
Monday, November 2, 2009

Certified Letter from Paul Wilson Pouliot of July 18, 2009:

1st document:  Both Lynn Menard-Mathieson of Griswold, CT and James LaFountain of Enfield, CT officially resigned from this group calling itself the Cowasuck Band of the Pennacook - Abenaki People, Cowass North America, Inc. P.O. Box 52 Alton, N.H.
Well, if Paul Wilson Pouliot would not courteously meet with both Lynn and James, in a sovereign neutral place, then why would either of them attend this so-called "Grand and Elders Councils" and "Band Annual meeting" held in the home of Paul Wilson Pouliot on July 18, 2009? I am sure both Lynn Mathieson and James LaFountain both were and are fully aware that these Grand Council and Elder Council members were and are pro-Pouliot/Incorporate agents, treasurer's, etc. and that such a meeting would have been "stacked against either or the both of them".
NO, a independant and legitimate review of the COWASS North America, Inc. (CNA) financial documents, records and practises was not made to Lynn Menard-Mathiseon by Paul Pouliot or his wife Denise. What was provided by them, one or the other, was standard I.R.S. - filed records, that are a matter of public record. Not the checkbook, Banking financial records, not the identification of who made the donations and who, when, and where such donations were spent specifically, nor where the monies come into and leave the Incorporation were shown and provided. Why? This is what, as a Board of Director Lynn Menard-Mathieson was inquirying about at the time before her resignation from the Incorporation. What she got was a "smear campaign"! Well, IF there was and is no financial malfeasance, and it had or has no basis in truth, then why didn't Paul Wilson Pouliot and his wife Denise SHOW and PROVIDE Lynn Menard-Mathieson (since she was a Business Agent and Board of Director on this Cowass North America, Inc.) such documentations, bank financial records as she (Lynn) requested at the time? "We're not required to show that material by definition of law" is merely an excuse, to run out the back door when the questions are asked and answers are demanded. Thats to my thinking anyway.
Seems that "keeping the financial records" close-to-the-chest and right at home (a.k.a. what they called their "Tribal Headquarters") has a wide and deep moat! Yes, it is all about the financial fund-raising isn't it?
2nd document: Interesting that "A review and discussion about the Constitution was made. Our webmaster was requested to replace the website draft copy with the latest version. The subject of citizenship and leader positions and related requirements were also discussed. As a result of the loss of the Band records, there was a reasonable assumption that those that were representing the Grand and Elders Councils were all of Native American ancestry and that each and everyone would reapply and resubmit their appropriate ancestral documentation. A key consensus matter was made that all leaders must have Native American ancestry.
Does Paul Wilson Pouliot or Denis Beauregard have Native American Ancestry (documentation from and in this century, let alone in the 1800's?) I have not seen ANY Native American ancestry in their genealogies so far. Now, even IF they did have "Native American ancestry" either by genealogical paperwork of an ancestor or ancestors in the 1600's or 1700's, does that make them "Abenaki", "Cowasuck", or "Pennacook"? Thats my question. Does ANY of these people in and on these so-called "Grand and Elder's Council's" have definitive connections to the Abenaki from the Cowasuck ancestry, that they allegedly represent and speak for, or do they make this b.s. up as they go along? Thats another question that people need to ask and demand the answer(s) for. Not by what these people say, but what they can show and provide into the hands of someone else so that it can be independantly, without hesitation or protest, to be reviewed and evaluated.
Oh yes, Lynn is to be complemented for her genealogical work and of having done an excellent job in putting together the records, etc. But when it came to the reality of her informing not only Paul Wilson Pouliot that she was NOT finding any Abenaki or Cowasuck ancestral connections etc., let alone NOT finding ANY Native American ancestry from the Abenaki Traditional area for his ancestry, that made her a threat to him. Just like what happened to Jacquline Emerton a.k.a. Firewoman. That's my conclusions. Everyone else has to PROVE their genealogical connections to the Cowasuck and or Abenaki ancestry, EXCEPT the President (and his wife) of Cowass North America, Inc.
3rd document: It is most revealing and interesting that Paul Wilson Pouliot signed this 3 page letter document as Paul W. Pouliot, Sag8mo - Grand Council & President - COWASS North America, Inc. Isn't that like conflict-of-interest or something?
Rene Blanchette, Sag8mis - Grand and Elder's Councils. Isn't he also one of the signers of the Incorporation called COWASS North America, Inc. as well? I'll have to dig that documentation up too.
Signe Sevigny (Citizen) and another relative Ronald Sevigny signed the documentation.
So did Denise Pouliot (nee: Beauregard) who is Treasurer - COWASS North America, Inc.