
Saturday, June 19, 2021

CPAIN or Corporate (entities) Posing As Abenaki Indigenous Nations in VT/NH - Part 3

January 07, 1993

(“Retired”) Howard Franklin Knight Jr. had written on his “Northeast Woodlands – Coos Band – Pisowakamigw Wobanakiak – Western Abenaki Alliance – Abenaki Republic (The People of the Dawn) The Algonquin Confederation of Indigenous Peoples” letterhead (of Newport, VT) the following:

Chief Paul Pouliot, and To Whom it Concerns,

Coos Council, Abenaki Republic

Red Hawk Lodge of 160 Dailey Drive in Franklin, MA

Dear Chief Pouliot, and To Whom it Concerns:

This letter is issued to allay any concerns that they may have in regards to the leadership of the Coos Peoples during this turbulent period due to the recent meeting in Swanton, VT.

I, Chief Howard F. Knight Jr. (Chief Rushing Water) do hereby declare, in short and sweet terms, that I support Chief Paul W. Pouliot (Chief Spirit Hawk) in whatever decisions he may make, as the new Chief of the Coos, which took effect upon the day of the meeting at Swanton, VT.

I am officially retired as Chief, having been Chief for 10 years. It was, and it is, time for new leadership, and it is even clearer now, that Chief Spirit Hawk is the leader that the Coos Peoples need at this juncture in its history.

I am still Chief of the Turtle Clan of the Coos People, but I am retired as the Coos Tribal Band Chief. I will be available to Chief Spirit Hawk for advice, if he asks, or whatever else, otherwise I will not speak. I ask all to support the new Coos Chief in all he does.

cc: Tribal Judge “Spirit Wind” [Robert Maynard of Worcester, MA]

Tribal Genealogist “Looking Glass” [Raymond Paul Lussier of Attleboro, MA]

Tribal Mother “Firewoman”, Matriarch Fox Clan [Jacqueline Emerton]

February 26, 1993

[From the Massachusetts Corporate Division website]


Paul Wilson Pouliot [of 160 Dailey Drive in Franklin, Worcester County, MA]

Linda A. (nee: White) Pouliot [of 160 Dailey Drive in Franklin, Worcester County, MA]

Raymond P. (“Looking Glass”) Lussier [of 8 Chester Ave. in South Attleboro, MA]

March 21, 1993

Abenaki Education Development, Inc.’d

Agent: Abenaki Self-Help Association, Incorporated

Homer St. Francis Sr (President/Vice President)

Michael Delaney (Secretary)

July 07, 1993

Added on:

John Lawyer

Michael Delaney

Hilda Marjorie [nee: Minkler] St. Francis

Joseph Robtoy

Bernard R. Robtoy

Richard Jordan

April 02, 1993

“Kawasuck of Northern New England”

On letterhead: Northeast Woodlands – Coos (Cowasuck) Band – Pisowakamigw Wobanakiak – Abenaki Nation Office of the Tribal Judge – Robert Maynard PO Box 485, in Worcester, MA 01613 Tele: (508) 799-4552 … typed up a letter [sent to Howard Knight Jr. and received by him on the 7th of Apr.] as follows:

I, Robert Spirit Wind Maynard, Chief Judge of all the Coos in these United States, and by the authority vested in me, I hereby order that the name “Eastern Woodland Coos” is hereby this day, April 02, 1993, rescinded today, voiding that name Eastern Woodland Coos, never to be used again, by us, but only if the true lineage people of the Eastern Woodland Coos shall surface, then, and only then, shall the name Eastern Woodland Coos with our Proud Ancient name of “Kawasuck of Northern New England”, permanently replacing the former name of Eastern Woodland Coos. I further order the total transference of all Coos rights, properties, agreements (treaties) to Kawasuck (Coos) of Northern New England.

Be it now known to all, this day the April 02, 1993, that Chief Howard Knight, Jr. (“Rushing Water”), being a true Kawasuck (Coos) lineage, and having served under Chief Elwin Joseph Joe Pero, in the mid-1980’s, and subsequently having also served under other Coos chiefs, serving for ten years, therefore I, the Chief Judge, order you, Chief Howard, to take immediate steps to continue to seek out all of those families, bands, clans, groups and persons of true Coos lineage, and place them in our Kawasuck (Coos) tribal rolls, thus giving them a place under the Sun among their own peoples, all of us together, joining with our talents and our strengths for a greater Kawasuck (Coos) Nation, living on our own land, answering to no one but ourselves, living in peaceful, loving harmony, where the growing children will be secure with the knowledge of who they are, living in a world of their own making, with the ability to make choices for themselves, ensuring a happier future for us all.

Robert Maynard

Chief Judge of All the Coos

Spirit Wind Maynard

April 16, 1993

[Filed with the Secretary of State’s Office on April 16, 1993]

“Cowasuck of North America”, Inc.’d

Initial Registered Agent: Howard F. Knight Jr. [of Alderbrook Rd in Newport, VT]


Arthur W. Seymour [of 36 Walnut St. in Burlington, VT]

Emerson B. Garfield a.k.a. “Spirit Bear” [of P.O. Box 34 in Johnson, VT]

Robert J. Maynard [of Box 485 in Worcester, MA]

Charles C. Labor a.k.a. “Lightfeather” [of RR#1, Box 469 in Newport, VT]

[SEE July 18, 1996 Cowasuck of North America]

Group No.

April 16, 1993 -

Clan of the Hawk

This group was created in about April 1993 due in part to a sort of “pissing contest,” Howard F. Knight, of Thetford or Coventry, VT vs. Paul Wilson Pouliot of Franklin, Worcester County, MA. In April of 1993, Howard Knight Jr. “made” Ralph Skinner Swett a “Chief” and mimicked Paul Pouliot, who had begun a newsletter a couple of month’s earlier (Jan-Feb. of 1993). Paul called his residence in MA the “Red Hawk Lodge” and to counter or mimic Paul Pouliot, Howard Knight Jr. subsequently “wanting back into the game of Playing “Abenaki” “Indian” by getting Pouliot to give back the Incorporation, then CREATED “Clan of the Hawk” with Ralph Skinner Swett in Evansville, VT. Thus, was “spawned” or “hatched” Ralph Skinner Swett to go about Playing “Abenaki” in Orleans County, VT right along with Howard and so many others.

May 08, 1993

On letterhead: Northeast Woodlands – Coos (Cowasuck) Band – Pisowakamigw Wobanakiak – Abenaki Nation Office of the Tribal Judge – Robert Maynard PO Box 485, in Worcester, MA 01613 Tele: (508) 799-4552 … typed up a letter [sent to Paul Wilson Pouliot, 160 Dailey Street in Franklin, MA] as follows:

I, Robert Spirit Wind Maynard, Chief Judge of all the Kowasuck bands in these United States and Quebec, by the authority vested in me by the Grand Council of the Kowasuck bands, do now hereby revoke your Chieftainship immediately of all the Southern Coos in Massachusetts. You shall forthwith cease all activities in the office of Chief of the Southern Coos in Massachusetts, and all those appointments that you have ordained are as of now terminated, to include the office of Tribal mother. All agreements as of this date made by you with others as of now is hereby terminated.

(Blah, blah and more blah)

Chief Howard F. Knight Jr. has received all authority and power from the Abenaki in Vermont, New Hampshire and Massachusetts. He shall very soon start to work with his legal team of experienced professionals. Also, he will have the help of on-site government agency people. Each one will have an area of work, neither overlapping the other. The government’s agency’s agents will reconstruct all Abenaki bands, setting them up as our history tells us they once were.

The legal team will investigate, correct and assemble all evidence necessary for our recognition within a very, very short time.

