
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Algonquin Wabanaki Sovereign Nation installs Reynold Choiniere as Chief;


Algonquin Wabanaki Sovereign Nation installs Reynold Choiniere as Chief
Part 1 of 2
On Saturday June 03, 2006 at 11 a.m. the Algonquin Wabanaki Sovereign Nation held an installation ceremony for their new Chief Reynold Choiniere, AKA Whitecloud [probably some Incorporate relative of Chief Lone Cloud], and seven Council members.
The ceremony commenced with a Chief's Dance called "mowia wegan" which hadn't been performed since 1870, to honor and respect the women of the Nation. The Nulhegan Band performed a ceremonial opening of the installation ceremony with the ceremonial drum. The elder of the women lead the file of seven chosen women dancers who danced to the ceremonial drum in a circle. The dancers were: Elder Evelyn Pushard AKA Running Water of Randolph, Maine, Mother Matriarch Theresa Van Zile AKA Many Moons III, Princess Sheila Hill AKA Running Water, Councilwoman Sharon Choiniere AKA Cloud Dancer, Janice Conillard, Sheila Marcou, AKA Little Elk, and Denise Russell. At the end of the dance, Chief Reynold Choiniere AKA Whitecloud laid a native American blanket on the leading elder's shoulder and then followed each of the dancers. Chief Reynold Whitecloud was assisted by the Associate Chief Raymond Choiniere AKA Running Deer with the blankets. The gifts were kept by the dancers.
Claire Baine, AKA Laughing Eyes, read a letter from the United Nations written by Charles Mercieca PH.D. President of International Association of Educators for World Peace. Dr. Mercieca presented former Chief David Hill, the World Peace Award with a Medallion for the Algonquin Wabanaki Sovereign Nation, on December 16, 2000 for resolving peaceful issues among all nations. Clair Bain read Dr. Mercieca's letter which went on to describe the Peril of Indigenous Tribes/Nations in the continents of North and South America, how Europeans have infiltrated to expand their domain and wiped out numerous indigenous tribes/nations to the point of total destruction. They (the Europeans) developed machinery which have polluted our air and water with toxins that have caused terminal cancer to millions of people. In North America today, the indigenous people have been forced to integrate in the American and Canadian societies and to adopt same lifestyles of these mostly European invaders/settlers. The time has arrived when the indigenous people should be recognized as a nation of their own. In recent years, some of these indigenous people of North America got together and formed their independent old nation under the name of the Algonquin Wabanaki Sovereign Nation consisting of enclaves in both Canada and the United States where indigenous people live. The confederation revives the moribund old nation which is meant to make richer not only North America but the whole world as well. In forming the Algonquin Wabanaki Sovereign Nation, there is no political precedence created. The said confederated nation will exist as an enclave within the United States and Canada. As such, the Algonquin Wabanaki Sovereign Nation, would qualify to join the United Nations. Such countries also reveal great respect for the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights in which supports the freedom people to get together and form their own independent nation. The very fact that the enclave of the Algonquin Wabanaki Sovereign Nation is found in North America and not, say, in China, makes it possible for this culturally rich old nation to be revised. The indigenous people do not mind to build their own military; they would rather prefer to have a demilitarized nation and concentrate on the development of the civilian economy following the footsteps of both Japan and Germany after World War II was over. Last but not least, such indigenous people want to protect their burial groups and reich cultural artifacts. They want to eliminate all air and water pollution and they want to initiate their own sovereign banking system [this "sovereign banking system" is the SAME agenda and endeavor that Howard F. Knight Jr. stated in his "hysterical" Chief Log's documentation!]. In other words, they want to revive and preserve an old nation which was subdued unjustly by mostly European invaders/settlers. This letter regarding the historical and current issues of the Algonquin Wabanaki Sovereign Nation of Turtle Island was very well received overseas on many websites.
