
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Cowasuck-Horicon Incorporation Created By Howard Knight Jr.; Karen Majka "Mica"-Brian Chenevert-Nancy Lyons/Doucet-Eric Floyd, Etc:

Tuesday May 11, 2004 6:04 am
"Ray" [Raymond LeMay]
nyfrancoamer... [New York Franco-American...]
Ray wrote:
Greetings All,
I just thought i would drop a line and say hello. Am greatly interested in honoring my metis ancestry. I am the 9th Great Grandson of Jean Nicolet and Wife Sauvagesse Nipissing and 11th Great Grandson of Martin Prevost and Marie Oliver Manitouabeouich of the Abenakis.
Hoping i can be active in New York State here, i reside in Albany County, look forward to hearing from fellow active metis in my area.
Also interested in information on joining the Metis Nation in New England and active Bands and or members in Upstate New York.
Raymond LeMay

Response on metis: an open discussion for Metis people.

Tue May 11, 2004 7:20 am
Karen Mica
Re: [metis] Just found out I am Metis...
Ray, sounds like we are pretty closely related! I am also a direct descendant of Martin and Marie.
I noticed the "LeMay" to, which was my Grandmother Rose's last name...! Karen
ps. It seem that "Roch" was Abenaki but his wife "Outchi" was Iroquois. Or atleast her name seems to be related to an Iroquois village. Do you know that you are related to the LeMay's of Gilbertville MA?

From: karen mica
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 7:25 AM
Subject: Re: [metis] Just found out I am Metis...
Ray, one more thing.. you are eligible to join the Abenaki tribe of Vermont if you choose to. If you are interested let me know and I wcan help you with the application etc. Karen [Majka a.k.a. Mica]

[NOTE: Most of these "Abenaki" Incorporations are comprised of NON-ABENAKI PEOPLE, whom are solicited over the internet, from OUTSIDE the CORPORATION, petitioned to fill out an Membership Application Form which the Corporation Secretary etc creates. The memberships of these groups COME FROM OUTSIDE THE GROUP(S). Subsequently, under Federal Bureau of Indian Affairs Office of Acknowledge would NOT grant Federal Acknowledgment to this "Abenaki" Corporation any more than that Federal Agency would the St. Francis/Sokoki group up in Swanton, Vermont or any other of the created "Abenaki" Corporations such as Nulhegan-Coosuk, the El-Nu, or the Koasek of the Koas led by Nancy Lee (nee: Millette) Doucetl; etc. Again, this is substantiation that these "Abenaki" Corporations created in the previous years, are NOT "authentic" bone-fide Abenaki Tribal Nation's or groups of legitimate Abenaki People. Tribal Composition comes from within the group, and NOT from outside solicitations to create the claimed Abenaki Tribe. It's really no surprise WHY these "Abenaki" Corporations created UNDER VT STATE LAWS, are so desperately AFTER State of VT legislature "official" recognition to "authenticate" themselves and their "VT Indigenous Alliance". It's because NONE of these Alleged and Re-Invented Abenaki Groups that have Incorporated AND solicited memberships, that have been "loose and fluid" etc, CANNOT gain Federal Acknowledgment Recognition by any stretch of the imagination. So these "Abenaki" groups in Vermont and New Hampshire have to sell their B.S. to the most questionable politician's in the State Legislature. And I think everyone knows who I am talking about too in that Dept. now don't we!
Tuesday May 11, 2004 9:18 am
"Diane Williams"
Dear Karen, I too am related to Raymond LeMay via both of his blood lines. Jean Nicolet and Marie Nipissing, and also Martin Prevost and Marie Olivier Sylvestre Manitouabeouich. I have Marie Manitoubeouich's father as being Huron and his wife Keoeou Outchibahananou as being Abenaki. In any case, I have found just two cousins! I see your offer for Raymond to join your Abenaki tribe in Vermont. I am very interested in joining if you would consider me. I am related to Marie Manitouabeouich through three lines of my ancestry, and to Marie Nipissing (Ojibwe) twice in my ancestry. Thanks and hope to hear from you soon, Diane, Maine Metis.

Tue May 11, 2004 9:32 am
"Ken Nedreau"
Re: [Metis] Just found out i am Metis...
Hi Raymond,
You are more than welcome to send in an application to the Metis Nation of New England. Once you do, we can connect you to any other MNNE members in your area.

