
Sunday, June 7, 2009

July 28th, 1996 and August 1996.

In July 1996 I was living in East Lancaster, New Hampshire up on the Bunnell Notch Trail in a log cabin built by George Glidden of Whitefield, New Hampshire whom was renting it to me. There was no "indoor" water (you had to go out back of the cabin and run to get a bucket of water from the creek! Now thats what I call "running water") and there was no electricity. There was an outhouse though. It was "remote" living for sure. It was a mile or two above the dirt road called Arthur White Road and in the wintertime one used snowshoes and a tobaggon to get in and out supplies, etc. In the photograph of myself is Bisho (a Bluetick coonhound) and my ol' Walker coonhound named Nipper. We were hanging out in the 1975 Dodge van.
Daisy Goodman and Tom Obomsawin were still quite active "environmentally speaking" against Herbicide Spraying, logging/ clear-cutting. I wrote the "speech" (which I still find quite good if I may say so myself). Of course, I also did the illustration as well, but it was not published in The Northern Forest Forum quarterly newsletter.