Part 2 will run on Friday, June 16
The Newport Daily Express
Friday, June 16, 2006
Page NINE [9.]
Algonquin Wabanaki Sovereign Nation installs Reynold Choiniere as Chief
Part II
The traditional ceremonial custom followed. The Mother Matriarch Therese Van Zile, AKA Many Moons III, put ceremonial red paint on the forehead of the widow of the late Chief David Hill, AKA Sly Wolf, taking her out of her "mourning period." This ceremony was accompanied by the quiet low drumming of the drum. Following, Princess Sheila Hill, AKA Running Water, made her speech of past remembrances of the late Chief, and his important issues of sovereignty and self-government of the Nation. She then presented the Chief Reynold Choiniere Whitecloud with her ceremonial gift which completed the installation of the new Chief.
The new Chief Reynold Choinier, AKA Whitecloud, introduced the members of the Council in which was the traditional installation of the Council of the Algonquin Wabanaki Sovereign Nation of Turtle Island.
The Chief spoke about "who we are" as a nation. He described how he wanted to revive the ancient Algonquin Wabanaki Sovereign Nation of Turtle Island to preserve the spiritual and cultural heritage and religion of our people - economic well being of environmental protection of our people and mother earth for our future generations.
In conclusion, Chief Reynold Choinier, AKA Whitecloud, described a letter from former President Bill Clinton on November 6, 2000. Former President Bill Clinton vowed to honor and respect Tribal Sovereignty, self determination, and self-government, in his revising Executive Order on Consultation and Coordination with Tribal Governments, strengthening our government-to-government relationship with Indian Nations.
A bill recently passed in the Vermont (#851) House and Senate which denies the insurance that and Executive department and agencies consult with Indian Nation/Tribes and respect Tribal Sovereignty as they develop policy on issues that impact Indian communities - as several of the sections on the Vermont passed bill on the Abenaki and all native American people in Vermont, deny and extinguish this, as; (b) the commission shall comprise seven members and a chair appointed by the governor. (The governor has sole discretion on the selection of the commission members, therefore, no tribal members of Indian Nations can nominate a representative.)
The commission shall have the authority to assist Native American Tribal Councils, organizations, and individuals to secure social services, etc., permit the creation, display and sale of Native American Arts and Crafts, and legally label them as Native American/Indian made. (18 U.S.C.& 1159 (c)(3)(B) and 25 U.S.C.&305e(d)(3)(B). Under #853 - states this title shall not be interpreted to provide any Native American or Abenaki person with any special rights or privileges that the state does not confer on - or grant to other state residents, nor form any right or claim to land, real estate in Vermont for the Abenaki people, and shall be construed to confer only those rights specifically described in this chapter. This bill eliminates aboriginal people's sovereignty! [Oh yeah? well ... this "Algonquin Wabanaki Sovereign Nation" LOST whatever "sovereignty" it had, if it had any sovereignty in the first place, when it incorporated UNDER VERMONT STATE LAWS!! Secondly, it never was and never will be a "Nation" nor a "Tribe" ... it is merely a created incorporation!]
Future editorial articles to be written by Chief Reynold Choiniere, AKA Whitecloud, titled "Facts by the Long Fire" regarding the issues and concerns of Sovereignty for native americans.
A bountiful luncheon followed for the approximately 70 attendees and the Nulhegan Band drummed during the luncheon. Several tribes' people sat with them and drummed on the great drum.
Anyone wishing a copy of the bill, write to:
The Vermont General Assembly
115 State Street
Montpelier, Vermont 05602

