As some may be aware (or not, until now), I have been doing a Bowman genetic study since January 2016, where, I communicated with a Bruchac related Bowman direct-male-line-descendant. He and I, with his permission, began testing at Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) and later, AncestryDNA. As follows is some of the research findings based on genetic testing, genealogical research, etc.
On September 13, 2017, Jesse Bowman Bruchac, son of Joseph Edward Bruchac III created yet another webpage/ blog and entitled a section "Bowman Haplogroup"
You can read more in that particular Bruchac-Bowman Time Line here:
"This is an extremely complicated and speculative field with most of the information especially concerning Native Americans not yet in."
Let's do a Basic Review of what Y-DNA is:
Actually, genetic research, for some folks, can be complicated and speculative, IF one doesn't know what the genetic results are showing and telling us. Y-DNA is quite uncomplicated, and it is not speculative whatsoever. It is simple.
Y-DNA follows a genetic pathway, from the contemporary direct male descendant, through his father, to his grandfather, and straight back through the paternal lineage.
I could see that "mbruchac" had tested with Family Tree DNA (atDNA testing) as well. For a long time, I thought naively that it was Marge's sister, Mary A. (Bruchac) Lynch, who had done the testing. Recently, I discovered that it was not Mary that did the DNA testing, but rather it was Margaret (Bruchac) Kennick who had done the testing. Both in FTDNA and in AncestryDNA, but Marge had created and submitted a genealogical tree, starting with Mary, her sister. WHY?
"mbruchac" was'visible' on FTDNA nor on AncestryDNA (up until a few months ago but I guess now she's "hiding-in-plain-sight") in comparative to Mr. Bowman or his first cousin, etc. because Marge doesn't want anyone to detect that she did the DNA testing herself in the hopes of securing 'proof' of her alleged "Abenaki" narrative. Like I said, when I tested Mr. Bowman, that dynamic became 'hostile' to the Bruchac - Bowman narrative, that has been created, perpetuated and promoted since at least 1975 into the present by the Bruchac's and those that have allied with them, over the years. National Geographic Corporation, HarperCollins Publishers, etc etc etc. right on down to the local libraries across America and even Europe!
The INITIALLY PREDICTED Y-Haplogroup of R. Bowman was R1b-M269.
Haplogroup R-M269, also known as R1b1a1a2, is a sub-clade of human Y-chromosome haplogroup R1b.
R1b is the most common Y-haplogroup in Western Europe, the most common group defined by the SNP M269. It consists of more than 50 subclades, and further SNP testing is necessary to determine which of these one belongs to. A Deep Clade test at Family Tree DNA is recommended.
And that is EXACTLY what I proceeded to do, with the permission of Mr. Bowman, in FTDNA, is do the DEEPER STR/ SNIP testing. And doing a R1b-M343 Backbone SNP Pack, the determined and CONFIRMED Haplogroup was R-Z2109.
As one can see and review in the above image, Y-DNA CONFIRMED Bruchac's relative Bowman Haplogroup R-Z2109 comes from Europe. It is a branch off from R1b. R1b is from the Indo-Europeans, in the Eurasia, not Native Americans. It is very specific and not complicated at all.
Joseph Bruchac III, the author, nor his sons Jesse and James (nor Marge) or ANY of the Lewis Bowman Sr. and Alice Van Antwerp descendant are descendants of the Obomsawin's as implied repeatedly by Joe Bruchac III.
Obomsawin's Haplogroup is Q1a3a1.
Sorry Joe, you're not an Obomsawin descendant as you have implied all these years in your publications.
"Haplogroup Q is thought to have originated in Central Asia or North Asia during of shortly after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, 26,000 to 19,000 years ago). Q descends from haplogroup P, which is also the ancestor of haplogroups R1a and R1b. Haplogroup Q quickly split into two main branches: Q1a and Q1b. The northern Q1a tribes expanded over Siberia as the climate warmed up after the LGM. Some Q1a crossed the still frozen Bering Strait to the American continent some time between 16,500 and 13,000 years ago. Q1b tribes stayed in Central Asia and later migrated south towards the Middle East." SOURCE:
Haplogroup R1b is a general designation. It is not 'deep' enough to make a determination of where Lewis Bowman Sr.'s paternal line of ancestors came from.In essence, it's like looking at a footprint that is months old, and trying to locate where the animal or person is today. With R1b, it just isn't going to happen. Geographically, ancestrally, that paternal ancestor could be anywhere.