You, Paul Wilson Pouliot, shall not resist or dispute these orders. You cannot go very far for very long, alone. If you resist or dispute these lawful orders, then the Grand Council of the Kowasuck and the legal team shall take appropriate action as they deem necessary.

Robert Maynard

His Honor, Chief of All the Cowasuck bands of the United States and Quebec, Canada


cc: Chief Howard F. Knight Jr.

[John A. Peters] Slow Turtle, Commissioner of MA Indian Affairs

Grand Council of Elders

Raymond Looking Glass Paul Lussier

Emissary Roland Demers

Notarized by Debra L. Mattress [in Worcester, MA] on May 12, 1993.

June 25, 1993

On letterhead: “Northern New England Cowasuck (Coos) [N.N.E.C.] Band – Pisowakamigw Wobanakiak – Sovereign Abenaki Nation Algonkian Confederation” - Office of the Chief – Howard F. Knight Jr.

As per the telephone agreement between the Incorporators of the Cowasuck of North America, and by the order of the Incorporators who also are the Grand Council of the Cowasuck of North America with which this Band is associated, I, Chief Howard F. Knight, Jr. (a.k.a. “Rushing Water”, do hereby issue the following declaration as the police of the Relationship between the Associated Band of the Cowasuck-Coos and the Grand Council of the Cowasuck of North America.

1. Because of the leadership of the Northern New England Cowasuck (Coos) Band and the Grand Council have many of the same people serving as leaders in both organizations, it is categorically stated that the two organizations are separate. They will be part and parcel to each other, and they work together as necessary per the By-Laws and the relationship will be more defined and clarified as time progresses and the need arises to amend the By-Laws, but they are separate organizations – autonomous.

2. The Grand Council shall keep control of the Northern New England Cowasuck (Coos) Band Checking Account until shortly after the Pow-Wow, at which time it shall be separated and before the next Special or General Meeting it shall be turned over to the Band, at which time, the Band shall pay the Grand Council it’s assessment for Grand Council operations. This section is per the Order of the Band Judge Robert “Spirit Wind” Maynard, over my objections to let the Tribal Band to take charge of the Checking Account on August 01, 1993. It will be done as soon as possible after the Pow-Wow, per Judge Maynard’s order.

3A. At the present time, the Tribal bands that are directly, or nominally, associated together and comprised this organization, of which the Northern New England Cowasuck (Coos) Band is a part of and know as the Grand Council of the Cowasuck of North America are:

A. The Northern New England Cowasuck (Coos) Band

B. The Connecticut Lakes Cowasuck

C. The Southeastern Townships of Quebec, Coos

D. Other Cowasuck (Coos) groups that are inquiring, and therefore eligible, to join the Grand Council with the rest of us and shall join us when they get ready are:

I. The Upper Connecticut River Coos

II. The Miller Pond Coos/Cowasuck

[Blah blah and more blah]

5A. Each of the Associated Bands shall have 1 representative to the Grand Council.

B. The Representative o the N.N.E.C., for the time being until he steps down from the said position, shall be Chief Rushing Water [Howard F. Knight Jr.], who has, and always will have, a permanent seat on the Grand Council for life.

C. It is understood, that when he shows up for meetings, Chief One Eye [Roland Demers] shall have representative, himself, representing the Southeastern Townships Quebec Coos.

D. The representative of the Connecticut Lakes Cowasuck is Chief One Who Flies. He also shall be seated when he can make it. He will send a letter if he is replaced.

[Blah blah and more blah]

[Howard Franklin Knight Jr. ALSO concocted an entity called the “Independent Clans of the Cowasuck (Coos) United” or I.C.C.U., under the Cowasuck (Coos) banner of the Vermont incorporated non-profit Corporate entity known as the Cowasuck of North America … SEE August 24, 1993 for the signatures o the “players” of this entity I.C.C.U. ]

August 24, 1993

A Declaration-Agreement

Let it be known to, amongst, all the Abenaki and non-Abenaki people:

Whereas, the Abenaki Nation as a whole, and the Cowasuck (Coos) People in particular, are being torn asunder by “Wannabe’s”, Would-be’s, greedy power-mad, revolt-minded Chieftainship seeking incompetents and idiots, and …

Whereas, the Clans (families) are the basic unit of Abenaki government, and …

Whereas … the following independent clans and their freely chosen leaders are true lineal Cowasuck (Coos) People since ancient times, as far as can be determined, and …

[Blah blah and more blah]

Be it resolved further also, that we come together in a new Tribal Band organization to be known as the Independent Clans of the Cowasuck (Coos) United, under the Cowasuck (Coos) banner of the Vermont incorporated non-profit corporate entity known as the Cowasuck of North America, and …

[Blah blah and more blah]

… to ensure our recognition and settlements are accomplished in a proper and fair manner under our Suzerain Trust Rights Relationship that exists with the United States Government under Article 6 of the U.S. Constitution, and also …

Be it further Resolved, that we, the Independent Clans of the Cowasuck (Coos) United do, by our signatures attached on this document, accept the following;

[Blah blah and more blah]

Therefore, Be it Resolved, that by our signatures attached (with date)/affixed on this document, we hereby activate the Independent Clans of the Cowasuck (Coos) United as a new Band of the Cowasuck (Coos) People in the Sovereign Abenaki Nation under the banner of the Cowasuck of North America.


David Guyer – Clan of the Falcon September 24, 1993

Emerson B. Garfield – Spirit Bear Clan of the Bear / Niewaskwe Awasos September 24, 1993

Cindy J. Shover (a.k.a. Loon Caller) – Clan of the Loon September 24, 1993

Nancy Lemois – Clan of the Wolf (Tele: 754-2061) September 25, 1993

Howard F. Knight Jr. (a.k.a. Rushing Water) – Clan of the Turtle September 24, 1993

September 01, 1993

Letter From: Sovereign Abenaki Nation Coos-Cowasuck Band / Office of the Tribal Council

160 Dailey Drive in Franklin, MA 02038-2951 Tele: (508) 528-7629

To: Paul Rene Tamburro of 2406 South 38th Street in Yakima, WA 98903

To All People,

Be it known to all people, the Tribal Council of the Coos-Cowasuck Band o the Abenaki Nation of Peoples, has authorized Paul R. Tamburro to act as an Emissary and Tribal Representative in the states of California, Oregon, and Washington.

Paul Tamburro is authorized to communicate with other tribal leaders and organizations representing native peoples. He has been given the responsibility to notify these other parties of our activities and to develop correspondence and communication between us.

We extend our best wishes and desires to all, please accept Paul Tamburro as an official representative of Our People.

May the Creator bring all native People together in peace.

Gici Oliwini,

Paul W. Pouliot

Council Chief – Cowasuck Band

Abenaki Nation

[SEE November 19, 1996 Non-Profit Corporation Annual Report document]

October 12, 1993

File: N-08201-0

North American People of the Dawn, Sovereign Nation

 Incorporated in Vermont for "Spiritual/ Cultural Preservation"

Principal Street Address: 29 Cross Street in Newport, Vermont 05855

Registered Agent: Reynold Choinière, of 28 Governor Drive, Apartment B-2 in Newport, VT

Officer 1: Reynold Choinière

Officer 2: Robert W. Bruce, Jr.

