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Sunday, August 13, 2023

Pretendians claiming to be "Abenakis" "People of the dawn" pontificate and perform to the naive Indian Country Today ... for "legitimacy" in 2023.

Indian Country Today (at 7:36 of the video) PROMOTING Vermont and New Hampshire Race Shifting "Abenaki" Pretendians & Provides platform, benefit & "legitimacy" to post-'75 groups 🤢. ICT doesn't do their research, ignoring First Nations.

Does ICT not FACT CHECK their Nulhegan Chief Don Stevens Jr.

Nulhegan was created in the summer of 2004 per the newspaper article.


Here, let me help ICT by providing the URL link:

Oh, that's right, ICT doesn't do any investigative research on Pretendians / Race Shifters.

Nope. Did ICT hired a fake Cherokee to be an editor?

Did ICT help hire a fake at a local news outlet in the Pacific Northwest?

Seems there's been some 'heavy' colluding with Pretendians at

Indian Country Today and Northwest Access TV ...

Tell me it ain't so ... cause from where I am sitting, 

The Nulhegan group in VT is just another Pretendian Group

And ICT is "legitimizing" the FRAUD.

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