
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My Response to Paul Wilson Pouliot's B.S. and Implied Threats of Legal Action dated December 28, 2009:

Subject: Record Confidentiality
Date: Monday, December 28, 2009, 7:34 PM

FYI - Kwai All - To all Tribal Leaders, Genealogists, and Record Keepers

On March 1, 2010, Massachusetts CMR 17.00 “Standards for the Protection of Personal Information of Residents of the Commonwealth” will go into effect and businesses (including non-profits) across the United States will need to be in compliance - this is a “wake-up call” for community attention and action. You may wonder why a tribal organization located outside Massachusetts may need to comply with this law.

Massachusetts enacted the most stringent data privacy law in the country, which basically says that if you keep personal information about a resident, donor, or business from Massachusetts, you will be required to protect the private / personal information of those residents and businesses. Any organization that has members or donors from Massachusetts will need to be in compliance with this law. I am NOT an “organization”, “Non-Profit” nor “Incorporation”.

Most of you are aware that our Cowasuck Band records were stolen in 2005 and recently many of our alleged internal records, documents, and correspondence have been posted on rogue internet web-sites (Paul Wilson Pouliot MUST be referring to my blog “The Reinvention of the Abenaki in Vermont and New Hampshire”) Also NOTICE how Mr. Pouliot “pluralizes” “internet web-sites” when in reality contrary to his paranoia, my afore mentioned blog is “singular” (maybe I ought to really go “rogue” and do more blogs concerning genealogical records of these groups, their so-called “Chiefs” and “citizens”?!.) These documents were not authorized or released from us for their use (I don’t need Pouliot’s “authorization” or their release from Paul & Denise, nor from their Inc. Non-Profit Organization, these documents are a matter of public record already), they came from genealogists, past Band members, and alleged thieves that have or had unauthorized access to our records.

(Actually, according to my awareness) ANYTHING, ANY DOCUMENTS WHATSOEVER, and this includes genealogical records, etc. that is submitted to a NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION is OPEN TO PUBLIC INSPECTION and REVIEW, and as such, these documents ARE A MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD.) Correct me if I am wrong.

Our alleged record theft as well as the unauthorized and unlawful use of our records of any type and content may allegedly become the basis for future legal action. The unauthorized public use of alleged tribal documents, member records, and donor records is unlawful because they are or were not lawfully obtained from public record sources. (Paul Wilson Pouliot & Co. can imply and proclaim all they want to, that they are a “Tribe” or that their records are “Tribal Documents”, but in reality and truth, their “group” is merely yet another self created and self promoted State Sanctioned Incorporation which continues to go about claiming and proclaiming to being “Cowasuck” and or “Pennacook”. Actually, as a Non-Profit Organization, ALL OF THEIR RECORDS, AS IT PERTAINS TO ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION, ARE A MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD, INCLUDING THEIR DONORS AND FINANCIAL RECORDS.

We have been informed that allegedly confidential and related court records from our Band have been posted on the internet relevant to child welfare cases that we have been involved in. Regardless of the sources, such disclosures allegedly serve no public service or good. The outcome of making these types of documents publicly available on the internet is allegedly malicious, harmful, and unethical in all respects. Furthermore, the alleged public and internet  exploitation of these families, their children, and their alleged personal records is viewed as an effort to allegedly further “victimize,” abuse, and ridicule these parties. Whenever we are enjoined to protect children we act accordingly regardless if they have “certified” genealogical proof of their ancestry. We have no responsibility to satisfy genealogical critics that stand in righteous critical judgment of our actions. (yet more of Pouliot's B.S.)

These record documents posted on my Blog entitled “The Reinvention of the Vermont Abenaki” (later changed to “The Reinvention of the Abenakis of Vermont and New Hampshire”), came from the MA Secretary of State’s Office as a matter of PUBLIC RECORD. ANYONE can obtain these records for themselves, just as I did with the required written request and paid photocopy and postage fee’s. All I did was have to pay the necessary $53.10 for the photocopying of such documents to the Secretary of State’s Office via Pauline Gunther, Administrative/Legal Assistant William Francis Galvin, Secretary of the Commonwealth's Office at One Ashburton Place, Room 1710 Boston, MA 02108. The requested and paid for PUBLIC Documents were received by me, Douglas Lloyd Buchholz on November 09, 2009.

