
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Cowasuck OF North America Minutes of 12/09/1995; Homer St. Francis Letter AGAINST his own Cousin Connie Brow; Chart from Howard Knight Jr; Minutes of the Council Meeting Feb. 10, 1996:

Cowasuck of North America Taped on 12/9/95 1345hrs. Meeting came to order At Harry and Cindy Shovers Home:
Opening Ceramony was preformed by Howard And Cindy with blessings and smugging all around for us that where at the meeting. Emerson B. Garfield came in late;but he made it despite the weather we had(SNOW)! Cindy asked if the children should be blessed and they where(Danyelle & Matthew).
The new Council in Swanton would have to subordinate under this council; we met with them and they asked if they could come under this council under our 501 C-3. We said that they would have to get their our 501 C-3; but if they subordinate under us our Chief Financial Officer would have to set up the book! (They do not like that) That is where we stopped it.
The Secretary report was read for the last meeting and OK by all the members that were present at this meeting. (1) The review of the Constitution and By-Laws at our next meeting. Mostion made by Chuck; Seconded by White Dove; and Confimed by all.
The Tresurers report was read by Cindy; we have as of this date $23.43 in the check book.Mostion made by Chuck to pass the Tresurers report as read; Seconded by Emerson all confermed the reading.
Old Business:
The womans and men Councils have not got with the Childerns Council on their request of there list. It was desided that we have to get our men's and women's councils together to get going on this matter! We need to devide up this training duties for our childern! The childern have started their own account as a savings book with the financial officer on this savings book with a amount of $50.00 something in it.(Danyelle and Joey have done very will to start this matter for the crafts they need in their council. Joey & Danyelle did tomahawk throwing contest in two outings with Harry and Cindy Shover.
We have to desided on the womans hoop issue; The woman asked that all the council heads resign their postions on this council; Cindy resigned her postion as Assoc. Chief and Emerson B. Garfield went in as Assoc.Chief By Voting by phone. Harry on his own wrote a letter to the womans council and used there own words against them! We found out that the womans hoop would like to charge the schools $200.00 to $300.00 & mileage for teaching in schools around our area. Just because the group in St. Albans Charges. We will ask for Donations to be made to this council if they wish; we will do the teaching for free! A mostion was made to stop the womans from doing this move! We will send a letter to them and the IRS on behalf for our 501 C-3 advising them and the womans hoop that they have no right to use our 501 C-3 it any way shape or matter. They are on there own but are not throne out of this council as members! It was voted on to reform the woman's council by spring picking new leader; also we have to reform the mans council need to pick a new mens leader for their council. Jary Snay is not running it well! Motion made by:White Dove , Second by: Harry all confirmed!
New Business:
We look in Subordents for the Cowasuck of North America Organiztional Chart that Harry designed for this council. The Chief Financial Officer explained about the books and bookkeeping of the records that have to be set up on this matter. Roger said that he can help us with the computer end he has a program for the financial end for record keeping. Roger also asked the council if we can get as CD-Rom to be persued by this council for Gerealogical Reports. It will be worth the money of $49.00 in a money order! Motion was made by:Chuck Second By: Cindy , All confirmed ! We all put money in to get this! (Roger would you like to tell us how it is going right know with the Gerealogical Reports!)
Howard had written his ruff drafts and informed this council that he [Howard F. Knight Jr.] is retiring as chief this June 1996, He read the drafts and we all agree to this draft that was read to us. We will
[NOTE: this is I think the 4th or 5th document wherein Howard F. Knight Jr. SUPPOSEDLY "Resigns" as "chief"...didn't he already resign in January 1993? Oh that's right, he re-activated himself as "Cowasuck" Chief like some Wanna-Be "Abenaki" Chief that he is ... actually he was and is ONLY an Inc. President]
have to start looking for a new chief for Aprils meeting. Howard presented this council with a set of deer horns for the new headdress of the new leader; The new horns would be in the care of loon caller till that time! Buy april meeting, by-laws have to be amended - (for leanel Coos.)
We need a standard Application From we need a simple forms to use. The Council agreed to let Harry & Cindy make the new forms for the council to be ready by the next meeting.
A motion was made that the Coucnil meets every 2 months for know on! Second Saturday meet. Next meeting is Feb. 10 1996 at Harry & Cindy Place, Pot Luck all confirmed this mostion!
Motion by cindy to ajorn the meeting ; All in favor say I's have it!
