
Saturday, June 19, 2021

CPAIN or Corporate (entities) Posing As Abenaki Indigenous Nations in VT/NH/MA - Part 2

 More CPAIN (Corporate entities Posing As Indigenous Nations as termed by Daniel Strong Walker Thomas, of Boston, MA) of Vermont and Hampshire and Massachusetts

March 1981-June 1981 -

In early May, another self-identifying Abenaki Chief of the Cowasuck appeared on the Vermont landscape, by the name of Elwin “Joe” Merle Pero (the son of Harry C. Pero and Edith Godfrey) of Thetford, Orange County, Vermont. Elwin (Joe) Pero was supposedly Coos Chief from 1947 to 1981! (laughter). The year 1947 is based off of a photograph of people standing and sitting outside of a house (typical of the times wherein families simply got together, but Howard along with the Pero’s reinvented this photo into something of a dynamic that it was not. Certainly not a tribal meeting!

It appeared that Joe Pero on June 07, 1981 had allegedly scribbled his name onto an incorporate document dated Feb. 02, 1980 implying he was a “Chief” of the “Coos Band of the Abenaki Nation” in Thetford, Vermont, in the presence of Alden Palmer Sr. also of Thetford, VT. Also this document apparently was also MANIPULATED date-wise to distort the date of ______ amended to imply a date of August 10, 1975.

[Probably to align with the date-of-creation of the initial group started in June of 1975]

[Interestingly, on this same document, Richard Wilfred Phillips a.k.a. “Black Horse” (incorporator) claiming to be a “Chief” of Highgate, VT, had signed this document, as did also Arthur W. Seymour (yet another Chief) of Burlington, VT. Yet Wayne J. Hoague of West Swanton had not signed this incorporation document dated August 10th of 1981.]

The document of incorporation appears to have been manipulated … by Howard Franklin Knight Jr., yet another who claimed to be “chief,” who had written on the right hand side of the page ‘Joe Pero’ (forged) signature that eluding that Howard was acting per order from Richard Phillips, of the “combined confederation.”  All of these half dozen “Abenaki” “chiefs” were making things up as they were going along.

Howard F. Knight Jr. proceeded to up into the late 1980’s began making additions and changes to the documents attempting to “legitimize” his own race shifting and being a “chief”.

Howard F. Knight Jr. (1941-2020) was the “Jim Jones” of the “Abenaki” soliciting fellow race shifters to join his varied “cult-like” “tribe” of “Abenakis” from the early 1980’s onward in Vermont.

March 19, 1983

Eastern Woodlands Band / Abenaki Nation of Vermont [Howard later switched this up to Eastern Woodlands-Coos / Abenaki Republic of VT/N.H.]

The Declaration of the resignation of high Chief "Black Horse" (Richard Phillips) had been read and accepted by the council, pending that a future date when and if decided by the council he might return and once again regain his status as High Chief. Howard F. Knight Jr. then made himself High Chief.

May 10 (or 18), 1983

File No. # N-044560-0


The initial Registered Agent: Miles Jensen

Board of Directors

Harold (and/or Homer St. Francis) (President)

April St. Francis (Vice President)

Emerson Barratt (Secretary/Treasurer)

Dee Brightstar (Director) [Born Deanne Lou (nee: Dudley) married Martin-Lambert-Morales de Carpio-Carrington] (Treasurer)

Thomas (Tomas) Roland O’Bomsawin (Director)

Daisy Goodman (Director) [SEE she & Tom Obomsawin, Nidôbak, Inc.’d in No. Stratford, NH 1996]

April St. Francis (Board Member)

Initial Board of Trustees:

Leonard “Blackie” Miles Lampman (President)

Patricia (nee: Young) St. Francis

Kevin Smith (Incorporator)

Warren Scott (Incorporator)

Sandra Shedrick (Incorporator)

Bonny Dubie (Incorporator)

Shirley Arlene Barratt (Incorporator)

March 18, 1981

N-00018-0 Abenaki Housing Cooperative 

Registered Agent: April A. [nee: St. Francis] Rushlow


Carol Delorme

Debra Bergeron

Homer St. Francis Jr.

