holding Member/ Citizen of the Sovereign Republic of the Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi, St. Francis/Sokoki Band, now led by April Ann (nee: St. Francis) Rushlow - Merrill.

On Another Note:

Here is yet another very recent "Abenaki" webpage, for people to review and evaluate:
LINK: http://www.abenakinationvermont.com (seems I am not an alleged "lone....nutcase with a vendetta against the Abenaki" after all). Now, if only the Vermont and New Hampshire Legislative Representatives would READ THIS BLOG's documents......BEFORE granting Official State Recognition to "groups" of alleged and reinvented Abenakis of Vermont.

(CLARIFICATION: I have NO ASSOCIATION WHATSOEVER with this "Abenaki For Justice" Blog that was and is created by Karen Jean (nee: Broudeau) Lemoine - Majka a.k.a "Karen Mica at houseofmica@yahoo.com NOR HAS SHE OR ANYONE she has association with communicated or consulted with me regarding the usage of documentation or commentary that comes from this blog "The Reinvention of the Vermont and New Hampshire Abenaki")

LINK: http://www.abenakinationvermont.com
"Whoever created this recent webpage, didn't go far enough nor deep enough. Obviously they forgot to mention "Chief" Retired Chief" "Senior Advisor" Howard Franklin Knight, Jr., "Speaker" Charles Francis True, Jr., Bea Nelson, "Chief" Paul Bunnell, "Co-Chief" "Chief" Brian Chenevert, "Deer Clan Chief" Eric Floyd, and numerous other so-called "Chief's of the alleged and reinvented Abenaki."

According to S.222 (and Democractic Senate Representative Hinda Miller), "A state recognized Tribe or Band cannot be recognized as a tribe in any other state, province, or nation."

So I did a little research......... 

LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BA5xYC3DLY
Let this video load, and then listen to the section when the line of video feed gets to 6:30 of 10:14 wherein the deceased Homer St. Francis Sr. very clearly and obviously states, "we are recognized by other countries...." right from his own kitchen table! So does this "group" of alleged and reinvented Abenakis actually "fit" or "qualify" under this S.222 "Abenaki Recognition" Criteria Number 7?

Is April Ann (nee: St. Francis) Rushlow - Merrill's "group" recognized by ANOTHER NATION?

 LINK: http://www.cowasuckabenaki.com/images/09f24ec0.jpg
this proclamation was granted to Nancy (nee: Millette) Cruger - Lyons - Doucet on May 16, 2007. This Governor's Proclamation states,
"WHEREAS, The history and culture of our state and the entire nation has been significantly influenced by Native American indigenous peoples who have contributed to the diversity of the state's cultural environment; and WHEREAS, The Koasek Abenaki have a history of 10,000 years in the areas now known as New Hampshire and Vermont; and WHEREAS, The Koasek Traditional Band of Sovereign Abenaki Nation are the descendants of the Koasek Abenaki Indians who were the original inhabitants of the Koas, in what is now known as Haverhill, New Hampshire and Newbury, Vermont; and WHEREAS, The meadows on both sides of the Connecticut River in the area now known as Haverhill, New Hampshire and Newbury, Vermont have historically been the center of commerce for the Koasek Abenaki Nation and other Native Peoples; and WHEREAS, The Koasek Abenaki Nation along with the town of Haverhill, New Hampshire are working together to plan and promote cultural awareness, tourism, community celebrations as well as numerous cultural, artistic, educational and historical activities;
NOW THEREFORE, I, John H. Lynch, Governor of the State of New Hampshire, do hereby by proclaim May 28-June 3, 2007 as Native American Cultural Week in New Hampshire.
Given at the Executive Chamber in Concord, this 16th Day of May, in the year of Our Lord two thousand and seven, and the independence of the United States, two hundred and thirty-one. Signed, John H. Lynch."

Is Nancy (nee: Millette) Doucet and her "group" recognized by ANOTHER STATE?