With R-Z2109, we're looking at a genetic 'footprint' that is not as broad or spread out across some of humanity. We know it is somewhat rare. We know the Haplogroup is ONLY FOUND IN EUROPE ancestrally-speaking.
In Jesse Bruchac blog he did not do any follow-up on this genetic research into his Bowman relatives. He most certainly did not ask me as to where I was at with the research, as it progressed.
He simply 'jumped' (just like he did in Aug-Sept 2015) after my communication with him that summer, about researching HIS Bowman ancestry. He's been going in every direction, except the direction he should have gone in the first place, which is to genetically test his Bowman relative(s), to see what the genetic results have to say, to give further points of direction. Then again, it wouldn't have served the Bruchac purpose to do because the Bruchac's have been spinning a tale about their Bowman grandfather, and great-grandfather, that they did not validate, and eventually they had to 'defend' their "Abenaki" Bowman tales.
All this Bowman's in the Indian Records, that Jesse has done, doesn't serve any real legitimate purpose to get at the FACTS and ancestry of Jesse's specific Bowman ancestors. In fact, what he's done in several areas of his website regarding Bowman's is perpetuated several points of distortion and outright falsehood.
Joseph Edward Bruchac III attempted to fill in the gaps or voids of his Bowman grandfather's history with an unfounded, unsubstantiated bunch of invalidated (to put it bluntly) his "oral crap" ... because it served Joe's purposes.
To my thinking, when the African American Folklore endeavor didn't work out when Alex Haley's book ROOTS came out, in 1976, Joe had to quickly come up with some other ethnicity attachment, using his grandfather Jesse E. Bowman. Instead of being a Black descendant, he suddenly appears as an "Indian / Abenaki descendant" himself. "Black as an Abenaki" blah blah blah. Getting a membership card in 1978 helped promote the Indian/ Abenaki created persona of this author. He promoted himself as an "Abenaki" based on what exactly? A mysterious unseen 1980 written letter from John Jack Bowman's wife Katherine?
Jesse Bowman (and James) were raised on a MYTH and SPECULATION, that Joe helped solidify by talking with Maurice Denis etc and visiting Homer Walter St. Francis Sr. etc. and getting a membership card from the "chief" of that fake "Abenaki" "tribe"...
It's difficult to let go of the Styrofoam cup of "Abenaki" Cool-Aid and the roll of Sacajawea dollar coins, because its been quite profitable (and still is) for the Bruchac's to BELIEVE and PROMOTE that they are "Abenaki" allegedly according to their perpetuated myth making over the years, "of being from the Obomsawin's" and from "St. Francis"... blah blah blah.
Mary Ann (Bruchac) Lynch - 1978
And let's not forget Jack Lynch's posting in 2001
Again, Joe and Marge Bruchac's great-grandfather Lewis Bowman Sr. was not derived genetically, ancestrally or genealogically from any Abenaki whatsoever, least of all, not the Obomsawin's (who are Abenakis).
So, with that said, now we move on to their ancestor, Lewis Bowman Sr.'s mother: "Sophie" Sénécal dit Laframboise / Rasberry.
Who was she? Where did she come from? Who were her relatives?
Through genetic atDNA (autosomal) genetic testing in FTDNA, we detected a match to a lineage in Sénécal dit Laframboise surname, within Washington County, Vermont, in the contemporary. His ancestry, paternally goes back to a Jean Baptiste Sénécal dit Laframboise, who married twice. His parents are documented clearly within Quebec Parish records. Jean's descendant not only migrated down into Rutland County, Vermont, but also a branch or two interacted and are detected within Greenfield, Saratoga County, New York per the Federal and State Census records. Multiple genetic descendants of Jean Baptiste Sénécal dit Laframboise and either of his two spouses are matching to Mr. Bowman and his cousins. Hmm, interesting ...
Using AncestryDNA testing, there are two genetic matches to Mr. Bowman, of which helped me determine WHO and WHERE Élisabeth Sophié Sénécal dit Laframboise belonged to and was located from 1850 until her death in 1901.
Her name was actually Élisabeth Sophié (nee: Sénécal dit Laframboise) and she resided with a George Rhemond/ Raymond from about 1850 until his death, and then she lived with her daughter.
After Margaret (Bruchac) Kennick obtained the Civil War Pension Records of Lewis Bowman from the National Archives, subsequently Marge (and her brother Joe), "took creative license" and began myth-making some more about their ancestors.