Report By Cindy J. Shover 12/10/95 [December 10, 1995]
Sovereing Republic of the Abenaki Nation
Grand Chief Homer St. Francis
P.O. Box 276
Depot Street
Missisquoi, 05488
Telephone (802)868-7146 or (802)868-2559
Fax (802)868-5118
December 27, 1995
Representative Wiliam A. Fyfe
Box 421
399 Sias Avenue
Newport, VT 05855
Dear Representative Fyfe:
As you are undoubtedly aware from the recent media reports a small number of former members of the Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi have recently decided to strike out on their own and are attempting to claim representation of the Abenaki citizens under the self-styled organizational name of "Traditional Abenaki of Mazipskwik and Related Bands". This group coincidently manifested itself at the same time that the Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi was researching the Abenaki lineage of some of its members in preparation for resubmitting its Petition for Federal Recognition and accompanying genealogical data to the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Unfortunately, some members were apparently concerned with the request for substantiation of their Abenaki heritage.
The Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi has long been recognized as the true Abenaki Tribe in Vermont. The Nation and its two non-profit service organizations, Abenaki Self-Help Association, Inc., (ASHAI) and Wobanaki, Inc., have, for more than the past two decades had their main goal the increasing of the self-sufficiency of the Native American Community be [by] promoting economic and social development of the Abenaki people. Over that period of time programs in education, employment, drug abuse, youth, housing and economic development have been directed toward attaining these goals. The most recent success, with the generous support of IBM, has been the creation of a computer training center for the members of the Abenaki Nation with the goal of developing marketable job skills. These programs have not been matched by any other organization seeking to represent the Native-American community in Vermont.
The Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi recognizes that right of free expression and organization and believes that any program or organization that can benefit and improve the status of the Native-American community in Vermont can only help Native-Americans.
It has, however, recently come to the Nation's attention that there are individuals and organizations out there who may have approached either you or your organization claiming
to represent the Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi and its citizens and soliciting support, donations, funds, or equipment on behalf of the Abenaki Nation. In fact, they may have received donations that were earmarked for programs of the Abenaki Nation, to include Christmas gifts for the Nation's "Operation Santa Claus" and based on this unauthorized representations mistakenly given to them. The only people that are harmed by these sort of reprehensible actions are the individual tribal members, especially the children. Many of these representations do not belong to, are affiliated with or are authorized by the Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi or its two service agencies to seek solicitations on behalf of the Nation. I would request that you use extreme care and prudence regarding any solicitations or representations that you received by individuals or groups claiming to represent the Abenaki Nation. Please request identification and/or letters of authorization. Individuals authorized to represent the Nation have been issued such letters. If you have any questions or concerns please immediately call the Tribal Headquarters at (802)868-7146/2559.
I would like to thank you for your generous support and assistance in the past and look forward to continue working with you in the future to help the Abenaki people attain self-sufficiency. I wish a very peaceful and merry holiday.
Grand Chief Homer St. Francis
Homer St. Francis, Sr.
Grand Chief of the Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi

[Note: Apparently, based on this revealing letter by the late Homer St. Francis Sr., he certainly DID NOT want his cousin relation Connie Brow, nor other persons such as his ex-"Tribal Judge" Michael Delaney, Michael's wife Ina E. Delaney, nor anyone else "having a slice of the solicited monies" coming in from either the State of Vermont or the Federal Government. It is interesting to note that the inference, that the Mazipskwik group incorporation was "labeled" Christmas Thieves against Homer's so-called "Operation Santa Claus." From an "inference" Homer St. Francis Sr. implied that such accusation is fact. It equates to being sleezy, "dirty" and simply a Just For Us Representive of an "Abenaki" Corporation he himself was a "President" of, in some of his lifetime.
THIS IS A DRAWING/ SKETCH entitled "CHAIN OF COMMAND" Sovereign Abenaki Nation which was drawn by Howard F. Knight Jr.

Associate Chief/ Vice President
Combined Unified Council of
The Sovereign Abenaki Nation
(Secretary of State)
Ambassadors (DEPT OF STATE)
Supreme Court of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation
Dept of Heath and Human Services
Dept of Housing
Dept of Employment
Dept of Security
Dept of Education
Dept of Motor Vehicles
ASHAI Council
ODENAK Council
Becancour Council
Winooski Council
Southern New England Grand Council
Kokoki/ The Beaver Meadow Grand Council
Grand Council Cowasuck of North America
Offshooting from ASHAI Council is:
St. Francis
Offshooting from Grand Council Cowasuck of North America is:
No. New England Cowasuck
Southeast Township, Quebec, Cowasuck
Connecticut Lakes Coos
Offshooting from Indian Clans of Cowasuck United is:
Loon Clan
Bear Clan
Wolf Clan
Deer Clan
? Clan
[NOTE: Reminds a person of trying to create a Nation within a Nation, Cult? Jim Jones of the "Abenaki"?]
