
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

More regarding the "Sagakwa" July 18th-19th, 1988 Twin Mountain, New Hampshire Pow-wow Event

Here is some more I recieved from Rhonda Besaw of Whitefield, Coos County, New Hampshire about the July 1998 event in Twin Mountain. It is also clearly indicated that Mr. Rick Hunt was a member of this so-called "First Nations Tribal Council" in New Hampshire.
On "Page 04" of the 1998 Field Season In Review/ N.H. SCRAP, in the second colum, there is stated, "The field school was enhanced by some interesting visitors and speakers. Nancy Cruger (Amassador for First Nations New Hampshire) and a Native American Jounrnalist gave a interactive talk about Native American perspectives on archaeology. It was arguable, one of the livelier field school talks." (I did not put the whole 08 pages of this documentation in this blog post, but if anyone ought to want the full material I will gladly share it with them).
Wonder if she screamed at the "NH SCRAP students" that they were digging up HER Great- Grandmother Flora "Una Ana" (really the woman's middle name was Eunice) (nee: Ingerson) Hunt's ancestors and demanded they stop what they were doing? I am sure she made quite a scene of herself and a impression on everyone there!
It is also interesting to note, that she was claiming to be "Ambassador" for "First Nations New Hampshire". Probably another one of her cooked-up "clubs", where she self-created the position, and promoted it as well, for herself. Of course, she had her side-kick 1st-cousin Rick Hunt of Littleton to slap her on the back, and she could slap him on the back too, just for appearance sake!