
Monday, March 1, 2010

Genealogy Part 14 of So-Called "Chief" "Retired Chief" "Senior Advisor" "Reactivated Retired Chief" Howard Franklin Knight Jr.'s Genealogical History:

Calendonian-Record newspaper article dated September 1931 regarding Olive Louise (nee: Caswell) Perrin. "The many friends here of Olive Caswell Perrin of Greensboro were saddened to learn of her death, which occured Friday morning after a serious operation. Mrs. Perrin, who was the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Caswell, former residents, was twenty-nine years of age, and had been in poor health for several months." Mrs. Olive Louise (nee: Caswell) Perrin died on September 04, 1931 in Hardwick, Caledonia County, Vermont.
Caledonian-Record newspaper article dated September 10, 1931 regarding Olive Louise (nee: Caswell) Perrin, daughter of George Caswell and Ada M. (nee: Bigelow) Geer-Caswell. "The community was saddened by the sudden death of Mrs. Everett Perrin which occurred last Friday morning at the Hardwick Hospital, following the birth of a daughter (Olive Louise Perrin). Deepest sympathy is extended the family in their sudden bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Perrin and daughter Marjorie, have been at the home of their son Everett Perrin.
Birth Record Card for Arnold Richard Tanner dated May 19, 1932 in Lyndon, Caledonia County, Vermont. Color "White" for the father Gerald Tanner age 34 years. Color "White" for the mother Abbie (nee: Caswell) age 32 years.
Death Record Certificate of Ida May (nee: Geer) Knight. Ida May (or Mae) Knight died on January 19, 1933 at the Brightlook Hospital in St. Johnsbury, Caledonia County, Vermont. According the Certificate of death, Ida May Knight resided in Danville, Caledonia County, Vermont. Her Color or Race was said to be "White". Her husband was Frank Knight. She was born January 16, 1888 in "Canada" to Albert Geer and Regnia Allen, The "informant" for this information was the husband Frank Knight of Danville, Vermont. Obviously, her parents were Elmer Ellery Geer and Ada M. (nee: Bigelow) Geer-Caswell. Perhaps Elmer Ellery Geer used the name "Albert" and Regina Allen is Ida May (nee: Geer) Knight's mother's mother Rosina Victoria (nee: Allen) Bigelow. Her burial was Lyndon Center, Vermont on January 23, 1933. Undertaker was C. A. Calderwood Inc. of St. Johnsbury, Vermont. Certificate was filed January21, 1933. Ida May (nee: Geer) Knight died at 4 P.M. of Acute Encipholitis and La Grippe (Influenza i.e. Flu)
Burial Permit issued to Ida May (nee: Geer) Knight who died January 19, 1933 at the age of 45 years and 3 days in St. Johnsbury, Caledonia County, Vermont.
Burial Bermit dated January 23, 1933 of Ida May (nee: Geer) Knight. She was buried in the Lyndon Center, Caledonia County, Vermont Cemetery by H. W. Carpenter. 
Caledonian-Record newspaper obituary of Ida May (nee: Geer) Knight dated January 26, 1933. "Mrs. Frank W. Knight, passed away Thursday, January 19, 1933, at the Brightlook Hospital at the age of 45 years. She was taken suddenly and seriously ill on Tuesday afternoon and was taken immediately to the hospital where she passed away two days later.
Ida May Geer was born at Barnston, P.Q., Jan. 16, 1888, daughter of Albert (Elmer Ellery) and Ada (Bigelow) Geer. When a very small child she with her mother's parents Mr. and Mrs. Bigelow (George Myron Bigelow and Rosina Victoria nee: Allen), with whom she made her home, removed to Newport and later to Lyndon, Vermont. It was in these two towns that she recieved her schooling. She was united in marriage with Frank W. Knight of Lyndonville, Vermont on November 26, 1903. They made their home in Lyndonville, for about three years, going from there to Lowell, Massachusetts. Later they returned to Vermont, residing in Lyndon, Waterford and Danville, in which latter town they have made their home for the past 15 years.
Four children were born to them: Thelma Viola, wife of Clyfton Reynolds of Norwich, and George Warren, Howard Franklin, and Stuart Gibson Knight, who live at home. Mrs. Knight leaves to mourn her loss besides her husband and children, two grandchildren (nieces) , Marion Elizabeth and Mildred May Reynolds, a mother, Mrs. George Albert Caswell of Danville, two brothers (Harry Gilbert Geer, and ?) , a sister (Bessie Estella nee: Geer - King) , a half brother (Clayton LaRoy Caswell) , and a half sister (Abbie Priscilla nee: Caswell - Tanner).
It is in the home where she will be most missed. Always busily at work doing all the little duties which went to make a comforable home for her loved ones, she was too occupied with the homely affairs of life to take a very active part in the activities of the community. Yet she was respected and loved by a host of friends as evidenced by the abundance of beautiful flowers which were sent at the time of her death.
Funeral services were held from her late home on Monday afternoon with the Rev. W. H. May of Derby officiating, assisted by the Rev. Ernest L. Rand. The bearers were her three sons, George Warren, Howard Franklin, and Stuart Gibson, her son-in-law, Clyfton Reynolds, and her half-brothers, Clayton (Clayton LaRoy) Caswell and Morris (Maurice Jay) Caswell. Internment was in the family lot at Lydon.
Among those present from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Clyfton Reynolds and their daughters Marion and Mildred, amd Mrs. Fred F. Reynolds (Clyfton Reynolds's mother) of Norwich; Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Caswell and their son Francis Albert Caswell of Greensboro; Mr. and Mrs. L. A. (Lorenzo Arthur) Bigelow and their daughter Mrs. Gladys (Gladys Maude nee: Bigelow - Willey) Willey of Lebanon, N.H.; Mrs. (Abbie Priscilla nee: Caswell) Gerald Tanner of Wheelock; and Mrs. Watts of Boston.
Card of Thanks dated January 26, 1933 Lower Section of Ida May (nee: Geer) Knight's Obituary.
"We would in this way thank each and every one who helped us in our time of sorrow during the illness and at the time of the death of our loved wife and mother. We wish to thank the nurses at Brightlook Hopsital and especially Miss Gammo, also Dr. Fitch and Dr. Paulson, the Ladies Aid of the Methodist Episcopal church, those who extended the use of their automobiles, and all the neighbors and friends.
Frank W. Knight
Mr. and Mrs. Clyfton Reynolds
and family,
George W. Knight
Howard F. Knight
Stuart G. Knight
Danville, Vt, January 24, 1933.
Record of Internment Section 1 (Page 193) : No. 4433 Ida May Knight, of Danville, Vermont at the age 45 years and 3 months. Died January January 19, 1933 of La Grippe. Buried January 23, 1933 in Section 32, Lot 45 Lot Book Page 345, Location 1.
Record of Internment Section 2 (Page 193) regarding Burial of Ida May (nee: Geer) Knight.