Minutes of the Council Meeting of February 10, 1996
Meeting called to order by Speaker Paul Pouliot at 7:30 pm.
Members Present: Grandfather Maple [Rene George Blanchette], Paul Wilson Pouliot, Linda (nee: White) Pouliot, Diane Bardsley, Ralph Bardsley, Gary Bliven, Sue Bliven, Firewoman [Jacqueline Emerton], Bill Schmitts, Bernie Schmitts, Al Goodwin, Joyce Goodwin, Al Barrette, Bob Nordin
Guests: Marge C., Little Beaver, Denise Beauregard [Denise married to Jamie Mehigan and later to Paul Wilson Pouliot after her divorce from the former], Misha Vitrano, Bob Mattie
Members Absent: Terry Howland, Jim Howland
Opening Comments
Paul Pouliot welcomed all in attendence and gave the history of the wampum belts. He did a pipe and prayed for all the people. He said a special prayer for all those that have gone to the above land.
Old Business
Mail & Correspondence
Paul Pouliot asked for comments about the newsletter. We will be dropping names from our mailing. Some move every time a newsletter is sent. It costs the tribe $1.50 for every address change. The post office delayed the mailing. The mailing too three weeks instead of the expected 10 days. Copies of the following newsletters were handed out: Quinnehtuqut Nipmuc News, Laconia Historical Association, New Hampshire Intertribal Native American Council, Dighton Intertribal Indian Council, Women's Hoop Newsletter, Dawnland Center, Wollomonuppoag, and Pequot Times. This helps the council understand what other groups are doing in New England. Also the Pow Wow calendar was made available. (See attached).
Letters were sent to Paul Tamburro and Edwin F. Alden, Esquire authorizing them to establish a west coast branch of COWASS NORTH AMERICA, Inc. Also sent was a letter from the Secretary of the Commonwealth, William Francis Galvin, certifying that the organization was in "good standing" with the state of Massachusetts. (See Attached).
The Head Start Program in Somerville wrote a thank you note that appeared in the February 7, 1996 County Gazette. This pertained to the Christmas gifts that were given to needy families (See attached).
Abenaki Nation
Other groups have been reorganizing into cluster groups. Howard F. Knight and Raymond "Looking Glass" Lussier been campaigning very hard in New Hampshire. Two historians, David Stuart Smith and Colin Calloway, are interested in more information about our band. Jesse Bowman Bruchac is doing a language project at U Mass. The West Coast is working very hard at developing a "working organization" and they have a drum that is made up of the youth in the council. Paul Tamburro is getting his doctorate. As new groups try to make their niche, negativity seems to emerge. We need to work together not in competition. Our goals are the same.
Grant Updates
The original grant filed is still being held in abeyance until the government balances the budget. A fact sheet and a brochure about the Abenaki is being developed for the Resist Grant. No news about the Danvers state property. The band has requested $1,000.00 from FEMA through the United Way. This will be used for our mobile food pantry. Also we have requested $1,000.00 from Project Bread.
We are currently working on the ANA Grant which will be filed in 2 seperate grant proposals. The first part due March 15, 1996 deal with a Language Program. James [actually that's "Elie"] Joubert has send us his developing language program and has indicated that he would like to be involved with the project. He is currently the youngest speaker of the language from Odanak. He would like use to help in getting his program and dictionary published. The second part of the grant due May 17, 1996 pertains to an economic project. These are three year grants.
Program Update
Cowass North America has $1,000.00 left in the budget. We need to consider what fundraisers we wish to do. A handout on developing a Land Trust was handed out to the council. We hope to purchase some land in New Hampshire very soon. The food pantry is doing very well in Franklin. We currently have $18,000.00 in the account to purchase food. We bid on a van and won the bid. We now have a van
[NOTE: Paul Wilson Pouliot wanted to purchase land in New Hampshire, on the advise of Paul Rene Tamburro, and very likely also due to his association with David Stuart Smith; the COWASS NORTH AMERICA INC. had to make it appear that withthe using of the name PENNACOOK in their groups name, the group had to relocate to the geographical area in which the PENNACOOK were located. Certainly the PENNACOOK didn't create an "Abenaki" Corporation in February 1993, within the geographical area of Worcester, MA]
registered and ready for tribal use. Franklin Pierce College is working with us on a complicated law project. Details will be given as we get them. We will be doing a press release in New Hampshire asking all natives no affiliated with a band to contact us for possible enrollment. We need exposure in New Hampshire. [This admission of "solicatation" of membership would PREVENT Paul Wilson Pouliot from EVER gaining Federal Acknowledgment as a Frederally Recognized Abenaki Tribe] Bonnie Pouliot is pursuing 6 colleges and is asking for native status when applying. She has been accepted at three colleges thus far. Franklin Pierce, Northeastern, and Massachusetts College of Pharmacy. She has an interview with Dartmouth on Monday, February 12th.
