
Friday, September 17, 2010

The "Abenaki "Plot Thickens....Part 1: Regarding the Indian Philip's Land Grant of 1796 ~ Nidobak, Inc. and the Abenaki Odanak Family Alliance, Etc:

The following is a true copy of the original deed of a large portion of the Coos county from King Philip, an Indian who once controlled the northern lands, to Tomas Eames of Northumberland (NH). John Bradly and Jonathan Eastman of Concord (NH) and Nathan Hoist of Moultonboro (NH). The Ammonoosuck River reffered to is probably the one known as the upper Ammonusuc which joins the Connecticut at Norhtumberland (NH).

King Philip's Deed

To all persons whom these presents shall, come, greeting Know ye all that I, Philip, an Indian, a native of America, now resident in Upper Coos and chief thereof, for and in consideration of the sum hereinafter named, for which i have received security to my full satisfaction of Thomas Eames of Northumberland in the county of Grafton and State of New Hampshire and his associates, namely, John Bradly and Jonathan Eastman of Concord, county of Rockingham, and Nathan Hoit of Moultonboro in the county of Strafford all in the State of New Hampshire, esquires, all my peculiar friends, I have this day given, bargained, sold, released, conveyed and confirmed and by these presents do give, bargain, sell, release, convey and confirm to them the said Thomas, John, Jonathan and Nathan, their heirs and assigns forever all that tract or parcel of land and water, situated within the following boundaries, viz: Being on the pond to the carrying place, then across the carrying place to a small pond on the head of the Plumpetussuck, or Dead river, then down said river to Andrewscoggin river to lake Umbagog, including all waters of said lake and island; from said lake to the outlet of Mosseluckmegantik, including all the waters and islands thereof: then across the carrying place Qwasuktemick (Cupsuptic), thence down river til it empties into Awsisgowassuck river, then up the said river to Palmachinabagogg lake, including all the water and islands thereof, thence up said river to Skessawennock (Lac Magog) lake, thence up and Massheecoowanggwnall (Clyde) river to the head thereof (Island Pond); then across the carrying place to Walheogawmuck (Nulhegan), then down said river, including the waters and islands thereof, from thence up Ammonoosuc river, the place begun at, agreeably to a plan I have this day given to them, their heirs and assigns forever, with the following conditions and reservations, viz.--that I reserve free liberty to hunt all sorts of wild game on any of the foregoing territories, and taking fish in any of the waters thereof for myself, my heirs and successors and all Indian tribes forever. Also liberty of planting four bushels of corn and beans. And this, my trusty friend Thomas, having given me security to furnish me and my sqaw with provision and suitable clothing which I have accepted in full. I have for myself and in behalf of all Indians, who hunted on or inhabited any of the foregoing lands or waters forever quit, claimed and sold as aforesaid to them, the said Thomas, John, Jonathan and Nathan, their heirs and assigns forever against the claims of all or any persons whatsoever.

In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal and signature this twenty-eighth day of June, 1796.

Philip, x Indian Chief.

Molly, x Messel.

Moosekit, x Sussop.

Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of
Jere. Eames.
Ely Buck.
Source: History of Stratford, Jeannette Thompson, Coos and Grafton County Land Records and others.
Vol G3 pg 219 & 220

Concord Dec 11, 1796

Proposal for forming a company to be concerned ni a tract of land purchased of Philip an Indian Chief by Thomas Eames, John Bradley, Jonathan Eastman & Nathan Hoit, agreeable to a deed executed by the said Philip in manner following, viz:-

1 st That the said Thomas, John, Jonathan & Nathan make & execute proper deeds of conveyance such to the other in such manner that each shall be an owner of one fourth part of all the lands & waters conveyed by the said Philip's deed the same to be held in commonalty as an undivided interest & each in his proportion to his interest to be held accountable for the expenditures in proportion to his interest in the above said sale and subjected to his proportion of the conditions expressed in said deed.

2dly That the before named Thomas John Jonathan and Nathan shall have authority each if either shall think proper sell and convey one fifth part of the lands and waters contained in s'd Phillips deed to any person who shall be approved of by a majority of the original owners, subject to the foregoing obligations: that on the non-performance of of any payment or duty which has or may be agreed on by the above described owners such part of any delinquent share shall by sold as will be sufficient to pay such deficiency with necessary charges. 3rdly The said proprieters which shall at no time eceed twnety shares shall vote according to their respective shares either by themselves or their attorneys.

The propriters shall agree on some place where to convene to transact the business of the proprieters, always confining it within the State of New Hampshire.

5th The etce proprieters shall appoint some one of the proprieters to act as clerk, who shall record all their proceedings and where all accounts shall be lodged on file for adjustment and allowance by the said proprieters.

