
Monday, February 8, 2010

Bank Checking Account #0115908 at the First Colebrook Bank at 147 Main Street in Colebrook, New Hampshire 03576. David Andrew Decoteau dit Hill Connected To Luke Andrew Willard:

Luke A. Willard (named after his mother's maiden name - his father was Donald Sackett, who was born on September 19, 1955) who claims to be "Chief" of the alleged and re-invented Nulhegan-Coosek "group" born July 03, 1978....was allied with and connected to "Hereditary Grand High Chief" (as he called himself) David Andrew Decoteau dit Hill AKA Sly Fox I.D. # 048-34-9436, and also to "Chief" Reynold Choineire born January 24, 1929.

This particular documentation is regarding a specific Bank Checking Account #0115908 at the First Colebrook Bank at 147 Main Street in Colebrook, New Hampshire 03576. Bank Account Authorization date of April 04, 2002, which was created on May 10, 2002 by a Dodie Smith (Business Telephone #802-334-8177).

Remember, that on May 13, 1997 Howard F. Knight Jr. dismissed any further Judicial action against David A. Descoteaux dit Hill regarding Docket Number 9-1-94-05CV in Orleans County, Vermont ~and~ that on that same date of May 13, 1997 Howard F. Knight Jr. "declared and announced the Uniting of our clan with the Wabanaki Sovereign Nation, (The North American People of the Dawn, Inc.) and the full recognition of the True Hereditary Grand High Chief/ Prince David A. Hill (Wawanolette), forever as long as the grass grows, the moon glows, the rivers flow, and the sun shines. This document was faxed May 14, 1997 at WED 6:50 WABANAKI NATION P. 01.

So, the question is....WHY did Dodie Smith open up a First Colebrook Bank Checking Account in Coos County, New Hampshire, for Chief David A. Hill, Chief Reynold Choineire, and Luke A. Willard on May 10, 2002 in the name of the North American People of the Dawn, Inc. (?) which obviously was in Newport, Orleans County, Vermont? Why didn't this "group" open up a Checking Account in Newport, Vermont or at least in Orleans County, Vermont where they all resided?
Oh, yeah....that's right....WE weren't supposed to know about this
Notice: on the Document 13 of the N-8201 Articles of Association of the North American People of the Dawn, Sovereign Nation, Inc. Dated October 12, 1993.
Document 13: (Continued from Document 12)

f. Associate Chief Aubrey Perley
9 New Road
First Tobique Nation New Brunswick
Miliseet, Canada E7H3C9
Sheila E. Hill
Chief Reynold Choiniere
Ambassador Brian Burns- 17 Scampini/Barre, Vermont 05641
Councilwoman Rebecca Austin- 17 Scampini/Barre, Vermont 05641
Chief Allen Snow/309 S. Ellwood Avenue/Baltimore, Md. 21224
3. Fiscal Year Shall commence on January 1, and end on December 31st of each consecutive year.
So, IS this "Chief" Allen Snow of 309 S. Ellwood Avenue in Baltimore, Maryland 21224 related somehow and or in some way, to Luke Andrew Willard, who is descendant of a Nancy Snow who was born in ca. 1831 who married to Norris Arthur or Arthur Norris Batchelder March 28, 1849 in Moultonboro, Carroll County, New Hampshire? I sure do wonder!