
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Corporation Protest Hearing Jan. 26. 1993 Material Documentation Written Request date of Oct. 20, 2009:

RE: FW: cost of duplicating public records
Friday, October 23, 2009 12:50 PM
From: "Gunther, Pauline (SEC)"
To: "Douglas Lloyd Buchholz"

No problem, Mr. Buchholz. When you send the money order, be sure to include the mailing address where you want the records sent.

From: Douglas Lloyd Buchholz []
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 10:48 AM
To: Pauline (SEC)Gunther
Subject: Re: FW: cost of duplicating public records

Thank you ever so kindly for the email communication. I will provide you with a Money Order for $53.10 on or before the 3rd when I get paid, if that is ok with you and then please forward me the photocopies in the mail. Thank you again.
Douglas Lloyd Buchholz

--- On Fri, 10/23/09, Gunther, Pauline (SEC) wrote:
From: Gunther, Pauline (SEC)
Subject: FW: cost of duplicating public records
To: "" <''>
Date: Friday, October 23, 2009, 10:22 AM

Mr. Buchholz:
I neglected to indicate that checks should be made payable to “ Commonwealth of
Massachusetts ”.
Thank you,
Pauline Gunther

From: Gunther, Pauline (SEC)
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 10:11 AM
To: ''
Cc: Flynn, Laurie (SEC)
Subject: cost of duplicating public records
Dear Mr. Douglas Buchholz:
It has been determined that there are an additional 177 pages of records in the hearing file about which you inquired. The cost of duplicating these records is .30 per page, for a total of $53.10.

Once you have remitted a check in this amount to me at the address provided below, we will be happy to mail the records to you. Alternatively, you may visit our office, review the file, and choose which records you would like us to duplicate for you at the same rate, .30 per page.
Pauline Gunther, Administrative/Legal Assistant

William Francis Galvin, Secretary of the Commonwealth's Office
One Ashburton Place, Room 1710
Boston, MA 02108
voice: (617) 727-4919 fax: (617) 878-3505

FW: FW: Kindly a polite inquiry about a Corporation Hearing dated January 26,

Wednesday, October 21, 2009 4:38 PM
From: "Gunther, Pauline (SEC)"
Cc: "Flynn, Laurie (SEC)"

Dear Mr. Buchholz:
Your records request email was forwarded to me for response. I am researching our files and will prepare an estimate for the cost of duplication of these records. I will be in contact with you on Friday.
Pauline Gunther
Legal Assistant
Corporations Division

From: Douglas Lloyd Buchholz []
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 2:10 PM
To: Patrick (SEC)Fennelly
Subject: Re: FW: Kindly a polite inquiry about a Corporation Hearing dated January 26, 1993.

Kindly, IS there paperwork OTHER THAN this document that I may be able to gain
copies of? And or "written or audio testimony" from the parties in this Hearing?
Douglas Lloyd Buchholz

This was because my initial inquiry resulted in ONLY obtaining the Decision of such Hearing. From that PDF attachment, because of the words "evidence" and "exhibits" therein (within the Hearing Decision) I became aware that there was further documents that needed review, evaluation and examination SO, I sought those Hearing documents from the MA Sec. of States Office as a matter of PUBLIC RECORD.

--- On Tue, 10/20/09, Fennelly, Patrick (SEC) wrote:
From: Fennelly, Patrick (SEC)
Subject: FW: Kindly a polite inquiry about a Corporation Hearing dated January 26,

Cc: " Flynn, Laurie (SEC)"
Date: Tuesday, October 20, 2009, 11:32 AM

Here is the documents you requested.

From: Flynn, Laurie (SEC) []
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 11:28 AM
To: Fennelly, Patrick (SEC)
Subject: FW: Kindly a polite inquiry about a Corporation Hearing dated January 26, 1993.

Can you scan the decision I provided to you and forward to Mr. Buchholz. Thanks

From: Douglas Lloyd Buchholz []
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 11:06 AM
To: Flynn, Laurie (SEC)
Subject: Kindly a polite inquiry about a Corporation Hearing dated January 26, 1993.

Kindly, I am seeking information documentarily about this Corp. Hearing and the results thereof.

"A corporation protest hearing was held on Jan. 26, 1993 by the MA Sec. of State. The
Abenaki Nation was represented by the Coos Council Chief Paul Pouliot aka Spirit
Hawk, Coos Tribal Judge Robert Maynard aka Spirit Wind, and the Abenaki Ambassador of the Missisquoi-Sokoki Roger Desharnais aka Running Elk. We were here to protect the tribal name of the Abenaki Sokoki band and to establish that a Corporation could not be formed to "create" a tribe. Treaty documents between the Abenaki Nation and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts from the 1790's were shown to be signed by the Coos (Cowasuck), Missisquoi, and Sokoki bands."

This above quoted information came directly from Paul Wilson Pouliot's non-copyrighted Newsletter's in early 1993.

My address is:
Douglas Buchholz
P.O. Box 83
Lancaster , N.H. 03584
(603) 788-2718

IF you can send me digital copies of the documents that is fine. I am looking to show
definitively that Paul Wilson Pouliot was representing the Coos (Cowasuck) Council in
such Hearing in late January 1993.
Thank you ever so kindly for any help you can provide in my research of these various
alleged Abenaki groups.
Douglas Lloyd Buchholz

Just so the blog reader's know this: I explained quite clearly the reason(s) and purpose(s) of my seeking these documents and records to Pauline Gunther, from the MA Secretary of State's Office.