Regarding the Sherrie A. DeVee – Jinks – Labat historical information….again that was documented in PUBLICALLY SOURCED DOCUMENTS, such as local newspapers in California, and misc. other PUBLIC RECORDS. Obviously Lynn Menard – Mathieson had shared some information with me pertaining to various persons. I was NOT nor am I attempting to “victimize”, abuse, or ridicule these parties of the DeVee – Jinks – or Labatt family members. ONLY to SHOW and PROVIDE the documentary evidence that equals COLLUSION BETWEEN THESE ALLEGED AND REINVENTED ABENAKIS IN VT, NH, CA, WA, and MA.

By the way, YES ONE DOES HAVE TO SATISFY GENEALOGICAL CONNECTION TO THE ABENAKI PEOPLE/ ANCESTORS when one has implied and stated that you are Native, Indian, Abenaki or Cowasuck IF one has attempted to deceive the Commonwealth of MA, VT, and or CA that one's group is BIA Recognized or attempted to use the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 deviously and with deception. So, a question needs to be answered, HOW INVOLVED WAS PAUL WILSON POULIOT in the matter of the Sherrie A. DeVee Judicial matter in California? Why does he become so concerned about this historical matter that involved Howard F. Knight Jr., and the other parties afore mentioned in my Blog?! Perhaps further investigation is warranted “deeper” into that case?! It’s called COLLUSION.

The text for this new law is at:

….provided, however, that “Personal information” shall not include information that is lawfully obtained from publicly available information, or from federal, state or local government records lawfully made available to the general public.

Paul Wilson Pouliot NEEDS (before he spits out some more stupidly concocted implied threats of legal action and obvious distortions of his) to re-read this above document, because the documents and records I have are obtained from publically available information from various parties within the various "Abenaki Communities" and from federal, state or local government records lawfully made available to the general public.

Here is one example of a genealogist agreement:
Have a Good New Year
Paul Pouliot 12/28/09.
Please distribute this message as you wish to other interested people within the greater Indian community.
P.S. Nowhere on these documents is there "For Your Eyes Only", "Confidential" nor a COPYRIGHT on them. Only in 1997 did this "group" led by Paul Wilson Pouliot did they Copyright their issued Newsletter's.

Oh, another question that needs to be asked, is that since Paul Wilson Pouliot lives, and resides in the Township of Alton, Belknap County, New Hampshire, (even though his "Non-Profit Incorporation Cowass North America, Inc." is incorporated in Massachusettts, what legal standing or merit does a pending Massachusetts Law CMR 17.00 have to do with a New Hampshire legal resident such as myself? I am not an Organization, a Non-Profit nor an Incorporation. I am merely taking what documents and records I have retained, collected or have recieved and putting them on my blog.
Obviously, Paul Wilson Pouliot nor his wife, Denise have any rememberance of what the New Hampshire District Court Judge stated in his conclusions regarding Mrs. Doucet (Nancy Millette) and myself.

I will continue to post on this blog, ANY DOCUMENT that I conclude NEEDS to be on it, of Historical or Genealogical Merit.

It is no secret WHY Mr. Pouliot has spit this diatribe of b.s. which is obviously directed towards my person. All one has to do is review the recent postings on this blog of late.

What is so fascinating to me, is when investigating and exposing Mrs. Nancy Millette - Doucet's documented PUBLIC RECORDS and ANCESTRAL CONNECTIONS, not a peep, not even squeak of protest or threat came from Mr. Pouliot. He even voluntarily came to that Haverhill District Court Hearing in Grafton County, New Hampshire regarding myself and Mrs. Doucet back on July 06, 2009. Yet, not that the "investigation" has spun around and directed its magnifying lense at Paul Wilson Pouliot's "foundation and merits as an alleged Abenaki/ Cowasuck/ Pennacook Tribe or Band....of course, now he implies threats, complains, bitches, whines, points his fingers elsewhere and so on.

Paul Wilson Pouliot was and has been in collusion with Howard Franklin Knight, Jr. and the documented records will show and provide this evidence. Obviously, Paul Wilson Pouliot would not like to see these documents come to the PUBLIC'S attention nor that of the legitimately documented Abenakis within VT, MA, NH, Quebec, and elsewhere. Clearly, I am not going to be intimidated, threatened, coerced, decieved, manipulated nor distracted from the task at hand.


HO HO HO. Oh, and thank you for the Christmas Card too Paul Wilson Pouliot and Denise.