or Statement by former President Clinton: For the detailed letter from the United Nations written by Charles Mercieca PH.D. President of International Association of Educators for World Peace as read by Claire Bain AKA Laughing Eyes, go to Website: 
From: [Dawn Marie nee: Dague - Macie]
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2006 11:28 PM
To: Philip Thibault
Subject: Re: agreement

Kwai Grandfather,
I understand people not wanting to give up their cards they now carry and perhaps that is okay, but they must know that the band they were in has been disbanded by the person [Constance "Connie" Brow dau. of Leon E. Brow and Rita Florabelle nee: St. Francis .... Rita was sister to "Chief" Homer St. Francis Sr.] not sure of the spelling. She sent a letter to most of the leaders of all the other bands telling them this and said that she would never let the band start up again under its current name. I do not want to get involved with anything that would start some kind of war, but I would do anything to help anyone who would like to make sure that they are with a state recognized band before the governor decides he is going to close the rolls to all the bands in the state. All we are asking is that each person fill out the membership form and send it in and we will enroll them into the Nulhegan Band as members and give them all new cards and they keep their old cards as souvenirs, but if the Mazipskwik band should ever start back up they would have to turn in their cards and ask for their records to be returned and that would be the same as we would do for all our members. The only card they may ever use is the Nulhegan Band card as long as they are members as it is illegal to carry two cards from two bands, but because Mazipskwik is no longer a viable band [incorporation] we feel it would not be a problem at this time.
[NOTICE: the "line" across the document; SOMEONE was not being transparent and has apparently redacted (covered over) the remainder of the email communication]
[Handwritten: "For Grey Wolf (John K. Lawyer) and Mike (Delaney)]
From: Nan Lee
Sent: Saturday, July 1, 2006 1:29 PM
To: "Phillip Thibault"
Subject: Re: agreement
Grandfather, like I said praying will make things clearer... It has been said to me that Connie Brow is the one that closed the Mazipskwik to begin with, and at this point is for this change. Does she have anything more to do with the Mazipskwik? If she is still in cahoots with April [nee: St. Francis - Rushlow - Merrill] that means she is in favor of chiefs', sub-chiefs' etc. This is not and will never happen with the Nulhegan Band. [Remember these words from Nancy-Lee Cote - Rolls, because she contradicts herself later in her communications!]
And grandfather, Luke Willard is being watched closely, by everyone from the first group [Clan of the Hawk, Inc.'d or North American People of the Dawn, Inc'd] as well as this group now. He has no idea of this and is worried about his genealogy at this point in time. ...
[I'd be worried too, if I'd made up some concocted confabulation that I was related allegedly to the Otondossone/Watso families of Odanak, Quebec, Canada] LINK:

I just hope that things will be settled soon, one way or the another.
Love to you and yours,
Nanny [Nancy-Lee nee: Cote - Rolls]

----Original Message----
From: "Philip Thibault"
Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2006 12:11 PM
Subject: Re: agreement
I am going to have to ask the ancestors what is best. I don't know whether to join under a full membership and give up the right to other people or to just join as an associate member. Connie Brow has put the situation in a hard decision. Did you know that she was Homer's sister? [no, Connie Brow was NOT Homer Walter St. Francis's "sister"; she was his nephew, by way of his older sister Rita]
She is still in cahoots with April's [Homer St. Francis' daughter] band. I don't know how this all got back to her. But if members want to join I don't how they can stop it. The Brow and Cline I think are her daughters. will try and help in any way. I got to talk with Grey wolf [John Kenneth Lawyer] and with Mick Delaney and a few other what they think.

From: "Nan Lee"
To: "Philip Thibault"
Subject: Re: agreement
Date: Fri, 30 June 2006 22:27:24 -0400
Grandfather, like you I have never run into any of this card thingy, and we both know how people feel about giving their cards away. We will have to thing about this more, whatever way with prayer it will be the right way. A question for you. Are you going to fill out of the membership forms? I believe that the people can keep their cards like I kept mine from Homer [St. Francis Sr.] and from Chief Spirit Water [Ralph Skinner Swett a.k.a. Chief Lone Cloud]. If they would like to join, fine, its up to them.

Nite, nite, and sleepy night hugs from afar.
Nanny [Nancy Lee nee: Cote - Rolls]
Email continued below....

