
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Homer St. Francis' Proclamation Resolution and Decree of April 5, 1995; April 10, 1995 Fax From Darrell R. Larocque to Homer St. Francis Sr. and also to Howard F. Knight, Jr:

Sovereign Republic of the Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi
P.O. Box 276, Missisquoi 05488
Phone 802-868-7146/2559
Fax 802-868-5118
Resolution and Decree
Grand Chief Homer W. St. Francis
Grand Chief of the
"Sovereign Abenaki Nation, International,"
Chief, Sovereign Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi
April 5, 1995
Whereas the constituent members groups of an organization called "The Sovereign Abenaki Nation International," which was founded August 20, 1994 at Evansville, VT., have not abided by, performed, or delivered upon, the terms and conditions agreed to by the signatory parties when the organizations was formed--TO WIT: (among others)
---have not sent tribal or band rolls to Missisquoi (the parent Nation).
---have not ceased nor desisted from from the issuing and selling of membership cards
---have acted unilaterally and independently to create illegitimate "tribes" or bands
---have created illegimate chieftainships over said illegitimate "tribes" or bands
I, Homer W. St. Francis, the duly elected and Grand Chief of the said "Sovereign Abenaki Nation International," with all the power and privilege visted in me as duly elected and serving Grand Chief, do hereby dissolve and disband the said "Sovereign Abenaki Nation International" and do hereby declare it and the terms and agreements entered in on August 20, 1994 to be null and void, and that there now exists no connection or relationship whatsoever between the said Soveriegn Abenaki Nation International its members and groups, and the Sovereign Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi.
Dated at Missisquoi (a.k.a. Swanton, VT.) This fifth day of April, 1995
[April 05, 1995]
Grand Chief Homer W. St. Francis
Homer W. St. Francis, Grand Chief
Sovereign Abenaki Nation International:
Chief, Sovereign Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi

Sovereign Republic of the Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi
P.O. Box 276, Missisquoi 05488
Phone 802-868-7146/2559
Fax 802-868-5118
Tribal Council Resolution
Whereas, in the interest of unity and cooperation, The Sovereign Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi agreed to be the parent and sponsoring member of a loose entity called the "Sovereign Abenaki Nation International" which was formed formed August 20, 1994, and,
Whereas, the member entities of said "Sovereign Abenaki Nation International" (hereafter SANI) entered into agreements and conditions of associations with the Sovereign Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi, and,
Whereas, NOT ONE of the aforementioned agreements and conditions has been honored, performed, carried out or lived up to by any one of the entities seeking association with the Sovereign Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi, and,
Whereas, the signatory entities since the beginning of said SANI have acted in a manner to destroy unity and cooperation between Abenaki People, and, hence, discredit the Sovereign Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi,
The Tribal Council of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi does today hereby resolve that that the organization entered into with the said SANI has not been in the interest of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi, and we do hereby authorize and instruct Homer W. St. Francis, the reigning Grand Chief of the said SANI with all the power and authority vested in him as the duly nominated and legitimate reigning Grand Chief of said SANI, to, immediately,
1. dissolve, and disband and to declare null and void the said SANI, and, to
2. hereby, sever, dissolve and erase any and all connection, relationship or involvement of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation of Vermont with said SANI and its component entities.
Dated this 5 day of April, 1995 at Missisquoi (a.k.a. Swanton, Vermont).

Grand Chief Homer St. Francis
Grand Chief, Sovereign Abenaki Nation International
[He signs once....]

Chief Homer St. Francis
Chief, Sovereign Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi
[He signs twice....]

April A. St. Francis  - [Rushlow - Merrill]Tribal Council Member
[April is a daughter of Homer Walter St. Francis Sr.]

Homer St. Francis II [Jr.]
Tribal Council Member
[Homer St. Francis Jr. is the son of Homer St. Francis Sr.]
Tribal Council Resolution, April 5, 1995 Continued....

Dorcus S. Churchill
Tribal Council Member
[Dorcus Sally nee: Maskell]
She married 1. Hakey 2. Bullard 3. Churchill 4. Pellissier

Carolynn "Phenix" Hearn
Tribal Council Member
[Phenix Hearn claimed she was "Creek Indian" from Virigina, NOT an "Abenaki"; She lived with Daisy nee: Goodman in Swanton; and Daisy later married to Thomas O'Bomsawin while she worked as a Grant Writer for Homer St. Francis Sr.]

Dee Bright Star
Tribal Council Member
Dee "Bright Star" is actually Deanna Lou nee: Dudley, daughter of Harley Edward Dudley and Elaine Vivian (nee: Park), born Sept. 13, 1942 in Rutland, VT. Both parents were identified as "W" for "white". When Deanna Lou Dudley married to Arthur David Martin, she was identified as "White" on November 27, 1958 in Burlington, VT. She also later married to Bernard George Lambert on August 20, 1983 in Grand Isle, VT under the name "Deanna Lou Brightstar". Later still, she married to a Peruvian man, to "keep him in the U.S.A."
 From: Darrell R. Larocque
8625 Cederbrook Drive
Charlotte, N. C. 28215
To: Homer St. Francis
44 Liberty Street
Swanton, VT. 05488
April 10, 1995
Dear Homer,
My last visit with you on March 11, 1995 brought me both sadness and dismay. I cannot accept any belief that Chief Roland Demers would have any bad words for the Abenaki Nation, or its peoples.
When the Abenaki Brave visited my bedside when I was in intensive care at Mercy Hospital at 3:00 AM I did not understand the real meaning of his visit. Now I do. I was on my death bed for sure, as all the monitors reflected this. I would not accept this and his message was clear; it has taken up to now for me to fully understand this.
I have been very loyal to you during these past years, and I will accept your words that the monies coming from my legal litigation are not needed by Missisquoi as there will be more money falling from the sky from the Gambling Venture that you and several other Abenaki members have undertaken by yourselves to agree upon with outsiders.
I do not recall ever having the vote to undertake either the BIA Route or the Gambling Venture, nor have I been made aware that the St. Francis/Sokoki Band or Missisquoi Tribal Council voting on these two issues. Please correct me if I am wrong by sending me a copy of minutes of either of these elections if held.
I will step back into the shadows for now as the Canadian Security check on me done March 16, 1995 made me realize just who I really am. My records are above reproach.
Your hand in the Unity Circle at all of Unity Meetings was taken seriously. I hope that you did too as one looked up to you for strong guidance and leadership. I trust that we will not be disappointed.
Darrell R. Larocque
4/10/95 [April 10, 1995]
TO FAX # 802-334-5951