
Monday, January 17, 2011

December 15, 1994 Letter by Darrell Larocque; Letter to Ralph Skinner Swett by "Grand Chief" Homer St. Francis Sr, Etc:

Howard F. Knight Jr.
Head Spokesman
Cowasuck of N.A. [Cowasuck of North America, Inc.]
Alderbrook Rd. RFD 2
Box 530A
Newport, Vt. 05855

Darrell R. Larocque
Diplomatic Ambassador
Sovereign Abenaki Nation
8625 Cedarbrook Drive
Charlotte, N.C. 28215
Tel. No. 704 568 7803

December 13, 1994
Dear Howard,
Please be reminded that during both the unity meeting of May 7, 1994 in Vermont and August 20, 1994 in Evansville, Vt. All Abenaki members and Councils in attendence agreed to use one Tribal card issued by Missisquoi, Swanton Vt. and the Constitution and By-Laws of Missisquoi.
This was also agreed to at the unity meeting in Littleton NH. July 17, 1994. NO other Tribal cards are valid per our SOLEMN AGREEMENT.
Any reference to any AUTHORIZATION by me without an accompanying letter signed by Grand Chief Homer St. Francis is not valid.
I trust that this letter will clear up any false statements by ANYONE.
Yours in brotherhood,

Darrell R. Larocque
AKA Big Bear Claw

cc: Grand Chief Homer St. Francis.
Chief Tribal Judge Mike Delaney.
Sovereign Republic of the Abenaki                                                
Nation of Missisquoi
P.O. Box 276
Missisquoi, 05488

Mr. Ralph Swett
Box 1466 RR #2
Orleans, Vt. 05860

December 27, 1994
Dear Mr. Swett;
We are aware of your attempt to set up a Band "Abenaki"Corporation of alleged and reinvented Native Americans in Abenaki Territory, per your newspaper advertisement.
You are instructed that any new Bands/Councils "Abenaki" Corporations/ Incorporations inside Abenaki Territory VT/NH/MA/CT must be approved by the Grand Chief Homer St. Francis Sr. and all recognized Councils "Abenaki" Corporations now in unity.
As for using Chief in your correspondence it is illegal as there are no chiefs in the Abenaki Territory existing councils only head spokesman. No one from Abenaki Territory appointed you Chief.
Please take this letter seriously as any further problems will be dealt with accordingly.
Grand Chief Homer W. St. Francis
Grand Chief Homer W. St. Francis ... [SEAL]
cc: Grand Council
All Approved Councils
Office of the Grand Council
Territorial Headquarters
Sovereign Republic of the Abenaki Nation International
Associate Chief of the Grand Council
R.R. #2 Box 120
Orleans, Vt. 05860
(802) 754-2346

Mr. Ralph Swett & Family
R.R. #2 Box 1466
Orleans, Vermont 05860

WHEREAS, That as of Dec. 22, 1194 [1994] your cards are no longer valid; and that you have never signed any membership papers; when we made you and your family honorary members of the Cowasuck of North America of the Sovereign Republic of the Abenaki Nation International. Your ex-wife and children might have Indian in them; but you do not have any Indian in your line! and that you, Mr. Swett, were never made chief of anything at all by our Grand Council at the time of the 1993 [sic]....[1994] August 20-22 Pow-Wow; but you promised to sign papers, (but not as a chief for membership), and
WHEREAS, That Mr. Ralph Swett, owner of the Evensville [sic] Trading Post in Evansville, Vremont [sic] and other associated with him in the So-called Evansville Council of the Cowasuck Abenaki has come toghther [sic] to form an unauthorized council that was not, and it is not, approved by the Grand Chief, Homer W. St. Francis, nor by the Abenaki Nation International, (see attached paper) that was hand delivered to Mr. Swett by Amb. [Ambassador] Darrell Larocque and Chief Spokesman for the Cowasuck of North America Inc. Howard F. Knight Jr. (#3) paper, and
WHEREAS, Ralph Swett and his associates in this venture have illegally and with malicious intent, are trying to use the Cowasuck of North America Council of the Abenaki Nation name's which can only be uesed [sic] by this Council, with in the Ancient Cowasuck Territory, per the order of the Grand Chief, who has recognized this council, and only this Cowasuck Council, as the authorized Cowasuck Council; (see paper attached #2), and
WHEREAS, The Cowasuck of North America is a Vermont Corporation, Incorporated under the Laws of the State of Vermont and is a Non-Profit Corporation, recognized by the IRS under 501-C3 and which is wholly recognized entity of the Sovereign Republic of the Abenaki Nation International.
BE IT RESOLVED, We will take the necessary action, to protect our Council, and Incorporation as whole, and as separate entitites together in Unity in the Soveriegn Republic of the Abenaki Nation International.
Dated this 20th Day of January, 1995 in Coventry, Abenaki Territory, Vt.

Respectfully Yours;
Howard F. Knight, Jr. (AKA Rushing Water)
Howard F. Knight, Jr. (aka Rushing Water)
Chief - Grand Council Cowasuck of North America

Official: Chuck Labor (AKA Light Feather)
Chuck Labor (aka Light Feather)
Tribal Judge - Grand Council
Cowasuck of North America

Cindy J. Shover (AKA Loon Caller)
Cindy J. Shover (aka Loon Caller)
Assoc. Chief
Spokesman - Grand Council
Cowasuck North America
cc: Grand Chief, Homer W. St. Francis Sr.
Spirit Bear [Emerson Bidwell Garfield]
Amb. Darrell R. Larocque



LINK: The three "LINKS" above show and provide the "Gestapo" type of tactics against anyone "outside" their so-called "Abenaki" "Tribes" a.k.a. "Culture Vulture Clubs" in my opinion.