Officer 3: Sheila E. Hill [David Andrew Hill's widow]

Officer 4: Theresa Vanslette

Officer 5: Reynold Choinière

Officer 6: Sheila E. Hill

Officer 7: Brian Burns

January 14, 1994



Howard F. Knight Jr. (President --- Chief)

Cindy J. Shover (Treasurer --- Financial Officer)(also acting Assoc. Chief)

Emerson B. Garfield (Vice President --- Assoc. Chief)(Retired)

January 25, 1994

The Dawnland Center

Business ID: 0051799

File #: N08325

Principal Office Address: P.O. Box 70/Seymour Lane in Newport, Orleans County, VT

Registered Agent: Dana Pictou

716 Dugan Brook Road in East Calais, VT 05656

Judy (nee: Fortin) Dow (President)

Ellen Beck (Treasurer)

Deb Denison (Secretary)

Dana R. Pictou with his spouse Lorraine (nee: Landers) operated the Dawnland Center. He was licensed to practice as a licensed drug and alcohol abuse counselor in Vermont under license number 000190 from January 31, 2001 until its expiration on January 31, 2003. Dana Pictou was negligent, incompetent and was in wrongful conduct in the practice of his licensure, due to unprofessional conduct while practicing as a counselor at the Dawnland Center, a VT non-profit corporation in Newport, VT, upon which he was disciplined. Pictou had billed the federal services of Medicaid and the State of VT for services that had not occurred due to the recipient clients not appearing for scheduled appointments. The police of the organization had been, based on information and belief, to submit the bills in this manner.

One such client Paul Redden had been an employee of the Dawnland Center and a client. In 1999, Pictou and Paul Redden worked at the Pictou residence cutting trees for a period of several days.

Pictou’ Drug and Alcohol license to practice in Vermont was subsequently conditioned for a minimum of two years.

[The organization did not pay unemployment checks and tax refunds were withheld from …]

Dana Pictou, LPC, CDCS and Lorraine Landers, LPC have over 50 years of counseling experience providing mental Health, Substance Abuse, and Crisis Intervention services. They both claimed they were both Native American people who offered the flexibility of both Conventional and Native Traditional counseling styles to all of their clientele. They had moved to Alaska from Vermont and operated the Sunrise Counseling & Therapy Service in the Fairbanks, Alaska Community. The couple offered mental health and substance abuse treatment Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 7 PM. 

He IS Native, from a Native Community in Pubnico (Jordan River), Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia, Canada; Lorraine (nee: Landers is from Boston, MA and clearly self-identifying as “Abenaki”. Her mother’s mother is French-Canadian.

Court Name: U.S. Bankruptcy Court Records for the District of Alaska

Case Number: 09-00541

Party Name: Dana Pictou and Lorraine Landers

Filing Type: Bankruptcy, Office: 4 Chapter: 13 Trustee: Compton (13), Larry D. [Personal Financial Management Course Certificate] Date Published: August 23, 2014

[SEE May 08, 1998 Abenaki-Intertribal Coalition …]

February 22, 1994

Offices of the Grand Council Territorial Headquarters

Cowasuck of North America

Republic of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation

R.R. #2, Box 530-A in Newport, Vermont 05844

Howard F. Knight Jr. typed and sent a letter to Salvatore M. Giorlandio (Assistant Att. General) in Boston, MA

Re: N.E. Woodlands-Coos Tribe, et al v. Dept. of Social Services, U.S. Dist. Court, C.A. No. 92040149XX

Howard wrote that pursuant to 25 USCA, the ICWA of 1978, the Native American Civil Rights Act of 1968, the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, the Treaty of 1713 and other applicable treaties and laws, his letter was to confirm the said telephone conversation as he has promised, and where Howard had explained that the Cowasuck-Coos People of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation WILL exercise and exert their Sovereign Suzerain Trust Rights under the applicable Treaties and laws of the United States of America.

Additionally, this letter will confirm also, per his telephone conversation with Giorlandio, that, in writing that former Tribal Judge-Chief of all Cowasuck Bands of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation, Robert “Spirit Wind” Maynard, was no longer a member of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation nor of the Cowasuck-Coos Judicial System.

The Chief of the “Northeast Woodlands-Coos Band” is:

Paul “Spirit Hawk” Pouliot (Chief)

160 Daily Drive, in Franklin, MA

Sovereign Abenaki Nation Judge for Southern New England and to the Northeast Woodlands-Coos Band is: The Honorable Raymond “Looking Glass” Lussier, of South Attleboro, MA

The present representative to the Grand Council from the Northeast Woodlands-Coos Band was also Raymond Lussier, as well.

May 07, 1994

Paul Wilson Pouliot typed up the following:

Cowasuck Band Tribal Statement

At the national unity meeting held at Highgate, Vermont on May 07, 1994, the Cowasuck Band of Abenaki People as led and represented by Paul Pouliot, acknowledged Chief Homer St. Francis as our grand chief. This acknowledgement was made in a Coos-Cowasuck (Northeastern Woodlands) tribal declaration in 1992, copies of which were forwarded at that time to the Missisquoi tribal headquarters and were also made public to various regional tribal groups.

It was also agreed at the meeting to review the national constitution to determine if the Cowasuck Band could accept the constitution as our national governing document. A FAX copy of the document was received by Paul Pouliot so that he and Raymond Lussier, the Cowasuck Band Tribal Judge, could review the document prior to formal council meetings that were scheduled for this purpose.

May 07, 1994

Southern New England Council of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation

President: Raymond Paul “Looking Glass” Lussier of South Attleboro, MA

“Be it known by all peoples that the leadership of the Allied Abenaki Tribes and bands have exercised their options and have entered into an agreement of Peace and Friendship, united together under one Nation headquartered in Swanton, Franklin County, Vermont.

[Blah, blah and more blah]

Section 7: We acknowledge that the National seat of Government for the Abenaki Nation is located at Swanton, Vermont.

[Blah, blah and more blah]

Pending the solemnization of the agreement by the inner council in early May the allied St. Francis/Sokoki and Coos-Cowasuck Bands of the Abenaki Nation, will be represented by the Southern New England Council under the supervision of Raymond “Looking Glass” Lussier as appointed by the Headquarters of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation.

[William “Bill” Martineau was Ray “Looking Glass” Lussier’ “Sub-Chief” per the Southern New England Council of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation organization, and provided some of these documents to Douglas Buchholz in 2009 or 2010]

Apparently from the documents, Raymond Lussier crossed out COWASS NORTH AMERICA, Inc.’d and wrote above it “Southern New England Wabanaki Council Wabanaki Cultural Learning Center

May 11, 1994

From Howard F. (a.k.a. “Rushing Water”) Knight Jr. to Grand Chief Homer St. Francis Sr, Representative of the “Sovereign Abenaki Nation, International

Dear Grand Chief St. Francis:

Please authorize our Council of the “Cowasuck of North America of the Republic of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation, International your permission and Blessing to operate in our ancient Cowasuck Territory under the Constitution and By-Laws of the Republic of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation, International under your leadership as the Grand Chief.

Please forward your authorization in writing along with a copy of the said Constitution and By-Laws.

We, of Cowasuck People, do wish you long life and good health.


Yours in Brotherhood,

Howard F. (Rushing Water) Knight, Jr.

cc: H. F. Knight

Ambassador Darrell Larocque

May 22, 1994

Cowasuck Band Tribal Council meeting was held in Charlemont, MA to discuss ongoing business and national unity issues.

June 05, 1994

Cowasuck Band Tribal Council meeting was held in Franklin, MA to discuss ongoing business and national unity issues.

The national constitution was reviewed and discussed. The consensus was that there were no adverse issues preventing our acceptance of the constitution. The general opinion was that the document needed to be revised to some extent to address the acknowledgement and acceptance of all the Abenaki Nation’s individual tribal councils, bands, and groups.

Furthermore, the rights of individual tribal members and their representation by a tribal council for their choice needed to be resolved.

Telephone conversations were also made with several of our distance family groups [Pease family members in CA and Paul Rene Tamburro in Yakima/Olympia, WA?] to get their input to these issues. The directives given were to precede with the unity negotiations using our best judgment on these matters.

