
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Genealogy Part 8 of So-Called "Chief" "Retired Chief" "Senior Advisor" "Reactivated Retired Chief" Howard Franklin Knight Jr.'s Genealogical History:

Birth Record Card for Howard Franlin Knight (Sr.), born on August 18, 1912 in St. Johnsbury, Caledonia County, Vermont to Frank Knight and Ida May Gear. Ida May (nee: Geer) is indicated to have been born in Newport, Orleans County, Vermont. Howard F. Knight, her 3rd child, is indicated to be "White"
Birth Certificate of Howard Franklin Knight, son of Franklin Warren Knight and Ida May (nee: Geer) dated August 18, 1912.

St. Johnsbury Caledonian newspaper "extract" dated August 21, 1912 of the birth of Howard Franklin Knight to Mr. and Mrs. Knight dated Aug. 18, 1912. (Howard Knight Sr. died in June 1985 in Goffstown, NH. Social Security issued in Connecticut - SSDI)
Death Certificate of George W. (Myron) Bigelow who died on March 11, 1914 in Lyndonville, Caledonia County, Vermont, the son of George W. Bigelow Sr. and Priscilla Hull. HIs Color was identified as being "White."
Marriage Record Card of Isabelle Eunice Silsby (daughter of Frank W. Silsby and Nancy Watson) and William George Knight dated June 12, 1912 in Lyndon, Caledonia County, Vermont.
Marriage Record Card for William George Knight (son of George L. Knight and Francis O'Neil) and Isabelle Eunice Silsby dated June 12, 1912 in Lyndon, Caledonia County, Vermont.
1912 St. Johnsbury, Vermont City Directory for Franklin Warren Knight and his family. He was teamster by occupation living at 29 Concord Avenue in St. Johnsury, Vermont. His wife was Ida Mae (nee: Geer) and their children Thelma, George, and Howard Knight.
Vitals from the St. Johnsbury Caledonian - 1914 newspaper "extracts" (Wednesday) of Lorenzo Arthur Bigelow and family were called to Lyndonville last week by the serious illness and death of his father. (short article, Page 8)