
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

January 07, 1993 Letter from Howard F. Knight Jr. to Paul Wilson Pouliot:

This document clearly and obviously is in Howard Franklin Knight, Jr.'s handwriting. This letter was from the Incorporated Northeast Woodlands - Coos Band - Pisowakamigw Wobanakiak, Western Abenaki Alliance - Abenaki Republic (The People of The Dawn), The Algonquin Confederation of Indigenous People's, Office of the CHIEF - RFD #2 530-A, Newport Vermont 05855 (802) 234-5306 (Unlisted)
Dated 07 January 1993
Chief Paul Pouliot, and To Whom it Concerns,
Coos Council, Abenaki Republic
Red Hawk Lodge
160 Daily Drive
Franklin, Mass.

Dear Chief Pouliot, and To Whom it Concerns;
This letter is issued to allay any concerns that they may have in regards to the leadership of the Coos Peoples during this turbulent period due to the recent meeting in Swanton.
I. Chief Howard F. Knight Jr. (Chief Rushing Water) do hereby declare, in short and sweet terms, that I support Chief Paul W. Pouliot (Chief Spirit Hawk) in whatever decisionis he may make as the new Chief of the Coos, which took effect upon the day of the meeting in Swanton, VT. I am officially retired as Chief, having been Chief for 10 years. It was, and it is, time for new leadership, and it is even clearer now that Chief Spirit Hawk is the leader that the Coos Peoples need at this juncture in its history.
I am still Chief of the Turtle Clans of the Coos People, but I am retired as the Coos Tribal Band Chief. I will be available to Chief Spirit Hawk for advice, if he asks, or whatever else, otherwise I will not speak. I ask all to support the new Coos Chief in all he does.

Respectfully submitted with Warmest Regards to all of the Coos Peoples.
Ret'd Chief Howard F. Knight, Jr. (Chief A.K.A. Rushing Water)
c.c. Tribal Judge Spirit Wind (Robert H. Maynard)
Tribal Genealogist Looking Glass (Raymond Lussier)
Tribal Mother Firewoman (Jacqueline Emerton)
Matriarch: Fox Clan

Retired Chief Howard F. Knight, Jr.
Northeast Woodlands - Coos Tribe
Abenaki Republic - Algonquin Confederation
R.F.D. #2, Box 530 - A Alderbrook Road
Newport, Vermont 05855

So, what was Howard Franklin Knight, Jr. up to in creating this document? It appears that his intention (based on subsequent words and actions by him after writing this document) that he was merely ONLY TEMPORARILY handing Paul Wilson Pouliot "the reins" or "Chief" title UNITL "the heat left the kitchen". Whereupon Howard Knight, Jr. wanted the alleged Chieftonship returned back to him, but then Paul Pouliot got used to the title, and wouldn't give it back, which pissed off Howard F. Knight, Jr., and so in May of 1994 and later in July 1994 Howard F. Knight with the help of HOmer St. Francis, Sr., began to create a "smear campaign" against Paul W. Pouliot.

Regardless, Paul Wilson Pouliot had joined Howard Knight, Jr.'s group July 08, 1992 under the pretense that he was genealogically a descendant of the "Laurentian Iroquois" and claiming that he was ofthe Hawk Clan. This Northeast Woodlands-Coos Band of the Abenaki Republic-Algonquin Confederation Membership Application was approved on July 15th, 1992 by Tribal Judge/Rep Robert Maynard and also Tribal Chief Howard F. Knight (Rushing Water). Perhaps Howard F. Knight, Jr. did not sign this membership application of Paul Wilson Pouliot's YET REGARDLESS it is a DOCUMENTARILY KNOWN FACT that Michael Delaney, acting as alleged "Tribal Judge" for alleged "Chief" Homer St. Francis, Sr. did in fact, sign Application's and Membership Cards for Homer St. Francis, Sr.