
Monday, April 12, 2010

Jeanne Antoinette (nee: Lalime) Lincoln - Kent of Winsted, CT's Genealogical Records Part 2:

Marie Anne (nee: Otondossone) interestingly enough, was mentioned in Luke Andrew Willard's genealogical material as well, which is previous posted on this blog.



So the question arises, was Jeanne Kent commnicating with and or "helping" Mr. Luke Willard in his endeavor to connect to a Odanak "Abenaki" family, of which very likely is seemingly dubious (questionable) research conclusions on the part of Luke Andrew Willard and or on Jeanne Kent?

When and where did the Capino family ancestor's and or descendants from that family begin use the "dit name" of allegedly "Pineau"? Certainly the Capino family used the dit name of "Pinawans"


The dit name of Pineau, seems to be highly suspect to my thinking. I find this genealogy to be suspicious in it's connective conclusions. Perhaps someone from Odanak who is far more adept and aware of the Capino family ancestry can genealogical confirm or deny that the Capino ancestors used the dit name of Pineau?