"Too Many Chiefs, Not Enough NDN's"
(Just an illustration I did years ago on August 21, 1996)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Democratic Senator Hinda Miller's Little Speech Before the Senate of March 17, 2010 Regarding S.222

Below is the (for the most part) transcription of this Youtube video wherein Senator Hinda Miller speaks about and in regards to the bill S.222 i.e. Abenaki Recogniton in Vermont "for the 4 groups."

What a perfect time for us to do the Abenaki Recognition Bill, on a day where we celebrate the privilege (?) and culture of the Irish, and here is the bill that will recognize the Abenaki Tribes and umm…I’d like to tell you my colleagues of why I care so much about this bill….so number 1 for the last three years I’ve been going to the up to Lincoln Vermont to the Sunray Peace Village, where Dhyani Ywahoo, the Venerable Dhyani Ywhoo, a Cherokee Chief and Elder has a weekend every July, invites the elders, umm, those from the Native American Tribes in Canada the USA and South America and they teach us about their culture and their reverence of the land and I have grown to honor and respect the Natives, the Native Americans, Indigenous Peoples. Second, as Northeast Week (?), this is the right commission of Abenaki Bands so that they can become State recognized tribes. I personally come from a tribe and we were too recog…, too much recognized in Europe. We had to wear yellow stars in national recognition of my lineage and tribe and so then it is just the opposite is true of the Abenaki tribes. They do not have recognition that we need to give them so that we can honor and respect all of their contributions to this state. So I think the findings are very important in this bill because many of us have memories I think of….let me see here…..2006 thanks to Senator Snelling, who brought together all of the people for testimony and created a bill that passed ummm. What we found from that bill, was that it failed to comport the recognition requirements for the Indian Arts and Crafts Board of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. In other words, this recognition bill is solely for the recognition of Arts and Crafts.

For those of you, who were here, remember there was a lot of drama, there was a lot of people here, there were letters flying here and there, letters from people outside of Vermont. So this time around, we’ve tried to get, we…. we weren’t quiet. We’d go a little more deeply into how to solve these problems, and to allay the fears of those who fear that through state recognition that they will be able to get federal recognition. Federal recognition brings up images of casinos and land grabs and all other kinds of other things. Let me assure you that that will not happen and if you care to read the findings we thought it was important enough to put in here that fifteen other states recognized their resident Native people as American Indian Tribes, without any of those tribes previously or subsequently acquiring federal recognition. According to a public affairs specialist state recognition of Indian tribes play a very small role in regards to federal recognition and only federal recognition is given to those tribes that can document before 1900 which our Abenaki bands cannot do. So I would like you to go to page….in your Calendar….umm lets see page 4150 section 3 and I want to talk about the criteria that we worked out for recognition of....
....Abenaki tribes. They’re quite distinct and every tribe that is recogni.., every band that is recognized as a tribe must have this documentation, and as you can see, I am not going to go through them all but umm you can see that they have have physically the residency in Vermont, they have to have a chief, council, a constitution, they have to be recognized by others as Abenaki, they have to set up a cultural archaeological umm group of that, and umm then they can petition the commission for recognition so umm that was completed the criteria that you see here, umm then we go to….aahh… section 3(e) the following bands that are listed, have gone through and proven to us, that they have all the criteria listed 1 through 8, we’ve had that documentation, we’ve read it, and we have agreed that they have proven that they are indeed umm Abenaki Bands of Vermont and those tribes will be recognized by this bill. The Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi, the Koasak of the Koas, the Nulhegan, and the ELNU’s. The four tribes will be recognized by this Legislature and by this act and umm the important thing is number (g) all documents related to recognition of tribes will be maintained by the Division of Historic Preservation and made available to the public. That means all that criteria and information will be (cough) made available to the public. so…ahhh….what we have done Mr. President is kept the vested authority in the Legislature and not allowed the commission to say who is the Vermont Indian band, it is the Legislature that is deciding and with that recognition I want to pass into section…..2 which talks about the commission. Umm….we are going to reconstitute the commission, that reflect the bands, that they have some representation, so umm each band that’s recognized will have a member on the commission. The Missisquoi because they are three bands that have come together, the Missisquoi, the St. Francis, the Sokoki will have three members. The other three will have one each, so that six represent the bands and the commission will elect 2 or 3 at-large members umm…and I want to mention at this point that this process is inclusive not exclusive, meaning if there’s other tribes in this state that meet the criteria, they will go to the commission, they will show their proof, when the commission says yes, this is, meets the criteria, then they recommend to the Legislature for a State’s recognition of another tribe, and that other tribe will then get a place on the commission. Umm….so what does the commission do? They develop and market Native American cultural arts and crafts, they help other tribes….other bands…other tribes to get organized and umm they develop qualifying programs that benefit Vermont’s Native American populations for instance we were shown some work that has amassed all the information towards scholarships for young Abenaki Native Americans to know what scholarships might be available for them to go into....