Overall, the consensus was to go forward, to negotiate the unity of all our bands, councils, and tribal groups into one Nation of Abenaki People, and to secure the mutual acknowledgement and autonomy between all of them and the Cowasuck Band Tribal Council.

We of the Cowasuck Band of the Abenaki People look forward to our mutual acknowledgement as one People united as the Abenaki Nation.

It was agreed to make this written statement and to proceed to the next national unity meeting which is scheduled to be held at Littleton, New Hampshire during the Abenaki gathering on July 16-17, 1994.

This Pow-wow at Remick Park in Littleton by promoted by Town Promoter Nancy (Millette) Cruger, where she (and others were able to obtain membership cards) by subjective on-the-sidewalk “I’m an Abenaki too” to Michael Delaney as Nancy held of a photograph of some ancestor of hers. Thus she became an Abenaki too, of Homer’s group.

July 08, 1994

Letter from Howard Franklin Knight

Recently, Grand Chief Homer St. Francis has not been feeling well. As a result, some people are clearly concerned that the movement and momentum for a Unified Abenaki Nation could suffer a severe setback if something were to happen to the Grand Chief, passing away. Howard (a.k.a. “Rushing Water”) stated, if such were to occur, he would not have sought nor do I see, nor will I ever seek either the offices of Grand Chief or of the Assoc. Grand Chief of the Republic of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation. Howard sent this letter to Grand Chief Homer St. Francis, Assoc. Grand Chief Walter Watso, Michael Delaney, Ambassador Mollie Keating, Ambassador Darrell Larocque, Assoc. Chief Cindy “Loon Caller” Shover, and Chuck Labor

July 14, 1994

Announcement by Howard F. Knight Jr. (by letter) of the 2nd Annual Public Abenaki Nation Powwow on August 20-21, 1994, at the Evansville Auction Barn Field, on Route 58, in Evansville, Orleans County, Vermont, owned by Ralph Skinner Swett. This is when Ralph decided he could PLAY ABENAKI TOO.

Signed by Howard F. Knight Jr. (“Rushing Water”), Chuck Labor (“Lightfeather”), Darrell Larocque (“Big Bear Paw”); and Cindy J. Shover (“Loon Caller”) who was an “Associate Chief”

[Walter Watso of Odanak and Homer St. Francis of Swanton, VT were expected to attend the event as well]

July 17, 1994

Coos-Cowasuck Band – Cowass North America, Inc.’d

Council & Business Meeting Minutes

An emergency council and business meeting of the Coos-Cowasuck Band and Cowass North America, Inc.’d was called by the Council Chief and President Paul Pouliot, Sub-Chief Phillip Martin, and Treasurer and Secretary Linda Pouliot at about mid-day, in Littleton, New Hampshire, at the Abenaki peoples gathering in Remick Park.

In attendance were two corporate officers and trustees, family representatives, elders, and council members that represented and spoke for 17 of the 28 voting council members and two of the three corporate officers. The Pouliot, Martin, Barrette, Blanchette, Sherman, Willame, Martin (voting for Parrett), Pouliot (voting for Nickles, Pease, Tamburro) members were represented. Consensus was made that the meeting could be called to order.

The meeting was called due to the “hostile” take-over efforts of the council and cooperation by Raymond Lussier, and other parties. Paul Pouliot et al left peacefully from the unity meeting. Raymond Lussier stayed and represented his own interests. Following the meeting Ray declared to our band members at the gathering that he was now the chief of our band and that he wanted know if they were going to be loyal to him or Paul Pouliot and that he would get them membership cards from the other band led by Homer. The consensus was that the unity efforts were a deception to take over our band, corporation, monies, and other resources. The actions of the other parties to make Raymond Lussier the chief of our band and corporation are an unauthorized and illegal act of aggression, thus Ray Lussier was removed from any and all position of authority (corporate Clerk) but his position as a council member or tribal judge will be resolved at a future meeting, pending further investigation.

Many of Homer St. Francis’ people were heavily armed with guns and knives, and that threats of violence were made by these people to the Pouliot family on two occasions.

Nominations for a new clerk were opened and Albert Barrette was nominated and approved as the new corporate Clerk.

July 17, 1994

Allied Sovereign Abenaki Nation

Southern New England Tribal Court

Notification of Tribal Action

The Grand Council of the Allied Abenaki Nation has instructed this Court to issue the following statements.

The following individuals have been stricken from the membership (lists) rolls of the Abenaki Nation:

Roger Deshanais a.k.a. Running Elk

John Steeves a.k.a. Spirit Walker

Paul W. Pouliot a.k.a. Spirit Hawk

The individuals listed above are forever banned from using the name of The Abenaki Nation or the name of any tribal entity allied to the Abenaki Nation to include but not limited to the Missisquoi, St. Francis, Sokoki, Cowass, or bands of the Eastern Woodlands Tribal Alliance.

This action has been taken by Grand Chief Homer W. St. Francis and Councilors at the Alliance meeting held in Littleton, New Hampshire on July 17, 1994.

The specific as of this Banishment lay no blame on the people of the Cowass and or other tribal groups. Upon selection of another qualified leader acceptable to the Alliance Council and confirmation that the offending leadership has been replaced, will serve as an indication that the Band is seeking the acceptance and willingness necessary to conform to the standards of the Allied Sovereign Abenaki Nation.

Any further attempts to disrupt or overthrow the Abenaki Leadership or interfere with the great peace within the Abenaki Nation or any other Nation will not be tolerated within the Alliance. During this transition period, Raymond “Looking Glass” Lussier is appointed by the Grand Chief to take charge of all affairs of the Franklin, Ma.-based Band.

Grand Chief Homer St. Francis, Dated July 17, 1994

cc: Chief Tribal Judge Mike Delaney, Chief Walter Watso, All Councils/Bands, and Security

July 30, 1994

Paul Wilson Pouliot received two letters from Howard F. Knight Jr. of which the summary was that some group called the “Grand Council” had taken action against them [Paul Pouliot] such that they did not recognize Pouliot and that Knight was taking our “band” and headquarters back to Vermont. Ray Lussier had been ordered to get all tribal records, members’ personal records, property, etc. from Pouliot himself to return such to Howard Knight Jr.

Paul Pouliot had mentioned that Howard F. Knight Jr. had retired, quit, and left Paul’s group’s Council twice, and that there had never been any proof or legitimacy given to show that he or any “grand council” had ever been elected or would have any weight of authority. Howard Knight Jr. claimed to have chiefs, judges, and other tribal leaders. Reality was that Knight had appointed himself chief and got a handful of his close friends to make up the membership in this “grand” clique. The St. Francis and Knight groups have no more authority over us than we do over them, Pouliot had stated.

[So since Howard Knight Jr. was illegitimate and making things up (had no authority) then since Paul Pouliot in January 1993 obtained his “title-position-group” from Knight, then the shit flows downhill eh and therefore Paul Pouliot’s group the Cowasuck-Pennacook People/Cowass North America, Inc.’d had been created from Howard Knight Jr., who accord to Paul Pouliot, had any weight of authority … it was just one race shifter creating group after group, corporate entity after another (including Pouliot’s) and the operative word being ‘metastasize’ like some cancer on N’dakinna or a virus, like Herpes from Colonial Settlers and their EGO’s to be self-important, pontificating, in their attempts to control their duped “members” fellow race shifters, into thinking they were self-important with their created groups and respective membership cards.]