I think I read in the June 30, 2006 11:28 email from Dawn (Dague) Macie, that quote, "The only card they may ever use is the Nulhegan Band card as long as they are members ... as it is illegal to carry two card from two bands ..." So, WHY was it and is it alright for Philip J. Thibault and Dawn's mother (the 'late' Nancy Cote-Rolls) etc to have three (3) Incorporation Membership Cards at the same time? Again, the conclusion can only be, that these people are PLAYING ABENAKI INDIAN and that the "rules" these Wannabe Abenaki "Chiefs" created, are just-for-every one else, who happens to join these incorporated Culture Vulture Clubs and that these "Chief's and Sub-Chief's" are now trying to convince the Vermont (and New Hampshire) legislature that these incorporated entities are really honest-to-goodness Abenaki Tribes historically connected to the Abenaki Tribes from-and-of Vermont prior to 1780. I conclude, the State of Vermont, could take all five (5) of each of these Member's PLASTIC MEMBERSHIP CARDS, shuffle them like a deck of cards, and play 5-Card Stud Poker and I betch'a dollars to donuts that NONE of these incorporate groups claiming to be Abenaki Tribes are nothing of the sort!
---Original Message---
From: "Philip Thibault"
Sent: Saturday 01, 2006 6:12 PM
Subject: FW: Re: agreement

Kwai Granny and Dawn:
You have a new member. Soaring Eagle) I just finished making out the enrollment and sending 2 passport photos along with a check made out to the Nulhegan band for $25.00. You can let other members know if you want. Let's bring as many solicited members in as we can. Love to you both and the best to the Nulhegan Band. Let us be the leading band in the Abenaki Nation. AHO! Grandfather has spoken. !!! So be it.

From: "Nan Lee"
To: "Philip Thibault"
Subject: Re: agreement
Date: Sat, 1 July 2006 17:39:10 -0400
Grandfather, I am sure that as you wait in prayer all things will come to you, including things from Grandmother Doris Gertrude F. (nee: Cheney) Minckler. Your two sides are quite acceptable to me, and I understood the weight of responsibility they carry. You are spiritual, and you do have a way of uniting people... As far as a medicine man, well in a way you are that also, if anyone of us needs assurance, and prayer, you are right on top of it.
I have spoken.
Nokemes Pibunkimkazas [Grandmother Winter Raven]

---Original Message---
From: "Philip Thibault"
Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2006 1:39 PM
Subject: Re: agreement

I wonder why she [Constance "Connie" Brow] did that ... close the Mazipskwik [incorporate]? Maybe she has a agenda.
Email continued below....
I really don't know, but don't forget she is still a St. Francis.!! She [Connie Brow] was the one that went against the St. Francis tribe and we all walked out. She called me and wanted to know if I would be a medicine man for the Mazipskwik. I am not a medicine man. I have two sides to me ... a spiritual side and also the side to unite and be with all tribes and clans. Maybe that is why I should only accept an associate membership and denounce my Mazipskwik membership and accept memberships if they want me as a associate to help all bands and tribes of our abenaki confederation!!
I will have to give it more consideration and to ask my ancestors and Grandmother Doris. [Doris Gertrude F. nee: Cheney-Minckler died May 10, 1997 in Swanton, Franklin County, Vermont] ... I just printed out a bunch of letters to send out.
From: Katalin Westhaver
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 1969
To: Grandfather Phil
CC: the Nulhegan
Subject: letter for Mazipskwik
KwaiAllMyRelations (<0.01 MB)
KwaiAllMyRelations (<0.02 MB)

Kwai, kwai grandfather!
I've attached the letter to the Mazipskwik members regarding our transfer to the Nulhegan Band. Please distribute it to those members that you can reach. Let me know who you've contacted - I will try to reach the others. We've got a job ahead of us. I pray we can contact them all!