....high education. Umm I also want to end this here Mr. President by saying that all Abenaki tribes and Native American tribes are subject to Vermont state laws. So, umm Mr. President we present to you I think, a well thought through bill, and we hope umm that lets see, both the ….. we had twelve witnesses, including Mike McShane of the AG, Fred Wiseman who was a great help that was a mathematician with…written many many books on the Abenaki uhhh tribes, Jeff Benay and umm who was the Governor’s Advisory Commissioner on Native American Affairs, and others, so twelve witnesses, so Mr. President we ask that you consider this bill, and uhhh vote in the affirmative.

Page 01 of Hinda Miller's "Speech"
Democratic Representive from Chittenden County, Senator Hinda Miller states that for the previous three (3) years she has gone to Dhyani Ywhaoo (a.k.a. Diane Fisher)'s "Sunray Peace Village"....

that this woman calling herself Dhyani Ywahoo, claiming to be "Venerable", a Cherokee "Chief" and "Elder" is nothing more that a F-R-A-U-D, a F-A-K-E, Wannabiz Plastic Shamanistic B.S.  Con artist residing in Lincoln, Vermont! All legitimate honest Native People's have known this, for years! ESPECIALLY the Cherokee People! First, Dhyani Ywahoo will check one's spiritual aura, then  tell one about her SECRET special instructions of the Green Mountain Ani Yunwiwa, that allegedly is charged with the "original instructions encoded within a mysterious Crystal Ark bla bla bla..." Concerning the fraud "Dhyani Ywahoo" (aka Diane Fisher) she is a well known plastic fake. A Shame-on. She claims to be linked to the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Nation, in truth she is NOT linked to ANY Tsalagi {Cherokee} Nation, nor any other Native Nation. In the past, others have contacted her family, and they (her family) can't understand what she is doing, as they are of the Jewish religion.
She is an excellent example of what type person to avoid, and she claims for herself every red flag to be wary of:
She charges for all instructions.
Founded Sunray Meditation Society (New Age Cult).
Claims: 27th Generation Holder of the Ywahoo Cherokee Lineage.
Chief, Green Mountain Band of Eastern Cherokee. Cherokee Pipe Carrier. She claims her Ywahoo lineage was founded by a legendary prophet named The Pale One (which is based on Jesus Christ). She claims she was taught secrets by elders and that she is a Medicine Elder herself. She is a Senior Teacher of Tibetan Buddhist Vajrayana Practices. She can't speak the Cherokee language. If anyone has her new age, Buddist/Hindu/Cherokee book, do yourself a favor and drop kick that book right out your home! That lady is not a Twinkie, really not even New-Age. She is a con artist, a fraud and will take your money (no checks please) and you will be left with nothing of value.
Well, let's see here, WHO IS INVOVLED with Dhyani Ywahoo & Co.?
LINK: http://www.sunray.org/events/details.aspx?id=15
Nanatasis Bluto or Cheryl Jean Bluto by birth, who married the late Dwight Delvental. She claims to be a Turtle Clan Mother/ Abenaki. She sits as Elder on several Councils in Vermont & Nationally. She shares Abenaki Turtle Clan Moontime Teachings with women. She claims to be Healer who works with herbs, massage therapy, Reiki, & Therapeutic Touch and she is involved with Ceremonies & Counsels people.