We are still trying to determine the exact feasts that the Abenaki celebrated. The Red Hawk Drum practices on Sundays. They have been learning the "old traditional songs" of our people. They will be available for any social. Firewoman [Jacqueline Emerton] asked the Drum to play for her gathering in May. They will also be the host drum for the June 1st and 2nd gathering. The Drum has found a recording studio who can produce a tape for $3.00. We could sell for $10.00. This could be fundraiser.
Remember our big fundraiser is June 1st and 2nd at the Bellingham Sportmen's Club on Lake Street in Bellingham, Massachusetts. The club has decided to give us 60% of the gate. There will be an arbor in the middle as was traditional. They will be setting up "games" such as tomahawk throwing, musket shooting, and archery. We will have to do all the advertising. Volunteers will be needed in all areas. The Odanak gathering has been scheduled for July 4th - 7th.
Tribal Government
The request for state and federal recognition is still going forward. Because of the other groups copying our name and taking credit for our work, we will need to change our name. Paul Tamburro is working on a name that will more accurately reflect who we really are. [Ought this group, if these people were or are legit, KNOW accurately who their ancestors were and thus their group's identity?] He is also working a new logo for us.
The Wabanaki Baseline Family Research Project has begun. As stated we will be contacting all the major newspapers in New Hampshire with a press release. Diana gratefully ran off the media list for us.
The council was given an updated copy of our membership policies and procedures. Because we are all actively doing genealogy, the band has been purchasing microfeesh through Quitin Publications. Books fall apart when trying

to constantly copy pages so we went to microfeesh. Also because the cost is lower we can purchase far more. Anyone wishing to contribute to or use the information can contact us at Tribal Headquarters. Bob from Quitin publications is willing to come and lecture on doing genealogies. Grandfather Maple contributed $20.00 toward the purchase of more. He is always available to help council members with their genealogy. Remember to write up any oral history that you have. Often the oral traditions are more valuable than names. (See attached).
Our sub group is studying the Great Law. They will be coming to us with a report soon. If the Six Nations will consider our petition, we would be required to go the Longhouse for a reading of the Great Law. Adopting the law will mean that would be at peace with all nations that sit in the Longhouse. No autonomy would be compromised. Anyone wishing more information about the project should contact Linda or Diana.
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has granted Paul the permission to perform marriages in Massachusetts. (See attached)
The Elders stated that as the new pow wow season begins we need to remain focused and not listen to the rumors on the moccasin trail. We have to keep in balance and go forward without listening to the bickering and fighing between different groups.
The Women's Circle is in its second year. Linda stated that it is very important to stay focussed and serve as a role models for other groups. We need to have a "thick skin" and brush off negative comments. The group will continue to study and learn from the Thirteen Original Clan Mothers. Herbal studies and aromatherapy will be expand to include preparations. The group meets again on February 17, 1996. The circle is open to all women.
New Business - Open Discussion
On January 31, 1996 Paul Pouliot, Little Beaver, and Gary Bliven took a drum and went to a meeting at Mount Wachusett. The group who leases the mountain wants to expand and cut down all existing old tree growth. We went as
representatives of the Abenaki. Eight other nations were represented. We played the drum outside in below zero temperatures. Other natives joined us. Terry and Jim Howland have agreed to get additional information for us and head up the project. They will be able to determine what our involvement will be. (See Attached).
Meetings adjorned at 11:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted: Linda (nee: White) Pouliot [Paul's 1st wife]
Attested to: Paul Wilson Pouliot 

Ok, so NOW you got a little bit of background of just HOW the EVOLUTION these "Abenaki" Corporations evolved from one, into another, and another. Each Corporation President became a "Chief" with a LOOSE and FLUID SOLICITED MEMBERSHIP COMPOSITION. 1. Homer St. Francis Sr. into 2. Richard Wilfred BlackHorse Phillips into 3. Howard Franklin Knight Jr. into 4. Paul Wilson Pouliot and also Howard Knight Jr. created Clan of the Hawk Inc. which is led by Ralph Skinner Swett. From the latter Corporation Clan of the Hawk, Inc. went Nancy Lee (nee: Cote) Rolls from Homer St. Francis's group. Luke Andrew Willard was also a part of the Clan of the Hawk, Inc., an Indian-ist group. He was also a part of David Andrew Hill's group as well. Whereupon, by 2004 Mr. Willard, Dawn Macie, and her mother Nancy Cote, with others formed another "Abenaki" Corporation calling itself the "Nulhegan-Coosuk, Incorporation" in August 2004.....