Élisabeth Sophié (nee: Sénécal) was NOT AN INDIAN nor did "Sophie" speak Abenaki either, as Marge implied in her writings in 2002. (see Dreamning Again: Algonkian Poetry by Margaret Bruchac 2012 Bowman Books Page 24 through 27 as well as in Dawnland Voices: An Anthology of Indigenous Writing from New England 1st Edition
by Siobhan Senier (Editor) 2014)
I too, obtained the Pension Record myself directly from National Archives Lewis Bowman Sr. Civil War Pension Records and began evaluating what the Bruchac's had been saying had allegedly come from within that Pension Record, vs. what is actually IN that Pension record material.
Their narratives, published or not, were not substantiated. There is no marriage record, there is no mention of "St. Francis" within the Pension Record.
They were hoping, apparently, that no one would look to validate their storytelling, and indeed Marge does state "... re-imagines historically ... "

Yet where does Marge Bruchac's 're-imagining' end ... and the facts begin?
Margaret (Bruchac) Kennick
Margaret (Bruchac) Kennick and Rhonda Lou (nee: Besaw) Grimes - True
Or where do the facts end ... and her distorting and embellishing begin?
Why the myth-making storytelling, and not getting strictly the facts genealogically and genetically? Why these attempts to 'blur' and be a revisionist historian of their Bowman ancestry?
Why did Jesse Bowman Bruchac do that "Bowman Indian History Timeline" specifically in September 2015 ... AFTER I had communicated my interest in researching the Bowman's of which he is descended specifically from?
It is interesting to note that the genetic results specific to Bruchac's Bowman relatives have literally turned up several previously unknown pieces of the genealogical puzzle.
First, is that Lewis Bowman (like my father and I) was the child of a Non-Paternity-Event. He wasn't really a genetic descendant Bowman at all. (Just like I am not descended from the Buchholz, I am actually descended from the Smith's, and my father took the surname Buchholz in Oct. 1963 because that was the family that his mother married into in 1942 and raised my father into adulthood)
Lewis Bowman Sr.'s Y-DNA is matching very clearly NOT to Bowman's at all.
At 12 markers, Lewis Bowman's direct-male-descendant "Mr. Bowman" matched on July 19, 2017 to a Carlton LaBeff.
Later still, a VAUDRY at 37 markers matched to Mr. Bowman, with a slight 2 'fast' marker mutation on September 15, 2017. I subsequently upgraded Mr. Bowman's Y-DNA test to 67 marker Y-DNA testing, which added an additional marker mutation, yet still a Y-DNA match.
This Vaudry descendant, is from a Jacques Vaudry who married Jeanne Rénaud (sometimes spelled Rénault) on February 14, 1661 in Trois-Rivières, St. Maurice County, Québec, Canada; he having been born abt. 1636. Jacques had come from Notre Dame de Lamberville, Bacqueville, Eure, Haute-Normandie, France. His parents were Andrién Vaudry and Marthe Deschamps of the same geographical location in France.
As research progressed in 2017 and 2018, yet another LaBeff 25-marker match (with 3 marker mutations) happened on August 15, 2018. Clearly 'something' was going on.
Studying these two LaBeff matches, the original surname of LaBoeuf and that the lineage ancestors were Thomas LeBeuf and Nicole Gazeau (nee: Gazelle) of La Rochelle, France, whom had came to "New France" / Quebec, Canada. Their descendants entered into the fur trade, in Montreal (usually) or Chambly, and descendant went into the Michigan area, down into Louisiana, and descendants were in Arkansas, and later, Texas where these LaBeff's are today.
What is interesting even more so, is that these LaBeff's ancestors over in Louisiana definitely were inter-associating with the Vaudry lineage (i.e. Michel Vaudry and or Peter Vaudry). Thus another very likely dynamic of NPE being genetically detected.
Using atDNA testing (i.e. FTDNA's Family Finder, and AncestryDNA as well as MyHeritage), we find that Mr. Bowman matches to a daughter "B" of a Veaudry mother "A", but even though this mother "A" tested, this mother does not match to Mr. Bowman. Only the daughter "B" matches to him.
Yet, finding genetically a N-P-E daughter of John Jack Bowman (1893-1973)'s older sister Eva May (nee: Bowman) through her grandson, and testing his mother, and maternal uncle ... that uncle matches to "A" but not to her daughter "B" ...