August 03, 1994

Paul Wilson Pouliot received a written FAX transmission, dated August 01, 1994, from Philip M. Martin, stating that an emergency council meeting had been held in Mansfield, MA on July 30, 1994, and that he had been elected to the position of Chief of the Franklin, MA-based Band. It stated that “Grand Chief Homer St. Francis would accept me as the spokesperson for the Franklin Band in order to save it for the people and the Allied Abenaki Nation of Southern New England. It was signed by Phillip L. Martin (a.k.a. “Gray Fox”), with a copy to Ray Lussier.

August 16, 1994

Abenaki Education Development, Inc.’d

Agent: Abenaki Self-Help Association, Incorporated

Homer St. Francis Sr (President/Vice President) [“Grand Chief”]

Michael Delaney (Secretary)

John Lawyer (Director)

Ina Delaney (Director) [Ina was Michael Delaney’s wife]

Michael Delaney (Director) [Mike was Ina (nee: Thompson)’s husband]

August 17, 1994

Sovereign Republic of the Abenaki Nation International

Swanton, Franklin County, Vermont

Notarized Letter from Homer Walter St. Francis Sr. (“Grand Chief”)

To whom it may concern:

Please recognize the bearer of this letter Howard F. Knight Jr. is; a registered member of the Sovereign Republic of the Abenaki Nation and the head spokesman for the Cowasuck Council as my Representative in Unity Affairs in French Speaking Abenaki Territory.

Embossed document by Michael Delaney

Rough Draft of Document:


These are the actual documents that were signed at the gathering on Swett’s property in Evansville, VT;

After August 17, 1994

The “Northeast Wind Council” was [according to Ralph Swett] set up and organized many years ago [AFTER August 17, 1994] with the help of Grand Chief Walter Watso, Great Ambassador of the Abenaki Nation Darryl LaRock [Larocque], retired Chief Howard Franklin Knight Jr. and Chief [Ralph Skinner Swett] Spirit Water. The Northeast Wind Council will meet a few times a year to discuss any causes that may come up and to foster unity.

October 04, 1994

Abenaki Indian Center, Inc.’d

Allan J. Martel (President)

200 Elm Street, Suite #5

Manchester, NH 03101

Status: Dissolved on November 17, 1998


Marci L. Martel

Allan J. Martel

Linda L. Robertson

Nancy D. Goldsmith

Cynthia J. Jansen

December 02, 1994

Cowasuck Band – Abenaki People Leadership

Paul W. Pouliot, Council Chief (Speaker)

Rene Blanchette, Sub-Chief (East)

Jacqueline Emerton, Band Matriarch (East)

Paul R. Tamburro, Sub-Chief and Band Legal Advisor (Social - Cultural) (West)

Rene Blanchette, Band (Acting) Judge (East)

Dorris A. Nickles, Band Matriarch (West)

Raymond C. Pease, Sub-Chief and Band (Acting) Judge (West)

Council of Elders:

Rene Blanchette of Methuen, MA

Beatrice Willame of Uxbridge, MA

Bernadette Smits, of Bellingham, MA

Leo P. Pouliot, of Estero, FL [Paul W. Pouliot’ father and uncle to Richard. D. Pouliot Sr.]

Martha Iozzo, of Medway, MA

Arthur W. Seymour, of Burlington, VT


COWASS North America, Inc.’d:

Paul Wilson Pouliot (President)

Albert Barrette (Clerk) [He had been “promoted” from “Potential Member” list]

Linda A. Pouliot (Treasurer)

Regional Representative for Massachusetts:

Albert G. Barrette, of Franklin, MA

Dianne E. Munson, of Weymouth, MA

Theresa D. Howland, of Leominster, MA

Jean C. Catto, of Ashland, MA

Thomas “Tomo Wounded Bear” Snížek, of Somerset, MA

Diana Bardsley, of Wrentham, MA

Margaret Clingan, of Somerville, MA

Linda A. (nee: White) Pouliot, of Franklin, MA [Paul Pouliot’s (1st wife) … later divorced]

Regional Representative for Maine:

Richard Daniel Pouliot, Jr. of Brewer, ME [First Cousin to Paul W. Pouliot; their father’s were brothers]

Regional Representative for California:

Terri C. Scotten, of Diamond Springs, CA

Jeffrey W. Nickles, of Diamond Springs, CA

Larry J. Robinson, of Diamond Springs, CA

William C. Pease, of Shingle Springs, CA

Robert F. Pease, of Shingle Springs, CA

Charlotte A. Morgan, of Placerville, CA

Regional Representative for Virginia:

Paul M. Martin, of Virginia Beach, VA

Regional Representative for Louisiana:

Lynne C. Sherman, of Marrero, LA

Regional Representative for Vermont:

Richard G. Carter, of Burlington, VT

Regional Representative for New Hampshire:

Kevin Keene, of Antrim, NH

Regional Representative for Rhode Island:

Bonnie L. Manfredi

December 27, 1994

Sovereign Republic of the Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi, led by “Grand” Chief Homer Walter St. Francis Sr. sent a letter to Ralph Skinner Swett of Orleans, VT

“We are aware of your attempt to set up a Band of Native Americans in Abenaki Territory, per your newspaper advertisement.

You are instructed that any new Bands/Councils inside Abenaki Territory must be approved by the Grand Chief and all recognized Councils now in unity.

As for using Chief in your correspondence, it is illegal, as there are no chiefs in the Abenaki Territory existing Councils, only head spokesman. No one from Abenaki Territory appointed you Chief.

Please take this letter seriously as any further problems will be dealt with accordingly.

cc: Grand Council, All Approved Councils, and Files

Signed by Homer St. Francis with Michael A. Delaney’s Embossing Seal

January 25, 1995

Offices o the Grand Council – Territorial Headquarters Cowasuck of North America – Sovereign Republic of the Abenaki Nation International

Associate Chief of the Grand Council (Howard Franklin Knight)

That as of December 22, 1994 your cards are no longer valid; and that you have never signed any membership papers; when we made you and your family honorary members of the Cowasuck of North America of the Sovereign Republic of the Abenaki Nation International. Your now ex-wife and children might have Indian in them; but you do not have any Indian in your line! And that you, Mr. Swett, were never made Chief of anything at all by our Grand Council at the time of the August 20-22, 1993 Pow-Wow; but yet you promised to sign papers (but not as a chief for membership).

Ralph Swett, owner of the Evansville Trading Post in Evansville, Vermont and others associated with him in the so-called Evansville Council of the Cowasuck Abenaki had come together to form an unauthorized council that was not, and it is not, approved by the Grand Chief, Homer St. Francis, nor by the Abenaki Nation International, that was hand-delivered to Ralph Swett by Ambassador Darrell Larocque and Chief spokesman for the Cowasuck of North America, Inc.’d of Howard F. Knight Jr.

Signed by Howard F. Knight (“Rushing Water”), Chuck Labor (a.k.a. Lightfeather), and Cindy J. Shover (a.k.a. Loon Caller)

August 23, 1995

File Number: N-08960-0

Northeastern Native American Educational Association, Inc.’d

Registered Agent: Anne Squire

Town Highway 3, Box 6

West Glover, VT 05875

Mariella Squire [sister to Anne Squire]

Anne Squire

Emily Buresh

Reinstated: July 28, 1998

Terminated: November 22, 2000

September 20, 1995

Nidôbak, Inc.’d

Business ID: 235748

Principal Office Address: P.O. BOX 184, NORTH STRATFORD, NH, 03590, USA

Thomas Roland Obomsawin

Daisy Goodman

Carlene Thérèsa Pelletier

Newton Ernest Washburn

Karen D. (nee: Lazette) Porter [later married to Charles Lessard]

[Newton Washburn had been part and parcel of Nancy Millette’ CPAIN group “White Bison Council” N.H. group]

[Karen (nee: Lezzette) and her son, Levi David Porter were members of Howard F. Knight Jr’s group previously]

October 30, 1995

The St. Albans Messenger Newspaper, Pages 01-08

By The Associated Press

Abenaki Group Splits Because of Chief: Faction critical of decision to pursue Federal Recognition

SWANTON, Vt. (AP) – An Abenaki Indian group has split off and formed its own organization because it is dissatisfied with the leadership of Chief Homer St. Francis Sr.