Rhonda Miller

October 26, 1982

V-31127-0 Abenaki Endeavors, Inc

Registered Agent: Kittell Branagan and Sargent


Homer W. St. Francis (President)

Michael A. Delaney (Secretary)

John Churchill (Director1)

Bernard R. Robtoy (Director2)

March 19, 1983

A Declaration

On this date, I, Richard Wilford Phillips, do hereby surrender my position as High Chief of the Wobanakik Eastern Woodlands Abenaki Nation Vermont band.

I, until further notice, will be known as the number 2 Chief though I retain my I.D. Card and band number as number 1 Chief until such time I resume duties as High Chief.

The purpose of this document is due to family pressures and obligations which must take precedent at this time.

This document is dated for record, and signed by the clan chiefs present on this date, stated below, with myself.

It is understood that I will resume my position as High Chief upon the minimum of 30 days notice to the tribal council Chief serving in the capacity of High Chief at the time of notification.


Richard Wilford Phillips (“Chief Black Horse”)

Emerson B. Garfield (“Chief Spirit Bear”)

Kevin J. Fletcher (“Chief White Buck”)

Howard F. Knight Jr. (Chief Rushing Water)

June 06, 1983

Howard F. Knight Jr. began amending his so-called "Tribal By-Laws" ... instead of "Eastern Woodlands Band of the Abenaki Nation (Pisowakamigw Wobanakiak) ... he added "Northeastern Woodlands-Coos Band of the Abenaki Nation" and instead of a Tribal Council he switched it to Council of Elders (of which he was ALWAYS retained in some complicity, even after he "retired" from the group repeatedly).

Instead of the name American Indian Tribe of Indigenous Peoples, it was changed to the "Northeastern Woodlands-Coos Band of the Abenaki Republic" / "Pisowakamigw Wobanakiak"

Added in pencil above #1 was:

David Pero of RFD Swanee Bean Road in Thetford Center, VT

1. Emerson Bidwell Garfield of 61 Elm Street in West Lebanon, NH

2. Richard W. "Black Horse" Wilfred Phillips of RFD Vershire, VT [upon removal from group he was replaced by Ronald Hurd]

3. Kevin J. Fletcher of 18 High Street in Lebanon, N.H. [removed from group later]

4. Mary A. Fletcher of 18 High Street in Lebanon, N.H. [removed from group later and replaced by Alden Palmer of RFD #1 in Thetford Center, VT]

In mid-July 1983 -

    Former member of the St. Francis-Sokoki band, Richard Wilfred "Black Horse" Phillips, of Sutton, VT had traveled 2 hours to attend the “fish-in” protest demonstration because he wanted to see a decision by the courts on the issue.

    While Richard “Black horse” Phillips had been in Swanton, he very recently had submitted a letter to Jim Medor, claiming he had made a mistake in leaving the group, and creating another; and that he wanted unity. Jim Medor had said the Eastern Woodlands Band, as well as the two other splinter groups, [the Green Mountain band (led by Wayne Hoague), and the Missisquoi band (led by Rudolph Kent Ouimet), formed about the same time, lacked the verifiable historical roots contrary to that of the St. Francis-Sokoki Band, which (according to Jim Medor) had been in existence “as far back as time went.”

    True, 1975 was technically “historically” in the “past”, being that it was now mid-July 1983. Jim Medor implied that Richard Phillips had not done any genealogical research on any members of the created group he had just resigned from.

    The chief of the “Eastern Woodlands Band of the Abenaki Nation” Richard Phillips had submitted his resignation, as chief and as a member, of his own group. He then rejoined the dominant “St. Francis-Sokoki Band” led by “Blackie” Lampman (that he had broken away from in 1979 when it was led Homer St. Francis Sr.) and had created another group that he could be chief of and feeding his ego. The group (of allegedly 350 persons according to Richard Phillips had created, (after losing to Homer St. Francis Sr. in 197), had done very little in their own cause in Phillips estimation. Richard Phillips had indicated that several former members of the “Eastern Woodlands Band” had already returned to the “St. Francis-Sokoki Band”.  None of the three groups that were created post-1979 were still viably active. (Notes: 304.)