 LINK: Obviously, it is already documented on this blog, that Luke Andrew Willard (a.k.a. "Falling Owl" and his sidekick Nancy Lee Cote-Rolls (who was a Card-Holding Inc. member of Homer's group as well) LEFT the Clan of the Hawk Inc. which Ralph Swett (a.k.a. "Chief Spirit Water" "Chief Lone Cloud" created back in 1994. Luke Andrew Willard also was a member of the David Hill (a.k.a. "Sly Wolf")'s Incorporation calling itself "NORTH AMERICAN PEOPLE OF THE DAWN, SOVEREIGN NATION, INC." created on October 12, 1993.



My Response:
Now if people reading this blog, actually "followed" along using the LINKS provided, people would understand and attempt to figure out that Luke Andrew Willard (right along with Donald Warren Stevens Jr.) claim that their INCORPORATION is an authentic Vermont Abenaki Tribe. FAR FROM IT. Also, (and I would sincerely like EVERY VERMONT POLITICIAN to PAY ATTENTION to the following) I just recently received an email DIRECTLY from Ralph Skinner Swett's relative, whose done a wee bit of genealogical research on the family, and ran across this blog's content and commentary. He states that Ralph is no more Native American, let alone an Abenaki ... any more than he is! There is NO NATIVE AMERICAN ANCESTRY in Ralph Swett according to this relative of Ralph Swett's.... AT ALL. So what does this say about the following image?
If Ralph Skinner Swett of Orleans County, Vermont (a.k.a. "Chief Rushing Water" and also a.k.a. "Chief Lone Cloud") IS NOT AN ABENAKI or even has Native American Ancestry, then what was he doing in late July or early August of 1998 making Senator Vincent Illuzzi an HONORARY CHIEF, assuming the name "Fighting Wolf" at the Evansville, Orleans County, Vermont Pow-Wow?
Oh, that's right. Ralph Swett LOVES to PLAY INDIAN right along with Howard Franklin Knight Jr., Homer Walter St. Francis Sr. and Paul Wilson Pouliot! One FAKE FRAUDULENT WANNABE ABENAKI CHIEF making another FRAUDULENT WANNABE ABENAKI CHIEF in Vermont (or MA, or NH etc). One "Honorary" Abenaki "Chief" creating another "Honorary" Abenaki "Chief".
One can see the Corporate "Abenaki" Organization's these people like Luke Andrew Willard comes from. Give me a break people. These "Chiefs" and this corrupted biased VCNAA Commission (and with their alleged "outside" scholars supporting them) are composed of illegitmate fradulent people who claim to be Abenaki Tribes, and or from "Abenaki Communities" within Vermont.
These groups (Corporate organizations) are merely incorporations, as I have said all along, that factually and documentarily border on being New Age, Culture Vulture Club, Shaman-istic, Rainbow'er "Everybody Is An Indian At Heart" type of dynamic....w. their "Medicine Wheels", etc.
August 09, 2010 - WEEKEND POWWOW - Grandfather Philip Thibault, 85, of Swanton, Vermont who has been coming to the annual powwow in Evansville, Vermont for 17 years, does an impromptu Native dance. See story on page A5.
Page A5 - 19th Intertribal Powwow Celebrated in Evansville
By Gordon Alexander News Correspondent
EVANSVILLE, Vt. - Several hundred visitors from both sides of the border met on the tribal reservation [huh?] of the Abenaki [?] Clan of the Hawk for the 19th annual two-day Intertribal/International Powwow in Evansville last weekend. The get together featured traditional dancing, food and crafts.
On the tribal grounds were traditional teepees and wigwams, as well as more practical and conventional tents for creature-comfort laden travelers. There was a grand entry into a Abenaki spiritual circle for some dancing to three drum groups with many of the participants dressed in tribal regalia.
"It is not too late to get smudged before the Grand Entry ceremony," Chief Lone Cloud [Ralph Skinner Swett] of the Clan of the Hawk Inc. said on a loud speaker as assorted groups of Native Americans and Canada's First Nation dressed in traditional regalia were getting ready for the opening ceremony.
The Grand Entry highlighted the day's activities at the powwow on the Clan of the Hawk grounds on Route 58 in Evansville.
Native American flute player/story teller John Loper was the guest entertainer. Also featured were the First Light Drum, woman's drum group, Seven Arrows Spirit Drum from Bristol, N.H., and the First Nation Bear Clan Drum group from Troy, Vt. The emcee was Randy Smith from Irasburg.
A familiar face at the powwow was Grandfather Phil Thibault, 85, of Swanton, who has been coming to the annual powwow in Evansville for 17 years. Grandfather Phil awared Clan of the Hawk Chief Long Cloud with a ceremonial three-sisters Peace Bundle of corn, beans, squash and spices.
The Clan of the Hawk is a very active group of Native Americans that belong to the Northeast Wind Council of the Abenaki Nation of Vermont. A few years ago, the Clan of the Hawk formed a craft cooperative to promote Native heritage and give its members and friends a chance to learn some of the old crafts that had almost been forgotten. This program continues on a year round basis.
May 29, 2010 Photograph
[Left to Right]
Howard Franklin Knight Jr.
Chief "Rushing Water"
Chief "Grandfather Circle"
Philip Thibault
"Soaring Eagle"
Ralph Skinner Swett
Chief "Spirit Water"
Chief "Lone Cloud"