This Blog is to Inform, to Discuss, and to Show/Provide as Truthful of an Accurate Awareness Documentarily of what has been and is happening in N'dakinna (Vermont, N.H. etc), by those claiming to be Allegedly Vermont or New Hampshire Abenaki, etc.
Monday, November 2, 2009
"Motor-Mouth" Howard Franklin Knight, Jr. to Paul Wilson Pouliot of December 02, 1997:
1st document: Howard Franklin Knight, Jr. decided that on December 02, 1997 he would type up a "letter" to Paul Wilson Pouliot.
"Unfortunately for you, friends of mine in the Nipmuc, Wamanoag, Pequot, and Naragansett Nations contacted me recently to advise me about you running your, as they called it, "motor-mouth", telling them in so-called "private conversations", that my eight (8) yeard old boy was an "Illegitimate Bastard", among other remarks about this Council, me, and others, up here in Vermont."
"And all of this came about because a 9 year old friend of my son overheard her parents, and some Elders of that group, referring to my son's circumstances of birth by you, and she and her brother (8) called all he way from Connecticut to talk to my son about your remarks, and about his birth.This has caused his much severe pain and turmoil."
Indeed, Matthew R. Knight was born ca. 1989 or 1990 to Howard Franklin Knight's son Frank Warren Knight (Frank Warren Knight was born April 29, 1966 in Bexar County, Texas to Howard Jr and Minnie Florence nee: Davidson) and Terri Doba. For whatever reason(s) both Frank Warren Knight and Matthew's mother Terri Doba could not retain custody of their son Matthew. Subsequently, his grandparents Howard Franklin Knight, Jr. and Minnie Florence (Davidson) Knight legally adopted their grandson. When Howard Franklin Knight, Jr. and Minnie divorced, the custody of the said adopted "grandson" Matthew, was retained by Howard F. Knight, Jr. on June 17, 1997.
I find it commical that Howard F. Knight, Jr. wrote this letter to Paul Wilson Pouliot accusing Paul Pouliot of being an alleged "motor mouth". Kind of looks like Howard F. Knight, Jr. was a bit of a "motor-mouth" himself!