(304.) July 19, 1983 - The St. Albans Messenger Newspaper, Page 01, “Abenaki Chief will rejoin dominant band” and July 20, 1983 - The Burlington Free Press Newspaper, Page 4B, “Chief of Abenaki Dissidents Moving towards Reunification”

Howard Franklin Knight Jr. set himself up as the primary "Chief" leader/spokesperson of the "Abenaki Nation of Vermont" organization by forging fraudulently the very terminally ill Elwin "Joe" Pero' signature, in June of 1981 ... it is strongly suspected.

November 25, 1985

“Abenaki Self-Help Association of Massachusetts, Inc.’d”

Incorporators (Directors):

Thomas Michael Dostou of 186 French St. in Fall River, MA 02720 (President)

Thomas Roland Obomsawin of 5 Wamsutta St. in Achusnet, MA 02743 (Treasurer and Clerk)

Thomas M. Dostou was a race shifter through and through; Tom or Tomas Obomsawin later went to Swanton, got married there TWICE, and lived with Homer St. Francis at 44 Liberty St. where he met his second wife Daisy (nee: Goodman) who was Homer’s Grant Writer. She had been living with Phoenix Hearn but they got in to physical fight and parted ways. Phenix Hearn lived over by the Back Barn in a mobile home on cinder blocks. Daisy and Tom had met at Homer’s, and later lived behind Doris (nee: Cheney) Minckler’s place near the quarry. Doris and her 2nd spouse Stanley Minckler had a lifetime lease on living there on quarry property. She wasn’t really allowed to have anyone living out back in a shoddy mobile home. Thus Tom Obomsawin began using the Abomsawin from the James Robertson Lease of 1765 and claiming aboriginal title in 1995, where he and Daisy were living with his sons from a previous marriage and a new daughter, Autumn Obomsawin. Ultimately, Tom and Daisy vacated Doris’s backyard, mobile home and all, and headed for her mother’s old place in Stratford, New Hampshire, where they set up shop corporate wise on August 22, 1995, shortly after arrival, calling it the Nidôbak, Inc.’d. [SEE September 20, 1995 and March of 2000]

Sometime AFTER 1987:

“Abenaki Self-Help Association, Inc.’d”

Registered Agent: Homer St. Francis Sr

Leonard Lampman (President)

Connie Partlow (Clerk)

Michael Delaney (Vice President)

Dorraine Partlow (Secretary)

Board Members:

Hilda Robtoy

Bernard R. Robtoy

John Lawyer

Ina Delaney

John Churchill (Treasurer)

December 16, 1991

N-07485-0 Abenaki Development Corporation

Registered Agent: Homer St. Francis Sr (President)


Peter Pelissier [later he had married to Dorcus (nee: Maskell) Churchill]

Amie Hakey

Carol Delorme

Jeff Sise

December 16, 1991

Abenaki Education Development [created to educate]

Agent: Abenaki Self-Help Association, Incorporated

Homer St. Francis Sr. (President)

Homer St. Francis Jr. (Vice President)

Michael Delaney (Secretary)

Bernard Roland Robtoy (Treasurer)

Hilda Marjorie [nee: Minkler] St. Francis

Dave Cameron

Michael Bluto

December 16, 1991

N-07484-0 Abenaki Tribal Land Trust [org created to lead to the purchase of lands]

Agent: Homer Walter St. Francis Sr.

Homer W. St. Francis (President)

Michael Delaney (Secretary)

April St. Francis (Vice President and Treasurer)

David St. Francis (Director)

Dorcus [nee: Maskell] Churchill (Director) [Her mother was a Hakey, and her father’s mother was a Hoague]

Richard Wilfred “Blackhorse” Phillips (Director) [He was living in Claremont, NH at the time]

Hilda [nee: Sweet] Robtoy (Director) [wife of Bernard Roland Robtoy]

Dee Brightstar (Director) [Born Deanne Lou (nee: Dudley) married Martin-Lambert-Morales de Carpio-Carrington]

Homer St. Francis (President)


Harlan LaFrance

April A. [nee: St. Francis] Rushlow

Carol Delorme

Burton DeCarr

Later on:

Sherry L. Vance (Incorporator)

Carolyn Breda (Financial Officer)

July 08, 1992

Paul Wilson Pouliot's ancestor 
Rose Aimée Béatrice (nee: Bourque / Bourke) Pouliot IDENTIFIED AS 

And Rose only has ONE (1) Native ancestress
Marie Olivier (Ouasibiskounesout) Sylvestré


The remainder of Paul's father's ancestors were ...