6th That when it shall be agreed to by the etce proprieters theyt shall petition any of the states or kingdoms where such land lay to be incorporated into a body politic to transact any of their affairs suitable to such incorporation and lastly if all _______ to keep profound secrecy- or by D.L.d.y

Grafton s.s. Sept.4.1797

Receivd, recorded and examined. P. John Rogers Reg.

Bedel's Grant: Vol. B32 pp.386-387, Lancaster; Sealed 1798-10-17; Recorded 1811-09-10 & 1835-08-14

Know all men by these Presents
++t we Manner Neuf-Langhman, Takoos Langhman, Capt +++orater D. St.Francisat, Capt. Benedic, Capt. Poornif apt. Franson Joseph, Capt. Joseph Lampis all of the Tribe _____ ation of St. Francis or Abenaque Indians. For and in consideration +++ thirty one hundred dollars to us in hand paid al_ t before the +++ delivery hereof by Nathaniel Wales of Cochburn in the County of +rafton & State of New Hampshire Esq and David Gibbs of St. A+++ in the Province of Lower Canada and Moody Bedel of Haverhill in the County of Grafton and State of New Hampshire aforesaid Es++ the receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge ourselves therewith fal++ content and satisfied. have given granted, bargained & sold & by these presents do give, grant, bargain & sell unto the said Wales, Gibbs & Bedle their heirs and assigns to their own use and benefit forever the following tract of land bounded as follows - viz -Beginning at the mouth of the Ammonusuck River where it empties into Connecticut River in Haverhill in the County of Grafton & State of New Hampshire from thence on a straight line eastwardly southward of the White Mountains to Great Ossipee River where it crosses the boundary line between the said State of New Hampshire and Massachusetts Bay from thencenortheasterly on the boundary line between the two States aforesaid on the same course to the boundary line between the United States & the Government of Great Briton + + + established by the Treaty between the Kingd of Great Briton + + +  + + +  + + +

To Have and to Hold + + + ses with all the priviledges + + + in any wise appertaining to them + their several and respective heirs, executors, admin + + our use and benefit & behoof forever, and we the s + +  + + + oos, Asan, Benedic, Pournif, Joseph & Lampis for ourselv + + + irs & assigns ++ sue cessons in office do covenant & agree to and + + the said Wales and assigns that the Nation or tribe of which we belong aforesaid + + the lawful original owners & possessors of the same, that the + + has never been sold or conveyed previous to the ensealing her + + the exception of Captain Thomas aforesaid, Nation or Tribe aforesaid + + we as the chiefs, captains & representatives of the aforesaid Nat+ + + aforesaid have full power to sell & dispose of the same in + + + + that we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, adminis+ + as well as our successors in office to warrant & forever + + their said Wales, Gibbs, & Bedel, their heirs + + +  + + + The Lawful claims or demands of any person or persons + +

In witness we have hereunto set our hands + + + twenty seventh day of October A. D. 1798. Signed, sealed & delivered

in presence of us

Thomas Arakuente                                                

Michael AraLorinuty

Mamonul X Shoasion + + +

Takus X Sansni + + +
Capt X Asan + + +

Capt X Benedic + + +

Capt X Poumife + + +

Capt Franson X Joseph + +

Capt Joseph X Lampis XXX

Bedel's Grant ss Sept 10, 18 11

Read for Record & Recorded

Attest. Timothy Bedle Recorder

Bedle's Grant as.

I hereby certify that the within & above is + + of Record as recorded in the Proprietors Records.

John Haines. Pro Clerk

Coos ss Aug( 17th 1835.
The above and foregoing copy Recd. Recorded & Examined
By R Stephenson Regr
These afore-mentioned above three (3) historical documents were transcribed by Thomas Robert O'Bomsawin, residing retrospectively-speaking in North Stratford, Coos County, New Hamshire with his wife Daisy nee: Goodman ca. 1996-1998 (who was retrospectively-speaking working at A.S.H.A.I., Incorporated in Swanton, Vermont for the late Homer Walter St. Francis, Sr., as a Grant writer for the "St. Francis Sokoki group", now led by April Merrill ... Homer's daughter) and these two documented historical Land Grant transcriptions, were stapled within the "Alsigunticook Nation of Abenakis" paperwork, which I will post on this blog, in order as to their chronological dates.
Cover Page
 "History of the Town of Stratford"
New Hampshire
By Jeannette R. Thompson
Published by
Vote of the Town
Printed by
The Rumford Press
Concord, New Hampshire
Page 465 of the "History of the Town of Stratford", N.H. Book
Page 466 of the "History of the Town of Stratford", N.H. Book
Page 467 of the "History of the Town of Stratford", N.H. Book
This is the residence of Daisy (nee: Goodman) O'Bomsawin's mother. It was Daisy's late brother Paul Goodman, whom drew this picture of the residence.
It was this residence, that Tom and Daisy brought their mobile home to (which had been restrospectively situated behind Doris Minckler's home in Swanton VT before they has altercations with the late "Chief" Homer W. St. Francis Sr.
PHILIP'S GRANT  Hampshire-Maine; Milan, New Hampshire-Maine, Errol, New Hampshire

Not sure of the source of this particular document Page 38 and 39. Regardless, this was in the "Alsigunticook Abenakis Nation" bunch of papers.