Carollee or Carol Lee (nee: Reynolds) Matthews who is a Card Holding member of April St. Francis-Merrill's group up in Swanton, Vermont....is seen dancing in a red dress....in one of these video links where Mike Bastine talks to the crowd.

Alan "Spotted Wolf" Champney is also in one of these video's as well.

Anyone with the ability to do a simply Google.com search regarding "Dhyani Ywahoo" can conclude the woman is a FAKE. Unless of course one is a MORON, can't do the research, or is a Democratic Senator from Chittenden County, Vermont!

Yet, if one is going to support verbally and/ or monetarily a known "false presenter" of Native American alleged Cherokee Pan-Indianism Culture and spiritualistic bullsh** to a bunch of naive stupid and smiling idiotic euro-american's, then of course, supporting false, fake and fraudulant, wannabe Abenakis in Vermont isn't too much of a stretch either I guess, for even a Democratic Senator to do.

Hinda Miller went on to inform all of the 26+ other Vermont Senators, that by going to Dhyani Ywahoo's encampment for the previous 3 years every July, that she has grown to honor and respect the Natives, the Native Americans, (and then in "political correctness" throws her hands out) saying "Indigenous People's"....

IF this woman had ANY respect or honor for honest legitimate decent Native People's FROM HISTORICAL NATIVE COMMUNITIES she would have sat back down and shut her mouth, instead of continuing/ perpetuating this obvious scheme of a deceitful methodology, in trying to get these four Inc. groups "Instant Shake and Bake" Official State of Vermont "Recogntion."

Representative Hinda Miller if she had any respect at all for THE TRUTH, would have actually sought out the factual foundation of these "groups" claiming to be Abenaki Tribes and or Bands. Yet, it is all about deception, about Federal and State $$$$Money$$$$, and "political correctness."

TYPICAL POLITICIAN with their head up their ass.

Then, Hinda Miller, reminds everyoue one "that she personally belongs to a TRIBE too.....
the Jewish Tribe, where they had to wear yellow stars....

EXCUSE ME Sen. Hinda Miller, the NATIVE PEOPLES are NOT the "LOST TRIBE OF ISRAEL"!!!! Neither are the Abenaki People.

Maybe these people are from the Lost Tribe of Antlantis?! They could confirm this with a visit to "the Mother Ship" in Lincoln, Vermont......
Perhaps someone out there in "La-La-Land" would grant these people a one way ticket back to the Pleiades star system, where these people alleged come from, and take Dhyani Ywhaoo with them?! If they cannot afford the tickets, perhaps we can convince those from the "Mother Ship" to just abduct all these wannabe re-invented Cherokee's and Abenaki's from N'dakinna?

Indeed retrospectively-speaking, there was a lot of "drama" and a lot of people there in Montpelier, Vermont in May of 2006. I was there to witness it. Now, with this "repeated" harassment of the Legislature in Vermont by these four groups, no one wants to hear or listen to the opposing, factual foundation(s) of these four "groups" seeking "specific group" State Recognition. What the Senate Commmittee on Economic Development (Rep. Vincent Illuzzi, Rep. Hinda Miller and Co.) have done is "closed the door & locked it" and tried to manipulate the whole process clandestinely/deceitfully (to my thinking) against the legitimate Abenaki Peoples living in the state of Vermont, so that these four "groups" can gain what truthfully does not belong to any of them! No opposition was or is allowed. No genealogical foundations were allowed or researched thoroughly and honestly by anyone on this Senate Committee on Economic Development.

Who and where are the "groups" in these alleged other 15 states that have gained state recognition?

I betcha dollars to donuts, these "groups" in these 15 other states had to submit genealogical and historical documentary (before 1900) records showing and proving their connection(s) to Native People's within those particular states BEFORE they recieved official State Recognition.