Paul Pouliot's mother was 100% Irish

December 01, 1992

Howard F. Knight Jr. (“Rushing Water”) of the “Northeast Woodlands – Coos Tribal – Abenaki Republicwrote to Hereditary High Chief, Homer St. Francis Sr. writing his claims that approximately 22-23 years previous (late 1969-early 1970) [Based on a mere single B/W typical photograph of a ‘posed family gathering’ in front of a house] that the Coos descendants, like the rest of their Western Abenaki brothers, began to come together as clans and Band in Semi-organized fashion and sought the recognition they deserved, as well as to protect their ethnic heritage and culture, especially since the control of, and by, the Matriarchs was now starting to quickly slip away.

The first person in modern times to be Semi-recognized as a Chief of the Awakening Coos Tribal Band was Mr. Elwin “Joe” Pero in Thetford, VT, a WW2 veteran from the large Pero family.

[Howard then goes on to list varied genealogical surnames of families who had intermarried with one another (endogamy dynamics) and the thesis by Katherine Botsford of Dartmouth College (1981) and how those families were related genealogically to himself, either paternally or maternally.]

In either 1979 or 1980 some of these families who were descendants of the old Coos/Cowasuck Tribal Band came together under Richard “Black Horse” Phillips who was the next Coos Chief, formerly from Swanton, VT (and later a Newport, VT. resident)

Around 1980 I [Howard] had joined the Coos Tribal Band and took my seat on the Tribal Council as a Clan Chief representing my family Clan [allegedly “Green Turtle”]. Suddenly “out of the blue” Richard “Black Horse” Phillips resigned. No reason was given. At this point, the Tribal Council (as it was known at the time) to include Alden Palmer-Senior Councilor, elected me as the Acting Chief because of the reasons that they felt I was able to write clearly, speak to the issues with clarity that the others on the Council felt inadequate to do, and probably most important to them, the fact that I had a College education compared to many who had only a 6-8 Grade education, maybe a 10-11 Grade education if they were lucky. I served in the capacity as Acting Chief until October 1989, at which time I was elected to a 7-year term as the Coos Tribal Chief per the Tribal By-Laws by the Council members. 

[Howard then cites Arthur J. Marchand as harboring Sherri DeVee and Terry Scotten in MA; but in reality it had been Paul Wilson Pouliot (in part) that kept these two women and their children respectively, hidden/evading the judiciary out in CA.]

Howard F. Knight Jr. then met with Homer Walter St. Francis Sr. on December 11, 1992 to bring the "Northeastern Woodlands-Coos Band of the Abenaki Republic" into an integrated part of the Abenaki Nation with only one Chief, a unified Council of Elders and a Unified Tribal Identification Card.

Howard surmised the new unification would be known as the “Coos Intertribal Council

With the acceptance of this new Tribal Band/Council arrangement by this Council of Elders and by the Hereditary Chief, Homer St. Francis, I shall then proceed to sign along with Chief Homer St. Francis the Document of Succession, which will transfer the Chieftainship of the Northeast Woodlands – Coos Tribal Band to Chief Homer St. Francis. At that point in time, I shall step-down and retire as the Chief of the Coos Tribal Band … (blah blah blah)

Paul Wilson Pouliot (a MA Notary Public of Norfolk County, MA) signed this document … that “the above document/ testament of the Coos People and Associated Bands is affirmed to be a true and accurate record of the Coos People, Their Traditions, etc (blah blah) … Dated December 02, 1992 by Howard Knight Jr., Chief of the “Northeast Woodlands – Coos Tribal Band”, headquartered presently in Coventry, Vermont.”