“We feel the Abenaki Nation split away from us. That’s why we decided to start our own Native American organization,” said Connie Brow.

She is Chairwoman of the newly formed Traditional Abenaki of Mazipskwik and Related Bands.

Connie Brow said the new organization had about 70 followers and it was growing.

Its Tribal Board members include Dave Gilman, who was coordinator of the Missisquoi River Keepers Project, and Ina Delaney and John Lawyer [“Grey Wolf”], both of whom served on the Abenaki Self – Help Association Board of Directors before the breakaway group was established.

Ina (nee: Thompson) Delaney’s husband, Michael Delaney, is tribal judge of the new group. He held the same post for years under Homer Walter St. Francis Sr.

“Homer St. Francis’ overwhelming desire for Federal Recognition and its associated Casino Gambling has caused him to bring the very existence of the Abenaki Nation into serious jeopardy,” the new group’s statement said.

“We don’t want the gambling; we don’t need it,” Connie Brow said. She said that was one of the reasons for the split.

October 29, 1995

The Burlington Free Press Newspaper

By Richard Cowperthwait – Free Press Correspondent

Abenaki break with chief: Homer Walter St. Francis Sr.’s push for gambling cited

SWANTON – Disenchanted with the leadership of Abenaki Chief Homer Walter St. Francis Sr., a dissident group of Abenaki Indians has broken away from him and formed its own incorporated organization.

Connie Brow, chairman of the newly formed Traditional Abenaki of Mazipskwik and Related Bands, she said it has about 70 followers and is growing.

Its Tribal Board members include Dave Gilman, who was coordinator of the Missisquoi River Keepers Project, and Ina (nee: Thompson) Delaney and John Kenneth Lawyer, both of whom served on the Abenaki Self – Help Association Board-of-Directors.

Ina Delaney’s husband, Michael A. Delaney, is tribal judge of the newly formed group. It’s the post he held for years previously under Homer Walter St. Francis Sr.

November 14, 1995

The St. Albans Messenger Newspaper, Pages 01-08

By Gary Rutrowski – Messenger Staff

Abenaki still mulling gambling: Not and end-all to money woes says chief, but remains an option

A band of about 70 Native Americans last month announced establishment of the Traditional Abenaki Mazipskwik and Related Bands. The split came over a leadership disagreement and what the new band’s leaders said was Homer St. Francis Sr.’ intention to establish gambling operations.

A spokesperson for the new band could not be reached for comment this morning.

Not only did Mike and Ida (Thompson) Delaney jump from Homer’s group to Mazipskwik but so do did Charles L. Delaney and Bruch Dubois and Carollee Reynolds et al.

[So one can indeed SEE the evolution of one group’s member’s leaving and forming another or joining another etc over the years]

Group No.

January 12, 1996


Traditional Abenaki of Mazipskwik and Related Bands


George H. Gromley of 516A Tabor Road in West Swanton, VT 05488 (Council Member)

Constance “Connie Brow of 10 Wheeler Road in Swanton, VT 05488 (Chairperson)

David R. Gilman of 10 Wheeler Road in Swanton, VT 05488

John K. Lawyer of P.O. Box 209 in St. Albans Bay, VT 05481

Ina E. Delaney of R.R. #1, Box 2430 in Swanton, VT 05488 (Secretary)

February 08, 1996

File No. 0104915

Abenaki Construction-Missisquoi Masonry

Incorporator: Charles Lawrence Delaney Jr. (a.k.a. “Megeso”)

Charles L. Delaney Jr. had membership cards in “Abenaki Nation/Vermont” “Abenaki of Masipskwik” as well as two cards, one as United Nations, New York Affiliate 1236830 dated May 21, 2004, and last but not least, he was a “Diplomatic Ambassador of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation Aboriginal Peoples of Missisqoui”. Today, he’s also a card-holding member of the Nulhegan group in Orleans County, VT.

[SEE 1999 … “Wabonowin Society”]

May 15, 1996

Abenaki Resource Management, Inc.’d

Registered Agent: Homer W. St. Francis Sr

April St. Francis (Director)

Dorcus Churchill (Director)

Carol [nee: Gromatski] Nepton [she ‘took’ the surname of her grandmother] (Director)

Carol Nan (nee: Gromatski) was born in July 1944 a daughter to Edward Harry (of Polish-Lithuanian ancestry) Gromatski and Arline Agnes (nee: Nash) who was of Abénaqui, Huron Indian and French ancestry. Carol had married to Louis Francis Mottor in March 1964 in Pittsfield, MA but divorced him prior to 1996, taking her grandmother’s maiden name of Nepton after 1991. Carol remarried June 22, 2002 in Berkshire, MA to Beverly Doak Youree. Carol “Nepton” taking the maiden name of her mother’s mother Philomène Juliette (nee: Nepton) had arrived in the Swanton, Vermont area ca. 1995 and began working with Homer’s group thereafter. She had been in Shawano, WI previously.


University of Massachusetts Amherst

Northern Arizona University

She was in the Class of 1986 · Anthropology in Rindge, New Hampshire

In 1991 she was studying Hopi Healing Practices - M. A. Thesis, Dept. of Anthropology, Northern Arizona University, at Flagstaff, AZ. She was in the Class of 1991 · MA · Anthropology in Flagstaff, Arizona

And worked at the Franklin Pierce University as an Associate Professor from July 2010 to “present”

Graduate Faculty, Doctor of Arts in Leadership College of Professional Studies

And she was in the Class of 2005 · PhD · Anthropology in Amherst, Massachusetts [a known institution for giving platform and space to race shifters i.e. “Abenakis” like Marge Bruchac, Donna (Carvalho) Moody and so many others over the years]

Later on:


Homer W. St. Francis (President)

April A. Rushlow (Vice President)

Carol Delorme

Carol Delorme

Jeff Sise

Donna (nee: Carvalho) Charlebois – Roberts She ‘took’ the maiden name of her mother, to imply she was an Obomsawin, when she divorced Bob Charlebois]

April A. Rushlow

Terminated: 11/22/2000

July 16, 1996

Winter Center for Indigenous Traditions, Inc.’d


John Scott Moody of RFD 1, Box 440 in Sharon, VT 05065

Donna Louise (nee: Carvalho) Charlebois – Moody of 156 1/2 Lyme Road in Hanover, NH 03755

Wanda Pockett of Province Road in Goshen, NH 03752

Donna (Carvalho) had married Robert Ernest (Sisigaw) Charlebois in 1966, had three children (Robert Jr. in 1967, Nicole in 1968, and Chréstien in 1976) and later divorced her first husband in May 1995 per the North Haverhill, Grafton County, New Hampshire. She then remarried to John S. Moody, on September 30, 2000.

Per the VT State Recognition Petition of the Missisquoi St. Francis-Sokoki group led by April A. (nee: St. Francis) Rushlow – Merrill, therein is a document photocopy. Mrs. Donna Roberts/ John Moody of RFD 1, Box 440 in Sharon, VT 05065 had received from Odanak/Le Grand Conseil de la Nation WABAN-AKI, Inc.’d of Wôlinak (Bécancour) via then-Chief Gilles O’Bomsawin a letter.