But again, this whole process was started by thieves and liars who know no shame or guilt in what they do against legitimate Abenaki people!

Page 02 of Hinda Miller's "Speech"
Rep. Hinda Miller states that every alleged Abenaki band that is state recognized as a tribe must have this documentation.

But she will not go down and list all of the criteria needed (see below). WHY? Because genealogical evidence is left off the table! Literally. It's mentioned, but not required.......

OK, below is the actual "criteria" (in black) this Committee concluded would be needed to be shown and provided, for these four (4) gorups to gain official State Legislature of Vermont "Tribe or Band" Recognition:

1. These groups have to have a physical residence within the state of Vermont.

These 4 groups are incorporated within the State of Vermont. Their  Incorporate"business" agent has to have a physical mailing address within the State of Vermont. Of course, all of these Incorporate groups claiming to be Tribes and or Bands were formed/ created within Vermont.

2. These groups would have to have an organized tribal membership roll, along with specific criteria that were used to determine membership, and include evidence of kinship among tribal members.

These 4 groups have an organized tribal membership roll because the "rolls" consist mainly of their family members, first and foremost. Subsequently, they "bring in other followers" and issue "Membership Cards." Naturally there would be "kinship among the members, because first, for example, Nancy (nee: Millette) Doucet gave out "Membership Cards" to any and all of her family relatives who would accept them, whether they asked for these "Cards" or not!

3. Documented traditions, customs, and legends that signify Native American heritage.

Signify means to suggest, to imply, to protend (i.e. meaning "to stretch").

That is not proof of genealogical connection to the Abenaki People. Or is such "signifying" record documentation, traditions, customs and legends adequate enough proof of Native American heritage?

4. A state recognized group must have a tribal council, a constitution, and a chief.

Tribal Council = Incorporation Board of Directors
A Constitution = Incorporation By-Laws
Chief = Incorportion President

5. A group must have been and continues to be recognized by other Native American communities in Vermont, as a Vermont Native American band or group.

An incorporation "recognizing" another incorporation is not one Native American community in Vermont recognizing another Vermont Native American band or group.

6. A Vermont state recognized Tribe or band has to have been known by state, county, or municpal officials, as a functioning Native American band or group in Vermont.

Incorporation's obviously have interaction with state, county, or municipal officials, and be known by such, while functioning as an alleged yet reinvented/ self-proclaiming Native American band or group in Vermont.

7. A state recognized Tribe or Band cannot be recognized as a tribe in any other state, province, or nation.

8. An enduring community presence within the boundaries of Vermont that is documented by archaeology, ethnology, physical anthropology, history, genealogy, folklore, or any other applicable scholarly research and data.

An "enduring community presence"?

So, if by Incorporating within 1976 or between 1976 and or/ after 2005, that represents "enduring community presence"?
If by using the work, assumptions and conclusions of Mr. John Scott Moody and/ or Frederick Matthew Wiseman well, I have documentary evidence that rips assunder these two Abenaki "historians" assumptions/conclusions both historically and genealogical speaking both from Vermont Court Judges and the Bureau of Indian Affairs Office of Federal Acknowledgement.

None of these four (4) groups (according the Senator Hinda Miller, quote states, "our Abenaki bands") cannot document before 1900 that they were a Tribe or a band of Abenaki/Missisquoi/Sokoki/St. Francis Indians/ELNU/Nulhegan Coosuk/Koasek of the Koas.

So, the state of Vermont (and New Hampshire) is/are going to ignore the genealogical, historical, and social histories of these four (4) groups etc. now calling themselves, as a whole, "The Abenaki Alliance" and very likely subsequently grant Official State Recognition to Incorporations, and in that endeavor, make Incorporations into "Abenaki Tribes" with the stroke of an alleged "politically corrective" pen?!

In conclusion, this is no surprise to my thinking. With a pen and paper, the re-writing of Abenaki history in Vermont repeats itself. "To hell with the truth" as they'd say......