Tues May 11, 2004 5:55 pm
karen mica
house of mica
Re: Karen Just found out I am Metis...
Hey Diane, send me your address off list and I will send you an application for full tribal membership. You will need documents, copies of birth certificates, marriage licenses and a genealogy leading back to these people. You will also need two small (passport type) pictures. Write me off list and I can help with any questions etc you might have about the documents you need and where to find them. Two cousins i one day for all three of us! This is a good day! K [Karen Majka a.k.a. Karen Mica]
ps. It seems that this line is only just beginning to discover it's ancestry after three generations of (hiding) here in the states. We have brought over thirty relations into the band in the past few years. Lol, if this keeps up we may want to consider starting our own band just for this line!

[NOTE: "Starting our own band" is EXACTLY what all these Incorporations claiming to be Abenaki Tribes of Vermont and or New Hampshire (including Paul Pouliot in Worcester, Massachusetts ... now resident of Alton, NH) have done in the past..... so WHY not start another "Abenaki" Corporation which can subsequently claim to be an Abenaki Tribe of Vermont etc. Perhaps HONORARY Chief Illuzzi can receive an membership application and join too?! Again, this is a LOOSE and FLUID (solicitation of) membership; subsequently it CANNOT be considered an "authentic" Abenaki Tribe UNDER Federal Acknowlegment, just as was the case of the St. Francis/Sokoki group in Swanton, Vermont]
March 25th and 27th, 2005 email's between Raymond LeMay and Karen "Mica" Majka regarding "Abenaki" "Indian" Children in the Foster Care System in the Northeast.
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(11 VSA, Ch.15) Business Name:

Alternate Name:
The Horicon-Cowasuck Sovereign Traditional Council.

Name of the town where business is located: Newport, VT 05855
Date business began:
1 Oct 2004 [October 01, 1994]

Kind of business being transacted:
Native American Researching & Affecting the Councel with Housing, Economic Development, Employment and Educational Opportunities & development, Advocacy, and Cultural Preservation.

Individual names and residences of all persons, co-partners, members, IIc or corporation:
Howard F. Knight Jr.
573 East Main St.
Newport, Vermont 05855

Emerson Garfield
148 Prouty Dr.
Newport, Vermont 05855

Brian Chenevert
8 1/2 Robinson Street
Webster, Massachusetts 01570

Applicant's signature: Howard F. Knight Jr.
Stamped: Vermont Secretary of State 2006 MAR 02 [March 02, 2006]
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Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1 day of March 2006
Notary Public signature: April A. Morrison commison expiration date 2/10/07
FEE: $40.00 Tradename registration is not a gaurantee that you are entitled to the name. A person or entity may have, or claim to have, a pre-existing right to exclusive use of the name.
2006 MAR-2 AM 10:02
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Vermont Secretary of State
81 River Street
Montpelier, VT 05609-1104
Corporation Name:

Corporation type:
Public Benefit

Registered Agent's name:
Emerson Spirit Bear Garfield
Sachem Emerson "Spirit Bear" Garfield
148 Prouty Drive
Newport, VT 05855

1. Emerson Spirit Bear Garfield
148 Prouty Dr.
Newport, VT 05855

2. Kelton Garfield
19 Broken Ground Dr.
Concord, NH 03301

3. Wanda Greenwood
25 Drew St.
Burlington, VT 05401
[Stamped] 2006 May-2 [May 02, 20068:30 AM
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Purpose: VT recognition. Abenaki Council, to assist in genealogy search & apply/distribute benefits to members of council.
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Incorporators postal address:
Emerson Spirit Bear Garfield
148 Prouty Dr.
Newport, VT 05855

FEE: $75.00
[Stamped] 2006 May -2 AM 9:30 [May 02, 2006]
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Name of Business:
Cowasuck-Horicon Council of the Abenaki in Vermont, Inc.

The name of the owner being removed is:
Howard F. Knight, Jr., & Brian Chenevert

Date of this cessation: 04/20/2006 [April 20, 2006]

COMPLETE cessation must include the names and addresses of ALL of the owners, as set forth on the original tradename registration.