This letter was stating (quote) “The Abenaki Nation, through its Tribal Council named “Grand Conseil de la Nation Waban-Aki, Inc.’d” supports repatriation to the non-federally recognized Abenaki Nation of Vermont of all human remains, including ancient artifacts, associated funerary objects, unassociated funerary objects, sacred objects, and objects of cultural heritage in [?] … possession from the traditionally identified stomping groups of the Abenaki people.

Sincerely yours,

Gilles O’Bomsawin


Did Donna (Carvalho) Charlebois – Moody ‘take’ her mother’s maiden name of Roberts to perpetuate the narrative that Roberts was a dite name for O’Bomsawin within the States, and lead Gilles to that conclusion or belief, that Donna herself was an O’Bomsawin descendant (much like Marge and Joe Bruchac and also Bruce Louis Dubois had done for years in their own respective concocted “familial” ancestral narratives)? [Rarely did the Obomsawin’ use the ‘s’ at the end of dit(e) Robert in the records I could discern]

Donna and John Moody BOTH have sought “legitimization” from the race shifter groups of so-called “Abenakis” throughout VT and NH to continue to interact with the Vermont Dept. of Historical Preservation, multiple archaeologists, ethnologists, anthropologists and NAGPRA (the Native America Graves and Repatriation Act) since the 1990’s.

July 18, 1996


Cowasuck of North America, Inc.’d Continued:

Registered Agent: Howard F. Knight Jr. [Box 530-1 Alderbrook Road in Newport, VT]

Emerson B. Garfield (Officer 1)

Roger Lucas (Officer 2)

Lester “Little Fox” Barrett (Officer 3)

Raymond Paul “Looking Glass” Lussier (Officer 4)

Minnie Florence (nee: Davidson) Knight (Officer 5)

Howard Franklin Knight Jr. (Officer 6)

Darrell R. Larocque (Officer 7)

November 19, 1996


C/O Paul Rene Tamburro of 2801 Powerhouse Road in Yakima, WA

President: Paul Pouliot of 106 Dailey Drive in Franklin, MA 02338

Secretary: Albert Barrett of 11 Rayhill Rd. in Franklin, MA 02388

Treasurer: Linda (nee: White) Pouliot of 106 Dailey Drive in Franklin, MA 02338


Albert Barrett of 11 Rayhill Rd. in Franklin, MA 02388

Paul Rene Tamburro of 1900 Black Lake Blvd SW #N-N2 in Olympia, WA 98512

[Paul R. Tamburro, later, changed his residence on September 01, 1997]

Address Amendment Document

C/O Paul Rene Tamburro of 2801 Powerhouse Road in Yakima, WA

Address changed to: 1900 Black Lake Blvd SW #N-N2 in Olympia, WA 98512

Paul R. Tamburro was a member of New Hampshire’s LIHA [Laconia Indian Historical Association] the Mazipskwik and then Pouliot’ group for a time, and now he’s a Nulhegan. Even on Jan. 11, 2010 (quote) Tamburro stated that he talked to Pouliot for hours hoping he would accept being chief because we wanted Howard out in late 1992. I'm the one who visited California and found out about Howard's screw up with the "Feds" - specifically the ICWA [Indian Child Welfare Act]

At the time I was an ICWA specialist - on the national level - but they didn't even talk to me!

I begged Paul Pouliot to take over as chief and told Howard he could get arrested - so he got frightened and decided to suddenly retire... none of us wanted that nut back as chief and he [Howard Knight Jr.] is my distant cousin.

Paul Pouliot has no "official" Abenaki genealogy - neither do I - or Bruce Dubois. Also I kept telling them to get out of Massachusetts and into Abenaki country. All of the band members at that time were focused on Attleboro, Massachusetts and had no interest in New Hampshire -- so I talked to Paul Pouliot into buying some land in New Hampshire, and the next thing I knew it was his land only and he had no interest in connecting with any of the already functioning groups such as LIHA.

I have since joined Mazipskwik with my extended family ... now it has folded... so we are joining in with Chief Nancy Millette in VT - Koas Abenaki ... There was a crazy guy [Douglas Lloyd Buchholz] that has posted many complaints about her such as her not being a real Indian etc.

Paul René Tamburro PhD, MSW, MA (Shawnee & Abenaki / Bear Clan)

Tamburro “attached” himself to his spouse claiming to be “Shawnee” and how the _____ does he gets “Abenaki” and “Bear Clan” for him ... is “beyond me” because that’s not how Clans work. You don’t pick your Clan out of a hat.

November 20, 1996

Intertribal Women’s Hoop of the Northeast / Alnôbak Nebesakiak

Registered Agent: Beatrice (nee: Aldrich) Nelson [of Herrick Road, Box 483 in Derby Line, VT 05830]

Hilda Robtoy [of 17 Greenwich Street in Swanton, VT 05488]

Kathleen McNally [of RR#1, Box 164 in Hardwick, VT 05843]

Carol (nee: Aldrich) Irons [of Pelow Hill Box in Derby Line, VT 05830]

Cathie Baker [of 26 Brewer Drive in Westborough, MA 01581]

Mariella Squire [of Town Hwy #3, Box 6, in West Glover, VT 05875]

February 18-28, 1997

“TOLBA, Incorporated”

Registered Agent:

Kevin Ruth Parsons

176 Elliot Street in Brattleboro, VT 05301


Officer 1: Kevin Ruth Parsons (President)

Officer 2: Roger Sheehan of PO Box 392 in Putney, VT 05346 (Vice President)

Officer 3: Angela Marie Nowill of RFD #, Box 237 in Brattleboro, VT 05301 (Secretary)

Officer 4: Kevin Parsons of 176 Elliot Street in Brattleboro, VT 05301 (Treasurer)

Per the El-Nu group’s Application for VT State Recognition ©2010 Page 59:

The “Tolba Clan” renaissance of the 1990’s was led by Ms. Kevin Parson as “President” and Roger Longtoe Sheehan as “Vice President.” Ms. Kevin Parson noted that the Tolba Clan organization had evolved from, or what was based on, what she called the “Old Tolba” of the area. The antecedent Tolba cultural group is the fourth regional signifier, like the Deer (“Nolka Clan”) of the Thetford, VT area …

In due course, the Tolba Clan declined as a cultural entity – finally dissolving in (as a legal entity) in 1999 … whereupon Roger Sheehan and other leaders took it upon themselves to formulate a successor … the modern “Elnu Abenaki Tribe.” IN REALITY, the Elnu group derived from a Woodlands Re-enactor group, who liked to dress up “as Indians”, subsequently making regalia along the lines of what they found in books (such as “The Micmac: How Their Ancestors Lived Five Hundred Ago” by Ruth Holmes Whitehead, Harold Mcgee ©1985, museums etc; and eventually claimed to be “Abenakis” and claiming they were doing “living history” in their “Native encampments”(instead of “reenacting” as such) in that reenactments and Woodland Indian-ism’s has become blurred with those who self-identify as Indian or Abenaki (much like the persona of “Iron Eyes Cody”, an Italian actor).