But the TRUTHFUL documentation will be shown and provided.....regardless of Vermont or New Hampshire's Legislature's granting official state recognition to these Incorporate groups either in New Hampshire or Vermont.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

June 08, 1999 Kissane Associates Letter to Vermont Secretary of State, Corporations Division:

Attorneys At Law
Two North Main Street
St. Albans, Vermont 05478-1668
John G. Kissane
David M. Yarnell
Jesse D. Bugbee
William T. Counos, II*
Martin A. Maley
Kathleen A. Yarnell**
*Also admitted in California
**Also admitted in Colorado
Telephone (802) 524-9546
Fax (802) 534-6993

Vermont Secretary of State
Corporations Division
109 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05609-1109
Attn: April
Re: Abenaki National Beverage, Inc.
Abenaki Housing Cooperative
Abenaki Educational Development Corporation
Wobanaki, Inc.
Abenaki Selp Help Association, Inc.
Abenaki Tribal Land Trust
Abenaki Resource Management, Inc.

Dear April:
I enclose herewith the biennial reports for each of the above referenced non-profit corporations for filing. Also enclosed is a check, #4732 in the amount of $105.00 for filing fees.
It has come to our attention that an individual who styles himself "Hereditary Chief/ Prince David A. Hill" has filed status reports or other documents, purportedly on behalf of some of the above listed organizations.
Please be advised that Mr. Hill has no connection whatsoever with any of these corporations. The individuals listed on the enclosed reports are the only duly elected officers or member of these entities, and the only people authorized to act on their behalf.
If you require any further documentation to verify this, please let me know. In the meantime, it would be appreciated if any further communications from Mr. Hill be ignored.
Very truly yours,
Jesse D. Bugbee
cc: Mark Nestor, Esq. 

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Committee on Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs Amended Version of S.222 dated March 10, 2010 - 9:41AM:

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The Committee on Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs to which was referred Senate Bill No. 222 entitled “An act relating to recognition of Abenaki bands and groups as tribes” respectfully reports that it has considered the same and recommends that the bill be amended by striking all after the enacting clause and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
The general assembly finds the following:
(1) State recognition of Vermont’s tribes is necessary in order for the Indian Arts and Crafts Board (IACB) of the Bureau of Indian Affairs to permit them to market their arts and crafts as authentic Indian products and to provide tribal members access to state, federal, and private aid for cultural, artistic, and educational endeavors.
(2) In May 2006, the general assembly passed S.117, Act No. 125, in an effort to recognize the Abenaki people and created a Vermont Commission on Native American Affairs. The act failed to comport with the recognition requirements of the IACB, and therefore prevented Vermont Native Americans
from marketing their arts and crafts as authentic Indian works.
(3) Fifteen other states have recognized their resident Native people as American Indian Tribes, without any of those tribes previously or subsequently acquiring federal recognition.

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(4) According to a public affairs specialist from the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) state recognition of Indian tribes plays a very small role in regard to federal recognition. The only exception is when a state recognized a tribe well before 1900.
(5) Recognition of a tribe by a state at this time will play no significant role in any subsequent effort to gain federal tribal recognition.
Sec. 2. 1 V.S.A. & 852 is amended to read:
(a) In order to recognize the historic and cultural contributions of Native Americans to Vermont, to protect and strengthen their heritage, and to address their needs in state policy, programs, and actions, there is hereby established the Vermont commission on Native American affairs (the “commission”).
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(1) Be composed of the following members, who shall serve for no more than two consecutive three-year terms:
(A) Three members appointed by the Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi, St. Francis Sokoki Band, which is composed of the three Missisquoi Bands.
(B) One member appointed by the Koasek Traditional Band of the Koas Abenaki Nation.
(C) One member appointed by the Nulhegan Band of the Abenaki Nation.
(D) One member appointed by the ELNU Abenaki Tribe of the Koasek.
(E) One member appointed by any additional Abenaki tribe following recognition by the general assembly.
(F) Two or three at-large members to assure an odd number of members on the commission, to be appointed by the other commission members.
(2) Elect a chair to serve for two years.
(c) The commission
(1) Assist Native American tribes recognized by the state to:

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(A) Develop and market Vermont Native American fine and performing arts, craftwork, and cultural events in and outside Vermont.
(B) Secure social services, education, employment opportunities, health care, housing, and census information.
(2) Assist bands and groups of Native Americans who are unrecognized to organize and develop a representative tribal organization in or order to petition for legal tribal recognition by the state.
(3) Review petitions for tribal recognition, and, if satisfied that petitioners have complied with recognition criteria, file with the general.......