From: Nan Lee
Sent: Sunday, July 2, 2006 2:44 PM
To: "Tom Bouler",,, "Robert Turner", "Nettie Demar",, "Mike Price",, "Lynn Appleby", "Kat, "Jeff Benay", "Jeanne Lincoln-Kent", "Helen Demar", "Grandfather Soaring Eagle" gfatherphil@hotmail.mail, "Ed", "Debbie Bezio", "Deb & Scott Girard", "Chief Spiritwater Swett", "Chad Abbott", "Alan Largy",,

Subject: Abenaki Announcement:
BlankBkgrd.gif (<0.01 MB)

Kwai All My Relations,
As some of you know I have recently joined the Nulhegan Band. I would encourage the members of the former Mazipskwik [incorporation] to join a band as soon as you can before the Governor [Jim Douglas] decides to put a stop to the State Recognized band rolls. If he does this all those who are left standing by themselves will be put on a shelf until the state goes through all of the state bands first. I am not trying to tell who to join, but for all the Mazipskwik members I would like to see them join with me. To do this all you need to do is call: Dawn Macie at (802) 973-3083 or Dawn's mother Nancy Cote-Rolls at (802) 873-9120 and they will answer any questions you have, and you may contact me as well at my email address, For those of you living in N.H. and Vermont border towns you may contact Kat Westhaver at (603) 675-9218 or email her at

Grandfather Soaring Eage [Philip J. Thibault]
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From: Windhorsewoman
Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2006 10:31 PM
To: "Philip Thibault"
Subject: Personal Files From Mazipskwik

Kwai Grandfather Phil,
I also am writing to you in regards to the Nulhegan band "absorbing" the old Mazipskwik.
I am and many of my people have personal and confidential information in those files.
I am very shocked and angered to know that this information is now in the hands of the Nulhegan band.
This is what has been brought to my attention ... is this all true?
I do not understand the thinking of whoever gave that paperwork over, or why it was done.
It should have been returned to the members themselves and left for them to decide what band they would join, or even if they wanted to join another band at all.
Otherwise, all paperwork should have been returned to the Delaney's themselves until it was retrieved by their members.
I am requesting the name, the email address and the telephone number of the person or person's that Ina Emily (nee: Johnson) Delaney, Michael Arthur Delaney's wife turned everything over to a few years ago, who decided on her own to deliver these files to Nulhegan without consent or permission.
This is an outrage and we are also considering this a theft of personal property that was left to Ina Delaney for safe keeping, not one of us have ever given permission to have our personal files released to any other agent.
Files were not left wit the understanding that there was an intention of them being passed off or handed over to any other band under any circumstances.
I do not know Mr. Luke Andrew Willard and have never had any type of correspondence with him, but I have seen his response in which he said that Nulhegan had "absorbed Mazipskwik incorporated solicited members.
This request is for return of all files, original applications, pictures, genealogies, any photo copies... and all personal correspondences between myself, my family members and the Delaney's to be returned to me no later
Page [2. of 2.]
then August 31, 2006.
I am informing you as well, that it is my intention to retrieve all of our information as soon as possible or I will have no option but to take it to the authorities.
I would prefer not to have to do it this way and cause discord, but it will be done, one way or another.
I certainly hope that you understand the seriousness of this situation and will add your voice to ours.
Thank you for your time Grandfather,

Pamela Thibodeau Brostean [a.k.a. Windhorsewoman]
Koasek Traditional Band

Pamela (nee: Thibodeau) Brostean of Dandridge, Tennessee was one of two (2) "genealogists" for the Koasek Traditional Band, Inc. of which Nancy (nee: Millette) Lyons - Doucet and Brian Chenevert were running as "Co-Chief's". So, this email dated August 26, 2006 10:31 PM indicates that Pamela Brostean was a part of (and holding a membership card in the "Mazipskwik"  NON-PROFIT Inc.'d group led by Connie Brow and David Gilman etc.)
LINK: ... BEFORE going into (becoming a member of...) the newly created Koasek Traditional Band, Inc.  of Howard F. Knight, Jr./ Brian Chenevert/ Nancy Millette - Lyons - Doucet's "Koasek" "Abenaki" group. Philip J. Thibault admited in email communication(s) that he carries incorporation membership in five (5) different groups claiming to be Abenaki Tribes.