(Two further Veaudry direct-male-descendants are being Y-DNA tested, ETC presently speaking)
Margaret (nee: Bowman) ... 8mm film
Jesse Bruchac, may learn to speak and teach Western Abenaki; his father may copyright and publish Abenaki stories in books and they both do presentations and now Jesse is teaching at the Southern University of Maine; Marge may have taught at University of MA-Amherst etc, and published occasionally, but that does not make the Bruchac's "Abenakis" at all. Having an ancestor in the 1600's doesn't make these Bruchac's (or anyone else) an Abenaki either. Having a membership card from Homer Walter St. Francis Sr. of Swanton, Vermont, does not, and did not substantiate that the Bruchac's were or are "Abenakis" whatsoever.
So let's look at what Jesse Bowman Bruchac did in his blog:
WHERE is Jesse getting his information from? WHY is Jesse 'pushing' defensively against the genetics research I and the Bowman's are doing?
Wikipedia?! Really?
Most colleges and universities (Especially in some high schools and private schools) have a policy that prohibits students from using Wikipedia as their source for doing research papers, essays, or anything equivalent. This is because Wikipedia can be edited by anyone at any moment.
Why is a college-educated Abenaki-speaking Jesse B. Bruchac using Wikipedia as his SOURCE for his blog information regarding R1b Haplogroup? WHY is he selectively copying and pasting?
Do the math, the homework, whatever you want to call it, but please, by all means, do the comparatives ...
Here, let me kindly do it for you readers of this blog:
Jesse's version:
September 13, 2017
By Jesse Bowman Bruchac
Bowman haplogroup
"In the ongoing search for the origins of my Bowman family, DNA has most recently entered the equation. This is an extremely complicated and speculative field with most of the information especially concerning Native Americans not yet in. Based on what is known, my great grandfather Jesse Bowman’s Y line is R-M269 (R1b). While this is common in Europe and elsewhere around the globe, it is also the second most common Native American haplogroup, and among Northeastern Native peoples, it is by far the most common, found among overwhelming 79% of Great Lakes/Algonquian-speakers."
From Wikipedia:
It is now the most common haplogroup after the various Q-M242, especially in North America, highest worldwide R1 rates among Great Lakes/Algonquian-speakers, in Ojibwe people at 79%, Chipewyan 62%, Seminole 50%, Cherokee 47%, Dogrib 40% and Papago 38%. 97% of R1 had the M269 SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism), which defines haplogroup R1b1b.[7] indicating that most of it came from the settlement of the Americas by Europeans.
R1b reaches high frequencies in the Americas and Australasia, due largely to immigration from Western Europe. There is an ongoing debate regarding the origins of R1b subclades found at significant levels among some indigenous peoples of the Americas, such as speakers of Algic languages in central Canada.
I know genetics is sometimes confusing for some people, but this what these people do. They pretend like they know what they are talking about, but they don't really know what they are talking about, and yet continue to speak, trying to influence, manipulate and deceive.
My point is this: People who are this desperate, have something to hide.
This man is teaching at the Southern University of Maine now. His father's sister is teaching at the Penn State University, with not a drop of Abenaki ancestry in them, claiming to be "Abenaki".
And for your listening pleasure:
June 19, 2018
Again, IF (hypothetically-speaking) the Bowman (and his other relatives) genetic testing was/ is "fake", PLEASE scroll up and look at the "mbruchac" match to Mr. Bowman within AncestryDNA. How come Marge matched genetically to him? I screen-captured images from within FTDNA, that proves Marge Bruchac - Kennick matches to her relative Mr. Bowman in FTDNA as well.
This is Jack (John) Bowman with Betty Bowman on his right, and Ida Smith (oh his right)
Then WHY do I have this photograph? (I have plenty more where this one came from here).
And there is a PUBLIC Tree on AncestryDNA as well, mapped out by my person regarding the Bowman's. Funny, how Marge Bruchac implies that I don't have data given to me by her Bowman relatives.
Let's see here, hmm, I got this from Mr. Bowman too:
Again, per the Civil War Pension Record, one cannot rely on just that Pension Record, but what is the merits of the statements and data therein, with physical substantiation of the data. WHERE is there mentioned "St. Francis" for Lewis Bowman Sr. birth, eh Joe? Or is he making that up too?
Remember: Saint-François Xavier de West Shefford, Bromont, Shefford County, Québec, Canada.
Now look in that Parish Records for Angéle (Angelina) Rémon dit Raymond baptized July 12, 1850 who married James McWillliams ... or her sister, Marie Délina (Adélina) Rémon dit Raymond who married Jean Baptiste Castonguay in Feb. 1877 in the same Saint-François Xavier de West Shefford, Bromont, Shefford County, Québec, Canada!