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......assembly a copy of the petition together with a recommendation to recognize the band or group as a recognized tribe. The so called "Alliance" of the Alleged and Re-Invented Abenaki "groups" (which are Incorporations UNDER State of Vermont Law) would gain INSTANT Shake and Bake Recognition from the State through this Bill S.222 Amendment, whereas EVERYONE ELSE will have to go through a completely DIFFERENT Recognition process, which would be influenced by these 4 groups, and the Vermont general assembly. "Recommendation" does not mean any other petitioning group would gain official Vermont State Recognition.
(4) Develop policies and programs to benefit Vermont’s Native American population.
(d) The commission shall meet at least three times a year and at any other times at the request of the chair. The division of historic preservation of the agency of commerce and community development shall provide administrative support to the commission.
(e) The commission may seek and receive funding from state, federal, and other sources to assist with its work.
Sec. 3. 1 V.S.A. & 853 is amended to read:
(a) The state of Vermont recognizes all Native American people who reside in Vermont as a minority population.
(b) For the purposes of recognition, a Vermont Native American tribe must demonstrate that it has all of the following:

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(1) A physical and legal residence in Vermont.
(2) An organized tribal membership roll along with specific criteria that were used to determine membership, include evidence of kinship among tribal members.
(3) Documented traditions, customs, and legends that signify Native American heritage.
the meaning of signify: [signi,fai] 1. to indicate, to suggest, to imply or portend.
(4) A tribal council (Incorporation), a constitution (By-Laws), and a chief (President)
(5) Been and continues to be recognized by other Native American communities in Vermont as a Vermont Native American band or group. One Incorporation created out of another, or one Incorporation "recognizing" another Incorporation, is not one Native American community in Vermont recognizing another Native American community in Vermont.
(6) Been known by state, county, or municipal officials, as a functioning Native American band or group in Vermont. Obviously, these Vermont Incorporations are reinventing themselves into "Abenaki" communities have interacted with state, county, or municipal officials, alleging that they function as Native American bands or groups in Vermont. Yet, ONLY since 1974-1976 onward...
(7) Not been recognized as a tribe in any other state, province, or nation.
(8) An enduring community presence within the boundaries of Vermont that is documented by archaeology, ethnography, physical anthropology, history, genealogy, folklore, or any other applicable scholarly research and data.
(c) A band or group of Native Americans not identified in subsection (e) of this section may file a petition for recognition with the commission. If after thorough review of the petition and evidence supporting recognition, the commission determines that the petitioning group has complied with the......

