
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

February 12, 2010 Citizen Newspaper Article in N.H. regarding HB 1610 and Paul WIlson Pouliot:

Alton man helps spearhead Native American Commission

Friday, February 12, 2010
CONCORD — A hearing held at the State House Thursday morning has opened the door to the creation of a statewide Commission on Native American Affairs — something that New Hampshire is one of only nine states without.
2 year Alton resident Paul Pouliot, who is Sagamo of the Pennacook-Abenaki People (actually he is merely President of an Inc. COWASS NORTH AMERICA of which people join as "Members" and as "Citizens"), was present during a public hearing held at the State House Thursday morning to discuss House Bill 1610, Paul Wilson Pouliot is an alleged 15th generation Native American (?) and represented the Pennacook Abenaki alleged and re-invented tribe during the public hearing. He said the meeting lasted 45 minutes longer than expected and there was barely enough room to stand since the room was packed full. Although some people didn't get to speak, he believes it was a successful stride in the right direction in getting the commission established of which he is an Advisor.
"It was a good hearing and a good interplay of thoughts and ideas," Pouliot said. "There was only one person in opposition (Bullsh**, that one person in opposition to HB 1610 was the only one allowed to speak to the Committee!, secondly two Politicians signed in opposition to the Bill and then emmediately left the Committee Room), but overall I think all the questions asked by the representatives were fielded and answered properly."
Not since colonial times has there been such an effort to establish a governmental relationship with Native Americans residing in New Hampshire. There are only nine states nationwide, including New Hampshire, that do not have some form of an established Native American commission, with Rhode Island being the only other New England state that doesn't have one.
"We hope this goes forward," Pouliot said. "Some people are skeptical of opening up casinos and whatnot, but that's completely off the table. That's not on the agenda; it's not going to happen. This commission is strictly to help those social needs that could help and benefit the state."
Pouliot said the 2000 census was a wake-up call to the fact that the state has at least 10,000 people who identify themselves racially as Native Americans (that does not mean those person's are actually bonefide nor legitimately "Abenaki" or "Native American"), with 3,000 of them identifying themselves as full-blooded.
"The census might be an eye-opener for us to see where the population rates are going," Pouliot said. (IF I falsely state on the Census Record, that I am of a particular specific ethnic classification, I am sure, that "particular specific population" would increase too in New Hampshire!)
He said that the 2010 census is expected to document an even greater number.
"This is about the residents. The commission isn't to represent any particular group," Pouliot said. "It's there to represent the citizens of Incorporate "groups" . Its not about what alleged tribe you're from."
For the first time in New Hampshire history, if the Native American Affairs commission is created, it will give these New Hampshire residents a representative voice as a minority population. The commission will also represent the increasingly diverse population of Native Americans from tribes across the country that have or are moving into the state. Including the one's NOT Recognized by the Federal Government, but who merely "incorporated under-the-laws-of-Vermont and/or New Hamspshire.
"Quite happy with it moving forward. The state wants it, it's not a political battle," Pouliot said. "I think it's a pretty positive thing for us as well as the state."
Assuming the commission goes forward, Pouliot said the community will need to provide 15 names to serve on the commission to the governor within 60 days. I suspect that His name will assuredly be on "that LIST" as well as Peter Newell's and Sherry Gould's, etc.
"We would like to see the more professional group as possible," he said. "We're looking for someone who can be representative of our Incorporate community."
Proponents of the bill note this proposed commission will not be funded by any state revenue. It is anticipated that the greater Indian community will be supporting the commission with their own volunteers and through donations and grants.
The next step right now is waiting to see if the commission is formed, something Pouliot said he is optimistic about.
"All in all, with politics being politics, you never know which way the wind will blow," he said. "This effort has been going on for years and I was pleasantly surprised to see the push from representatives working for this." Of Course, the N.H. Rep's are pushing this HB will bring in Title 7 monies and ICWA monies into the State's, and thereby "save" these Politicians from having to take a pay cut or job-losses, plus it's a "feel-good" endeavor. To hell with genealogically, historically, and socially PROVIDING and SHOWING of the evidence that these "groups" are "Abenaki" or "Native American" legitmately-speaking.
Marking the occasion, there was a Native American cultural presentation at St. Paul's Episcopal Church on Centre Street in Concord, where there were presentations of singing, drumming, flute playing and the screening of a documentary film before and after the hearing. Yes, the "Abenaki" Circus has 'jumped' the Kwenitegw or what is commonly called the Connecticut River and crossed the NH/MA Border.

So, 15th Generation Native American? hmmmm? Let's take a closer documentarily look at Paul Wilson Pouliot's genealogical ancestry as well.....
That's 32.768 ancestors.....

IF on the off chance Paul Wilson Pouliot has a Native Ancestor 15 generations from himself, that would make his ignorance of 32 thousand, 7 hundred and 68 ancestors pretty insulted.....

Now let's do this equation in reverse.....

IF a mosquito bit that alleged Native Ancestor of Paul Pouliot way-back-way-when (15 generations back), how much Native American blood does anyone stupidly think Paul Wilson Pouliot has in his body in his lifetime today?!


Average Lifespan of a Mosquito:
“Between predators and extreme weather events such as drought and harsh rains, most mosquitoes live for an average of about two weeks in their adult form. If they manage to escape predators, females from some mosquito species live to about two to three months of age.”

Let's SHOW and PROVIDE the genealogical documentation regarding both Howard Franklin Knight Jr. and Paul Wilson Pouliot......