
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Jeanne Antoinette (nee: Lalime) Lincoln - Kent of Winsted, CT's Genealogical Records Part 3:

Abenaki/ Nipissing~Jeanne Lincoln-Kent~"Spozowialakows"
Jeanne Lincoln-Kent's first female ancestor was Nipissing followed by many subsequent Metis ancestors. She was originally born in Indianapolis, IN and raised in CT. However, her patriarchal ancestry is Canadian.

Jeanne graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor in Fine Art and a Masters in Art Education from the University of Hartford, CT. She is the Arts Specialist in a Higher Order of Thinking school in Hartford, CT. She has been a teacher for sixteen years and served on the Board of Education in her hometown of Winsted. She taught adult evening school and was a Sunday School Teacher/ Superintendent.

As a member of the Cowasuck Band of the Pennacook Abenaki People, Jeanne serves as an appointed member of the Elders Council. She has also served on the Joined Nations Youth Council in CT, providing cultural/ craft training for Native Youth for all Nations.

An active artist/ craftsman, she is a Certified Native Artisan/ Craftsman by the Cowasuck Band and has won several art awards over the years, including both State and National competitions. She has also won awards for Women's Traditional Dancing.

Jeanne is currently studying genealogy, tracing family roots thru time and assisting others to do the same. "It is upon healthy roots that we build the next seven generations of our future of all our children. We cannot look forward without the wisdom of our history. We must be patient enough to piece together that history for our children. It will be the greatest gift we can give them."

Jeanne is the mother of two children and has three grand children.