Emerson Garfield ... sole survivor of Council
148 Prouty Dr.
Newport, VT

out-H.F. Knight Jr.
573 E. Main St. 05855

NEW- Kelton Garfield
19 Broken Grnd Dr.
Concord, NH 03301

out-Brian Chenevert
MA (loc. unknown)

NEW- Wanda Greenwood
25 Drew St.
Burlington, VT 05401

[Stamped] 2006 May -2 AM 9:30 [May 02, 2006]
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Signature and Title: Emerson Garfield
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of May, 2006.
$20.00 Filing Fee must be attached to this application.
May 9, 2006
State of Vermont
Office of the Secretary of State
Non-Profit Corporation Division
81 River Street
Montpelier, VT 05609-1104
Subject: Illegal, and unauthorized use of my name as an Officer in the Non-Profit Corporation (File No. N-25641-0) known as COWASUCK-HORICON COUNCIL OF THE ABENAKI IN VERMONT, INC.


Dear; Office of the Secretary of State:
This letter is in response to a request from your office regarding the use of my name as an officer in the above name corporation. Be it known to all that since time began, and forever forward, that the use of my name, Kelton Garfield or any facsimile is not to be used by the corporation listed above or any other corporation without my expressed and notarized authorization.
Also I would like to point out to you the Principal Address of this Corporation is listed as 148 Prouty Dr. Newport, VT 05855 this address is that of the Newport Health Care Center, a nursing home. I would question if this were legal, because in their Corporation Info, this is the location of their Registerd Agent again, this is the address of a nursing home
I.e. how is Registered Agent defined by Vermont Law also Principal Street Address of said corporation?
The third and finale question or complaint (This may want to be referred to the AG's Office or the Dept. of Health and Human Services, Nursing Home Div.) Emerson B. Garfield is a resident at Newport Health Care Center located at 148 Prouty Drive, Newport, VT 05855. He is there because of two major hear surgeries and two major spine or back surgeries, he usually uses a wheel chair but can walk for short distances, he lost his manufactured home in a park, that was received by him in "our
mothers last will and testament", because he could not maintain it. He also has major anxiety attacks, could not keep himself properly clean or maintain a proper diet, maintain a checkbook or pay his bills or understand the difference between right and wrong. These are a few things of which he has for problems. My sister and myself make sure he has good clothes to wear and some extra money that he may spend, other then the stipend he is allowed. Therefore I believe that the State of Vermont Department of Health and or myself request he be relieved of any duties and or responsibility's of this Corporation known as COWASUCK_HORICON COUNCIL OF THE ABENAKI IN VERMONT INC. effectively ASAP.
Sincerely Yours,
Kelton E. Garfield
Kelton E. Garfield

Kelton E. Garfield
19 Broken Ground Dr.
Concord, NH 03301-5899
Cc: Attorney Generals Office Attn: Bonnie Boardman
Nancy Lyons Abenaki
Newport Health Care Center

[NOTE: Now WHY would Kelton E. Garfield born July 09, 1939 and younger brother to Emerson "Spirit Bear" Bidwell Garfield, both the sons of Harold Azanah Garfield and their mother Alver Etta (nee: May) place Nancy Lee (nee: Millette) Lyons - Doucet's name on this Letter by Kelton, IF he didn't know her BEFORE the creation of this letter? Perhaps it was a letter to "counter" the mad rush to get "InCorporated" in their madness to gain Vermont's Official State Recognition?! In doing so, Howard F. Knight Jr. "used" this elderly disabled Emerson Bidwell Garfield "for every drop of ink" he could on an Corporation document! Pretty sleezy if that is what was going on]
May 31, 2007
Amended Incorporation Document
Corporation Entity is named:
Non-Profit Purpose:
Native American and Abenaki Affairs
Registered Agent:
"Retired" Howard F. Knight Jr.
Registered agent's address:
573 East Main Street
Newport, VT 05855
President: Howard F. Knight, Jr. - COOS TURTLE CLAN
Vice President: Lucie Caron
Secretary: Karen Mica [actually that's Majka]
Treasurer: John Davis

1. Howard F. Knight Jr.
2. Virgina Tortosen
3. Jom Haskins or Hoskins
4. Matthew R. Knight [Howard's grandson]