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......criteria under subsection (b) of this section, the commission shall recommend to the general assembly that the state recognize the tribe. Yet, these 4 alleged and reinvented "Abenaki" groups gain Instant Shake & Bake Official State Recognition, if this Bill S.222 is passed. How is the Vermont Public or anyone else assured that equal thorough review of these 4 groups of this "Alliance" have met the same standard and complied with the criteria of subsection (b) of this section. These 4 groups gain Instant Official State Recognition as "Tribes" and or "Bands" what, because "they were the first to the dinner table", and everyone else has to get a "recommendation"?!
(d) After a group or band is recognized by the general assembly as a Native American tribe, the band or group may refer to itself as a recognized tribe, and the tribe may appoint a member of that tribe to the Vermont commission on Native American affairs.
(e) Having complied with the criteria in subsection (b) of this section, the following groups or bands are recognized as Native American tribes by the state of Vermont: Where is the evidence that these (4) groups calling themselves "The Abenaki Alliance" complied with the criteria in subsection (b) of this section? Why are they not equally having to go the same thorough review and having to SHOW and PROVIDE the genealogical-historical-and social history i.e. documentary evidence of their claims and proclamations AT THE SAME TIME AS ALL OTHER GROUPS, that would have to go through a DIFFERENT process of obtaining State Recognition than these (4) groups?!
(1) The Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi, St. Francis Sokoki Band, composed of the former Missisquoi, St. Francis and Sokoki Bands. April Ann (nee: St. Francis) Rushlow-Merrill
(2) The Koasek Traditional Band of the Koas Abenaki Nation. Nancy Lee (nee: Millette) Doucet
(3) The Nulhegan Band of the Abenaki Nation, historically known as The Northern Coosuk/ Memphremagog/ Old Phillip’s Band. Luke Andrew Willard
(4) The ELNU Abenaki Tribe of the Koasek. Roger "Longtoe Sheehan
(f) Native American tribes recognized by the state of Vermont may freely practice their traditional culture, lifeways, arts, language, and religion without interference, provided there is no violation of law. Oh, does this mean that we as Abenaki People and descendants thereof can subsist within Vermont upon our usual and accustomed hunting and fising places, without fear of intimidation, harrassment, and or arrest from State or Federal authorities? For 300 + years, the Abenakis have freely conducted their traditional culture, lifeways, arts, language, and religion without interference, WITHOUT ANY PERMISSION from ANYONE. WHY would we need Vermont permission at this time or at any other time?!
(g) All documents related to recognition of any Vermont Native American tribe shall be maintained by the division of historic preservation and made available to the public.

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(h) This chapter shall not be construed to recognize, create, extend, or form the basis of any right or claim to land or real estate in Vermont for the Abenaki people or any Abenaki individual and shall be construed to confer only those rights specifically described in this chapter. Abenaki tribes and other Vermont Native American tribes and individual members of those tribes are subject to the laws of the state. These (4) "groups" that have formed this so-called "Vermont Abenaki Alliance" since 2006 or thereafter, are ALREADY (as a group or as individuals) subject to the laws of the state of Vermont. All of these groups incorporated UNDER THE LAWS OF VERMONT ~AFTER~ 1975 and 2000. Anyone that incorporates UNDER the LAWS of the State, are NOT SOVEREIGN.
This act shall take effect on passage.
Committee vote:_________________________)
Senate [surname]

FURTHER RESPONSE to S.124 and S.222:

The ONLY reason some particular Vermont politicians are willing to interact and officially recognize these (4) four "groups" of alleged and re-invented "Abenaki" "groups" now, is because of "political correctness," "they don't want to acknowledge or relate to the legitimately documented Abenaki descendants living within the State of Vermont (and or New Hampshire), and it is all about the monetary gain of State or Federal dollars, through "grants" and so forth. Genealogically-speaking has anyone legitimately reviewed, evaluated, and concluded the merits of any of these groups ancestral connections, connecting them factually to the Abenakis?

This S.124 and S.222 (and HB 1610 over here in New Hampshire) will allow the re-writing of Abenaki History within Vermont by these FAKES, FRAUDS, and WANNABE'S. I know it. They know it. We all know it.

Just ask these two questions for yourself:

1. Where were these alleged and reinvented "Abenakis" BEFORE their incorporating within the State, and under State law?

2. Why has not the Odanak Abenaki descendants living within Vermont and or New Hampshire been mentioned and a part of the "recognition process" within these bills. HB 1610 in N.H., and in Vermont S.124 and S.222?

If the readers of this blog are still naive or ignorant, the documents will be shown and provided to prove my words to be true.

If it ONLY takes "a group" of alleged Native Americans to gain State Recognition, by merely becoming "an incorporate" under State Law to become a "Tribe" or "Band" and be shielded from prosecution by IACB (Indian Arts and Crafts Board), etc., then this is destructive to legitimately documented Native People's Sovereignty and Identity.

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