Page 38: levels were raised by damming. An 1887 guide to the Androscoggin Lakes identifies Lower Richardson as "Welokennebacook" and Upper Richardson as "Molechunkamunk."8 On the east side of Upper Richardson Lake is the outles of Lake Mooselookmeguntic.

Page 39: Maps: United States Geological Survey Quadrangles - Gorham, New Hampshire-Maine; Milan, New Hampshire-Maine; Errol, New Hampshire-Maine; Oquossoc, Maine.

3. "then up said river to said Lake Mooseluckmegantick, including all the waters and Islands thereof - then across the carrying place Quasuktecuck - thence down said River till it empties into Awsisgowassuck River -"

It is possible (see Parmachenee Lake below) that the "Awsisgowassuck River" refers to the present Magalloway River, now dammed to form Azicoos Lake. The boundary route in this area is not at all clear. "The carrying place Quasuktecuck" may be a reference to a portage from the Cupsuptic River which flows into Cupsuptic Lake. Upstream on the Cupsuptic River is a route to the Magalloway River beginning along Portage Brook presents itself as one possibility.

Maps: United States Geological Survey Quadrangles - Oquossoc, Maine; Cupsuptic, Maine; Errol, New Hampshire-Maine; Second Connecticut Lake, New Hampshire-Maine.

4. "then up said River to Palmachinanabagogg Lake, including all the waters and Island thereof - thence up Awsisgowassuck river to the carrying place that leads into Awseecunticook river, or St. Frances (sic) river -"

The boundary route here begins somewhere south of Parmachenee Lake on the Magalloway River. The similarity between the words "Parmachenee" and "Palmachinanabagogg" identifies them as most likely one and the same lake. The similarity becomes more evident if "bagogg," a common suffix, is dropped from the latter; and if "R," which is not a letter or sound int he Abenaki language,9 is dropped from Parmachenee." The boundary route follows the Magalloway River, formerly the Awsisgowassuck River, upstream to Parmachenee Lake and then continues up the Magalloway River from where it flows into the lake. From Parmachenee Lake to the headwaters of the Magalloway River near the height of land separating the United States and Canada is about thirteen miles. The exact location of the carrying place across the height of land remains uncertain. One likely route employs the West Branch of the Magalloway to Mountain Pond and across the divide to the headwaters of the Riviere Ditton in Canada. Another possible route takes the Third East Branch of the Magalloway River across the divide to the headwaters of the Riviere au Saumon, also in Canada. In either case the Riviere Ditton joins the Riviere au Saumon in a few miles, and the deed most probably refers to the Riviere....

What can be discerned from the historical record(s) is that Thomas "Tomas" Robert O'Bomsawin "Abomsawin" was retrospectively-speaking, working with the late Homer Walter St. Francis Sr in Swanton, Vermont, lived with "Chief" Homer St. Francis (that is how he was introduced to Daisy Goodman, since she was living with Homer as well, after having altercation(s) with her companion Phenix Hearn in Swanton. She was also a grant writer for A.S.H.A.I. and Wobanaki, Incorporated etc., working for Homer St. Francis Sr. as well.) Both Tom and Daisy Goodman, as aforementioned in this blog, attempted to do a Land Claims against the Robertson's Lease of 1765 to try and stay behind Doris Minckler's home. When that endeavor failed, they left Swanton, Vermont and relocated to North Stratford, Coos County, New Hampshire to settling on Daisy's mother' property.

Later they moved into the home itself. Of course, Thomas Robert O'Bomsawin was not through with "Land Claims" endeavors. He simply went from the "Robertson's Lease of 1765" of northwestern Vermont to the "Philips Grant" of 1796 in Coos County, New Hampshire. He had to secure a known Native descendant population in the area (even if he had to solicite a "created community"). The Stone Family of East Stratford, Coos County, New Hampshire fit the effort perfectly, since they were Christie May (nee: Phillips) Sweetser or Sargent descendants through her daughter Isabelle Sargent or Sweetser having married Frank Omega Stone on October 10, 1926 in Stratford, New Hampshire. This organization of families they called "The Abenaki Family Alliance." I was a participant in the meetings, to some degree. But the following documents I had no awareness about until two weeks ago when they were placed into my hands. As follows in the next posting(s) I now share these documents on this blog.