Recorded in the Notre Dame de Granby Parish:
May 25, 1852 Baptismal Record:
On the twenty-fifth day, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, serving as missionary of Granby, did baptize, Marie Delina, on this day, the twenty-fifth of May, of the legitimate marriage of George Raymond and Sophie Laframboise of the Township of Farnham.
Godfather Joseph Raymond Godmother Marguerite Goulet; the Godfather does sign. The father signs and the godmother does not sign.
NOT St. Francis ... as in Odanak, as Joe Bruchac III, the author has tried to imply in his books etc.
Oh that's right, according to Marge to a Penobsot, on Face Book June 19, 2018, my research results are "fake" and that I haven't got the data on people who have never given me their genetic DNA samples" ... For all the Bruchac education in college etc, sure seems that some Bruchac's are in a serious case of cognitive dissonance and denial state of being, regarding the research being done, and made public!
Varied Lewis Bowman Sr. descendants via his children's descendants are matching genetically to Mr. Bowman and his cousins... There are now 4 Bowman descendants actively tested on my behalf within either FTDNA, or AncestryDNA or both. None of the Bruchac's wanted to be a part of this study.
Clarification: Lewis Bowman Sr. (b. 1844 - d. 1918) has a CONFIRMED Haplogroup being KMS67 now, based on testing at FTDNA and YSEQ.
It just takes a simple Google Search ...
IF the Bowman DNA is so "fake", as stated by Margaret (nee: Bruchac) Kennick, as a Professor of Penn State why does this woman's own DNA Results match to Mr. Bowman and his cousins in FTDNA/ and AncestryDNA?
And she's teaching at Penn State?
"Ojibwe" Grey Owl
"Cree/Cherokee" Iron Eyes Cody
"Black" Rachel Dolezal
"Cherokee" Elizabeth Warren
... and then from 1975 - to present ... we have the Bruchac's ...
Father and son, Joe and Jesse Bruchac
James Edward Bruchac
Oh that's right ...
Bruchac's get a free pass, or a 'get out of scrutiny' card?
Abenaki Ancestry? Really? Prove it ...
It's technically 'not illegal' what the Bruchac's have done and are doing, but it IS unethical (to my thinking) what they have done and are continuing to do. Native People's, Universities, Libraries, and Publishing Companies help PERPETUATE and PROMOTE the Bruchac's (then and now) as being "Abenakis" and they are not. Genetics and Genealogical Research PROVES this out.
TRUTH makes the Bruchac's cultural appropriators and Abenaki ethnic frauds. (for further discussions)
And here they are, members of the Nulhegan group in Vermont:
Ok, so this brings up a whole new dynamic! James (Jim) and his brother Jesse Bowman Bruchac are members of the group in Orleans County, Vermont that came of the Clan of the Hawk, Inc. in 2004?
To be considered for Nulhegan enrollment, you must provide documentation establishing direct kinship to Nulhegan and/or other Abenaki/Coosuk families. Applications that do not include this documentation will not be considered.
Please note that it may take between three and six months to process your application.
When sending in your application, it is necessary to provide documentation to prove your relationship to the Abeanki ancestor. This would include your birth certificate. Also include other documentation such as a copy of your genealogy or other proofs of origin, such as marriage certificates of ancestors, birth and death certificates, or other items that tie you to such ancestor(s).
Ok ... so through one and or the other, "Chief" Donald Warren Stevens Jr. and Michael Descoteaux, apparently "approved" Bruchac's who have NO ABENAKI ANCESTORS whatsoever, and these two brothers got membership into the Nulhegan group.
Non-Indian (WHITE) people are becoming "Abenakis" based on what exactly, genealogically-speaking in Vermont? Based on belief and perception?
So is Don Stevens Jr. and Mike Descoteaux now acting/ doing much like Homer Walter St. Francis Sr. and April did along with Mike Delaney did over in Swanton, wherein if one SAYS or BELIEVES they are "Abenaki" they can gain membership and all the State and Federal (Grant) perks by having that membership card in this group? If this group is allowing this, are the other groups allowing this dynamic as well? 15,000+ "Abenakis" in Vermont now, according to one newspaper article!
Clearly, I smell "BS" in N'dakinna !!
Are Joe and his sister Marge now Nulhegan members of Don's group too; hop, skip and click of the shoes from Homer's "Missisquoi" group, (much like Don migrated from Homer's group) over to the Nulhegan group?
Just because someone has a Vermont "Abenaki" membership card, doesn't mean that person is actually descended from the Abenaki.