
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Wobanaki Inc. Info ~ Mashantucket Pequot Tribe Check 297 for $10,000.00 USD to Wobanaki, Inc. in Oct/ Nov. 1994 ~ Fiscal Year 1997 I.R.S. 990 Tax Return Re: Wobanaki, Inc.:

Document 01: Wobanaki, Incorporated. N-04456-0. Incorporated on May 18, 1983. Corporation Description: Cultural. Registered Agent: April A. Merrill. Address: 100 Grand Avenue/ P.O. Box 276 Swanton, Vermont 05488. Officer 01: April A. Merrill. Officer 02: David Vanslette. Officer 03: Jan Medor. Officer 04: Winnie Kuebler. Officer 05: Rene St. Francis (April Merrill's son). Officer 06: Harold St. Francis (April's brother Harold "Charlie" Edward St. Francis). Officer 07: Tom Phillips (Richard "Blackhorse" Wilfred Phillips nephew). Tom Phillips is actually Thomas Leo Phillips whose father Albert "Tom" Leo Phillips was the son of Louis Nolan Phillips and Katherine Weeks. Louis Nolan Phillips was the brother of Albert "Mohawk" Phillips (who married to Mildred "Beatrice" Irene St. Francis, sister to Homer Walter St. Francis, thus an Aunt to April A. St. Francis-Merrill). Another brother to Louis Nolan Phillips was Walter King Phillips who married to Mildred "Beatrice" Irene St. Francis' sister Dorothy Delia St. Francis, who was another Aunt to April A. St. Francis-Merrill).
Walter King Phillips, Albert "Mohawk" Phillips and Louis Nolan Phillips were siblings to each other, these three men three being the son's of Louis Phillips and Rose Marie Gardner. Two of which married two of "Chief" Homer St. Francis's older sisters.
Now one can "see" that most every person listed on Wobanaki, Inc. is related to the Registered Agent April A. St. Francis-Merrill.

Document 02: Mashantucket Pequot Tribe Check 297. Voucher Reference J031928.  Dated October 20, 1994 in the amount of $10,000.00 dollars US Donations. Another date on this document is November 18, 1994 Check Number 29773, Vendor 8510 in the amount of $10,000.00 dollars. This Check was from the Mashantucket Pequot Tribe GF - General Funding P.O. Box 3060 Phone: (203) 885-3489 in Ledyard, CT 06339-3060. Pay EXACTLY $10,000.00 DOLLARS and 00 CENTS to WOBANAKI LAND TRUST P.O. Box 276 Swanton, Vermont 05488. Not sure of the signatures but the lower one seems to be the surname "Haywood". Very likely this Check of $10,000.00 dollars US was donated monies for the Brunswick Springs Property.

Document 03 through reminder: I.R.S. Tax Return 990 of Organization Exempt From Income Tax for 1997 dated August 15, 1998. Employee Identification Number: 22-248134 for Wobanaki, Inc. P.O. Box 276 in Swanton, Vermont 05488. A. Heritage and cultural programs to promote the understanding of and diseminate information; through events, etc, regarding the cultural heritage of the Abenaki Nation: $11,130.00. B. "Riverkeeper" Project to protect and moniter the 'health' of the Missisquoi river basin: $2,051.00. C. Grants and allocations: D: other programs to promote tribal education, social and economic development, promote general community awareness and identity (ANA and Community Development Grants): $56,246.00.

I recieved these document pages from Paul Wilson Pouliot of Alton, Belknap County, New Hampshire on February 14, 2009 13:49 via email attachment. A second time on Saturday February 14, 2009 14:20 and this email attachment was also sent to Lynn Menard-Mathieson as well.

I will post some documents to SHOW and PROVIDE the evidence of this in my next blog posting. I was receiving this information from Paul Wilson Pouliot, because he concluded that if he was "helping me" and "directing my attention and investigation" of these "groups" of alleged Abenakis over in Vermont, subsequently I wouldn't be paying attention to and investigate HIS "group", so he assumed stupidly. The same applies to these emails from Eric Scott Floyd of Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Each of them and all of them, assumed that "keeping me close" (brings to mind the old saying "Keeping your friends close and your enemies closer) and "being my friend" would "save" them from being under the magnifying lense of my investigation towards ALL of these alleged and re-invented "groups" proclaiming they were "Abenaki" and or "Native American".

Bringing forward onto my blog for the public to review, the documented evidence, etc. and especially my "commentary" regarding the document content, regarding Sherrie Anne DeVee Jinks Labat concerns Paul W. Pouliot and his 2nd wife Denise (I can understand why now too). I can understand that they are very troubled about Lynn Menard-Mathieson providing and sharing documentations and genealogies on most everyone in that alleged and re-invented Cowasuck-Pennacook Abenaki "group" led by Paul Wilson Pouliot. I find it all most interesting indeed, to find out "the truth documentarily" after being lied to and deceived for quite some years by these "groups" claiming to be "Abenaki" from and of Vermont and or New Hampshire.

As one will see in the next blog posting, Paul Wilson Pouliot and his wife Denise felt it in their interest, to "rub elbows" with me for quite some time. I was NOT WORKING for or with Paul Pouliot, as some stupid assuming persons had or have concluded. I work for someone else. Anyway, I am off to do the next blog post.