
Monday, November 16, 2009

Step 5 Forward Along The Yellow Brick Road of the Reinvented Abenaki of Vermont and New Hampshire:

Document 01: December 13 1976 Page 01. AllegedAbenaki vs. Vermont Sportsman. John D. Randolph of Bennington, Vermont has not decided whether he will accept a position on the newly created Vermont Commission of Indian Affairs.

Document 02: December 16, 1976. John Randolph of Bennington, Vermont "respectfully declined" Wednesday to accept a seat on the newly created State of Vermont "Commission on Indian Affairs".

Document 03: December 23, 1976 "Indian 'recognition' may be rescinded" Governor-elect Richard Snelling says he's not sure Gov. Thomas Salmon did the right thing when he officially recognized the State's alleged Abenaki Indians.

Document 04: December 23, Page 18 Bennington Banner Newspaper. "Abenaki sees 'war' if recognitioin is revoked". A spokesman for the alleged Abenaki Indian nation says it would be a "declaration of war" if Gov.-elect Richard Snelling rescinds official State Recognition of the alleged tribe. "Kent Ouimette of Swanton, an Abenaki and a member of that commission, predicted Wednesday Snelling will not rescind Salmon's order." "Under pressure from the Abenakis, Salmon signed the executive order on Thanksgiving eve in order to qualify the alleged Indians for federal aid." "The order, however, came under fire from the Vermont Federation of Sportsmens Clubs and Senator Newell R-Caledonia County. He attacked the credibility of the study (by Jane Beck) upon which Salmon based the proclamation, and threatened legislative action to rescind the executive order."

Document 05: December 27, 1976 Page 07. "After 200 years of relative obscurity, the alleged Abenaki Indian Nation went on the warpath in 1976 and sent a delegation to Montpelier, to demand official state recognition and unrestricted hunting and fishing rights. Salmon subsequently recognized the alleged Abenakis and created a Commission on Indian Affairs to study their demands. But at year's end, Senator Graham Newell, R-Caledonia County, was calling Salmon a revisionist and threatening legislative action to rescind his proclamation."

Document 06: December 27, 1976 Page 28 Berkshire Eagle. Indian. Pretty much the same article as Document 03.