
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Homer Walter St. Francis Sr. Letter Dec. 27, 1994 to Ralph Swett ~ Howard F. Knight Jr. Letter Jan. 20, 1995 to Ralph Swett:

Document 01: Letter (#3) dated December 27, 1994. SOVEREIGN REPUBLIC OF THE ABENAKI, NATION OF MISSISQUOI, P.O. BOX 276 MISSISQUOI, 05488
Mr. Ralph Swett
Box 1466 RR #2
Orleans, Vt. 05860
Dear Mr. Swett;
We are aware of your attempt to set up a Band of Native Americans in Abenaki Territory, per your newspaper advertisement.
You are instructed that any new Bands/Councils inside Abenaki Territory must be approved by the Grand Chief and all recognized Councils now in unity.
As for using Chief in your correspondence it is illegal as there are no chiefs in the Abenaki Territory existing councils only head spokesman. No one from Abenaki Territory appointed you Chief.
Please take this letter seriously as any further problems will be dealt with accordingly.
Grand Chief Homer W. St. Francis
CC: Grand Council
All Approved Councils

Document 02: Offices of the Grand Council, Territorial Headquarters. COWASUCK OF NORTH AMERICA, Sovereign Republic of the Abenaki Nation International.
Associate Chief of the Grand Council, R.R. #2 Box 120 Orleans, Vt. 05860. (802) 754-2346.
Mr. Ralph Swett and Family
R.R. #2, Box 1466
Orleans, Vermont 05860
WHEREAS, That as of Dec. 22, 1994 your cards are no longer valid; and that you have never signed any membership papers; when we made you and your family honorary members of the Cowasuck of North American of the Sovereign Republic of the Abenaki Nation International. Your x-wife and chilren might have Indian in them; But you do not have any Indian in your line! and that you, Mr. Swett, were never made chief of anything at all by our Grand Council at the time of the 1993 Aug. 20-22 Pow-Wow; but you promised to sign papers, (but not as a chief for membership), and....
WHEREAS, That Mr. Ralph Swett, over of the Evansville Trading Post in Evansville, Vermont and other associated with him in the So-Called Evansville Council of the Cowasuck Abenaki has come together to form an unauthorized council that was not, and it is not, approved by the Grand Chief, Homer W. St. Francis, nor by the Abenaki Nation International, (see attached paper) that was hand delivered to Mr. Swett by Amb. Darrell Larocque and Chief Spokesman for the Cowasuck of North America, Inc. Howard F. Knight Jr. (#3) paper, and....
WHEREAS, Ralph Swett and his associates in this venture have illegally, and with malicious intent, are trying to use the Cowasuck of North America Council of the Abenaki Nation's names which can only be used by this Council, within the Ancient Cowasuck Territory, per the order of the Grand Chief, who has recognized this council, and only this Cowasuck Council, as the authorized Cowasuck Council (see paper atteched #2), and....
WHEREAS, The Cowasuck of North America is a Vermont Corporation, Incorporated under the Laws of the State of Vermont and is a Non-Profit Corporation, recognized by the IRS under 501-C3 and 509 and which is wholly recognized entity of the SovereignRepublic of the Abenaki Nation International....
BE IT RESOLVED, We will take the necessary action, to protect our Council, and Incorporation as whole, and as seperate entities together in Unity in the Sovereign Republic of the Abenaki Nation International.
Dated this 20th Day of January, 1995 (January 20, 1995) in Coventry, Abenaki Territory, Vt.
Respectfully Yours;
Howard F. Knight, Jr. (aka Rushing Water)
Chief - Grand Council Cowasuck of North America
Official: Chuck Labor (aka Light Feather) - Tribal Judge - Grand Council
Cowasuck of North America
Cindy J. Shover (aka Loon Caller) - Assoc. Chief
Spokesman - Grand Council
Cowasuck of North America
C.C. Grand Chief, Homer St. Francis
Spirit Bear
Amb.assador Darrell Larocque