December 07, 1997

Alsigunticook Sovereignty Project” was created [with the non-financial backing of Gilles Obomsawin of Odanak] by three persons:

Richard/Rick O'Bomsawin

Thomas/Tom Robert O'Bomsawin

Patricia Benedict

NOTE that Nidôbak, Inc.’d was the fiscal sponsor of the Alsigunticook Sovereignty Project

Patricia Lilly (Treasurer)

Daisy Goodman (Secretary)

James/Jim Agawa (Board Member)

Thomas/Tom Obomsawin (Board Member)

Karen Lessard (Board Member)

November 07, 1997


Abenaki Natural Beverage, Inc.’d

Registered Agent: Sherry Vance

Jeff Benay (President)

Jane Kiser (Vice President)


Roy Bergeron

Doug Teater

Amie Hakey

Priscilla Jeffrey

Mary Ann Marshall

Later on:

Registered Agent: April A. Rushlow


Frederick M. Wiseman (President)

Roy Bergeron (Vice President)

Jane Kiser (Secretary)

Anna Louko (Treasurer)

April A. Rushlow (Director1)

Harlan LaFrance (Director2)

Anna Roy (Director3) [Fred Wiseman’s wife]

November 27, 1996

Ndakinna, Inc.’d

Allan J. Martel of Manchester, NH [Georgina Martel’s son]

Charles Francis True Jr. of Epping, NH

Colette D. Levesque of Hooksett, NH

Brian S. Blanchard [Brother to Sherri (nee: Blanchard) Gould] of Hillsboro, NH

Valerie Merrill of Allenstown, NH

Allan J. Martel had been “President” of the “Abenaki Nation of New Hampshire

According to Sherry (nee: Blanchard) Gould to my person [Douglas Lloyd Buchholz], a conversation on the telephone, as follows what I can discern and thankfully she did not hesitate to provide me the answers to my question(s) regarding Allan Martel (nephew to James Robinson); that he was sent down to Manchester, NH as a agent of Homer St. Francis’s group in NW Vermont. Swanton was getting money from the Boston Indian Center in MA for VT/NH who was getting it for the TRIBES.

Apparently there was a balance that was becoming unbalanced. In that Swanton "was" getting this money from the Boston Indian Center. But there was a falling out between Homer St. Francis and Allan Martel, because Allan was getting the funding and Homer wasn't anymore. This pissed Homer off. [Sound familiar?]. Allan Martel pretty much went his own way at that point. How Sherry Gould got involved was Allan Martel's wife Marcy Martel was working with Sherry at a Girl's Youth Detention Center facility over in Antrim, New Hampshire. Marcy had asked Sherry Gould if she was an Indian.

Marcy’s Question: What Tribe?

Sherry’s Answer: I don't know.

Marcy’s Question: Where's your family from?

Sherry’s Answer: Quebec, Canada – Vermont – New Hampshire - Massachusetts

Marcy’s Reply: Oh you must be Abenaki then.

After Homer St. Francis had the outs with Allan Martel, Allan then subsequently created the Abenaki Nation of New Hampshire as a Community Project (He did the Abenaki Indian Center while as an agent for Homer until Homer got pissed off at him for "stealing from him" which was really just getting the funding that Homer used to get, instead of going through Homer, Alan "cut" the middleman out of the "game" is what it looked like, to get the funding directly; and Homer got mad......sounds like Mafia type activities don’t it?

So anyway, James (Jim) Robinson and Eno were part of the thing. Allan Martel wanted Eno to be Sachem of this Abenaki Nation of New Hampshire, but apparently Eno was not into the whole endeavor and Allan wanted to have Sherry (nee: Blanchard) Gould as Vice Sachem. There were "elections" according to Sherry Gould. Allan then asked Charles Francis True Jr. to be Vice-Sachem/ Chief because Sherry Gould declined taking the position. This was at the "formation meeting".

Then at the first Mi-Ti-Jo Campground Pow-wow Allan Allen Martell was "forced out".

It probably had something to do with Allan being funded; and not Homer St. Francis Sr. anymore. Jay Robinson was there, who was son to James Robinson. They would meet at the Epsom Community Center. Eno would do this stuff with sage and smudge, without explanations to those going into this event/meeting which made Sherry uncomfortable.

Brian Blanchard, [Sherry's brother] was asked to participate in cutting down trees in the White Mountain National Forest by people led by and allied with Homer St. Francis in their attempt to get noticed and allegedly by declaring their Sovereignty to cut down trees. This was when they were fighting with Homer St. Francis, and Allan creating the Abenaki Nation of New Hampshire Constitution. Which was right around the time of his departure from the group and that’s when Charles Francis True Jr. was made “Speaker/ Chief” of the Abenaki Nation of New Hampshire group.

So, for all intents and purposes the "Abenaki Nation of New Hampshire" led by the now-deceased Charles Francis True Jr. was created out of a Community Project which had been initially created, and promoted by Allan Martel after their so called "Chief" Homer St. Francis made him "an Abenaki Ambassador"/ agent of Swanton, Vermont's "group" …. Subsequently, Allan Martel created the Abenaki Indian Center in Manchester, N.H. … much like Homer made Nancy Lee (Millette) Cruger an Ambassador. Walter Watso was doing the same, making Ambassadors with a stolen Odanak Seal, which Walter made “fake” Odanak documents, giving “legitimacy” to so many race shifting wannabiiak. And when Allan and Homer had ‘torn their bed sheets apart’ and so on, Allan then subsequently created the “Abenaki Nation of New Hampshire” group of pretend “Abenakis”.

“This was Abenaki land, so why not call ourselves Abenaki?” ... Quote from Sherry (nee: Blanchard) Gould.

May 08, 1998

Abenaki-Intertribal Coalition

Richard Skip Bernier, Howard Knight Jr., David Gilman, Emerson Garfield, Patty Manning and Lorraine Landers sent a Letter of Intent for a coalition grant. The group decided that the coalition would cover the state as the designated geographical area. This discussion also moved to consideration of the Tolba people [Kevin Parsons group] not attending any meetings. A special invitation would be sent to both the Tolba people and to Louise Lampman, to try and include all Indian people in the state. The coalition members to be sent to the Dept. of Health with a Letter of Intent were:

Cowasuck of North America, Inc.’d

Obomsawin Family of Newport, Inc.’d

Mazipskwik Band of Abenaki, Inc.’d

Odanak Family Council of VT, Inc.’d

Dawnland Center, Inc.’d

The Advisory Committee was clarified as well as all present members of the coalition (see attendance list) as well as Mali Keating [Odanak to NH to VT M’Sadoques descendant].

The Abenaki-Intertribal Coalition Advisory Committee was comprised of founding members: Richard Skip Bernier, Emerson B. Garfield, David Gilman, Mali Keating, Howard F. Knight Jr., Lorraine Landers, and Patty Manning.

Lorraine Landers was the contact person, through the Dawnland Center, Inc.’d at P.O. Box 1358 in Montpelier, VT 05601 and the Dawnland Center, Inc.’d being the Fiscal Agent. Lorraine Landers was doing most of the grant writing and providing leadership as the Executive Director of agency, acting as fiscal agent.

Dawnland Center Board of Directors:

Dwight Delvental (Chairperson) of Pawlet, VT claimed to be Hunkpapa Lakota

Charlene McManis (Secretary) and a member of the Grand Ronde Umpqua

Trudee Ettlinger (Board Member) of Underhill Center, VT claimed to be Alqonkin

Richard Skip Bernier (Treasurer) of Newport, VT and is Odanak Abenaki

Alice Dailleboust of Littleton, NH (Board Member) and was Kahnawake Mohawk

Judy (nee: Fortin) Dow (Board Member) of Essex Jct., VT claimed to be Abenaki

Rick Hunt (Board Member) of Littleton, NH claimed to be Abenaki

Lynn Murphy (Board Member) of Hardwick, VT and was Odanak Abenaki [Mali Keating’ daughter]

Raymonda Parchment (Board Member) of Hardwick, VT claimed to be Blackfoot/Cherokee

Marcella Sheldon (Board Member) of East Dorset, VT claimed to be Cherokee

Dottie Cadorette (Board Member) of Williamstown, VT

Sarah Fowler (Board Member) of Barre, VT claimed to be Abenaki

Danny Dailleboust (Board Member) of Littleton, NH and was Kahnawake Mohawk [Alice’s spouse]

[SEE the Fall 1999 First Light Vol. 5, Issue 3 Newspaper]