
Friday, May 29, 2009

A little more about what went on in July 1994

July 16th-17th, 1994 at Remich Park Weekend Pow-wow was created and promoted by the Littleton Town of N.H. Promoter Nancy Lee Millette – Cruger. Nancy Millette took a photograph of her grandfather Reginald Hunt (son of Flora Eunice Ingerson and Henry Otis Hunt), and while at the July 16th-17th 1994 Littleton, N.H. weekend Remick Park Pow-wow event was being held, she showed Homer St. Francis and Michael Delaney (Homer’ Tribal Judge) the photograph of her grandfather Reginald Hunt. Homer St. Francis allegedly stated, “that someone had jumped the fence” when he was shown the photograph, since Nancy Millette showed him the likeness of her grandfather Reginald Hunt and Homer, himself, as “proof” of her alleged Abenaki ancestry. She was given a Missisquoi Abenaki Tribal Card by Michael Delaney (Homer’ Tribal Judge). Nancy Millette got the idea of showing Homer St. Francis the photograph of her grandfather Reginald Hunt seemingly when she witnessed Homer St. Francis give Newt Washburn a "membership card, after having had his picture taken with Newton Washburn on September 29th, 1993 in the Thayer's Inn Hotel while visiting Littleton, New Hampshire. By gosh, if all it took to get a Abenaki membership card from Homer was to show a relative who looked similar to Homer, Nancy had her picture of her Grandfather Reginald Hunt to show him, and she could get a "Abenaki Membership Card" too. Nancy Lee Millette was “feeding into” Homer’s ego and he told his Tribal Judge to give her a “Membership Card”, but the photograph of her Grandfather is hardly clear and convincing evidence that she or any of her ancestors were of [Koasek] Abenaki descent. Later, Nancy Millette was made a "Diplomatic Ambassador of the Abenaki Nation" or "Representative" of the Homer St. Francis Group for the State of New Hampshire, and got a "Card" to reflect this position as well.
Newton Washburn, a brown ash basket maker, had a small basketmaking shop along side his house there in Bethlehem, N.H. down in the hollow. Nancy Millette - Cruger stopped by as I was talking with Newt one day. She inquired if I would be her "firekeeper" to one of her Pow-wow events in Twin Mountain, N.H. as Littleton, N.H. declined allowing it to be held at Remick Park again alledgedly due to "lack of parking". I think it had to do more with "her greed" and their "losses" due to previously held events. Here nor there, whatever the reason(s), I had retrospectively-speaking, agreed to help her out at the event. It was only later that I began to sense that the math just didn't add up, and her "stories" were not factual in reality.
This photographic duplicate is the one of which I speak of is shown here, borrowed from Newt himself, which had sat on a mantel of the wall in his basketmaking shop. On the left in this photo is the late (now deceased) Homer St. Francis Sr. and Newton Washburn. Newton Washburn also carried one of Homer's "Cards", for a time.