[Exhibit 33 of the Marchand Corporate Court Case of January 26, 1993]

December 02, 1992

According to Paul W. Pouliot, on Dec. 2nd of 1992, a Council of Elders meeting of the Coos Band was convened at the Red Hawk Lodge. Chief Rushing Water (Howard F. Knight, Jr.) presided over the council meeting. Clan councilors (chiefs), matriarchs, and elders representing the Fox, Green Turtle, Black Turtle, Red Hawk, Bear, Falcon, and Elk clans were present. Howard reported that he was retiring on December 11, 1992 and was turning the ultimate leadership over of our band over to Homer W. St. Francis Sr. (Chief of the St. Francis - Sokoki Band). Howard explained that such a uniting between the Coos and St. Francis-Sokoki groups would give us increased strength in our numbers and leadership. Howard also reported the retirement of our Band Tribal Judge (Emerson B. Garfield) which was made on December 01, 1992.

Howard F. Knight Jr. had reported that an agreement had been made with Homer St. Francis to accept all Coos Band members, including adopted members.

The Coos Band was to continue with a tribal council form of leadership. The following leadership had been nominated and elected by unanimous agreement:

Paul W. Pouliot (a.k.a. “Spirit Hawk”) as Chief

Philip M. Martin (a.k.a. “Gray Fox) as Sub-Chief

Linda A. (nee: White) Pouliot (a.k.a. “Blue Heron”) as Secretary

Kevin Keene (a.k.a. “Summer Fox”) Treasurer)

Robert H. Maynard (“Spirit Wind”) as Judge

Howard F. Knight Jr. (“Rushing Water) Council Advisor

Raymond Paul Lussier (“Looking Glass”) Advisor/Genealogist

Roland Demers as Canadian representative for the Coos

December 16, 1992

The Centraleastern Woodland Sokoki Band (Inter-Tribal) Inc.’d

126 Sterling Street in Worcester, MA 01610

Arthur J. Marchand (President)

Frank Robertson (Treasurer)

Mary E. Marchand (Clerk)


Keith Marchand

Lynn J. Sherman

Henrietta M. White

Geraldine O’Connell

Robert Norwood

January 26, 1993

In the blog are the actual documents of this Hearing in MA Corporate:

January 93 -

Alnôbaôdwa National Newsletter - Volume 93 Issue 1

Coos Band – Pisowakamigw Wobanakik – Abenaki Nation – Tribal Headquarters – Office of the Tribal Council – Red Hawk Lodge – 160 Dailey Drive in Franklin, MA

In this Newsletter by Paul W. Pouliot of Franklin County, MA, he stated:

We have been asserting our sovereign rights as a Nation in several Federal and state courts. We have been actively engaged in child welfare cases in CA, TX, and MA. [Such as the matter with Sherri DeVee and Terri Scotten in 1992]

February – March 1993

In the second newsletter by Paul W. Pouliot then writes of the distancing from Arthur J. Marchand on October 04, 1992 by the “Council of Elders” (i.e. Howard F. Knight Jr.). Marchand and other supporters of his actions had sent letters of withdrawal from the Howard Knight Jr. group, returning their membership cards. Prior to this action Marchand had been in possession of all the tribal records, cards, rolls, and files of the group’s members, and had maintained his own set of records (allegedly) so he could eventually gain control of the Coos band. In Nov. 1992 Marchand solicited others to return their cards back to Howard, and when that failed to happen, he had created his own incorporated group.

A corporate protest hearing was held on January 26, 1992 by the MA Secretary of State. The Abenaki Nation was represented by the Coos Council Chief (Paul W. Pouliot a.k.a. “Spirit Hawk”), Coos Council Judge (Robert Maynard a.k.a. “Spirit Wind”), and the Abenaki Ambassador of the Missisquoi-Sokoki (Roger Desharnais a.k.a. “Running Elk”). We were at the Corporation Hearing to protect the name of the Abenaki Sokoki band and to establish THAT A CORPORATION COULD NOT BE FORMED to “create” a tribe.

But that is EXACTLY what these wannabiiak groups were DOING in VT/NH/MA etc, a number of 3-4-5 to upwards of 10 people (initially) who self-identified as “Abenaki”, solicited and attracted other like minded race shifters who believed they too were “Abenakis” and then created a name for their “Tribe” and Inc.’d, in order to solicit and obtain state, federal block grants, and well as from other agency and naïve public sympathizers to their angst, and cause. And once the group (incorporate) members got too big for their britches, as clearly documented herein, their group metastasized into other groups, by angst, disagreements, negativity, ego, power and control issues, or simply wanting their own slice of the $$pie$$ seeing how Homer got his and kept the rest for himself.