
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Letter of INTENT to Petition for Federal Acknowledgement of COWASS North America, Inc. (Paul Wilson Pouliot's group):

Envelope from the United States Department of Interior, Office of Secretary in Washington, D.C. 20240 to Mr. Douglas Lloyd Buchholz at P.O. Box 83 in Lancaster, New Hampshire 03584. Postmarked March 05, 2010 containing the response letter dated March 04, 2010.
Response letter from the United States Department of the Interior, Office of the Secretary in Washington, D.C. dated March 04, 2010. Dear Mr. Buchholz: This letter is in repsonse to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request dated January 14, 2010, that the Office of Federal Acknowledgment (OFA) received on March 03, 2010. In your request, you sought a copy of the letter of intent to petition for Federal Acknowledgment for the group known as the Cowasuck Band-Abenaki People (Petitioner #151).
We have examined our files and are enclosing the letter dated January 23, 1995, that is responsive to your request.
Since you are considered an "other requester," the cost is broken down as follows: less than 15 minutes of search time, at no cost to you; no review time, and the duplication of 1 page at $0.13 per page, with the first 100 pages at no cost to you, is $0.
If you have any questions regarding this response, please contact Ms. Nancy Hixon, FOIA Specialist, OFA, at (202) 513-7661.
Sincerely, R. Fleming
Director, Office of Federal Acknowledgment
Envelope from the United States Department of the Interior, Office of the Secretary in Washignton, D.C. to Mr. Douglas Lloyd Buchholz at P.O. Box 83 in Lancaster, N.H. 03584. Postmarked March 10, 2010 containing the additional response letter dated March 10, 2010.
Letter of additional response dated March 10, 2010 from the United States Department of the Interior, Office of the Secretary in Washington, D.C. 20240. Dear Mr. Buchholz; This letter is in response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request dated January 14, 2010, that the Office of Federal Acknowledgment (OFA) received on March 03, 2010. In your request, you sought a copy of the letter of intent to petition for Federal acknowledgment of the group known as the Cowasuck Band-Abenaki People (Petitioner #151).
Upon further examination of our files we realized that there were two additional pages that we did not include in our response to you.
Please find enclosed the full copy of the requested letter of intent. We apologize for the incovenience. If you have any questions regarding this response, please contact Ms. Nancy Hixon, FOIA Specialist, OFA, at (202) 513-7661.
R. Fleming
Director, Office of Federal Acknowlegment

Stamped and dated January 23, 1995 RECIEVED
Cowasuck Band-Abenaki People
160 Dailey Drive
Franklin, Massachusetts 02038-2951
(508) 528-7629
January 13, 1995
U. S. Department of the Interior
Bureau of Indian Affairs-Branch of Acknowledgment
Attention: Steven L. Austin, Chief
MS 2611-MIB
1849 C. Street NW
Washington, DC 20240
re: Band Acknowledgment
Dear Mr. Austin,
As of this date, the Tribal Councils of the Coos-Cowasuck Band of the Abenaki Nation (People) are notifying your office that our Band requests formal acknowledgment by the U.S. Department of the Interior-Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA).
Furthermore, in consideration of the potential that the Band as a whole constitutes family clans from several closely inter-related groups of Abenaki-Wabanaki people the Tribal Councils wish to be knwn as the Cowasuck Band of the Abenaki People until such time that the Band determines or wishes to be identified by another specific or historically significant name.
Please accept this correspondence as official notification of our intent to proceed with the necessary actions required for acknowledgment. All future correspondence should be forwarded to the attention of Paul Pouliot at the above address until directed by this office to do otherwise. He is our Council Chief and he ahs been authorized t oact on our behalf.
Our People are requesting your assistance and guidance to any extent that your office can or will provide. We look forward to our continued and favorable relations towards the successful completion of this process.
Gici Oliwni-Great Thanks,
The undersigned Tribal Council (East and West) Leadership attest that this document is a true tribal statement of intent to proceed with acknowledgment:

Paul W. Pouliot
Council Chief & Speaker

Rene Blanchette
Sub-Chief (East)
Band Judge (East) (Acting)

Jacqueline Emerton
Band Matriarch (East)
Cowasuck Band-Abenaki People
The undersigned Tribal Council (East) Leadership attest that this document is a true tribal statement of intent to proceed with acknowledgment:

Albert G. Barrette
Council Member

Jean C. Catto
Council Member

Diane E. Munson
 Council Member

Linda A. Pouliot
Council Member

Theresa D. Howland
Council Member

Diana Bardsley
Council Member
Cowasuck Band-Abenaki People
The undersigned Tribal Council (West) Leadership attest that this document is a true tribal statement of the intent to proceed with acknowledgment:

Doris A. Nickles
(Band Matriarch West)

Paul R. Tamburro
Sub-Chief (Social/Cultural)
Band Judge (West) (Acting)

Raymond C. Pease
Sub-Chief (West)

Jeffery W. Nickles
Council Member

Larry J. Robinson
Council Member

Robert F. Pease, Jr.
Council Member

Terri C. Scotten
Council Member

William C. Pease
Council Member

Charlotte A. Morgan
Council Member