
Friday, September 3, 2010

Douglas Buchholz Inquiry to Representative Kesha Ram June 24, 2010 and Rep. Kesha Ram's Repsonse to Douglas Buchholz regarding his inquiry:

On June 24, 2010 at 6:57 p.m. I had email inquired to Representative Kesha Ram as to the "Decolonizing the Abenakis: A Methodology for detecting Vermont Tribal Identity." which was compiled and copyrighted by Frederick Matthew Wiseman and his fellow "Alliance" associate's. I communicated with Representative Kesha Ram to inquire as to if this particular material that was mailed to me, was in fact, submitted to her while she served on the Committee regarding "Abenaki Recognition", and if so, was this particular Fred M. Wiseman (etc.) a matter of PUBLIC RECORD.

Since Mr. Frederick Matthew Wiseman felt the need to address my person by name in this writeup of his, I conclude that it is only fitting that I now respond to this man and this pathetic piece of garbage writeup for what it is.
If I didn't know Mr. Fred M. Wiseman was considered a PhD, and I was a Professor at a College and he was my student....the grade on this particular work would have been a D- or worse! But as some would say, "if you can't convince them with the truth, then bedazzle them with b.s." (just like April Merrill's son Rene St. Francis posted on his webpage some time ago).
On Friday, June 25, 2010 at 12:26 p.m. Representative Kesha Ram kindly replied to my inquiry regarding the afore-mentioned material documentation by Frederick M. Wiseman and his associates i.e. the so-called "Abenaki Alliance of Vermont" (1. Luke Willard's group...the Nulhegan Band of the Coosuk, 2. April Merrill's group...the Sovereign Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi St. Francis/Sokoki Band group,  3. Nancy Millette-Doucet's group...Koasek Traditional Abenaki of the KOAS, and 4. Roger "Longtoe" A. Sheehan's group...the El-nu Tribe of the Abenaki).

Kesha Ram stated in her email response, "My understanding is that anything presented to us in an open committee meeting is part of the public record. I have reason to believe this is absolutely accurate because, as clerk of the committee, I try to save copies of everything we receive and turn them over to the State Archivist at the end of the year. That is pretty much the basis for the ongoing public record of the legislative process. Many of the documents related to S.222 are in the state archives now. If your friend has a copy and is willing to share it with you, that would be the easiest way to procure it.......

Clerk, Committee on General, Housing, and Military Affairs
Vermont House of Representatives, Chittenden 3-4: Burlington.