
Saturday, June 6, 2009

Thomas Obomsawin Articles in The Northern Forest Forum Newspapers

I had to scan these in half pages. I do apologize, yet my scanner is not "big" enough to scan them in full page format, making it easier for you to read these articles. You can take your cursor and click on each page and they will enlarge, for you to read them. Notice the dates on the early articles of "Autumn Equinox 1992" in that Tomas Obomsawin was spelling his name Obomsawin, instead of how he spelled it in 1994 as "Abomsawin". Also that he was indeed a "Diplomatic Ambassador" to the "Sovereign Republic of the Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi"/ "Chief" Homer St. Francis Sr. Group" from over in Swanton, Vermont at the time of Autumn 1992.
"Chief" Homer W. St. Francis gave out these "Diplomatic Ambassador" Cards to not only Thomas/Tomas Obomsawin/Abomsawin but also to Alan Martel of Manchester, New Hamsphire and to Nancy Lee (nee: Millette) Cruger - Lyons . It is interesting to note right here and now, that each one of these person's I have just made mention of "created and promoted" their own incorporated "groups". Nidoba, Inc., White Bison Council, Inc., Abenaki Indian Center, Abenaki Nation of New Hampshire, Ndakinna, Inc. etc. etc. etc. As they would say, "the apples do not fall far from the tree". I wonder if the apple tree's roots were what were bad, or was it the various rotten apples that were bad, which spoiled the whole barrel! There is another article Page 22 that Tom Obomsawin wrote while representing Swanton's Homer St. Francis "group" but it is "Copyright 1992, Reprint with permission. The Sovereign Republic of the Abenaki Nation Address is: POB 276, Missisquoi 05488. Phone 802-868-7146" and the article is dated Winter Solstice 1992. Since it is alledgedly "copyrighted" I will leave it to you readers to find this article on your own, if need be. It is quite an interesting article and though I would love to share it, I doubt very much that I would be able to get permission from those over in Swanton, Vermont to publish it on here. Perhaps I will at a later time "transcribe" it into a posting. Here nor there, my intent right now is to show you that Tomas Obomsawin was indeed "a representative/agent" for "Chief" Homer St. Francis Sr. and he indeed allied with Jamie Sayen of the Northern Forest Forum in mid 1992, before he ever actually moved to North Stratford, Coos County, New Hampshire in late 1994 or early 1995.